Basic computer knowledge. Here are some reviews from people who have already completed the course “Computer is very easy! or How to Master a Computer on Your Own"

Greetings, dear blog visitors. Dmitry Smirnov, author of this blog, is in touch with you as always. In this article I want to tell you about how to learn a computer, actually how to learn to work on a computer and what you need for this!

With the beginning of the 21st century, people have become much more active in using various types of technology. Most devices are extremely easy for a person to master, but as for computers, this is another more complex issue. Children master new computers and gadgets the fastest, and this happens because they don’t fool themselves for a long time by reading various literature. Kids want to touch and press everything in practice, and in the course of such explorations they learn what and how to do. Adults take this issue more seriously; they are afraid to experiment in order to avoid equipment breakdowns and other unpleasant moments. Every adult, and especially an elderly person, wants to learn how to learn to work on a computer quickly and, most importantly, without financial investment. By the way, in the last article I wrote about

The process of learning computer literacy at first glance seems very difficult; older people consider this an unattainable goal for themselves. Opening the manual for this technical device, everyone immediately begins to get scared by the complex and incomprehensible terminology, but it turns out that it is not so scary.

If you examine in detail the supporting literature in the form of an application manual, you can realize that names and terms that are incomprehensible to humans indicate a part of a computer or software. If some term is not clear in the instructions, you can always find a step-by-step guide with detailed explanations in the form of pictures.

When a person has understood the instructions, turned on the computer, he needs to learn how to work on it - type texts, run various programs, work on the Internet and engage in both creating and storing multimedia files.

A beginner will be able to see the first hints directly on the monitor. Many icons and pictograms, due to their appearance, give a person a specific hint, an exact indication of what is hidden behind them. For example, if an image of a note is viewed in a small picture, a person will guess that he is dealing with a music player, and not with the settings menu. The same settings can be displayed on the wrench icon. This story repeats itself with almost every program on the desktop.

When a person starting to work with a computer has intuitively figured out what is hidden behind which image, it’s time to check it in practice. Here the question arises of how to do this, because with so many buttons you won’t always understand which one you need to press.

The keyboard is a good thing, but in this case it is necessary to do without its participation. That's what a computer mouse is for. To direct the cursor - the arrow - to the desired object, you need to scroll the small wheel located on the mouse between two buttons. By moving the cursor to the object that needs to be opened, you can immediately see on the monitor the name of the object or text indicating its purpose.

In order to open the desired object, you need to double-click on the mouse button located on the right side. After opening the program, many stop there, not knowing how to work with it. But it's actually not that difficult. Almost every program or game has a step-by-step explanation of how to use it.

The main condition for quickly mastering the nuances of computer literacy is to perform all actions independently without outside help. Having learned to work with software, many people cannot master printing skills for a very long time. At the beginning it is difficult to even find a letter on the keyboard. To learn this quickly, you don’t need to read any literature or ask anyone.

In order to learn to type, there are online simulators that stimulate a person’s observation skills and are able to concentrate his attention on a specific object or symbol. This is done very quickly and a person, without noticing it, very quickly gets used to the keyboard layout, even despite it he knows where everything is. This way you can easily type with both hands.

Now, there are many online training courses, but in most cases they are all paid. In order not to spend money on training from the Internet, you can download special applications absolutely free. Thanks to such small, simple programs, you can quickly learn to work with relevant software, presentations, text documents and discover other exciting possibilities of the computer mechanism.

Thinking about how to learn to work on a computer, you can come to the conclusion that this is quickly done with the help of screenshots - screenshots of the same computer, which show what and how to do. A person sees a screenshot of the screen and the actions taking place on it, thanks to this he focuses on his computer and tries to do the same. If there is a reason to be afraid that your own actions will not be remembered, you can take a screenshot yourself - this is done by pressing a special button on the keyboard.

Working on a computer only at first glance seems complicated and incomprehensible, but in fact everything is extremely simple and you can get used to it very quickly. The main thing in the learning process is the availability of daily practical exercises, because without them, even the most understandable courses and programs will not be able to help anyone.

The younger generation masters computer technology very quickly thanks to their courage and willingness to experiment - this is exactly what older people lack and becomes a mechanism that slows them down.

Drawing conclusions on the topic of how to learn to work on a computer, we can say the following - quick learning depends on a person’s assertiveness and his readiness for new experiments. In life, everything almost always seems difficult and unattainable, but when you soberly assess the situation and get closer to the problem, it will turn out to be a funny little thing. It’s the same with a computer - don’t be intimidated by complex terms and a large number of unfamiliar programs; if you open them all one by one and try to work in a couple of days, you can become a computer pro.

Now you know how to learn a computer!

The main task of a computer is to provide the user with the most efficient performance of assigned tasks. Nowadays, many jobs require the ability to use hardware, but not everyone can handle it. This article will provide brief instructions on how to learn how to use a computer for free.

You will need

  • computer;
  • teaching aids;
  • computer courses.


  • Learn to touch type (ten-finger touch typing method). In many cases, working at a computer involves typing, which is why it is important to type quickly without looking at the keyboard. People who master this method can type more than 300 characters per minute.
  • Try to avoid the “poke method”, this path is very tortuous: many programs cannot be understood on an intuitive level.
  • Make it a rule to read the built-in documentation for all distributions new to you. This way you can reduce the time spent studying programs and be able to work more productively.
  • Remember the hotkey combinations and then use them in your work. They exist in almost all software.
  • It's worth optimizing your virtual workspace. You can place shortcuts to the programs and folders that you use daily on your desktop.
  • Structure the data stored on your hard drive. Place text documents in some folders, photos in others, videos in a third. Make sure that finding the necessary information takes minimal time.
  • If you realize that you are not very good at computers, you should hire a tutor or enroll in computer literacy courses. This way you can get rid of the need to study from books and get the same amount of knowledge faster.

Please note

If you have managed to master a computer to the level of an ordinary user and want to study further, then you can study from books, you just need to avoid materials for beginners, since then you will have to filter more unnecessary information. Give preference to books for advanced users or professionals.

Don’t be afraid to introduce a virus into your computer or break it; constantly study unknown computer functions. Confidence is only half the battle.

If you decide to find a tutor or enroll in computer literacy courses, you don’t need to rely on them for everything: you should always take the initiative. Otherwise, you will automatically always wait for advice, and the necessary information will be more difficult to remember.

Video lessons

Everyone who began to learn a new business or skill was faced with the fact that they had no idea in which direction to develop, where to move next and what the baggage of acquired skills should be. Learning a computer and working on it is also no exception for a beginner. Therefore, in this article, site experts will give advice to help you master computer work more easily and even from scratch.

Computers are now used everywhere, so they are used to solve a variety of problems, ranging from accounting and design to the management of such important facilities as, for example, nuclear power plants, automobile production and energy.

By including a computer in the medical tomograph and installing the appropriate diagnostic program on the computer, it will be possible to examine the body. Install an accounting program on the same computer, and it will keep track of finances. Therefore, we can conclude: depending on what programs you install on your computer, you will be able to solve such problems on it.

Where to start to master a computer?

is a universal machine on which anyone can solve their problems. Therefore, there are basic computer skills that every user should have. Each computer program, despite all their current abundance and specialization, also has a standard appearance or interface. All this helps the user quickly master working on the computer.

One more conclusion can be drawn: basic skills in working with universal programs are also applied in specialized programs. This makes it easier to work with a computer, and, if necessary, to learn new programs.

This means that the easiest way to master working on a computer is to learn basic skills and knowledge. Below is a list of basic skills:

  • the ability to create, open, copy, edit, move, delete a folder, document or file. A novice user should know the difference between a folder and a file or document, how files are stored and how to properly store them on a hard drive.

  • use, since now almost every computer is connected to the Internet. Therefore, the security of your computer and the data stored in it must be at a high level.

  • use the Internet, in other words - find the necessary information, use e-mail, programs designed to communicate with other people.

  • use various multimedia programs designed for viewing and listening to multimedia files. Multimedia files come in a wide variety of formats, so sometimes they need to be converted from one format to another. This is called conversion, and for this there are various programs - converters.

As a rule, working on a computer requires the simultaneous use of all these skills. For example, you need to find the required document on the Internet, save it on your computer and email it to a friend.

Since working on a computer is individual, each user decides for himself what programs should be on the computer. This means that it is advisable to be able to install them or install them, in another way, independently. Accordingly, delete it if necessary.

What else do you need to know about a computer to master it?

User programs or application programs themselves cannot be installed or used without an operating system. This is the main and control program that allows the user to configure the computer in accordance with his taste and preferences.

The operating system is also the link between user programs and the computer hardware. The operating system, controlling the computer, allocates the necessary resources for application programs: processor time and RAM.

Thus, the user must not only be able to use application programs, but also preferably be able to configure the computer using the operating system. For example, the resolution and bit depth of the screen color palette. Or working with hard drives: defragmenting disks for faster operation, checking disks and correcting errors, cleaning disks from unnecessary files to increase free space and performance.

In the future, after gaining sufficient experience, you can learn on your own

The computer course training program for beginners is designed for users who have never worked with a computer before and want to take computer courses from scratch. The course program is practical and is designed to teach a person of any age - from schoolchildren to pensioners - to work on a PC to the extent sufficient for comfortable work on the Internet.

You will become familiar with the Windows operating system (XP/Vista/10), Word and Excel programs, in which you will learn to create text documents, letters, tables, and also study in detail Internet browsers and working with e-mail. Professional teachers pay attention to each student, regardless of their level of training. Well-equipped computer classes with high-performance computers and LCD displays will help students quickly and easily learn how to use a personal computer. We will teach you how to be comfortable with a computer!

Cost of computer courses for pensioners:

Start dates

PC course program for beginners

1 lesson. Microsoft Windows operating system.
1.1.Basic concepts (file, folder, desktop, taskbar, shortcut, window).
1.3.Structure of a Windows window.
1.4. Units of information
1.5.Using the help system.

Lesson 2. Program "Explorer", "This Computer".
2.1.Creating folders; movement.
2.2.Deleting and copying a file and group of files
2.3. Working with USB flash drives.
2.4.Creating a shortcut on the desktop.
2.5.Setting up the mouse, keyboard, date and time, monitor.
2.6.Installation and removal of programs.

Lesson 3. Microsoft Office Word program.
3.1.Structure of the Word program window.
3.2.Text input.
3.3.Selecting text
3.4.Editing text
3.5.Working with fonts.

Lesson 4. Microsoft Office Word program. (Continuation)
4.1.Saving, opening, creating a new document
4.2.Paragraph formatting
4.3.Text alignment.
4.4.Setting page parameters.
4.5.Preview of the document.
4.6.Print a document.

Lesson 5. Microsoft Office Word program. (Continuation)
5.1.Creating a frame and background.
5.2.Inserting pictures
5.3.Inserting shapes
5.4. Spell check.
5.6.Upper and lower indices.
5.7.Page numbering.
5.8.Creating headers and footers.
5.9.Inserting symbols.
5.10.Changing the case of text.

Lesson 6. Microsoft Office Excel program.
6.1.Program interface
6.2.Entering data and editing cell contents.
6.3.Formatting cells (borders, fill, data format).
6.4.Setting page parameters.
6.6.Print a document.
6.7.Creating number sequences.
6.8.Creating formulas.
6.9.Copying formulas. 6.10.Using autosum.
6.11.Creating formulas using the Function Wizard.
6.12.Working with sheets (inserting, renaming, deleting, moving, copying).

Lesson 7. Internet and email.
7.1.Basic terminology of the Internet.
7.2.Connecting to the Internet.
7.3. Browser programs Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome.
7.4.Methods of viewing and searching information
7.5.Saving information on your computer.
7.6.Saving photos, music, videos on your computer.

Lesson 8. Working with email.

8.1. Create your own mailbox.
8.2. Receiving and sending letters using the mailbox.
8.3. Processing letters (changing encoding, sorting, deleting, saving attachments).
8.4.Using and filling out the address book.
8.5.Adding attachments to letters as a file.
8.6.Indicating the importance of the message.
8.7. Purpose of the magazine and favorites folder.
8.8.Introduction to email clients.

Pass. Interview. Base price Discount Final cost Pay
38 academic hours
32 ac. hour.- classroom training
6 ac. hour.- independent studies
7550 rub. 5300 rub.

Nowadays, almost everyone has such a device as a laptop. For example, people... They also want to keep up with modern technologies. Therefore, this article will help you understand the basics of using a laptop.

The training system is divided into several stages.

First of all, it is worth mastering some computer concepts. Research shows that there is nothing difficult about using a laptop. However, a large amount of information inspires fear about the impossibility of using the device. But here everything depends only on the wishes of the pensioner.

Mastering a laptop easily with video tutorials

Here are the first features of the laptop:

  • A clear advantage among communication devices is the program, which provides free video contacts with any subscriber around the world who has a computer with Skype installed and the Internet.
  • You can type text on it and then print it, and you can create a large number of copies without using carbon paper. If you make a mistake in the text, you do not need to use the eraser; you can simply delete it with one keystroke. So, a typewriter is no longer needed!
  • The laptop copes well with, or done on the phone. That is, he is able to edit, correct the necessary qualities, or remove some effects.
  • Using a laptop, you can send a letter to relatives or friends anywhere in the world.

As you already understand that you are a laptop user, the device itself has an operating system that has several versions. At the same time, this system is capable of performing many tasks. If the laptop is connected to the network, then it has a large amount of information that can be obtained from the results of a search query.

You can search for information on the Internet by entering the site’s email address or simply its name in the address bar. Remember, if you are looking for a site using an address, enter the characters very carefully; if even one letter or sign is entered incorrectly, you will be taken to a completely different site, and accordingly it provides different information.

The site address is always written in Latin characters. can be done using the two key combination “Alt+Shift”. Google is considered the most popular search engine. It is she who will provide a large selection of information that matches your request.

To carry out this or that operation, you can use hot keys or the mouse. They are a combination of keyboard buttons, sometimes there is only one button. This tool is mainly used by those who do not have the skills to use a mouse.

However, there is an opinion that in order to master a computer, at least at an initial level, it is not necessary to know all the principles of its operation and technical characteristics. Computer programming doesn't have to be stressful.

Remember that the more often you return to a particular task on your laptop, the faster your use skills will become moderate.

The most difficult part is mastering the mouse. Double-click with the right mouse button... Some people replace one double-click with two single-clicks. However, these are completely different things. Therefore, a pensioner can stop at this stage of training for a certain period of time. But in the future, you can confidently make such a click with any number of clicks.

A laptop is no longer a luxury, so even an elderly person sometimes has to turn to it for help, since typewriters and paper letters have long been out of fashion and are much harder to use. This device can perform a wide range of different information.

To quickly and more clearly learn how to use a laptop, it is better to use training video courses recorded on DVDs. For a better idea of ​​the course, watch the video review from Uncle Sasha. It's simple, easy and not expensive!

A good disk for mastering a laptop. Helped me a lot!

Alexander Sergeevich Kokovikhin, Kirov

After reading this article, the thought comes to mind that it is impossible to understand computer basics by reading these recommendations not only for older people, but also for young people. It’s painful that everything is described in such a confusing way that you can’t understand anything.

It’s much easier to gain skills through visual examples while working in programs, watch grandpa’s review in the video clip, or, as a last resort, view screenshots (pictures from the monitor screen) with step-by-step explanations.

The most realistic method remains when smart heads take you by the hand and lead you to the goal, forcing you to press the necessary keyboard keys, directing the mouse pointer for you, forcing you to click in the indicated places. But this method obliges your mentor to be with you all the time, being the most expensive of all training options.