How to learn speed reading and develop long-term memory. To fight eye regression

The more our content,the richer our inner world,
the wider our perception.

The most mysterious mystery for scientists of the world is memory. Millions of experiments and scientific studies have not led to a solution to this phenomenon.

It is not known how it works, and even where it is located, what its resources are and how much information per day is given to each of us to remember. But only lazy people do not know how to develop memory and strengthen it.

But without this ability, a person would not have come to civilization, and there would have been no opportunity to learn. How would a person adapt to the variability of the world, or would evolution take place, if there were no genetic memory?

Fortunately, this ability is given to us as a gift of nature. We are able to remember and learn. Our thinking is based on it. Information flows to us from a variety of sources, in which various analyzers participate.

Types of human memory

Visual memory allows us to remember what we see, heard is remembered thanks to auditory memory, but we draw information about the location of the body or limbs from the receptors of our muscles, tendons and joints, on which kinesthetic memory is based.

The becoming action of this ability is generated from several steps:

  • The trace constraints at the analyzer boundaries form instantaneous memory. It is quickly fixed in the process of a phenomenon seen, heard and felt by a person.
  • All the necessary information of instantaneous memory passes to another process - to short-term memory, which can be held for several hours. It is subjected to analysis by the brain, and if it is determined as valuable, then it goes, one might say, to a “warehouse”.
  • Essential and repeatedly repeated information leads to the consolidation of memory, so that it becomes long-term. And then the information will be stored and can be reproduced for a lifetime.

The entire human brain is involved in the formation of memory, but the hippocampus, according to scientists, plays a special role.

The hippocampus is part of the limbic system of the brain (olfactory sector). Participates in the mechanisms of the formation of emotions, memory consolidation (i.e., the transition from short-term to long-term).

Its minor pathology can lead to a person's loss of the ability to develop attention and memory. With age, people inevitably lose many abilities, and memorization is no exception.

As a rule, the nearest events are erased, the distant ones are more persistent. But, without strengthening and developing his memory, a person runs the risk of losing it altogether, which will lead to serious problems and diseases. Therefore, various methods of memory development have been developed.

Universal ways to improve memory

The owners of a good memory are envied by many people, and the representatives of humanity with a phenomenal memory are envied by everyone. People spend so much time on envy that can be used to their advantage - for the development of memory.

And it's not that difficult. It is important to understand that this ability, like any other human ability, develops and trains in response to a request, that is, if the ability to remember is demanded by life, then it develops.

Holotropic breathing - both relaxation and training

Psychotherapist S. Grof has developed a method by which a person can expand his consciousness and connect to external information flows, after which the development of the hidden capabilities of a person takes place.

This technique allows you to improve physical fitness, reduce nervous tension, remember what happened to a person many years ago, and expand memory capabilities to the desired size. What is not a method for the development of memory?

A person lies down on mats, relaxes, rhythmic trance music is turned on, and he begins to breathe deeper and more often. The brain during holotropic breathing is oversaturated with oxygen, as a result of which a state occurs when the brain stops limiting the flow of information coming from outside.

Even deep in antiquity, shamans used this breathing technique to expand their consciousness and travel into the past or future.

Cramming - the experience of past years

In the royal gymnasium, the ancient Greek language was a compulsory subject, which then no one really knew, but did not think about how to strengthen memory.

It was actually cramming, in which the brain of students was exercised. The fact that the brain, like any other organ, atrophies without developing, remains a fact.

No, no one offers to study the ancient Greek language for the younger generation or the elderly, but by memorizing poems, prose, excerpts from works for the development of memory - great way. And if you want to remember not only five words or numbers in a sequence, but, for example, thirty or more, then daily quatrains will lead to amazing results not only in memory development, but also in quick memorization of information.

Not all cramming is easy. And the question of how to develop memory should be an individual approach. Someone can memorize information by presenting it on a mental screen, while it is more convenient for someone to present a color range or memorize it by touch.

There are many methods of memorization, and everyone can find a way to which he is more inclined. The human brain is anatomically divided into areas that are responsible for different processes, each person has some area developed more than the other. Your sympathy for one or another way of developing memory depends on what you do best.

Mnemonics - effective and fun

Experts say that the brain is trained not when information is remembered, but when trying to implement memories.

Mnemonics is a technique for the development of memory, which includes two directions (chains and Cicero), which allow developing the processes of memory. The whole memorization technique is based on working with images.

For example, in order to memorize a few words, they need to be associated with objects that are well known to you in your room. Remembering successively these objects, the words associated with them pop up in the brain. This memorization technique has an excellent effect on the development of memory and attention.

If you need to connect a group of words, then the chain method, that is, fantastic connections, can be memorized. For example, the words umbrella, boat, horse, bicycle are easy to remember by linking them in the imagination in this way: the umbrella covered the boat in which the horse was sitting on a bicycle. Unrealistic, but easy to remember.

When using mnemonics, it is very important to observe rhythm and uniformity, that is, the associative series is built in an absurd sequence for all words in the same way.

Try checking your memory using this method. If you liked this method and carried away, then the question of how to strengthen memory has already been resolved. Strengthen in this way, each time increasing the number of words.

Eidetic - for children and adults

How to develop phenomenal memory is well explained by eidetics.

This method of memorization was demonstrated by eidetic Steven Wiltsher, who is able to draw in detail the entire line of the horizon of an unfamiliar city, having seen it once.

This technique is used in schools in the United States and Europe, where weak students become excellent students in a few lessons.

The secret of this method lies in positive imagination and fantasy. The brighter the figurative thinking is developed in a child or an adult, the easier it is to remember and reproduce information.

First of all, this method develops the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for imaginative thinking, which, of course, is directly related to the development of memory and attention.

Specially designed exercises are used. For example, the game "Fist, finger." Two hands stretched forward, the right is clenched into a fist, and the left shows that everything is fine. After clapping your hands, you should show that everything is fine with the right hand. After each clap, the position of the hands changes, while the frequency of claps should be increased.

There are many such exercises aimed at developing photographic memory or static memory, which relate to short-term memorization, and after some manipulations, you can remember information for a long time.

Exercises are designed to develop attention and memory, which is important, since developing memory and attention is a great way to train brain activity. Eidetics combines mnemonics, pictograms, physical exercises, and many more techniques.

Learning to memorize music

One could ask Mozart about how to develop musical memory, who managed not only to play once heard music, but also to transfer it to notes. There is no such possibility, but experts have developed a technique for memorizing sounds.

It begins with simple exercises of tapping a certain rhythm on the table with a pencil. All music is based on rhythm. Therefore, starting with simple tapping, and ending with whole works, you can work out a sense of rhythm in any person.

Those wishing to continue their musical education are greatly helped by the technology of the 19th century in the style of Beletsky. By the way, developing musical abilities, there will be no need to think about how to strengthen memory, everything happens at an automatic level.

School of memorization by Samvel Gharibyan

Samvel Gharibyan became the world record holder in memorization and wrote a book on how to quickly develop memory for any person. According to his method, you can become a walking encyclopedia, quickly learn foreign languages ​​and make a career.

In the eighties of the last century, Samvel created his own memorization school, the careers of many of his students experienced a fantastic rise. Samvel has developed his own methodology, and guarantees that it is suitable for everyone without exception.

Memorization according to Garibyan is based on creating an image for each word that carries a personal emotion for a person.

Samvel knows firsthand how to quickly develop memory by memorizing foreign words. For example, in Hebrew, air conditioning sounds like “mozgan”. For Samvel, this word is easy to remember if you imagine that conditioning is necessary in the brain. After that, we all already know that air conditioning in Hebrew sounds like “mozgan”.

Here's how to develop a phenomenal memory without making a titanic effort. Try to test your memory by remembering this word tomorrow and in a month. Memorizing twenty words a day will allow you to learn a foreign language in a surprisingly short time. In addition, such techniques allow you to quickly memorize information of any nature.

Alexander the Great possessed an incredible ability to memorize, he knew all his soldiers by name, Adolf Hitler had a phenomenal photographic memory, which allowed him to remember the faces of all the people he met, we have already talked about Mozart, and there are many such people even today. Most likely, they know the secrets of how to develop their memory.

Learning speed reading is absolutely not torment

Teaching the technique of speed reading is based on a serious scientific basis. It was developed with the participation of psycholinguist V. Leontiev and psychologist L. Grimaka.

This really effective technique, where science and methodology are involved, significantly enhances the principle of speed reading and memory development.

Experts say that there are five shortcomings in the traditional method of reading that prevent people from mastering speed reading, and memory development is significantly reduced:

  • How to develop memory and attention, if users of the traditional way of reading often use a return eye movement (regression) to re-read a text that is not entirely clear? What can be the development of memory and attention in such a rhythm?
  • The lack of a flexible reading program, when texts are read equally slowly, even if some of them require fast reading.
  • The main obstacle to fast reading is articulation, that is, the sound of the text at the time when a person reads it to himself. Many mentally pronounce the text while reading. This defect takes too much time from the reader. This is the most difficult defect to correct, but thanks to the speed reading program, it is corrected over time.
  • The fourth disadvantage is that people capture a small field of view when reading. This is the area that is perceived by the eyes at the stage of fixation (stop).
  • Lack of attention, which is the catalyst for the reading process. Without attention, there is no fast reading. Therefore, the development of memory and speed reading are so interconnected. After all, memory without attention also cannot exist.

Small explanations

Regression elimination has been proven to double reading speed and triple comprehension. But, if part of the text is incomprehensible, then you can go back only after the text has been rethought by the reader within two minutes. This will no longer be a regression, but a meaningful return. Conducting an analysis of one's reading automatically rejects the question of how to strengthen memory.

The development of memory and speed reading are also firmly connected by the fact that the application of the latter involves the program of the integral reading algorithm, which determines the sequence of mental activity when reading a text when it is memorized:

  • title of the text, article, book;
  • the author of the proposed or selected work;
  • source (book, newspaper, internet);
  • the problem to which the text is devoted;
  • facts mentioned in the text;
  • features considered in the construction of the text;
  • novelty, which is learned from the written text.

All this at first is marked with a pencil and numbered until the analysis reaches automatism. It is unlikely that after such manipulations, anyone will have doubts that the development of memory and speed reading are dependent on each other.

Well, the ways of remembering information are listed, and the reader's brain will decide on its own.

Today's children do not read well. This affects academic performance, the amount of material learned in the classroom, and the speed of doing homework. Special exercises for speed reading for children help to solve the problem.

This is a unique technique. It is used in schools of additional education, for classes at home with parents. What is its peculiarity and how to teach a child to read quickly, you will learn from our article.

From this article you will learn

At what age to start

There are several opinions about the age at which you should start teaching your child to read fluently and meaningfully:

According to the method of Zaitsev, Doman, Montessori

The optimal period is from 3 to 7 years. The brain of a preschooler - a first grader remembers information quickly, firmly.

According to the Waldorf School

For a strong assimilation of the skill, children must grow up to 10-12 years. This is due to the fact that elementary school students perceive well the information that is pronounced at the usual pace of speech. By the middle link, the ability to understand fast streams of phonemes will improve. Reading skills are accelerated.

Combining and analyzing both opinions, we can say for sure that it is not worth doing speed reading with first-graders and preschoolers stubbornly, under duress. It is better to postpone this until a later period, when the child matures. In elementary school, use preparatory exercises to develop memory, attention, and articulation. These classes are useful for increasing the rate of assimilation of the text in the future.

Important! For early learning of the alphabet and syllables, use Zaitsev's cubes. They can be used from 6 months of age to introduce letters in a playful way.

Don't make these mistakes

Often, even capable children show poor readiness for reading due to methodological errors at the initial stage of teaching syllables. Self-study at home. Parents commit the following typical violations:

Call the baby a letter, not a sound

Learning letters with an overtone will lead to problems with reading. The child adds syllables like this: “pea-pea” instead of “pa-pa”. Short and clear pronunciation is the main condition for a fast pace of reading.

Build syllables from individual letters

Assignment: look, “b” and “o”, it turns out “bo” - methodologically incorrect. Teach your children to stretch out the vowel immediately, without a pause between sounds: “bo-o-o-o.” Avoid spelling words. It’s easier for children, but it takes time to analyze words into constituent parts, the meaning of phrases is lost.

Long reading texts

Conduct classes often, spend 5-7 minutes on one. It is better to read a short passage, a couple of sentences at a good speed than to keep a student at the table for half an hour and force him to study. Short lessons are more effective. Do not forget to take breaks between exercises, about 2-3 hours.

Important! Consider the mental characteristics of the child: the amount of memory, the period of maximum concentration of attention. If a teenager can concentrate and study for 15-20 minutes, it is not tiring, increase the duration of the lesson, but reduce their number per day to one or two.

From simple to complex

Speed ​​reading training is based on the ability to perceive words as a whole, without dividing them into syllables. At the initial stage, use short words consisting of two or three sounds. For example, "house", "cat". In the future, the baby will not read them, recognize them by letter. He will see this word in the text and immediately pronounce it. This is the essence of the speed reading technique.

Preparation for the lesson: write the simplest words on a piece of paper, one at a time. Show them one by one. Gradually increase the pace of changing words. Replace three-letter lexemes with words of four-five-seven letters after a solid assimilation of the material covered.

Words (“house”, “forest”) are replaced by complex ones (“tree”, “car”), then phrases and phrases. Make up sentences using vocabulary that is familiar to students. For example, he can read "who" and "house" separately. Offer the phrase: “Who is in the house”, then add “lives” to this. Get an offer.

You can start reading short texts when the student has learned to quickly read phrases and phrases. The pace of learning is different for every child. Do not rush if the student hesitated. Sometimes you need to go back to simple, already covered material. This will increase interest in classes, reduce emotional stress, and set you up for success.

Important! As the first books, use bright literature, with pictures, an interesting plot. A boring curriculum will not do.

First grade exercises

The first grade is the most difficult psychologically, but a very interesting period of life. During the first months at school, the baby adapts to the new team, the teacher, learns discipline and learns a lot of new things. It is not recommended to start fluent reading classes in the first half of the year. A first-grader simply does not have enough strength and emotions for an additional load at home.

If you feel that the child can and wants to become the first in reading technique among classmates, then conduct lessons in the form of a game, without forcing him to sit at a book for a long time.

According to Professor I.T. Fedorenko - the author of his own method of teaching reading, the effectiveness of classes does not depend on the amount of time spent on the lesson, but on its quality. Organize a clear scheme: two to three times a day, do simple exercises for 5-6 minutes. If the student is not in a good mood, tired, postpone the lesson for a couple of hours, let him rest and tune in to work.

Important! Rest means a walk, active games, lunch or an extra afternoon snack. Do not allow to sit near the TV, computer. Watching cartoons or online games on the Web do not unload the student psychologically.

If you decide to study with a first-grader at home, without the help of professionals, use the following exercises:

Automated reading of syllables

Download online for free or make your own syllable table. For example, this one:

A first grader can get acquainted with her in the process of learning the alphabet.

The syllabary table is used in every lesson. A first grader reads one to three lines in one lesson, gradually speeding up the pace. If the training takes place in a team, first the lines are pronounced in chorus, then individually.

Thanks to the syllable table, the student easily understands the structure of words, learns to read words faster - automatically. Letter combinations are pronounced vertically and horizontally. In an introductory lesson, it is better to carefully work out one line with the same vowel: GA, YES, etc. Read the syllables lingeringly, without dividing into sounds.

The use of the syllabary table is invaluable in speech therapy classes: the articulatory apparatus is trained, problematic sounds are posed. Simultaneously with the improvement of speech, the child acquires spelling skills, neutralizes the tendency to dysorphography.

Choral reading

Used as a warm-up at the beginning of the lesson. Kids receive sheets of paper with text, preferably poetic, or sayings. The material is read in chorus at an average pace. Then each student pronounces the chosen tongue twister in a whisper or loudly. This trains articulation.

Complex of tasks

Includes the following exercises:

  1. multiple reading for speed and time;

Children are given a text. They read it on their own, quietly. The teacher marks 1 minute. After stopping, the children mark with a pencil the place where they stopped. Rest 3-5 minutes. At this time, tongue twisters can be spoken. Do articulation exercises.

  1. reading at a good pace;

We take a familiar text in our hands, again we read for a minute. Compare the first and second result. More often, children read a familiar passage faster, making fewer mistakes. Success creates a positive attitude. Let's move on to new material.

  1. familiarity with the new text and reading it with expression;

For lessons, it is better to take such texts that cannot be read fluently in a minute. Children should have a piece of new material for speed reading training. Read an unfamiliar part of the text in chorus, quickly, but with expression.

Use a set of exercises in each lesson for 1-2 weeks.

Mission "Tugboat"

Lexical material is read together with the parent. The adult chooses such a pace that it is not difficult or too easy for the child. Two or three sentences are read in chorus, the parent falls silent, continuing to read silently.

The kid does not stop either, reads to himself, trying to maintain the set speed. After one or two sentences, the adult begins to say the text aloud. If the student does not slow down, he will read the same thing with the parent.

This exercise can be done in pairs. Children assign roles. A strong student plays the role of a tug, and a weak one pulls up behind him. For the first lessons according to this scheme, use a hint: run your finger over the text at the moment of silent reading. The student who follows the strong one will continue to read aloud, focusing on the partner's prompt and his speed.


The exercise is like a game. Develops attention, visual memory, orientation in the text.

The task is performed as follows. The child is sitting at the table, in front of him is a text. At the command of an adult, reading begins in a high-speed rhythm. When the order to stop sounds, the child closes his eyes and rests for 10-15 seconds. Then the teacher gives the command to read. The first grader needs to quickly find a stop in the text and continue reading. This is an easy way to improve attention and visual memory.

Important! No need to help find the stopping place in the book. Reception is based on the principle of complete independence.


Prepare didactic material. Write words of two or three syllables on an A4 sheet, large. For example, "cat", "spoon", "girl". Then cut the sheets so that the words can be folded from two halves. Shuffle the cards.

Suggest in a playful way to find and put together parts of words for speed. But speed is not the most important thing here.

A properly conducted lesson develops imagination, memory.

For reference! An interesting method of teaching children to read from the cradle are Doman-Manichenko cards. These are pictures with words. They are shown to the child quickly, 2-3 seconds. Four to ten a day. After 5 days, the baby will name the words that are written on the card. The method is based on photomemory.

And here is another interesting way, which is very simple and at the same time effective.

For children over 8 years old

Continue to improve your reading pace in the second grade. Children at the age of eight are independent and fast. They have outgrown the first-grader assignments, so offer them other interesting activities and games:

Looking for a word, a line

The meaning of the game: the student finds all the words in the text that begin with one letter. Searching for a whole phrase is a complicated version of the task.

Exercise teaches attention, develops the left hemisphere of the brain - language.

Insert letters

The second grader is offered a text with missing letters. To read it and understand, you need to think of endings, prefixes. This speeds up the rate of perception of the text in the future, helps to combine letters into whole words.

Fixing the error

The teacher reads the text, the children follow. The teacher deliberately makes a mistake in the end of the word, the root, etc. The task of the student is to correct the inaccuracy.

Reading at speed

The second-grader independently measures the reading technique, noting the minute, keeps a diary of success. Normally, by the second grade, children read at least 70 words, in the third - 100 words, in the fourth - 120.

Playing Hidden Words

The game is like reading anagrams. Children find words in the box with letters. It looks like this:

Words can be selected on one topic or randomly. It is better for primary school students to provide a list of words to be found, leaving the task of isolating them on the field.

And one more option that you can print out and use with your child.

We read and count

The second grader reads the text and counts the given sounds. For example, in the following poem, find out the number of sounds "o".

The ball is bouncing along the track

We can't catch up with a fast ball.

The skill of multitasking, concentration of attention develops.

Special exercises

Expanding the field of view

  1. Shulge table.

Needed to increase the viewing angle. For second graders, use this version of the table:

The child looks for numbers with his eyes in order: from 1 to 25, for example, only black or only red. Record time, limit it gradually. Searching for numbers in the table will increase the rate of speech, since the student will see more words with peripheral vision, that is, subconsciously read them in advance.

  1. Wedge tables.

The student needs to concentrate his gaze on the upper numbers, gradually going down. The numbers are spoken aloud. After several exercises, the student will see all the signs on the left and right at the same time. Download methodological material from letters and numbers on the Web.

Regression Suppression

Looking back at a line you have already read - regression - greatly slows down the pace of reading. To get rid of the unwanted effect, use the following training exercises:

  1. Specify the direction of reading.

Take a pointer or pencil, lead it along the lines only forward. The child intuitively follows the pointer without looking back.

  1. Close the read text.

Prepare a special bookmark for the student. Have the second grader put it on top of the text, gradually moving down as they read. So the passage read will be hidden from view. It is impossible to return to it.

  1. Check your speed constantly.

Measure your reading technique every day. To improve the result, you will always have to move forward without looking back.

Articulation suppression

  1. musical accompaniment;

We read to the music without words, then with the included song. Pay attention to understanding the meaning of the text.

  1. "Bumblebee";

Ask students to buzz while reading. This is a complex but effective method.

  1. rhythm;

Read and drum with your fingers and pencil on the table. Increase the pace gradually.

  1. lock;

We press our lips tightly, cover our mouth with our palms. Read to yourself as fast as you can.

Important! After reading, ask the student questions about the text to check reading comprehension.

Exercises to correct attention and concentration

  1. We compose words.

Take a long word. For example, "representation". Short words are made from it: “forest”, “shaft”, “toast”, “harm” and others.

  1. We find differences.

In pairs: "horse - laziness", "sleep - tone", "kitty - fox" differences are sought. It is necessary to explain in detail how they are similar and different.

  1. We change fonts.

Type texts on the PC in different fonts. Have your child read. It is necessary to gradually increase the speed of reading such texts so that attention is not focused on the size and type of font.

  1. We confuse words.

Write on a sheet of sentences with the words rearranged in the wrong order: "the bull on the go sighs sways." The task is to find a place for each word.

  1. We note the main thing.

After reading the text, you need to underline the controversial points with a pencil, highlight the main thoughts.

  1. We include both hemispheres in the work.

We read with the left and right eyes alternately. Use this technique as homework and as a warm-up in class.

  1. We make riddles.

Trick questions, tricky riddles develop attention well.

  1. We name colors.

Use this field:

Task: without reading the words, name the color with which the letters are painted.

The development of the ancipation

This skill is well developed in adults. Guessing the word according to the meaning of the text, without seeing the end of the sentence, develops when performing the following tasks:

  1. text upside down;

First, the text is read in its normal form, then it is rotated 90 ° or upside down. Worked out.

  1. ruler;

Place a wide ruler on the sides of the text. The beginning and end of the sentence will not be visible. The child will have to guess what words are written there in meaning.

  1. halves;

Now with a ruler we close the upper halves of the letters on one line. The child is reading.

Memory training

  1. visual dictation;

The child is given a text to read. Then all phrases are closed from the eyes, except for the first sentence. 7-8 seconds are allotted for memorization, the child writes from memory. Thus, the text is gradually processed completely.

  1. chain;

We read words on the same topic. For example, a forest - a tree - a cone - a bear, etc. The student listens and reproduces the chain orally, in writing. You need to start with three to five words, gradually increasing to ten to twelve.

  1. word repair;

The child is given a text with missing letters. They need to be guessed while reading. The advantage of the technique: the student keeps the meaning of the text in his head, expands his vocabulary.

Reading with an adult

Imposing reading speed is an effective teaching technique. Use the following systems of joint assignments:

  1. reading at the same time as the parent;

The adult reads aloud, the child reads to himself. The speed is constantly changing. The task of the student: do not stray.

  1. relay race;

Adult and child constantly change roles. First one reads, the other follows, then vice versa.

  1. tail;

The teacher reads the text first, the student picks up a little later, three or four words behind. Parallel playback aloud has a minus: the voices interfere with each other. You need to read in a whisper or in an undertone.

Speed ​​Reading Books for Children

If you do not know how to teach a child to read quickly, but want to do it yourself, pay attention to the following author's materials:

The self-instruction manual is a collection of exciting tasks to increase the pace of reading, develop memory, and attention. The exercises are accompanied by detailed instructions.

The last pages of the book are a diary of success. It contains the student's data, the results of equipment checks. It motivates, makes education effective.

The manual is a collection of exercises for the development of the pace of reading in children from 6 to 17 years old. The book includes a theoretical block. Here you can find answers to questions: why a child does not read well, how to instill a love for works of art, and so on.

This is a set of benefits. It includes workbooks, success diaries, work programs, cards. The material allows you to conduct classes on speed reading, the development of memory and attention. According to parents, in 10 days of work on this program, the reading speed of children increases by one and a half to two times.

With a little effort on the part of parents, children will learn to read quickly in a couple of months. Remember that speed reading classes will have a positive impact on the child's intelligence, academic performance, and success in life.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the first

On this basis, a parallel question follows: is such reading effective? Is it possible to read quickly and at the same time assimilate the material as much as possible, keeping it in memory for many years?

In this article, "Crazy Ravlik" will tell you what opportunities open up before us when we read quickly and correctly!

What is shorthand?

Studies show that the average reading speed in Russian is 201 words per minute, with an average assimilation rate of 52. Speed ​​reading refers to the ability to read 3-4 times faster than average speed.

Speed ​​reading is a set of techniques and methods that allow you to increase the speed of the material being read with maximum memorability by 3-4 times. Thanks to speed reading, concentration of attention increases, memory and understanding of the perceived information develop.

Speed ​​reading from the point of view of science

In recent years, speed reading has become increasingly popular. From the point of view of science, there are different opinions: scientists discuss and pay much attention to the study of this issue.

Some scientists admit that the results of numerous studies regarding speed reading courses are slightly exaggerated. Cognitive psychology research conducted in the United States under the direction of Keith Rayner- a respected scientist in the field of visual perception and reading - sow doubts: "It is unlikely that readers will be able to triple their reading speed and still maintain their usual level of absorption."

However, there are people with phenomenal reading speed, which the whole world has heard about. Winner of six World Speed ​​Reading Championship awards, Anna Jones read the latest Harry Potter book in a London bookstore in less than 50 minutes.

In one of his scientific works, linguist, doctor of psychological and philological sciences Alexey Alekseevich Leontiev, indicates that the main task of fast reading is not so much speed as the optimality and effectiveness of the strategy of semantic perception of the text.

Elizabeth Schotte- a psychologist at the University of California (San Diego) puts it this way:

Speed ​​reading is a very attractive skill, and every year there are more and more people who want to help other people develop it. Many claims about speed reading are not true given what we know about the mechanism of reading. Over the years and even centuries of research into this process, a lot has become known. Scientists need to tell the general public about this

In its turn, Anna Jones in an interview with The Guardian he says: “My reading speed is 800-1500 words per minute, but I can’t say that it’s easy. With twenty years of speed reading experience, I regularly train at the level of a professional athlete. If we compare these figures with the average figure - from 200 to 400 words per minute - the argument is more than sufficient.

What does an adult gain by speed reading?

The human brain assimilates sound and visual information quite quickly, while the assimilation of textual information depends on the speed of reading. If you read badly at school and are convinced that this is for life, speed reading techniques can debunk such myths. Developing this skill takes a lot of effort. Before moving on to tips and exercises, we will focus on the positive aspects of speed reading.

  1. development of memory and thinking (at any age);
  2. improvement of the educational process;
  3. saving time in everyday life;
  4. the ability to move forward and develop;
  5. good concentration and reaction;
  6. productivity in various types of work.

The benefits of speed reading for children

The process of teaching children with the help of speed reading turns into an exciting game in pursuit of treasures, that is, knowledge. The child forever forgets how it is to “memorize” homework, and in fear to wait for his answer. Methods and techniques of speed reading from an early age teach the child to learn correctly. With the help of speed reading algorithms, children absorb information in one gulp with great interest. This opens up new horizons for our children:

  • the child looks at the world positively;
  • happy to sit down to do homework;
  • remembers the main information much faster;
  • effectively reads difficult-to-understand texts;
  • every day strives for development and improvement;
  • increases self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • develops sports interest in own results;
  • acquires erudition and creativity;
  • unconventionally looks at life situations;
  • perceives facts through critical thinking.

How fast do you read: reading speed test

Checking your own reading speed is quite simple. To do this, you need an unfamiliar text and a stopwatch. Set a timer for 1 minute. Start reading aloud. As soon as the time runs out, we do “Stop” and count the number of words read. It is important that the material is appropriate for the age category. If you are testing a child's reading speed, pick up a simple literary text: a fairy tale or a description of nature. Each text is followed by questions for verification.

The word reading rate for elementary school children is 60 to 100 words per minute; for an adult - 160-225 words.

If we talk about adults, we can take any text: from scientific literature to periodicals. With children, the situation is different: almost every age (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... grade) has its own standard of reading technique and a certain level of vocabulary.

We offer a test text for children in grades 4-5:

Elena Alexandrovna Blaginina

Wonderful hours

That was a long time ago. By a high mountain, on the edge of a poor village, lived a widow. Her name was Martha.

Martha didn't like people. Even the children irritated her with screaming and running around. Martha loved only her goat Snow White and her merry goat.

One evening Marta was sitting on the porch knitting a stocking. Suddenly she heard voices:

- The loss of cattle has begun, Elsa! Heard?

- How not to hear! Scary for our goats, Louise!

It was the peasant women talking. They were returning with empty jugs from the city. Martha looked after them, and her heart sank with a premonition of trouble.

Suddenly the latch at the gate rang. Martha turned around and saw a neat old man. The old man smiled kindly and said:

Hello, Frau Martha. What a glorious house you have - neither give nor take - sugar on a green plate. Only it’s too quiet here - even if the bird sang, even if the clock was ticking ...

When Marta heard about the clock, she remembered that she had a wonderful old clock. They just stopped a long time ago.

- Aren't you a watchmaker? Martha asked.

- A real watchmaker! - bowed the old man.

Martha invited the old man into the house. She took a watch out of the chest and showed it to the master.

The next day the clock was ticking merrily on the white wall of Martin's room. The watchmaker did not take money for the repair, and Martha thanked him with delicious coffee. From that day on, the gray-haired guest often appeared in the old widow's house.

In the meantime, the cattle disease was on the rise, and everyone in the village was very worried about their goats.

One evening, Aunt Martha went into the woods to get firewood. She quickly picked up a large bundle and turned onto a familiar path - home. But the path suddenly disappeared. To the right, Martha saw a tree felled by a thunderstorm; to the left, a large round stone. Neither stone nor tree was here before. Suddenly, there was a slight wisp of smoke, and Marta went in the direction from which the smoke was coming. Soon she saw a fire, near which a watchmaker was sitting, stirring mushroom stew.

- Good evening, Frau Martha! the watchmaker said. - Have dinner with me

“Thank you,” Martha said, “I can’t—I’m in a hurry to get home before dark.

Then the watchmaker invited her to his hut. Aunt Martha, bent over strongly, opened a low door and found herself in a small, softly lit room. In one corner she saw a heap of dry leaves, in the other - a hearth with extinct ashes. In the middle stood a large stump, and around - smaller stumps. An enormous clock hung on a gray stone wall. Houses flaunted on the dial instead of numbers. Marta was surprised to recognize her native village in these houses. Here is her hut. The black hand of the clock is pointing straight at her.


  1. What is the text about?
  2. What are the names of the main characters?
  3. Where does the story take place?
  4. Briefly summarize what you have read.

Games and exercises to increase reading speed

Scientists have been studying the problem of reading speed for years. During this time, many programs, methods and techniques have been developed. The training center "Shaleniy Ravlik" has a set of games and exercises that develop reading speed, increase concentration and improve memorability by several times. These are addictive puzzles for your brain!

The productivity of training largely depends on the game moment. We have selected the most entertaining games and tasks for your development!

There are several ways to prepare the brain for the perception of information. Of course, many factors affect the effectiveness of reading: the environment, the degree of external noise, the lighting of the room, the level of interest in literature, physical condition, and so on. Each person has their own individual idea of ​​a comfortable reading environment. We've put together some helpful tips on how to improve your reading speed on your own.

1. Do physical exercises.

Easier nowhere. To reboot and bring the body into tone, do a few squats. You just need to get up from your chair, activate blood circulation, sit down at the table, straighten your shoulders and start working. This will focus your attention and strain your mind.

2. Conduct a visual warm-up before reading.

You have an image in front of you. Look carefully at the photo. Close your eyes. What do you remember? Describe the image. Open your eyes and compare the inner picture with the outer picture.

This formula should be applied in reading: do not waste your attention on the whole book, choose meaningful details - read, ponder, reread, used.

3. Learn to keep the rhythm.

Difficult exercise at first, but with regular training, the results are amazing! Read with a metronome. Set yourself a slow pace and concentrate: on each beat of the metronome, you should focus on the beginning, middle and end of the line. Keep the rhythm. It is important to set up the metronome so that the material is perceived easily.

A good helper in terms of rhythm are tongue twisters. You need to pronounce the tongue twister out loud, while moving your eyes along the line. Such exercises have a positive effect on the development of reading speed!

Example of tongue twisters:

  1. Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in the hallway.
  2. Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse.
  3. The flute whistler whistles with a flute.
  4. On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney.
  5. And the tree has needles.

4. Choose the text according to your teeth.

A lot depends on vocabulary. If the glossary of a book has a large percentage of words that you do not understand, their number will not translate into quality. Review the text before reading.

5. Stop saying words.

Mental recitation is a childish habit. You need to strive to read faster than your mouth can move. Say the vowels "A-E-I-O" out loud or count to 4 as you read. The exercise will teach you to read with your eyes, not your mouth, and will invigorate your brain well.

6. Use your peripheral vision.

Our brain can comprehend several words at the same time. Do not get hung up on each letter, you are able to read phrases at once, and not one word at a time.

To develop peripheral vision, on the page of a book, draw two parallel lines with a pencil at a distance of 8 cm from each other. When reading the text, try not to move your eyes beyond the aisles of the lines. Don't break boundaries.

7. Don't go back to what you read.

Often, without realizing it, we return to the words we have already read or get our eyes on the previous line. In order not to scatter attention, follow the text with your finger or a bookmark. Concentrate so as not to return to the words you read.

About the speed reading course from "Shaleny Ravlik"

Training Center "Shaleniy Ravlik" conducts classes on the development of memory and thinking! This course is designed for those who want to expand their abilities and learn how to read effectively. Speed ​​reading for adults is an express training and consists of only 3 lessons of 2 hours. Especially for those who like to save time and get fast results! Well speed reading for kids last seven days, with daily classes for an hour and a half.

On the speed reading course from "Shaleny Ravlik" you:

  • learn to read quickly and absorb the material read;
  • in 3 lessons you will work out 4 ways of fast reading;
  • easily master the technique without lengthy training;
  • improve concentration;
  • make sure learning can be fun;
  • learn a lot of new and exciting things.

Who conducts speed reading training?

Nothing brings more productivity than intense training with a professional! Our speed reading teacher is a teacher of the highest category, a professional coach with sixteen years of experience - Elena Kalachikova. On the express course from "Shaleny Ravlik" in just three lessons you will learn the technique of speed reading. Elena Kalachikova- an experienced memory coach and will easily dispel the myths about poor memorability! The teacher has practical knowledge of child psychology and methodological features of the school curriculum.

Classes with Elena Kalachikova develop positive thinking, creativity and often take place in a playful way. If you want to improve your reading speed or sign up your child for training, follow the link!

Sign up for a speed reading training

Eidetics and its necessity for accelerating results in speed reading

Before signing up for a speed reading course, the Shaleniy Ravlik Training Center offers you training on these game techniques that are suitable for both children and adults. With the help of eidetics, you will learn to perceive information through an image and remember important facts for a long time. Training improves concentration, develops photographic memory, promotes the development of non-standard thinking and creativity, guarantees the memorization of educational, work and everyday information.

Sign up for eidetics training

Instead of memorizing homework, poems and mathematical formulas, children have the opportunity to learn new material faster and better. The child does not notice how time flies, perceiving information in a playful way through associations.

Learn more about eidetic and sign up for the course!


Training Center

"Crazy Ravlik"

I want to train!

There are many methods for developing speed reading. Speed ​​reading techniques help not only to learn how to read quickly. but also develop memory, attention, thinking, etc.

What is better - fast or slow reading?

In people who have not mastered it, it is associated with superficial assimilation of information and poor memorization. Many people believe that the only way to remember information well is to slow thoughtful reading:

But on practice everything turns out differently: slow reading habitual to most people does not mean "thoughtfulness" at all.

Keeping the material read in memory is essential. To make it easier to remember what you read, we offer you this technique. These techniques have been developed by educators and psychologists for 50 years. The following is one of these methods.

Before reading, think about how suitable the source of information is for you.

Read the summary of the book.

The first step to answering the question: how to remember what you read is getting to know the summary of the book. Read the text on the cover, read the preface. View the contents of the book. All this will help you understand how the book is organized, what information it contains. Read a brief summary of the chapters. Review the drawings and diagrams contained in the book. With the help of this information you will get acquainted with the subject of study. Even before reading the book, you will begin to grasp the big picture of the material.

Ask questions. Write down the questions that you have after reading the book. They will help create thoughts and expectations about the book. Later, as you read the book, you will be able to find answers to some of them. This contributes to a better memorization of the material.

Visual angle training for speed reading

Focus your eyes on the center. With peripheral vision, mark the same blocks. The goal is not to find the same blocks as quickly as possible, but to focus on the center of the screen with peripheral vision to find the information you need.

Reading a book in speed reading mode for busy people

Don't skip anything. Emphasize important points. Thus, next time you take the book, you will immediately see the most important thing. Don't stress too much. Otherwise, when you read it again, you will again have to carefully study page after page. Highlight not only key phrases, but also important sections of the book. The next time you view the book, you will only need to familiarize yourself with the highlighted phrases, and not view the entire book.

Retell after a quick read

Retell the material in your own words. This is a particularly important point of this technique. Retelling the book will help to present it as a whole. You will be able to understand and connect all the facts together. You really understand the material only if you can tell and explain it to another person. If you are not entirely sure that you have understood the material well, spend extra time studying it. Gradually you will connect it with what you have already learned and understood. This will undoubtedly contribute to a better consolidation of the material in memory.

Review highlights and notes you have made. Review highlights, notes, notes, and highlighted phrases. This will help you refresh what you read in your memory. Make it a rule to review each chapter after reading it. Such a revision of the material makes it possible to fit it well in memory, because. most of information is forgotten after reading.

Use these simple techniques and the question of how to remember what you read will never arise again.

How to choose a speed reading and memory course

There are plenty of courses and special programs for speed reading now. Methods may differ, but the essence of most of them is the same. First, when speed reading, you should not read words, but paragraphs, and full pages of text. This is possible if you learn to read not line by line, but vertically, along the text. Secondly, you must stop pronouncing what you read. In methods that do not interfere with internal pronunciation, additional time is spent on assimilation and memorization of the material. And the most important thing is the quality of the material read. That is, you will learn to better understand the text you read with significant time savings.

Elementary and middle school educators have long discovered the relationship between reading speed and student achievement. The faster the student perceives the flow of information, the better he learns. For this reason, parents tend to teach their child speed reading before they start school or in elementary grades. What are the speed reading exercises for children, how to conduct them and where to start practicing, we will discuss in our article.


Speed ​​reading is the ability of a person to perceive text at high speed. It is to perceive, and not just mechanically read. If you teach your child to swallow words at a phenomenal speed, while not understanding what he read, then speed reading will not help you in your studies, but rather the opposite.

Under speed reading in the correct sense, it is customary to understand the developed skill of processing educational text. These are paragraphs of textbooks, articles on scientific topics. Reading speed should be at least 120-150 words per minute. At an older age, it is up to 200 lexical units.

Any child can learn to read. But, according to psychologists and teachers, the optimal age is the period from 10 to 12 years. Although there is a positive experience of using the technique in children of 7 years old, and even 6 years old.


Speed ​​reading training comes with some challenges. Unprepared children have poorly developed peripheral vision, articulation, there are defects in mental skills (attention, memory).

  1. Narrow field of view. To master the technique of speed reading, it is necessary to have a wide range of vision. The eyes should not focus on one word. The task of the speed reading teacher is to teach the student to perceive the text as a whole, that is, the gaze should not stop at individual words, but at the spaces between them, immediately capturing a phrase or sentence.
  2. Eye regression. This is the main enemy of speed reading. The student returns to the already read text, wasting time. The regression of the eyes happens automatically. The process can be controlled using training exercises.
  3. Articulation suppression. When reading at a normal pace, children try to pronounce words clearly and loudly. It helps to digest fiction. For example, it is impossible to perceive poetry accurately and feel the mood of the author without pauses, logical stresses. But diction is not needed for dynamic reading. Pronunciation reduces the speed of perception of the text.
  4. Undeveloped attention. A fast pace of reading requires increased attention. This is necessary for instant selection of the main and secondary, deep understanding of new information.

To eliminate defects and develop speed reading skills, you need not only to constantly train, but also to correct the breadth of the field of view, abandon the internal pronunciation of words, control regression, and develop attention and memory. This will help the following exercises, which are included in the system of classes, giving them a few minutes at each lesson.


The most effective are those exercises that eliminate the cause of the low rate of reading and train the speed of visual perception of information. Let's consider some of them.

To expand the field of view

Exercises for the development of the visual field occupy the main place in the system of lessons on dynamic reading. Children at 7 and 8 years old or in small words. The wide angle and field of view allow you to capture phrases, sentences, even small paragraphs with your eyes. In other words, the child reads and immediately sees the text further, perceiving it subconsciously. Not all adults can boast of such a skill, and children, after 1-2 months of training, do it easily. Use the following working methods.

Schulte tables

These are number squares. Each cell contains a number. For primary school students, the range from 1 to 20 is used. The task of the exercise is to find all the numbers in order with your eyes. At first it takes a long time, then 10-20 seconds. You need to track the speed of the task at each lesson, noting progress.

Red-black table Gorbov-Schulte

Word pyramids

An analogue of wedge-shaped tables. Words are located at different distances from each other. You need to start reading from the top level, gradually going down, keeping both sides of the pyramid in focus. This task is quite difficult. You need to conduct training individually, each student should have a card with a table on the table so that nothing distracts.

As an option, tables with whole words on the sides of the pyramid or syllables are offered, connecting which, the child receives a semantic lexeme.

To fight eye regression

It is impossible to forbid the eyes to return to the already read text of the forceful will. This skill takes practice.

  • Cut off half a line

You need to act as follows:

  • The child reads sentences, for example, the first line of a paragraph.
  • Puts a sheet of paper on the read fragment, a wide bookmark.
  • Continues reading by moving the bookmark across the page.
  • It is not possible to return the eyes to the top text - it is hidden. The pattern of movement only forward is generated automatically.
  • Pointer

You can use a pen or a finger. The teacher or the student himself indicates the movement of reading. Eyes follow the pen automatically, but at first the student will have to force himself not to look back.

To suppress articulation

Pronunciation of words, even with lips, silently interferes with an increase in reading speed. Articulation will have to be suppressed. Only the eyes should slide through the text. The following exercises are suitable for practicing the skill.

  • Reading to music

Turn on music without words, then accompanied by a song. Noise interferes with speaking. It is important to regularly check reading comprehension. Ask questions about the text, ask to retell paragraphs, a paragraph of the textbook.

  • Murmur

Or a bumblebee. Pupils should buzz or mutter, sing a motive while reading. This exercise is quite difficult. But it develops both hemispheres of the brain, as the child performs several actions at the same time.

  • Pencil

If the lips pronounce the words of the read text silently, on the machine, then you need to fix them in one position, forbid them to move. The child holds a pencil in his mouth, or covers his lips with his palm.

  • Drumroll

The teacher or the student can tap the rhythm. Drum without a rhythm or at a certain pace, playing a familiar melody.

Important! This training block is difficult for elementary school students to perform. Exercises interfere with the perception of information, so you need to regularly control the semantic perception of what you read.

Attention exercises

Correction of the level of attention is necessary to improve the ability to quickly perceive the text, to see familiar words, slipping over them with a glance. Do the following set of exercises:

  • Composing words

Write a long word on a piece of paper. For example, entrepreneurship. It is used to compose lexemes of one or two syllables: world, forest, table and others.

  • Find differences

Write down pairs of words: steam-bar, ox-kol, trail-dill. The child explains how they are similar, how they differ.

  • Puzzles

Trick questions train attention. For example, how many apples will grow on a birch if there are 8 of them in the garden, and 10 fruits have grown on each in the past period.

You can come up with tricky riddles yourself, together with your child.

  • Work of both hemispheres
  • Confusion

Learn some poems with your child. Type the memorized lines on the PC, but swap the words, print them out. The task of the student is to arrange them correctly.

  • We celebrate the main

Read a little quiz. Mark with a pencil the main thoughts, main theses.

  • Name colors

An exciting task. Use this field:

You need to name not the words, but the color and shade with which they are printed.

Memory exercises

For memory training, the following tasks are suitable:

  • visual dictation

Take a short text, 5-8 sentences. The student is reading. Then close all sentences except the first one. Let the child remember it. Give it 10 seconds. Remove text. The student must write down the sentence from memory. Recycle all text in this way.

  • Word repair

Elementary recovery of gaps in words. First, one letter will be skipped in some words, then you can give a text with a lack of syllables, even words.

  • Chain recovery

Teacher, parent read a group of words. They can be related to each other semantically or lexically. For example, bus-driver-garage-gasoline-repair-mechanic-driving school. The number of words depends on the ability of the young student and his age.

The child repeats the words after listening. It is important to keep the order of the chain. Increase the number of words gradually, bring the complexity to 20 units, preferably not related in meaning.

  • Developing a Speed ​​Reading Strategy

There are several options. Choose any that suits and is clear to you, the child. Methods can be used in isolation and in a complex, alternating exercises in one lesson or through a lesson:

  • Forced acceleration method

We need to work in pairs. More successful students can help lagging behind. The lead reader quickly speaks the text, runs a finger or pointer across the page. The observer watches, adjusts to the pace. In the next lesson, reading takes place in silent mode. You just need to follow the movements of the pointer or finger. In this case, the speed should be at a good level.

  • Fixing method

The child reads the text in parts with a metronome. It is necessary to circle the beginning, middle and end of the line with an oval. Thus, several sentences are divided into three equal parts. Under each measure of the metronome, the student grasps a separate part with a glance, it is impossible to read aloud. Practice according to the method every day for 3-4 weeks.

  • sliding method

The method is similar to diagonal reading. Circle the first few words of each sentence with a pencil, turn on the metronome. On the first strokes, the student reads the circled words, on the second - the rest. The sliding speed gradually increases.

Important! At first, you cannot demand understanding. It is important to work out the skill of perceiving the text in fragments. Reading comprehension will come later.

The methodology for professional training of children in speed reading, as well as a complete system of training at home, is presented in books. Take note of some of the benefits listed below:

  1. G. Abdulova. “Speed ​​reading for children. How to read faster, remember and understand more”.
  2. Sh. Akhmadullin “Speed ​​reading for children”.
  3. Sh. Akhmadullin. "Teaching children to read".

Author's materials are suitable for organizing individual lessons with parents and in groups. The developers of the methods claim that the result will appear quickly: from 10 days to a month, if you devote 1 hour a day to training. Speed ​​reading books for children can be downloaded for free on the Internet or ordered in paper form.

  • Don't waste time reading a large text, it's better to process a couple of small passages at a good pace.
  • Take breaks between classes if they are short. For example, for first-graders, choose the following scheme: read 3 times a day for 7-10 minutes, every 2-3 hours.
  • Start with simple tests.
  • Before you start learning speed reading, automate sounds, the perception of syllables. You can use a spreadsheet. It is read vertically, horizontally, diagonally. Download the option you like on the Internet or use this one.
  • Use as a warm-up in every lesson.
  • For first graders or preschoolers, use bright literature, with pictures, colorful illustrations to develop interest in the lessons.
  • Automate the reading of frequent words. Doman-Manichenko cards are suitable for this. They can be used from infancy. The method is based on photomemory.
  • Instead of strict work systems, use choral reading, word processing in pairs.
  • Monitor reading technique regularly, write in a diary.
  • Keep a notebook of successes. Praise the baby for the slightest success, so as not to discourage the desire to engage.
  • Read together, set a positive example.
  • Give your child time to read on their own, without your supervision. This will increase responsibility, self-esteem.

Speed ​​reading for children can be a lifeline. With the help of exercises to develop memory, attention, field of vision, the child improves a lot of mental properties. And this helps to master the school curriculum, to be successful and respected among classmates and teachers.