How to move an app to the home screen. How to add folders, shortcuts and widgets in android


Rodion Danilov

How many apps are installed on your iPhone - 50 or even 100? Behind Last year the number of applications, without which (as it turned out) we all cannot live a day, has at least doubled. And the moment has come when it is simply necessary to organize these shortcuts so that they are all at hand. There are many ways in which shortcuts can be positioned to make them more efficient. We have collected some of the most rational and original ways.

There is a whole area of ​​research dedicated to measuring how much time we spend on extra finger movements in search of desired application. Try to track exactly how you hold the phone, and which areas of the screen are most accessible to your fingers. It is there that it is worth grouping the icons of the most frequently used applications. For example, if you are right-handed and use the phone with one hand, place them in a column along the right edge of the screen.

In order for the icons to not “spread out” on 5 screens, it's worth having folders. The most obvious way to catalog applications is to collect in separate folders eppy similar to each other. For many folders with category names , which are offered by default in the system (such as "Productivity", "Reference", "Entertainment") seem too vague. Instead, try to have folders with names that are clear to you. Think about what you use your phone for. Watch videos, play games, listen to music, read books or news? Label the folders with the verbs “watch”, “listen”, “read”, “learn” and place the applications in them accordingly. This will help you navigate faster huge number applications.

If you don't like using folders, try grouping labels in rows by topic, for example, all Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter and Tinder applications are in a row social networks, all scheduling applications such as calendar, task list and alarm clock are in a different thematic row, etc.

If you are used to navigating alphabetically, then the A to Z way of arranging icons will suit you. Instead of manually arranging all the application icons on the iPhone, launch Settings, select General, then Reset and reset Home Screen Layout. After that all the icons are preset Apple apps will be arranged by default and other applications will be sorted alphabetically.

One of the most popular ways label organization applications suggests their placement by frequency of use (in descending order). It is important to consider: in order not to litter the phone and have all the applications at hand, you should not start more three screens. Arrange the most frequently used tools on the home screen, such as the camera; on the second page of the main screen - useful applications, organized into folders by topic and category. On the third screen, throw off the applications that you use the least. You can also put games there that constantly distract you from business.

for the visuals, Mashable columnist Kylie Singh suggested. Since folders can be labeled not only with text, but also with emoji, it is quite logical that a folder with a symbol, for example, notes, can contain music and applications associated with it. The folder with the palm tree can store your vacation photos, and the running man can hold the Runstatic and Nike+ sports apps.

If after your "cleaning", when all the icons are arranged in folders and scattered around different screens you still can't find anything, use the search. Recall that fast access to this function is carried out using the swipe down.

You got the icons on the android desktop - application icons can be removed, deleted or hidden.

It is available on all android versions: android 7, android 6, android 5.1, android 4.4 and so on.

I will describe here using a Samsung Galaxy phone, although almost nothing depends on the names of smartphones or tablets.

Removing, deleting or hiding icons on the desktop is the prerogative of the OS, not the device developers.

Before proceeding to the description different ways I will share with you one good method.

That's what I did, you might like it too. Then you don't need to remove anything, hide, delete anything.

Installed applications set icons on the desktop on their own - these icons are sometimes superfluous and even annoying.

I, on my samsung galaxy with android 6.0.1, did not like it. Here's what the phone looked like before.

I wanted to remove these icons - leave only those that are always required and make them large. To do this, I simply went to "Settings" and clicked on the "Easy Mode" section.

In it, I put the bird on a simple mode and clicked on “Finish” at the top.

See what happened below. There are only six large icons left.

You can replace them with any other you want. To do this, click "Edit" at the top and choose what you want.

Method one - remove desktop icons on android

To do this, on the desktop, simply click on the icon you want to delete and hold your finger on it for a few seconds until the “Delete” option appears on the top left of the screen (depending on the OS version)

Then move (drag) the icon to the inscription: "Delete". If the first time does not work, then repeat the procedure.

It will not work only if you release the icon even for a moment. When you drag it to the delete option, release it.

The icon from the desktop will be deleted, but the application itself will remain intact - you can find it in the Menu.

Method two - hide icons from the android desktop

Why you needed to hide application icons does not interest me, but own way no version has.

You need to install the application - "Hide App". Then, after launching it, put the birds on the icons you want to hide. After that, on the right upper corner press "SAVE" (save).

Method three - remove icons from the desktop on android

This option also provides for the installation of an application from third-party programmers.

It's called a launcher Apex Launcher". To remove the icons, enter its menu (three dots in the upper right corner) and click on the "Apex Settings" line.

Then open the "Application menu settings" item and go to " Hidden apps».

See the list of applications. In it, in front of the applications whose icons you want to hide, put the birds and click on "Save" at the bottom.

The icons you have chosen will no longer be displayed on the desktop - they will hide from your eyes.

How to make the icons on the android desktop no longer appear

Launch play market. Go to the menu (press the three dots at the top and swipe left).

Select "Settings". Now uncheck the box "Add icons installed apps on the main screen».

So prevent installed applications from putting icons on your android desktop on their own.

There is another interesting built-in option to remove icons (reduce their number and make them large).

It consists in changing the screen grid. I will not describe it now, although this method has some relation to the topic of the record.

Who can’t deal with this on their own, write in the comments, and I will give instructions. Good luck.

This article will help you with the basics Android smartphones and tablets.
You don't have to be a computer engineer to figure out how to use your gadget, but the sheer number of features and features of this OS can be confusing at first. Below we will discuss in detail how the interface works and how to customize the home screen to suit your needs.

General navigation

Depending on what device you are using, your interface skin (launcher) may look and work differently, however, you will mainly use only touches, horizontal and vertical finger movements to work.
Swiping vertically from top to bottom opens your notification center, horizontal swiping lets you jump between screens, and tapping the desired app, as expected, opens it. However, there are some tricks and features that you can use to make your gadget easier to use. About them below.


Unlike other mobile operating systems, at home Android screen you won't find complete list your installed applications. Instead, you have a shortcut that launches a menu (App Drawer) with all apps. Navigation through the App Drawer is done either by vertical or horizontal finger movements, it depends on the launcher and your gadget.

You can add the applications you need to the home screen as shortcuts, to do this, simply drag the application icon to the home screen. If on home screen press and hold your finger on the icon of this application, a menu will appear that will allow you to delete and view the information of this application, but again, this depends on your launcher.


One of the standout features of Android is the widgets. If you are a beginner, then you are probably asking: “What is a widget?”, in simple terms, it is graphic element, which can be added to your home screen, from which you can display information for yourself, with a simple glance.
For example, if you add a sports widget, you can check the score of your favorite team without having to open the app. Also, you can check your mail, posts on Google+, Facebook, news, as well as use the player, all this from the home screen of your device.

Adding a widget is very easy: just press and hold your finger on empty place on your home screen, a menu will appear where you can add a new widget (again, it all depends on the launcher, but in most cases it works like this).
Before adding a widget, you can preview its size, and then click on desired program and while holding your finger, drag it to home page. You can also adjust the size of the widget by dragging its edge.

The size grid used in the Nexus 5 launcher is 4x4, in most cases, on other phones it is also 4x4.
Some third party launchers allow you to manually adjust the size of these grids.


Shortcuts allow you to immediately launch the applications you need simply by clicking on them. For example, the Direct Dial shortcut allows you to make a call by simply tapping the icon on your home screen once. This feature helps save time and make it easier to manage your device.

They are added in the same way as widgets, by long pressing on the home screen, and selecting the “shortcuts” position. You can customize this shortcut to launch an application, direct call, or other action. This is a very useful and handy feature that few people use, which is very sad.


Another way to organize your applications is to use folders. All you have to do is drag one app icon over another, this will create new folder with both applications inside it. You can add other apps from within the folder, or simply drag and drop new apps into it. You can also sort the applications inside the folder and change its name.

Dock icons

Dock Icons: This is the bar at the bottom of the screen that is available to you on the home screen. Adding and changing icons from the dock is pretty easy: just drag the desired icon or folder to the dock panel and you're done. Most launchers allow you to add up to five of these icons, and some third party launchers use sliding system with multiple pages of these icons.

Notification panel

The panel on top of your device shows you several icons like bluetooth connection, Wi-fi, signal strength, NFC, and more system notifications, which depend on the active functions. Time, signal strength and battery indicator are always visible.

On the left side of the notification panel, you will see all your notifications, which can be divided into standard and persistent. Persistent notifications cannot be dismissed by viewing them and, in most cases, they indicate the status running application.

Standard alerts indicate received messages, mail, chats, missed calls, etc. Such notifications disappear after you have viewed them. Some notifications can be expanded to view details, just spread it with your fingers.

In older phones, it was possible to display a contact on a specific key. Then holding it down you can quickly make a call.

On android samsung and all the others, it is not provided to add it this way, but you can transfer the shortcut to the desktop.

Yes, it is not possible to set a phone contact to a specific button, but do " speed dial» you can even on a group of contacts.

To do this, you can use the program, which you can download at the end of the recording or use the smartphone tools.

With the tips below, you will be able to create a contact icon and learn how to attach to the selected contact person on the main smartphone desktop.

This operation is very simple and works under the same conditions in most phone models.

Android - how to put a contact on the desktop of a smartphone

Open the "Contacts" section. Press and hold the name of the selected person. A menu will appear on the phone screen.

Depending on the device, select one of the options: move to desktop or add a shortcut (Samsung devices).

If this does not work out (depending on the phone), then on the desktop in an empty place and hold your finger until the menu appears. Select it "Shortcuts".

Now in the next menu, select "speed dial" whenever you want to be able to quickly call a person or send an SMS.

The program to put a contact on the desktop android

If you have a built-in, then just call the widgets (who does not know how) and click on the "Contacts" icon.

Then, depending on the need, select what you need: quick message, quick call or "Contact".

I choose "quick call". A shortcut is placed on the desktop, and it opens for me phone book- you need to press and hold your finger.

Live on the desired one and the contact will instantly appear on your desktop.

If you download the widget below, then the actions with it are almost the same, only the first one is automatically added to it, which of course you do not want. Then just click on it from the desktop and click edit.

Now you can change the number, name, ringtone and many other parameters (to do this, click "More" below).

That's all. Good luck.


operating system:


Article dated Anna Sebova engaged in embroidery and programming. She combines both in her blog, along the way telling us about various interesting features.

I have a blog "Madame Storozhenko" about needlework. It is very young, and I often go to it from my mobile, I think about what to write about, how to improve it. However, store it in open tabs browser on mobile is not very convenient, bookmarks in mobile browser don't fit me either. Therefore, I decided to pin the link icon (shortcut) to the blog on the desktop mobile phone.

The site icon is made simply: in the mobile settings you need to select the item “ Add to home screen“. But the created icon did not remind me of my site at all, but caused bewilderment. Only by clicking on the label or reading the caption, I understood what it was all about. You know, it's inconvenient.

Then I found easy way make the icon (or label, whichever is more convenient for you) more recognizable. It's very simple, you just need to follow a couple of steps.

Act one

Take the original site logo image (or favicon) and crop it to standard for different devices sizes. In my case, the logo and the favicon are the same image.
I chose the following mobile- and tablet-friendly sizes:

- for iOS two files: apple-touch-icon.png And apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png– size 57 by 57 pixels:

- for Windows phone file windows-icon-70-70.png:

Android picks up one of the pictures and does not require additional images and links.

Action two

< link rel = "apple-touch-icon" href = "/mobile-icons/apple-touch-icon.png"/ >

< link rel = "apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="57x57" href= "/mobile-icons/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png"/ >

< meta name = "msapplication-square70x70logo" content = "/mobile-icons/windows-icon-70-70.png"/ >

Display a link to the site on the desktop of the mobile phone. To do this, open the desired site in the browser:

Then open the browser menu (click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the browser) and select the item highlighted in the screenshot:

This window will appear:

Select item “ Add“.

Then minimize the browser window and... voila! A site with a beautiful and recognizable icon is on the desktop, and even available with one touch.

It doesn't get any better.

P.S. An article from Anna Sebova on how to cure.