How to change icloud without losing data. How to change your Apple ID password if you forgot your security questions and don't have a backup email address

Critical for every iPhone, iPad or Mac user. Using this identifier, Apple determines the user's legal access to devices and services, and restoring it can be a very troublesome task.

When registering an Apple ID for the first time, many users are dismissive of Apple's data protection guidelines. In this case, a password is often set too simple (despite the mandatory presence of capital letters and numbers in it), and is forgotten in a fairly short time. As a result, the account often becomes easy prey for scammers who can gain access to confidential information, remotely block the device, etc. In this guide, we will briefly talk about how to change your Apple ID account password to a more complex one to avoid troubles in the future.

If you remember your Apple ID password

1 . You need to go to the Apple ID account management page, enter your login and password;

2 . In the section " Safety» select the item « Change password«;

3 . Correctly answer two out of three control questions;

4 . Enter the old and new passwords with confirmation.

If you have forgotten your password

1 . On the account management page, click the link “ Forgot your Apple ID or password?»

2 . In the form that appears, you must indicate the E-mail to which your Apple ID is linked (you can view it on your mobile device in the “ Settings —> iTunes Store, App Store" or Settings —> iCloud);

3 . Choose one of the two available options - recovery via E-mail or using security questions;

4 . In the first case, you will receive an email with a link to a page with a form for entering a new Apple ID password. The letter may be in the Spam folder;

5 . In the second case, you need to enter the date of birth specified during registration and answer two security questions, after which you can set a new Apple ID password.

Everyone faces the need to change their Apple ID account password. Have you lost your old password or just want to change it for security purposes - there are many ways to change and restore it from any device currently available to you.

Apple ID is a user account for Apple gadgets - iPhone, iPad and others. The account is cloud-based and is the same for all devices. Having received such an identifier, the device owner will be able to access the entire variety of opportunities that Apple provides. This is the AppStore application store, iCloud cloud storage of data and photos, and the iTunes content store.

A bank card is linked to your Apple ID to make payments, which means your account must be well protected. Even the most attentive and careful owner of a gadget is not insured against its loss or theft. Proper protection will help protect personal data and photos that an attacker cannot use against you.

In fact, ill-wishers will receive a useless piece of plastic, which will become your gadget without access to digital applications and data. This is why it is so important to choose a reliable password to the identifier to reduce the vulnerability of your devices. Originally posted by you password account may not be too complicated.

Professionals in the field of information technology also advise changing periodically, at least once a month. password on more complex, since technology does not stand still, and hackers develop many times faster. In order not to give them a chance to hack your account and take possession of your secret, it is better to change password.

How to change password Apple ID: methods and step-by-step instructions

What should he be like?

Before you change password, you should remember the general recommendations for its complexity. Don't neglect them. Don’t think that hackers are an imaginary threat and they will never get to you. Who knows, maybe at this very second they are picking up the key to your device. You can remember anyone password, so it's better make it more difficult.

Password requirements:

  1. The less in the password makes sense - the better. In no case should it coincide with your first name, last name, nickname, and should not be a real word, it’s just a set of letters.
  2. Make it at least 8 characters long, include mixed uppercase and lowercase letters and at least one number. You can use generators password online, them easy to find in a search engine.
  3. IN Spaces are not allowed in the password;
  4. Do not repeat the same characters in your password three times in a row;
  5. The password should not be the same as your Apple ID;
  6. Every password should be different from the previous one. You can't put those passwords that are already were on your account before.

Change on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch via the App store application

This method is suitable for those who remember their old password. If you forgot it, you will need to answer a series of security questions or indicate your email, this is another method, read about it further. Change in the usual way you can password directly from your device, here are a few steps:

  1. Go to the AppStore application, go to your Apple ID account settings and find the change item password. You will be automatically redirected to the appropriate page.
  2. In the "Security" section, select "Edit password"
  3. Next, enter the current one first password, then new and repeat entering the new one so as not to make a mistake.
  4. Click "Edit" password».
  5. Now log in to your account with a new one password.
  6. Don't forget that on other devices you will also have to sign in to your account again with the changed password.

Now your gadgets are safe.

Change through iTunes Store settings

If you forgot your old one password and can’t get into your account, use the recovery option.

Restore by email

  1. Go to Settings iTunes Store, AppStore on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, click on Forgot Apple ID or password
  2. Next, a new iForgot service window will open, enter your Apple ID in it (the prompt in the input field will tell you this), then click the “Next” (“Go”) button.
  3. From two options, select: restore password by email. You will need access to your email account. After selecting the reset option, you will receive an email with recovery instructions and a “Reset now” link.
  4. Click on the link in the email and wait for the reset page to load in your browser password. Enter new password and confirmation new password. The passwords must match. Click "Reset" password».
  5. Within a few minutes, you will receive another email confirming a successful change. password, and you will have to re-login to your account with new data.

Answers to security questions

If you are unable to log into your mailbox, a convenient option for you would be to answer security questions. Then in the “iTunes Store, AppStore Settings” section after clicking “Forgot Apple ID or password? and enter the identifier, select the “Answer security questions” option.

Changing your account profile

Another way to change password if you remember the old one or the entry is connected- is to change it in the settings.

Change password using a computer (Windows, Mac OS)

Change password on a computer running Windows or MacOS, in general Something similar to changing it on the iPhone, iPad or iPod itself. The only difference is that you will have to do this through a regular browser.

If you remember the old one

  1. Launch an Internet browser on your personal computer (Safari or another for MacOS; Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Edge (Internet Explorer) for Windows).
  2. Type in your browser's address bar and go to this page.
  3. Next, enter your Apple ID and old password if you remember him. If not, go through the recovery procedure.
  4. In the "Security" section, select the "Edit" link password».
  5. Then you will have to answer security questions. Also, if your account uses two-factor authentication, you will need to have your phone handy to receive a code on it to verify your identity. Enter the received code in the field on the change page password.
  6. Next, enter your old password and then twice new. In this case, your Apple ID account will be reset on all your devices, and you will need to log in with a new one password.

If you forgot the current one

  • Open a browser on your computer or laptop (Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox).
  • In the address bar, type and press Enter to go to the page.
  • In the reset window password please indicate your Apple ID (email address) and click Continue.
  • Confirm your identity in one of four ways.

Recovery methods from PC

Answer security questionsYou'll need to remember the answers to the questions you set as security questions when you created your Apple ID.
Authenticate using your email addressYou will receive a notification with a link to the specified address, click on it to reset password.
Enter your recovery keyThe option is available with two-factor account authentication. When you connected it in the settings, you created a recovery key. When choosing this method, you will be asked to enter a key, and then a code will be sent to your device, which you need to enter in the browser. Only then can you reset password.
Confirm your phone numberThe option is also only available to those who have activated two-step verification. You will be asked for a phone number and a code will be sent to it. Your gadget will receive a notification, after which you can reset password Apple ID.
  • Now specify a new one password and confirm it. Enter new password on all devices where you logged into your account.

Video: recovery password through PC

Advice: don't store password on computer in an open file. It will be much safer to write it down in a personal paper notebook. However, do not indicate what this is from password or indicate in the form of a code understandable only to you. This way, ill-wishers will not be able to use this information, even if they discover it.

(login) matches the current mailing address. What if it’s time to change the children’s “killer-01-01-99” to something more serious? No problem, but it will remain the same, and filling out different E-mails is not very convenient. In this material we will tell you how to easily and simply change the name of your Apple ID account.

How to change your Apple ID account name?

2 . Go to your personal account and log in with your account.

3 . In the field " Account» to the right of the contact information, click the button « Change».

4 . Your current E-mail will be displayed in the same field under the Apple ID menu. Click on the line " Change email address...».

5 . Enter a new email address and click the " Continue».

6 . After this, a verification code will be sent to your email. Check the folder " Inbox", but if the letter has not arrived within a short period of time, be sure to check the folder " Spam" Copy the code and paste it into the form on the website, after which the account name of your Apple ID will be changed to a new one.

7 . Perform the reverse authorization operation through your new Apple ID on all devices and services.

P. S.: Even if you change the name of your Apple ID account to an E-Mail that is not located in the iCloud domain zone (for example, Gmail), the iCloud mailbox will still not be deleted and you can continue to use it.

There are actually plenty of users who have been using an iPad 2 or other tablet for months, but don’t know what an ID is. They are unaware that they are depriving themselves of many functions. Moreover, they paid a lot of money for this by purchasing a tablet. If you are one of these users, be sure to study this material to the end. Today we’ll talk about how to replace the ID on an iPad and reveal many of the secrets of this process.

Let's try to understand the reason for this misunderstanding. In fact, in most cases, simple laziness is to blame. The user simply does not want to figure out how this is done. So it turns out that when purchasing a device, the user gives the right to some person from the store to enter their symbols when registering an account. This information is usually not provided to the legal owner of the gadget. The result is the presence of a device on which it is impossible to install new software or erase the old one.

How can I correct the situation and create an account? Read detailed instructions below.

Register ID number

To customize the tablet to your needs, you will have to register. To do this, follow 3 simple steps:

1 Register ID number (new). Let us remind you once again that this step is of strategic importance for the settings of the new iPad. This is easy to do. All you have to do is go to the Apple company’s online resource and fill out the required form. If you already have an account, proceed directly to the second step. 2 Enter the characters of the ID number for cloud services. In the tablet settings there are at least 2 fields where you need to enter this data. The first is the “cloud” section. If you went there, but saw an account that was not yours, then it’s time to make a call to the former owner of your device. This is the only way you will find out the password. Without these symbols, you will not be able to log out of your account. As soon as you find out the password, scroll to the very bottom of the display and click on the exit element. After that, follow the steps to log into the cloud. 3 Enter the ID symbols - numbers for stores from Apple and iTunes. This is also done through the settings. The entire procedure is identical to the first step - no passwords are required. Click on your account and select exit from the pop-up window. Then enter your account information into the appropriate sections and confirm your login.

What will you get as a result? Full access to the “cloud”, where you can store files with a total volume of up to 5 GB, and other services. iCloud provides the ability to create a backup on Apple servers and exchange contacts, notes and other types of information with all your Apple gadgets. Agree, this is very convenient.

In addition, the option to search for a tablet will also become available. Be sure to activate it. If you suddenly lose your device or it is stolen from you, you can install the block on the gadget remotely. It will also be possible to erase all data from the device’s memory or discover where it is currently located.

What did you get as a result? In the tablet settings, account information and ID numbers were indicated that must be used when purchasing software. Now all purchased programs will be linked to this number. Moreover, this applies to both free and paid software.

Let's say you purchased a paid program, then deleted it, and now you want to download it again. You can do this in no time, and you don’t need to pay anything again.

Removing work ID number

Very rarely do users resort to this step. But nevertheless, sometimes such a measure is necessary. For example, when selling your device. Therefore, we will analyze step by step how to perform this procedure. And it is done in four different ways.

Removal via support

This method is the only one that allows you to delete an element permanently, without hope of recovery. Other methods only slow down the action, but do not delete the account. Although the result for the user is almost the same in all cases. So it's up to you to decide.

So, for final removal, follow this algorithm:

  • Go to the Apple resource online, contact support.
  • Enter the required information into the pop-up form. Write your request in English. If you don’t know him, use an automatic translator. Usually this happens, the main thing is that the meaning is clear.
  • Send a message by clicking on the appropriate button.

After some time (up to a month), a message from the technical support service will be sent to your e-mail. It will contain a link to erase your account. You need to go through it and delete your account. It will no longer be possible to create a new account using this e-mail in the future.

Changing e-mail on the ID number management page

To get almost the same result as with the previous method, try to “freeze” the ID number by changing the e-mail. This is done through sequential execution of the following steps:

  • Go to the Apple resource on the network.
  • Entering Apple ID into the search bar.
  • Click on the control point.
  • Opening an account (all information about the name, main and alternative addresses will be provided here in case you lose your account).
  • Change of current e-mail. For example, you can add several numbers between letters. The three circles that pop up during changes should be green.
  • Saving changes.

From this moment on, the ID number becomes tied to a new address, which, in principle, does not exist. The old e-mail can be successfully used to create a new account. As you can see. Everything is simple and takes no more than 5 minutes.

How to Remove an ID Using iTunes

This method is also similar to the previous one, but there are still some differences. The steps this time will be as follows:

  • Open the iTunes Store program and go to your account.
  • Selecting information about her. All the necessary information will pop up. Various changes can be made according to the objectives.
  • If the user’s plans include using the current e-mail without deleting the account or creating a new one, but with the same data, you should simply change the current address to another. But it must exist in reality, otherwise nothing will come of it.

In addition, in the settings you can delete devices linked to your account. Either all at the same time, or each separately. To do this, in the details section you need to click on the item to deauthorize all content. Or click on the delete option next to the name of the gadget for which we want to unbind.

How to remove an ID number directly from your gadget

The method allows you to quickly erase the ID number from any tablet and more. You can safely use it for iPhones and other Apple products. After completing all the steps, the device will be in new condition.

So, follow these steps:

  • Go to settings on your home screen.
  • Select "iTunes Store, App Store".
  • Click on the button with the ID number.
  • Among other inscriptions, select the exit.

Now you know how to change Apple ID on your iPad, and in more than one way. On any iPad model, you can change these characters or remove them if necessary. Moreover, deleting an ID, as you can see, is even easier than changing it. Removal is required when the tablet actually has two users. That is, when the user did not purchase a new device, on which the previous owner did not erase the ID. Then you will need to delete the symbols and create your own account. The simultaneous existence of two accounts on one Apple device is impossible.

Hello everyone, dear readers. Today’s undoubtedly useful material will tell you how to change your password for your Apple ID account. It's very easy to do.

I recommend that you change your Apple account password regularly. Especially if you have a bank or credit card linked to this Apple ID. If you don’t change your password regularly, you risk simply giving access to your card to attackers. Be careful and careful.

So let's get started changing the password. I would like to warn you right away that in order to change your password you need to know your username and current password. If you don't know your current password, then you need an ID. This is a completely different instruction.

How to change your password

You can change your Apple ID password directly from your personal computer. Just follow the instructions below. Let's start:

How to come up with a strong password

Don’t forget that the more complex the password for your account is, the more difficult it will be for attackers to gain access to your account, and therefore access to your credit card. Always create complex passwords and always store them in a safe place.

So, how to come up with a strong password:

  • Do not use simple passwords associated with your dates: for example, birthday or name day. Such passwords are the first in line to be searched. So be careful;
  • Do not use passwords associated with your name or nickname. For example, the password IvanIvanov will not be a very good solution in terms of security;
  • Don't use short passwords. I think everything is clear here, the longer the password, the more difficult it is to crack;
  • When creating a password, use both numbers, upper and lower case letters, and special characters. If a computer cracks such a password by simple brute force, it will take him more than one year.

That’s all for today, I hope you were able to reset your Apple ID password without any problems. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to this post. Also, don’t forget to share these materials on your social media accounts.. See you.