Computer architecture. Von Neumann's principles

I'm glad you decided to take the initial video course - Computer Basics. This course is a textbook, which many who have completed it already call - Computer for Dummies.

If you want to start learning it right away, then first watch the video lesson about how to complete this tutorial, you can watch the video lesson (click on the word “here” once with the left mouse button), and then return here (it will tell you how), scroll down to the content of the video course, and start studying. Well, those who want to read the preface to the textbook are welcome.

A computer for dummies, or what is a computer and what do you eat it with?

For many people who are just starting to use a computer, this “usage” is a real problem. After all, this ill-fated PC (personal computer, means the same thing as just the word “computer”, so don’t be alarmed), has huge amount functions, and as I already wrote on, after a person finds the answer to one question, fifteen more immediately arise in its place.

One day, while teaching my mother and aunt, I realized that if a person is taught certain, basic computer knowledge, then after such training, all other knowledge will be easily applied. But how can we determine this database, where can we find such words in order to present information to novice users in such a way that computer for dummies became clear.

I decided to take on this business and wanted to create computer courses for beginners, so that their training goes from the simplest to the most complex. You will say that everyone does this. But no. Before making my course, I read three thick textbooks on teaching computers for dummies, looked at a bunch of sites with video lessons and articles, and noticed this thing - literally from the first lesson they start telling beginners what a registry is, etc. But these “teachers” forget about one thing, that sometimes a person doesn’t know how to turn on a computer, and they already start telling him what a registry is, a terribly scary word for a “dummie” (By the way, if you get interested later, you can then read it, but only after going through the textbook).

My computer courses for beginners.

Let me tell you how my first course differs from others (I also have a second course, but I strongly recommend that you take it after completing the first). And it differs in that in the very first lesson (the first video is an Introduction, but it is not considered a lesson), we will learn, yes, exactly how to work with a mouse. Believe me, knowing this will save you from a lot of problems, one of which is when to click the mouse button once, and when to click twice (sometimes even the “old people” get confused). By mouse you will work the most, however, other “teachers” sometimes don’t even mention the mouse, but it’s what you’ll be “fidgeting” with the whole time you’re sitting at the computer.

After which there will be more deep learning what is located on the desktop, because it is what opens in front of you after turning on the computer. We will talk in great detail about, which for many beginners is a rattling forest. After watching this tutorial, you will understand that the Start menu is one of the the most convenient tools , For fast work with programs.

In the next step, we will go through the tab (sometimes it is also called “My Computer”) and everything that is in it. More precisely, not everything, but what you need, since it is there some files and folders, in which even good craftsmen“climbing in” for a very urgent need. By the way, a couple of incomprehensible words slipped through - , and you will also be told about them in detail.

After which we once again back to the mouse, only now to, because it requires special attention and it is imperative to know how to work with it.

After we have mastered everything I talked about above, we will move on to more difficult things, such as: and . Do you think this is difficult and scary? But no, after completing the first five lessons, you will lose this very fear, which used to slow down your learning. Here another feeling will awaken - interest. This is exactly what we need. After all, what is interesting to learn will always encourage you to learn something new, and in the end, before you even blink an eye, you will understand the PC at a good level.

Well, in conclusion, I will show you how to write down anything. I believe that you need to know this because learning how to write information to disk, with recording to a flash drive, you will not have any problems at all. A flash drive is a very necessary thing, and you need to know how to handle it.

Here you go brief overview The textbook is finished, its meaning is very simple:

1. At the beginning, we study what is the basis of the basics (mouse, desktop)
2. After which, the environment in which we will work (My Computer, Start)
3. Working with the program (Installation, and actually the work itself (on Word example, Excel))

As you understand, we are moving from simple to complex.

Well, all I have to do is wish you successful completion of this tutorial! To understand how to watch video lessons correctly, be sure to study this short article - (click once, left mouse button). And then you can start going through the tutorial. Good luck!

The structure of a computer. Everyone knows what a computer looks like. But many can only guess what is inside the system unit. Opening the system unit is scary at first. It is enough to do this once, and all your fears will disappear forever. And aren’t you interested to see what and how is located inside this magic box? But first let's look at internal structure computer purely theoretically.

Anatomy or Structure of a Computer

As soon as you open the cover of the system unit, you will immediately see the motherboard. It is different on all computers and its color is also different. It can be yellow, red, blue, or green.

On all motherboards, the location of the internal slots (connectors) is different, but if you know which slot is used for what, then find them and connect them necessary equipment it won't be difficult for you.

Here is a diagram of the most necessary motherboard connectors for connecting internal and external devices:

The structure of the computer system unit

  • The square slot is used to install and connect a microprocessor.


  • A cooler (cooling system) is always installed on top of the microprocessor. It is not shown in the diagram above. ;

Computer power supply

  • IN HDD IDE connector connects the cable from the hard drive IDE drive. Now they are like that hard drives only available on older computers. You can connect a CD or DVD drive to the same slot, but again IDE. ;

Cable for connecting hard drive (HDD) or CD/DVD IDE

Hard HDD drive IDE

  • Small blue connectors 6 pieces (they can also be orange), designed for hard HDDs SATA, which is much faster IDE drives. They are connected with thin cables. CD or DVD drives are also connected to the same connectors;

Cable for hard drive SATA

SATA hard drive

  • The longest connectors are memory connectors . Memory varies, so the jumper (or jumpers) in these slots are located differently. Keep this in mind when replacing or expanding memory. There are motherboards that support several types of memory. As a rule, such boards have two types of connectors (the jumpers are located differently on them). ;

DDR 1 memory

DDR 2 memory

DDR 3 memory

  • Video card slot can also be different, so before installing a new one or changing old video card you need to determine which slot you have on your motherboard and which video card will fit it. On sophisticated motherboards there are simultaneously several types of slots for video cards. Nowadays, many motherboards have built-in video cards. They are not slotted and you won't see them on the board, they just have monitor connector (usually he pink color, as in my diagram);
  • SlotsPCI are now almost never used. They can be installed network card(now almost all motherboards already have it built-in), modems that almost no one uses anymore, sound cards(if the built-in one doesn’t work for you or you want something more powerful), and all sorts of expansion cards that you may never need.
  • If you decide to build a computer from scratch, then first of all you need to choose the motherboard, and only then select the parts that it supports, i.e. What connectors and slots does it have?

Watch a video about how mothers are made Gigabyte boards:


At the everyday level, most people strongly associate the term “architecture” with various buildings and other engineering structures. So, we can talk about the architecture of a Gothic cathedral, the Eiffel Tower or an opera house. In other areas, this term is used quite rarely, but for computers the concept of “computer architecture” (electronic computer) has already been firmly established and has been widely used since the 70s of the last century. In order to understand how programs and scripts are executed on a computer, you must first know how each of its components works. Fundamentals of the doctrine of architecture computers, which are discussed in the lesson, were laid down by John von Neumann. More details about logical nodes, as well as about the backbone-modular principle of the architecture of modern personal computers you can learn in this lesson.

The principles underlying computer architecture were formulated in 1945 by John von Neumann, who developed the ideas of Charles Babbage, who presented the operation of a computer as the operation of a set of devices: processing, control, memory, input-output.

Von Neumann's principles.

1. The principle of memory homogeneity. You can perform the same actions on commands as on data.

2. The principle of memory addressability. Main memory is structurally composed of numbered cells; Any cell is available to the processor at any time. This implies the ability to name memory areas so that the values ​​stored in them can later be accessed or changed during program execution using the assigned names.

3. The principle of sequential program control. It assumes that a program consists of a set of commands that are executed by the processor automatically one after another in a certain sequence.

4. The principle of architectural rigidity. Immutability of the topology, architecture, and list of commands during operation.

Computers built on von Neumann principles have classical architecture, but besides it, there are other types of architecture. For example, Harvard. Its distinctive features are:

  • instruction store and data store are different physical devices;
  • The instruction channel and data channel are also physically separated.

In the history of development computer technology a qualitative leap occurred approximately every 10 years. This leap is associated with the advent of a new generation of computers. The idea of ​​dividing cars appeared due to the fact that during the short history of its development computer equipment has undergone a great evolution both in terms of element base(lamps, transistors, microcircuits, etc.), and in the sense of changing its structure, the emergence of new opportunities, expanding the areas of application and nature of use. More details stages of computer development shown in Fig. 2. In order to understand how and why one generation was replaced by another, it is necessary to know the meaning of such concepts as memory, speed, degree of integration, etc.

Rice. 2. Computer generations ()

Among computers that are not classical, not von Neumann architecture, we can distinguish the so-called neurocomputers. They simulate the work of human brain cells, neurons, as well as some parts nervous system, capable of exchanging signals.

Each logical node of the computer performs its own functions. Functions processor(Fig. 3):

- data processing (performing arithmetic and logical operations on them);

- control of all other computer devices.

Rice. 3. Computer central processing unit ()

The program consists of separate commands. The command includes an operation code, the addresses of the operands (the quantities that participate in the operation) and the address of the result.

Execution of the command is divided into the following stages:

· team selection;

  • generating the address of the next command;
  • command decoding;
  • calculating operand addresses;
  • operand selection;
  • execution of the operation;
  • formation of a result sign;
  • recording the result.

Not all of the stages are present when executing any instruction (depending on the type of instruction), but the stages of fetching, decoding, generating the address of the next instruction, and executing the operation always take place. In certain situations, two more steps are possible:

  • indirect addressing;
  • response to interruption.

RAM(Fig. 4) is arranged as follows:

  • receiving information from other devices;
  • remembering information;
  • transfer of information on request to other computer devices.

Rice. 4. RAM (Random Access Memory) of the computer ()

At the heart of the architecture modern computers lies backbone-modular principle(Fig. 5). Modular principle allows you to complete the desired configuration and carry out the necessary modernization. It relies on the bus principle of information exchange between modules. System bus or the computer backbone includes several buses for various purposes. The backbone includes three multi-bit buses:

  • data bus;
  • address bus;
  • control bus.

Rice. 5. Backbone-modular principle of PC construction

The data bus is used to transfer various data between computer devices; the address bus is used to address the transferred data, that is, to determine its location in memory or in input/output devices; The control bus includes control signals that serve to temporarily coordinate operation various devices computer, to determine the direction of data transfer, to determine the formats of transferred data, etc.

This principle is valid for various computers, which can be divided into three groups:

  • stationary;
  • compact (laptops, netbooks, etc.);
  • pocket (smartphones, etc.).

IN system unit desktop computer or the compact case contains the main logical units - these are motherboard with processor, power supply, storage devices external memory etc.


1. Bosova L.L. Computer Science and ICT: Textbook for 8th grade. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2012.

2. Bosova L.L. Computer Science: Workbook for 8th grade. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2010.

3. Astafieva N.E., Rakitina E.A., Computer science in schemes. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2010.

4. Tannenbaum E. Computer architecture. - 5th ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. - 844 p.

1. Internet portal “All Tips” ()

2. Internet portal “Electronic encyclopedia “Computer”” ()

3. Internet portal “” ()


1. Chapter 2, §2.1, 2.2. Bosova L.L. Computer Science and ICT: Textbook for 8th grade. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2012.

2. What does the abbreviation COMPUTER stand for?

3. What does the term “Computer Architecture” mean?

4. Who formulated the basic principles underlying computer architecture?

5. What is the architecture of modern computers based on?

6. What are the main functions? central processor And RAM PC.