How to make different symbols on the keyboard. How to put characters on the keyboard: tips and tricks

When writing, not only letters are used, but also punctuation marks: period, colon, comma, exclamation mark, dash, etc. In addition to punctuation marks, there are special symbols on a laptop keyboard - for example, a hash mark, a dollar sign, and a line for an underscore, which can be made from a dash. In this sense, the laptop keyboard is completely identical to a regular one. computer keyboard, offering a similar set of punctuation marks.

Signs and special characters on the keyboard

The operation of a laptop keyboard usually does not require the installation of an additional software. The only exception is the operation of “hot keys”, for which it is necessary to install special utilities, downloaded from the manufacturer's website. The remaining buttons, including those that allow you to add a dash or any other punctuation mark, work on the drivers preinstalled in the BIOS.

Depending on the selected layout, some punctuation buttons change their location. You can safely put an exclamation mark, a dash, an opening and closing parenthesis. Even a simple dash turns into an underscore when you press the Shift key.

Most punctuation marks are special characters this is how you need to put it, holding it down first Shift button. If, for example, a colon is drawn above the number “6” on the right, then you can put it on the Russian layout by pressing Shift. If the layout is English, then the character that is located on the button on the left will be printed. To help you better understand the difference, here is a table with all the punctuation marks in Cyrillic (Russian) and Latin (English) layouts:

If you need to insert characters into the text that are not on the keyboard, then use a special table that shows combinations of the Alt key with numeric codes.

Using such tables (they are different), you can insert almost any symbol, from a note to a paragraph, an emoticon or a heart.

Creating a new layout

If you don’t like the way punctuation marks are located on the keyboard, and you constantly wonder where the comma is and where the dash is on different layouts before entering the desired character, then change the layout to suit you using the free Microsoft programs Keyboard Layout Creator. This will solve the problem with punctuation marks moving across the keyboard. You've probably encountered this situation: in English text you need to insert a comma according to its meaning, but in the Latin layout, when you press a button, a slash is inserted.

Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator helps eliminate this inconvenience by allowing you to customize your layout. Other users will have to explain how to put punctuation marks, but you won’t have to worry about typing.

  1. Launch the program. To avoid creating a keyboard layout with all the letters and punctuation marks from scratch, expand the "File" menu and click "Load Existing Keyboard."
  2. For example, let's edit Latin layout keyboards. Highlight "USA" and click "OK."
  3. Give the project a name. Expand the "Project" menu and select "Properties".
  4. In the “Name” line, specify the name of the project - it will be used as the name of the folder with the configuration files. In the “Description” field, enter a name for the layout. Make it unique so it will appear on the list Windows layouts. If you simply write “English”, you will not be able to understand where the normal layout is and where the individual layout is.
  5. Return to the main program window. Look in the line “Current working directory” where the folder with the configuration files will be saved. You can change the location of the directory by clicking on the dotted button and pointing through Explorer to a different location on the disk.

To assign a new value to a key, left-click on it and in the window that appears, enter a different character or its code. Then you need to check the box next to the “Shift” item and edit the so-called upper values ​​of the buttons on the keyboard. For example, you can split the dash and underscore into different buttons, or split the number “1” and exclamation point into separate keys.

If you press the “All” button in the character input window, the additional menu, in which you can assign key values ​​for combinations with Alt or Alt+Shift.

It is not recommended to touch the letters to avoid confusion. Place a period, comma, colon in the English layout in the same place where they are on the keyboard in the Russian layout. Don’t forget to bring the Russian layout into line so that there are no errors or overlapping characters.

If you need additional characters, which are not initially on the keyboard, they can also be easily added with using Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator. For example, let’s add a ruble sign to a button with a dash and underscore.

  1. Open the Unicode character table. Find the ruble sign. Copy the character itself or its Unicode number.
  2. Return to the main program window. Click the dash button, then click All.
  3. Insert the ruble sign into the line “ctrl+alt+key”. Save the new dash configuration by clicking OK.

To add a layout, you need to create installation package with the setup.exe file that will launch the installer. Expand the "Project" menu and click "Build DLL and Setup Package". The installer will offer to create an operation log (click “No”) and open the folder with the file for installation in Explorer (click “Yes”).

Put on regular keyboard or laptop comma very easily. Another thing is where exactly in the proposal to add it so that there is no mistake.

The Word program or this little instruction will help you 90% with this, although it is best to study the punctuation completely.

To type a comma on the keyboard, you need to see which layout is enabled - Russian or English.

It depends on them where the comma will be located on the keyboard of your netbook, laptop or USB computer.

How to write a comma in the Russian keyboard layout

In a laptop and a regular keyboard with a Russian layout, the comma is in the same place, but you won’t be able to place it with one key.

To print it, hold down the Shift button - you can print it on the right or left side, there is no difference.

Then click on the button with four symbols: a question mark, a semicolon and two sticks - it is located at the bottom right side. See fig.

How to make a comma on an English keyboard

In an English-language keyboard, placing a comma is much easier; more precisely, you only need to press one key - the one where the Russian letter “B” is located.

If you often have to change the layout, I recommend using a small free application– Ruslat95.

Having launched it once, you can switch the language by pressing just one key – “Ctrl”. It's faster than standard way– two.

By the way, there are many applications that improve text input from the keyboard, for example, a program that automatically selects the layout you need.

Lesson 3. How to enter punctuation marks on the keyboard

At the request of blog visitors, I am writing news)) Many people say, “they press a period, but a comma is entered, or vice versa.”

Rule one. Remember that depending on what language you are typing in (keyboard layout) and whether you are holding down the Shift key, any key will enter different symbols.

Punctuation marks in Russian

(Russian layout).

This picture (above) shows the complete keyboard with all the characters that can be entered. Let's now look at punctuation marks in the Russian layout.

Only those punctuation symbols that can be entered when typing text in Russian are displayed here. It turns out that no matter how hard we try, we won’t enter the @ sign on the Russian keyboard

I think everything is clear with the letters, in order for the letter to be large you need to press Shift + letter (I advise you to read the lesson "Combinations Windows keys")

So, let's pay attention to the most top row keys If in Russian we simply click on them, numbers will be entered, if we click Shift key, then the punctuation marks at the top will be entered, not the numbers.

Example: How to enter the punctuation mark “Comma” in Russian? To do this, we need to press the shift key and without releasing its dot (the key to the right of the letter yu), if we just click on it, we will get a dot. How to enter a number sign in Russian - No? To do this, press the shift key and without releasing its number 3. How to enter a question mark in Russian? Shift+7, -i.e. press the shift key and without releasing the number 7, and then naturally release the seven and Shift.

Punctuation in English

Everything is the same here, below is a picture with those symbols and punctuation marks that can be entered in English.

Please note that there are characters that can only be entered in Russian or only in English. Also note that on the English layout, a comma is entered by pressing the Russian letter B, and a dot on Y. If you press SHIFT, you will enter a greater than sign or a less than sign

How to put an apostrophe on the keyboard

When working with text documents It is not uncommon for there to be a need to install right place an upper comma, which is more correctly called an apostrophe. It is most often used when writing English words, but there are exceptions. In this topic, we will consider all the options for how to quickly put an apostrophe on the keyboard of a laptop or computer, using hotkey combinations and built-in character tables in Windows and Microsoft Office.

The classic way to enter an apostrophe

Unfortunately, this method demanding on keyboard layout. Therefore, before placing the upper comma, make sure that the keyboard layout of your laptop or computer is switched to English language. Afterwards, you just need to press the key with the letter “E” and the top comma will be inserted into the place you need.

The advantage of the method is speed. The downside is constant control over the keyboard layout.

Unconventional input method

This method putting a comma on top is less popular and is used only by advanced users. Although there is no difficulty in it, you just need to remember the hotkey combination “Alt+0146”.

Please note: this combination involves the number keys from the right numeric block of the keyboard. The top number row is not suitable for this purpose.

The advantage of the method is that it is not demanding on the keyboard layout. Disadvantage: more complex combination shortcut keys.

We use the symbol table built into Windows

The third option for placing an upper comma is to refer to the symbol table operating system. There are several ways to open it.

  1. Take advantage search bar Start menu.
  1. Use the key combination “Windows + R” to launch command interpreter“Run” and apply the “charmap” command.

Having launched the table, select the apostrophe sign, click on “Select”, and then “Copy”.

In this case, the upper comma character will be copied to the clipboard. All that remains is to insert it into the right place.

The advantage of the method is in relation to previous methods input, missing. Minus - low speed input and the mandatory presence of a mouse.

Using the symbol table in Microsoft Office

The fourth option to put a comma at the top of a word is to use the built-in Microsoft package Office still uses the same character table. We will show an example in Word version 2007. If you have a different version this application, there may be some minor interface differences.

Open the application and go to the “Insert” tab. Next, simply select the “Symbol” item. To open the entire table, click on the “Other symbols” link.

Please note: if you need to put an upper comma when working with Excel, then the procedure is identical.

In the table that opens, select the apostrophe symbol and click insert.

The advantages and disadvantages are the same as the previous method.

Beginners sometimes have a question: how to put an exclamation mark on the keyboard of a computer or laptop? Everything is extremely simple. In both cases, the keyboards are very similar, the differences are only at the level function keys and their locations. Basic printed characters remain unchanged.

Above the three rows of letters of the Russian and English alphabets is a row with numbers. When you press these buttons normally, the corresponding number will be entered. However, if, when pressing a key, you first hold down the Shift button, then the characters that are shown in the upper left and lower right parts buttons Everything will depend on what you choose at the moment language layout - English or Russian.

So, if you look at the numbers from 1 to 0, you can immediately notice that the “1” key has an exclamation mark. Thus, to type an exclamation mark on the keyboard, hold down the Shift key (either on the left or on the right) and press one ( Shift + 1). It should be noted that the exclamation mark will be entered regardless of the current layout, since this button does not have another auxiliary character for which it is responsible for entering.

Here is a photo of the keyboard desktop computer and laptop keyboard so you can make sure that the key you are looking for is in the same place in both cases.

If for some reason it was not possible to put an exclamation mark, then you can:

1. Copy it directly from this page - here it is “!”. Select, click right click mouse and select copy. Then, use the same method to paste it into the document you need.

2. Go to search engine, for example, Yandex. There is a keyboard icon on the right side of the input field. By clicking on it, a keyboard will open at the bottom of the screen, completely replicating a real standard keyboard.

Next, we perform the actions described at the beginning of the article, namely, press the “Shift” button, and then the number key “1”. As a result, an exclamation mark will be printed in the input field. You can also copy it from there.

3. If you work in text Microsoft editor Word, then you can type the symbol you are interested in by selecting “Insert” - “Symbol” - “Other symbols...” in the main menu.

In the dialog box that opens, you need to find the exclamation mark and click the “Insert” button, then close the window.

It wouldn’t hurt to immediately show some other symbols that are often used when typing on a computer:

Thus, we have figured out where the exclamation mark is on the keyboard, now you should not have problems finding the right key.

There are times when you need to use characters that are not on the keyboard. For example, all sorts of crosses, stars and hearts in statuses or nicknames in social networks, such as VKontakte or Facebook. This article describes in detail how to type such characters.

And so, just below you will see two ways, the first is to type such characters on a computer using codes with the Alt key, and the second way to type on an Android tablet or smartphone, which is also necessary. And just below you will learn how to type the ruble sign on the keyboard.

A set of symbols and signs on the keyboard.

There is such a wonderful key - "Alt". It is often used, for example, when using keyboard shortcuts in other programs, such as . But today we need it for other cases, namely, for typing various symbols and signs that are not on the keyboard. Below you will see a list of codes and opposite symbols. You just need to hold Alt key and on right side using the keyboard, enter the code that corresponds to the character you need.

If these buttons do not work, then you need to turn on the NumPad, to do this you need to press the Num Lock key, otherwise the NumPad buttons will work as controls for you.

As you can see, everything is simple.

Character codes with Alt key. So, how do you enter characters on the keyboard with the Alt key? Everything is much simpler than it seems. In order to enter a character, you need to hold down the Alt key and type numbers on the NumPad.

After which you can lower the Alt key, but main question: what numbers should I enter to get the desired character? This is where the list of Alt character codes below will come to your aid. The list is considerable, collected here various symbols from hearts and crosses to zodiac signs.

Alt symbol table:

How to type the ruble symbol on the keyboard?

If you need a ruble sign, then you probably already noticed that it is not found anywhere on the keys, let's figure out how to enter the ruble sign.

In Windows 10, 8.1, 8 and Windows 7, you can also type the ruble sign using the Alt key. To do this you need to press and hold right Alt + 8. If you can’t type the ruble sign in Windows 7, then the update may not be installed, just update the system through Windows Update.

Also, you can simply copy the ruble sign here - ?.

Symbols of the zodiac signs.

You can simply select these symbols of the zodiac signs, copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) to the desired place, either from a computer or from a mobile device.






Character set on an Android device.

If you are using a tablet or smartphone on Android, then it is even easier to enter characters here, because you do not need to use any codes. The default keyboard (usually Google keyboard), of course good and convenient, but there is a more universal analogue "Hackers Keyboard". This keyboard has many symbols that can be entered without codes. This keyboard is completely free and is available on the Play Market.

Now you can type symbols that are not on the keyboard, thanks to the Alt symbol table, you also learned how to type the ruble sign and enter symbols on Android device. That's all, if you have any questions or have anything to add, please comment.