Player is not working. Connecting and setting up Adobe Flash Player in different browsers

Adobe Flash Player is widely used for creating banners, animations, videos, as well as playing full video or music on websites, etc. Sooner or later, problems arise in its operation. The user's task is to return dynamic content to the browser.

Why do you need Adobe Flash Player components?

Having announced the imminent refusal software technologies based on Flash Player, Adobe has made browser plugin developers very excited about this news. Software tool Adobe Flash Player is built into the Chromium engine, in particular into Yandex.Browser, and without it browser plugins cannot work.

Modern CMS engines for websites work on a Flash basis. Examples of this are WordPress, Joomla, IPB, SMF scripts and dozens of others like them. The original engines of social networks Odnoklassniki, Mail.Ru, VKontakte and others are not without Flash technologies. They also operate the resources of Yandex, Rambler and dozens of other portals, as well as thousands of popular publications. Without Flash plugin Player in best case scenario text versions of the above projects would be displayed, almost devoid of interactivity.

The disadvantage of Flash Player is the security vulnerability of both sites and the user's browser.

Why doesn't Flash Player work in Yandex Browser?

Adobe Flash Player may suddenly crash various reasons- from incorrect settings the plugin itself and the browser to actions on the part of other programs that directly or indirectly affect their joint work.

There is no Adobe Flash plugin in the browser

Although the Adobe Flash Player plugin is integrated into Yandex.Browser, it can be accidentally removed, for example, due to security holes in the browser/site, browser slowness, insufficient productivity PC/tablet, sites overloaded with Flash banners, etc.

Checking the functionality of Adobe Flash in Yandex Browser

To make sure Flash Player is installed and working, do the following:

  1. Open the browser itself.

    For further settings Flash Player "Yandex.Browser" must be running

  2. In the web address input line, enter the command “browser://plugins” and press Enter.

    Enter the internal web address of the Yandex.Browser plugins

  3. The list of plugins should indicate the version of Flash Player - this indicates the presence of the plugin. If there is one, leave this page.

    The current version of Adobe Flash must be clearly indicated in Yandex.Browser

  4. If the Adobe Flash Player plugin is not listed, install it.

    No information about the version of Flash Player available

The Adobe Flash Player plugin is included with each version of Yandex.Browser. It is better to reinstall the plugin simultaneously with reinstalling the browser itself according to one of the instructions below.

Adobe Flash Player is not active

Accidental disabling of the Flash Player plugin most often occurs due to the user's fault. To check the status of Adobe Flash, do the following:

Incorrect installation of the Flash Player plugin

The Flash Player plugin itself cannot be installed incorrectly, just as the same application cannot be installed twice for any operating system.

Such applications do not include those whose different versions are intended to complement each other. For example, the Net.Framework engine for Windows.

Each new version Adobe Flash Player replaces the old one.

Conflict between different versions of the Adobe Flash plugin

Conflict different versions (double installation) Adobe Flash may be caused by next reason. Deprecated NPAPI (Netscape Plugin API) technology for displaying active content, once created for the browser Netscape Navigator, in the Adobe Flash Player plugin is replaced by its more modern continuation PPAPI (Pepper Plugin API), promoted by Google together with Adobe. Accordingly, the latest versions of the Flash Player plugin can be installed “next to” older ones.

To disable one version of Adobe Flash Player and enable another, do the following:

Try to use latest version Adobe Flash Player, which supports both NPAPI/PPAPI technologies. It is more stable. Two or more versions of Flash Player, if forced to switch frequently, can confuse the user and slow down his work.

Uninstalling and reinstalling Adobe Flash using Windows

To eliminate the consequences of errors that occurred immediately during Adobe work Flash or after some time, the engine itself is completely reinstalled in Windows itself. This solves the following problems:

  • lack of sound when watching online videos, for example, on YouTube;
  • choppy playback, slowdown of videos and animations on websites;
  • displaying a simplified, text version of the site (purely in HTML layout, without design, but with ordinary pictures).

Before checking whether the Adobe Flash plugin is active in Yandex.Browser, reinstall the Flash program Player. To do this, do the following:

  1. Click "Start" in Home Windows menu select Control Panel, then go to Programs and Features.

    Select a software tool to install and remove programs and OS components

  2. To remove Adobe Flash programs (most often there are two of them - the plugin itself with support for NPAPI technology and the engine for active content ActiveX in Internet Explorer) select each of them and click the "Delete" button.

    Select the component to remove and click the remove button

  3. Confirm your request for Adobe removal Flash (if available) and wait for the removal procedure. Restart Windows.
  4. Go to and get the latest version Adobe installer Flash Player.

    Choose the Adobe Flash plugin version that suits you best

  5. In the downloads section of, click the confirmation button to download the Adobe Flash online installer. Stop installing McAfee antivirus.

    Click on the site Adobe button started Flash installations Player

  6. Wait for the updated one to download and install Adobe programs Flash Player.

    Adobe Flash must not only download, but also install

  7. Restart Windows again and update the problematic page in Yandex Browser.

Video: How to install or update Adobe Flash

The Yandex.Browser version is not relevant

Checking Yandex.Browser updates makes sense when:

  • the browser itself has not been updated for a long time - a year or more - and auto-checking for new versions was initially (after installation) turned off by you;
  • a number of plugins failed, in particular, Adobe Flash began to issue constant errors on any sites that use dynamic graphics;
  • a gap has formed in the security line of Yandex.Browser (accounts on social networks and online versions of messengers are hacked; in none of payment systems and not in any bank through your " personal account» it is impossible to send/receive money, which is what the websites of these organizations warn about);
  • Sites do not open or work poorly (not enough necessary functions and menu).

The penultimate of the reasons listed, by the way, is the most motivating: we are talking about your personal and commercial security on the Internet.

Yandex Browser update (without reinstallation)

Updating the browser through the built-in wizard in the application itself allows you to change the program version to the latest one. To update Yandex.Browser, do the following:

  1. Go to the command “Menu - Advanced”.

    Go to the additional submenu to get to the Yandex.Browser update

  2. Select "About Browser".

    Go to the information panel about the version of Yandex.Browser and its update

  3. The browser will request information about updates from the website. If the update is available, the Update button will appear. Click it.

    Click the start update button in Yandex Browser

  4. The browser will notify you that the update was successful.

    Return to sites where dynamic graphics were displayed incorrectly after the browser reports a successful update

Now go to the site where the problem with displaying Flash content persisted.

Video: how to update Yandex.Browser

Complete reinstallation of Yandex.Browser

Removing the old and installing the updated version of Yandex.Browser includes:

  • closing Yandex.Browser processes in the Dispatcher Windows tasks»;
  • deletion current version browser on Windows;
  • downloading and reinstalling the new Yandex Browser.

Reinstalling the browser “from scratch” allows you to get rid of the “remains” old version, which may interfere with the operation of the new one. Do the following:

  1. Launch Windows Task Manager using the combination Ctrl keys+ Alt + Del or Ctrl + Esc + Win. Go to the "Processes" tab right click mouse click on any of the “browser.exe” processes (if there is more than one) and select “End process tree”. You can also click on the “End process” item.

    Select the Windows process of interest and end it

  2. If you haven't had many tabs open, simply close the application from the Task Manager. Go to the “Applications” tab, select “Yandex.Browser” and click the “End task” button.

    Use the end task button as a replacement for the close button in Yandex.Browser

  3. Click Start, select from the main menu Windows item"Control Panel".

    "Control Panel" opens from the main menu in all versions of the OS

  4. Select the Programs and Features toolkit.

    Open this item to remove/replace programs of interest

  5. Find the program “Yandex.Browser”, Yandex or Yandex.Browser (depending on the browser version), click the “Delete” button above the list of available applications (or right-click and select “Delete”).

    Click on the button (or menu item) to remove the application

  6. Confirm the removal of the browser by clicking the “Delete” button.

    Click the Yandex.Browser removal button

  7. Confirm the deletion of Yandex.Browser again. If you use synchronization of your personal data with mail account on the Yandex portal, delete all settings of the uninstalled browser.

    Click the “Yandex.Browser” delete button again

  8. Yandex.Browser will be uninstalled. Restart Windows.
  9. Go from any other browser (for example, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox) to the website and click on the download button “Yandex.Browser” on the site.

    Click the browser download button

  10. Windows will ask you to save the file. Select a folder on any of the drives and click the “Save” button. The current browser will download the file.

    Wait until the file “yandex.exe” (or “yandexbrowser.exe”) is downloaded

  11. Run the downloaded file “yandex.exe”.

    Run the file that will help install the browser

  12. The Windows system first requests permission to run programs downloaded from the Internet. Click the "Run" button.

    Confirm the launch of the Yandex.Browser package by clicking the corresponding button

  13. Click on the “Start using” button. Yandex.Browser will be installed again.

    Click the button to start using Yandex.Browser

  14. Launch the newly reinstalled Yandex.Browser and check for a working (and updated) version of the Adobe Flash Player plug-in according to the instructions above.
  15. Return to the problematic site and check the display of Flash animations and videos with which you previously experienced difficulties.

The problem with Adobe Flash may be successfully resolved.

Video: how to install Yandex.Browser

Outdated version of Java component

Not only Adobe Flash is responsible for displaying active graphics on websites. Java scripts are also responsible for interactivity on the Internet (interaction between the Internet server and the user). Unlike the PHP script/script, which is the main handler of user requests on the website and works strictly within the server, they are downloaded to the PC or mobile device user along with the output HTML page. Full version this same page, in addition to pictures and animations, contains auxiliary *.js files that contain additional features in the form of extended menus, sidebars, soft keys, checkboxes and radio buttons, highlighting on mouse over, etc. Without Java, websites would not be what they are today.

Checking the activity of Java technology in Yandex Browser

To make sure the Java plugin is currently running, do the following:

  1. Launch "Yandex.Browser" and execute the command "Menu - Settings".

    Go to general settings"Yandex.Browser" to check the operation of Java technology

  2. Click the "Show" button additional settings». Full list browser settings and capabilities will be displayed below.

    Click the button to display advanced settings of Yandex.Browser

  3. In the “Personal Data Protection” column, click the “Content Settings” button.

    Check that JavaScript is enabled in Yandex Browser

  4. If JavaScript technology was disabled (or limited by the list of exclusion sites), enable it. Click the "Finish" button and restart Yandex.Browser.

Updating Java Programs

The best way to update Java is to completely remove the engine from your PC and reinstall it. To do this, do the following:

  1. Open "Programs and Features" through the "Control Panel" and find the "Java X Update X" application (where X is the version number of the software and its patch/update package).

    Click the exit button from the installer

  2. Restart Windows and launch Yandex Browser again. Check that the Adobe Flash Player plugin is working correctly.

PC hardware incompatibility with Adobe Flash version

Crashes on hardware level, resulting in errors in the operation of the Adobe Flash plugin, indicate an irreparable incompatibility of PC and Windows components with already installed applications. Fortunately, you can turn off hardware acceleration, which is designed to reduce the load on the Flash Player plugin.

Adobe Flash Player will switch to a more stable operating mode.

Errors on site pages

When all of the above measures to eliminate Flash Player failures do not produce results, the reason is obvious - the owner and/or administrator of the site did not take care of the correct display dynamic graphics your resource.

Disadvantages of the hosting used for the site

The disadvantages of hosting can be considered from the point of view of both the owner and the site visitor:

  • some features and functions of the language PHP programming not included in the service package base tariff for site owners (or the site owner did not pay for these services separately). If you are the owner of the site, change the tariff or hoster.
  • Hoster software is not updated - untimely transition to more latest versions PHP and MySQL programs, for example, the hoster is not popular enough, has not fully developed due to the lack of income received. If you are a site visitor, look for alternative sites on your topic where problems with Flash content are not observed.

Problems with the website engine

The developer of the engine (CMS) for sites (for example, WordPress) has not yet taken into account the corrections and Adobe updates Flash Player and Java Runtime, implemented in their next releases. If you are a webmaster (including those working on custom websites), update the engine for the site or use an alternative one (for example, based on Joomla), which completely solves the goals and objectives of the customer and satisfies the needs of his audience.

Other problems with Flash Player

In addition to the problems with Adobe Flash described above, the operation of this plugin (and its other software components on Windows level) may be influenced by the following reasons:

Problems with Adobe Flash Player can be easily fixed. The main thing is to understand the errors of the plugin and Yandex Browser itself using the method of elimination.

One fine day, turning on the computer and opening Google Chrome your favorite site with TV series or browser game, you find that the video does not load and the game does not start. Most likely, you are having problems with the Flash Player plugin, which is a third-party development from Adobe. It just so happens that almost all sites on the Internet require it for correct operation and display of information. Although Google is pursuing an active policy of ousting the unsafe and resource-intensive “flash player” and replacing its functions with using HTML 5. It is interesting to note that, despite Google’s dislike for Adobe Flash Player, the browser Chrome problems it occurs quite rarely. We will consider the case when such a component we need is still “covered with a copper basin.”

It looks like this:

The browser tells you that it was unable to load the plugin

The first thing you need to do is check Chrome version, because Adobe Flash Player is updated along with it. And if your browser is updated to the latest version, then most often there should be no problems with the plugin. To do this, open “Settings and Google management Chrome", then "Help" and "About the Google Chrome browser".

You need to pay attention to the “Version” line. If the download indicator rotates below it, then your browser has initiated the search and installation procedure for updates.

It is worth waiting until it is updated and rebooting it if necessary.

After restarting, the About tab should look like this

This message means that everything is fine with your browser. If after this Flash Player does not work for you, then the problem lies deeper.

The next step is to check if the plugin is present at all. To do this, enter in the search bar: chrome://plugins.

If you see that the entry for Adobe Flash Player is present and highlighted gray, this means that the plugin is available, but it is disabled. Just click on “Enable” and restart your browser to be safe.

It may be that after all your actions, your favorite game on the social network will give you a message like:

Let's say you're unlucky and Flash Player still won't turn on. This means we will update the component manually. Type in the search bar: chrome://components.

Find the entry “pepper_flash” and click the “Check for updates” button. Restart the browser.

If none of the above helped

In the end, it is worth asking the question: “Is there any Adobe module Flash Player by to the right address?. To answer this question, type again in the search bar: chrome://plugins and click on “Details”.

Let's look at the expanded properties of the plugin.

Copy the location path of the dll file

And through the conductor we look to see if there is the specified address file "pepflashplayer.dll".

If it is missing, it means that Google Chrome is trying to load a module from a place where it does not exist. Naturally, nothing works out for him. There are 2 ways out of this situation:

  • Try to manually insert the file "pepflashplayer.dll" into the desired folder, taking it from a running instance of Google Chrome.
  • Delete the entire PepperFlash folder. After restarting, the browser will either adjust the settings or load current version plugin from the Internet.

This last option will help solve the problem of Flash Player not working.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Probably not very many of you know what flash technology actually is, and also what why do you need adobe flash player.

But when your browser stops showing videos or games, does not play audio, and the menus of some sites do not react to your actions in any way, then you start looking for the reason (or).

Most likely, you will quickly be enlightened that perhaps that same mysterious Flash Player is outdated (or simply does not work). To solve the problem, you will be advised to update it or completely reinstall it (uninstall it and then install it again).

In addition, the reason may lie in the settings of the Flash Player plugin in . However, all these common words are not always able to lead to a solution to the problem, so I decided to dwell on the issue in more detail installations, correct removal, updates and settings the brainchild of Adobe on your computer.

Flash Player update - why is it needed?

Let me start right away with the fact that in some browsers the Flash Player plugin is built-in along with the engine update. First of all, this applies to the Google Chrome Internet browser, which we discussed in detail. However, for some reason this plugin may be disabled there. How to enable it, read below.

Player system module too can track the appearance of its own updates, and you probably saw this window more than once the next time you turned on your computer:

I strongly recommend not to neglect the possibility of timely updates, because they may also include security updates. It is possible that this will save your computer from infection. I just wrote about the importance of updating all the key ones (including the flash player), because found security holes are quickly plugged in them.

If you have no desire to install this extension, but you want to know Do you have the latest version of Flash installed?, then there is a way to check from official developers. All you have to do is go to this page and click on the “Check Now” button at the top to find out the information you are interested in:

However, unexpected problems may arise with the operation of Flash in your browser, when movies are not shown, games are not played, and the menus of some sites do not open. Apparently there is some problem with the Adobe Flash plugin. So let's see how we can install or update Flash Player.

Installing Flash Player and solving emerging problems

In the simplest case, you just need to go to the official Adobe Player page and click on the “Install” button located there:

If suddenly your browser and operating system determined incorrectly, then you can click on the link “Need Flash player Player for another computer”, where you make the changes you need and click the “Install now” button. As I mentioned just above, in the case of the Google browser separate installation The plugin is not required, because it is included in the browser, but if you wish, you can still install the Adobe® Flash® Player system module:

In most cases, this will be enough for installation or updating, but sometimes unexpected problems arise when, even after installing the player, video, audio and games are still not displayed in the browser.

There may be many reasons for this state of affairs, but the most effective and in an effective way there will probably be complete reinstallation flash player. To do this, you will need to close all browsers you have open, go to the panel Windows controls(in Vista this is “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features”) and remove this program (plugin). After that, go to the official website again and install Adobe Flash Player from scratch. In theory, some of the problems preventing normal operation, will have to be eliminated.

How to remove all “tails” from a flash player?

However, even after this, problems may remain. Then you will need to remove the “tails” of the player using specialized utility removal developed in Adobe
Uninstall Flash Player. The procedure should be approximately as follows:

  1. Download the flash player removal utility from the link above.
  2. Before starting it, do not forget to close all browsers and other programs that may use Flash technology, otherwise complete removal it may not succeed. Check them out possible job V background(look in the tray).
  3. Launch the utility and follow its instructions.
  4. Once the uninstallation process is complete, restart your computer.

After this, you can install Flash Player again from the official website using the link provided. How to check its functionality? Well, you can again use the test from Adobe - just go to this page and make sure that in the fifth point you are watching an animation on the theme of a tree and clouds floating across the sky.

How to enable the Flash Player plugin in your browser

When the flash does not work, then in addition to the option of removing the player from the OS and its reinstallation, you can also look for the answer in your browser settings. The fact is that Adobe Flash Player is installed as a plugin, and for some mysterious reason it may simply be disabled. It's quite easy to check. It all depends on the browser you use:

If none of the methods described above bring results (Flash is not displayed in browsers), then I advise you to contact the developers (or their forum) for help, describing in detail the problem you are experiencing with Flash Player.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

You can watch more videos by going to

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Flash Player is considered one of the most popular technologies for playing videos, music or games in browsers. Even though in lately many browsers disable Flash support Player, and move on to more new technology HTML5 Flash player may be required to run videos or games on some sites.

In this article we will look at why Flash Player does not work and how to enable it in the most popular browsers, such as Opera, Chrome, Firefox, Yandex Browser and Microsoft Edge.

Flash Player does not work in Google Chrome

Google has disabled support for Flash Player by default in its Chrome browser, so if you want to enable it then you need to do it yourself.

1. Open Google browser Chrome.

2. In the address bar, type chrome://settings/content and press Enter.

3. On the Content Settings screen, find the Flash section. Select Allow sites to run Flash, then click Finish to save your changes.

4. If you want not all sites to run Flash Player, but only some of them, then click the “Manage Exceptions” button.

5. Here, enter the website address and click Done to save the changes.

Flash Player doesn't work in Firefox

1. Open your Firefox browser.

2. On the right top corner Click on the three stripes icon. Select the "Add-ons" option.

3. In the menu on the left, click on “Plugins”, and next to Shockwave Flash From the drop-down list, select Always On.

4. If you want to disable Flash Player, simply select Always Off.

Flash Player does not work in Opera

1. Open the Opera browser.

2. Click the "Settings" button, which is located on the sidebar on the left side.

3. Select the "Sites" option.

4. Scroll down a little and select "Manage individual plugins..." under the "Plugins" section.

5. Make sure you see the Disable button if you want Adobe Flash Player to work.

Flash Player doesn't work in Microsoft Edge

1. Open the Edge browser.

2. In the top right corner, tap the three dots icon, then select Settings.

3. Scroll down and select View advanced settings.

4. Make sure the “Use Adobe Flash Player” option is enabled.

5. Refresh the web page for the changes to take effect.

Flash Player does not work in Yandex Browser

1. Open Yandex Browser.

2. In the address bar, type browser://plugins and press Enter.

3. Click on “Enable” in the “Adobe Flash Player” section.

Ready! We looked at the most popular reasons why Flash Player does not work in Opera, Chrome, Firefox and others, as well as how to enable Flash Player in the browser.

Flash Player is one of the main components of any browser, without which viewing the content of Internet pages becomes difficult: videos take a long time to load, pictures are not displayed, and online games simply freeze. What to do if Flash Player does not work correctly or does not start at all?

Let's consider possible options solving software problems in the three most popular browsers.

Doesn't work in Opera browser

In most cases, the problem with Flash Player in Opera occurs after updating the browser. At the same time main problem is not only freezing of a video or image, but also of entire pages. In order to properly configure the flash player, you need to do the following:

1. Restart the plugin. For this purpose in address bar Opera, enter the following combination opera:plugins. Next, on the left side we see several tabs “All”, “Enabled”, “Disabled”. Click on “All”. A list of enabled plugins will appear in front of us. Near Flash Player, click the “Disable” button, and then back to “Enable” and restart the browser.

2. Plugin update.

To do this, download the latest version of the plugin from our website, or go to the official Adobe website (

3. Cleaning Flash Player data. To delete data in Flash Player, open the “Control Panel”, then double click Click “Flash Player” and go to the “Advanced” tab. Here you need to click the “Delete all” button.

4. Shutdown hardware acceleration. We find a page on the Internet that requires Flash Player. For example, let's take a video from a contact. Open the video and right-click on it. A small list will appear in front of us. Select "Options".

And restart the browser.

Firefox freezes when launching Flash Player

This browser is the one that most often causes problems. If Flash Player does not start or there are problems loading sites, we perform several simple operations:

1. Enter in search bar about:config. The browser will give us warnings that the settings may be broken.

2. We agree with the warning.

3. In the filter field, enter the following combination dom.ipc.plugins.enabled. The value "true" will appear here. Double click on it. The value will change to "false".

4. Restart the browser.

5. If the problem does not disappear, you need to check whether there are any earlier ones left on the computer. Flash versions Player. If there are, then they need to be removed and the PC restarted.

Incorrect operation in the Google Chrome browser

Often incorrect Flash work Player is explained by the presence of previously installed version software that conflict with each other. In order to fix this problem, enter chrome://plugins/ into the Google Chrome address bar.

Here we will see Adobe Flash Player (2 files) and the version name. If there are two files, then disable the earlier version.

Restart the browser. If the problem is not solved, repeat the same action, just turn it off new Flash Player and turn on the old one. At the same time, do not forget to restart the program.