Kaspersky virus removal tool application. Virus removal utility from Kaspersky Lab

Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool2010 - a program developed by Kaspersky Lab specialists to provide additional security against malware. Kaspersky AVP Tool finds and cures: viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware and adware, all types of rootkits and similar malware.

Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool is a program for treating an infected computer from viruses and all other types of malware.

AVPTool 2010 is a synonym for the name of the program Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010. The name AVPTool 2010 is often used on the forum Kaspersky Lab.

The difference between Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010 and other Kaspersky Lab programs

is as follows:

  1. The program is free.
  2. Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010 can be used in conjunction with installed antivirus programs such as Kaspersky Lab, and third-party manufacturers.
    Apart from one exception, there are a number of features when Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010 works together with Kaspersky Internet Security 2010/2011, see detailed information .
  3. In the program itself Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010 missing function Update databases.
    To obtain a program with the current set of databases, it must be downloaded from the servers each time Kaspersky Lab and install it on your computer, having previously removed the Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010 program previously installed on your computer.
    Simultaneous operation of several Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010 programs installed on a computer can lead to consequences such as the computer freezing, crashing into a blue screen, etc.
  4. Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010 is not intended to permanently protect your computer.
    It is recommended to remove it after treating the computer. Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010 and install a full-fledged antivirus program.
  5. The program only includes an on-demand scan option. And it does not work in constant protection mode.
  6. Technical support for Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010 is provided only on Kaspersky Lab forum .

Manual computer treatment

For manual treatment of the computer in the instrument Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010

  • After installing the program, open the main program window
  • go to bookmark Manual treatment
  • click the button Collecting information about the system
  • wait for the work to finish System Information Collection Wizards
  • click link Submit the report. A browser window will open asking you to log in. Antivirus service 911
  • register with the 911 Antivirus Service if you haven't already done so
  • create a request in Antivirus service 911
  • carefully read the answers of specialists and virus analysts Kaspersky Lab and follow all their recommendations.

How to run Automatic computer scan

To run an automatic scan of your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Go to bookmark Automatic check.
  2. Create a list of objects to check. Default Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010 scans for viruses Startup objects And Boot sectors of disks, and also searches Hidden startup objects. You can set the scan area by checking the boxes for the corresponding scan objects, and you can also add objects using the link Add.
  3. Select a threat response from the context menu, which you can open by clicking on the link.
  4. Click on the button Run scan.
  5. Wait until the scan is completed.

After starting the task Automatic check the program will search for all known viruses, rootkits, Trojans and worms, and, depending on the parameters you specify, will perform the following actions:

  • It will prompt you to select an action for detected threats after the scan is completed (if you selected Prompt upon completion).
  • Will prompt you to select an action immediately after detecting each threat (if you selected Request action).
  • Will cure or delete if treatment is impossible (if you chose Perform action: Treat and Delete if treatment is impossible).

Configuring Automatic Check settings

You can change the initial setting of such parameters Automatic check V Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010 How :

  • Response to threat
  • Security level
  • Scan Options

How to change the reaction to a threat in Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010

To change the reaction to a threat in the process Automatic check V Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010, follow these steps:

4. In the context menu, select an option:

  • Request upon completion. In this case, you will be prompted to select an action for detected threats upon completion of the scan.
  • Request an action. In this case, the request will be issued immediately when each threat is detected.
  • Perform an action. You can select the following automatically performed actions (if no item is selected, the program will only record information about detected threats in the report):
  1. Treat(if the threat can be cured, for example, a file virus that has infected a legitimate program).
  2. Remove if treatment is not possible(incurable threats will be automatically removed).

How to change the security level in Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010

To change the security level Automatic check V Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010, follow these steps:

  1. Open the main program window.
  2. Go to bookmark Automatic check.
  3. Click on the parameter link Security level.
  4. In the context menu, select an option:
  • High
  • Recommended
  • Short

How to change scan settings in Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010

You can also change scan settings by following these steps:

  • All files - in this case, all objects without exception will be subject to verification.
  • Files scanned by format- when selecting such a group, the program will scan only potentially infected objects - files into which a virus can be embedded. Before starting to search for viruses in an object, its internal header is analyzed to determine the file format (txt, doc, exe, etc.).
  • Files scanned by extension- in this case, the program will scan only potentially infected files, and the file format will be determined based on its extension.
  • Skip files if scanning takes longer than- in this case, the object check will be skipped if the check time is greater than the time specified by the user.
  • Check archives- checking archives RAR, ARJ, ZIP, CAB, LHA, JAR, ICE.
  • Check installation objects- checking the installation files of any programs.
  • Scan nested OLE objects- checking objects placed in a file (for example, an Excel table or a macro).
  • Scan mail format files- checking mail format files, mail databases.
  • Button Additionally:

--- Do not unpack large compound files- object check will be skipped if the size of the compound file is larger than the user-specified one.

On the “Advanced” tab, select verification methods:

  • Heuristic analysis- a method for recognizing new malicious programs by their actions in the operating system. It is possible to choose one of three levels of analyzer operation - Superficial, Medium and Deep.
  • Signature search for vulnerabilities- search and detection of vulnerabilities in the operating system based on databases (signatures) compiled by Kaspersky Lab specialists.
  • Search for rootkits- search and detection of utilities that hide the actions of malware in the operating system.
  • In-Depth Analysis- more detailed search and detection of utilities that hide the actions of malware in the operating system.

Save changes by clicking the button OK in the window Automatic check.

Executing scripts

To execute a script in a tool Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010 do the following:

Execute only those scripts that are suggested to you by specialists and virus analysts in the service Antivirus service 911.

  • copy the script text to the clipboard
  • open your application in Antivirus service 911
  • select the script text
  • right-click anywhere in the script text
  • select the item in the context menu Copy
  • open the main window Kaspersky Removal Tool 2010
  • go to bookmark Manual treatment
  • click anywhere in the field Step 3 right click
  • in the context menu select Insert
  • click the button Execute
  • wait until the script finishes running
  • after executing the script write the word below Completed
  • click the button Submit result

When using the default settings in Kaspersky Removal Tool 2010 After treating an active infection, files of some malicious programs may remain on the computer ( Email-Worm.Win32.Scano.bd, Trojan.Win32.DNSChanger.imv) in an inactive state. Such files no longer pose a threat to your computer. To delete them, you need to go to the tab Automatic check check the boxes for all hard drives and run the scan again.

Today, I would like to slightly expand the composition of articles dedicated to
removal of viruses and write about such a scanner for removing viruses as Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool (hereinafter KVRT). It is something between AVZ and Dr.Web CureIT, still closer to CureIT, since in AVZ There are many more useful powerful additional functions than a virus scanner. KVRT is not intended for continuous computer protection, and also does not have the “ Database Updates” and is intended exclusively for one-time scans.

About Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.

Like most programs that I use myself and recommend to you on this site, the utility KVRT completely free and supports ( which is important for most users) Russian language.
Download from this link.

After downloading, you need to install the program and run it.

After launching, we will see this window in front of us on the monitor:

Here you will need to tick off everything that we would like to check (mail, disks, etc.), and we will also be able to set the required level of security. To do this, first click on the button “ Recommended« (as in the screenshot) and select the item “ Settings". There we install everything as in the screenshots:

Window " Scope of Action«.
File types: All files
Scan optimization: check the box for “ Skip files if scanning takes longer than” and set 60 sec.
We also install everything 4 checkboxes in the subsection " Checking compound files«.

Window " Additionally«.
Where are the verification methods: check all the boxes, and drag the slider to the scale “ Deep«.
Next, check all the boxes except “ I agree to take part….«.

Next click OK and opposite the inscription “ Response to threat" click on " Request action" and select the item " Perform an action” and set, if not installed, two checkboxes. The end result will be something like this:

At the end, just press the button " Run scan” and wait for the scanning to finish. Next, look at the report based on the scanning results, then click “ Exit"and having agreed to delete the program, after the removal is complete, reboot the computer.


In fact KVRT more useful to use as an alternative in situations in which it does not cope AVZ or Dr.web.

Even more effective and useful if AVZ use in conjunction with Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.

A powerful virus removal application that has demonstrated excellent malware detection results in tests. Today we will review another product with almost the same features and specifications.

Kaspersky Lab is known for providing superior antivirus solutions for home and business use, and its programs have been favorably received by security professionals and analysts, as well as consumers. High results in independent testing are shown by the comprehensive antivirus Kaspesky Internet Security 2015 and the basic solution Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2015.

Compared to these two programs, Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool is a lighter antivirus package that does not have a real-time protection module and additional security utilities designed for email protection, web protection, identity theft prevention, etc. The program is better only used to re-check malware on the PC after the main antivirus is running on the system, to make sure that no stone is left unturned.

Installation and interface

The installation procedure is performed almost completely automatically - with minimal user intervention. The program uses a clear interface that allows users to quickly launch an automatic scanner with one click using default settings. Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool scans the folders where malware usually hides on your computer, namely system memory, hidden startup objects, and disk boot sectors.

In addition, users can select a manual disinfection mode in order to collect information about the operating system (for example, installed programs and drivers). It is saved in archives, which can be sent to Kaspersky laboratory for further research. Advanced users can create and run scripts.

Customizable scanning options

Users who are not satisfied with the default configuration can exclude any location from the scanning area and include personal documents and emails, the entire hard drive or just local directories, as well as network locations, optical drives and removable media. Folders of your choice can also be included, with or without nested ones.

Setting the scanning area

It is also possible to increase or decrease the security level, which will be appropriate either in conditions of minimal PC performance or with a significant degree of infection, and you can also configure Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool to automatically remove, neutralize, or delete if neutralization is impossible (by default, a request is issued for user permission). The program has a built-in self-defense module, which essentially protects itself from any hijackers trying to change the settings and disarm it in order to gain control of the computer. This component can also be disabled.

Additional scan settings relate to the file types that will be considered (all, by format), archive contents, installation packages, embedded OLE objects, mail formats and large files, as well as the level of heuristic analysis, signature-based vulnerability scanning and rootkit scanning .

View scanning process details

While scanning, users can find out the duration of the operation, the total number of objects scanned, what threats were detected, the path to the file currently being scanned, and monitor the progress of the scan using an indicator. When any suspicious or infected files are detected, the program displays messages in the system notification area, while giving users the opportunity to see additional data and also take action if threats are found, such as deleting, skipping, or quarantining items to isolate.

All program actions are recorded in a log file. This way, users can find out more information about all scanned objects and removed threats, such as the path to each file. Automatic scanning and manual disinfection reports can be viewed separately.

Performance Test Results

Initially, Sodtpedia was going to test the program on Windows 8.1 Pro. However, error messages appeared literally out of nowhere, and more than once it ended with the program crashing, which is why we were unable to conduct a full scan. So, the capabilities of Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool were tested on Windows 7 instead.

The test machine had an Intel Core 2 Duo 6420 @CPU 2.13 GHz with 4 GB of RAM and ran Windows 7 Professional. The target of the scan was a 590 MB folder containing 2000 virus sample files (the same files as in the case of McAfee Labs Stinger). In the custom scan settings, it was selected to scan only the test folder with threats, and also for the application to automatically delete infected files. The security level was left as set by default.

After a very long period of time (3 hours and 11 seconds), Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool finally completed the scanning process. It identified and deleted 1,986 infected files out of 2,000, leaving 14 files. This means that virus detection rate was 99.3%.

CPU usage was low, but RAM consumption was significant.

McAfee Labs Stinger Review:


The program is compatible with all popular versions of Windows - from XP to 8 or 8.1 (both 32- and 64-bit types). It makes it very easy to start the scanning process, regardless of the user's level of experience with virus removal programs.

Despite this, it is possible to adjust settings regarding scanning area, sensitivity, actions when a threat is detected, and program self-defense.

The virus detection rate in the Sodtppedia test was excellent.

All program actions can be viewed in log files.

The program has been translated into many languages.

It is free to use.


As previously mentioned in the performance test results section, testers encountered problems several times when attempting to run the scanning process on Windows 8.1 Pro. The application often showed error messages and crashed.

The estimated time until the scanning process was completed was not accurate.

RAM consumption was significant during scanning.

In this test, scanning was very slow.

Overall rating

Unless you are in a situation where your computer is heavily infected with malware, the Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, due to its amazing virus detection rate, is well suited for performing scans from time to time. Otherwise, you'll probably need to look for something faster.

Kaspersky Lab is the largest company known throughout the world. This company specializes in developing protection systems against computer viruses, spam, hacker attacks and various cyber threats. Over its history, it has released a large number of different programs that help cope with viruses. One of them, namely the virus removal utility: Virus Removal Tool, will be discussed in this article.

What is Virus Removal Tool from Kaspersky Lab

Virus Removal Tool is a utility designed to one-time computer treatment from viruses. It uses the same virus search algorithms as Kaspersky AntiVirus. The only difference is that scanning occurs online. This means that this program also works well against viruses, Trojans, spyware and any other types of malware, just like Kaspersky Anti-Virus. You can download the program for free from the official website.

Advantages of the virus removal utility:

  • The program is completely free.
  • To use the program you do not need any special computer management skills. The design is very well done and easy to use.
  • In addition to removing virus software, the antivirus can treat infected files.
  • During operation, the utility uses heuristic and signature analysis, which allows it to detect even unknown viruses and transmit them to the online server.
  • It can be used together with other working antiviruses.
  • The utility can be launched in Windows safe mode.
  • The program is downloaded from the official website for free, so you don’t have to worry that a virus will get onto your computer along with the program, as if it were pirated software.

Cons of Virus Removal Tool:

  • This program is installed for one-time use only. After one check, it is deleted.
  • Virus databases are not updated automatically, so you have to delete them and download new ones every time you install them.
  • Antivirus cannot protect your computer in real time.
  • Antivirus scanning is carried out using a database located in the cloud. That is, the program works online and only if there is Internet access.

Virus Removal Tool is not suitable for permanent use. You need to download it only if you think that your computer is infected, and the installed antivirus cannot get rid of this problem.

Working with the Virus Removal Tool

As mentioned earlier, you do not need to be an experienced user to use this program. However, not everyone can get it installed and tested correctly the first time.

To check your computer using this utility, you need to follow the following algorithm:

This scan will be able to identify the most popular malware and eliminate the most common problems. However, in order to be sure that the computer does not contain viruses, it is advisable to scan it completely. To do this you will need to go to settings.

Setting up the utility scanner

To check your computer with greater accuracy and specify specific folders with files, you need to tinker with the program settings. First of all, you need to click on the gear icon. Next, in the “Check area” column put checkboxes next to folders that need to be checked. To completely check all drives, you need to click on “Select all”. The duration of the check will depend on the capacity of the hard drives. The larger the volume, the longer the verification. However, despite the fact that the program is distributed free of charge and scanning is performed online, the program shows greater speed compared to other antiviruses.

It is possible in advance indicate actions, which need to be done with infected files: “Do nothing”, “Disinfect”, “Delete if treatment is impossible” or “Delete”. If you select one of these items, the utility will not ask the user what to do with the virus every time it finds it.

You should always remember that this utility sees unlicensed software and may equate it to a virus. Therefore, if unlicensed software is installed on your computer, it is better not to check the “Delete” box. Or add the folder with the pirated program to the exceptions.

Virus Removal Tool is suitable for those who have noticed problems with their computer or have doubts about the operation of their antivirus. Thanks to its ease of use and free distribution, everyone can use the utility and protect their computer.