Preset Accessibility and TalkBack settings on your Samsung device. How to turn off TalkBack

This is a recommendation for new users of the Android operating system to set the necessary checkboxes and items in the Accessibility section and TalkBack settings. The test device was Galaxy S3, Android 4.3.

In the accessibility section you can access:

  • On Android 4.1: Settings/Accessibility;
  • On Android 4.3: Settings/My Device/Accessibility;

Now a description of the items and checkboxes in the accessibility section.

  1. The "Auto-rotate screen" checkbox - I personally turned it off so that it doesn't interfere when you rotate the device vertically or horizontally, with this checkbox the screen rotates to one position or another. At the same time, TalkBack announces the accepted screen position.
  2. “Screen timeout” - I set myself a longer time, two minutes. After this time, the display goes dark and the device is locked. Of course, everyone decides for themselves what and how will be more convenient for them. But I still recommend not setting it for less than two minutes, otherwise it will be annoying by constantly blocking the screen.
  3. "Listen to passwords" flag - Set to have TalkBack pronounce characters on the virtual keyboard when entered in password edit fields.
  4. “Answer end calls” - In this section you need to check the following boxes:
    • Answer incoming calls with the (Home) key;
    • Finish with the power key;

    This is necessary so that, firstly, when there is an incoming call, you can pick up the handset with the physical button (Home) home, which is located at the bottom of the display. And secondly, hang up during a conversation with the power button, which is located on the right side of the device.

  5. "Show shortcut" - In this section I have two checkboxes:
    • Accessibility;
    • TalkBack;

    both can be noted. They are needed so that when you hold down the power button for a few seconds, when the shutdown screen opens, these same items will be added to this selection on the shutdown screen.

  6. "TalkBack" - Here you can enable or disable the TalkBack program service, as well as get into its settings.
  7. “Web scripts” - Or the same item may also have the name “Improve special features for the Internet”. This setting must be enabled. It is designed for reading Internet pages and emails. Unless, of course, the application itself that you use for these purposes has support for web scripts. For example, programs such as
    this is for email. And for surfing the Internet
    They have such support from developers. This setting is relevant for Android 4.1 and possibly 4.2, but I can’t tell you for sure, I don’t know. On 4.3 this item is no longer present; it is turned on automatically along with the activation of TalkBack.
  8. “Show shortcut” - You can, in principle, turn it on, generally if you wish. When this setting is enabled, it becomes possible to launch TalkBack on the lock screen. That is, you decided to completely disable TalkBack in the accessibility section in order to allow a sighted person to use your device. After the person gives you the device, you hold the power button for a few seconds until the shutdown screen appears. Place two fingers on this screen and hold them for about five seconds until TalkBack starts and notifies you of this completed action. This setting appeared with version Android 4.2 or 4.3, I don’t remember exactly.

Description of the TalkBack settings you can access:

  • On Android 4.1: Settings\Accessibility\TalkBack\Settings;
  • On Android 4.3: Settings\My Device\Accessibility\TalkBack\Settings;

Attention! TalkBack settings may vary depending on the version of Android, as well as the version of the program itself.
The description took place on the latest version of TalkBack at this time: V3.5.1.

  1. “Speech volume” - This section adjusts the volume of the speech synthesizer, but it is better not to touch it, leave it at the “At sound volume level” selection. If you need to adjust the volume, you can read the instructions here:
  2. Flag "Change tone when voicing, lower tone when voicing text" - This may not be such an important setting, but I have the flag checked.
  3. “Sound the keys you press” - This section, in my opinion, applies to virtual keyboards. That is, as I understand it, you can select the “Never” action. And when we write on the virtual keyboard, after we lift our finger from the character, TalkBack pronounces the entered character. And with the selected action “Never”, this symbol will not be pronounced. So I personally left the default selection of "Always".
  4. "Speak when screen is off" flag - This setting allows TalkBack to speak some notifications when the screen is locked. Sometimes it can be useful, so I have the flag checked.
  5. Flag "Distance sensor" - You need to check it. This flag allows TalkBack to interrupt spoken speech. On my Galaxy S3 this sensor is located at the top of the display. And if I need to interrupt TalkBack, I simply move my hand over the top of the screen, a distance of about five to ten centimeters. It will also be useful when talking with your interlocutor, the screen is blocked, and TalkBack is silent like a guerrilla, without making a noise in your ear.
  6. “Shake to Read” - This section offers you to select the shaking sensitivity from off to very strong. If you configure this setting, then when you shake the device, TalkBack will start reading from top to bottom, everything that is on the screen you are currently on.
  7. Flag “Voice Caller ID” - The abbreviation stands for: Voice Automatic Number Identification, but I don’t like this kind of voicing of an incoming number using TalkBack, so my flag is unchecked. I've been using this lately:

    Or even this application:
    Enhanced SMS & Caller ID.
  8. Flag "Vibration response" - All actions of gesture navigation or groping mode are accompanied by vibration. I personally use this setting, so I have the flag checked.
  9. Flag "Sound signal" - Similar to "Vibration response", only all actions are accompanied by some weird TalkBack sounds.
  10. "TalkBack louder" flag - This flag can be set so that when TalkBack speaks while listening to music or watching a video, the player's sound will be muted. But this will not be possible in all programs. Because this action must still be implemented by the programmer in the music or video player itself. In stock applications for video and music on my Galaxy S3, this works to its fullest extent.
  11. "Volume" - This section controls TalkBack sounds, which include the "Beep" flag. If the action sounds are too loud, then select a lower value there.
  12. "Explore by touch" flag - Must be checked; without this flag, gesture navigation and touch mode will not work. And without all this, a completely blind person will have nothing to do there.
  13. "Auto-scroll lists" flag - Can be checked. This is required so that when you move through gesture navigation through elements, that is, swipe left/right or similar duplicate up/down gestures. In general, there is no difference here. Then vertical lists of settings, contacts, files, and so on, will scroll on the screen automatically.
  14. Flag "Select with one click" - You can wish it. This setting makes it possible to activate elements not with a double tap, but with a single tap in the palpation mode. That is, if you touch any element with your finger, then if this flag is disabled, activation occurs from a double tap; if this flag is enabled, activation will occur from a single tap. You only need to tap specifically on the selected element; with other activation options, this setting will not work. And it will only happen from a double tap.
  15. “Guide to learn by touch” - Some kind of training help for new users of the Android operating system on learning how to navigate the device.
  16. “Gesture management” - The section is responsible for setting the assignment of actions for corner gestures and vertical two-way gesture up/down or down/up.
  17. "Manage personalized shortcuts" - Appeared in android version 4.3. Here you can view and edit shortcuts to the buttons to which you yourself have assigned a label. Read in more detail:
  18. "Resume" - Here you select the choice after which action TalkBack should resume. TalkBack has the ability to temporarily suspend it. I have “When the screen turns on” selected. This is done like this:
    1. An angular gesture is made down and to the right on the screen;
    2. After a certain notification, place the club in the middle of the screen and, without releasing your finger, move it to the upper left corner, where the user should hear “Pause reviews”, release the club and, if necessary, confirm the selected action;
    3. Now, if you need to launch TalkBack, lock the screen and immediately unlock it, after which TalkBack should start.

    Attention! I am not encouraging anyone here to make identical settings according to these instructions. Everyone decides for himself what will be better and more convenient for him. I just tried to describe their meaning, and what I actually use myself. And then try, experiment and figure it out.

That's it, good luck everyone, train.

TalkBack is a special functional addition for people with disabilities (impaired coordination, poor vision), pre-installed on almost all modern phones running Android OS (Sony Xperia, Samsung, Huawei, Nokia, etc.). It voices all actions performed by the user on the phone. This mode is also used by some drivers so as not to be distracted from driving the car and not lose control of the roadway.

In the functionality of the program:

  • converting speech into text and voicing text information;
  • sound of pressed keys;
  • audio notification about the subscriber making a call (with the option of auto-scrolling the contact list);
  • “reading out loud” the names of launched applications and commands highlighted by touching a finger;
  • “reader” of texts in a file and on web pages in a browser;
  • launching commands with special gestures;
  • assigning “hot keys” to launch certain operations;
  • adjusting the tone and volume level of sounds using a distance sensor.

How to turn off an application completely

To disable the Talkback feature, follow these instructions:

1. Touch the “Settings” icon on the gadget’s home screen with your finger.

2. In the “System” section, tap “Special.” possibilities".

4. To turn off Talkback, in the Services panel, open the options section.

5. Touch your finger to change the activation status (switch position).

6. Confirm the operation in progress. Select "OK" at the prompt.

Partial shutdown

If you only need certain features of an application, you can selectively disable it in its settings panel:

1. Go to TalkBack.

2. Tap “Settings”.

3. Make any necessary parameter changes. In the menu, you can not only disable key voicing, but also adjust voice synthesis, volume level and other add-ons.

Specifics of Talkback control on Samsung

On Samsungs with the TouchWiz user interface, in the settings, you first need to go to the “My Device” subsection to open the “Accessibility” item and the Talkback settings panel.

The Talkback service is managed according to the standard scheme. Even a phone owner without any experience using the Android OS can master it without much difficulty.

Some users are experiencing an issue with the TalkBack feature. This is due to the fact that not everyone knows how to disable Talkback on Android. Let's look at this setting in more detail.

What is Talkback

The Android OS has a feature that simplifies interaction with the system for people with disabilities (poor vision or coordination of movements).

Pay attention! If your device does not have this function, you can download it from the Play Store.

If you install TalkBack from the store, the option will automatically appear in your system settings.

The principle of operation is to sound all clicks performed by users. But the method of interaction, which occurs on the principle of a computer mouse (double click), is also changing. This is what causes difficulties when disconnecting.

List of possibilities:

  • sounding of clicks;
  • pronouncing the caller's name;
  • reading the test;
  • use of gestures.
  • etc.

How to disable

Let's move on to disabling the function. There are two ways to do this.

One click

You may be lucky and have instant enable/disable functionality enabled on your device. In this case, the configuration is performed through one of the methods.

  1. Press both volume keys simultaneously until you hear a characteristic sound. Ready.
  2. Hold the power key until a sound alert sounds → tap the screen with two fingers at the same time and do not release until a characteristic signal sounds. Ready.

Through settings

Disabling TalkBack is not difficult, you just need to understand the principle of how the function is controlled.

  • Applications are opened by double tapping (as on a PC);
  • Scrolling is performed with two fingers simultaneously.

Pay attention! Opening points, etc. done by double clicking. This will not be indicated in the instructions below.

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Scroll through the menu by double scrolling to the “Special Features” item → open it.
  3. “Services” → “TalkBack”.
  4. Double-click the toggle switch to the inactive position.
  5. Confirm the action in the dialog box.

This mode is not suitable for people with good vision. However, sometimes curiosity takes over and people activate TalkBack on their device. At the same time, after the first activation, a new way to enable the function is launched, due to which you can turn on TalkBack again without even understanding how you do it.

Let's look at several ways to disable. Let's start with the simplest one.

  1. Press simultaneously two mechanical buttons responsible for decreasing and increasing the volume. You'll be prompted to pause TalkBack. Click on the “Ok” button once, a green frame will appear, then make two quick clicks.
  2. That's not all! You just paused TalkBack. Now go to Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Accessibility ->

Attention! If you activated TalkBack at least once, then it has shortcut keys “on/off” - simultaneously pressing the volume buttons. To avoid accidentally turning on TalkBack again, turn the feature off.

  1. Go to Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Accessibility -> TalkBack.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, click on “Settings” and scroll down the page that opens until you find “On.” and off TalkBack with one key." Disable this feature.

All. Now you won't accidentally turn on TalkBack mode.

Let's look at a more complex way to disable TalkBack. Just in case. This is useful if you have problems pressing the volume buttons or you have turned off the ability to activate and deactivate TalkBack using the volume buttons.

  1. First, there are a few things you need to know about using TalkBack. The first click selects an element. Then double clicking will activate the element. To switch to the next item in the list, you need to swipe your finger across the screen to the right, and the previous item to the left. This is necessary to scroll up or down the screens.
  2. Now, after familiarizing yourself with the basics of the mode, go to “Settings” -> “Advanced Settings” -> “Accessibility” -> “TalkBack”. Drag the slider to the left and confirm your intention to turn off TalkBack.

is an auxiliary application for people with visual impairments. It is preinstalled by default in any smartphone running the Android operating system and, unlike alternative options, interacts with all elements of the device shell.

If you accidentally activated an application using the function buttons or in the gadget's accessibility menu, it is quite easy to disable it. Well, those who do not intend to use the program at all can completely deactivate it.

Pay attention! Navigating within the system with the voice assistant enabled requires double-clicking the selected button. Scrolling through the menu takes place using two fingers at once.

In addition, depending on the device model and Android version, the steps may differ slightly from those discussed in the article. However, in general, the principle of finding, setting up and turning off TalkBack should always be the same.

Method 1: Quick shutdown

Once TalkBack is activated, you can quickly turn it on and off using physical buttons. This option is convenient for instantly switching between smartphone operating modes. Regardless of your device model, this happens as follows:

This option will only work if TalkBack activation was previously assigned to the buttons as a quick activation of the service. To check and set this up, assuming you plan to use the service again from time to time, you can do the following:

  1. Go to "Settings" > "Specialist. possibilities".
  2. Select an item "Volume buttons".
  3. If the regulator is at "Off", activate it.

    You can also use the item "Allow on locked screen", so that you don’t need to unlock the screen to enable/disable the assistant.

  4. Go to item "Quick activation of the service".
  5. Assign TalkBack to it.
  6. A list of all tasks for which this service will be responsible will appear. Click on "OK", exit the settings and you can check if the set activation option is working.

Method 2: Disable via Settings

If you experience difficulties in deactivating using the first option (faulty volume button, unconfigured quick shutdown), you need to visit the settings and disable the application directly. Depending on the device model and shell, the menu items may vary, but the principle will be similar. Focus on the titles or use the search field at the top "Settings", if you have one.

Disabling TalkBack

You can also stop the application as a service; in this case, although it will remain on the device, it will not start and will lose some of the settings assigned by the user.

Now if you go to "Specialist. possibilities", you won’t see the application there as a connected service. It will also disappear from the settings. "Volume buttons", if they were assigned to TalkBack (more about this in Method 1).

To turn it on, follow steps 1-2 from the instructions above and press the button "Turn on". To restore the app's advanced functionality, simply visit and install the latest TalkBack updates.

Method 3: Complete removal (root)

This option is only suitable for users who have root rights on their smartphone. By default, TalkBack can only be disabled, but superuser rights remove this restriction. If you are really unhappy with this application and want to get rid of it completely, use software to remove system programs on Android.

Despite its great benefits for people with vision problems, accidentally turning on TalkBack can cause significant discomfort. As you can see, it is very easy to disable it using a quick method or through the settings.