The top panel is hidden. While working in Word, for some reason the top panel with functions is hidden

Kit additional elements makes any browsers more functional, more powerful and more comfortable in daily use. The “idyll” is broken when, when opening the Yandex browser, the “Taskbar” disappears - this is the bottom panel on the screen; if it disappears, we will not have access to active shortcuts, tray, etc. The reason for the disappearance multifunctional elements is incorrect setting or accidentally pressing the FullScreen button. It is not difficult to return the bottom and top panels; we can use one of the methods described in the article to secure them.

When you start Yandex Browser, the bottom panel with all the shortcuts, displaying active tasks, time, tray, Start button, etc. may disappear. Several basic conditions can become the root cause of the disorder:

  • Browser moved to full screen mode, then the program frame and the panel below disappear. This feature is useful when used for its intended purpose - viewing content without being distracted by extraneous screen elements. The mode itself can create significant inconvenience if launched unintentionally;
  • The “taskbar” is in the undocked state. Application shortcut bar may disappear when in use various programs. If the panel does not appear when you launch most programs, the problem is most likely a lack of fixation and not a problem with the web browser;
  • The setting “Hide the taskbar in…” mode is set, there are 2 operating mode options: tablet and desktop. When this item is activated, the panel will be hidden every time you move the cursor away from the bottom of the window.

How to pin the “Taskbar” when working in the Yandex browser?

The first thing you should check is whether the “Taskbar” is not displayed only when you are in the Yandex browser or whether it is hidden when you launch any program. In the first case, you should close full-screen mode, and in the second, go to setting up the panel itself.

Another diagnostic method is to move the cursor to the place where the bottom panel should be. If it does not appear, full screen mode is active. If it hides after removing the mouse, the reason is Windows settings, and not the program itself.

If the “Taskbar” has disappeared while you are in the Yandex browser, we recommend running next algorithm actions to solve all of the above problems.

How to pin the panel while working with Yandex browser:

IN in rare cases The “taskbar” is hidden when opening the Yandex browser due to system failures. During a long system freeze, Windows removes all screen elements because there is not enough space for them system resources. If the bottom panel disappears due to the launch of the Yandex web browser for this reason, the panel should appear on its own after a short time (5-45 seconds depending on PC performance). The process will speed up if the “ Yandex application not responding”, we’d better select “Shut down”.

If the “Taskbar” disappears frequently and regardless of launching the Yandex browser, that is, it is just as likely to disappear when activating another application - high risk viral infection. First of all, we recommend eliminating the possibility of a lack of system resources due to weak technical characteristics PC or excessive load on it. Just close it unnecessary programs and wait until the files are copied, the games are installed, then we launch the browser again.

If the system continues to freeze and automatically hides the “Taskbar” when opening the Yandex browser, it is worth removing the increased load on the system due to viruses, and then removing the infected files.

How to return bottom panel while working with the Yandex browser when Windows freezes:

  1. Open “Task Manager”. The item of the same name appears after right-clicking on the panel below.
  2. Click on the “More details” button (if the “Task Manager” is displayed in a reduced form).
  3. Click on the “CPU” column on the “Processes” tab, so all actions will be arranged according to the number of resources required. We remove the most resource-intensive tasks (taking up 20%), especially if there is an unreadable title and no signature. To complete the process, click right click mouse and select “End task”.
  4. The computer should start working better now, but the virus will start again if it is not removed. Worth running antivirus scanner, this can be any antivirus built into the system or small ones software products type: Dr. Web, Avira Free Antivirus, Kaspersky Free.

All listed methods, how to return the “Taskbar” while in the Yandex browser is best done one by one. If the panel disappears, it is usually due to it being unpinned or accidentally pressing F11. Much less often, the cause of hiding is viral activity.

Fixing the top panel

The browser's full-screen mode also blocks the appearance of the tabbed bar located at the top of the browser. Usually, after pointing at the place where the tabs should be, the panel pops up. If top panel disappeared in the Yandex browser, just click F11.

Another reason for the disappearance of the panel at the top is its movement to the other side of the screen. To restore the element’s original position, just right-click on the panel at the bottom and select “Show tabs on top”.

How to restore the bookmarks bar?

Express panel that appears when you go to home page browser, is not always suitable for quick access to specific resources. The problem is that it displays frequently opened sites and they are constantly changing. To compile a list of necessary sites, it is better to use the “Bookmarks Bar”.

If the browser hides bookmarks, the panel can be easily returned in one of the following ways:

How to restore the “Toolbar”?

First of all, it’s worth determining what kind of panel it is? – This is the line on which extensions are placed in Yandex browser. Where is the “Toolbar” located in the Yandex browser? – To the right of “ Smart line", to the left of the "Downloads" button, under the "Minimize", "Close" and "Small window" or "Make full screen" buttons.

Sometimes the panel stops displaying. Most likely it disappeared and was replaced by an ellipsis due to expansion search string. Simply move the mouse over the end of the “Smart Line” until the cursor is replaced with multi-directional arrows and drag the end to the left. End point differs depending on the number of extensions.

Also, the reason for the absence of a panel may be hiding plugins. To set their display, you must activate the display of buttons. How to do it:

If the “Taskbar” unintentionally disappeared after launching the Yandex browser, this causes discomfort and needs to be fixed for the usual use of the system. Now, knowing how to fix panels, full-screen mode can be used comfortably, activating it during moments of studying information, so that incoming messages and extraneous tabs were not distracted. The mode is especially useful for owners of small monitors; they can fit much more information.

Sometimes the tab bar may disappear from the working window of any browser; most often, the reason for this disappearance is changes in the settings of the browser itself. Sometimes this situation may occur due to a failure of the browser itself or an impact malware. To restore the tab bar in the browser, you should not use additional applications, this problem can be solved by configuring the browser itself. To restore the tab bar you will need:

— Computer (update your old computer for a new and powerful one by purchasing it in ours);

— Web browser.


  1. In every modern browser there is a special tab bar, it serves to conveniently switch between open pages sites. This panel contains additional buttons, which allow you to perform certain actions with tabs.
  2. Opera

To start of this browser Click on the “Start” button and select the “All Programs” section. Find the Opera folder and open it, click on the browser launch icon. You can also use a shortcut on the desktop or in the panel to launch the browser quick launch, if such labels exist.

3. Click on the button with the browser logo, which is located on the left top corner browser and select the “Appearance” command, next to the “Tab Bar” function, check the appropriate box. If you wish, you can choose how to display this panel using the options that are located in this window, click the OK button. Open the “Settings” section of this browser, click on the “Advanced” tab. Click the "Tab Settings" command and uncheck the "Open window without tabs" option. Click OK.

4. Mozilla Firefox

Open this application and expand the list of "Tools" commands. Select the “Settings” command and open the “Bookmarks” page in the window that loads. Check the box next to “Always show the tab bar” and close the settings by clicking OK.

5. Internet Explorer

Open the program and expand the “Service” section, it is located at the top of the window. Click on the “Internet Options” command, in the window that loads, select the “General” tab. Click on “Options” and check the box next to “Customize Tabbed Browsing”. Apply changes made Click on OK and restart this program.

6. You can also set the display of tabs to additional line. To activate this feature, right-click on the tab bar and check the “Show tabs in a separate line” option.

Video: How to set Bookmarks in Browsers

Sometimes users encounter that taskbar disappeared. Neither should you go to the Start menu, nor running programs look... In general, it’s a complete inconvenience. How to return the taskbar to its place?

If the taskbar disappears, do not rush to panic and roll back the system or reinstall the OS: perhaps not everything is as bad as it seems. If only the taskbar is missing on the desktop, but all the shortcuts and gadgets are in place, most likely the taskbar is just hidden.

To show the taskbar again, you need to move the mouse cursor to the place where it was (the standard location is at the bottom of the screen). If the taskbar is not showing, move your cursor to the top of the screen and to the sides: the taskbar may have simply been moved. The cursor must be moved to the very edge of the screen.

How to make the taskbar no longer disappear? For this you need disable hiding taskbar. To do this, go to the Control Panel (Start - Control Panel) and select "Taskbar and Start Menu". Alternatively, you can right-click on the taskbar and select “Properties”. In the window that opens, uncheck the box next to “Automatically hide the taskbar” and click OK.

If the taskbar disappears when you start Windows XP, this may be due to parameters damage account user. The “symptoms” of this problem are the taskbar not being displayed when logging in and the inability to open the Start menu using the Ctrl+Escape key combination. Moreover, if you log into Windows in , the taskbar is displayed.

Eat several ways to solve this problem:

  • Start Windows in clean boot mode with minimum set drivers - possibly downloadable specific program The driver is the reason why the taskbar disappeared (usually video adapter drivers cause this problem). If this is the case, you just need to remove the problematic drivers.
  • Log in as an administrator and create a new user account to replace the damaged one.
  • If previous methods did not help, perform a system restore. At the same time, everything damaged files Windows will be replaced with normal ones, and your personal files And installed programs will remain untouched.

If your taskbar not only disappears, but your desktop (icons, gadgets, etc.) does not load, this means that The explorer.exe process could not execute. We have already described ways to solve this problem in the article “”, but just in case, we will repeat the main points.

To begin with launch task manager using the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Delete or Ctrl+Shift+Escape. From the "File" menu, select " New task(Run...)", enter explorer.exe, click OK. The desktop should return to its place along with the taskbar.

After this it is necessary scan the system for viruses, and also check the registry for keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\explorer.exe And HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\iexplorer.exe. If these keys are present, remove them.

So, if your taskbar has disappeared, you should be suspicious three main reasons:

  • someone turned on automatic hiding of the taskbar;
  • the user account in Windows XP has been corrupted;
  • The explorer.exe process did not execute, most likely due to a virus.

If “soft” methods of dealing with the problem do not help (creating a new account, removing defective drivers, cleaning the system from viruses), you still should not rush to reinstall the system. Better try to restore the system by rolling back to one of the created ones, then you will not have to reinstall all programs.

IN Microsoft program Word toolbar has disappeared? What to do and how to get access to all those tools without which working with documents is simply impossible? The main thing is not to panic, just as it disappeared, it will return, especially since finding this loss is quite easy.

As they say, everything that isn't done is for the best, so thanks to the mysterious disappearance of the Quick Access Toolbar, you can learn not only how to get it back, but also how to customize the elements that appear on it. So let's get started.

If you are using Word 2012 or higher, you just need to click one button to return the toolbar. It is located in the upper right part of the program window and looks like an upward arrow located in a rectangle.

You press this button once, the disappeared toolbar returns, press it again - it disappears again. By the way, sometimes you really need to hide it, for example, when you need to concentrate entirely on the content of the document, and so that nothing unnecessary distracts.

This button has three display modes; you can select the appropriate one just by clicking on it:

  • Automatically hide the feed;
  • Show tabs only;
  • Show tabs and commands.

The name of each of these display modes speaks for itself. Choose the one that will be most convenient for you while working.

If you are using MS Word 2003 - 2010, to enable the toolbar you must perform the following manipulations.

1. Open the tab menu "View" and select "Toolbars".

2. Check the boxes next to the items that you need to work.

3. Now all of them will be displayed on the Quick Access Toolbar as separate tabs and/or groups of instruments.

Enable individual toolbar items

It also happens that not the entire toolbar, but its individual elements. Or, for example, the user simply cannot find some tool, or even an entire tab. IN in this case you need to enable (configure) the display of these very tabs on the quick access panel. You can do this in the section "Options".

1. Open a tab "File" on the quick access panel and go to the section "Options".

Note: IN earlier versions Word instead of a button "File" there is a button "MS Office".

2. In the window that appears, go to the section "Customize the feed".

3. In the “Main Tabs” window, check the boxes next to the tabs that you need.

    Advice: By clicking on the plus sign next to the tab name, you will see lists of groups of tools that these tabs contain. By expanding the “pluses” of these items, you will see a list of tools presented in the groups.

4. Now go to the section "Quick Access Toolbar".

5. In section "Select commands from" select item "All teams".

6. Go through the list below, meeting there necessary tool, click on it and press the button "Add" located between the windows.

7. Repeat similar action for all other tools you want to add to your Quick Access Toolbar.

Note: You can also remove unnecessary tools by clicking the button "Delete", and sort their order using the arrows located to the right of the second window.

    Advice: In the section "Customize the Quick Access Toolbar" located above the second window, you can choose whether the changes you make will be applied to all documents or only to the current one.

8. To close a window "Options" and save your changes, click the button "OK".

Now the quick access panel (toolbar) will display only the tabs you need, groups of tools and, in fact, the tools themselves. By setting this panel correctly, you can significantly optimize working hours resulting in increased productivity.