Keenetic lite does not connect to the Internet. Zyxel Keenetic factory reset

Zyxel offers its customers a whole series solutions for Internet access, including devices for providers and large offices, and regular points access used to build a home wireless network. We won't consider everything possible options access to the Internet and focus on what is relevant for ordinary users topic: how to set up a router Zyxel Keenetic to gain access to the network?

Connecting equipment

The first thing you need to do is connect the router to your computer. Any user can cope with this task:

It is better to choose the LAN port on the router as number one. The rest may be needed in the future to connect a set-top box or other equipment that needs Internet access.

If you did everything correctly, several indicator lights should light up on the router, signaling the presence of power and connection to the computer’s network card.

Checking the network card

The next step after connecting the device is checking the parameters network card:

Router operating parameters

After the hardware connection and checking the network card, you can begin configuring the router settings. First, it is recommended to change the access password to the network device interface so that a limited circle of people can manage its settings:

The next setup step will be checking and updating the firmware.

Wait until the file is downloaded without turning off the computer or restarting the router. After its completion, you must reboot the equipment to apply the new configuration.

These are the main functions available through the router's web interface. Here you can add the ability to create a local network through a router, see the number of connected devices, and also configure the communication mode with a computer.

Connection setup

When starting to create a new Internet connection, check with your ISP to see what protocol it uses. The order and complexity of creating a connection depends on this.

As an example, we will select two protocols – PPPoE and L2TP. The connection is created in the “Connection” section, which can be found by opening the “Internet” tab. To perform this operation, you will need an agreement with the provider, which contains all the necessary information.

After saving the changes, you should have a new connection through which you can access the Internet.

Creating a Wireless Network

Settings Wi-Fi connections in the Zyxel Keenetic router is performed according to the standard procedure:

The wireless network is configured - now you can connect to it from a laptop, tablet or any other device equipped with a Wi-Fi module.

Additional features

Zyxel Keenetic routers have wide functionality, allowing them to be used to perform different tasks. For example, if you want to connect a VPN, you can do this in the “Authorization” section on the “Internet” tab.

After applying the changes and saving the new configuration, you need to check the correctness of the created connection. Click the "Connect" button and make sure that the connection status has changed to "Connected".

Interactive television

Zyxel Keenetic routers provide users with two options for playing interactive television, provided they connect to this service from their provider:

  • Through STB prefix on TV.
  • Using special software on a computer.

Depending on the chosen method, the procedure for setting up IPTV is slightly different, but its essence remains the same. You will set the parameters on the “Home Network” tab in the “IP Television” section.

If you want to watch interactive television on your computer using programs IPTV type Player or VLC, then set the “TVport Mode” parameter to “Automatic”. After saving the change, you can customize the channel list in the player.

A little more steps are required when using an STB set-top box. Firstly, it needs to be connected to one of the LAN ports of the router. Secondly, for the “TVport Mode” parameter, you must select the “Assign LAN connector” value.

In the line “Connector for receiver” you will be able to select the port to which the set-top box is connected. Enter the required value and apply the new configuration.

Network devices Zyxel Keenetic and others have useful features, allowing, in particular, to configure port forwarding necessary for working with file hosting services, or adjust routing parameters for interaction with local networks.

However, these capabilities are specific and rarely needed. ordinary users. If you are interested in details, you can always clarify them in the comments.

Many people wonder about setting up routers, because each manufacturer develops its own firmware for devices and because of this, you can easily get confused in the many nuances and subtleties of the work. Even individual models settings may differ from one manufacturer. But the Keenetic series routers from Zyxel differ from their competitors in that they have identical settings. Here we will consider how to set up a router wifi zyxel keenetic start.

Initial setup of the router out of the box

So, the router is unpacked and plugged in, now you need to connect it to WAN port at router wire provided by your ISP. The WAN port on Keenetic series routers is always blue. And any of the LAN ports (they yellow) connect the patch cord to a computer or laptop. A one meter long patch cord is usually included in the delivery. The port assignments can be changed later, but the default is to always connect this way.

Now you can proceed directly to the settings. To do this on new page any convenient browser you need to dial the following address: The router will ask you to enter your username and password. The default username is "admin" and the password is "1234". If you are not sure which address, username and password to type, then this data can be seen at the bottom of the router on the nameplate.

On the page that opens, a special assistant will open, who, using hints, will guide you through basic setup. In order not to go into details and carry out the configuration as quickly as possible, you need to click on the “Quick setup” button at the bottom of the screen. It is necessary to keep before your eyes the configuration sheet provided by the provider and ask all clarifying questions directly from him, for example, the next window will ask whether the provider uses filtering by mac addresses. There are three radio buttons on the page:

  • the provider does not use a filter;
  • use the current router mac;
  • specify any other mac (for example, if the connection was already configured on the computer before, you can enter the mac address of the computer’s network card).

You can call your provider and ask to change the mac address to a new one or dial in command line computer, type “ipconfig /all” and rewrite the address in the router.

The next step is to select the IP address parameters. If the provider provides a static address to each of its clients, then you need to select “Static address” from the drop-down list and enter it. Typically, the provider's clients work through a DHCP server, so you need to leave the default settings, i.e. "Automatically". As additional option It is possible to manually specify data on DNS servers.

The final setup step is to specify a user and password for authorization on the provider's server. If there is no authorization, then you need to check the box indicating that there is no password. This is all initial information, but there will be no connection to the Internet, because the setup wizard does not ask what protocol the user is authorized by, so the router needs to be “finished” a little.

You need to click on the “Web Configurator” button, which will redirect to the main router settings page. This page displays necessary information about operation, number of connections, connected ports, information about firmware updates or individual components etc.

First of all, you need to change the password to access the settings so that attackers cannot gain access to local network. This is done automatically when the client opens the configurator for the first time. Later, if necessary, you can add other users with different access rights in the “Security” section.

Setting up a connection to a provider

Now it's setting up connecting the zyxel keenetic start router to the provider. This is done in the “Internet” section. The “List” tab informs about all existing connections to the global Internet. By default, only the “Broadband Connection” interface is present. Having entered it, you need to make sure that the interface is turned on, the WAN connector is used, or any other connector will be assigned. The main thing is not to forget to switch the wire to the connector that was selected.

  • Enable - enables or disables the interface.
  • The authorization protocol used from the drop-down list. Issued by the provider. Typically the following authentication types are used: PPPoE, PPTP or L2TP.
  • Use to access the Internet - you must check the box to use the interface for accessing the Internet as the main connection.
  • Connect via - indicates the WAN port. In most cases, this is the Broadband Connection we previously configured.
  • Username and password are issued by the provider.
  • Authentication algorithm - specified by the provider.
  • Service name - the name of the connection, which will be visible in the “List” tab.

The remaining fields are optional and must be filled out in accordance with the settings sheet provided by the provider. By filling out the fields and clicking the “Apply” button, a new connection will be added and you will be connected to the Internet.

When an Internet connection is allowed via Broadband Connection, NAT is automatically configured, i.e. translation of internal network addresses to external Internet addresses. This is necessary for many data services such as online games or torrent clients. How to set up address translation for specific services, for example, a web server, has already been written before in the article “What is NAT in a router”.

Setting up a home local network and WiFi

Now you need to understand how it is produced setting up a zyxel keenetic start router for working in a local network. To configure, you need to go to the “Home Network” section. There are several tabs in the section:

  • IP address - indicates the address of the router on the local network and the subnet mask. You can leave it unchanged or specify any convenient address from the valid range of addresses for local networks.
  • DHCP server - indicates the pool of addresses for the server, the starting address and DNS servers for the local network.
  • Static bindings - allows you to statically assign an address to each connected machine on the local network.

Setting up a Wi-Fi router zyxel keenetic start produced in the WiFi section:

  • On the operating mode tab, select the “Access Point” switch to organize the operation of your own Wi-Fi network.
  • The “Access Point” tab allows you to set the basic parameters of the wireless network, such as the network name (SSID), password or network access key, the number of a specific radio channel and the degree of protection (data encryption method).
  • Guest network- allows or denies connecting to the network as a guest, without entering a password.
  • Access list - sets filtering parameters certain devices creating black or white lists.
  • Connections - list of all connected to at the moment clients.

Now we know how to connect a zyxel keenetic start router to the Internet and carry out basic settings. there is absolutely nothing complicated about this, especially since there are good tips and descriptions for each option in each settings section and on separate tabs.

Zyxel Keenetic Start is the younger brother of Zyxel Keenetic. As can be understood from the addition to the name router Start, this is a slightly stripped-down version from Zyxel Keenetic. Nevertheless, Keenetic Start will do an excellent job of connecting your home to the Internet, the provider’s network and its services, such as IP television. It unites the home computer equipment to the network and will provide the opportunity to simultaneously access the Internet from several computers or gadgets, play online games, participate in file-sharing networks, connect smartphones, tablets and laptops via Wi-Fi (speed up to 150 Mbit/sec), use TVs with Smart function TV. For guest Wi-Fi devices, you can enable a separate wireless network with Internet access, but without access to information in home network. Built-in firewall internet center protects all devices on your home network from attacks from the Internet. I think for most users this is more than enough.

Let's start with the appearance of the router - it doesn't really stand out among a number of others, black in color, glossy with a ribbed surface.

Zyxel Keenetic Start is not large size 140 x 110 x 30 mm excluding antennas. There is a button on top of the case; it allows you to quickly and safely connect to the secure Wi-Fi network of the Internet center. wireless devices Wi-Fi 802.11g/n that supports the WPS standard, such as computers and laptops with operating Microsoft system Windows.
Short press- Launches a function quick connection(WPS).
Press for more than 3 seconds- Turns the wireless network on or off.

At the back there are traditionally 5 ports (100 Mbit): 4 ports for local network + 1 port for the Internet. What surprised me a little is that the ports are signed in Russian letters (Home Network, Internet, etc.) is not fundamental, of course, but it’s not common to see this. There is also a button to turn the router on/off.

There are 8 indicators on the front panel:

Indicator - Status
Doesn't light up
Zyxel Keenetic Start is disabled.
Flashes rarely
The router is loading. If the indicator blinks for more than two minutes, the Internet center may be faulty.
Flashes quickly
Firmware update.
The Internet center is turned on and functioning normally.

Indicators 0-4 Connection to network connectors
Doesn't light up
The cable is not connected to the corresponding connector of the Internet center, or network connection not installed.
Lights up or flashes
The network connection has been established and information is being transferred.

Indicator - Wireless network Wi-Fi
Doesn't light up
Wi-Fi network is turned off.
Wi-Fi network is turned on.
Flashes quickly
Data is being transmitted over the wireless network.
Flashes, rarely
Wireless quick setup session started
connections using WPS technology.

Indicator - Internet
Doesn't light up
Zyxel Keenetic Start did not receive IP parameters from the provider to connect to the Internet or did not pass authorization.
The IP settings for connecting to the Internet are set.

In order to configure the router, you need to use Ethernet cable, connect to a computer/laptop. Don't forget to connect power to the Zyxel Keenetic Start and press the power button on the case. In the computer/laptop settings, set automatic retrieval of network settings . After this, open any browser (IE, Chrome, Opera), the web interface of the router will open, if this does not happen, enter or in the address bar, a web interface window will open offering a choice - go to the web interface or run quick setup . I suggest starting with a quick setup.

The first step will be setting up the Internet; the router supports various types of VPN connections (PPTP and L2TP), PPPoE, 802.1X, VLAN 802.1Q, IPv4/IPv6. In order to properly configure the Internet, I recommend contacting your provider. After the global network is configured, Zyxel Keenetic Start will offer to update its firmware, agree and click " Update".

After installing the updates and rebooting the router (this will take no more than 5 minutes), you will see a window stating that the Internet Center components are updated and you can proceed to the next step, click " Next".

The next step is to suggest enabling the Yandex.DNS Internet Filter application; I recommend turning it on to make browsing the global network safer; if this function turns out to be unnecessary for you, you can always turn it off.

This completes the quick setup and you will be asked to go online or continue settings using the web interface.

Many may notice that in the quick setup there was nothing about Wi-Fi network settings, the whole point is that the router is already configured secure wifi network, in order to find out the SSID and password, just turn the device over and you will see on the sticker Wi-Fi name network and its password. In my opinion, a reasonable decision, since many routers from other manufacturers have a default Wi-Fi network open to everyone, and this is not safe, and those who change Wi-Fi settings networks very often forget the password, in the same router everything can be seen on a sticker.

Back to web interface, I suggest you look at the basic settings of Zyxel Keenetic Start; to do this, press the button " Web configurator".

The first thing you will be asked to do is enter a password to connect via the web interface, I recommend using complex password consisting of at least 6 characters with numbers, large and small letters and specials. signs (!@#$), just don’t forget it later, otherwise you will have to press the Reset button and return the router settings to factory settings and then configure everything again.

After entering the password, you must log in (enter your login and password), login - admin The password is the one you just set.

After connecting to the web interface you will see- System Monitor, it shows information about the system, the status of the router, network interfaces.

Video review of the Zyxel firmware update.

If you want to change the Wi-Fi network settings, you must press the " Wi-Fi network" and on the tab " Access point", make the necessary changes.

If you select the " Guest network", we can enable and configure another Wi-Fi network without access to the local network. Typically, the Guest network is used in the office so that non-employees of the enterprise can connect to the Internet without access to the local network.

In order to manually update the firmware and components of Zyxel Keenetic Start, you need to go to the " tab System", check the boxes which components need to be updated and click the " button Update", after that the router will download, install updates and reboot.

In order to configure IPTV, you need to press the button " Applications.

Before Zyxel setup Keenetic Lite, you plug the Internet center's power adapter into an electrical outlet, connect the provider's cable to the WAN interface of the router, and connect one of the LAN ports with a yellow patch cord to the network card of your computer. Then you need to change the TCP/IP settings of the network card to automatically receive values ​​(DHCP client). You can do this as follows: ...

Connecting a computer to the ZyXel Keenetic Lite router (Kinetic Light)

Before setting up Zyxel Keenetic Lite, you plug the internet center's power adapter into an electrical outlet, connect the provider's cable to the router's WAN interface, and connect one of the LAN ports with a yellow patch cord to the network card of your computer. Then you need to change the TCP/IP settings of the network card to automatically receive values ​​(DHCP client). You can do this as follows:

Connecting Kinetic Lite in Windows XP: Start - Control Panel - Network Connections - Local Area Connection - Properties - Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) - then see Fig. 1

Connecting Kinetic Light to Windows Seven : Start - type View network - select at the top in the search results - View network connections— Local network connection — Properties — Internet Protocol version 4 — further see fig. 2

Default Internet center ZyXel Keenetic Lite gives IP address values ​​from the range, so after some time your computer should itself receive the required address like: or You can track the receipt of an IP address from the router by opening the status Local network connections. (see Fig. 3)

An inscription saying that you assigned by DHCP, indicates that the router successfully issued an internal IP address to the computer via the LAN interface. If this does not happen, then problems with the operation of the DHCP client on your PC are possible. Most often this can be caused by the operation of firewalls (firewalls), but there are other reasons... In this case, we can advise you to register the necessary IP addresses in the computer settings yourself. To do this, it will be enough to indicate following parameters IP on your computer:
* IP -
* Subnet mask -
* The main gateway is
* DNS -

Setting up the ZyXel Keenetic Lite router (ZyXel Keenetic Lite)

We will basically configure the ZyXel Keenetic Lite router through a web interface that allows you to fine tuning all necessary parameters. We will leave the NetFriend quick setup program for inexperienced users. To enter the web interface of our Kinetic Light, you need to use any computer browser (Opera, Internet Explorer, Mozilla) in the address bar go to the address: (the ZyXel Keenetic Lite router has this address by default). You will see a welcome message from the Seixel Internet center on the computer screen (see Fig. 4)

To log into the web interface of our Keenetic Lite you will need to enter your username and password, and then click on Entrance. Default: Username- admin, Password— 1234. After successfully entering your credentials, you will see the following dialog box (see Fig. 5)

Here you can see general information about the operation of the main interfaces of the router: LAN, WAN and wireless - Wi-Fi interface. Moreover, in the field System information about the degree of load on the router's processor is displayed, as well as information about RAM consumption.

Updating the firmware of the ZyXel Keenetic Lite Internet center (Kinetic Light)

Next, we strongly recommend that you make sure that your ZyXel Keenetic Lite router has the latest firmware version (internal software) installed! Bugs are usually fixed in new firmware versions previous versions, and also increases the stability and performance of the router. To know current version Keenetic Lite router firmware can be found in the main menu, in the line Software version(see Fig. 5). And just below the release date of the router firmware will be indicated.

Next, it will be useful to visit the ZyXel support site to check whether a new firmware version has been released for your Keenetic Lite Internet center (see Fig. 6).

As you can see from Figure 6, for our Keenetic Lite Internet center there are more than latest firmware, containing a number of improvements and optimizations. IN in this case There is a beta version of it (which does not exclude errors), but we will not wait for the final release, because the beta already contains changes that interest us. Therefore, we download the firmware to our computer to further actions. Naturally, we download not from the computer on which you are currently setting up Keenetic Lite, but from some other one that currently has access to the Internet.

You can update the ZyXel Keenetic Lite firmware via the web interface in p. Maitenance - Tools - Firmware(see Fig. 7):

After downloading the latest firmware, you need to install it in your Keenetic Lite Zixel. First, unpack the archive with the firmware that you downloaded from the manufacturer’s website! Then, to update the firmware in p. System - Firmware press the button Review and go to the file with the firmware in Explorer (it has the extension .bin), mark it and click on Update.

Before updating, just in case, your Internet center will display a warning message telling you not to turn off the power to the device during the firmware update process (see Fig. 8).

Smack it OK and go to drink tea at the time when your Keenetic is sent for flashing.

Attention!!! Over the next 4 minutes, do not under any circumstances turn off the power to the router or interrupt the Kinetic firmware update process with any other actions!

During the process of flashing the router, you will see a service message on the screen about the progress of the process (see Fig. 9)

After downloading the new version of the software, the Internet center will reboot, and you will need to re-enter the web interface of the Internet center. If the router safely lets you in after 4 minutes, then you can accept our congratulations, the procedure was successful! If the router does not respond, then most likely you will have to contact service center. To make sure that the latest firmware has taken its place rightful place in the Keenetic router, just check its current version again in the line Software version(see Fig. 5).

The Keenetic Lite firmware update is complete.

Setting up Internet access for the ZyXel Keenetic Lite (Kinetic) Internet center

Now start setting up the main part of the ZyXel Keenetic Lite Internet Center - the network. It is in the network part that you enter the parameters for connecting the Keenetic router to your Internet provider. You can start setting up the connection in p. Internet - Connection(see Fig. 10)

We are in this manual Let's look at setting up the 2 most popular ones Russian providers protocols - DHCP and PPTP VPN.

First, let's configure the ZyXel Keenetic Lite router in DHCP mode

At setting up Keenetic Lite in DHCP mode (automatically obtaining an IP address from the provider), you should not encounter any special difficulties.

In Fig. 10 per field Configuring IP settings you need to activate the option Automatic, then mark the checkbox. Obtain DNS server addresses automatically.

In the field Use MAC address You can enter your own special MAC address value ( physical address) for the Keenetic Lite router. This can be very useful when the Internet provider has implemented MAC binding addresses to the IP address of clients. Since every network device has its own unique MAC address, this option allows you to avoid calls to the provider in case of a change network equipment. You can set a MAC address in the router that is identical to the MAC address of your computer on which you were working before installing the router. Option Default will leave the ZyXel Keenetic router with its “native” MAC address. The “native” MAC address is indicated directly in the menu; in addition, the MAC can be found on a sticker located on the bottom of the Internet center (six pairs of numbers and letters). Below this option is the option Take from computer, with the help of it ZyXel itself will pick up the MAC address of the network card of the computer from which you are currently setting up the router. This will save you from having to enter the MAC address manually (useful if this computer was connected to the Internet before installing the Internet center). In addition, using the option Install You can enter a different MAC address value for the ZyXeL router (see Fig. 11). If you want to use an Internet center with a “non-native” MAC address, then take advantage of this opportunity! If you want to register the MAC address of the router, you will have to call your provider and tell him the “native” MAC address of Seichsel.

The item (see Fig. 10) will allow the Zixel router to remain “visible” to the technical support of your provider. It is not necessary to activate it.


Do not reduce TTL- does not allow the router to reduce the TTL parameter by one when traffic passes through NAT. You can activate it when you want your provider to not let you know that you have a router installed at home.

Allow UPnP- includes the ability automatic settings Internet applications for their smooth operation through the NAT router.

After filling out all the necessary items to configure in DHCP mode, you just need to click on the button Apply to save ZyXel router settings.

You can check the functionality of the entered settings in p. Monitor(see Fig. 12)

Here in the field Internet connection You can see information that the ZyXel router has successfully connected via WAN interface With DHCP server provider and received an IP address from him. In fact, you can already work on the Internet from a computer that is connected to the LAN interface of the router.

Now let's configure ZyXel Keenetic Lite in mode PPTP connections VPN

Setting up ZyXel Keenetic Lite in PPTP VPN mode will require much more manipulation from you than setting it up in DHCP mode. And the process begins in the point already familiar to us. Internet - Connection(see Fig. 13)

To do this in the field Configuring IP settings you need to set the option to Manual(this option involves manually specifying TCP/IP parameters for a connection via PPTP, but some providers can provide them automatically).

In case of manual assignment of parameters in the field IP address you must indicate the IP address issued by the provider under the contract (see your contract or contact technical support).

In the field Network mask You should indicate the value of the subnet mask that is used by the provider (see your contract).

In the field Main gateway You must specify the address of the main gateway in the provider's network (see your contract).

In the field DNS 1(domain name server) we will indicate the value of the IP address of the preferred DNS server (see your agreement with the provider).

Then below in paragraph. DNS 2 We will indicate the value of the alternative DNS server (see your agreement with the provider).

In the field Use MAC address You can enter your own special MAC address (physical address) for the Keenetic Lite router. This can be very useful when the Internet provider has implemented the binding of the MAC address to the IP address of clients on the network. Since each network device has its own unique MAC address, this option allows you to avoid calls to the provider in case of changing network equipment. You can set a MAC address in the router that is identical to the MAC address of your computer on which you were working before installing the router. Option Default will leave the ZyXel Keenetic router with its “native” MAC address. The “native” MAC address is indicated directly in the menu, in addition, the MAC can be found on a sticker located on the bottom of the router (six pairs of numbers and letters). Below this option is the option Take from computer, with the help of it ZyXel itself will pick up the MAC address of the network card of the computer from which you are currently setting up the router. This will save you from having to enter the MAC address manually (useful if this computer was connected to the Internet before installing the router). In addition, using the option Install You can enter a different MAC address value for the Internet center (see Fig. 11). If you want to use a router with a “non-native” MAC address, then take advantage of this opportunity! If you want to register the MAC address of the router, you will have to call your provider and tell him the “native” MAC address of Seichsel.

Paragraph Respond to Ping requests from the Internet will allow your Keenetic Lite to remain “visible” to the technical support of your provider when they want to “ping” you. Activate this item optional.

Auto-QoS- activates the priority system for useful outgoing traffic (enable at your discretion).

Do not reduce TTL- does not allow the router to reduce the TTL parameter by one when traffic passes through NAT. You can activate it when you want your provider not to know that you have a router installed in your home.

Allow UPnP- includes the ability to automatically configure Internet applications for their smooth operation through the NAT router.

When all the necessary options are in this menu filled, click on Apply and move on to the next stage.

PPTP VPN parameters in ZyXel Kinetic Lite are set in paragraph. Internet - Authorization(see Fig. 14)

In p. Internet Access Protocol select an option PPTP.

In the field Server address address required VPN servers Your Internet provider (see your contract). This value can be entered either as a domain name or as an IP address.

In the field Username you must specify a login for the VPN connection (see your contract)

In the field Password You must specify a password to connect to the provider’s VPN server (see your contract).

P. Authentication Method determines the type of authentication on the provider's VPN server.

P. Data Security (MPPE) determines whether encryption is used in VPN tunnel to the provider. Usually encryption is not used, so we select the option Not used.

You should also check the box Obtain an IP address automatically so that the provider's VPN server issues the IP automatically.

In the field MTU size You specify the size network package, the value can be left as default (or set to around 1100-1300 in case of an unstable connection).

After filling out all the necessary options, all you have to do is click on the button Apply to save the settings of your Keenetic Lite.

You can check whether a VPN session has been established from the router directly in this menu. If you press the button Connect, then if the settings in the line are made correctly Connection Status information about successful connection will appear (see Fig. 15):

Setting up routing in ZyXel Keenetic Lite (Kinetic Light)

The next step when setting up the ZyXel Keenetic Lite Internet Center in PPTP VPN mode is setting up routing. This procedure is necessary for simultaneous access to local resources of the provider's network when installed VPN connection. Actually, if you are not very interested in local network resources, then you can skip this step of setting up the router. For those who plan to use local services such as FTP or DC++ in the future, they will still have to configure routing. This can be done at Internet - Routes(see Fig. 16)

This menu is a routing table for entering static routes (so-called \"routes\"). You can find out the static routes that are needed in your specific case in technical support your Internet provider. To create a rule in the router's routing table Zixel, you need to click on the creation icon in any unoccupied line new entry(see Figure 13).

In the field IP address you must specify the destination address of this static route.

In the field Network mask you should specify the subnet mask for a specific route.

In the field Gateway you should indicate the address of your local gateway (you can find it out from your agreement with your provider).

After entering the required data, click on the button Add to save the route in the ZyXel Keenetic router.

Thus, you take turns entering information into your ZyXel router for each static route (route) that should be activated.

After this, do not forget to activate the checkbox. Use static routes and press the button Apply.

That's it for setting up routing in the router. ZyXel Keenetic Lite can be considered completed.

Setting up the ZyXel Keenetic Lite router connection to the Internet ends at this stage. You can check the success of your manipulations in the menu Monitor(see Fig. 17):

In the figure you can see that the router Keenetic successfully received an IP address ( from the provider's VPN server, which means that the PPTP session has been established. If your router did not receive an IP address from the VPN server, then somewhere in the previous stages a mistake was made...

Setting up a Wi-Fi connection in the ZyXel Keenetic Lite router (Kinetic Light)

The ZyXel Keenetic router, like its younger brother - Keenetic Lite, supports standards wireless communication IEEE 802.11n/g/b, which guarantees the ability to work with most existing systems today WiFi equipment. Setting up a Wi-Fi network in Keenetic Lite begins in step. Wi-Fi network- Connection(see Fig. 18)

Enable point wireless access - turns on and off the Wi-Fi module in the Keenetic router.

Network name (SSID)- the name of your future wireless WiFi networks. Here you can enter your own value that you like. Under this name you will see the wireless network of the ZyXel router in your WiFi clients.

Paragraph Hide SSID - disables broadcasting a network identifier (SSID), which allows you to hide your wireless network from devices running Windows OS, being a kind of security measure. Using this option, you can further secure your wireless network from novice hackers. The fact is that computers with operating Windows system“they don’t see” Wi-Fi networks with a hidden SSID. At the same time, using special utilities Finding such networks is not a particular problem. Therefore, you can protect yourself in this way only from your neighbors 😉 If you disable SSID broadcasting, then you will have to manually create a profile for connection on your PC (you will need to know the SSID and password to connect to the wireless network - see below for the password).

P. Standard defines the wireless standards that your network will use Wi-Fi at home. We recommend leaving the 802.11g/n option to ensure support for all current client WiFi equipment. But keep in mind that connecting an 802.11g client device will drop the speed of the 802.11n wireless network to 27 Mbps.

Channel- channel selection for wireless wifi communications. We do not recommend dealing with channel number 6, since most Wi-Fi equipment operates on this channel by default. Ideally, we recommend choosing channel 1 or channel 12 to minimize the likelihood of interference with neighboring networks.

In p. Signal attenuation You can reduce the radiation power of your Keenetic Lite's antenna. You can experimentally select the value so that the router still penetrates the entire apartment and at the same time the Wi-Fi network does not protrude too much from the windows. This will not only preserve your health, but also reduce the likelihood of network hacking by intruders.

Then press the button Apply and move on to the next step WiFi settings in ZyXel Keenetic Lite.

Now let's set it up wifi security networks of our Keenetic Lite (Kinetic Light). This can be done in p. Wi-Fi Network - Security(see Fig. 19):

In option Authentication Sets the Wi-Fi network encryption type. Taking into account the vulnerability of the WEP protocol, we recommend using only WPA/WPA2 encryption. Therefore, we opt for a universal option WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK.

Type of protection determines which algorithm will be used to encrypt a wireless Wi-Fi network. You can choose an option TKIP/AES to minimize the likelihood of conflicts with wireless clients(in general AES- a much more stable option, but not all Wi-Fi clients work with it without problems).

Option Network key format determines in which characters you will specify the wireless network key. It is more convenient to work with ASCII characters.

In the field Network key (ASCII) You must specify the encryption key for your Wi-Fi network. It must be at least 8 characters long. We recommend using uppercase/lowercase letters, numbers, and numbers in your Wi-Fi password. special characters. This minimizes the possibility of guessing the password to your wireless network. Reasonable WPA password length: 8-12 characters.

Check the box. Show network key to see the characters you enter above.

Then you should click on Apply to save wireless network settings inside your ZyXel Keenetic Internet Center.

At this point, setting up a wireless WiFi network in the ZyXel Keenetic Lite Internet Center can be considered complete.

Setting up IPTV and multicast in the ZyXel Keenetic Lite router

IPTV is popular in lately service digital television provided directly by the Internet provider. There are 2 options for using the IPTV service through Keenetic Lite: using a TV set-top box (set-top-box or STB) and directly on the computer through a special program - VLC, IPTV Player PC Player etc. Below we will look IPTV setup for all two cases, but you first need to make sure that the provider provides digital television (IPTV) service to its subscribers.

First, let’s configure Keenetic Lite to connect the TV set-top box directly to one of the router’s LAN ports. ZyXel Keenetic Internet centers have hardware support for IP television, which ensures end-to-end passage of Multicast traffic through the NAT router without loading the device’s central processor. This allows you to connect an IPTV set-top box directly to one of the router’s LAN ports, while the set-top box itself receives an IP address not from the router, but from the provider’s server. As a result, even simultaneous downloads via torrent together with IPTV do not cause problems in the operation of the router.

Transit of Multicast traffic is activated in the ZyXel Keenetic Lite router via p. Home network - IP television. (see Fig. 20) For IPTV viewing on your computer (using VLC, IPTV Player, PC Player etc.) leave the option TVport mode in position Auto. After which you just need to launch your IPTV player on a computer to watch digital television.

If you are going to connect your IPTV set-top box directly to the router, you can manually specify one or more Keenetic ports where you can connect the set-top-box.

To do this, you need in the option TVport mode select an option Assign LAN connector, then in the option Connector for IPTV receiver Below you just need to select the LAN port number to connect IPTV set-top boxes. This numbering completely coincides with the rotation of LAN ports on the rear panel of the Internet center.

Then you just need to connect the TV set-top box to the port of the ZyXel router that was selected in the menu for passing Multicast traffic.

That's it for setting up the router ZyXel Keenetic Lite for working with IPTV can be considered complete.

Setting up port forwarding (port forwarding) for DC and Utorrent in ZyXel Keenetic Lite

Configuring port forwarding (port forwarding) in ZyXel Keenetic Lite required if you plan to use programs and devices on your home network that require unsolicited access to them from the provider’s network or the external Internet. For example, port forwarding in the router is necessary in case of access to IP VEB camera from the external Internet or when working with file-sharing services such as torrent or DC++. The principle of port forwarding is as follows: You independently inform your ZyXel Keeentic, what type of unsolicited traffic to the router from outside should be forwarded to a specific IP address of the home network.

Let's consider setting up port forwarding in the Zixel Kinetic router using Utorrent and DC++ as an example.

You can configure Port Forwarding in ZyXel Keenetic and Keenetic Lite routers in p. Home network - Servers(see Fig. 21)

In the area Port forwarding rules you can create port forwarding rules based on ready-made templates, and for a specific type of traffic. To create a new port forwarding rule for our Keenetic Lite, you need to in the option Service select an option Another.

In the field Computer IP address specify the IP address of the computer on your home network for which you are creating the rule. DC++ or torrent will function on this computer, and its IP address can be found in (see Fig. 21 on the right). If a torrent or DC client will be used on several computers, you will need to create several rules for different IP addresses.

In the field Protocol it is necessary to indicate which protocol will be used to forward traffic to the home subnet. Protocol ( TCP or UDP) depends on the requirements of a particular Internet application.

Next in the fields Port range from: and to: specify the values ​​of the ports through which you are going to forward traffic to your home network. For the same application that will run on different computers, must be specified different meanings ports.

In the field Description you need to specify the name of the rule to be created.

After entering the required data, click on the button Add to save the rule in the Keenetic (Kinetic) router.

Don't forget to also activate the item Port Forwarding and click on Apply above 😉

Let's do it setting up port forwarding in ZyXel Keenetic Lite for the DC++ file sharing program(see Fig. 22)

In the DC connection settings you will need to activate the connection mode Firewall with manual port forwarding. In case of file sharing within the provider’s network, in the field External / WAN IP You should enter the intranet IP address that is given to you by your provider under the contract. If you intend to work with the DC++ client on the external Internet, then in the field External / WAN IP you will need to enter your dedicated IP address (for more detailed information contact your provider). IN the latter case The external IP address service must first be activated from your provider.

In the field Ports: TCP And UDP You need to enter the values ​​of the ports for which you plan further operation of the DC client. We recommend that you select port values ​​that are easy to remember and that are not occupied by the system.

Then we will return to the port forwarding settings menu in our router ZyXel Keenetic Lie(see Fig. 21) and create a port forwarding rule for DC++. To do this, in the option Service choose an option Another.

In the field Computer IP address local network connection status, (see Fig. 21 on the right). If the DC client will be used on several computers, you will need to create several rules for different IP addresses.

In the field Protocol TCP And UDP.

Next in the fields Port range from: and to: we will indicate the values ​​of the ports through which we will forward DC++ traffic to the home network. For the same application that will run on different computers, different port values ​​must be specified!

And finally, in the field Description indicate the name of the rule being created.

After entering the data, click on the button Add to save the rule port forwarding in the Keenetic Lite router.

Now let's look at creating in the router ZyXel Keenetic Lite rules port forwarding for Utorrent(see Fig. 23):

In the field for entering the port value in torrent in the client we will indicate the port that we would like to redirect in our ZyXel Keenetic. Next, go to the port forwarding settings menu Keenetic Lite(see Fig. 21) and create a port forwarding rule for utorrent (see Fig. 24):

To do this, in the option Service choose an option Another.

In the field Computer IP address We will indicate the IP address of the computer on the home network for which we are creating a rule. We recognize him in local network connection status, on which the torrent client will “spin”. If utorrnet will be used on several computers, you will need to create several rules for different IP addresses.

In the field Protocol we will indicate which protocol will be used to forward traffic to the home subnet. Choose TCP And UDP, since torrent can work both over TCP and UDP, depending on whether uTP is activated in the settings.

This article will focus on the Zyxel Keenetic 4G router. It is necessary to work with the Internet such as 3G and 4G. Thanks to it, you can easily combine several computers into one network. Next let's talk about the intricacies of connection given device, about its settings, firmware and the like.


This the model is very similar to its predecessors. The surface of the router is made of glossy plastic . He white. On the sides the manufacturer used gray shades. On front panel can be seen indicators that have been replenished with additional 4G. Due to the fact that the device has compact dimensions, it has only 3 ports. Ventilation is carried out using grilles. They can be seen on the side panels.

What is needed to connect?

In order to connect the device, you need use a router, power supply, antennas For signal catcher, patch cord, extension cord and instructions. IN the kit also includes a compact - a disk that contains everything necessary software. In order to connect and configure Wi-Fi Zyxel router Keenetic 4G, should observe the following instructions .

Connection instructions

Needs to be connected to the device antenna, connect it to the network, as well as to the Internet provider. Necessary insert the adapter into net , and the cable providing the signal is connect to the computer. Antenna should be raised. Router needed install either on a table or on a wall . For the latter option there is a special mount. Thanks to the USB extension cable that comes with the kit, you can install modem this way to The quality of the internet received was the best. So that the device did not interrupt its operation in emergency mode, you need to make sure that the side panels completely free , are not covered by anything. Then the device will be fully ventilated.

Wizard setup

How to set up router Zyxel Keenetic 4G 3? The process will the same as with any other modification.

If the consumer has no experience with setting router, then you need to start it withInstallation Wizards. To fully provide for yourself stable internet, need to run device with factory options . The connection should be established in automatic mode. This will avoid long reading the instructions and trying to understand device . For that to launch the Wizard, necessary use the disk which comes included. It has software. He will offer the consumer necessary instructions. Below we will consider configuration via a web browser, which is an alternative method.

Setting up via browser

How to Zyxel Keenetic 4G via browser? To do this you need to open the software. You need to enter the name of the manufacturer’s website in the address bar. "Quick Setup" will open. If a dialog box appears in which it says that the Internet cable is not connected, then you need to install it in a special connector. It is highlighted in blue. After this, the browser should click “Next”. The system will immediately start checking the received signal. Users will see the following window, in which they must enter a MAC type address. If the provider does not use them, then you need to select the item that corresponds to this operating mode. After this, you should move on to manipulating the IP address. The settings for this parameter must be set to automatic. If the provider uses static IP address, you should select manual acquisition. After this, you must enter all the data that the supplier indicates in the documentation. Next a dialog box will appear. You must enter your login and password. They are set by the provider. After this, you should select the connection protocol, and you can immediately complete the process.

Use as a repeater

Wi-Fi repeater is a device that helps broadcast the received signal over a large area. How use this device in this mode? To, you must follow the instructions. Need to go to in your browser. After this you should go to Wi-Fi client And select network overview. You must select a network from the list , to which it will be carried out connection . Last step is choice key for received signal. It's about about the password. After that remains just reboot device .

Working with Wi-Fi

To operate the device as wireless point access, necessary go to the “Internet” section. This is done in the control panel. Next need to open the Wi-Fi menu. In the “Operating mode” tab need to create wireless network. For this should be pressed to the “Access Point” section. Right here need to be asked the name of the network, as well as the level of protection. You must select the maximum one from the drop-down list. This is followed by come up with a password. Next you need to click “Apply”, and now you can use an access point.


Many consumers advise immediately updating the device after purchasing it. firmware . You should switch to the official one website where you need to download the installation file . In such a situation, the question arises: “How to configure the Zyxel Keenetic 4G III router?The instructions are below, they are the same for all modifications.

Need to come in to the web interface, to the “System and Configuration” tab. It's downloaded there new version firmware. Next let's go in to the firmware file. A dialog box will open. window , in which there will be window "Control". Here must be specified path to the downloaded firmware. Further should be pressed "Replace". The update process will begin and necessary wait for it to finish. The power cannot be turned off; the installation must be completed completely. Otherwise device may break.

Setting up for Rostelecom

In the reviews you can stumble upon something that is sometimes not clear how configure settings for certain providers. Let's consider the necessary changes to the options For Rostelecom. Should choose connection type PPPoE. How to do this?

Need to come in in the “Internet” menu, section “ Connections " Next you need find the IP address settings , there will be an item “Without addresses " If the contract with the provider contains a specific list of data servers like DNS, then you need to fill in the fields. If used dynamic type servers , then the column should be left empty. The same applies to filtering by MAC address . If the provider assumes them application, you must click “Use address from computer”. If the device , through which the connection is made, will work with the Internet, then necessary in the dialog box that appears, indicate address local network. Next you need to apply the settings and save them.

Now you need to change authorization parameters. Need to open the "Internet" menu. For that to use a specific type of protocol, necessary check the box next to the desired function. To do this, you need to specify the authentication method after . Respectively, should enter your login and password. In the access protocol, select Service and Hub Name Can leave blank. If the provider this information is provided, then you need to fill out this field (optional). Next, you need to enter the login and password used by the supplier and apply the changes.

Now none of our readers will have the question: “How to set up a Zyxel Keenetic 4G router»?