7 write down the full names of the files. File: filenames

files.Find errors in the file structure.

Please do those who know!!! 10 . Specify the numbers of the main devices that are included in the personal computer:

1) system unit 2) printer 3) monitor 4) keyboard.

11. What are the main components of the computer located in the system unit?

1) monitor 2) disk drive 3) motherboard 4) mouse

5) power supply.

12 Determine which category of PC software the described programs belong to:

1) perform various auxiliary functions;

2) ensure the performance of the work necessary for users: editing texts; drawing pictures, etc.;

3) ensure the creation of new programs for the computer.

1. Programming systems 2. System programs 3. Application programs

13. Choose which two tasks the OS should solve:

1) Distribute the time of work at the computer of each user.

2) Organize the user interface.

3) Carry out preventive maintenance of equipment.

4) Organize the joint work of all computer nodes and perform the duties of a computer process manager.

14. How can you define single-user and multi-user OS:

1) by the number of simultaneously solved tasks;

2) by the number of users;

3) by the number of processors.

15. Each file recorded on a disc has a designation consisting of two parts:

1) name and extension; 2) name and date of creation;

3) name and length; 4) file name and disk name.

16. Select filenames containing programs ready to be executed:

1) wt.exe; 2) wt.txt; 3) mac.doc; 4) mac.bas; 5) mac.com.

17 . The local network is:

1) a computer network operating within the same region;

2) a computer network operating within one country;

3) a computer network operating within the same institution.

18 . To create a local network, you need:

1) network board, modem, network cable, network software;

2) network board, network cable, network software;

3) network board, network cable, server.

19 . Specify types of local network:

1) server based, linear bus, ring;

2) star, linear bus, ring;

3) peer-to-peer, linear bus, ring;

20 . Information is transmitted at a rate of 2.5 Kb/s. How much information will be transmitted in 20 minutes? Record the result in megabytes.

21 . Hypertext page viewerwww:

1) browser; 2) protocol; 3) server; 4) HTML;

the paths from the root directory to some files stored on the magnetic disk are indicated.

files. Display the file structure as a tree:

the paths from the root directory to some files stored on the magnetic disk are indicated.

"File Compression" - Viruses. Select a folder. Unpacking does not require an archiver; an unskilled user can unpack. 17. 50x Compression! 10. 7. 9. Why can files be compressed? Change password. Badly.

"Linux OS" - File system Operating system Computer software. The Linux file system is an unusual thing. MOU Zavoronezh secondary school. Linux distributions Most users use Linux distributions to install Linux. User programs. The differences concern not so much the interface as the internal organization of the OS.

"Files on disks" - After entering "*.jpg" all pictures in jpg format will be found. Search patterns. The first sector is reserved for the boot record of the operating system. Disk structure. Formatting a disk is a bit like lining a notebook. The files themselves can be recorded starting from sector 34. To display the search window on the screen, press Start?Search.

"Microsoft Applications" - Damage potential: What is the amount of damage if a vulnerability is exploited? Code access security .NET Framework. Reproducibility: How easy is it to replicate an attack? Dread: vulnerability risk assessment. Data flow diagrams (data flow diagram, DFD). Build secure applications using Microsoft development tools.

"Linux system" - PSPO (free software package). Properties of the Linux operating system. Software types. Definition of Free Software (Free Software). Linux development. Linux Development Types of PSPO software. Born December 28, 1969 in Helsinki - Finnish programmer, hacker.

"Catalogue" - Often links are accompanied by a small description and peer review. Universal directories allow you to search on various topics. Currently, there are thousands of directories in Runet. Directory search task. Search catalogs are similar to public library subject catalogs.

In total there are 24 presentations in the topic

Task 4. Write down the full names of all files. C:\My Documents\Ivanov\TurboPascal.exe. C:\ My Documents\Petrov\Pictures\School.bmp. C:\My Music\Hymn.mp3. C:\ My Documents\Petrov\Keys.txt. Ivanov. eighteen.

Slide 18 from the presentation "Computer science "File and file system"". The size of the archive with the presentation is 2729 KB.

Informatics Grade 8

summary of other presentations

"Local area network between computers"- Types of network cables. Network software. Ring connection. Global computer networks. Topology of local computer networks. Fiber optic cable. Computer network. Local computer networks. Work in a local network. Star connection. Networks operating within some limited area. All computers are equal. Communication means. Common bus connection.

"How a personal computer works"- Hard disks. RAM holds all the programs and data that your computer needs to run. The work of a student of the 8th grade Gomtsyan Karen. Columns. Hard drives come in large capacities. Processor - designed for computing, processing information and controlling the operation of a computer. Mouse. End. The keyboard is used to enter information into the computer's memory. Monitor. A computer. Pzu. How a computer works. With the help of floppy disks and disks, information can be transferred from one computer to another.

"Website in HTML"- What are tags. List fields. Checkboxes. Insert images. Numbered list. Hyperlinks on Web pages. Website types. Website concept. Tags. Educational site "Computer". Web pages and Web sites. Types of hyperlinks. Explanatory text. Hyperlink to email. We create our website. Text formatting. Start page text. Address part of hyperlinks. Marked list. Programs for creating a site.

"Working in a text editor Word"- Applications. Grade level. Increasing interest in the study of the subject. Technology used. Completion by students of different levels of tasks. New document. Student assessment. General information. Frames for postcards. Computer science. Text editor Microsoft Word. Multi-level tasks.

""Information coding" practical work"- Code number. I can code information. replacement ciphers. Boy. Work. Decipher the text. Table. Gene. I can work with information. Assistant. encrypted text. Message. Encrypt the phrase. I am familiar with substitution ciphers. Computer science. code table. Information encoding. Exercise. Morse code table. Letters. Teaching.

"Technical means of computer graphics"- Changing the image quality with changing the density of the graphic grid. Monitor. The display processor is the second component of the video adapter. How do you get a color image on a screen? Devices for inputting images into a computer. Technical means of computer graphics. One dot is called a "video pixel". The principles of the monitor. Video pixel. Video memory and display processor. The glow fades quickly.

Having met an incomprehensible phrase, the reader, as a rule, seeks to find out its meaning. This article is a brief excursion for the user through the world of the unknown.

General concept of a file

Long-term stores all data in the form of files. What is it? A file is a named sequence of bytes, which in turn are made up of bits. It has its own name and address. The first parameter is specified by a person, and the second parameter is set and remembered by the operating system for a long time. The search is carried out by the file name, so the user does not need to write down its address.

It happens that information cannot be found on a computer medium. But even an empty file has its own name, which is an important property of the data set stored on the hard disk. If it is missing, then such a structure cannot be called storage.

File system

Each (floppy, hard or laser disk) can contain a huge amount of it. The file system is designed to store data and organize various directories. In a broad sense, it consists of the totality of all information on the disk, sets of data structures, and a set of system software tools. The root directory consists of attachments of the 2nd level, which, in turn, include folders of the 3rd, etc. A single-level linear system is used for disks with several files, a multi-level hierarchical system is used for disks with a large number of them. The second has a tree structure.

Purpose of the file system

It consists in providing a convenient interface for a person when accessing information located on a disk, and realizing the possibility of sharing objects with many people and ongoing processes. Such a structure structure allows you to achieve maximum results when working with data.

File types

Thanks to certain information, the computer can approximately "understand" what is in the data set and with what program it can be opened. An extension is a series of letters or numbers following the dot in a standard filename. It defines the data type and the corresponding program. For example, information recorded on a disc with an mp3 extension will open in the player. The picture of the program is present on the image of the file. By this icon, an experienced user immediately understands where the specified data type can be applied. The document will only open in a program designed for text. Video files can be scrolled in the player. Information in the form of pictures opens in a graphical editor. There are many different files. Each of them has an icon indicating the corresponding program.

File: filenames

Users give a set of data on disk symbolic names. Files are identified by them. At the same time, the restrictions of the system are necessarily taken into account both on the characters used and on the entire length of the phrase. The file name is the above name, which may be the same for several datasets. In this case, the sequence of directory identifiers, that is, the address at which the information is located, will be different. In some systems, the same object cannot have several names, in others there is no such restriction at all. In the latter case, the data set is given a unique name. This is a numeric identifier used by any operating system programs.

File name composition

Any information on a disk contains several elements. What is the name of the file? In order to understand this, it is necessary to have an example before our eyes. The file name consists of two interrelated parts: the name and the extension that defines the data type. It identifies any information on the carrier.

Full name

An example can be given:


The full name of the file specified in the sample is the name consisting of the file itself and the information path. The last of the specified elements is a list of folder IDs that should be opened in order to get from the highest level to the dataset. The full file name must be specified, starting from the root directory, and contains a list of all dependent attachments of other levels. This name is absolute. It refers to information regarding the root directory regardless of the current folder. All elements of the name are separated by a forward slash (\). This character must be placed before the name of the root directory.

Short name

Restrictions were the origin of this term. In those days, a file could only have 8 characters in its name. A little later, it became possible to put a dot after the name and add 3 extension signs.

It looked like this:


Developers began to use name extensions for technical needs. With their help, programs "learned" to recognize the type of file. This filename notation was named by the 8.3 system (for the number of characters in the name and extension, and a dot in between). It had a number of disadvantages: the impossibility of using a space, punctuation marks, letters other than the English alphabet. Therefore, it was very difficult to create a meaningful title. The short name does not contain a slash character ( \ ). By this name, you can refer to the data of the current directory.

long name

Previously, when thousands of files were stored on disks, users knew quite well where certain data appeared on the media. It is currently not possible to track the history of incoming information. Therefore, strict restrictions on the length of the name were removed for the data. What is the name of the file? Now the name can be written in Russian letters, with some punctuation marks and even spaces. The extension is indicated by more than just three characters. If the name contains multiple dots, then the file type is specified after the last punctuation mark.

However, traditions contain great power, so long extensions do not occur on computers. Three characters to indicate the file type is enough for the system. There can be at least 250 characters in B, although this certainly seems like overkill.

Problem objects

A document with a long title may not be read correctly on another computer. Therefore, when sending data, use Latin letters. There may not be a Russian alphabet on the recipient's computer, and an incomprehensible set of characters will appear instead of phrases. Any letters are used to organize the file storage system on the user's personal computer.

Correct filename

It can consist of any upper and lower case letters, a number, a period, and an underscore. The use of a space is not prohibited. However, you should not abuse it, and also put it at the beginning of the name. Other characters can be included in the name, except for the reserved characters (>< | ? * / \ : "). Расширение отделяется от названия последней правой точкой. Длина имени ограничивается 255 знаками. На самом деле обычному пользователю хватает 20 символов. Операционная система не различает строчные и прописные буквы в имени файла. Это означает, что сохранить в одном каталоге два элемента с одинаковым названием, написанным в разном регистре, не получится. Так может выглядеть пример совпадающих имен: «Текст.doc» и «ТЕКСТ.doc».

Incorrect file name

In addition to these restrictions, there is a ban on the use of reserved device names.

So, PRN is a printer. COM1-COM4 - devices connected to serial ports 1-4. AUX performs the same function as COM1. LPT1-LPT4 are elements connected to parallel ports 1-4 (printers), CON (consol) - keyboard for input, screen for output, NUL - "empty" device. When a user tries to specify a reserved name, the system generates an error. A warning is also displayed when prohibited characters are used. It points to an invalid file name. Incorrectly recorded information about the data set is not saved, but takes on the previous value.

File name template

Command shells of operating systems, as well as all kinds of programming languages, allow the user to search for certain groups in names and directories. All files are checked for compliance with the given template, if any of them matches the template, then it is taken into account, if not, then it is skipped.

Why is such a sample needed? Often you need to perform the same action with a whole group of files. This takes less time than accessing each document individually. The file name template allows you to select a group that meets the specified requirements from the crowd. It is used even when searching for data.

Special characters

The filename pattern is specified using special characters:

  • An asterisk is a designation for any group of characters. Their number does not matter. For example, one asterisk is a pattern that matches all the information in the directory. Thanks to the *.mp3 command, you can change any file of the same type. Filenames that start with my and end with .txt are distinguished using the pattern my*.txt. The *2014* pattern defines all objects on the computer whose names contain the 2014 character group.
  • is the symbol for any single character. For example, under the sample music.??? data that starts with the specified word and has an extension of three English letters will do. In the na?e.txt template, any character can be used instead of the standard question mark.

Other teams

Other rules for compiling samples are also provided. By including square brackets () with a list of possible values ​​in the command, you can make the search more flexible. If you want to find any files that begin with the letter t, not case sensitive, then the pattern should be written like this: *. When searching for data with alphabetical names, you can create a range. A similar template looks like this: ?.jpg. The system will find files with the specified extension type, whose names consist of two characters. Moreover, the first letter k, l, y or z is case insensitive.

Shell value

Several special characters can be used in one pattern. Templates are combined with many commands: browsing directories, copying files, searching, etc. However, actions are not carried out with a sample, but with data that matches it. The desired objects are selected by the command shell.

Template expansion is the process of replacing the * character with a coherent sequence of filenames.

Individual commands will never be able to find the special character in their parameter list. So what is responsible for data retrieval? The shell does the necessary expansion of the pattern so that all matching filenames are listed.

File name masks

They are used in bulk data operations. The mask is a sequence of characters allowed in file names, which can also contain a question mark and an asterisk. With it, you can delete any temporary file on your computer. File names in a command can contain various designations. The question mark is the mark of one arbitrary character, and the asterisk is the mark of the whole sequence. For example, using the rm *mp3 command, you can delete all files ending with this fragment. If you want to erase all data in a directory, you should use the rm * command. The command with one character changes works almost the same way. Name masks can also be used with directories.

Problem copying

The move to long names introduces compatibility issues with older programs that use small phrases. In order for applications to open information in accordance with the previously adopted storage structure, the file system must be able to provide unique short aliases to data that have complex names. New operating systems support long names. But sometimes the user encounters unexpected problems. Copying files with long filenames can be tricky.

In this case, even creating a shortcut will not help. Typically, the user is only required to rename the file and try again. Alternatively, you can archive the data, copy and unpack. But what if the 100th subdirectory where the required file is located has such long file names because of the path specified in them?

fallback options

If the above methods do not work, you should simply map the network drive by right-clicking on the computer image and selecting connection from the menu that appears. In this case, you must specify the letter for the desired media and the file path.

In extreme cases, the user can use the FAR 2.0 long name copying program and even disable the Recycle Bin.