Printer won't turn on - what should I do? Consumables for printing at wholesale prices.

Quite often, owners of printing office equipment are faced with the following commonplace problem - the printer does not turn on. Those. you press the button responsible for turning on the device, but after the power indicator lights up, it almost instantly fades out or does not light up at all. What should I do to make the device turn on again, as before? To solve this problem, you need to make an independent diagnosis in order to identify its causes or seek help from any reliable service center. The first option is more preferable in terms of finance, the more you can use the services of masters at any time.

Causes and ways to eliminate them

So, if your printer does not turn on, then one of the possible reasons is a short circuit in one of the nodes of the device. To eliminate this cause, then enable it. If this action does not bring the desired effect, then you should remove the print head. Confirm that the printer does not turn on even after these steps? This means that the short circuit is not associated with either the cartridge or the print head.

Pay attention also to the contact pads of the carriage, because they can be doused with dye. To avoid aggravating this situation with the printer, be sure to unplug the power cord and press the button responsible for turning on the device before each action. Thanks to this, you will contribute to the discharge of the capacitors of the power supply, which, in turn, minimizes the risks of failure of any of the modules. Also pay attention to the control board, after having disconnected the connector coming from the power supply, and measure the voltage on it.

If the printer still does not turn on, the problem may be with a damaged power cable to the device - replace it with a new one and try turning the printer back on. If this scheme does not work, then the power supply from the printer may be faulty. Replace this item with a new one or ask for it temporarily from your friend or neighbor so as not to waste money on this purchase.

Connect all cables and plugs alternately, remembering to turn on the printing device after each such action. Remember to unplug the power cord before connecting again. If at some point the device stops turning on, then the problem lies in the module that was connected last.

Check the power supply

Also check the outlet to which you plug the printer so that the printing device can turn on. There is a chance that the problem is precisely in it and all your attempts to bring the device back to its previous state will be ineffective. To do this, you must plug in any other household appliance and make sure that it works as expected. If the connected device works, and you could not find a specific reason why the printer does not turn on, then it is better to resort to the services of a professional who has the necessary skills, experience and tools.

In general, if you independently solve the above problem, you can save a lot of money and significantly save your time. But if you are unsure of your abilities or you have very little experience in assembling / disassembling the printer, then it is better to initially contact the service center. The fact is that any careless attempt to fix something can only exacerbate the problem.

One of the problems faced by the owners of printers is a situation in which the printing device simply does not turn on. That is, the user presses the printer power button, but after the light on the case lights up, nothing happens. More often than not, the printer does not respond at all when the power button is pressed.

How to solve this problem? The first step is to carry out diagnostics in order to find out the main cause of the problem. There may be several reasons, and specialists will be able to determine them faster. But if you want to do everything on your own, use the following recommendations.

Why won't my Epson printer turn on?

So, if your printer does not turn on, then one of the possible reasons is a short circuit in one of the nodes of the device. To eliminate this cause, remove the cartridge from the printer, and then turn it on. If this action does not bring the desired effect, then you should remove the print head. Confirm that the printer does not turn on even after these steps? This means that the short circuit is not associated with either the cartridge or the print head.

Pay attention also to the contact pads of the carriage, because they can be doused with dye. To avoid aggravating this situation with the printer, be sure to unplug the power cord and press the button responsible for turning on the device before each action. Thanks to this, you will contribute to the discharge of the capacitors of the power supply, which, in turn, minimizes the risks of failure of any of the modules. Also pay attention to the control board, after having disconnected the connector coming from the power supply, and measure the voltage on it.

Possible causes of the malfunction:

  • blown fuse on the main board;
  • paper jams in the printing device. You can try to remove the jammed sheet yourself and try to turn on the device again;
  • refueling of the cartridge is required;
  • other components and parts of the device are out of order.

Epson L110 printer does not turn on

Do not write off trivial reasons like - poorly connected cables to the printer. First, you need to carefully check all the contacts, only then delve into more detailed diagnostics of the device.

It is impossible to carry out a detailed analysis of the components of the device without specialized equipment, therefore, in the case when the described methods turn out to be ineffective, the only option to solve the problem is to contact the service center.

The situation when, in the midst of the working day, a Samsung or Epson printing device suddenly fails, is probably familiar to everyone. But not every office can boast of its own technical service that will eliminate these problems. What can we say about the home office. However, not only a specialist knows why the printer does not turn on and how to fix it.

What will be discussed:

Why does the device not turn on?

Any technique, even from the most famous companies - HP, Epson, is not eternal. Over time, some parts wear out, malfunctions occur, program settings fly off, which affects the operation of the device itself, which is in the public domain.

All breakdowns of a printing device of any company - Canon, Samsung, Epson, can be divided into the following groups:

  • external - due to the lack of electric current, malfunction of sockets, wires or adapters. In this case, the entire "repair" is reduced to replacing the damaged external device;
  • internal - problems with the device itself. For example, Epson L110 stops quite often due to paper feeding difficulties, this mechanism is the weak link of the model. But in MFPs from Canon, the reason for the failure is most often problems with the print head, since the mechanical parts of the device are very reliable.

By the method of eliminating the error, they are distinguished as follows:

  • problems that you can fix yourself - the Epson printer does not turn on for the most trivial reasons, for example, when the ink in the cartridge dries out. So, the breakdown can be completely eliminated on your own by replacing the cartridge or refilling it with the purchased refueling kit;
  • unrecoverable on their own - only a specialist can really say what to do in such cases. These issues are related to damage to parts or, more commonly on Epson multifunctional MFPs, to a common access point or control board problem. Eliminating such errors requires either special knowledge or special equipment.

Most of the minor problems that caused the device to fail can be dealt with on your own. What to do in different cases?

Power supply

The HP or Epson printer does not turn on when there is an elementary lack of electric current. There are several possibilities, so everything is worth checking out.

  • Printer sharing does not come on due to an outlet failure. It is worth turning off the device and trying to connect a table lamp to the outlet. If the current is present, the light will light up, and the check will have to be carried out further.
  • It is necessary to check the adapters, if the device is not directly connected to the network, perhaps the extension cable simply failed.
  • If the power button of the device is lit up green, but the device does not work, it is worth checking the external energy sources. You need to make sure the functionality of the device. In addition, many devices are equipped with secondary energy sources and they must be used correctly for the correct operation of the device.
  • If everything is in order with the voltage supply, but the power button does not respond to switching on, then the problems most likely arose with the internal power supply. This breakdown requires replacement or repair of the module, so it is done only in a service center.

HP printer

Mechanical difficulties

These include a variety of malfunctions associated with malfunctions of the mechanism, and not with damage. Why won't the Canon, Epson or HP printer turn on in such cases?

  • A paper jam in the printing device is the most common cause of a device shutdown. It can be associated with a paper jam when feeding from the tray or when dispensing, or with a malfunction of the tray itself. In the latter case, the cause may be both a skew of the device and its damage. If the case was in a jammed sheet, then the printer starts working properly after switching on. The device of the tray, as a rule, is the same everywhere, both Epson L210 and in any model from Samsung. To clarify the breakdown, it is recommended to study the instructions from your device. Photo - removing paper from the Epson L110 printer.
  • Out of ink - usually, there is an indicator on the panel of the device that notifies you whether there is ink in a color or black cartridge. However, the indicators are not always paid attention to, as a result, a stop in work may be associated with an elementary lack of ink. The problem is fixed simply: you need to purchase a new cartridge or buy a refueling set for cartridges.
  • The reason may be damage to the board - a fuse burns out, for example. Such a breakdown can only be repaired at a service center.

Epson L210 printer

Short circuit

The most common cause is a short circuit in one of the nodes.

  • They check it like this: in the Epson L110 or Epson L210 printers, they take out the ink tanks, in the Canon or HP machines, they remove the cartridges, and then turn on the printer. If the printing device works, the problem is in the cartridge.
  • It is worth paying attention to the contact pads of the carriage: if they are filled with ink, this can cause a short circuit.
  • On some Epson and Canon models, it is possible to remove the print head. If, after removing it, the device turns on and works, a short circuit has occurred in this module.

It is possible that there is a malfunction on other nodes, but such diagnostics are already available only at the service center.

If your Epson printer does not turn on, then the first thing you should do is the power supply. The power supply should provide a voltage of 5 and 42V, then the power supply is working and you should look at the board.

In this article, we will consider cases when both the transistors and the encoder microcircuit and two 34-35 Ohm resistors are on. When the encoder microcircuit is on, it is useless to change the transistors, they will burn out again.

When the encoder chip is on, the printer not only does not turn on, but also whistles. It is necessary to change everything with a block, a microcircuit, transistors, resistors. How to understand that your microcircuit and resistors are burnt out, see this article, we will show you using the Epson T50 as an example.

If it is not possible to repair the board, we recommend purchasing a new board in the online store.

Figure 1 shows the E09A7218A encoder chip, you can clearly understand that it burned out by ringing the transistors, Figure 2.

Picture 1.

Figure 2.
You can see the pinout of the transistors in the article Epson Transistor Parameters.
Another feature, if Collector is ringing to the ground, the multimeter will show 0, Figure 3.

Figure 3.
So, we decided that the transistors, the microcircuit are faulty, now we need to ring two 34-35 Ohm resistors, Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.

Figure 5.
As you can see, they are also faulty, they also need to be changed.
We solder transistors, resistors, there is nothing complicated. Change to serviceable, Figure 6. There are transistors in the online store.

Figure 6.
Let's move on to the E09A7218A encoder chip. Look at the encoder in our online store. We warm up the microcircuit and the tracks with a hairdryer, pry it on one side, wait a little, then on the other. We remove the refractory tin and change it to another, Figure 7.

Figure 7.
We bait the microcircuit with a hair dryer, modify it with a soldering iron, make sure that each leg is soldered and they are not soldered together, Figure 8.

Figure 8.
As a result, you have to re-solder the E09A7218A encoder, TT3034, TT3043 transistors, two 470 34-35 Ohm resistors. We insert the board into the printer, turn on the printer. The printer should work

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