How to change password and login in contact. How to find out and change your VK password if you forgot your old password

Please note that to make your account impossible to hack, you should pay special attention to choosing a password. Therefore, there are some rules that will allow you to safely use your profile and will not require you to recover your password or hacked page. First of all, you need to know that the longer your password, the more difficult it is to guess. That is why on the VKontakte website the minimum password length is 6 characters. In addition, the password combination should include both numbers and letters and some symbols %, $, =, and in various combinations.

So, in order to change your password you need to go to the site and log in to your account using your username and password, as shown in the picture.

Please note that when entering a password, the characters are not visible. Therefore, if you are not sure of the correct typing, then it is recommended to type the password in Notepad or Word, and then simply copy it and paste it into the desired field. This way you can see what you are typing.

After you have done everything correctly, the main VKontakte window will open in front of you. In principle, the site has a friendly and intuitive interface, so even a beginner will not find it difficult to understand its settings and main menus.

To change the settings of the current profile, select the “My Settings” menu on the left, as shown below:

After this, the settings menu will open, in which, on the “General” tab, you can change your password to a new one. To do this, scroll down the screen and find the “Change Password” menu.

Then do the following:

    In the “Old password” field, enter your current password with which you logged into the system.

    In the “New Password” field, enter a new password and repeat its entry in the “Repeat Password” field.

    Confirm the changes by clicking on the “Change Password” button.

Please note that the new password must not be shorter than six characters and must contain only numbers. Otherwise, your password will not be changed, and you will receive the appropriate notification:

If you enter your current password incorrectly, the system will display the following error message:

If you did everything correctly, your password in the system will be changed to a new one, and you will receive a notification:

After this, you will be able to access the site only with a new password. If for some reason you did not receive such a message, then your old password will remain active in the system even if you clicked the “Change Password” button.

If you lose your new password, you can use.

It should also be noted that today there are no passwords that cannot be cracked. Any password can be cracked using the brute force method - simple password guessing. It all depends on the complexity of the password. The more complex the password, the longer it may take attackers to guess it. To avoid this, many experts recommend changing passwords to new ones at least once a month. And of course, you should not forget about antiviruses, because the presence of a Trojan program on your computer can significantly facilitate access to your VKontakte page. But if someone hacked your page and changed all your data, including your login and password, then even in this case it is possible to restore your previous account.


What to do if your page is hacked? Almost every Internet user has encountered this situation. In our article you will find all the measures taken to prevent unauthorized access to your account.

How to quickly change your VK password if your page is stolen

The easiest way is to prevent the consequences of hacking and regain your page if the attacker did not manage to unlink your phone number from VKontakte. Although this requires the presence of a SIM card on which VK is registered, because When you unlink a number, a numeric code is sent to it to confirm the action.

What to do if your phone is stolen or lost? And now a random passer-by wants to bring about a revolution in your account. In this case, VK developers have included two forms for restoring access to your profile. The first one is simple, it involves sending a code to the linked phone number or email. The second is advanced, using passport data.

It is worth noting that most often profiles are hacked due to non-compliance with the password policy. Any social network or other online resource that requires registration must have a password policy. As you know, the contact does not impose any restrictions on users when registering. On the one hand, it is convenient - an easy registration system, unaccustomed PC users will cope with it with a bang. On the other hand, without prohibiting the creation of weak passwords, the likelihood of unauthorized access to personal data increases, which violates our privacy.

Method 1 – Restore access to VKontakte using SMS code

  1. So, go to the VK main page. Select " Forgot your password».
  2. Enter the linked phone number or email to which the secret code will be sent. Click " Next».
  3. Confirm that you are not a robot.
  4. Enter the last name indicated on your VK page. After " Next».
  5. At this stage, the system will display the profile that was found based on the entered data. If this is your page, then confirm it - " Yes, this is the right page».
  6. Next, an SMS with a code will be sent to your phone number or email. Click " Get code».
  7. Enter the confirmation code from SMS within the specified time. Next " Send code».
  8. If you successfully enter the code, a form will appear that allows you to change the code. Enter a new password.
  9. If the change is successful, the system will notify you about it. An SMS with your VK login will also be sent to your phone number.

Method 2: Advanced VKontakte access recovery

  1. Repeat the first step from the previous method. Next, select the hyperlink that is responsible for the case if you do not remember your login information or do not have access to your phone.
  2. Provide a link leading to your account. An example is shown in the form. If you don't remember the address, select " Search by people" In this case, you will have access to limited VK access, where you can set parameters for searching for your profile among all others.
  3. After entering the link, a recovery form will be displayed where you need to indicate all the data known to you. It is a mandatory requirement to enter a currently valid phone number in the line “ Available phone number" Next, select “ Apply now».
  4. Don't forget to specify the number in the previous step.
  5. You can use extended recovery only if your account contains photos of your identity. Attach a photo taken in front of the background of the completed application. Click " Next».
  6. Afterwards, the system will ask you to upload a color photo of your passport or any other document proving your identity.
  7. Please indicate the reason why you do not have access to your account. Click " Apply now».
  8. When confirming your application, answer the question whether you have logged in within the last 24 hours.
  9. Please verify that you are not a robot.
  10. Next, an SMS code will be sent to the new specified number. Enter it in the confirmation field. Click " Send code».
  11. That's it. The application has been successfully sent. The system will notify you that the issue will be considered approximately two days from the date of submission of the application. A link is also attached where you can check the status of your application.
  12. For security purposes, a notification will be sent to your old phone number indicating that an application to restore access has been submitted. In addition, a cancellation code will be attached, entering which the application will be blocked.

Please note that by submitting an application, you agree that if the initials in your passport and profile differ, then after successful verification they will change in favor of the identity document.

You can only cancel an operation in your account.

Method 3: Restoring access through the mobile version of VK using the linked phone number or email

  1. Open the mobile version of VKontakte. Click on the hyperlink below the login button.
  2. The recovery form will open. Specify one of the parameters: login,telephone or email.
  3. Enter the last name indicated on the profile page.
  4. Answer yes to the question if your account is displayed.
  5. Enter the code received from SMS. Click " Continue».
  6. Create a new code to access the page. Then click " Change password».

Method 4: Change the password in an authorized account

  1. Open your profile settings by clicking on your photo in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. General settings will be displayed. These include setting your email, phone number, page addresses, language, and password. This is exactly what interests us. Click " Change" opposite the inscription " Password" In addition, it indicates how long the last specified cipher is valid.
  3. A password change window will open. First specify the old one, then specify the new one. It must be repeated on a new line. This is done in case of detection of writing errors. Click " Change password».
  4. After which the system will notify you that your password has been changed.
  5. You will also receive a notification in the form of a message from the VKontakte administration.

To change your password, you do not need to log into your browser. All you need to do is launch the mobile application.

However, VK still recommends taking this more seriously at the stage of setting a new password. You can see the password requirements in the screenshot below. Let us add on our own behalf, no matter how long the password is, it cannot be reliable if it consists of only letters. A password can be called strong if it is at least 8 characters (letters) in length, and includes both uppercase and lowercase letters, and the presence of at least one number and symbol is welcome.

For example, the dictionary password welcome cannot be considered reliable, but if we change it a little, the word search program will never guess that the password symbolizes the English greeting –2wE1$0mE. Here we have replaced the letter "l" with the number 1, the "o" with the number zero, all the "e"s have become capitalized, and the letter "c" has become a dollar symbol. Also, the number 2 was added at the beginning of the word, which makes the numbers written in reverse order, i.e. descending – 2, 1, 0.

We did not consider extended access restoration through the mobile version of VK. This is due to the fact that when you submit an application, the full version of the VKontakte website will open on your smartphone. All the necessary actions that need to be taken are illustrated in detail in the algorithm of the second method. In conclusion, I would like to wish all users to be more responsible in setting parameters not only during registration, but also in further operation.

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Today I will tell you how to change your VKontakte password.

Probably every user has at least once encountered the need to change the password of a personal page for various reasons. Sometimes it accidentally becomes known to another person, which makes the password unsafe, and there is also a possibility of finding your page hacked by intruders. In these and many other cases, it is recommended to change your password immediately.

Advice: Never enter your data on suspicious sites and do not follow malicious links (usually an antivirus warns about them).

In fact, changing the password of your personal page is very easy. Even a beginner can cope with this task. The main thing is to follow the simple instructions that I will give below.

Step one

Go to your VKontakte page. In the menu located on the left side, select the “My Settings” tab.

Be sure to pay attention to the site address. It should look like this: This is necessary so that you do not accidentally end up on a copy of VKontakte created by attackers.

Step two

Find the “Change Password” option on the Settings page and enter your current password in the corresponding “Old Password” field. Then create a new password and enter it in the “New Password” field, and then repeat it in the next “Repeat Password” field.

Advice: Choose complex combinations of characters and abandon the most commonplace options like “password” and “qwerty”. It is not recommended to use your date of birth (especially if your age is indicated on the page). should be memorable, but at the same time neutral, so that hackers do not consider your page an easy target.

Step three

Be sure to save your changes for the new password to take effect. To do this, click the “Change Password” button. Otherwise, the password will not change and the procedure will have to be repeated again.

After you save the settings, you will see a system message stating that “Password has been successfully changed.”

How to change VKontakte password via phone

There are several options here, let's consider two of them:

  • You access the site through a mobile browser.

Then your actions will be no different from those described above.

  • You are using the official VKontakte application.

There is nothing complicated here either.

Please note that to make your account impossible to hack, you should pay special attention to choosing a password. Therefore, there are some rules that will allow you to safely use your profile and will not require you to recover your password or hacked page. First of all, you need to know that the longer your password, the more difficult it is to guess. That is why on the VKontakte website the minimum password length is 6 characters. In addition, the password combination should include both numbers and letters and some symbols %, $, =, and in various combinations.

So, in order to change your password you need to go to the site and log in to your account using your username and password, as shown in the picture.

Please note that when entering a password, the characters are not visible. Therefore, if you are not sure of the correct typing, then it is recommended to type the password in Notepad or Word, and then simply copy it and paste it into the desired field. This way you can see what you are typing.

After you have done everything correctly, the main VKontakte window will open in front of you. In principle, the site has a friendly and intuitive interface, so even a beginner will not find it difficult to understand its settings and main menus.

To change the settings of the current profile, select the “My Settings” menu on the left, as shown below:

After this, the settings menu will open, in which, on the “General” tab, you can change your password to a new one. To do this, scroll down the screen and find the “Change Password” menu.

Then do the following:

    In the “Old password” field, enter your current password with which you logged into the system.

    In the “New Password” field, enter a new password and repeat its entry in the “Repeat Password” field.

    Confirm the changes by clicking on the “Change Password” button.

Please note that the new password must not be shorter than six characters and must contain only numbers. Otherwise, your password will not be changed, and you will receive the appropriate notification:

If you enter your current password incorrectly, the system will display the following error message:

If you did everything correctly, your password in the system will be changed to a new one, and you will receive a notification:

After this, you will be able to access the site only with a new password. If for some reason you did not receive such a message, then your old password will remain active in the system even if you clicked the “Change Password” button.

If you lose your new password, you can use.

It should also be noted that today there are no passwords that cannot be cracked. Any password can be cracked using the brute force method - simple password guessing. It all depends on the complexity of the password. The more complex the password, the longer it may take attackers to guess it. To avoid this, many experts recommend changing passwords to new ones at least once a month. And of course, you should not forget about antiviruses, because the presence of a Trojan program on your computer can significantly facilitate access to your VKontakte page. But if someone hacked your page and changed all your data, including your login and password, then even in this case it is possible to restore your previous account.
