How to add browser visual bookmarks. How to install visual bookmarks in the Google Chrome browser

Now, when almost every second apartment has cable Internet, and every third apartment has a WiFi router, the issue of the security of a home wireless network is particularly acute. Young home-grown hackers, having read various guides on the topic, storm neighboring networks in search of freebies and entertainment.
If the router is configured correctly, then their attempts are doomed to failure.
But the problem is that security is not always configured at the proper level. Many users don’t even think about it at all, believing that there is nothing terrible here and if someone uses their Internet access, then nothing terrible will happen. But in vain...

An attacker can do absolutely anything. For example, by intercepting data, take away social network accounts, photos from your computer, or payment card details.
To avoid this you need to:
— Firstly, be sure to enable WPA2-PSK + AES encryption
— Secondly, disable the WPS function
— Thirdly, control wireless network clients.
If there should be no special questions with the first two points, then many may have difficulties with how to find out who is connected to the router’s WiFi network. I want to dwell on this in more detail.
First, you need to look at all your devices that currently use Wi-Fi to access the Internet. Each of them has its own hardware identifier - MAC address. You can view it in the information about the wireless network card, namely in the “Physical Address” line.

On a tablet or smartphone, the same can be done through the network adapter settings. Don't forget about SMART TVs, media players and game consoles. Next, we need to write down all our MACs in a separate list - we will definitely need it in the future.
Now you need to open the router's web interface. As an example, let's look at the 4 most popular brands of network access devices.


Let's look at the most popular model - DIR-300. For other models, the sequence of actions will be identical due to the fact that the user interface of the firmware is identical. To view Wi-Fi clients on the D-Link router, you need to find the “Status” section in the web interface:

There will be a subsection “Station list”, in which the following table will be displayed:

It displays a list of devices connected to the D-Link router via WiFi. Of all the information, only the “MAC” column is useful to us, which lists the client hardware identifiers. Check it against your list. The different MACs are most likely the unauthorized users who have connected.


To see who is connected to the TP-Link router, you need to open the “Wireless Mode” section and find the “Statistics” item there:

This will show the number of active clients and a list of their MAC addresses. Their network statistics on received and transmitted packets are also displayed here.


On ASUS routers, you can see who is connected to my WiFi directly from the “Network Map” section:

There will be a "Clients" icon. By clicking on it, you will see the following list on the right side of the window:

It displays the names of devices and their IP. To view detailed information about each of them, simply click on the desired line.


Zyxel Keenetic Internet centers provide, perhaps, the most complete information about all connected clients - both wired and wireless. To see who is connected to the router, you need to open the “Home Network” section:

On the “Devices” tab, a table will be displayed that will show hostnames, IP and connection method - cable or WiFi. Here you can enable access restrictions, which can be used to deny access to your home network to all devices that are not registered in it.

An alternative way to find out how many devices are connected to WiFi

Is there another option? allowing me to easily see who is connected to my router. It does not require access to the access point settings at all. You just need to install one single program - Wireless Network Watcher. It is free, does not require installation on the system and downloading it on the Internet is not a problem, so I will not post the link.

As you can see, the utility displays a list of all connected devices and you can easily find out how many computers, tablets and phones are connected to Wi-Fi. Based on the results of your work, you can save the report in HTML, XML, CSV format or as a regular text file.

When working on a local network, home or office, we sometimes need to find out who is working with shared folders on our computer, how many such users are and what files they are using.

How to find out who connected to shared folders

Go to Computer Management:

In the Shared Folders section, open the Sessions section:

You will see a list of active connections to your computer. Here you can see which user connected, from which computer the connection was established, and view user activity (Idle Time column).

To see which files are open, select the Open files section.

How can I see who is connected to my Wi-Fi router?

Hello. Today I decided to write an article that will be of interest to everyone who has their own Wi-Fi router installed. For some reason, I’m sure that even if you protected your Wi-Fi network with a password, you still had the question of how to see who is connected to my Wi-Fi router. And if so, then you have come to the right place :) Now I’ll write as quickly as possible to see which of those sneaky neighbors hacked your Wi-Fi network and is secretly using your Internet :)

You can simply go to the settings panel of your Wi-Fi router and see the information we need.

I’ll show you using the TP-Link TL-WR841N router as an example, I just have one, but even if you have a different router, it won’t be difficult to find the necessary information in the settings, so let’s continue.

How to find out who is connected to a Wi-Fi network?

All we need is to simply go to the router settings, go to the appropriate tab and identify the “criminal” who is stealing the Internet :)

So the most important thing is to get into the router settings. We enter in the address bar of the browser (this address works for me), you can also try In any case, on the pieces of paper that came with the router it is written how to enter the settings (or look at the bottom of the router).

We get to the router management page. Now we need to find a page where we can see who is connected to our Wi-Fi router. I have a TP-Link TL-WR841N on my router, and I think all TP-Link ones, go to the “Wireless” tab and select “Wireless Statistics”. We look in the table at how many devices are connected to your Wi-Fi network. As you can see, I have two devices, no, these are not neighbors 🙂, this is my phone and a tablet. As you have already noticed, the MAC address of the device, the encryption type and the number of transmitted packets are displayed.

On another tab you can see who is connected to the network, not only via Wi-Fi, but also via cable.

Go to the “DHCP” tab, then “DHCP Clients List”. As you can see, I already have three devices here, and I also added my computer, which is connected via a network cable. This page displays not only the MAC address, but also the name of the device and the IP that was assigned to the device. Clicking the “Refresh” button updates the statistics.

For popular D-LINK routers, look for the “Active session” tab, and see who is connected to the router.

You might ask, well, there are devices there, but how can I figure out where mine are and what to do if there is an extra MAC address? I answer, to find out the MAC address of your device in the list or not, for example, go to the settings on your phone and go to something like information about the phone or about the device. Look there what MAC address you have, how to do this on your computer, read the article How to find out and change the MAC address.

If you find someone else's MAC address in the list, you can block it on the “Wireless MAC Filtering” tab. Just add a new MAC and set the option to “Disabled”. I may write more about this in a separate article. It wouldn’t hurt to change the password for your Wi-Fi network as a preventive measure.

Good luck, and take care of your internet!

Check who is connected to your computer!

Every computer on the network is constantly scanned for open ports. This is not done out of mischief, but for completely pragmatic reasons - to make money. The fact is that scanning allows you to find vulnerable computers, and attackers can easily assemble botnets from vulnerable computers and then make money on them by offering DDoS attack services. How to avoid becoming part of a botnet?

The first thing to note is that the best protection is to completely block all incoming connections using a firewall. This is impossible on a server, but on a home computer it’s easy. Moreover, every Linux computer already has a firewall installed, and one of the most powerful is iptables. With its help, you can block all incoming connections and allow all outgoing connections in just a couple of lines. More information about fortifying your computer using iptables can be found here.

But let’s say that you are one of those careless users of glamorous distributions like Ubuntu, who immediately after installation run to admire the “beauties” of Unity, forgetting to turn off the “shining” Internet services? How can I see a list of these ports? Very simple. You don't even have to install anything. Write in the terminal:

Look in the Local Addresses column. Pay attention to the address: means that only local users can connect to the open port, while means that the entire Internet is invited to visit.

Another interesting column is Foreign Addresses. It shows the IP addresses of users who have already connected to your computer (and the addresses of those you have connected to). In the terminal you can type whois and see information about the address. As a rule, attackers use servers abroad, public hosting, VPN services, etc. All this can be easily seen through whois.

Now the question arises, what to do?

  • Disable all unused services.
  • For those services that cannot be disabled, consider moving them to run on the internal network interface. For example, MySQL running on is quite safe, but the same MySQL on already poses a potential threat.
  • Create rules for iptables. The policy should be this: first ban everything, and then allow only what is minimally necessary to work on the network.
  • Move sshd from standard port No. 22 to any other. Paranoid people can further protect sshd using knockd.
  • Install software that periodically checks system files for modification.
  • Encrypt and archive all important information. Do not immediately delete the old archive when creating a new one.
Has your Ubuntu computer already become part of a botnet?


How to find out who is using my wifi? | Your networker

The Internet is an integral part of the life of a modern person: wireless networks are multiplying at an enviable speed, but the number of “freebie” lovers who prefer to use their neighbor’s WiFi router is increasing in proportion to them. At the same time, the rightful owner of an unscheduled “shared” access point only gets into trouble: low wireless connection speed, drop in traffic, etc.

Therefore, the question “how to find out who is using my wifi” is more than relevant today, and in this article we will tell you how to see how many users are connected to a wifi router.

How to check how many devices are connected to wifi?

To find out whether enterprising neighbors are using your wifi, you first need to determine the static IP address of the router.

For most modern routers, the factory settings are indicated on the service sticker located on the back panel of the device.

Here, the IP address line contains the combination of numbers (in most cases, this is or, which is necessary to access the device settings.

How to see how many people are connected to wifi through the router settings?

The easiest way to find out who is using your wifi is to look at the number of active connections through the router's web interface. To do this, enter the static IP of the router in the address bar of any browser installed on your computer and press the Enter key.

To enter the wireless network settings, you will also need to enter the login/password of your router: with factory settings, this is the combination admin/admin.

If the authentication parameters have been changed, but you do not remember the new login and password, you can reset the router settings to factory settings (this can be found in the article about setting up DHCP) and reconfigure the device according to standard instructions.

To see how many devices are connected to wifi, in the router's control panel, find the DHCP settings section, where all active users of your wireless network will be listed.

If you wish, you can delete or ban the Mac address of the selected device here, thereby preventing the thief from further access to your traffic.

Is it possible to find out who is using my wifi without using the router settings?

In addition, you can figure out who is using my wifi using special software designed specifically for monitoring wireless networks.

Such programs use commview for wifi or the “Wireless Network watcher” utility, which can be downloaded for free on the public Internet.

After installing the program, it scans your network and shows all computers and mobile gadgets connected to the router.

At the same time, for each device, basic data is indicated (Mac address, device name, manufacturer and device model), with the help of which you can identify illegal WiFi users.

However, you can only ban third-party connections through the router's web interface.

To protect your WiFi network from “intrusions,” it is recommended to set only complex, unique WiFi passwords: it is advisable to use Latin letters of different case and numbers. You can also disable the WPS function and, in your router settings, limit the number of users who can connect to your network.

How to find out who is connected to my wifi router

Hello dear readers of the blog Many guests of my blog periodically have questions related to creating a home wireless network and all the issues associated with this procedure. One of the most pressing topics for many is the question of how to find out who is connected to my wifi router.

I want to say right away that this situation arises in very rare cases, since without knowing the password, hacking a wireless network is problematic and can only be done by very experienced users.

But you should also not miss the point that the security password for a wireless network organized in your home can be very simple and can be accessed by simply selecting characters. It can also happen that the password was obtained by chance, it was mentioned on the landing, the child told his neighbor, and he retold everything down the chain. But in any case, it’s unpleasant when something of yours is used for free, and you have to pay a monthly fee for it. It may also not be entirely secure if you pay by bank card and transfer money while on an unsecured network. Most often, you can only notice that someone has connected to your wifi network when you feel a very strong decrease in speed. There is a special service for checking Internet speed, which you can read about in the corresponding article. But I will say right away that you will only be able to feel a change in speed if a very large number of unknown devices are connected to your network, or if files are constantly being downloaded from these devices via a torrent client.

Checking through the router menu

How can I check who is connected to my wifi? First, I advise you to read how to set up a wifi router and how to connect to a wireless network. Depending on the brand of router you have installed in your home, the test will vary slightly. I will give two examples based on Asus routers and TP-Link routers.

First, you need to go into the settings of your router and check the number of connected devices, both via cable and wireless.

List of connected devices (Asus router)

List of connected devices (TP-Link router)

This tab displays the IP addresses, MAC addresses and names of those devices that are connected to your wifi router. If you don’t find any suspicious connections in this list, then you can rest assured, but if not all connections are clear to you, then turn off the devices connected to your router one by one. The last device should be the computer from which you are currently performing setup and testing. If, in addition to your computer, you see additional addresses and names of devices, you can say with complete confidence that someone is connected to your network. In order to disconnect a freeloader from your Wi-Fi, I advise you to simply change the password to a more complex one, this will be enough.

Checking through utilities

In order to check who is connected to my wifi router, several nice programs have been invented and written that allow you to monitor the connection without going into the router settings and unnecessary manipulations. For me, only two utilities turned out to be more convenient and useful, and I will talk about them below.

Soft Perfect WiFi Guard

An easy-to-use program that allows you to check how many devices are on your Wi-Fi. Its functionality includes the ability to scan the network, detect a new connection, notify about a new connection, and display the address and name of the device. You can add a new device to the list of approved ones and the next time you connect, the program will no longer notice it.

WPA and WPA2 encryption protocols, which are used to secure wireless networks, are considered extremely secure. More recently, such protection gave 100% confidence in the security of your Wi-Fi, provided that you use sufficiently strong passwords. But new equipment and modern technologies are gradually making it possible to crack this protection.

For example, using powerful graphics adapters to crack passwords allows you to select even complex keys in real time. For those who cannot afford a $500 GPU, there are special hacking services where they can hack any password for you for a very modest amount. So, if you can no longer vouch for the integrity of your network, then how do you know that it has been hacked and the villains are already inside? Two small utilities will help you with this.

This is a small utility from Nirsoft that scans wireless networks and displays a list of all computers and devices that are currently connected to the network. For each computer or device connected to the network, the IP address, MAC address, name, and possibly the name of the computer are displayed.

You can also export the list of connected devices in HTML/XML/CSV format or copy the list to the clipboard.

Wireless Network Watcher can periodically scan your network in the background. If new devices are detected, the program will alert the user with a sound signal.

SoftPerfect Wi-Fi Guard

This is another free app that scans your Wi-Fi network for new connected devices.

If an unfamiliar device is found, the program warns the user that an intruder has been detected. If the device is known to you, then you can add it to the white list. The program will no longer pay attention to it.

Let's figure out how you can find out who is connected to your Wi-Fi. Today, numerous programs are used to protect personal data; they are considered safe. Some time ago, the use of such protection helped to make sure that access to your Wi-Fi was closed to outsiders, provided that good passwords were used, but looking at the “extra” guests would be just in time.

The use of graphics adapters and other devices allows you to select strong passwords. But if you cannot guarantee that your Wi-Fi network is inviolable, then you need to at least know who has connected and is already using your Wi-Fi. It's one thing when your neighbor uses your network. A completely different situation arises when your network can be used to commit criminal acts. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, it is necessary to ensure the security of the network, look and find out who can be connected to it.

There are several reasons to look at who has connected to and is using your network:

  • A sharp decline in the speed at which data is transferred. But the fact that another user joined the network does not act as the only reason.
  • If you know that the devices are disconnected and the light continues to blink, then you should also check the connection of other devices to my WiFi.

What you need to view

To view the list of connected users, you need to go to the interface where the router settings are presented; this can be done from any device. Almost all WiFi routers have standard addresses - “” or “”. This information is usually found on a sticker located at the bottom or back of the router. If you or someone else changed the password during the setup process from the beginning, you will have to make an effort to remember it.

To enter the settings, open your browser and enter the address:

Viewing a list of connected clients


Recognizing guests is quite easy. After you enter the WiFi settings interface, you must immediately click on the “advanced settings” item, and then select the “status” tab and click on the arrow pointing to the right until the “clients” link appears. Next, click on the link.
After this, you will see a list of devices that are currently connected to the wireless network; they need to be checked. Initially, it is quite possible that you will not be able to determine which of them are yours and which are not, but you can view information about whether there is a correspondence between the number of Wi-Fi clients and the number of your devices operating on the network. Don’t forget to include phones, TVs, set-top boxes, and so on. If there is some inconsistency, then it may be time to change to a WiFi pair. If you have not installed it yet, then you need to do it immediately, in the router settings section.


To find out the connections on this device, you need to select the “network map” menu item, and then press the “clients” button. In the list that appears, the user can see not only the number of devices and their addresses, but also network names, which will allow them to quickly and accurately determine the type of device connected to the router.


You shouldn't have any problems with WiFi with this device, since it has a standard login form. To be able to find out how much is connected to my router, just find the word Wireless on the right and select Wireless Statistics, where you can find the information.

Applications and utilities

Wireless Network Watcher

This utility can easily scan wireless networks and also display a list of devices that are currently connected to my router. You can also export a list of connected devices. It is possible that the program can sometimes scan the network in the background and alert the user if inconsistencies are detected.

Soft Perfect Guard

This WiFi application is free and can easily scan your network for the presence/absence of new devices that are connected to it. If the program can find an unfamiliar device, it instantly alerts the user that an intruder has been detected. If there is a device known to you, and you don’t mind it being connected to my router, you can easily add it to the “white list”, then next time the program will ignore it, and you can see who the real attacker is.

Improving wireless network security

  1. The first rule is that you must always change your login and password. Combinations invented by manufacturers are easily hacked by attackers. To change the password, you need to go to the advanced settings, select the “system tools” tab and the “password” item. In the tab that opens, you can edit the password.
  2. In the WiFi menu, you will need to select the “MAC Address Filtering” tab.
  3. You need to enter MMAC addresses in the router's memory. Even if the owner of a third-party device is able to find out your password, he will not be able to quickly connect to your Internet.

Using the above tips, you can find out and see what kind of uninvited guest and how many people are using your WiFi network and connected to the router, and block his access to the free Internet.

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