Software classification. Information systems software

Information systems (IS) software includes:

· basic software is operating systems (OS) and database management systems (DBMS);

· IC modeling and design software;

· IS implementation tools – programming languages;

· a software application that provides automated execution of domain tasks.

6.1 Comparative OS analysis

The operating system determines how efficiently applications run; performance, degree of data protection, network reliability; the ability to use equipment from different manufacturers; application of modern information technologies and their development.

The choice of OS is made based on the following requirements:

1. Cost/performance ratio.

2. Functionality.

3. Reliability of operation.

4. Data protection.

5. Possibility of generating a kernel for a specific hardware structure.

6. Features of the functioning and operating modes of the OS, allowing you to solve the assigned tasks.

7. All modern operating systems support network mode, but the requirements for the server and workstations may be different in the following parameters:

a) the required amount of RAM;

b) the required amount of disk memory;

c) compatibility with other systems.

8. Supports remote access to terminals.

9. Prospects for the development of the entire computing system.

10. Standards support.

11. Ease of administration and installation.

Based on the above requirements, the currently popular Windows OS and the Unix OS family, designed for direct operation in network mode and constituting two competing areas, are included for comparative analysis.


To organize application servers (SQL servers), it is advisable to use the UNIX operating system; other operating systems are less effective as application servers.

Any modern system can be used to implement file servers. But at the same time, Windows NT requires the greatest hardware resources. With low communication bandwidth, UNIX allows you to optimize access by routing packets.

To implement remote access servers, it is advisable to use UNIX, since it does not require the installation of any additional packages. Windows NT requires large hardware resources at a very high cost and is not intended for organizing remote access servers with a small number of connections.

The most effective OS in terms of cost, performance, functionality, data protection and development prospects are the operating systems of the UNIX family.

Basic requirements for running the OS in network mode

When it comes to using a multi-user database, used not only in the workstation of one specialist, but also in the workstations of other specialists, the network OS must have the ability to organize a file server. In addition, server-based network operating systems must provide high performance for networks with a large number of users.

When creating a server-based LAN, reliability is a key factor, followed by factors such as workstation support and performance. From a reliability point of view, the most important thing is effective memory management, since without this, with a large number of users, situations may arise when workstations lose communication with each other, and file servers become inoperable. The term reliability also covers the concept of compatibility: the network OS must work well with all common multi-user applications and standard software tools. Reliability also means that the server and workstations operate smoothly on the network, application programs run correctly, and the network OS protects data in the event of hardware failures. A complete set of error protection tools, data protection at the level of individual database records, effective memory management tools, and reliable mechanisms for organizing multitasking work are required. Workstation support requirements are also important. If network drivers take up too much memory on each PC, then it is possible that the workstation will not run application software and utilities that are resident in RAM.

Performance is especially important when operating multi-user software packages, as it determines the efficiency of executing SQL queries and how many additional users the system can support before it becomes necessary to purchase a second server.

The next most important factor after speed is administrative controls. Flexible administrative tools enable network setup and configuration in less time. The network OS must provide flexible options for sharing resources on the LAN - printers, modems and external memory.

Selecting a DBMS

The choice of DBMS depends on the organization of the local and network database (DB), cost, specifics of the tasks being solved, functional features (integrity support, level of data protection, speed, efficiently processed volume of data in the DB, network support, availability of a development environment, interaction with other applications , including Internet applications).

The following network database methodologies should be considered:

1. The database is stored centrally on the server, and is accessible from workstations over the network;

2. The database is distributed among workstation computers, but is strictly fixed.

Selecting a network protocol(ODBC, Microsoft, Novell).

The network protocol is used to access data in the remote database. It allows you to integrate heterogeneous databases.

The selection is made in accordance with the international ISO standard (seven-level model) and is determined by the following criteria:

1. Productivity and efficiency to ensure the required speed of processing requests and responses.

2. The possibility of its implementation with existing software using available system modules. The same SQL servers can be installed on the network, then you can use the SQL server network protocol, rather than using additional software to implement the standard protocol (ODBC).

The network protocol must comply with the international ISO standard. This protocol includes ODBC, which is universally suitable for interaction with any DBMS.

1. The ISO standard implies storing a list of users with assigned rights along with the main database. Authorization is implemented using DBMS tools.

2. The second option involves storing the list of users not directly in the database, but in the operating system. In this case, user authorization is network-based and implemented at the OS level.

Database backup.

To ensure reliable data storage, a copy of the database must be created. Centralized databases are usually copied on the server. There are different strategies for distributed databases:

1) creating a backup copy of the database on the workstation itself, or on any workstation on the network;

2) creating a backup copy on the Backup server. Using a special Backup program, a mirror copy of the database is automatically created on any network computer of sufficient power, which is the Backup server.

automated software coding props

Software is divided into general and applied. General - is a set of programs designed for a wide range of users and designed to organize the data processing process and solve frequently encountered problems. General software is also called system software. No user can do without it.

General software includes operating systems and their shells, service systems, programming systems and maintenance programs. Operating systems (OS) - manages all information processing processes and ensures interaction between the hardware and the user. One of the most important functions of the OS is the automation of information input/output processes and control of the execution of application tasks solved by the user. The OS loads the program into the computer's memory, monitors the progress of its execution, analyzes faulty situations and offers the user possible options for eliminating them, and ensures the organization of the file subsystem.

Service programs are software products that provide the user with additional services in working with a computer and expanding the capabilities of the OS: improve the user interface; protect data from destruction and unauthorized access; recover data; speed up data exchange between disk and RAM; carry out archiving and unarchiving of data; antiviral agents. According to the method of organization and implementation, service tools can be represented by: shells, utilities and stand-alone programs.

Programming systems are a set of tools that ensure the creation of new software products by translating program text from a programming language into machine codes (Delphi, Visual Basic, Java).

Maintenance programs are understood as a set of software and hardware tools for diagnosing and detecting errors during the operation of a computer or computer system as a whole. They include: diagnostic tools and test monitoring of the correct operation of the computer and its individual parts; special programs for diagnosing and monitoring the computing environment of the information system as a whole.

Application software is designed directly for the specific solution process. The most widely used are: word processors, spreadsheet processors, database management systems, presentation graphics packages and graphic editors.

Word processors are designed for creating text documents (MS Word, WordPerfect, Word Pro, etc.). Database management systems (DBMS) - include two main components - a database (relational database) (DB) and a database management system (MS Access, MS FoxPro, Corel Paradox, Lotus Approach, Oracle, Informix). A relational database is a collection of several tables, the connection between which is established using connecting fields. Presentation graphics packages (Microsoft PowerPoint, Lotus ScreenCam) allow you to create slides and transparencies for seminars, conferences, etc. Graphic editors are designed for processing graphic documents, illustrations, drawings (Paintbrush, Corel DRAW, Adobe Photoshop). Allows the formation of any images.

All of the listed types of general-purpose application software are widely used by accountants, but a special place and importance is given to spreadsheet processors (MS Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, QuattroPro). Among spreadsheet processors, the most common and popular is Microsoft Excel. Advantages of Microsoft Excel: - the table displayed on the screen is convenient for electronic modeling of various primary documents and registers of synthetic and analytical accounting, such as: order journals, statements, etc. - any operations with digital information are easily performed;

any data, both numeric and text, is easily sorted; - easily correct erroneous information by adding, deleting or replacing rows or columns; - a system for monitoring the correct operation and issuing error messages makes the work easier; - there is protection of information from unprofessional and unauthorized access and other features of the system; - many specialized accounting packages are compatible with Microsoft Excel.

Particular attention should be paid to the following features of Microsoft Excel: graphical tools; a special set of built-in functions that facilitate control and analysis procedures; statistical correlation functions, i.e. determining the relationship between two sets; determining the maximum value from the list; determination of the most frequently occurring value; predicting data based on known values ​​in the past; finding the arithmetic mean, etc. As well as functions for working with date and time.


Technical means of information systems

Arithmetic and logical foundations of information processing, including forms of information presentation, features and limitations associated with bit depth. Physical principles of computer operation, the architecture of modern processors using the example of Intel-compatible models, including caching, pipelining, multi-cores and the principles of parallel computing. Peripheral devices, principles of collecting, storing and converting information in information systems.

Basics of algorithmization and programming in high-level languages

Theoretical foundations of algorithmization and programming: fundamentals of the theory of algorithms and programming technology. General characteristics of a high-level programming language, program structure, data types, operations and expressions, data input and output, computational process control operators, subroutines. Additional features of the high-level language being studied (dynamic memory allocation, pointers, etc.). Programming and debugging of a class of branching and cyclic algorithms. The course is based on C++ Visual Studio.

Operating systems architecture

Concept, purpose and functions of the operating system (OS). The concept of a resource, OS as a resource management system. Classification and characteristics of modern operating systems. Principles of construction and architecture of the OS (kernel and auxiliary modules, monolithic, layered, microkernel-based and other types of kernel architectures). Organization of the user interface. Concept and implementation of application programming interface. Compatibility and application software environments. Java Virtual Machine. Architecture of a managed software environment based on .Net. Concept of process and flow. Process and thread management, CPU time distribution algorithms. Process interaction, races, synchronization, deadlock problem. Memory management. Virtual memory, address translation, virtual memory management algorithms. Virtual memory and data exchange between processes. I/O control, multi-layer structure of the I/O subsystem. Concept, organization and tasks of the file system. Logical structure and operations with files. Physical organization of the file. Windows and UNIX file systems. Projecting program files and data onto address space. Access control and data protection. Organization of modern operating systems of the Unix, Linux and Windws families.

Object-oriented programming

Object-oriented programming paradigms. Classes. Objects. Constructors and destructors. Methods. Inheritance. Virtual methods. The mechanism for calling virtual methods. Restriction of access to object attributes. Pointers to object methods (delegates). Virtual designers. Information about the type of program execution time. The course is based on C# Visual Studio.

Computer networks

The current state of network technologies, the basics of building computer networks, network equipment and network software. OSI model and network protocols, the concept of internetworking and routing, TCP/IP protocol stack. Principles of network administration, managing accounts and access to network resources, basics of network security. Network services in a corporate network, terminal services and thin clients. Virtualization of enterprise network infrastructure and cloud computing. Creation of network applications.

System programming

Using system calls to implement the application interface. Programming input using keyboard and mouse. Graphics device interface, output programming in a GUI application. Access to system resources in a program using an application programming interface. Kernel objects. Process and thread management. Multithreaded programming, synchronization and race avoidance, system synchronization tools. Synchronous and asynchronous file operations. Virtual memory management, dynamically allocated memory areas, memory-mapped files. Development and use of dynamically linked libraries. Structural exception handling.

Component programming technologies

The concept of component programming. Evolution of programming technologies and application architecture. Comparative characteristics of procedural, object-oriented and component programming. Component object model COM and technologies based on it. Concept of component, requirements and properties. The basic COM hierarchy is server/class/interface/method. COM interfaces. COM library. COM servers. OLE and ActiveX technologies. Automation and dispatch interfaces. Type library, late binding. IDL. ATL Library. Streaming models and synchronization. Handling errors and exceptions. Collections and enumerations. Return interfaces, event processing. Containers. Overview of COM+ technology, component programming based on .NET, CORBA and OMA, ORB, GIOP, IIOP specifications.

Visual Application Programming Tools

Concept of visual software design. Elements and technology for creating software applications in a visual environment. Compilation tools for creating working versions and programs using a visual environment. Basic library methods for developing software applications. The main classes of the base library, purpose and methods of effective use in developed applications. Effective methods for developing applications in a specific area. Visual components for presenting data. Methods and tools for implementing concepts in the studied environment. Organization of input/output and information processing, application and restoration of object states. Technologies for linking and implementing objects. Containers and servers, their use in created applications. Organization of access and work with databases. Application programming strategies for various database architecture models (remote server and active server). Principles of processing messages from server programs and database server errors in database applications. The course is based on C# Forms Visual Studio.

Web technologies

Distinctive features of the Web application. HTTP protocol. Introduction to HTML, CSS, Bootstrap. Introducing an ASP.NET MVC application. Models, controllers and views of an ASP.NET MVC application. Razor language. Helper methods @Html and @Url. Layouts pages and partial views. Passing data from controller to view. Data binding mechanism. Routing. Data annotation and validation. Dependency Injection. Bundles. File transfer. Introduction to Web API. AJAX technology. Working with Json. Unit testing ASP.NET MVC applications. Authentication and authorization. Deployment of a WEB application. ASP.NET Core overview.

Database organization and design

The course is based on T-SQL MS SQL Server, with consideration of features in Oracle and MySQL. Principles of working with data in various types of information systems. Database management systems, their main functions and architecture according to the ANSI standard. Data models, their classification. The relational data model used in more than 80% of DBMSs is discussed in detail. The basis of the relational model is relational algebra. Logical and physical organization of the database, data integrity, organization of indexes and security systems. SQL. Hands-on learning of data management, indexes and security in T-SQL.

Transactions and transaction models, practical study of transaction management in T-SQL. Transaction log. Problems of parallel execution of transactions. Locks, types of locks, practical study of lock management in T-SQL. Database architecture models. Database programming, practical study of creating code for stored procedures, triggers, user functions, cursors.

Design of relational databases, methodology and stages of database design. Database anomalies and their elimination using procedures for normalizing relationships. Practical use of Case systems for database design.

Information systems software design technologies

Life cycle models (LC) of software (SS): software development strategies; life cycle models that implement these strategies; selection of a life cycle model for a specific project. Structural approach to substation design. Classical PS design technologies. Assessing the effectiveness of the structural division of the PS into modules. Modern structural technologies for PS development. Methodologies and notations for structural analysis and design of PS. Introduction to automation of software development: principles of automation; classification of CASE tools. Object-oriented approach to software design. An object-oriented modeling language (for example, the Unified Modeling Language UML). Building applications, generating program code, modeling data in an object-oriented software environment. The course is based on UML Rational Rose.

Software testing

Basic concepts and definitions. Reliability indicators of computer systems. Analysis of the causes of errors in software. Standardization of software reliability assessment in the Republic of Belarus and abroad: current standards, software reliability models. Software testing: basic concepts, principles of testing organization, design of test cases, structural and functional methods of assembly (integration) testing, testing the correctness of the final software product. System testing and its types. Regression testing automation of the software testing process. Software verification.


IS software.

Software.“Revive” the technical support, i.e. force it to perform information processing operations, intended software (software). Software is a set of data processing system programs and program documents necessary for the operation of these programs. There are general and application software. General software includes operating systems, programming systems, and service programs.

operating system - This is a program that automatically loads when the computer is turned on and provides the user with a basic set of commands with which you can communicate with the computer: run a program, format a floppy disk, copy a file, etc.

The programming system is a tool for qualified users - programmers and non-programmers. define information technologies intended for the design of functional software. Functional software is a software implementation of specific functions of an information worker using various information technologies, i.e. This is the customization of an automated workstation (AWS), DBMS, hypertexts, multimedia, expert systems, a software package of tasks and EIS subsystems, built using other design tools, for a specific information worker of a specific enterprise, taking into account the specifics of the data processing system that has developed there.

Programmer's Tools define information technologies accessible to the user with any qualification in the field of computing and programming.

Serviceprograms provide a range of services to ensure the operation of computers and software.

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    Organizational support of IS.

Languages ​​are used to communicate between the user and software, hardware and information. Languages ​​of communication can be formalized, incomplete or completely natural languages. The set of languages ​​of communication, rules for their formalization and terms used in EIS forms linguistic support.

The set of measures that regulate the functioning and use of hardware, software and information support and determine the procedure for performing actions leading to obtaining and using the desired result forms methodological and organizational support. In the EIS they determine the technological process of the system. In addition to operating systems, the functioning of any EIS also requires:

  • text and diagnostic programs;

  • telecommunications software;

  • software for protecting information from unauthorized access and influence:

  • software for confirming the integrity of the transmitted document and identifying the author’s signature:

  • software interface with other computer systems, etc.
^ Organizational support. An economic information system includes a management apparatus that ensures the functioning of all its subsystems as a single whole. Such a structural unit, like any other, must perform:

  • collection of primary information about the management object and the environment based on the use of documents, the use of auxiliary tools or means of automatic data recording;

  • transfer of information to a courier or its distribution using local, regional or other networks;

  • storage and maintenance of collectively used information in a central database or distributed among network nodes;

  • information processing based on centralized or distributed technology.
In modern electronic information systems, decision support tools connected to a local network have been created for most employees. At the same time, the management staff of the EIS ensures its functioning and development. The main functions of AIS personnel are to develop:

  • legal and legal norms for the work of the administrative apparatus in the conditions of computerization;

  • documentation regulating the procedure for exchanging information with other computer systems, rules for dealing with emergency situations;

  • methodological documentation for the training of management workers in the conditions of computerization, etc.
As a rule, EIS personnel consists of employees of the development, implementation and maintenance department of new programs, then the development department and the operation department.
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    Legal support of EIS.

Legal support of EIS. It is a set of norms expressed in regulations that establish and consolidate the organization of these systems, their goals, objectives, structure, functions and legal status of EIS. Legal support of EIS provides legal regulation of the development of EIS and the relationship between the developer and the customer. The legal support for the stage of operation of the EIS determines its status in the management process, the provision of information to the decision-making process and the legal support for information security of the functioning of the EIS. Legal support includes general and special parts. The general one contains normative documents regulating the activities of the EIS, and the special one provides legal support for decision-making. Currently, there are more than twenty products on the Russian market of commercial legal databases that can provide legal support for decision-making and can be easily integrated into the EIS.
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    Functional part of the EIS.

Functional part of the EIS. The functional part is actually a model of the facility management system. During decomposition, the functional part is divided into subsystems, the specific composition of which is determined by the decomposition sign. But since a false system is always multifunctional, the EIS can be decomposed according to various characteristics. In relation to control systems, a sign of structuring can be the functions of object management, according to which the EIS consists of functional subsystems. This is one of the common signs of decomposition of control systems, which does not always satisfy EIS designers. Therefore, other features have been developed, usually used in combination with a functional feature. These include:

■ management level (top, middle, operational):
■ type of managed resource (fixed assets, material, labor, financial and information resources):

■ scope of application (banking information systems, statistical, tax, accounting, stock market, insurance, etc.);

■ management functions and management period.

The choice of EIS decomposition features depends on the specifics of the control object and the purposes of its creation.

Transformation of management goals into functions, and functions into EIS subsystems allows for further decomposition. If subsystems implement certain control functions separated from each other, then each of them can be divided into more detailed subfunctions or what are called tasks (or sets of tasks).

The composition of tasks in the EIS is determined by the following factors:

■ the importance of a particular management function;

■ the possibility of formalizing management procedures:

■ level of training of management personnel to use computers;

■ availability of information base and technical means.

Their distribution among participants in the management process can occur in different ways, since some tasks can be entirely solved at one workplace, while others require the participation of many management workers. But whatever such a distribution may be, it must affect the substantive part of the problem.

Software - software - is a group of programs that provide the solution to a certain task (counting candy wrappers), conducting a certain process (viewing photos of cats), the work of a certain department (accounting), etc. This very group of programs is nameless; software cannot have its own name. You can’t say “Wrappers” software, “Kotiki” software or “Accounting” software - it simply doesn’t sound Russian. Instead they say candy wrapper accounting software, photo viewing software, accounting software.

Since the software doesn't have a name, you can always call it something else. Photo viewing software may well turn into cat viewing software - or become part of the break room software. If there is the same Windows image viewer there, then it will be the same software, no matter what you call it.

An information system, on the contrary, is always named. There may well be IS "Wrappers", IS "Kotiki" and IS "Accounting". However, the photo viewing IS also has the right to exist (here the name of the system is the “photo viewing IS”). Also, an IS does not require that its components have any unifying feature - the existence of the IS “Wrappers and Accounting” is quite acceptable, if, of course, such an IS is needed by anyone.

On the other hand, the name for the IP is only created by those who distribute it. You cannot buy the "Wrappers" IP, and then write in the documents that you bought the "Candy Eater" IP - these are completely different IPs, even if they are made up of the same components (although one IP can still be part of another - but usually Such IS are still called subsystems rather than systems).

Another difference between an IS and software is that an IS may contain components that are not programs or data for them. For example, an information system that provides train schedules to passengers at a station may well include information kiosks. Software, as the name suggests, can only contain programs, otherwise it will be called APO (hardware and software).


The point is that IP is a broader concept than software. At a minimum, in addition to software, IP includes operating instructions and other administrative regulations, as well as a certain composition of technical means. –avp

Yes, that's a fair point. I would generalize it somewhat. An IP, as a named entity, exists as long as there is a package of documents defining it. This package includes, among other things, all kinds of instructions and other administrative regulations.

At the same time, the software does not require documents for its existence.