A selection of youtube keywords. Selection of keywords for Youtube

Youtube tags are phrases and words that describe video content.

They play an important role in search engine optimization.

→ According to them, video hosting places the video in the appropriate category and then offers viewers in the list of recommended and similar ↓↓↓

Correctly selected tags will help you find your target audience and increase the number of views !!!

In this article, we will look in detail at what tags you need to write to promote on YouTube, where and how to find and add them ↓↓↓

How to view them from competitors?

Where can I find a list of tags for YouTube???

You can take them from successful competitors

→ To watch them, go to the page of any video and right-click in an empty space. In the menu, click “View page code”.

A window with the code will appear.

→ Find the word tag or keywords in it. Behind them you will see a list of tags.

Services for their selection

To see what tags viewers are looking for on YouTube, you can use online tag viewing services: ↓↓↓

  • http://keywordtool.io/ru/youtube
  • http://mysitec.ru/yt/
  • https://www.olegorlov.com/services/tegi-youtube-video/

How to add correctly? — Secrets

Once you have learned how to view tags for videos on Youtube and have collected the appropriate ones, you can add them: ↓↓↓

1) If you are looking to advance in TOP results, write no more than 10-15 tags relevant to key queries, do not use high-frequency queries

2) If you want to get into similar videos, write maximum quantity tags, where the last 10-12 should be relevant to key queries.

3) How many should there be??? YouTube gives you 500 characters on them. You can use them all


Tags must be relevant to the topic of your videos

The most important ones should go first, because... the search engine reads them from left to right

Youtube pays special attention to them !!!

When adding tags, use the words from the title of the video, and be sure to use the key queries for which you are optimizing it.

What are they - classification:

6 Plugins and services for selection:

In order to find ready-made tags for your YouTube channel, use special plugins and services ⇓⇓⇓

1. VidIQ

This extension opens the tags of any YouTube video opened in front of you. It simplifies and speeds up the work of collecting them.

2. Youtube.com

You can search for tags for YouTube on the video hosting itself like this: ↓↓↓

1 → Type the beginning of a phrase with your keywords into its search bar. You will see queries previously entered by users. Click on the first one in the list

2 → Analyze the search results. How many views does the top video have and when was it posted???

You can count the number of views per month and draw a conclusion about the popularity of this request (its frequency). Thus, iterate through all the queries from the list and copy them to a text file. Try other phrases that are similar in meaning. Leave those with at least 300 requests per month. Let this be the lower frequency threshold

3. Yandex Wordstat

Go to wordstat.yandex.ru. This is a Yandex tool for searching keywords. Enter here the same queries that you entered in YouTube. Frequency results may vary significantly. Go through everything, leaving those with at least 300 requests per month.

4. KeywordPlanner

This tool is an analogue of Wordstat, only for selecting tags for Youtube on Google.

5. Special option

Trending tags Popular tags on YouTube can be found here - https://seezislab.com/ru/trends/day/ru.

How is this service useful? It helps you find and analyze popular keywords on YouTube

6. Google Trends

On www.google.ru/trends— you can follow in real time for popular topics. Here you can sort trends by world, country, duration. I highly recommend it!

What else are they for?

In addition to promoting on YouTube and making your videos easier to find, there are tags for setting video display parameters.

These are the ones that change display parameters: ↓↓↓

  • yt:quality=high - sets automatic playback in HD quality
  • yt:crop=off - cancel cropping and restore cropped areas
  • yt:crop=16:9 - gives the picture the standard 16:9 format for YouTube, cutting off the black fields
  • yt:stretch=16:9 - used to scale video with incorrect aspect ratio to 16:9 format
  • yt:stretch=4:3 - similar to the previous one, 4:3 format
  • yt:cc=on - automatic display

You need to install these Tags on YouTube in the same way as regular ones - through the Video Manager.

Bottom line

Keywords are an important component of promotion on YouTube. Now you know how to use their potential to promote your channel.

Hello friends. Vasily Blinov is with you and today we continue. This is the third step in which we will figure out how to select and where to enter the keywords for a YouTube channel.

Do not confuse channel keywords with tags, which are written separately for each video. We'll talk about tags when we upload videos and optimize them. Yes, essentially they are the same thing, but we will look at them a little differently.

How to choose keywords for a channel?

Keywords are popular user queries that describe the direction of your channel. They are needed to make it easier for search engines to determine what your channel is about.

To recognize them, you just need to think logically. Determine who your audience is and what they should search for in order to get to your channel. Next comes several services that will help you find additional keyword ideas.

Here, in fact, you don’t need to know how to work in professional software for this, such as Pastukhov’s databases, key collector, mutagen, etc.

Parse your topic into keys

For example, theme - sports. Let’s say that a channel with this topic will publish videos about how to do exercises, nutrition tips, recipes, motivational videos, about losing weight, etc.

We think what your target audience will type in search.

What would I type myself? Now just words from my head: build muscles, exercises, training, abs, motivation, sports nutrition, fitness, bodybuilding, workout, strength training, coach, gymnastics, training, weight loss, sports recipes.

We write down all the ideas and then select the best ones.

Analyze competitive channels

2. Here we need a special plugin for YouTube, which allows you to look up the keywords of any channel for free. It's called vidIQ Vision.

  1. Install vidIQ Vision plugin for Google Chrome browser(I don’t know about other browsers).
  2. Register an account on www.vidiq.com.
  3. Go to YouTube and log in to the plugin. You will notice it, it will appear to the right of the video. After authorization, statistics for each video will be shown on the right.

After you install this plugin, go to any channel on your topic and see all the keywords that are used on it.

I will show you using my personal channel as an example.

So you need to go through various projects in your topic and write down all the relevant keywords in a table.

You can even skip the first point, where you have to think for yourself, and just take and lick all the popular keys from your competitors.

Brand requests

3. I recommend adding branded queries to the list of keywords. Those queries that will be used to search for your YouTube channel. This could be the name of the project, the names and surnames of the channel authors, nickname, etc.

We use search engine suggestions services

4. The last step is to use the search engine hint tools of Yandex or Google.

It’s easier and more convenient to use the Yandex service. In principle, there is enough of it. We now need to select the most popular and relevant search queries, as well as find additional words.

We open Yandex Wordstat and start typing our words into it.

In the left column you will see query statistics and additional words that can also be used as keys. And the right column shows what else people searched for along with this phrase. Select from it the most suitable and frequently displayed phrases.

This way you will compile a list of main keywords for your YouTube channel in your niche.

Where to write channel keywords?

All that remains is to add the keys to the settings. But first, in a text document, you need to put all keywords that consist of more than one word in quotation marks, otherwise they will be broken into separate words.

"Vasily Blinov" "website" "remote worker school" "remote work" freelance travel "free travel" "earn money on the Internet"

Later we will return to this tab to configure other functions. With this we have dealt with keywords, in the next article we will talk about the description of the channel in which we will use keywords.

Write any remaining or emerging questions in the comments, I will be happy to help. Bye everyone.

Hello, dear blog readers about promotion on YouTube. In this article, we will look at one of the priority issues - the selection of keywords for YouTube videos.

A very important point is to decide at the beginning of the journey which keyword you will use to promote your video. To do this we open http://wordstat.yandex.ru/ and enter your keyword.

Copy the phrase that matches your request and transfer it to YouTube. This is necessary in order to determine the competition - the ability to promote our video to the top of Google and YouTube without much effort.

I chose a good query “stuttering treatment” - for which the approximate traffic is 7468 queries per month, and on YouTube the competition is 1620 results. The next step is to analyze the TOP 3 – 5 competitors in YouTube. You need to find out what keywords your competitors are ranking for.

Click on the first TOP 1 video and pause it. On the view page, right-click on “view page code”. We look at the tags and write them down in a notepad. We carry out the same actions with other videos.

Good afternoon In this article we will talk to you about how to select tags for YouTube using the service Keyword Tool.

Until recently, almost no one knew about this service, but after the official keyword selection service from YouTube ceased to exist, users had to look for some alternative. Of course, the selection of tags for YouTube could be done through, for example, Yandex’s Wordstat, but in this case, the video would be “tailored” for the search engine of Yandex, and not YouTube, which does not suit all users. Accordingly, the ranking of such a video did not take place on YouTube itself, but in Yandex. Therefore, to properly optimize videos on YouTube, it is necessary to use services that are “tailored” for YouTube, and not for other search engines.

Today you will learn how to select tags for YouTube using the service Keyword Tool. The article will be presented in the form of step-by-step instructions for using the service Keyword Tool, after reading which you can easily navigate the site and select keywords. Well, let's get started!

Selection of tags for YouTube. How to select tags using the Keyword Tool service

First of all, go to the service itself using the link: “Keyword Tool”, after which you will see the following window:

This is the main window of the site, which contains information about the service, how the service works, and so on.

There is a search bar at the top of the window (1) , into which you need to enter the keywords you need, and where the necessary tags for YouTube are selected. On the right side of this line you can see two drop-down lists. What is it?

In the first list you can select a country, depending on which you need to select keywords (tags). This is the so-called “geotargeting” of keywords, allowing you to filter them by specific countries. For example, by selecting the country " Russia", and by entering the desired query into the search bar, you can find out the keywords that users from Russia enter into YouTube (or a search engine) and use them as tags for your videos. This is very convenient if your channel is focused not on the whole world at once, but on a specific country.

In the second list, select the language in which the keywords will be displayed.

To the right, using the red button with a magnifying glass, you can start searching for the entered keyword.

So let's now move on to looking at the tabs that are above the search bar ( Picture 1):

First tab (2) designed to select keywords from the Google search engine.

Second tab (3) designed to select tags from YouTube. This is exactly the tab we need.

Using the third tab (4) You can search for keywords entered into the Bing search engine.

Well, the last tab (5) , which is called the App Store, is designed to select keywords from the search engine of a given application.

Click on the "tab" YouTube", then in the first and second list to the right of the search line, select the country you need for geotargeting keywords. Done! Now you can start selecting tags for YouTube.

To do this, enter the query you need into the search bar and click on the red button, which is located to the right. You will see a list of similar keywords and phrases from which you can select the ones you need.

Here is an example of entering the keyword "tea":

At the top of the window (1) , You can see the number of keywords found for the entered query. In my case, there are 152 of them.

A little lower (2) there are letters of the alphabet by which you can sort the found keywords. By clicking, for example, on the letter " A", You will see a list of those keywords that begin with this letter and so on.

Even lower (3) The lists of similar keywords themselves are located. Depending on the entered request, there may be a different number of them.

To quickly add all keywords to the clipboard and download them to your computer, click on the " Copy all", which is located slightly below and to the right of the search line. If you do not need all the keywords, but need to select only some specific ones, then you can easily and quickly do this by clicking on the button with a plus image, which is located to the right of each keyword.

After selecting the keywords and phrases you need, click on the " Copy", which you can find at the bottom of the window. This button looks like this:

By clicking on the button, open a simple notepad and using the keyboard shortcut " CTRL + V", paste the copied keywords there. You can now save these keywords on your computer and use them in your YouTube videos.

That seems to be all I wanted to tell you. Today you learned how to select tags for YouTube using the service Keyword Tool.

Finally, I advise you to read my article about how much they pay for 1000 views on YouTube and what income on YouTube depends on at this link.

YouTube video hosting is as popular as the search engines Yandex and Google, and therefore many people began to create their own video blogs. In this article we will look at where to get keywords for YouTube or how to search for tags by looking at them from competitors.

Keywords will help you create the right title, description, and tags to show your video in the right YouTube recommendations column.

Selection of keywords for YouTube

In 2014, YouTube closed the owl keyword tool and a new service appeared on the network to replace it - Keyword Tool.

In the free version, you can get up to 750 keywords for YouTube without frequency, cost per click and competition. The cost of the paid version starts from $38/month. when paying annually ($460) or from $48 if monthly.

Enter the desired word and the service will show you all the keywords for YouTube.

In addition to the keywords in the video title, YouTube can show your video for other queries if you have specified tags for the video that are relevant in their opinion.

You can use as tags either the same keys found above or simply similar queries from Yandex Wordstat.

Well, a very convenient tool for selecting tags for YouTube is to copy them from competitive or similar videos.

To search for tags, go to the VidIQ website, switch to Russian in the lower left corner and register. After this we install extension for Google Chrome browser and log in.

Now we go to YouTube and enter the key phrase we are interested in to search for a video and one by one open the video in a new tab. To the right of the video, the VidIQ extension, after authorization, will display all the information about this video.

In addition to viewing YouTube tags that you can copy to your video, you will see:

  1. An assessment of the video on how well it looks for promotion on YouTube according to VidIQ.
  2. Number of views per hour.
  3. Total number of views for this video.
  4. Number of pages where it is embedded.
  5. Number of subscribers on this channel.
  6. Number of shares on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
  7. Number of characters in the description.
  8. Number of relevant videos from this channel and other channels shown on the right.
  9. Approximate income per year.
  10. Popularity in countries.

Use these tools to find keywords and tags for your video channel and you will be happy :)