What to do if you lost your iphone. What are the functions to find a lost iPad? What to do when Lost Mode is enabled

By purchasing devices of this brand, they open an account in the AppStore. Whether it's an iPhone, iPod, MacBook or iPad, sooner or later you'll be tempted to sign up. And that's why.

Registration in the AppStore opens up many opportunities

This is the name of the online supermarket. You can buy it, but there are sections where you can download for free. There are currently 29 categories in total.

Here are some of them:

  • business,
  • education,
  • entertainment,
  • finance,
  • the medicine,
  • music,
  • performance,
  • Photo and video,
  • games,
  • utilities and many other useful things.

How to find iPad if stolen

Unfortunately, unpleasant situations happen in our life when we lose, forget or steal from us. But this is not scary, since it can be returned.

Thieves love Apple devices

To do this, you need to follow several steps. You must have:

  • Apple ID (it is created when you create an account in the AppStore);
  • the Find My iPhone app (every iPad has it),
  • geolocation (GPS) enabled.

iCloud is used for search. You need to sign in with your Apple Account ID. It is not necessary to use an Apple tablet to log in - any gadget with which you can visit Internet resources will do. Now you need to activate the Lost mode and try to find the lost iPad.

What can be done in Lost mode

With this function, you can do the following:

  • block ipad,
  • send a message directly to the tablet screen with a number by which you can call the owner,
  • completely erase data from the device.

With the Lost function, you can send a message to the person who found your device

Let's hope that the last item is not required and the device will be returned to the owner. If you still had to, do not be discouraged. After all, all data can be restored from a backup in the cloud storage.

With “activation lock”, access to the tablet is completely closed, and no one can even unlock it in order to steal or just look at information about you, your friends and acquaintances.

Find My iPhone app

You can also use Find My iPhone to find your stolen iPad. It has similar functionality, like iCloud:

  • you can find the location of your iPad,
  • if necessary, you can delete the information,
  • will also work
  • you can send a request for the gadget to be returned to you.

Video on how the Find My iPhone app works:

In those devices that are activated in the account, it will not be difficult to determine the place of residence. But sometimes there are situations when this may not work. Here are some examples:

  • no internet connection,
  • flight mode is on
  • location detection is off,
  • all your information is erased.

If, nevertheless, you are lucky and everything works, you can easily use the Find My iPhone function.

If a lost or stolen iPad has a positioning module (GPS), then the accuracy will be very high. But if it so happened that it is on your “tablet” that there is no or broken GPS, you will have to use mobile towers. And then - only if you have a module for a SIM card. If this is not the case, then . It is definitely present on all Apple devices.

Is it possible to find an iPad by serial number?

It often becomes known that law enforcement agencies find various mobile gadgets using IMEI. What is it?

IMEI is a unique code for each released device, in which information about it is encrypted. When you start your device, it communicates with mobile towers, and the operator. At the request of law enforcement officers, you can find out where the iPad is now, but only they can get such information and only after you contact them. If you do not know the IMEI of your tablet, look for the code on the box or in the instruction manual.

If you want to know the IMEI of your device, then enter the combination * # 06 # in phone mode

I would like to hope that the question: if you lost your iPad - how to find it, will never arise. Be vigilant and closely monitor your devices with the apple logo!

According to statistics, expensive mobile phones are stolen more often than others. And among the leaders in criminal reports is the loss of the iPhone. How to return a stolen gadget, and what to do if an iPhone is stolen - read on.

Let's make a reservation right away that returning a lost or stolen iPhone is an extremely difficult task. But the ability to regain your favorite gadget increases several times if it has the iOS operating system of the fifth version and higher, and in the iPhone settings in the iCloud section, the lost mode is activated - the "Find iPhone" function.

Through iCloud, you can find a stolen gadget, identify its current location, and even remotely lock the device. But this function only works if the phone is connected to the Internet. If the user has lost his iPhone or the gadget was stolen from him, and the device is not connected to the network or is out of range, iCloud will be powerless.

It often happens that a normally working iCloud cannot determine the actual location of the iPhone, which confuses the user. To solve this problem, you need to:

  • Enable the geolocation feature. This is done in the "Settings" menu in the "System Services" section.
  • Check if the gadget is connected to the Internet.
  • Please note that the latest up-to-date data on the location of the device can only be received by the user within a day after the last connection to the network.

If one of the above conditions is not met, if the iPhone is stolen, it will not be possible to return it using iCloud.

What to do when Lost Mode is on

If the lost mode on the iPhone is activated and functions normally, in a situation where someone has lost their iPhone, you can block it.

Below is a step by step guide on how to lock an iPhone if it's stolen and how Lost Mode works.

So, the user's actions will be as follows:

  • If an iPhone 6 or another gadget model is stolen, you need to activate the lost mode in iC
  • After that, you need to lock your iPhone by creating a password. If the lock password is already activated in the gadget settings, then when you turn on the lost mode, you will not be able to enter the password, because. The iPhone is already password protected.
  • Type the phone number of the user's contact in the appropriate field.
  • Write a message with a request to return the gadget, promising a reward for this.
  • Write a statement to the police about the missing gadget.

Law enforcement agencies will need to provide an international device identifier - 15 digits on the iPhone packaging in place of the barcode.

If an attacker who stole a user's smartphone connects it to the Internet, the blocked gadget will display a message on the screen asking to return it to its owner. Now it only remains to wait and hope that a call will follow from him.

Above, the question of how to block an iPhone if it was stolen was covered in detail. But what if it is not possible to enable the search function on the device?

What to do if the iPhone cannot be found through iCloud

If your iPhone 4, iPhone 5, 5s and gadgets of other newer versions have been stolen from you, and for some reason you can’t use iCloud storage to block your mobile device, the first step should be to contact the police. In such a situation, do not even think about how to block the iPhone, because. you are just wasting your time.

How can law enforcement agencies help if an Apple gadget could be lost or stolen?

The thing is that every time a mobile gadget connects to the operator's network, it transmits its identification number, which has already been mentioned above. The operator will be able to determine the geolocation of the iPhone and block it. However, this data will not be provided to the user in any case, because they are secret and can only be shared with the appropriate authorities.

Thus, it is very easy to find an iPhone through a mobile operator. But practice shows that this method is not so effective, since the operator transmits information to the police several days or even weeks after the loss. During this period, the gadget, as a rule, enters the illegal market in some other country, and is successfully sold there. Unfortunately, if the user has not taken care of enabling the search function on their iPhone, the probability of returning the gadget is minimal.

What to do if iCloud of a stolen iPhone is offline

If the iPhone is shown as an offline device in the cloud storage, it means that it is not currently connected to the Internet. In this situation, blocking the gadget, of course, is impossible. The user can only wait for the moment when the device is not turned on, and he learns about it from his computer, namely, he receives a notification by e-mail.

How long will you have to wait? If the device was locked with a password - not for long, because. to reset it, you will need to reflash the gadget, activate it, which means that you will need to connect to the network. As soon as this is done, the gadget will turn on the lost mode, i.e. whoever stole your iPhone will receive a message demanding that the gadget be returned to its rightful owner.

In a situation where the lost mode on the iPhone was not enabled, the attacker who stole the device will not be able to permanently unlock the device and use all its functions. The smartphone will simply be in a locked state.

Attention! If your Apple smartphone is stolen from you, do not erase it from your iCloud memory. Anyway, sooner or later the gadget will be connected to the Internet and there will be a chance to return it. Otherwise, only the police will be able to help you, but the probability of success will be very small.

Agree, it would be a pity to lose an expensive gadget, especially if it is one of the new models - six, seven, etc. due to an annoying mistake to remove device information from iCloud. Alas, a number of users imprudently take this step, and, as a result, say goodbye to their smartphone forever.

So, do not panic if you lost your smartphone from Apple or someone stole it from you. Initially, remember if the search mode was enabled in your device, if so, then use the instructions above, and wait patiently. The probability of returning the gadget is very high. If you do not take care of this, immediately contact law enforcement with a statement.

Not so long ago, we published about how simple tricks of scammers can make it so that the victim can never get his iPhone back. But this does not mean at all that it is almost impossible to get a stolen device back. And at the end of last week, I personally was able to verify this.

Nothing foreshadowed trouble until a relative called me and said that her 11-year-old daughter had lost her iPhone 4s. If the smartphone was not stolen, then there should not seem to be any problems with its return - go to iCloud.com, and set the approximate location of the iPhone (to know where to look).

However, not everything was so simple. As it turned out, the smartphone was used only for calls, and it had limited access to mobile Internet. Therefore, it was not possible to find the iPhone until it was in someone's hands. It was necessary that the smartphone was either connected to Wi-Fi or mobile Internet was activated.

Until then, there was only one way out - to leave a message on iCloud.com that the iPhone was lost (with a contact number), and the finder was guaranteed a reward. This message should have appeared on the screen of the device as soon as it connects to the network.

And what do you think? Literally the next day, I received a call from the person who found this iPhone. For the return of the smartphone, he asked for three thousand rubles - it seems to be cheaper than buying a new iPhone, but such extortion outraged. Usually the amount of remuneration is set by the victim himself, but here everything happened the other way around.

However, this problem was quickly resolved. It was enough to turn on audio playback on the iPhone to receive a call from the owner of the valuable find again:

Turn off that awful sound and take your cell phone.

There was no need to say twice - an hour later, the cherished iPhone was already in the hands of an 11-year-old girl. Our "extortionist" was left with a symbolic thousand rubles. But it could have been more if not for his greedy behavior and outright extortion.

Of course, there was another way out - to go to the police, write a statement (the phone number of the finder was) and start the proceedings. Perhaps, if he had not come forward to meet us, we should have done so.

The top tip for losing your iPhone is don't panic. Soberly assess the situation, try to find the device yourself, leave a message, play a sound. With a high probability, the next day the smartphone will be in your hands again.

Deep down, it is common for every person to hope that he will never need the information described in our article, to be honest, I am also one of many, but ...

If you read these lines carefully, most likely your favorite iPhone is not near you and moreover, you do not know how to find it because you may have lost it, or, worse, someone has stolen it.

Naturally, you want to return the device and the data on it as soon as possible. Fortunately, all is not lost! There are several ways to find your "toy". By acting quickly and wisely, it is quite possible to achieve success.

Of course, the location of the included phone can be easily tracked through special applications, or, for example, simply by calling it. Is the picture so rosy and optimistic when it is discharged or specially turned off? Consider the algorithm of actions on the example of the iPhone 4S.

How to find a lost iPhone with a dead battery

The hardest part is finding a lost 4S with a dead battery. The iOS8 update provides the following option: the phone sends a message indicating the last location before disconnecting. The only drawback of the proposed option is the need to activate this function before looking for a broken iPhone.

If it's late and the 4S is out, you can still follow the tracking directions, but the location is likely to be different from the actual location. The advice will also work when trying to find a stolen iPhone with a disconnected battery (there is a high probability that someone has already taken the phone from the specified location).

Make sure you use the new iOS 8 option, then, if necessary, finding a “dead” iPhone will be as convenient as possible. It is mandatory to have version 8 of the operating system (free update: model 4S and above), since earlier versions of iOS will not be able to determine exactly where you lost your iPhone.

In the 6th model or any other gadget with iOS 8, the application is present by default, but the convenient function is not. It's time to make sure that the program is configured to determine the location of the smartphone.

  • Go to Settings, then iCloud, then FindMyiPhone. Check if the main option is enabled: thus, tracking down a lost device, it will probably involve other devices.
  • Click on the program icon, then switch the "Send Last Location" parameter slider to "On".

This will force the iPhone 4S to send its location information just before the battery is completely disconnected. You definitely need a connection, so with the “on the plane” mode activated, the advice will not work. For an iPhone that someone lost is a rarity. In the event that it is stolen, thieves can intentionally activate airplane mode, thereby preventing the trace of the iPhone.

Once you set it all up, you can find your lost iPhone 4S even when turned off and without an alarm. This is enough to focus your search on the last eaten cafe, a friend's house, or another place indicated by the application as the last one.

To find an iPhone, you just need to use the iCloud.com service, in which you can find your device on an interactive map. If this is your first time hearing about this service, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with

How else can you track a turned off smartphone

Then sign in with your own Apple ID and password. Once signed in, the app will show you the location of all your Apple devices with Find My iPhone installed. Click on the gadget with the battery turned off to see its last location. When you're done working on someone else's device, don't forget to sign out of your account.

Unfortunately, when the iPhone 4S is turned off, some standard actions simply do not work (sound notification, lost/erase modes). But if you can't find your phone, you can always activate the Lost mode.

When turned on, when someone connects the phone to charge, they will see your message and be able to call back. If you decide to erase all information, this will happen as soon as the mobile phone is back in touch. But by choosing to do so, you will no longer be able to find your lost/stolen iPhone.

If everything indicates that the chances of finding the lost 4S are zero, you can use the Activation Lock function and lock the gadget. Thus, those who stole your device will not be able to use it unauthorized (for this you need to know your Apple ID account details).

Useful innovation

By the way, recently it became known about a new patent of a well-known "apple" company. We are talking about improving security - a kind of "zombie mode": the device seems to be turned off, but in fact it is monitored.

Of course, some competitors immediately criticized the idea, noting that now the company will be able to monitor its users. In fact, the know-how will significantly secure smartphones and reduce the number of thefts.

It is assumed that when charging the device, you will need to enter a password. An incorrect code will activate a mode in which the cellular will look like it is turned off, but will be able, for example, to send text messages with its location. Moreover, the iPhone camera will be able to take a photo of someone who stole and is trying to unlock the phone.

It is very good that the trend towards increased security is gaining momentum. Suffice it to recall the positive statistics of the implementation of the “kill switches” functions (for example, the same Activation Lock in Apple devices). We hope that the innovation will have a positive impact on minimizing crimes related to the theft of other people's iPhones.

And finally, a few tips for those who have already had their phone stolen. Be sure to do the following:

  • Block your sim card. If your iPhone, and therefore the phone card with the number, falls into the wrong hands, you risk both your reputation and financial well-being;
  • Change all passwords. Since very often our passwords (ranging from bank accounts to social media accounts) are automatically saved on our smartphone, do not hesitate with this step;
  • Delete personal information from your phone. If a backup exists, you can do it immediately. Even if you did not backup information, you still want to erase the data if there is no chance to find / return the iPhone;
  • Warn family and friends. This will save them from unnecessary worries and the risk of various scams from those who stole or found your device.

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Comments: 20

Few people know that the developers took care that you could easily find the tablet, for this they added the Find ipad program in order to activate sounds with which you can find the gadget at home and track the location using the map if it was stolen .

What should I do to quickly find an iPad at home or at work?

  1. Install the IOS system first
  2. Use the iCloud service. If it is not yet connected, then you need to go to the settings and select the “iCloud” section there and enter your Apple ID and password
  3. Turn on Find My iPad

There are several conditions that must be met in order to be found.

First, the device must be connected to the internet. It can be in standby mode, that is, be with the screen turned off and locked, since in this mode the Internet connection does not stop.

Secondly, the gadget must be turned on. As already mentioned, in lock mode, this feature works, since no one keeps the tablet in active mode all the time.

Thirdly, you must have access to the Internet through a computer, laptop or phone.
If all these points are done, you can proceed to the search for the iPad through a sound signal. To do this, go to the site icloud.com, and log in. After that, you need to click the "All devices" button, select the tablet that you want to find. And the last step is to click the "Play sound" button. After these steps, the tablet will make sounds for 2 minutes, which will help you find it at home without any problems.

What to do if the iPad is stolen?

There are 2 options:
The first option is when Find My iPad is turned on, and the second is when it's turned off.

Feature enabled

  1. From a tablet, a computer that is connected to the Internet, you need to go to the icloud.com website or launch the Find iPad program from another IOS gadget.
  2. See where the lost tablet is located on the map.
  3. Turn on Lost Mode. With this mode, you set a password and send messages to the tablet's lock screen with your phone number, as well as a notification that the device is lost.
  4. Report the theft of your property to the police. Police officers may be asked to provide them with a serial number. It can be found on the packaging of the device or on the supportprofile.apple.com page after entering your Apple ID.
  5. You can also destroy all information on the lost device. This is done so that thieves do not have access to personal data. You can also do it through this program. But, it is worth paying attention that after these actions you will no longer be able to track the location of the loss.

Function disabled

Unfortunately, if it is disabled on the device, you will not be able to see the location of your gadget. But you can still protect your personal data. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. You need to change your Apple ID password. With this action, you will be able to prevent thieves from accessing iCloud. And also forbid them to use programs such as "iTunes" or "iMessage".
  2. You need to change passwords for other accounts for which passwords are saved on the gadget. For example, Twitter.
  3. Report the theft of your property to the police. Police officers may be asked to provide them with a serial number. It can be found on the packaging of the gadget or on the supportprofile.apple.com page after entering your Apple ID.
  4. Tell your mobile operator that the card has been stolen. It will block the sim card to prevent thieves from making calls, sending sms or using data from the sim card.

The program is an effective and the only way to find a lost or stolen gadget. So don't forget to connect it to your IOS devices.