What to do if the power, mute, volume buttons on your iPhone don’t work? Repair of the Power button, Volume, Mute on iPhone and iPad.


Specialized service center for repairs Apple technology Service-labs is pleased to offer you our services for the repair and maintenance of mobile equipment in Moscow.

We will diagnose your device absolutely free, within a few minutes, and tell you what exactly needs to be changed and whether it is necessary.

Our workshops are equipped with everything necessary equipment to replace any buttons on your iPhone. The buttons themselves are always in stock, which allows us to repair your iPhone as quickly as possible. This procedure usually takes from 10 to 30 minutes, during which you can observe the repair or wait in a comfortable waiting room.

We always give guarantees to our customers for spare parts installed by us and for buttons they are usually 6 months.

You can learn more about our services, prices and warranties for your model on the iPhone repair page

The excellent touch glass on the iPhone made it possible to abandon the keyboard, which took up a lot of space on phones, but it is still impossible to completely abandon all buttons. Those few buttons that are left on the device tend to break sometimes, and below we will look at the main reasons for these breakdowns.

Why don't my iPhone buttons work?

As a rule, the reasons why iPhone buttons do not work are purely mechanical, i.e. Over time, they simply wear out and require replacement. In addition to mechanical wear, there are other reasons why replacing the iPhone button is necessary. Often this happens when moisture gets in, which leads to the formation of corrosion on the button cable and, as a result, its failure. If with the problem of some buttons you can generally use the device normally, then with some it is very difficult to use the device and your iPhone simply needs to replace the button.

Many people want to reduce the cost of iPhone button repair and not change it, but repair their old one. Unfortunately, in our experience, such button repairs are very short-lived and not always possible, and we have completely abandoned them. In addition, the price for such work is not much lower than replacing the button itself, for which we can give a full guarantee.
Many people get confused and come to our service center with a request to replace the iPhone button because the pushers of the buttons that you press have fallen off or become worn. The button pushers are other parts, and if the button itself does not work, then only it is replaced, and the pusher remains the same. And vice versa, if the pusher changes, then the button itself remains the same.

For all iPhone models, button repair is not simple procedure, requiring tools, skill and quality spare parts. Don’t try to do this yourself; we often come across cases where the desire to save only leads to additional expenses. In our service center you can quickly and inexpensively replace any button and receive a warranty. For an iPhone, replacing a button takes from 15 to 40 minutes depending on the model of the device and the button, but in any case, everything will be done quickly and in front of you.

iPhone Power button not working

The Power button is one of the most frequently used and pressed buttons on the iPhone, and its failure makes using the device very inconvenient. If the power button on your iPhone doesn't work, you can't lock the screen, you can't restart the device, and it becomes inconvenient to turn it on. This problem, along with the fact that when the iPhone home button does not work, becomes extremely inconvenient to use.

The main reasons that the power button on an iPhone does not work are mechanical damage and moisture, but it also happens that the cable simply becomes disconnected, for example, as a result of the device being dropped. Replacing the iPhone power button in such cases is not at all necessary, you just need to reconnect the cable and the button will work.
From mechanical damage Unfortunately, there is no way to be safe. Neither various covers, covers nor bumpers will help here. After all, over time, the mechanical parts of the button itself wear out and the only solution is to replace the iPhone power button. But we can advise you to purchase cases and covers to prevent moisture from entering; they will be able to slightly contain moisture and possibly save your iPhone.

If yours is broken top button on an iPhone 3G or 3Gs, this could be for another reason. The button often stops working on these models due to the fact that the metal frame of the case separates from the plastic one back cover, as shown in the picture below. At the same time, the button itself turn on iPhone may be fully working, but due to a defect in the case it cannot be pressed, because the button moves and the pusher (the metal outer part of the button that you press) simply does not press the button itself.

In such cases, you need to either replace the case or glue it, if possible, but replacing the power button itself will not help the iPhone. Therefore, if the button does not work for you turn off iphone, do not rush to draw conclusions, but rather bring your device to qualified specialists who will carry out diagnostics and give an opinion on what exactly needs to be changed and whether it is necessary.

At all iPhone models The Power button is replaced along with other elements of the device. So, for example, on 3G and 3Gs this button is located on the so-called top cable and it is replaced only together with the volume buttons, mute and headphone jack. On iPhone 4 and 4s models, this button is also replaced along with proximity and light sensors, and on iPhone 5 with volume and mute buttons. Therefore, if your iPhone power off button does not work, you need to see if other elements of this cable work. If not, then most likely the cable itself is disconnected, and if they work, then the problem is in the button itself.

Replacing the power button on an iPhone is not a simple procedure and requires serious disassembly of the device, so we recommend that you do not do it yourself but contact a specialized service center.

iPhone Home button not working

One of the most popular repairs is replacing the button home iphone. This button, like the Power button, is pressed very often, and its mechanical parts wear out.
In addition to mechanical damage, moisture ingress is often the reason why the home iPhone does not work. We often take the device with us to the bath, talk outside during the rain, or take it with a wet hand, and in all these cases, water can penetrate inside the iPhone and lead to various malfunctions, and the fact that the iPhone home button does not work is often to blame for moisture penetration .

As a rule, the Home button fails gradually. At first, Home is not always pressed (Home is pressed every other time), then it may require stronger presses, and the usual strength pressing Home doesn't respond. Well, subsequently, as a rule, you should contact the service center, because... When the home button on an iPhone doesn’t work, it’s almost impossible to use it. We, of course, recommend not to wait for this, because... replacement is inevitable anyway, but it’s better to save your nerves and time.

If it happens that after a fall your iPhone’s home button does not work, then most likely your cable has simply become disconnected. Buttons rarely break due to falls, and if you contact the service center, the cable will be reconnected and the problem will be solved.
If your iPhone home does not work, it is better not to try to press and press the button harder. This can lead to the fact that after replacing your old button with a new one, it will not be pressed as clearly and will stand a little lower. The fact is that with strong pressure you can push through the seat in the iPhone case and it new button will be a little lower. If this happens, the masters of our service center will make a small spacer to raise the button, and all the sensations will be like on a new device.

Many of our clients often think that if the home iPhone does not work, then when replacing the button with a new one, the pusher itself will be replaced (the button itself that you press). The pusher is a separate part and, as a rule, does not require replacement along with the button, but if you wish, the craftsmen will be able to replace it too.

Replacing the iPhone home button is done quite quickly and, as a rule, we always have the buttons in stock, so we can quickly and efficiently replace the Home button and will definitely provide a guarantee for the repair.

The iPhone volume up and down buttons break much less often than Power or Home. because We usually use them less, but if your iPhone's volume button does not work, this may be unpleasant problem, because in right moment you will not be able to increase or decrease the volume of your device.

The main reasons for iPhone volume button failure may be moisture and mechanical wear, although this happens extremely rarely. Due to moisture, corrosion forms on the buttons, which subsequently renders the buttons unusable and the only salvation is to replace the iPhone volume button.
Replacing the iPhone volume button in our service center is done on average in 20 minutes, so you don’t have to part with your device for a long time.

iPhone mute button not working

Silent button iPhone mode(mute) breaks very rarely, but it does happen. Over time, the mute button may stop locking in one position and begin to switch spontaneously (the iPhone mute button dangles and does not lock). This, in turn, can cause considerable problems, because... The sound may turn off and you will miss an important call. The reasons for this are usually purely mechanical; over time, the button wears out and stops locking.
Sometimes this happens due to impacts, or the button can get caught when you take the iPhone out of your pocket or purse and break with some force. In any case, if the iPhone mute button is loose, it cannot be repaired and must be replaced.
Replacing the iPhone mute button is not a long procedure and takes a lot of time. experienced craftsman from 15 to 40 minutes depending on the model of the device.

iPhone repair: replacing the Mute button (all models)

The Mute button (switching to silent mode) is a faithful companion to the volume key. She shares the same train with her in all iPhone generations. The only difference is which cable is a separate one (iPhone 6/6 Plus) or a multifunctional top one, on which several components are sealed (all other models).

You may need to replace your iPhone's Mute button as early as a year after purchasing your phone. It's all about mechanics: the lever does not smoothly push inward, like the same volume button, but abruptly moves to the side. Each such movement is akin to stress for the mechanism, so if you often use the function of switching to the “vibrate” mode, be extremely careful in your actions.

Replacing the iPhone vibration mode button: two different options

1. Replacing the cable.

It is carried out when a mechanical part fails, the contact pad is damaged, the cable from which the button is powered, or any parts dependent on it are bent. In the iPhone 2G-5S, such parts may be the volume button, power button, vibration motor, headphone jack and an additional microphone. On iPhone 6 and 6 Plus there is only a volume button.

Even if one component is damaged, but other parts remain intact, the cable is replaced. Resoldering serviceable elements from a donor cable is impossible (or rather, it is unreliable and too expensive).

2. Replacing the button itself.

This is done if the pusher is not damaged, but the outer plastic plug, which comes out through the end of the phone, is damaged (erased, falls off). The loop, if it is working, is left.

Replacing a button iPhone vibrate: repair features

To rearrange the plug or change the cable, the phone must be disassembled. To do this, you will need a standard and Pentalobe screwdriver, a screen suction cup, a hair dryer (the factory cable is glued on) and a set of disposable stickers that hold the battery in its socket (in later iPhone models).

The exact disassembly order is determined by the generation of the device. For example, in 4/4S any repair starts with removing the back cover with a step-by-step progression to the display module, while in other iPhones everything happens the other way around: first remove display module, and then everything else - right up to the body.

The duration of replacement (including rearranging the caps and final assembly) is 40-60 minutes.

Any instructions for self-repair You can find your iPhone on our website, or call a specialist for to any place convenient for you.

I'm cheating Apple code from the AurioTouch2 example on its developer site. I'm currently trying to fully understand the function of the application. I see that the application writes 0 to the buffers using the quietData method when the sound is muted. However, it seems to me that the data has already been processed, and when using the application I see that turning on or off is unchanged. What am I missing - what purpose does the mute?

from the end of the executeThu method (input callback)

If (THIS->mute == YES) ( SilenceData(ioData); )

from aurioHelper.ccp

Void SilenceData(AudioBufferList *inData) ( for (UInt32 i=0; i< inData->mNumberBuffers; i++) memset(inData->mBuffers[i].mData, 0, inData->mBuffers[i].mDataByteSize); )

2 answers

First, I found that the mute button works. When I hold the phone to my ear, I can hear the audio from the microphone playing to the receiver. There is no sound when muted. I used to expect sound from the speaker (not the receiver). This part of the problem is solved.

Second, the remote io block places microphone input data into ioData buffers. Before I expected there would be a callback to output to the speaker, but I guess because there is no remote io module that uses the same ioData and plays it to the receiver (speaker). Thus, clearing ioData (after processing the microphone input data for use by the application) causes the receiver to go silent (i.e. the mute function). Any confirmation or clarification is welcome.

Our service center will be happy to offer you its services for replacement or restoration of functionality. physical buttons on iPhone, iPad, Mac Apple. In a few minutes and absolutely free of charge, we will carry out diagnostics and identify the reason for the buttons not working, and we will advise best solution your problem. Replacing buttons will take only 1 hour

Our specialists are ready to help you with each of the breakdowns listed below:

- The button doesn't work turning on Power iPhone or iPad.
- Volume buttons (+ and -) do not work on iPhone or iPad.
- Mute (silent mode switch) iPhone does not work

Why don't the iPhone iPad buttons work?

Every owner Apple products sooner or later he encounters the problem of problems with physical buttons. Since the volume buttons, on/off, switch silent mode, are used constantly, then they fail much more often than we would like. Often, the reasons for the failure of these buttons are purely mechanical; there is simply physical wear and tear on the mechanism located on the cable. In addition, moisture getting on the buttons is also often the cause of the problem, since moisture penetrating inside the phone forms corrosion on the button cable and disables it. In 90% of cases, the cable needs to be replaced, but there are cases when the mechanism can be cleaned/repaired.

On the iPad, the cause of non-working buttons is often a deformation of the case. In this case, the problem is solved.

The "Power" (lock, turn on) button does not always work or does not work at all?

If some buttons are broken, use iPhone iPad Perhaps, with the Power button not working, you will not be able to turn on/off, remove or lock your phone.

If during operation you experience difficulties in the operation of the Power button, it does not work at all or does not work as before (the button is pressed hard), then most likely the problem is in the upper cable. It should be replaced and then the functionality of the button will be restored. Replacing the top cable takes only one hour.

What to do if the button on your iPhone stops working?

If, however, a situation occurs that the button refuses to work, but at the moment If for some reason you cannot send your phone in for repair, you can use a function on your phone that allows you to press Home button, Power, mute on your iPhone screen. To activate this function, you need to go to Settings => General => Universal Access=> Assistive Touch => on. If you did everything correctly, after this you will constantly see a white circle on the screen of your phone. By clicking on which, you can easily do without buttons for a while.

How much does it cost to replace or repair buttons?

The cost of replacing buttons on an iPad and prices for other types of repairs are described in the section

As a rule, the reasons for iPhone buttons not working are purely mechanical, i.e. Over time, they simply wear out and require replacement. Basically stops working power button, because is the most used. Over time, the mute button may stop being fixed in one position and begin to switch spontaneously. This, in turn, can cause considerable problems, because... The sound on your iPhone may turn off and you will miss an important call. The volume up and down buttons on the iPhone rarely break, but the headphone jack for those who actively listen to music also tends to become loose, and the headphones stop working on the iPhone. Many people come to the service center asking for a replacement. top train iPhone, due to the fact that the metal chrome pushers of the buttons that you press have fallen off. The button pushers are other parts, and if the button itself works, then the upper cable does not need to be changed, but only the pushers themselves are replaced. Accordingly, when replacing the upper cable, they also do not change.The power button often stops working due to the metal frame of the case coming away from the plastic back cover. In this case, the power button itself may be fully functional, but due to a defect iPhone cases it doesn't press. In such cases, you need to either replace the housing or glue it, if possible.The top trains differ for different colors iPhone. For white iPhone headphone input must be white. For black iPhone, respectively, black.

Replacing the upper iPhone cable(iPhone buttons) - the procedure is quite complicated, even for an experienced technician, because the buttons are small and each button must “sit” exactly in its place, otherwise it will be difficult to press or work every time. This takes about 25-40 minutes. Many people, having watched videos on replacing iPhone buttons on the Internet, try to do it themselves by purchasing the top cable on the market or in an online store. But, since these videos are shot mainly by those who sell these cables, and do not repair iPhones, they deliberately greatly simplify the replacement process and do not show many important nuances. As a result, having seen how simple everything is and deciding that they can do it themselves without any problems, without experience, skills and special tools, many people cause much more damage to their iPhone than a non-working iPhone button. Often such damage occurs when metal frames are scratched as a result of opening the case, or torn cables LCD screen And touch glass, torn protective rubber around the glass, damaged motherboard.