VKontakte complaints. How to report a page, group or news

Virtual fraud can manifest itself in different ways: hacking of a personal account, theft of photographs, their distribution on resources with a bad reputation. Some citizens fall for the tricks of sellers who distribute at a low cost goods that actually do not exist. You can complain about a group on VK for fraud if the group violates the rules for using the social network.

Social networks open up space for the activities of scammers. VKontakte and Odnoklassniki have repeatedly become a place for organizing financial pyramids. Services offer to buy bitcoins, play on the forex market or exchange rates.

Users are promised fabulous profits; the amount of investment is not limited. Thus, the administrators of one of the VK groups tried to build MMM on the Forex market. The “Millionaires in Sneakers” service was registered in Canada; more than 35 thousand users joined VK groups that contained the name of this project. The first investors even managed to make a profit, but the majority of investors are waiting for the return of their funds. The project administration does not get in touch; the scammers did not have any other contacts except their Skype account. The organization of financial pyramids is fraud, from the point of view of the Criminal Code. But it is not always possible to find and punish the perpetrators. Therefore, users of social networks need to be vigilant; if there are suspicions about the reliability of the resource, they should block the VKontakte public page.

Where to send a complaint against a group on VK for fraud

Control over the content posted on the social network is carried out by the resource’s technical support service. Therefore, if you find a group, public or user that distributes defamatory information, pornography, extremist materials, you need to stop such actions and inform technical support specialists.

5 reasons to file a complaint:

  • disclosure of personal information;
  • distribution of photographs from a personal archive without the user’s permission;
  • slander;
  • distribution of extremist materials;
  • advertising of non-existent goods and services.

The technical support service acts as a judge for users of the social network. If the complaint is justified, the group will be blocked. The applicant is notified of the results of consideration of his application.

Sending a collective request

If the applicant truly has valid reasons for filing a complaint, then one application will be sufficient. On average, it is necessary to receive applications from ten users.

A collective complaint has the advantage of being processed faster than an application filed by one user. Moreover, the more complaints are filed against a group or user, the greater the chance that they will be blocked.

Making a complaint

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Collect information on the scammer: his ID, print a copy of the correspondence, indicate the scammer’s phone number, if possible.
  2. Collect documents confirming the fact of transfer of funds.
  3. You can first search the social network for other users who have suffered from the actions of scammers in order to collect more evidence.
  4. Go to the police and write a statement.
  5. Receive a second copy with a stamp indicating the incoming number and registration date.

The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Rosomnadzor) is a government body that receives complaints about VKontakte groups, Odnoklassniki and other Internet resources. It is especially relevant to contact an authorized authority if a VK user violates the rights of the author of works of literature or art. On the official page of the department, you can send an online request where you need to clarify the information:

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the applicant;
  • registration address;
  • the reason for filing the complaint;
  • text of the appeal;
  • screenshots taken from VKontakte pages or other resources.

But electronic appeal may not give the desired effect. To guarantee a response from a government agency, it is safer to send a written application.

There are several structures where you can complain. A complaint is the correct form of notification that information has been disseminated that is contrary to the law. Putting a “like” is not only wrong, but also dangerous. There are real life examples of people going to jail for reposting. A high-profile criminal case took place against Ekaterinburg resident Evgenia Chudnovets, who worked as a kindergarten teacher. She shared a video where children's camp counselors abused a child. The video had an effect. On its basis, a criminal case was opened, the counselors were deprived of their freedom, but Evgenia herself faces criminal punishment for disseminating information that is contrary to the law.

Social media content needs to be handled correctly. If you need to draw the attention of law enforcement agencies, it is better to make an official statement than to repost the information. You can quickly send a complaint to the technical support service. If moral and material damage is caused, then a statement must be submitted to law enforcement officials and the court.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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Let's figure out how you can complain about a VKontakte group or community.

We may need this if you find a group in which prohibited materials are published. Such as pornography, spamming (see), or any other content. In any case, action must be taken to ensure that they are blocked. To do this, use our instructions.

How does this work

It is necessary to send a complaint to the VKontakte administration (see). How to do this - read below. After reviewing and deciding to block, administrators will close the community.

How to complain about a VKontakte group

Follow these steps:

We go to our page and go to the “Help” section.

If you read the help materials, you will find a message that you need to report bad communities. This is what we will do now.

We write in the search bar "How to complain about a group". After generating a list of similar questions, click the button “None of these options are suitable.”.

We are writing a message for administrators. We indicate the address of the group (see), and the reason why it should be blocked.

How to find out the group URL

When you are on the main page of a suspicious community, you need to copy the address from your browser's address bar. In the picture below you can see an example.

After this, we indicate it in a message to the administration, asking them to block the group.

After this, you need to wait for support to respond. You can always view it in the section "Help - my questions".

If your complaint is considered adequate, the community will be closed.


Do not use this function to annoy community administrators. Send a request to block a VKontakte group only if it is truly justified. Together we can make the social network better.


Social networks are becoming more and more popular every day among the general public. However, as with all other social projects, in addition to the positive aspects, there are a lot of negative ones. The administration is trying to minimize these effects by blocking users who violate the rules of the project, however, due to its scale, this is not always possible due to the large number of such cases.

In other words, the administration simply cannot track all illegal actions of users. This is why a reporting system has been introduced to allow you to report misconduct on a page or community. For example, a complaint about a group in Contact is an email message from the administration indicating the reason why the community should be blocked.

How does this work?

A user who discovers illegal actions in the VK group has the right to send a complaint against it. So, how to complain about a VKontakte group? The message is issued in a form that indicates how, in your opinion, the community violates the rules of the project. After the complaint about the VKontakte group is received by the moderators, they will check the information. If it is confirmed, the community will be blocked. You can also discuss the complaint with the moderators if the decision on it does not satisfy you as the complainant.

Why can they block?

There are several rules, violation of which can lead to blocking. Basically, they repeat the laws of information dissemination on the Internet, or rather, what is prohibited by them.

So, if the following points were discovered, then you can safely send a complaint.

  1. Spam is one of the most common phenomena of the Internet, which has been fought since the advent of the global network. Social networks are a place where a huge number of people gather, so advertising here will be quite effective. Illegal methods of promotion, namely spam, can serve as a valid reason for freezing a community.
  2. Insult. There is also a place to be on social networks. However, this is a fairly rare reason for blocking, as group leaders try to prevent this from happening.
  3. Adult materials - if joining the group is available to all users, you can file a complaint.
  4. Drug propaganda.
  5. Child pornography.
  6. Violence/extremism.

The last three reasons are duplication of Russian laws.

Complaint procedure

How to file a complaint against the VK group? Everything is quite simple here. There are two most effective and common options. The first is limited exclusively to the project, the second will be effective if the community violates your copyright for anything.

Contact support

The easiest way to complain about a VKontakte group is to send a message to the support service. To do this, you need to scroll down any of the pages of the site, where you need to select “Help” in the context menu. A form will open in which you should indicate the title and also briefly state the essence of the question. The message must include a link to the community and the reason why it should be blocked.

Also, a good argument in your favor will be graphical proof that you are right - you can attach a screenshot. After the moderator receives the message, he will announce his verdict. It is possible to communicate with the moderator regarding the issue of blocking if you consider his decision to be unreasonable. However, you should remember that you need to be polite, otherwise you may be blocked for insults.

Contacting government agencies

Another way to complain about the VK group is to contact Roskomnadzor. The department responsible for order in the field of mass communications is obliged to respond to the appeal. The advantage of this method is also that if the group violates your copyright, then with the conclusion of the authority you can apply to the judicial authorities with a claim against the owner of the community.

If we talk about each of these two ways to complain about the VKontakte group, then if you do not have copyright claims or it does not cause material damage, then the first option is more preferable, since it does not require a lot of time and emotional costs. Contrary to the popular belief that the administration will not pay attention to messages from ordinary users, this is not at all the case. Law enforcement agencies (namely the so-called department “K”) monitor illegal actions in the field of Internet communications, so the management of VKontakte needs to be very attentive to such situations.


Now you know how to complain about a VKontakte group. It should also be said that by his actions the user will help the administration in the fight against the spread of illegal content.

An advanced and, most importantly, efficient complaint system is one of the advantages of the VKontakte social network in the field of information security. Thanks to this, every user can feel comfortable spending time in the project.

However, we must not forget that each complaint must be justified, so as not to create unnecessary work for the moderators. Unlawful actions must be combated, but this must be done within reason.

It is recommended to do this in the full version of VK (from a computer). Go to the person’s page and in the left column, under the main photo, find a button with three dots (menu) - . Click on it, then select “Report this page.” Click on it.

A window will appear in which you need to indicate what exactly you are complaining about: for example, spam (unsolicited advertising) or offensive behavior. Select a reason by clicking on the circle next to it. Below there is a place for a comment - write there briefly but clearly your explanations - what exactly this person did. Don't write in capital letters, don't put exclamation marks - be calm. It is best if you refer to specific points of the rules of the VKontakte social network that this person violated. At the same time, you can block his access to your VKontakte page (there is a place just below where you can put the appropriate checkbox).

When you're ready, press "Send". The complaint is sent to the VKontakte administration.

How to send a complaint from your phone?

In the VK mobile application, go to the person’s page, in the upper right corner click on the menu button (three dots) and select the item "Complain", then state the reason for the complaint.

If the application is not installed, then you cannot complain in the mobile version of VK. But you can open the VK website on your phone in a browser (Chrome, Safari). This can be done through our “Login” start page. Then switch to the full version (the link will be in the menu or at the bottom of any page;). After that, carefully zooming in on the image with your fingers, send a complaint as on a regular computer (see above how to do this).

What's next?

VKontakte administration employees will consider your complaint. They will look at the person’s VKontakte page, his messages, the actions he performed. If they think that this person deserves to be blocked, then his page will be blocked (frozen). This will cause him certain problems and he will not be able to use his page for some time. But if he really needs it, he can create new pages on VK (for example, if in his country you can anonymously buy a whole bunch of SIM cards for your phone to use for registration).

If the reasons are insufficient or they are far-fetched, the complaint will be rejected. There are rules for the VKontakte social network, and each user, in theory, must comply with them. Therefore, the issue of blocking is resolved very simply: if you break the rules, get blocked; if you don’t break them, continue using them.

Other cases

What to do if a person insults you?

What should I do if my photos or videos were posted without permission?

How many complaints does it take for a person to be blocked?

Only one if he breaks the rules. No more needed. As stated in the VK help system, “When it comes to violation of site rules, one complaint is enough, and their number does not really matter. They won’t just block anyone, no matter how many people complain about him.”

There is no point in complaining en masse. There is no need to encourage others to file complaints against a person or group. If there is a violation, one complaint is always enough.

Advice: Don't complain about people just like that, without any reason. If they have not violated the rules of this social network, they are in no danger, but you may attract unnecessary attention to yourself. Maybe the person violated some rules that exist only in your head, but this is not an argument. Perhaps it will be easier for the administration to block you than to be distracted by your unfounded complaints.

I complained, but they didn’t block him! What to do?

Why do you think that a person should be blocked? The administration itself will decide what to do. Do you know the rules of the social network VKontakte? There is a link at the end of this instruction. Read it.

It also happens that a person has not complained anywhere, but only left a comment somewhere on the Internet, and thinks that someone will read it and take action. To avoid getting into the same stupid situation, make sure you know...

How can I complain about a person if he has blacklisted (blocked) me?

Open his page in the full version of VK, it will say “...restricted access to my page”. In the left column, press the button with three dots (menu) - , a menu will open, then “Report this page.” Further - everything is as described.

There is no point in complaining just because a person has blocked you and does not want to communicate: anyone has the right to do this. You can answer him the same - .

How can I complain about a fake if a person pretends to be me or another person (created a clone of the page)?

In this case, go to the page you want to complain about and send a complaint through the “Report Page” function, as described at the very beginning (see above). At the same time, select the reason for the complaint “Clone of my page (or my old page).” If you complained, several days passed and there was no response, contact VKontakte support, provide a link to that page and describe the situation in detail in a calm tone. If a person uses your photos, write about that too. How to get there is described here:

Where to complain if you cheated VKontakte for money, took money for the goods and did not return it?

This is one of the very common methods used by scammers. You transfer money for goods, and then you are blocked - no money, no goods. You were scammed out of money. Of course, you can complain to the VKontakte administration, but they will block a person only if he violates the rules of the VKontakte site. The administration will not look for a fraudster, take money from him, and return it to you. Such matters are dealt with by a completely different institution called the “police”. In this case, this is where you should complain. Try to first find out as much information as possible about the scammer. Then take a check, receipt or any other document confirming the transfer of money, make a copy of it and go to your police department. Write a statement: where, when did you see the advertisement for the sale of the goods, to whom did you transfer the money and how much, what did you order, what exactly was the fraud. In general, tell absolutely everything in the statement and demand that the deceiver be brought to justice. Your application must be accepted and a ticket issued. Then wait until you are invited to give an explanation. The police will take a long time to sort it out, and it’s not a fact that they will find anyone. You may receive a refusal to initiate criminal proceedings by mail. But this is the only chance to really find the scammer. In the future, be careful and do not transfer money to strangers who have no reason to trust.

Read more about scammers here:

How to complain about advertising, spam?

If people send you messages with unwanted advertisements and you don't like it, you can easily mark these messages as spam!

Click on the message, it will be highlighted. Then click on the button "This is spam" which will appear in the upper right corner. The administration will take action if they check this person and see that he is indeed sending unwanted messages.

Why did the person start sending spam?

Most likely, he is not doing this himself. It's just that his page was hacked. Maybe a virus got on his computer, intercepted his password and passed it on to the attackers. Every day, attackers hijack hundreds and thousands of people's pages to distribute unwanted advertising on their behalf. Such pages are blocked based on complaints from other users until the owner of the page restores access to it. The VKontakte administration can block (freeze) a person’s page on its own initiative if suspicious activity is noticed on it.

How to block a person so that he cannot visit my page and write messages?

Blocking a person’s ability to communicate with you and view your page is a little different. This is well described in the article “How to block a person on VKontakte”.

How to complain about a group, community, public VKontakte

First, choose what exactly you want to complain about:

Report a person in a group

If someone insulted you in a group, first complain to the administrators of this group (usually they are listed in the “Contacts” section on the group page). If the administrator takes your side, then he can ban this person, and he will no longer cause trouble for anyone in the group. In addition, you can go to the VKontakte administration, as described above.

If you are blocked from a group, and you want to complain in order to take revenge on them, then nothing will work. After all, the group administrator did not violate any VKontakte rules when he blocked you.