My actions in contact. Why are there different IPs in the history of VKontakte activity?

Many social network users wonder about the popularity of their page among friends. If in “My World” and “Odnoklassniki” you can look at the list of people who visited the page without any problems, then “Vkontakte” this function not configured.

Is it possible to see who visited my VK page?

You can get an answer to this question on the VKontakte social network website, in the “Help” section. It is located on the control panel in top corner pages.

The sub-item of the same name is located in the “Page” section of the dialog box that opens.

Information on the request will open in the window. You need to read it or vote.

To collect information about all visits to all pages, storage and organized system data search. Collecting and processing this information “just in case” is impractical and expensive. It is not possible to obtain such information by bypassing the site.

Although VK does not provide options for viewing Page Guests, users continue to try to obtain this information using third-party applications and workarounds. About the most popular ways We’ll talk about how to view Guests on VK in this article.

How to see guests on VKontakte

U social network There is a "Profile Statistics" function. Users who have more than 100 subscribers can view average page traffic and distribute them by city. However, these are all indirect indicators.

Deleting an account

As paradoxical as it may sound, before deleting an account, the system produces a list of people who will be upset if the account is deleted. These are the guests of the page. How can I view this list?

In the right corner of the page on the control panel, select “Settings”.

The menu that opens should be scrolled down to the item for deleting a page.

At this stage, the system will ask you to indicate the reason for deleting the page. You need to select the option “No one comments on my page.”

The service will display a list of two people who most often visit the user’s page.

It is worth noting that the accuracy of calculations using this method is questionable.

Applications and programs for viewing guests

Today there are a lot of applications designed to view the number of visits to a page. They all work on the same principle. They collect information on the activity of other users on the page (likes, messages, writing on walls). However, these programs do not provide information about those users who simply viewed the page. Let's look at the most popular services.

All applications are located in the "Games" section on the menu bar on the right.

In the search bar you need to enter keywords"My guests."

The system will display a list of available applications. They are formed according to popularity ratings. You need to click on any of the applications and proceed to the installation process.

Special applications to recognize guests on VKontakte

There are a lot of such programs. We will consider the most popular of them in the article below.

“My guests” on VK

The list of available applications contains several programs with the same name. The most popular of them is “My Guests”, which is already used by more than 1 million users.

The application has two main sections. The “Guests” menu displays information about all visitors to the page. The activity of only the user’s friends can be viewed on the “All about friends” tab. The system collects information not only about users, but also about the frequency of their activity on the page. This is how the “Fan” rating is formed.

It is worth noting that subscribers of the application can follow each other. To anonymously monitor the actions of other users, you will have to pay money. Detailed information Tariff information can be found in the “My Profile” section.

"Guest Trap" is another application for viewing the list of page visitors.

To operate, the application will need access to the user's personal data: notifications and friends list. When you go to the “Settings” menu, the system displays a link to a page on a social network. It must be inserted into the “Personal site” column in personal parameters user or post on your wall. According to user reviews, publishing a link on the site gives a greater effect. If you select the option to place an inscription on the wall, then a “screaming inscription” will appear next to the link, for example, “Ask me a question.” The application will collect information about users who clicked on the link in the “Caught Guests” tab.

Another way to find out the list of page visitors is to use the Guest Trap. This is the function of the same name in the My Guests application. It operates according to exactly the same algorithm.

How to see guests in contact using the “My Guests” application

All applications are located in the “Applications” section on the VKontakte website. To search for a program you need to enter search bar keywords “My guests”. The system will display a list of applications that match the request. You need to choose the first option offered.

A new window will display brief information about the program's capabilities. It also displays information about what data the program will have access to. To install the program, you need to click on the “Launch application” button.

The taskbar will open. You need to click on the “Enable” button.

Allow the application to access data (their list was presented in the first paragraph).

Now the program is ready to work.

After installation, the user is taken to the “My Guests” tab. This displays information about all visitors to the page, not just friends. To view information regularly, it is inconvenient to open the application every time. Link to this page statistics can be saved in the menu.

To anonymously view information about your friends' activities, you need to activate the "Invisible" function. According to user reviews, it is not always advisable to connect it, because your friends can use third party applications to view the same statistics. They simply will not be reflected in the list of page visitors.

How to view guests in contact from your phone

To view page visit statistics on a smartphone, it is better to download “My Fans and My Guests.” All information about visitor activity will be reflected on the “My Fans” page. Data can be filtered by time (day, week, month) and gender. To find out information about third party users who visited the page, you need to go to the “My Guests” section. Every day the application will display profile icons of page visitors. By clicking on the avatar, the user will be taken to his guest page.

Another application “My Guests: TOP 15 + Analytics” operates on the same principle as all previous applications.

VIP account buyers receive more benefits:
    they can find out which of the subscribers of this application “follows” them; a list of the latest visitors to the page is displayed separately; a rating of the 15 users who most often visit the user’s page is displayed; the list of users can be filtered by marital status and city of residence.
The only thing that irritates me is advertising banner VIP account that appears every 5 minutes. Warning! IN THE TOP paid applications for iPhone there are three programs for viewing page guests: “Version for VKontakte”, “Edition for VK” and Guests from VKontakte. The developers of these applications charge from 15 to 50 rubles for providing statistics on page views, which users can already see for free. Read the reviews carefully before downloading the program.

Alternative way

The next method is suitable for those users who have a profile in Odnoklassniki or My World. The essence of the method is to do beautiful inscription on the wall, and then track the number of clicks on the link. Let's briefly look at the algorithm:1. You need to choose the most beautiful photo or create it using filters in Photoshop. 2. You need to create a post on the VKontakte wall. Hide the link to your Odnoklassniki profile under the photo. 3. The social network profile photo will be automatically loaded. It needs to be replaced with a photo created in Photoshop. The arrows in the photograph are used for this purpose. 4. The title of the link should include flashy text, for example, “This is my group with beautiful photos.” 5. Publish and pin a post on the page. When clicking on a link, users will be taken to other social networks. Odnoklassniki and My World have built-in tools for viewing page visitors.

Video: how to view page activity and traffic

If you are a user of the VKontakte social network, you may want to find out who is visiting your personal page. This will help you understand who is interested in you, often comments (see), likes (see) and is active (see).

How can I see who visited my VKontakte page?? Very simple - now I will show you two ways.

What is this for?

As I already noted, the main goal is to identify users who are active and interested in your page. But further options may be as follows.

You can get in touch with a person (see), chat, add him as a friend (see), etc. Why not. Especially if it's a beautiful girl.

Another option is if, for example, you use VK to promote your business or product. To people who have shown interest, you can offer your services (see).

In any case, it will be nice to see who we are interested in.

We delete the page and see who visited us

This will be the first way. It's quite original. The point is this.

When you try to delete your page (see), you will be asked to indicate the reason, and will give a list of users who will be very upset that they will no longer be able to communicate with you. This list will contain those who visit you most often.

Let's try to see how this works using my account as an example.

Go to the “My Settings” menu.

Please note. Appearance updated - now access to settings is in the menu in the upper right corner of the page.

Scroll the page to the very bottom. Here we need to find the link "Delete your page". Let's press it.

A window will open where you need to indicate the reason for deletion. Now attention - you definitely need to select the item “They don’t comment on my page”. A little lower in the window it will automatically be formed next text “I am surrounded by a wall of inattention...”. And then the names of the two users who most often visit your page will be indicated.

Now let's look at the second method.

See who visited my VKontakte page using the application

This method is also very simple. We will launch the application, and it will generate a list of our most active visitors. By the way, I have already reviewed several similar applications. You can watch:

But let's return to our topic. Go to the “Applications” section and type “guests” in the search.

It is worth noting that the principle of operation of each of them is similar - they collect statistics on your guests. Therefore, I will choose among the applications found at random.

And at work we check "I am a spy, my guests".

Click on its icon. A window with a description will open. Here we press the button "Run application".

After this, a list of users who visited us for lately. You can view them and go to their page.

That's basically all. The method is quite simple. By using similar applications, you can always see who came to visit you.

Update: a new way to search for guests using the Odnoklassniki social network

This is the meaning. Unlike Contact, Odnoklassniki has a mechanism for searching for guests. Just go to the appropriate tab and you will immediately see all the visitors to your page. But why do we need guests in classmates, you ask? There's no particular reason why. But if we could redirect our secret visitor from VK there, we would be able to identify him. This is the method - we publish a link to our profile in OA, and wait for people to click on it.

But there is a condition - we, and our guest, must have pages in Odnoklassniki. Otherwise, how will we see him?

Now we return to our VKontakte page and publish this link in a post on the wall.

To do this, insert a link into the post creation field (see). You can choose and upload a colorful photo and add a motivated title. So that guests are more likely to click on the link. To edit, use the appropriate buttons. To publish, click “Submit”.

Make sure to keep it at the top of the list.

There is hardly a VK user who would not like to see the guests visiting his page. Meanwhile, in Odnoklassniki you can see literally every user who visited your page (with the exception of the invisible one). On VKontakte, on the contrary, you cannot see guests. At least, officially. What if it's unofficial?

VK applications

VK has a lot of applications that, as they claim, can show guests of your page. Before writing this page, we tested several similar applications. Do they show guests?

Even if they show it, it’s, let’s say, a little difficult to believe. Why? When you install the application and go to the guest list, you see familiar and not so familiar faces. But if you take a closer look at the list of users who visited your page, it turns out that these are all the same people who liked your posts or photos, so it is impossible to say that they visited your page. Moreover, some applications even show the date of supposed entry to your page, which suspiciously coincides with the date of the like.

However, we will not rule out the possibility that these applications actually show guests. But there is no less interesting ways find out who is visiting your page.

How can I find out who visited my VKontakte page?

Get ready, friends. Now you will find out real way find out who visited your page. To be precise, using this method you will find out who visited you most often, using the settings of your own page.

So what do we do? First of all, go to “My Settings”, “General” tab.

Scroll the page to the very bottom. Here you can see a link like “You can delete your page.” Click on it. Don’t worry, you won’t be able to simply delete your page.

It will open before you new page, where you must select a reason for deleting your page. There are only six of them:

  • I have another page
  • VKontakte takes up too much of my time
  • VKontakte has too many inappropriate materials
  • I'm concerned about the security of my data
  • No one comments on my page
  • Other reason (need to describe yourself)

Check the box next to “No people comment on my page” and you’ll see something like this:

Yes, yes, these are the users who most often visit your page. But wait, that's not all! Press F5 on your keyboard again to refresh the page, and again check the box next to “No comments on my page” - you will see other users who visit your page just as often!

And this can be updated several times until the system shows all the most popular guests on your page. And the main thing is that all this can be done without using applications and other things. third party software. Yes, you don’t need to delete the page - after completing the steps, just close it.

Guest Trap

In addition, you can use the so-called guest trap. This is the link you leave on your page. As soon as the user clicks on it, information about him will be saved in the application, which you will know about.

It is easy to install. We are looking for an application that allows you to use a trap. For example, the “My Guests” application. We launch it, click “My Profile” and activate the trap for guests.

A user who passes through it falls into a so-called trap and his visit is recorded by the application. True, in order for the user to be seen, he needs to install the application.

Third party programs

But we do not recommend using programs that claim that with their help you will be able to see all the guests and which can be found in abundance on the Internet. In addition to availability malicious files they can empty your wallet. For example, during installation they will ask you to send supposedly free SMS message, which is actually paid and by no means cheap. The program itself will turn out to be a dummy.

In general, we have warned you.

The history of visits (or activity) is important element security, through which you monitor traffic to your page. This helps to avoid unpleasant situations of unauthorized access to your social network account. Therefore, you should have a good understanding of how this option works. How to view your VKontakte browsing history is given below.

Your browsing history allows you to find out:

  • from what device the visit was made;
  • on what day and at what time you entered the page;
  • from which country and from which IP address the page was accessed.

How to view your browsing history on VK?

In order to find out where the VK visit history is located and go to view it, run next steps on your computer:

  • Go to: “Settings” > “Security” tab.
  • Click on the “Show activity history” link (Figure 1).

If you have a question: how to view your VKontakte visit history on your phone? Then the answer will be: execution similar actions, indicated above for the computer.

To understand whether your account has been visited by another person, you need to perform a compliance check. Is the IP address displayed in the Country (IP Address) field yours?

If yes, then everything is fine and you have nothing to worry about. If not, then appropriate measures should be taken promptly.

If you do not know your IP address, then in order to find it out, use special internet service, for example: .

The service will display the IP address of your computer immediately below the line “Your IP address:”. If given IP address coincides with those (or almost coincides, having a difference only at the end - this is normal if you have dynamic ip address) that are displayed in your browsing history, there is no reason to worry, since only you are logging into your page.

If you observe a strong discrepancy in IP addresses and realize that one of them does not belong to you, use the “End all sessions” button. After this, all sessions will be closed. Only you will have access to your account.

It was discussed above what VKontakte visit history is, how to view it? With this information, you can secure your page. Be active and review your browsing history weekly, this will allow you to be confident that no one else is using your page.

At the moment, there are only a few social networks where you can see who visited my page. Despite the fact that VKontakte was resold, since those times the functionality of the social network VK has remained the same. Only recently can we observe that this social network has changed its design and added some features, such as a basket for purchasing goods. However, these innovations will not give me the opportunity to find out who visited my page. Perhaps this feature has some disadvantages that are inherent in this social network VKontakte. In any case, there is a small loophole that you can use to track visitors who have viewed your wall.

1. My Guests application

Unfortunately, the most current method on at the moment is the My Guests application. This is the first and best way find out where you can see who visits your VKontakte page. The downside of this app is that not all faces can be tracked, only those that have repeatedly shown activity on your wall.

To catch more friends on your wall, you need to add a link to your application in the personal site field.

You can increase the effect of such an application by adding a link to your application to your personal profile in the Website Address section. Just launch the application and click " Catch more friends", after which a window will open where you need to copy the link given to you personally and place your personal website in the field on your VKontakte page by editing the profile account VK.

In this way, the application will contact your page and will always be aware of new events, as a result of which more user data will be intercepted.

2. By deleting the VK page

On the Internet on many sites you can find this method and despite the fact that it is completely useless, many do not even know about it. The method is that when you confirm the deletion of your page, a notification appears that Artem Korolev and Maks Batk will regret my leaving.

In fact, this should not be taken into account; this function is not intended for such a purpose at all.

This is not the way at all, this is to show you that this method doesn't work. Open your friends list and pay attention to the first 5 friends. So, when you delete your page, VK takes information from the first five people who are your friends.

Friends who will supposedly regret my leaving are highlighted in yellow.

As you can see, this function works randomly, which does not mean that they are visiting your page. Moreover, if you use the first method of tracking a page through the application, you can get information about guests who were not on your contact list.

3. Pathfinder application

A secondary application through which you can track guests is Pathfinder. You can run several of these applications at the same time. More on this below about its settings.

Launch this application and give it everything necessary permissions, which will be offered to you upon startup. Next, in the upper right corner, click Actions – Add game. Next copy from address bar link to the application and add this link to your wall. If you don't want to add to the wall, select Actions - Add to left menu. Please note that if you place a link on a page, sooner or later someone will click on it, after which you can guarantee that this user will be intercepted by this application.

4. My fans and guests

This application comes in second place after the first method. Chip this application is that when you first start you can get premium access for a while. That is, at this time, with this status, it will be possible to catch 2 times more guests. In order to get premium access and allow the application to function normally, copy the link that is offered to you in your personal account VKontakte profile. This was method 4.

5. Your guests and fans

The fifth method, like the previous ones, is practically no different. Here is another application for VK showing who visited my page. Using it, you can also view curious people who are browsing your feed. When launched, the apps also give you premium access for a period of time. When we first start it, I suggest we add it to the menu on the left in order to filter out more activities. I haven't tried it myself, so I can't say anything. As a bonus, you get 100 coins, which can be used for premium access.

6. Programs for tracking visits to the VK page

Programs for tracking visits to own page VK does not exist. All of them were created with the goal of obtaining your login and password from the page. Then such accounts, to which the attackers have access, sell them for pennies. Such packs of accounts are purchased willingly and then various kinds of spam pass through them through groups, walls, etc. Some other virus software is capable of more, and if you only had personal data taken from the page itself, then you are in luck. In general, there are special brutes that generate and select passwords for pages, so we should take care of its maximum protection.

Some open similar services that offer to find out who visited the page for a certain fee. There are only a few such services and they are closed because... any disclosure contributes to a new filter that the VKontakte network will prepare when it finds out about it. We recommend that you refrain from similar services, 99.9% they are all scammers. If you are 100% sure that this is not a scam, it’s up to you. But again, where did they get such information? As mentioned above, through the spread of viruses. Various types of hacking of VK applications, etc.


The above describes 6 ways to find out who visited my VKontakte page, not all of them are effective, and some do not work at all. But they were presented in this article because... people often search this information and they write the same thing everywhere. That’s why all these non-working methods had to be debunked here so that you don’t waste your personal time introducing unnecessary information.