The best time to post on Instagram. Best time to post on social media

The success of the material posted on social networks largely depends on the time of publication - different audiences have different preferences, daily routine, work schedule, and so on. There is no exact answer to the question of when is the best time to post on certain social networks. But there are numerous resources to help you arrive at the right timing for you and your goals. has put together a small guide, which we offer you in an adapted version.

Best time to post on Twitter

Since Twitter is a never-ending stream of information, choosing the right time to post a post here can seem like a high art. The half-life of a single tweet is 24 minutes - that's 4 times less than a Facebook post - which means your window of opportunity is very narrow.

2. Get Involved in Social Media - Knowing the right timing to tweet from your company's Twitter profile starts with engaging in social media.

Any owner of an Instagram account wants his photos to get a lot of likes and comments. By uploading a photo, you can notice that at one time, subscribers actively like the posted, and at another they remain completely inactive. It follows from this that photos on Instagram should be posted at a certain time of day for weekdays and weekends, in order to gain the greatest popularity and response.

In fact, each owner of an army of thousands of subscribers has their own tricks on the time of posting photos. People are willing to go to great lengths to ensure that their posts receive the maximum amount of attention from subscribed users.

Often special research is done on user activity at each time of the day. Unfortunately, they are not perfectly accurate - their veracity can be temporary. But it makes sense to rely on statistics - they will provide better efficiency than uploading photos at arbitrary times of the day or night.

The thing is that users do not use the Instagram social network on a strict schedule. Subscribers lead a unique life outside the Internet - go to work, play sports, have fun with friends and family. And each user finds a different time to scroll through the news feed in a particular social network. Instagram is no exception.

As a result, each user himself determines when the photos are well viewed, liked and commented on. Your own experience based on your own subscribers will work more effectively than any outside advice. Tips and statistics will help you avoid "bumps" at the start of account development, and quickly achieve the desired knowledge.

During weekdays

When and how often will average users visit Instagram? It all depends on the time of day:

  • In the morning, users go to Instagram shortly after waking up. The posts that interest them help them get out of bed and get motivated for the day ahead. Usually almost the entire feed is scrolled, it all depends on free time.
  • During the day people work, and on Instagram they can be "entered" only during a break, for example, lunchtime. Therefore, in the daytime, few people stay online for a long time. Usually, everyone quickly skims through the updates, and responds to a couple of important messages, nothing more.
  • By the evening, users are already free from their business. Most of them return home at this time after work, a walk or workout. And while they are traveling in transport, preparing dinner at home, there is time to look at Instagram and like five or a dozen photos.
  • Most of the working people are asleep after midnight. Usually only young people stay up late, so the likes are very weak. On the other hand, competitors do not post on Instagram at night, which means that the photos posted at this time will become more visible to users.

On weekends

On weekends, people's time is randomly allocated. The difference is that in the morning people spend more time on the Internet, in the afternoon they often pick up a smartphone. On the eve of the working day, fewer people stay up late on the Internet, and on the eve of the weekend - vice versa.

Professionals advise spreading your posts across three parts of the day. The first is noon, the second is 15:00, and the third is nine in the evening. Based on each day, on Monday people are active at 5-6 pm, on Tuesday and Wednesday - from 3 to 4 pm, Thursday - from 3 to 5, and on Friday from 10 to 12. On weekends, people are active until 11 o'clock in the morning, and from 6 to 8 pm.

For likes

To collect more likes, you will have to take a closer look at your audience. After all, subscribers are not robots that appear online on a strict schedule. In addition to differing personal lives, users are located in different time zones, which will increase the difference in visiting time. Therefore, guessing the total time will not work, you will have to work on it for a long time.

You need to find out when the bulk of subscribers remain active. We'll have to take into account the factors:

  • Posting time for competitor accounts. If your competitors' posts turn out to be popular and successful, then you should try to use their strategy for posting photos.
  • Subscribers' place of residence. With a small amount, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with each profile manually, otherwise, use the Instagram statistics services.
  • The type of employment of subscribers and target audience. These can be office workers, students and schoolchildren, young mothers on maternity leave, and so on. The time spent by users on the network depends on this.

All that remains is to experiment and observe the statistics of your photos. For detailed tracking of statistics, users connect a business profile in their account settings.

Today we will tell you what is the best time to publish posts and upload photos on the Instagram social network for more coverage of likes and comments.

If you run your blog on Instagram, a business account, or just share moments from your life, but still want to see a high return from your subscribers, then it is important to know what time it is best to post photos on Instagram. The attendance of the account, its popularity, the output of publications to the top and recommendations depend on this.

Activity on weekdays and weekends

Analysts have determined that the peaks of Instagram user activity on weekdays are in the evening - from 17:00 to 18:00 and from 20:00 to 22:00. This is due to the end of the working day, rest after work and watching the tape before bed. By posting a photo in this period of time, you get more chances that your post will be noticed, and accordingly will be liked and commented on. It also makes sense to post photos at lunchtime, from 12:00 to 14:00, during this period of time people also check social networks. The least suitable time to fast on a weekday is 8-9 am.

The time period in which it is best to upload photos on weekends is not too different from weekdays. Here, the highest user activity is also in the evening. It is not recommended to fast on Sunday before 10 am.

Choosing the optimal time for posting on Instagram

Remember, all generalized statistics are relative. The spikes in activity can vary depending on your target audience. Usually people watch the tape when they have free time. If you want to determine at what time it is better to post photos on Instagram for the greatest number of likes from your subscribers, analyze your target audience. There are several factors to consider here:

  • Subscribers' occupation;
  • Age;
  • Territorial location.

The times when students, office workers or mothers on maternity leave are on social networks will differ significantly. The ideal time to post for your audience should be determined based on the approximate daily routine of your subscribers. To do this, it is very convenient to use a business account, in it you can see statistics on the activity of subscribers by days of the week and hours, as well as statistics for each photo.

The main thing in choosing the best time for a photo is to experiment. Try posting at different times and keep an eye on the return of your subscribers, and then very soon you will be able to find the perfect time to post a photo.

The main goal pursued by companies that own accounts in social networks is to attract the maximum number of users to their page. How many followers will see the proposed information depends on the successful publication time. Therefore, it is important to choose the best time to publish posts, when the majority of the audience is active, but at the same time the social network is not oversaturated with other publications.

The analytical agency Popsters conducted research on the dependence of the time of day and day of the week on user behavior on social networks. Based on the data from this study, it can be concluded at what time the publication efficiency will be highest. The studies are only showing an average: to determine the best time to post a particular page, you need to experiment with the posting period of news and monitor the activity of subscribers.

Life hack: to automate the process of posting publications at a time, use.

The social network Instagram covers a predominantly female audience between the ages of 25 and 45. The circle of interests of this audience: the sphere of beauty, fashion, cinema, the life of celebrities, an active and healthy lifestyle. Most often, users go to Instagram from their mobile devices.

The optimal time for posting largely depends on the target audience: young people and students visit Instagram all day long, while working users often come to view the news at lunchtime or at the end of the working day. According to the schedule, the greatest activity occurs at 9 am, at lunchtime from 15 to 17 hours and in the evening from 19 to 21 hours... It is also worth noting that in the period from 9 am to 10 pm, the activity of Instagram users drops slightly.

Latergramme says it's best to post content between 5 pm and 9 pm, when most people leave their jobs and head home. The smartphone is always at hand, so there is an opportunity to read the latest news.

Experts pay attention to the fact that in the evening the number of publications is significantly reduced, which increases the chances of reaching a large audience.

Analyzing the activity of followers by day of the week, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Photo can be posted daily at 12, 15, 17-18 or 21 hours. If it is not possible to post posts every day, then choose Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
  • video publish after 20.00 on any day or weekend when subscribers have more free time (instruction:);
  • live broadcasts are best done at the end of the week or in the evening. In the absence of such a possibility, it is necessary to warn users in advance about the air time;
  • if your page is popular all over the world, then when choosing a posting time do not forget about time zones.

The active audience of users of the VKontakte social network is young people, schoolchildren, students and freelancers aged 13 to 34 years. VK users communicate, listen to music, post photos and read news in various communities.

The peak of activity of users of "VKontakte" falls at lunchtime from 11 to 13 hours and in the evening from 17 to 23 hours.

During the first period of time, users prepare for their lunch break. Having put aside work affairs, they flip through the news feed, waiting for the long-awaited rest. At lunch, most people continue to "sit" in social networks.

In the second period of time, users have already returned from work and continue to monitor VK news, often moving to a computer.

Analyzing audience activity by day of the week, we can conclude that the best days for posting are weekends.

Recommendations for posting content on the VKontakte social network:

  • morning - time for entertainment news, users wake up and start getting ready for work or school, they are not yet ready to receive information;
  • lunch is time for serious content that can contain numbers and analytics. People have already tuned in to the work rhythm and are ready for useful information. Until the evening, post as often as possible, alternate informative posts with entertaining ones;
  • in the evening, it is recommended not to slow down the frequency of publications in order to reach the maximum audience. Leave the most interesting and important news for the evening. End your day with some nice wishes for your followers.

To more accurately determine the best time to publish posts in VK, taking into account the specifics of the audience, you must:

  1. Conduct an analysis: which groups your users are subscribed to, at what time they are most active (like and write comments);
  2. Determine the time of rest for users, at this time it is worth posting only short news of an entertaining nature and funny pictures.
  3. Publish posts at non-standard times: at 12.20, 13.45, etc. During even peak hours of activity, a large number of publications are posted, which increases the risk of your news being lost.

Facebook users are predominantly entrepreneurs, top managers, public figures, programmers, and creative people between the ages of 25 and 50. They are interested in business, political and cultural news. Most of the professional audience is concentrated in this social network, which establishes business contacts.

The best time to post is from 2 pm to 3 pm. Facebook is dominated by working users who, after lunch, want to read interesting news and comment on friends' updates. Posts published at 13-14 hours collect a large number of reposts, if you need clicks - post news after 15.00.

User activity increases on Monday and Friday, because on Monday, users have not yet tuned in to the work week and spend time on social networks, and on Friday they are already preparing for the weekend.

According to research by HubSpot and Microsoft, the optimal publishing times are Thursday and Friday from 1pm to 3pm.

  • Pay attention to the specifics of your target audience (housewives can view the news at any time, and business people only during free hours).
  • Study the statistics of visits to competitors' pages depending on the time of day and day of the week.
  • Publish news during periods of high user activity.
  • Experiment with the posting time to find the best option, try posting information during a period of low audience activity. Perhaps during this time, the amount of information is dwindling, and your audience is still online.
  • Post news at the same time so your subscribers get used to the regularity of the posts.
  • Experiment with posting days if you post multiple times a week.

The target audience of the Odnoklassniki social network is similar to the VKontakte audience, but older. "Odnoklassniki" are mostly visited by women who communicate and are looking for something interesting. Users do not like to read long posts: entertaining and humorous content, as well as short videos, are more interesting here.

The largest number of users log into the social network in the morning from 9 to 11, when they get to work places or places of study, in the afternoon from 15 to 17, when students and schoolchildren return home, and in the evening from 19 to 20 hours, when they come home working people. During periods of the highest audience activity, it is recommended to post posts at least twice a day.

Similarly to the social network Vkontakte, most people sit in Odnoklassniki on weekends.Recommendations for placing posts in Odnoklassniki are similar to the recommendations given for the VKontakte social network.

When is the best time to publish videos on YouTube

The majority of YouTube users are people between the ages of 18 and 54, with 10% of the audience being children and adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17. Most often, men from 18 to 24 years old who are interested in cars, electronics, sports and computer games watch videos. The most active users are young people from 25 to 34 years old.

According to the Frederator Networks site, the maximum number of users gathers on YouTube from 2 pm to 4 pm from Monday to Wednesday, from 12 pm to 3 pm from Thursday to Friday and from 9 am to 11 pm on weekends. It is during this time that it is best to post videos on your channel. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are the days when videos get the most views and "likes".

  • determine the average age of your target audience. Schoolchildren are free after lunch, and working users watch videos most often in the evening;
  • consider the difference in time zones if you want to reach the maximum audience around the world;
  • post videos regularly at the same time, so subscribers will know when to go to the channel for a fresh video clip;
  • follow the statistics of video views in order to adjust the time if necessary. The statistics can be viewed in the Creative Studio - YouTube analytics.

The publication of new posts on Instagram is an integral part of the work of an SMM specialist. The time at which the publication is made directly affects the number of likes and subscribers received, as well as attracting the target audience. As you may have guessed, today's article will focus on the best time to post on Instagram.

The optimal time on weekdays appears to be: 8-9 (when a person wakes up, goes to work), 12-14 (lunch) and 20-21 (evening after work) hours. On weekends, activity starts at 12 noon and increases until 10 pm, and then decreases.
Despite such detailed statistics, humans are not robots. Everyone has their own rhythm of life, which largely depends on the city of residence, work schedule and other criteria, which is why people come to flip through the feed, read posts and surf at different times. To get as many likes as possible, it is worth setting the time at which your page followers most often visit Instagram.

How to determine the optimal time to post?

If you don't know where to start, then start by studying the profile of your competitors. Pay attention to when and what time they post their photos. Nevertheless, the most relevant solution would be to independently study your account and choose the optimal personal time for publications.

  1. First of all, you need to determine who your target audience is and where it lives. This can be done by manually viewing subscriber profiles or using a special statistics service for Instagram.
  1. Determine what occupation your subscribers have? Who is this? Students, mothers, office workers, or purely men? This affects when your audience has free time to visit Instagram.
  1. Your followers will probably go to Instagram when they have an extra minute. This can be during lunch or while on the road. Think about what time it might be?
  1. Test! Spread 2-3 posts daily at intervals of several times. It is enough to spread the fast in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. Those posts that get the most likes and comments will demonstrate the optimal time for posting.
  1. Make from your user account ... In this case, you will be able to monitor the page statistics.

The presented algorithm of actions will allow you to determine the best time to publish posts on your page.

The standard answer is 1-3 posts daily. It can be a photo or video. The break between posts should be more than 4 hours. However, it is worth considering. Having a public about cats, it will not be difficult to find 4 posts a day, since you can find photos on the Internet or take a photo of your pet.

What to do when you are maintaining a profile of a private healthcare institution? In this situation, all posts should be informational or selling. At the same time, do not forget about the quality of the posted photos. Gathering information and publishing 3 posts in this case is problematic, especially if you are maintaining your account yourself without the help of copywriters.

The good news is that the more meaningful your posts are, the less frequently you need to post. This is due to the fact that you can look at a photo of a cat in a couple of seconds, and a smart post needs to be studied. People will not want to study posts several times a day, so even one "difficult" post will be enough.

What are the time to publish videos and stories?

Have you ever wondered what is the best time to publish your video? Statistics show that the best time is evening, after 20 hours. However, location needs to be considered, so it is best to test this setting.

It is also better to go live at a specific time. As a rule, these are evenings and weekends. Only having free time, subscribers will be able to watch you for an hour. Create a story or post about the upcoming live broadcast in advance to gather a large audience.

As for the stories, there are no strict frames here - you can post at least every hour throughout the day.

Of course, everyone wants to immediately know the optimal time to publish posts, however, without making an effort, you will not be able to get the desired result. To really promote your Instagram profile, you need to do a good job of it. As an example, consider an account that sells products for children aged 0 to 3 years.

  1. Your subscribers are mostly moms. In a lesser proportion of dads.
  1. When do they scroll through the feed? It is logical that this happens at the moment when the child is sleeping or playing (in the afternoon from 14 to 16 hours, and in the evening from 21 to 23 hours). At the same time, you need to understand that every free minute for mom is worth its weight in gold, so in the post, go straight to the point: price, size, and so on.
  1. Number of publications. In this situation, you should limit yourself to two posts a day. On weekends, even one publication will suffice.

Having an online store, we recommend that you immediately publish a large number of products so that your subscribers can familiarize themselves with them. We advise you to have an additional directory account. In the main profile, you can upload general posts about the new collection by providing a link to the catalog. Having a unique hashtag will greatly help in promotion, so in this case it is better to show your imagination.

We hope that with the help of this article you can better know your target audience, making your publications as effective as possible.