How to go to a specific date VKontakte. Search by VKontakte messages

Sometimes it's hard to remember an important date or a message sent a couple of weeks or a month ago. And leafing through long-term stories manually is wasting time and nerves when information is needed right now. An old friend's birthday, an unrecorded phone number, an address, a business meeting location - all this can be found using the built-in social network functionality. Let's figure out how to find a VK message by date, and look at other "chips" of the dialogues.

Search by different criteria

This option is present on the full and mobile version of the site, as well as in applications for smartphones. VKontakte allows you to search for messages in dialogs by the exact date, a single word. There is also the ability to search by attachments - all photos, audio, video and documents that appeared in a conversation with a user for the entire time of communication. The functionality described below is also relevant for mass VK conversations.

Searching for old messages by date is done as follows:

  1. Open the required dialog and click on the magnifying glass icon on the top panel.
  2. Click on the calendar to open a panel with a choice of month, year and day of the week.
  3. Mark the date, after which VKontakte will instantly open the correspondence until the specified day inclusive. Please note that you can scroll through the dialogue to older posts.

Ready! You found the right day in a minute and read important information. However, remembering a specific date is not always possible, and the search can take a long time (if you correspond a lot). If you remember the topic of the conversation and at least a couple of thematic words that were definitely in the discussion, then the search is simplified:

  1. Open the dialog again and click on the magnifying glass icon.
  2. Now click on the search bar and enter the desired words or part of the phrase. If we are talking about links, then just enter http or domain.
  3. We press the "Search" button, after which VK issues a list of matches.
  4. To find out the context in which the message was sent, you can navigate to the selected conversation span. To do this, simply right-click on the message.

To search through all correspondence within one page, just type a query into the search box above the list of dialogs.

To display the materials used during the correspondence (audio, video, images, documents), you need to click the menu icon in the dialog box and select the "Show Attachments" item. This way you will only have access to music and pictures without text messages.

Search in mobile applications

On smartphones running Android or iOS, the search procedure is even simpler:

  1. Open the application and go to the dialog section (the pop-up message icon in the center of the bottom panel).
  2. Click on the magnifying glass in the upper corner of the interface.
  3. Select a section to search - dialogs or individual messages.
  4. Enter text (you can use your voice by clicking on the microphone icon).

How to jump to the first message in a dialog?

It can take a very long time to scroll through the correspondence to the very beginning. To speed up this task, we suggest using one "life hack":

  1. Open a conversation with a person.
  2. Copy the string &msgid=1.
  3. Paste at the end of the link in the address bar of your browser and press Enter.
  4. The beginning of your communication with a friend will appear in the VK dialog box. You can be nostalgic.

The same option is available in the mobile version of

Problem solving

Be sure to check out these tips:

  • The computer freezes when rewinding to the beginning. This is easily fixed by the mobile version of the site, where the correspondence is displayed page by page.
  • I can not go to the beginning of the correspondence in the VK application. This feature is not available in the official mobile app. To rewind, use the third-party program Kate Mobile.

Now no information can get lost in the depths of correspondence when you are armed with all the necessary knowledge.

No, not only. By clicking like, you take your favorite post or photo, or music, etc. to your archive. And you can view them very simply - by going to the "Bookmarks" menu section.

Can I see community archives? Or just through scrolling pages?

Of course you can. If you see that there are a lot of entries on the wall, just click on the number of entries, and a bar with page numbers will open in front of you. You can start browsing from the last (historically - the first), and, scrolling through in portions of 10 pieces, see how the community has evolved and which posts have caused the most interest (likes and reposts).

Is it possible to find the desired thematic post among the many posts on the wall?

Of course, there is a search function for words (phrases) on the community wall. The Go To Search feature will appear once you have requested a paginated archive of entries. There is also an advanced search function in your news feed (it looks for words, links to sites, links to entries in the VK itself, entries - record holders for likes, etc.). And this is in addition to the usual search for people and communities.

And the news feed can be somehow cleared of unnecessary, uninteresting entries?

Certainly. The news feed is fully customizable - from which of your friends and from the communities in which you are a member, you want to receive news, and from whom you do not. Just check or uncheck the boxes in the "Set up news" section.

And besides the news feed, what else can be broadcast to my account, and where can I see it all?

You can write personal messages, notify you of the desire to make friends, etc. You can set the frequency of notifications yourself, for example, if you have important correspondence, you can order instant notifications via SMS (it's free) or by e-mail, and if you don't want to have extra trouble, you can completely refuse any notifications. All this is edited in the "Notifications" section.

And if I conduct business correspondence in VK, can I somehow sort my friends according to certain criteria (except for “friends at school”, at the university, relatives, etc.)?

Certainly! Lists are used for this purpose. You create the necessary lists (customers, potential clients, etc.), in much the same way as it is customary to do in CRM (customer relationship management) systems, and after that your friends will be sorted into separate folders (which is especially convenient when number of friends).

And how can you evaluate the attractiveness of the community for advertising? For example, I am interested in a certain thematic group, and in it are people from my city?

There is nothing easier: click on the "Subscribers" ("Members") section, and in the open window with photos of people, select the "Search by subscribers" item. In the menu that opens, you can search for community members by many criteria - place of residence, position, year of birth, etc. In addition, you can use the sorting function - for example, to see those who have been added recently (the default is sorting by popularity).

But what if the group has more than a hundred thousand members? After all, it is known that VK gives no more than 1000 results in the search?

In this case, it is better to segment the audience: for example, by age, by location, etc.

You may need to find a specific message in a conversation with a user. Vkontakte has implemented a search mechanism for these purposes. You can view all messages for a certain date, or try to find the one you need by entering a search query.

Now I will teach you how to do it.

Looking for a message by words

Go to the dialogues, and open the correspondence with the right person (see).

Now hover your mouse over the magnifying glass icon located at the top of the chat window.

A search bar will open in which you need to enter your query. Specify a phrase, word or part of it. Then press the button "Search".

Search results will be generated. There will be messages that match the specified criteria. Take a look - surely among them there is the right one.

Search for Vkontakte messages for a specific date

In the event that you do not remember what words are in the message, but know the approximate date when it was sent (see), you should use the search by date.

Again we go to the dialogue, go to the search. Now at the top of the window, click on the calendar icon.

Your calendar will open. Select the desired day here. If you don't remember exactly, set it approximately. After you click on a date, the dialog automatically scrolls to that date. Now you can manually view the messages and search for what you need.

Scroll with the mouse wheel to view.


With this tool, you will be able to find the information that you had in the dialogue with the user at any time. It is especially convenient when you are searching in a correspondence with tens of thousands of messages (see).


In contact with

High-quality records are the basis of any VKontakte community. Thanks to the published content, you can increase the loyalty of the target audience, increase sales and the number of new members. Working with the target audience involves publishing thematic content. Before starting the promotion of the group, you should review all your content, for which they launch a VKontakte search in the group by records. Being productive with notes means working through your article plan and reviewing and analyzing the most interesting ideas.

Productive work with VKontakte records and search for posts - an example

Interesting posts get more likes and reposts, it becomes clear that you need to search for your interesting posts.

Great posts increase the likelihood that a particular post will go viral, which will increase the natural growth of subscribers.

One example of how high-quality publications have increased the engagement of the audience in the group is a community dedicated to ideas for small businesses.

At the initial stages of development, the administration of the public posted 4-5 different ideas copied from third-party sites. In parallel with this, advertising was purchased to promote the community. The number of new members grew, but the involvement and interest of the audience in the group was at a low level.

After that, the public administrators decided to change the approach to creating publications and try to diversify it as much as possible. They ran a search, did an analysis, and figured out what was popular. So, along with the usual text notes, they began to publish audio books, videos from conferences, and interviews with experts.

This allowed to increase the number of likes, reposts and unique visitors to the community. Also, thanks to high-quality and interesting posts for the target audience, the percentage of conversion to subscriptions increased and the price for attracting one participant decreased.

Types of records and work with them VKontakte

There are 4 main types of content on VKontakte. Let's take a quick look at each of them:

  1. Text. Classic text notes. Try not to create very voluminous posts, as social media users do not like to read long texts.
  2. Images. The simplest content type. It is most often used in entertainment communities.
  3. Audio recordings. This type of content is great for creating interviews.
  4. Video recordings. Video has grown in popularity in recent years. For this reason, try to post as much material as possible in video format to increase user engagement.

Work with posts - search for posts by tags

How to search for records in a VK group? There are several different ways to do this:

  1. Using the community post search tool.
  2. With the help of hashtags.

In order to use the search, go to the community you need. There is a magnifying glass icon on the group wall in the upper right corner. Click on it.

After that, a line will open for entering key phrases for the search.

Enter the word or any phrase you want to search for an entry. For example, if you went to a group with recipes, then enter the name of the recipe you need and if it is in the community of your choice, then using this tool you will find it among all posts.

To search by tags, enter a hashtag in the search keywords input field.

To search for records on mobile devices, you need to:

  1. Open the group you need.
  2. In the action section, which is located in front of the public wall, select the "Search by records" item.
  3. A new window will open where you can enter a keyword or hashtag to search.

You can also add your comment to the post, which will be displayed on your wall.

To edit already created posts, you need to open the post management menu.

Select "Edit" from the pop-up menu.

Now you can make any changes to the post: change the text, add an audio or video file, attach a poll, etc.

Once all changes have been made click on the save button to complete the process.

Also, many users have a question about how to mark a group on a VK entry. Everything is very simple.

To do this, when creating a post, enter the "@" symbol.

The system will automatically prompt you to select any group of which you are an administrator.

This will allow you to tag the group and create a clickable link in your post to it.

Create Scheduled Posts

If you are thinking about automating the process of adding entries, then you are probably worried about the question of how to postpone the publication of posts in the VK group. This can be done in several ways.

In the first case, you need to use the Timer tool in the VKontakte social network itself.

To do this, go to the record creation mode.

Expand the "More" menu and select the "Timer" function.

After that, specify the date and time for the release of the planned material.

The second way to create delayed publications is the service and its analogues.

To work with the service, you need to register in the system and log in using your VK account.

In your personal account, you can create delayed publications for your communities.

The free use of the service allows you to publish 50 posts per month. To increase the limit, you need to pay for one of the available tariff plans in the system.

Possible problems

Now let's consider possible problems when working with records in VK groups in order to avoid them in the future.

Lack of ideas for content. Very often, community administrators have problems with ideas for creating high-quality and interesting content. The solution to this problem can be:

  • analysis of competitors in VKontakte;
  • search for interesting ideas on thematic sites, both Russian and foreign;
  • watching YouTube videos and borrowing some ideas from them.

The most important thing is not to copy other people's publications, but to try to create author's posts.


Based on all the information, we can conclude that creating high-quality and interesting posts for the target audience is easier than it might seem at first glance.

Make your content as interesting as possible for the target audience and the result in the form of an increase in coverage and an increase in new subscribers will not be long in coming.