How to change vibration on iPhone 6s. Simple options for turning off vibration on iPhone

Each contact in iOS can be given not only a personal ringtone, but also a personal vibration (vibration ringtone). Thanks to such actions, it becomes possible to always recognize the caller without looking at the smartphone screen. Even if silent mode was turned on.

To set each contact a personal vibration ringtone, open “Contacts”, select the desired contact and click on the “Change” button. In the editing window, use the “Vibration” item. Then, in the list that opens, select the vibration ringtone that you prefer.

However, by default, iOS has 7 types of vibration. And this is definitely not enough. Fortunately, the user has the opportunity to create a vibration ringtone on their own. To do this, in the list of vibrations in the “Custom” section, select “Create”.

Creating vibration is a very simple procedure. Just tap on the screen. The press can be short and long, you can also alternate pauses between them. That's all, actually. If you need a short vibration, the creation process can be stopped with the “Stop” button in the lower right part of the screen. As soon as the vibration is ready, click on the “Record” button, after which you will need to give the new vibration call a name.

By the way, you can create vibration alerts not only through “Contacts”, but also through “Settings” - “Sounds”. In the window that opens, in the “Sounds and patterns of vibrations” item, select “Ringtone”, then at the very top of the list that opens - “Vibration”.

Vibration on an iPhone is one of the most common topics of concern for users of these gadgets. In particular, smartphone owners are interested in questions about how iPhone vibration is turned on and how to turn off vibration. There are also some difficulties when vibration does not work on iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPhone 5S and other models of Apple devices. An equally important question is how to remove vibration if the user no longer needs this iPhone function.

The iPhone settings that enable the vibration motor are very specific. Therefore, each user must figure out how to turn on vibration on an iPhone, what methods can be used to do this, and also what to do if vibration disappears or the vibration switch does not work. These and many other questions will be discussed in today's article.

The easiest way to disable this feature is when you just need to turn off vibration for calls and messages. This means that this function will stop working completely when there is a call in progress. To do this, you need to switch the corresponding parameter in the sound settings, namely in the section during a call.

If the user is thinking about how to remove vibration during SMS, they will have to tinker a little to give the function a command to stop working. Specifically, the following steps must be followed:

  • Set the device to silent mode.
  • Go to sound settings.
  • Enter silent mode.
  • Disable the feature.

It should be noted that vibration control on a smartphone can only be achieved thanks to the above two parameters. Accordingly, in the future we will talk about how to work with them.

Ways to completely disable/enable vibration on iPhone

There is one secret in Apple gadgets, which is that in critical situations the user has the ability to very quickly turn off the vibration function. And just one button will help him with this.

To stop the device vibrating during calls and SMS, the user must go to the main settings, select the universal access section, and then vibration. If the owner of the iPhone then needs to activate the function in the future, it will be very easy to do, for which you will need to follow the same steps, but at the last action select the action to turn on vibration. Otherwise, it may happen that vibration does not work, and the user receives an important call or SMS.

Setting vibration using a smartphone alarm clock

Many owners of Apple gadgets are interested in the question of how to set this function using an alarm clock. They mean that when the alarm clock goes off, it should not produce any melody, but only vibrate quietly.

But in principle, there is no such function in the settings of iPhones, so in this situation it is only possible to simply turn down the sound and reduce the signal strength.

Another way to solve this issue is to create an empty track and then set it to the alarm. Of course, you won’t be able to do this on the gadget itself; you’ll have to resort to using third-party programs.

If the user wants to ensure that the device does not vibrate, and music is played when the alarm goes off, you just need to turn off this function in silent mode. You need to put the device in the same mode all night.

Methods for turning off vibration on VKontakte

Apple smartphone users often spend their evenings on social networks. One of the most popular such networks is VKontakte. But when the owner starts writing this, a vibration occurs, which is quite loud. In this case, how can you turn down the sound so that it does not act annoyingly and so as not to wake up your loved ones? There are two main methods for this purpose; we will consider both of them below.

1 By implementing this method, the owner of the gadget will ensure that notifications begin to arrive only when he is online in the application. For the method to work, you must not stop communicating with someone in the VKontakte online application. If you minimize the program, notifications will begin to arrive again.

So, to use this method, you need to go to the left menu on VKontakte, go down to the bottom of the page and enter the settings. Why do you need to click on the item about notifications, find the section regarding vibration there, and turn it off.

Well, since the method described above does not completely solve the problem, let’s consider another more complete method.

2 After applying this method, the vibration function will not work at all - neither when the user is online on VKontakte, nor when he exits this application.

To implement this method, you need to go to the sound settings, select silent mode, and confirm that the smartphone is set to this mode. As you can see, this method is as simple and fast as the previous one. But after having fun on social networks, the user must remember to turn the vibration back on so as not to miss important SMS and calls.

How to disable Viber on iPhone

In this application, it is possible to use only one of the methods described above, since this is not provided for in the device settings. Accordingly, to work with Viber, the user must simply use the second method, which we used on VKontakte. All steps are carried out in exactly the same sequence.

After using the Viber application with the vibration function disabled, you must also enable it again so as not to miss calls and messages.

Sleight of hand and no fraud. The phone is in your pocket in silent mode, but you already know that you have received an email and not some kind of promotional SMS. Experts in the know: iPhone supports the creation unique vibration rhythms, allowing you to personalize each alert. It's very simple.

The feature has been around since time immemorial and has enjoyed varying degrees of success. Some people don’t even suspect that the iPhone has several ready-made pre-installed vibration alert patterns. And some, even in silent mode, determine only by the intensity and pattern of vibration whether the boss or their significant other is calling. Or the mail just arrived.

An excellent tool that helps you understand in advance what awaits the owner on the screen of the device in your pocket. You don't need any special knowledge: here's a simple instructions, which will take a couple of minutes maximum to complete!

Creating a Unique Vibration Pattern

2. In this menu you will find 7 ready-made vibration drawings. Below them there is a point Create vibration, which we choose.

3. To create your own drawing, you need to press and release your finger in a large gray field that stretches across the entire visible area of ​​​​the screen.

This mode works like this. As soon as you touch the screen with your finger, your iPhone's vibration motor is activated. You release your finger and the “motor” goes silent. The blue scale at the bottom of the screen displays the time allotted for recording a vibration alert, as well as the duration of the presses.

Practice. Alternately touch the screen to create your own vibration rhythm. After each session, the result can be “listened to” or re-recorded. Once you are satisfied with everything, simply save the resulting vibration pattern, giving it a name.

5. After this, your own will appear in the list of vibration options. It will be set by default for all calls.

Custom vibration for messages and mail in iOS

If you want to change the vibration for messages, mail or tweets, return to the section Sounds and repeat the above points in the appropriate submenus - for example, New mail. It's simple!

By the way. To delete your vibration tone, in the menu Vibration you need to swipe your finger along the vibration rhythm to the left - then a red delete button will appear. Click on it - and the system will delete your vibration tone and return the standard one instead. The second way is to click Change in the upper right corner of the screen, after which you can delete unnecessary vibration patterns. The built-in ones cannot be removed, so don't worry.

A little imagination - and with your eyes closed, to the surprise of your colleagues and family, you will instantly sort out incoming calls, mail and other notifications, even in silent mode. The rhythm of your favorite song, the “chant” of a sports team... in general, come up with it yourself.

The text was written by Mikk Sidorov as part of a test placement on the site.

Please rate.

If sound signals or musical melodies are enough for you to receive calls and various messages, then you should find out how to turn off vibration on your favorite gadget. The general algorithm for iPhones remains unchanged - you just need to activate the desired function. However, for different models there are some differences in solving the question of how to remove vibration.

There are also various options for deactivating vibration for different tasks: receiving calls, silent operation, alarm clock operation, phone response to touch, receiving emergency signals or notifications from social networks. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our selection of step-by-step instructions for each case.

Features of turning off the function on different iPhones

A vibrating background can accompany both the melodies of incoming calls and operation in silent mode. Let's take a closer look at how to configure its absence on an iPhone.

Removing vibration signals on older models

We recommend starting the shutdown procedure on iPhone 6s from the gadget’s desktop:

  1. Select the Settings app;
  2. Enter the “Sounds” section;
  3. Disable the switches in the lines “During a call” and “In silent mode”. The absence of a bright green tone in the window will indicate that vibration does not work on the iPhone 5s, 6 and more rare gadgets.
  4. Confirm the adjustment by pressing the Home button.

Disable the option on iPhone 7

The step-by-step process for deactivating the vibration mode on a 7th generation phone is essentially the same as the deactivation procedure on an iPhone 6s:

  • Go to “Settings”;
  • Open the “Sounds and Response” item;
  • Change the green color of the switch to gray in the lines “During a call” and “In silent mode”, thus removing vibration.
  • Return to your desktop, saving your changes.

This function makes it possible to remove any light, sound, or vibration signals of interest to us. We'll look at how to enable it on different phones below.

iOS 7 and new models

Swipe down from the top of the screen to open the Control page.

Activate the Moon icon. The activation of the Do Not Disturb mode will be indicated by the icon changing to blue and a miniature copy of the Moon appearing in the top line of the screen.

We enable the Do Not Disturb functionality on iPhone 6s and older models

  • Step 1. Go to “Settings” on the desktop.
  • Step 2. Find the “Do Not Disturb” option with the image of the moon.
  • Step 3. Activate the functionality by changing the position of the switch and its color.

Turn off vibration mode on the alarm clock

The annoying zoom that accompanies alarm ringtones also creates some inconvenience for many iPhone owners. Let's learn the steps to make the wake-up call possible without vibration.

  • First, you need to go to the Clock app.
  • Secondly, select the appropriate section - “Alarm clock”.
  • Thirdly, by clicking on the “+” icon, go to the “Sound” page.
  • Fourthly, open the “Vibration” item.
  • And finally, fifthly, make the “Not selected” line active.

Cancel the vibration response function

To ensure that you can work with the iPhone screen (swipe, press, etc.) without vibration, you need to make some adjustments:

  • go to the “Sounds and Response” section of the “Settings” application;
  • Find the line “Vibration response” at the bottom of the window and cancel its activity by moving the slider and changing the color tone in the window to gray.

Emergency vibration signals - is it worth removing?

Removing the emergency vibration function on iPhones is not difficult:

  1. In the “Settings” system, select the “General” line.
  2. In the window that opens, click on the “Universal Access” section.
  3. Make changes to the activity of the “Vibration” subsection.

IMPORTANT! By refusing such signals, you need to understand that you risk not being notified in a timely manner about tsunamis, earthquakes, or not hearing other government alerts, because the vibration on your gadget does not work.

Disabling notifications from social networks

A simple instruction will tell you how to set the vibration-free mode for working with social networks:

  1. Open the window of the “Notifications” subsection in the menu of the corresponding applications (VK, Viber).
  2. Remove activity from the vibration function by changing the position of the switch slider (from green to gray).

Thus, the given examples of how to turn off vibration on an iPhone can help you make your personal changes to the functionality of the gadget and make its operation as convenient and comfortable as possible for you. iOS allows you to customize alerts in detail, which sets the system apart from other mobile operating systems. That's why Apple products are so loved all over the world.


As you can see, turning off the vibration signal on an iPhone is quite simple; you need to decide which of the messages are the most annoying, and follow the instructions to turn them off. If you have any questions about this topic, we recommend watching the video instructions, where each action is described step by step.

See you on the pages of the site!

Video instruction

Despite the not-so-flexible options for customizing the iOS operating system, which make the platform inferior to its competitors, it does offer unique features that take users’ breath away. One of these functions is an editor for creating a unique personalized vibration alert, which will help accompany any ringtone with an interesting tactile feedback (you can learn about the ability to set your own musical composition as a ringtone at).

So how to personalize the vibration alert (vibrating ringtone) on iOS 7 on iPhone?

1. Go to the “Settings” application of the iOS 7 operating system:

2. Go to the “Sounds” section:

3. Turn on vibration during a call and, if necessary, in silent mode by moving the corresponding power switches to the active position:

4. Select the type of notification whose vibration you want to personalize:

You can personalize the vibration for ringtone, message sound, answering machine, mail, calendar reminders and other events.

5. Go to the “Vibration” menu:

6. Select the “Create vibration” option:

7. Compose an individual vibrating tone from pauses and vibrations:

The process can be stopped at any time with the “Stop” button.

8. Click on the “Save” button if the recording was successful, or “Record” to repeat the action:

9. Select the received vibration from the random list and confirm your action by returning to the previous menu:

Thus, the melody of most notifications of the iOS 7 operating system on the iPhone can be accompanied by some kind of unique vibration, which you can create yourself using the editor built into the settings menu.