What to write in the interests section. How best to fill out the interests column on VKontakte

Good day, dear readers of my blog. Today I decided to take a little break and leave the main topic of my blog for a while. I want to give some useful recommendations specifically to you.

I have quite a lot of experience working in social networks. I have promoted personal and brand accounts more than once. Created profiles of regional celebrities, administrators and hedgehogs with them. Now I will try to inspire you. I will tell you what you can write in the interests of VKontakte, doing it in such a way as to evoke positive emotions in readers.

I want to immediately warn you that not many people pay attention to this column, mainly your friends. Filling it out will not bring you fame or money. This is not such a useful work, which, at most, can create a “correct” opinion about you among friends, colleagues and other people who will be interested in your profile.

Typically, they are already your subscribers.

Your VK page is the face of your brand. They judge from the wall what you encourage, and from the basic information they try to determine what kind of person you are. Frankly speaking, 0.01% of the audience does this. Which includes slackers or those who are really and stupidly interested in your personality.

To ensure that the work on your interests is completed correctly, and you don’t spoil your impression of yourself, and you don’t have to, I recommend that you follow several important rules.

  • Don't use too many "interests". 10-15 will be more than enough.

Long sheets of text are no longer considered stylish and take us back to the time when VKontakte was just in its infancy and everyone was drawn using all sorts of nonsense. It’s almost impossible to find a long list of interests even among teenagers these days.

Increasingly, long lists are nothing more than a sign of spammers.

  • Think about what interests you are inserting and who can read them.

I am convinced that after everything is filled in the interests column, you will forget about it. If not forever, then at least for a very long time.

Think about the consequences: what if your employer sees this information? Will he like the fact that you are into horoscopes and creating voodoo dolls?

Include extralinguistic knowledge and you will be happy

In this course, you will be told step by step how to work with skin, eyes, teeth in a photograph, get rid of defects and emphasize the advantages of any portrait.

Well that's it, now you know about how to create funny and funny interests and what to do to get more followers on your page.

With this I say goodbye to you, if you found the article interesting, subscribe to the newsletter and learn more about life and making money on the Internet.

I wish you good luck in your endeavors. See you again!

I drink to make other people more interesting.

I wonder if they really think I’m as good as I say?

I'm looking for a husband, preferably one who drinks and partying! I think that a family should have common interests)


No, of course I understand, not smoking, not drinking, not swearing is beautiful. But, bitch, it's not interesting.

Am I the only one wondering how you need to rub cinnamon into yourself to smell it, and what you need to smoke to see the vanilla sky?

The interesting thing about life is that dreams can come true...

As long as a woman is interested in a man, she will not disappear. . . As long as a man is interested in a woman, he will always find her everywhere, even if she disappears. .

I wonder...what size is it...flash drive:D ---------- Interesting statuses, status about interests

Don't fish if you're not interested in being a fisherman!)

It’s a sin to indulge in despondency, because there are much more interesting sins!

If you are discussing me, and you have not found any other interesting topics, then I am popular!

The Internet is such a thing, it seems interesting, but it’s so boring!

Happiness will definitely come - he is also interested...

The most interesting thing is that there was everything and yet there was nothing...

Announcement: "Deep touch. Result: easy gait and good mood." I wonder what they are talking about?)))

Man is the architect of his own happiness! If you want happiness, go get it!!!

I'm the queen of your heart... and the queens of your bullshit don't interest me at all...

-You're a drunk! -No, I just make life interesting...

She doesn't give a fuck, but she's interested...

And she loves me.. I wonder why? ---------- Interesting statuses, status about interests

The most interesting thing in cleaning is chasing a cat with a vacuum cleaner))))

Today my mother asked me: “Masha, do you know any other ways to prepare for exams besides prayer?

Raising me is a useless, difficult task, but interesting from a scientific point of view.

Doctor, will I be cured? - Yes, I’m interested myself...

Talking to a stranger is more interesting. Your friends already know that you are an idiot.

God is watching you.... Live in such a way that he is interested)))))

It turns out that when you study for exams, there are so many interesting things shown on TV.

The most interesting thing about him was my love. Now - nothing special.

I wonder if the drivers of two identical cars experience the same thing as two women in identical dresses?

I wonder if everyone can guess why Sobchak doesn’t smoke??))

and why during recess there is no such interesting topic of conversation as in class.

Men's logic is correct, but women's logic is interesting!

I have never met a cat who was interested in what mice thought about her.

But it’s interesting, if a beauty comes up to a guy and says that she will fulfill any two of his wishes, then what will his second wish be?

If there is such a person who can tame her character, put her in her place or shut her up. . maybe she'll be interested in him.

At first, girls are interested in dolls, and boys are interested in cars. And then - vice versa.

Everyone is interested in how you are doing... But it would be better not to do this! You pour out your soul, and the only answer is “I see.”

What can you do to interest a man... I started playing war craft. :)

- There is no love, it’s just sex, There is no friendship, mutual interest.

You are all so interesting when you say: you are smart, you will pass all the exams...

I am very interested in this question: “Who determines that cat food has become tastier?”

There are so many interesting things in this life and so few people are interested.

Interesting statuses, status about interests

P Hello, girls! Help me please... What to write in the interests of VKontakte for girls? Please advise! This is what your assistance is all about. I'll thank you later... Don't hesitate!

Girls' advice sent:

  • Oksana (pseudonym – Ogonyok):

If only the words had meaning! Write, as long as it is beautifully written. It’s good if there are no errors...

  • Amalia (pseudonym – Professional Chess Player):

Arrange a scattering of short jokes on the page! The kind that would characterize you at certain moments in your life. I would do this too, but everyone doesn’t get around to it!

  • Olga (pseudonym – Northern Star):

What won't work as usual? You just need to list all the real interests that accompany you every day. I'll write an example:




Riding a motorcycle.



Break dancing.

Playing the guitar.

Various discos.


Visiting cinemas (theatres).


  • Alexandra (pseudonym – Daughter of Heaven):

On my VKontakte (page) everything starts with the word “love”:

I love to cook.

I love to eat.

I love to walk.

I like to talk with friends.

I love “climbing” in Photoshop.

I love watching TV series.

I love watching people.

I love taking part in competitions.

I love to sing all sorts of songs.

I love to take a bath.

I love receiving gifts and giving gifts.

I like to fully relax.

I love to win the hearts of young (and not so young) people.

I love to cry with laughter.

I love going on dates.

I love to love and be loved (the only one).

I like to disappear on holidays.

I like to work at interesting and not boring work.

  • Angelica (alias – Goddess of Great Love):

Girl, forgive me, of course, but you are very strange! Haven't you figured out what to write about your interests? Write what you love and that's it. And if your fantasy doesn’t work, don’t torture it! Write (list) everything on one line. You can have more than one, if you can! It’s up to you to decide for yourself (regarding the “sweeping” of the lines).

  • Jasmine (Flower Pollen):

Write directly that you cannot live without the Internet! And in the modern world, almost no one is interested in anything else now. Sorry if I offended you.

  • Khayala (pseudonym – Eastern Beauty):

What to write? And whatever you want! No one will look closely at this! But it would be original to list interests alphabetically. I would do that, but I have absolutely no time for social networks.

  • Augustine (pseudonym – Abandoned by Fate):

Write your interests in some unusual language. My friend (also a neighbor) wrote in Japanese. And you can write in Hebrew! There are many languages. In Russian it’s banal. Come up with something!

  • Lyudmila (pseudonym – Look into My Eyes):

Look at what is written on my page and write the same on yours. Although…. No! I won't give you this link. Let me be more original than you!

  • Maria (pseudonym – I Live Alone Only by You):

Write something on VKontakte that will coincide with the information and writing style of your guy (if, of course, you have one). He will be pleased that you “copy” him. Self-esteem will definitely awaken in him!

  • Nadezhda (pseudonym – Doll of Magic and Powers):

Interests: People. House. Trees. Rocks. Tulya. Tables... List everything as long as possible. Don't stop! There is no need to think about it. Write in the “interests” column everything that comes to mind first! This will make your interests more interesting!

  • Lily (pseudonym – Singer):

Hm…. Do you need a sample, or am I misunderstanding something? Look through the pages of VKontakte, find something that interests you, and get a little idea about it. Add something of your own to someone else’s idea, and the result will be a very educational mixture! It will be able to interest many people and it will not leave you indifferent.

  • Nina (pseudonym – Tear of Happiness):

Oh, no need! Don't pretend! You know what to write there. You're just too lazy to think today! I will be silent, otherwise I will write something unnecessary.

  • Olga (pseudonym – Lunar Path):

Write “Internet” and “VKontakte” in capital letters. That's enough. Unless, of course, you live in the world of reality, but disappear in virtual worlds most of your time.

  • Ksenia (pseudonym – Stripe of Bright Light):

In the “Interests” column, you usually write about your own interests. What, did she discover America? Then I’m proud! You can write about strangers. For the “little red word”. If there is nothing to write about your own! Forgive me for being so rude, but sometimes people deserve to be rude.

  • Zhanna (pseudonym – Coffee Grounds):

It’s better to write about your hobbies in the form of tags, so that people (with the same interests as yours) can quickly get to your page if they want. And also write what you believe in, what groups you are in... This is in separate columns, but it wouldn’t hurt to repeat it.

  • Julia (pseudonym – Fairy of Compliments):

ABOUT! I can write endlessly about this. And a page is not enough for me. That’s why I started several of them, rather than sitting on just one. I advise you to do the same if you have something to write, but there are a lot of thoughts.

  • Ekaterina (pseudonym – Forest Riddle):

Online dating

In recent years, the World Wide Web has undergone tremendous development. Today, almost every person uses the power of the Internet. Social networks are becoming more and more popular. Initially, they were conceived as a way of communication between former classmates and graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. Today, social networks have become a good platform for forming interest groups, meeting people and organizing events. To be successful, you need to know what interests you have in Contact, what to write in your profile, what photos are best to post, how to behave, and so on.

Where to start?

The first thing to do is register. Why on the blue-blue network? According to surveys, it is the most popular, especially among young people. Then you need to fill out your interests in Contact. Many people get lost at this stage or do not consider it important to provide complete information in the application form. But it is precisely by this that people will look for you. After all, you can communicate not only with former classmates and fellow students, but also with other people. Including with the opposite sex. Therefore, it is important to know why interests are needed in Contact and what to write in them.


First of all, it is important to decide for what purpose you are creating the page. If you are looking for friends or a loved one, then not only write down information about yourself in detail, but also indicate your interests in “Contact”. What to write? Any of your hobbies. They will be the basis for acquaintance. If you

for example, if you love horse riding, then look for a girl with a similar hobby. This will make it easier for you to find topics to talk about. Don't forget about such an important aspect as literacy. Today many people neglect this quality. But correctly written text is important not only for the exam. After all, it is on this basis that the first impression will be made. When communicating, you should not get carried away with slang and slang words - this can be off-putting. You can use cool interests in Contact. Any originality only attracts. Write about your hobbies with a bit of humor or in an original way. Feel free to use your imagination and be creative.

Few people know how to use interests in Contact in business and what to write in them. It doesn't require much. It is only important to fill out the form correctly. Please indicate your real details, what you do and what kind of partners you are looking for. If you

If you provide services or sell a product, describe its features in detail. Don't neglect spelling. After all, it is on the basis of your profile that people will form an opinion about your business. If you treat her with disdain, then what can you expect from others?


Social networks have become a part of our lives. They still allow us to maintain connections between graduates of higher and secondary specialized institutions, former classmates. But today they acquire new meanings. Thus, VKontakte has become one of the most popular platforms for dating the opposite sex. They are also looking for friends here. Many companies and stores, all kinds of businessmen actively promote their product or service through the VKontakte website. This is also a convenient service for receiving quick feedback. So don't be afraid to sign up for the blue network. It's not that difficult.

Girls! Girls!

I want to be original, but I don’t know how best to convey my unusualness in words. Write something interesting, advise! Right now!

  1. Hello! Just set it up simply….. Everything you’ve been and are passionate about. This is enough, it seems to me. My point is that these “troubles” can be left behind. Naturalness always wins (from Olya).
  2. Or maybe you could write something poetic... Or interests in such a way that they rhyme more accurately. This “alignment” attracts attention. By the way, I also thought of “scribbling” something just like that. Yes, all the handles don’t reach. Yes, and legs. But I know that everything will come! I’ll find the time, and it will come (from Dasha).
  3. My idea was stolen! I dreamed of writing the same thing and giving advice! It didn't work out... Well, nothing! There's no point in yawning! In other things, it means I will succeed (from Ulyana).
  4. Night, moon, quiet and a glass of wine! Well, something like that. Personally, I would write it that way. But I don’t use social networks. I don't like it there somehow. Not what I don't like. I just love reality more (from Julia).
  5. Look what I have written! Although…. I’ll write here too to make it more interesting! “Everything I’m passionate about, look in my soul! And on the lines you see only a reflection of my state.” Kidding! I don't have it written that way. I'm the one who makes you think of all sorts of thoughts. But I don’t write mine so that you don’t be trivial. There is no point in being offended for this (from Tanya).
  6. Do this... Write, for example... Movies. Next is the enumeration. Songs. Enumeration. Hobby. Again – enumeration. Write everything in this key! Just don’t turn off your imagination to make it more interesting (from Lily).
  7. Write everything you like in life. Don't hide and don't overdo it. Whatever comes to mind first, “scratch” it! And don't be afraid of judgement. After all, the main thing is sincerity. Don't even think about the rest. Personally, I wouldn't think so. But I take into account that people are all different (from Nina).
  8. If you write “in contact” “for show”, then adapt to all this! You read the guy’s interests on VKontakte and copy them over to yourself, but in your own words and swapping places. So that no one would suspect anything (from Alla).
  9. Is there nothing else to do? Don't make things up! Do something that will bring more benefits than writing interests on social networks. Don’t think that I condemn, but I don’t approve either (from Olya).
  10. Hello! Write everything you want after a fifth. My heart will tell you everything, dear! And what it keeps silent about is not worth it. I hope I write everything clearly? Wonderful! I would write now, as I would write (and what I would write), but I can’t…. You need to cook dinner for your beloved man. I have to get home from work soon. The hungry will come. And if he’s hungry, then he’s angry. And pouring your loved one is the last thing (from Irina).
  11. Hello! Write everything! Everything is everything. Don't hide anything. Or, imagine that you are “writing out” a questionnaire. You will immediately understand what you need. In general, your interests (your entry about them) will attract those whom you should attract! And worry about the rest of her too. Why do you need someone (the attention of someone) who you don’t need? I think what I say is true (from Rita).
  12. Hm…. What strange things! What, thoughts are turned off? What, is it difficult to think of? Go through the pages and you will understand everything! You'll notice a lot of things (from Martha).
  13. Start with the word “love.” It (this word) always attracts everyone. Especially those who are very romantic (from Ruslana).
  14. Take a walk through the pages of social networks, choose the most unusual interests, and write to yourself. Then choose from what you have chosen. You will end up with an interesting assortment (from Milana).
  15. Just write down a detailed list of what you are interested in. You don’t have to describe your hobbies. Enumeration will be enough! Is it true! Look (from Elena).
  16. Write “In Contact” like this: “I’ll write everything about myself in a personal message!” See how people will reach out to you. Both familiar and not so familiar (from Anfisa).
  17. If you write for the sake of a guy, write the hobbies that he has. In my own words, of course, without copying. Perhaps he will appreciate it (from Anya).
  18. Write just a few words... Here are the options: Someone stole all my interests! I'll try it and tell you. I'll sleep and tell you. Ask by phone! The most extraordinary!
  19. What else can you write to show and prove your originality? I think something like that (from Lyra). Read point number 20.
  20. What to write? - Write a few short stories from your childhood. Right in the “my interests” column. Just don’t get carried away, because there is always a limited number of characters (from Aida).
  21. Write the truth! The whole truth! And this will be the most original. And you won’t have to invent anything, and you won’t have to lie either (from Ariel).
  22. Write down all your preferences (hobbies) for the last month. Everyone is interested in the “fresh” truth! She is more interesting (from Euphrosyne).
  23. If you like to communicate, then first of all write everything about communication (in great detail). If you like to walk, write how and where you like to walk. Also - in detail. Well, and so on (from Olya).
  24. Can you write poetry? Can you rhyme words? That's how I would write it... About hobbies in poetic form. This usually attracts (from Irina).
  25. Arrange all your hobbies in alphabetical order and write them down in this column. It will be more interesting to read this way (from Dasha).
  26. What to write? - What is your profession? Do you like your job? Write that you are very interested in your work (from Lucy).
  27. I can't decide yet. I'll look at my page. Wait a little. Oh…. It doesn't open for some reason. Please wait some more! Yeah... Opening! I simply wrote, separated by commas, about what I like. But I listed the most – the most “necessary” hobbies. So that there is nothing superfluous at all. Otherwise, interested parties will ask, and you won’t know what to answer (from Martha).
  28. Interests "In contact"? Here it is: “I love to be beautiful, to be loved and to love!” This is enough in such a column. You'll tell us the rest as the conversation progresses. But don't say too much! Don't forget about humor. If possible, he should always be present. But what about without him, if it’s more fun with him? You can write a simple list of everything. No one will punish you for this (from Julia).