Free App Store monitoring and statistics tools. The number of applications in the App Store has decreased for the first time in history

Alarm call.

Apple is actively fighting unwanted and useless applications in App Store, and the most radical methods. In 2017, Apple's push to declutter the App Store led to the first-ever reduction in the total number of apps available in the store. This is reported by Appfigures, citing its latest large-scale analysis of the App Store.

The Appfigures report says that the total number of apps in the App Store in 2017 decreased by 5% at once. By the end of the year, 2.1 million apps remained in the store, while a year earlier it was 2.2 million. At first glance, the decrease in the number of applications cannot be called serious. However, given that hundreds of thousands of new applications appeared in the App Store during the year, the decrease in the total number is quite significant. It means that Apple has removed many applications and games that it considered unwanted and useless, Appfigures experts say.

The total number of apps in the App Store and Google Play in recent years.

Experts also believe that the first-ever decrease in the number of applications in the App Store was most affected by Apple's "global purge". In 2017, the company removed all outdated apps from the App Store, as well as those that had not been updated for a long time. Cleaning began in 2016, but due to the large amount of work, it dragged on throughout 2017.

The number of new apps in the App Store and Google Play in recent years.

Appfigures emphasizes that there is another reason for the reduction in the number of applications in the App Store. iOS app developers just started creating fewer apps in 2017. They released only 755 thousand new applications, which is 29% less than the previous result. This is the most serious decline in developer activity since 2008. With what exactly it is connected, the experts could not explain.

Today, the most popular app stores are the App Store, located under the Apple, and Play market, or, as it is already commonly called, which saw the light thanks to, you guessed it, Google. Each of them since the release was replenished daily, first with hundreds, then thousands of applications. And already in 2015 they achieved impressive results, but now we will find out which ones.

For example, the App Store first appeared in 2008 with the release of the iPhone 3g. On the first day of launch, about 500 applications were available, literally after 3 months the number of applications exceeded 3 thousand, and the number of downloads reached 100 million. In 2009, the company passed the mark of 2 billion downloads, in 2010 - 3 billion, and already in 2011 - as much as 10 billion with 350,000 applications. By March 2012, the number of downloads reached 25 billion, and the number of applications increased from 350 to 550 thousand, of which 170,000 were developed for the iPad.

Exactly one year later, the number of downloads reached 50 billion, and by the end of 2014 this figure exceeded 85 billion. In 2013, the number of applications amounted to a key million. Today, the result crossed the line with the inscription "1.4 million". However, the data itself is very inaccurate, some say about 1.2 million, however, the difference is relatively small.

If we talk about Google Play - until 2012 it was called the Play Market - at the time of launch it had a handful of applications, which later grew to 1.3 million. In 2009, according to colleagues from androidauthority, it already included 2,300 applications, and by the summer of 2010 their number had increased to 80,000. The total number of downloads at that time was approximately 1 billion.

3 billion, 6, 10, by 2012 the number of downloads just rolled over, at the same time the number of applications increased from 80 to 500 thousand.
According to the report of many research companies, Google Play has 70% large quantity downloads than the App Store. At the same time, the App Store is 70% more profitable than Google Play.

This is due primarily to the fact that Google places great emphasis on developing countries that are in first place in terms of the number of inhabitants (China, India, Indonesia). It is thanks to the number of citizens of these countries that this result was achieved. Apple, in turn, is considered a company not for the poor, which is why the prices in the App Store are higher, and they buy there more often, because they simply can afford it.

The same goes for developers. It is most profitable to write a program specifically for iOS, Apple pays developers much more in order to improve the quality of not only their products, but also services.

What do you think, which app store is better?

We will follow your progress, young Skywalker.
(c) Chancellor Palpatine.

The article considers 3 sites for monitoring the rating / Statistics App Store that I use the most. Dana a brief description of every resource.
This article may be helpful:

  • developers of programs for iDevices (both beginners and not so)
  • marketers
  • to everyone who follows the rapid growth of mobile IT in general and the AppStore in particular.

The main source of information about the dynamics of sales of applications in the AppStore, of course, is iTunesConnect. However, as soon as there are 2 or more applications, there are some difficulties. Moreover, of course, iTunes is completely unsuitable for analyzing the success of competitors, which sooner or later every developer has to face.

Most often I use 3 resources.

Let's consider each of them in order using the example of a wonderful Star programs Walk for iPad.
The program is remarkable not only because it was created by our compatriots, but also received in 2010 year of Apple Design Awards, and it's worth something.

For unregistered users, the site shows the current rating of the program both in its category and in the overall standings. Registered users are promised hourly statistics updates. A few days ago, the statistics were updated every 6 hours, but now the data is updated once a day, which is probably due to some problems on the iTunes side.

Here we get not only the current value of the rating, but also a graph of changes in this rating over a certain period of time. It is also useful to see when and what was the last best result.
It's also nice that you can look at the success of all the products of one developer at once:

Here they are, folks. It is clearly seen that having created 1 hit it is very difficult to repeat the success.

The third participant in our review is
Along with daily rankings

This site shows the most aesthetically pleasing graphics changes in these same ratings.
The charts conveniently place marks of some significant events, for example, a price change or the release of a new version.

Ratings, like charts, can be viewed without registration.
Free registration allows developers to include detailed statistics on their applications, as described here: But this is not for everybody. IMPORTANT. The detailed statistics for registered users of this site are slightly different from those in iTunesConnect. So you have to be careful and check everything carefully.

Why is it important to study charts?
Often, graphs provide an opportunity to understand how certain applications achieve success or, conversely, fall out of the public eye.
Here, for example, is another wonderful program, this time from our Belarusian colleagues.

After an active period of experimentation, nothing happened to the application at all and the rating gradually began to decline. But good program and could bring in a decent income.

These three resources, in my opinion, provide an excellent opportunity to study and track the dynamics of the popularity of applications in the AppStore and can greatly facilitate market analysis and help in making the right marketing decisions.

Today there are great opportunities for developing mobile applications. However, after they are created, it is very important to ensure that they receive a stable profit from them. At the same time, it is necessary to competently approach the marketing of mobile applications so that the statistics of requests in the AppStore for them are maximum.

Mobile applications are becoming more and more every time. Therefore, competition in this area is becoming increasingly fierce. Many do not understand how to promote their programs and make them more and more popular. The solution of such an issue should not be postponed, because it leads to a loss of income and potential users.

Google Play vs. App Store in numbers

Yesterday, Google and Apple almost simultaneously announced the number of downloads in their app stores - Google Play Store crossed the milestone of 48 billion downloads, and iTunes App Store at 50 billion. But how do companies count downloads and can they be compared?

It turned out that both companies think the same way. Both Apple and Google count unique app downloads from the same account. That is, if the application is universal, then the download to the tablet and smartphone will be considered as one, according to at least if they use one user account. No company considers preinstalled applications, such as the Google Maps, Talk, etc., but Apple counts iBooks as it's still an optional install.

However, Android Market(and now Google Play) looks better in terms of numbers - it launched four months late (not to mention when it actually got enough users), plus iOS has less universal applications, but more than those that work either on the iPhone or on the iPad (which, of course, counts as two installations).

Expected that Google store Play will cross the 50 billion downloads mark next month.

What was 2017 like for the mobile app market? We are looking for answers in the annual report of the analytical agency App Annie.

World market

Users downloaded more apps and spent more money than in 2016. The statistics include data from the App Store, Google Play and other Android stores.

The most profitable market is China, where apps have generated more than $30 billion for publishers.

By platform

According to the last quarter of 2017, Google Play continues to lead in terms of the number of downloads, and the App Store in terms of revenue.


Banks offer mobile services and expand the list of services available through applications. Apple is not far behind and gives users Pay service Cash for money transfers via iMessage. As a result, growth active users fintech around the world.

The rise in the price of bitcoin and the hype around cryptocurrencies have increased the demand for mobile applications to serve the market.

Leading Markets 2017

Interestingly, in the App Store for downloads and money, China-led rankings differ by only one position.

Top 10 most popular apps in the AppStore in 2017

But on Google Play, only the United States got into both fives. Russia in 2017 was in the top 5 in terms of downloads, but in terms of inflow of funds, everything is not so cool - they only got to the 10th line in Google ranking play.

Top 5 App Store

  1. China
  2. Japan
  3. United Kingdom
  4. Russia

By income

  1. China
  2. Japan
  3. United Kingdom
  4. South Korea

Top 5 Google Play

  1. India
  2. Brazil
  3. Indonesia
  4. Russia

By income

  1. Japan
  2. South Korea
  3. Germany
  4. Taiwan

Top categories

Games have become the undisputed leader both in terms of downloads and income. Other categories that get the most revenue and downloads are: social media, instant messengers, entertainment, photo and video, music, lifestyle.

Mobile market in Russia

In our country, Mail.Ru Group, LitRes and Yandex earn the most on mobile applications (cumulative income from all products).

Apps that became the best in 2017 (combined data from the App Store and Google Play):

  1. whatsapp messenger-facebook
  2. VK – Mail.Ru Group
  3. Viber - Rakuten
  4. Sberbank Online - Sberbank of Russia
  5. Yula – Mail.Ru Group

By income

  1. VK – Mail.Ru Group
  2. Yandex.Music - Yandex
  3. Read books online - LitRes
  4. OK.RU – Mail.Ru Group
  5. badoo-badoo

Mobile app analytics

Mobile app analytics – collection and analysis of mobile app usage data. It is divided into 2 types:

  1. external analytics - the number of app installations, its promotion;
  2. internal analytics - analysis of user behavior within the application and the operation of the application itself.