How to combine several PDFs or files from different text editors into one! How to combine Word files into one Several PDF pages into one Word document.

If you have several documents in Word that you need to work with, then it will be much more convenient if you combine them into one common one. Or you need to make one out of several created in Microsoft Word. The second option applies to those who are doing some kind of report, or students who need to combine the main part of the thesis with special sections and notes.

Let's figure out in this article how to combine several Word files into one using copying or through the appropriate paste function. I’ll also tell you how to combine two similar texts so that all the corrections and changes made are visible.

Using copy

This is done by simply copying text from one document and pasting it into another document. This method is convenient to use if you have few files that need to be combined.

Open them and select the one to which you will add everything. Place the cursor in the place where you want to insert the fragment.

Then go to any other one and select everything in it - press “Ctrl+A”. All text in Word can be highlighted in various ways, by following the link, read the detailed article.

We return to the one to which we decided to add, and press “Ctrl + V” in it to paste.

As you can see, the two documents are merged. Moreover, using this method, you can choose where exactly to insert the desired fragment - starting from a new page or somewhere in the middle, and the formatting of the inserted part is preserved.

Via the Insert menu

Everything can be done without using copy-paste. If you have a lot of files, for example, 100 or 200 pieces, then copying them together will take a very long time. Instead, it is better to use the following method.

Place the cursor in the place from which you want to add. Go to the "Insert" tab and click on the small arrow next to the "Object" button. Next, select from the list "Text from file".

Before doing this, add everything you want to combine into one folder on your computer.

An Explorer window will open. In it, find the folder on your computer where all the other Word files that you need are stored. Select one or more with the mouse and click “Insert”.

To select several items in a row at once, select the first one, hold down the Shift button and click on the last one you need. If you need to select them, for example, one at a time, then while selecting, hold down “Ctrl” and select the one you need from the list.

In the example, I combined three pieces. Please note that in Word they are inserted in the order in which they are arranged in the insertion list (shown in the screenshot above). For example, I have a document “Goal” (the words “Learn...”) added after the main part (“Let’s try...”).

Therefore, if what you are combining must go in strict order, then before adding them, open the folder on your computer with them and number each one - put a serial number in front of the name.

This method is good to use with a large number of documents. The formatting of each is preserved, but there is no separator between them, that is, if text is simply printed on the pages, then in the combined one you will need to figure out where one ended and the other began.

Merging two different versions

Now let's look at what to do if you have two different versions, on which, for example, two people worked, or you changed one or the other file.

Open the Word text editor. Click on the “Start” button and in the “Microsoft Office” folder, click on “Microsoft Word”.

A new empty file will open. Go to the tab "Review" and click in the “Compare” group “Merge”.

In the window that opens, click on the “More” button and put a checkmark or marker in the required fields. Then into the field "Original document" click on the folder image.

Find the original version on your computer, select it and click Open.

Then, by clicking on the folder image in the field "Changed document", add the second one to this window and click “OK”.

Now the window will look like this.

On the left is the “Summary” area, which lists all insertions, deletions, etc. made. In the middle "Combined document". On the right you can see the original and modified ones.

Place the cursor at the very beginning and click the "Accept" button.

The first change will be highlighted.

If you click "Accept", the text will change to its normal color and the underline will disappear. The next change will be highlighted.

Thus, all changes made to the document are reviewed and either accepted or rejected - a button with a red cross. As a result, you will receive one file in which all changes will be taken into account.

I will end here. I hope that at least one of the methods that I talked about will be useful to you in order to combine several different files typed in Word into one.

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Sometimes we need to combine several Word files into one. On this page we will look at two ways how this can be done. But before you start merging several documents into one, make sure that all the documents are in one folder. Did you do it? Then let's get started.

Combining documents using “Text from file”

This method will help you combine multiple files into one, but be aware that this will lose formatting in the finished document.

Step 1.

Create a new blank document: Office icon, then New.

Step 2.

Go to the “Insert” tab, find the “Object” button in the “Text” section and click on the down arrow.

Step 3.

In the dialog box, select Text from File.

Step 4.

Select all the files you want to merge into one.

To select all files at once, press CTRL + A. If you want to select several files in a row, then select the first one, then hold down the SHIFT key and select the last one - intermediate ones will be selected automatically. If you need to select, for example, all odd-numbered files, then select them with the left mouse button while holding the CTRL key.

Step 5.

Once the files are selected, click on the “Insert” button and the documents will be sent to the document you created.

Merging documents using a VBA script

Before you start running the following script, please follow these instructions:

  1. Gather all the documents that you will be combining into one folder and number them in the order they should be. For example: part 1, part 2, etc. This must be done to ensure that the material is not mixed up during the process of combining documents.
  2. Open the document with the material that will be posted first, and only after that start running the script.

Step 1.

In the Word window, press the ALT + F11 key combination to launch Visual Basic Application.

Step 2.

In the “Insert” menu - “Module”. Now copy the script code and paste it in the VBA window.

Step 3.

Run the code by pressing F5 on the keyboard, or on the green triangle on the panel.

VBA script to combine several Word files into one.

Sub MergeDocuments() Application.ScreenUpdating = False MyPath = ActiveDocument.Path MyName = Dir(MyPath & "\" & "*.doc") i = 0 Do While MyName<> "" If MyName<>ActiveDocument.Name Then Set wb = Documents.Open(MyPath & "\" & MyName) Selection.WholeStory Selection.Copy Windows(1).Activate Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine Selection.TypeParagraph Selection.Paste i = i + 1 wb.Close False End If MyName = Dir Loop Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub

Have fun learning. Move on to other lessons.

How to merge PDF files

Just drag and drop some files into the box above. You can also choose to download files from your hard drive or the cloud.

Once downloaded, you will see thumbnails of each document. To change the order in which files are combined, click on the thumbnail and drag it to the desired location.

Online service for combining PDF files

There is no need to download a program to merge PDF files - work with documents online!

PDF2Go allows you to merge PDF documents without taking up disk space. You don't have to download or install anything, so you can forget about viruses and malware.

Why merge PDFs?

Let's say you scanned a book and received several PDF files. What if you want to combine them into one?

Don't want to waste time printing out multiple documents? Combine files and things will go faster!

File merging and security

PDF2Go does all the hard work. In this case, copyright remains with you. Your files are safe and protected from access by third parties.

For more information, please read the Privacy Policy.

What files can be merged?

The merge function is available for any documents. Multiple text and image files can be converted into one PDF.

Examples of use: Multiple images in JPG format or TOS files can be combined into a PDF document.

Merge PDFs on any device

You don't need a computer to merge PDF files!

With the PDF2Go online service, you can merge documents in your browser from anywhere in the world.

When working with Word, PDF documents, regular TXT text files, image files or files created in any other text editors and programs, sometimes it may be necessary to combine these files entirely into one single PDF file or to connect individual pages of these files with further saving in PDF. Built-in Windows tools cannot perform such operations, but a third-party and free-to-use PDF24 Creator program will help us. In this article, we’ll look at how to use this program specifically to work with multiple files, so that you can combine them into one final PDF document!

The PDF24 Creator program is a PDF file designer, i.e. it is primarily designed to enable you to create one PDF document from several files of different formats. In this case, it is possible, even when creating the final file, to enable its protection, for example, to prohibit copying information from the created PDF, editing, printing, and anything else.

The official website of the developer, where you can always download the latest version of the program:

When downloading, select the “Private” version.

Just in case, I am attaching a direct link to download the version of the program from January 2017, in case the download link from the official website of the developer changes and the current one stops working: download.

Composing PDF from multiple text documents

Open the program and select "PDF Designer".

This program function is specifically designed to work with several text documents, from which you will get one or more (if necessary) PDF files.

A window will open to download the files needed for work, from which you will create a PDF. The program supports most of the most popular text document formats, for example: Microsoft Word, Excel and similar text and spreadsheet editor files, regular text documents, any image files, PDF files. That's the minimum!

To download the necessary files, you can simply drag them with the mouse directly from Windows to the right side of the program window (1). Or you can select the files you need to work with (by double-clicking on them with the left mouse button) from the left side of the window, where you see Windows Explorer (2).

Each document you upload will be displayed in its own block, where the name of the uploaded document and the total number of pages will be indicated at the top. And in this block you can see all pages of the document in the form of thumbnails. Example:

Having loaded the necessary documents into the programs, you can now compose them into one single PDF document, or several, if necessary.

Key features for PDF layout:

Using the listed basic features, you can quickly assemble one or more PDF documents from those added to the program. For example, you can pull out a page from each added document, delete unnecessary ones and make one PDF from these pages.

Saving a finished document (or several)

Once you've finished composing your target document, you'll need to save it. To save a document, click on the save button in the document block:

In the save settings, select the “Best” quality (1) so that your finished PDF document looks as high quality as possible.

If your document includes a lot of pages and a lot of pictures, then the PDF size will probably be very large. If this plays a role, then when saving, you can select a lower quality level and this will significantly reduce the final size of the document.

It is better to leave the document standard, color model and other settings in the “Main” block unchanged. Make other settings if necessary (for example, you can specify the author of the document, title).

When you have edited everything, click “Continue” (2).

All that remains is to specify the folder on your computer to save the finished document.


There are other programs similar to PDF24 Creator that allow you to perform similar functions. However, of the free solutions, I liked this one the most, because it has a number of necessary functions, for example, such as the simple layout of one PDF document from several, and the ability to enable PDF protection. PDF protection functions in general are most often only available in paid programs, but in PDF24 Creator this is also free.

It is easy to use, everything you need to do with documents can be done very quickly!

Quite often, users encounter some problems when working with PDF files. There are difficulties with opening and problems with conversion. Working with documents of this format can sometimes be quite difficult. The following question especially often confuses users: how to make one from several PDF documents. This is exactly what will be discussed below.

Merging PDF files can be done in different ways. Some of them are simple, some are overwhelmingly complex. Let's look at two main ways to solve the problem.

To begin, we will use an online resource that allows you to collect up to 20 PDF files and download the finished document. Then he will use the Adobe Reader program, which can rightfully be called one of the best programs for working with PDF documents.

Method 1: Merging files via the Internet

As a result, merging files via the Internet took no more than five minutes, taking into account the time of uploading files to the site and downloading the finished PDF document.

Now let's consider the second method of solving the problem, and then compare them to understand what is more convenient, faster and more profitable.

Method 2: creating a file using Reader DC

Before moving on to the second method, it must be said that the Adobe Reader DC program allows you to “collect” PDF files into one only if you have a subscription, so you should not rely on a program from a well-known company if you do not have a subscription or do not want to purchase it.

It is difficult to say which method is more convenient; each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. But if you have a subscription to the Adobe Reader DC program, then it is much easier to use it, since the document is created much faster than on the website and you can make more settings. The site is suitable for those who just want to quickly combine several PDF documents into one, but do not have the opportunity to buy some kind of program or purchase a subscription.