Finds but does not communicate with Android satellites. Android GPS calibration, acceleration of satellite acquisition after a cold start, increasing GPS accuracy essentially to the possible limit of hardware

On Android based does not / does not determine the location correctly. Navigation does not work or does not work correctly. What to do and how to fix it?

Many users encounter a problem when phone or The Android tablet starts acting up. It seems that nothing happened that could cause a malfunction, but it does not work as it should.

For example, the device has problems with the fact that it has ceased to determine its location either tablet e or The phone's navigation is not working properly. The reason for this may be:

1st: Software glitch - i.e. the problem is a software glitch

2nd: Hardware failure - i.e. the problem is in the hardware (i.e., replacement or restoration of spare parts for the gadget is required)

However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases there are problems operation of location recognition, geolocation, satellite detection, navigation, etc. functions. smartphone a or Android tablet is to blame software glitch which you can easily fix on your own.

Fixing a software glitch:

Method 1. Quite simple - go to "settings", find there « backup and reset", in which you choose full reset settings with deletion of all data. Be careful, using this method is often effective, but it entails deleting all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone e or tablet e. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if even after this the problem is not resolved, see Method 2.

Method 2.

Based on solving problems with communication and network reception phone number and tablet based Android method implementation of additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a lot of them, however, the fewer functions an application contains, the more effective it is, as a rule. Best monitors system functions, adjusts, and fixes everything possible errors settings and synchronization is small and easy to use, free utility for Android devices. Download the app from Google Play and watch it additional options in the description it is possible . After installing the application, all that remains is to launch it. Further, in principle, nothing more is required from you. The application will take full control of the device's functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will begin to charge 20% faster, and its performance will also increase significantly, which will affect the loading speed and operation of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system runs at 50% faster.)

  • Also, to achieve maximum speed exchange of data over the Internet, it is recommended to install it on your Android device high speed browser Yandex Browser You can download it from Google Play.

Method 3.

Changing the device software, or as it is also called "re firmware".This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and can be resolved by contacting the Service Center. To carry out this task yourself, you need to contact the website of the manufacturer of your device, download the utilities necessary for flashing the firmware and the firmware itself, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

If none of the methods brings results, unfortunately, you will have to contact the Service Center for repairing your tablet a or smartphone a.

An Android phone or tablet does not detect / does not detect the location correctly. Navigation does not work or does not work correctly. What to do and how to fix it?

Availability GPS navigator and in Android smartphones or tablets will surprise no one. GPS navigator on mobile platforms It also has an advantage - it can work without connecting to a satellite, but only by working with mobile towers, but in in this case You can only get location coordinates. To globally determine your location, you will have to connect to satellites, as was the case with classic portable GPS.

GPS does not work on Android

In fact, there can be a lot of reasons why GPS does not work on Android, so we immediately rule out hardware failures ( technical problems), only a service center will help here.

  • Not correct setting GPS. This happens most often. can be read here. You can test the correct GPS settings using the application GPS Test
  • GPS does not work after flashing. In this case, the GPS settings are lost. How to return the settings - read the article at the link above, the article will contain a video in which everything is described in detail.
  • The initial connection to satellites has not been made. In remote areas this process may take long time up to an hour. But to do this, you need to put your phone or tablet outside or on a windowsill. After binding, GPS will work faster.
  • Android GPS does not work indoors. More precisely, it can work, but rather weakly. For correct operation The GPS module must be outdoors and visible to the sky.
  • Hardware problems. If, after all the manipulations with the GPS settings, the module still shows no signs of life, then you should contact specialists at the service center.

Android phones contain a GPS module that allows a large number applications to determine location and navigate the terrain. A phone with GPS provides more functionality than a standard external portable GPS. But they still need to be able to use them correctly, so that there are no questions about why GPS doesn’t work on Android.

How GPS works on a phone

A little about how GPS works in a smartphone, so that you can understand what settings to set.

  • Android apps can find location using mobile network towers.

If you go to location settings Android phone, you will see two definition options to choose from. One definition is called a network position. This option calculates coordinates using towers mobile communications or via Wi-Fi. On to the pros this method can be attributed fast speed work, and the downside is that it is not an accurate indication of the location. A slower way is satellite GPS navigation.

This technology makes it possible to recognize satellite position, using the network and at the same time receiving data much faster.

  • Android GPS can work without a mobile connection.

From various managers mobile networks you can hear that GPS does not work on Android if it is not in the zone mobile towers. Maybe, but this requires the correct setting of the satellite navigation.

  • When first determining a position (first fix) in areas that are too remote, it takes time.

This process can take from ten seconds to an hour in different places. The first time always takes longer, but when following connections everything will go much faster

  • Maps matter when Android GPS works.

If you open Google Maps, without network connection, then the smartphone will display the error “This application requires active tariff plan" This also happens with other applications; if the application uses Internet maps, then it is necessary permanent connection to the network.

  • Android GPS should be able to see the sky clearly.

Few people know this rule. But those who have worked with portable GPS are well aware of this. Why doesn't GPS work? This is because these positions are transmitted from satellites, which means that the transmission quality will be better if the signal is not interfered with by the floor slabs of houses or meter-thick layers of earth in the subway.

  • Android GPS drains your tablet or smartphone's battery.

Everything is simple here. Want to extend the battery life of your smartphone? Then turn off the GPS module. This also applies to other modules. Of course, no one can tell you exactly how long the operating time will last after switching off, but in any case it will not be superfluous if you do not use GPS too often.

These are the basic principles regarding the issue of how GPS works in a smartphone and tablet.

Navigation applications installed on smartphones with operating system Android allows users to plot driving, cycling or walking routes, as well as monitor their own location on the map.

Mobile devices with installed GPS/GLONASS chips are in particular demand among potential buyers. But, sometimes it happens that GPS on Android does not work. In this case, you need to figure out what the main cause of the breakdown is and how to configure the modules so that they correctly perform the tasks assigned to them.

The main reasons for GPS module failure

If GPS does not work on Android, you should check whether the navigation module in your phone is disabled. This mistake is most often made by novice users who have not yet fully understood the principles. Android work smartphones.

In order to cope with this problem, you should move your finger down top curtain, which hides various shortcuts and notifications. Find the “Location” item in the proposed menu and activate it. When it becomes active, its color will change to green, bluish and so on.

Activate GPS on Android to find your location

After the “Location” item becomes active, you can start launching the navigation program.

It is worth noting the fact that developers take into account the interests of users, so many popular apps report that geodata is disabled.

As an example, we can note the Navitel application, which informs users that they do not have a connection to GPS modules.

It may be that the user activated geolocation in the smartphone settings, installed all the necessary navigation applications, but there were no positive results.

In this case, the reason may be hidden in banal impatience. When starting GPS/GLONASS modules for the first time, you should wait at least 15 minutes. During this time, the smartphone will be able to process information about which satellites are active in a given area. Other launches of the navigation program will occur much faster.

A similar problem may arise if you arrive in another city or country with your phone turned off and decide to use geolocation. You should wait 10-15 minutes so that your Android smartphone can calculate its location. This behavior is called a “cold start”.

So, above are the main reasons why GPS does not work on Android. But they do not limit the list of all possible malfunctions. It is worth noting several more factors due to which GPS modules may not work:

  1. The user tries to perform “ cold start” while driving vehicle. You shouldn't do that. You need to stop, get out of the car, preferably into the most open area, and try to activate the GPS modules again.
  2. GPS does not work on Android not only when traveling in a car, but also inside buildings.
  3. There are certain areas where signal reception is difficult. This may be due to the presence of rocks, tall buildings, and so on in the immediate vicinity. In this case, you should find the highest possible area and try to find the satellites by climbing onto it.

If the navigation does not work after active attempts to configure it, then you need to seek help from professionals working in the service center. This state of affairs clearly indicates the presence of internal breakdowns. And also, if you don’t have time to go to a specialist service center, then try resetting your phone to factory settings.

You can check the quality of signal reception from satellites using GPS applications Test from Chartcross Limited. If the GPS chip is working and geolocation is turned on, a sky map will appear on the screen indicating the locations of active satellites.

How to configure the GPS module on a smartphone?

Many users are interested in how to configure GPS modules on Andrid. There are no specific settings options in this case. But, if you wish, you can experiment a little using standard methods detection. There are the following factors for the operation of location detection:

  • High accuracy. With this parameter, location detection occurs using all possible wireless modules. It uses not only GPS/GLONASS, but also Wi-Fi and a telephone network.
  • Economy mode. The location is searched through mobile networks and the Wi-Fi module.
  • Only GPS modules. As the name implies, location search occurs only with the help of satellites.

In order to specify the method used to detect a person’s position in space, you should go to the “Settings-Geodata” menu. Don't forget to work with GPS navigation install functional and easy-to-use software. To do this, you can download from the network free apps or use paid products leading world companies.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that if GPS does not work on Android, you should not despair. You may be in too much of a hurry to allow the app to communicate with satellites.

If the problem is not resolved after fulfilling the basic conditions, you need to contact the service center for help.

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That's all today modern smartphones equipped with built-in GPS module, which shows your location. You can use your smartphone as a navigator while playing sports or traveling by car, and also use it to receive current news or weather information in your city. Now let's figure out how to check the operation of GPS on Android, that is, whether the location module works on your device or not.

There are 2 options to resolve this issue, simple to use the application, and a little more difficult to use standard features your smartphone ( engineering menu).

Checking and setting up GPS using the app

Based on all the applications that we tried, the simplest and most effective turned out to be. This program can quickly help you find all the satellites in your region, pre-configure them and, possibly, use other functions.

Features of the GPS Test program for Android

  • Shows information about visible satellites;
  • Shows active satellites currently in use;
  • Gives accurate data geopositioning;
  • Shows exact coordinates;
  • Gives information about the time zone at the location;
  • Indicates the position of satellites in the sky;
  • Can serve as an electronic compass;
  • Provides a variety of data, ranging from time and date to altitude;
  • Gives information about sunrise and sunset times in the place where the device is located.

How to check the status of your GPS navigator using GPS Test

We open the application, and if we see in the left top corner inscription " 3D Fix“This means that the navigator works correctly and performs all its functions without the slightest problem. Shows " No Fix"? Unfortunately, there is a problem with the device and its smooth operation is impossible.

Constant switching between the above modes may also be due to poor conditions for receiving a GPS signal. This is caused not only by being indoors; even unsuitable weather conditions, such as rain or strong wind, can affect it.

Shows " off"? Everything is simpler here. The receiver is simply turned off. To enable it, we perform an easy procedure: open “Settings”, go to the “Location” item. A new menu called "Location Services" opens. There are three modes in total:

  1. "By network coordinates"
  2. "GPS satellites"
  3. Supporting Data.

For the most precise definition places, for example, in a car, we recommend activating all items at once. Of the networks, Wi-Fi works best, of course, but if conditions do not allow this (being on the street, etc., as is usually the case), use mobile Internet.

Using this program you can learn a lot useful information about your phone and its additional features.

Setting up and adjusting GPS through the engineering menu

This method will help you check the quality of the established standards that indicate how well the GPS on your phone works.

  1. To do this, you need to go to the engineering menu. Enter the code (where we usually write the subscriber number) *#*#3646633#*#*;
  2. Next you need to find the YGPS item (or something similar);
  3. As a result, a map should appear with many yellow dots on it. They may not appear immediately.

Just these points and talk about the number of satellites that were found. If you record the time from the start of scanning until all found satellites are fully loaded, the quality will become known installed GPS. Later, this data can be compared with other devices, for example, by taking it from a friend.

Video instructions

Poor performance of GPS satellites indoors

But do not forget that GPS may have poor signal reception when you are standing indoors (especially in a high-rise building) or close to electrical appliances. So it is better to use the location function in an open area (street) or, as a last resort, near a window.

It's worth remembering that GPS is better Do not leave it on all the time, use it only when necessary. This will save battery charge two or even three times longer. Using widgets, you can turn on and disabling GPS to the desktop.

GPS does not work on Android, what should I do?. Navigation systems on mobile devices(smartphones and tablets) in lately have become necessary not only for motorists, but also for pedestrians, thanks to their good ability to build walking routes. But quite a lot of users have to deal with something that does not work or works poorly GPS system on Android. This may result in problems different types, depending on what exactly caused the breakdown.


What is GPS? This is a navigation system - strictly speaking, GPS / GLONASS is a navigation module that allows you to use many applications that use navigation. This Yandex. Cards, Google. Cards, displaying the weather in your city, determining your actual location and configuring the device taking this factor into account (weather, time zone, etc.).

Routes are most often set using this system. They can be by car, on foot or by bicycle. In fact, when working properly, such a module helps to find any object marked on the maps.


But in some cases, certain problems may be detected in the operation of such a module. Their nature is different, but they equally interfere with working with the system:

  • Complete inability to determine locations;
  • Inaccurate location determination;
  • Slow data update or complete absence updates (for example, you move in space or turn around, but the pointer on the map does not change its position for a long time).

Most problems can disappear on their own when you restart or when you move to another area of ​​the map. But if this does not happen, then you need to know what causes them and how to eliminate them.

Rice. 2 Navigation

Possible reasons

There can be many reasons for this type of problem. But they can all be divided into two large groups These are hardware problems and software problems. We talk about hardware problems when the defect is present in the physical navigation module itself, and about software problems when something is incorrectly configured in the software of a smartphone or tablet.

Important! Problems software type They are quite easy to set up and fix yourself. When we're talking about about hardware failures, it is better to entrust the matter service center, since for a non-specialist the repair process can be quite complicated. And there is a risk of making the situation worse.

Rice. 3 Geolocation problems


One of the most common problems occurs during the first launch of the module, that is, when you first launch an application that uses GPS on a new smartphone. Within 15-20 minutes, geolocation may not work, nothing will happen, the location will not be determined. This is a normal condition when you first start it, but this should not happen again in the future.

A similar situation may arise if you have traveled a significant distance, for example, moved to another country or region, with the navigation module turned off. In this case, when he first starts in a new place, he will also need time to “think.”

The problem may also occur when starting on high speed, for example, while driving a car - in this case, the module will “slow down” for the first time after switching on.

Keep in mind that GPS does not work in buildings - indoor navigation will not be carried out. Your approximate location in the building is determined using the zone layout wireless internet and towers mobile operators, but not GLONASS.

Rice. 4 Working navigator


The GLONAS module can be disabled through the phone settings; often on new models it is not enabled by default. Therefore, many beginners who are not accustomed to using Android do not turn it on before starting to use navigation applications. By the way, most popular and modern applications This type notifies the user that he needs to enable navigation.

Inaccurate location determination may be due to the characteristics of the zone. The system does not work equally well in all areas due to the nature of satellite operation. There are “blind” zones that the navigator misses or does not detect accurately. It is impossible to fight this.

Rice. 5 Stable geolocation


Troubleshooting is usually quite simple. But if after taking all the above measures the problem has not been resolved, it is possible that the problem is a faulty module and it requires replacement at a service center.


There are no ways to “cure” the program freezing after the first launch of the navigation module. The user just needs to wait about 15-20 minutes after the first launch of the application - during this time, the electronic components of the navigation device will adjust to the current operating conditions and the location will be determined.

That is why it is recommended to run this module for configuration immediately after purchasing a phone, so as not to wait in a situation where you need it urgently.

Rice. 6 Location problems


Turning on navigation on your smartphone is quite simple. Most often, the application itself “asks” whether to enable navigation when it is disabled. Then you need to click on “ YES" or " OK" in the pop-up window, and the application itself will enable geolocation. If such a notification does not appear, enable it manually, following the algorithm:

1. On the unlocked screen, on the desktop, pull out the menu by sliding it from the top of the screen down;