Divide the list into equal parts notepad. Five free utilities for cutting and merging large files

Computer programs are becoming more complex, movies are getting better quality, and games are getting better graphics. All this leads to the fact that file sizes increase, and if a film in a small resolution of 360p or 720p can be transferred from computer to computer without problems, then when the resolution reached 4K, this became more difficult. In such a situation, it is necessary to split the file into parts and then merge it back together. There are several ways to do this, but first of all, we suggest dealing with situations in which you may need to split the file into several parts.

Why split the file into parts?

With the arrival of external hard drives Many people no longer need to split large files into parts. Large files can be loaded onto the spacious external media, and then transfer them from it to another computer. But there are situations in which it is necessary to split the file into several parts, and here are just a few of them:

We have listed only three of the most common situations in which you may need to split a large file into several parts. In highly specialized areas there may be other reasons, for example it may be necessary to split a file to ensure additional security and the impossibility of accessing it without combining all the parts into one. We propose to consider two of the most simple ways separation large file into several parts.

The most common and easiest way to split a file into several parts is to use WinRar archiver program. This method the simplest, since the WinRar program is installed on most computers, and it is not difficult to assemble a divided file in parts, as well as to “cut” it. Please note that the instructions below require installed program WinRar.

To split a file into parts in WinRar you need to:

How to combine files divided into parts in WinRar:

As you can see, the process of splitting a file into parts using the WinRar program is quite simple. Its advantages include archiving of selected files, that is, after breaking into parts they weigh less than the original object. This allows you to split the file into fewer parts.

How to split a file into parts using Total Commander?

No less famous program than WinRar, among experienced users computers is Total Commander. The program is used for various purposes, including working with files and folders on a computer. It allows you to easily split a file into parts by clicking a few buttons.

To split a file into parts in Total Commander:

How to merge files split into parts in Total Commander:

Unlike WinRar, Total program Commander does not archive files, which means that parts of a file will take up about the same amount of space as a single object. However, Total Commander has one serious advantage - it is much faster than WinRar at dividing files into parts and putting them together, which is useful when working with large amounts of information.

And it is known that too large size file may become an obstacle to performing certain types of tasks. For example, problems may arise when transferring such files over the Internet or recording to optical media, you also have to deal with inconvenience when moving or copying them. In such cases, splitting one large file into several parts can help. The simplest, but not the most convenient way“cutting” a file into pieces involves using a regular archiver. The disadvantage of this approach is the mandatory presence of an archiver that supports packaging without compression. True, this method also has its own positive aspects, take, for example, the same ability to protect data with a password. And yet to break large files It is better to use special utilities.

Convenient and easy to use program for splitting and merging files. It is free, has a simple, Russified interface, and has good operating speed. Supports two main modes of operation - separation with the creation of self-adhesive parts and separation with the creation of a batch file. To combine individual parts, it is not necessary to have the program on another computer. In the first case, a stand-alone exe file is used for merging; in the second, a regular batch file is used. The part size can be set manually in bytes. Unfortunately, Cutter cannot split files larger than 2 GB and this is its main drawback. The utility is available for download on the developer's website cutter22.chat.ru

Unlike previous program SplitFiles easily handles files larger than 2 GB. There is support for the Russian language. The size of the parts can be set in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes. Integration into context menu Explorer, removal source file upon completion of the separation operation, use ZIP compression. There are two main modes of operation - separation with the creation of a batch file and simple separation. In the second case, to build the file on another computer, you will need to install SplitFiles. You can download the utility on the developer’s website www.altarsoft.com. During installation, it may load third-party software, for example, Yandex elements.

According to the developers, HJSplit is capable of splitting files larger than 100 GB. The utility is lightweight, does not require installation, and is supported by various operating systems, that is, it is multi-platform. When dividing, the size can be specified in kilobytes and megabytes.

HJSplit works somewhat slower than SplitFiles and Cutter. Possibility of creating batch files There are no self-adhesive blocks in the utility. From additional features It is worth noting the comparison of files, as well as the calculation checksums using the MD5 algorithm. HJSplit has a simple modular interface on English. You can download the program from the official website

Simple with colorful customizable graphical interface file splitting program. When splitting a file, you can specify the size of the parts in bytes, megabytes, or kilobytes, or simply specify the number of blocks into which the object should be divided. It has good speed and can easily handle large files.
Unfortunately, you will also have to use WinMend File Splitter to combine the parts. During the division process, the utility creates a bat file, which in theory should be used to combine blocks, but for some reason it does not work. The inability to glue parts together without the need to install the utility is its main disadvantage. Also, the program does not support the Russian language. You can download this separator from the developer’s website www.winmend.com

A portable free utility with an aggressive name. Designed for separating and gluing large files. The utility features a minimalist interface with Russian language support and the ability to select the format for the collected file. But most interesting feature Piranja is an assembly of a file from its parts located in different sections or folders hard drive. You can download the program from the website diskette.info. The main disadvantage of Piranja is the lack of the ability to create batch files for automatic gluing. Piranja is also not suitable for separating files whose type is not listed in the list of supported formats. The utility will cut and assemble the file without any problems, only after assembly and assignment original extension opening such a file may fail.

Possibilities of the classic Windows Explorer quite enough to manage files and folders. Navigate in file system possible using the directory tree and search, the only thing Explorer lacks is...


This command program Windows strings"File Splitter" works well: https://github.com/dubasdey/File-Splitter

He's open source code, simple, documented, tested and works for me.

Fsplit -split 50 mb mylargefile.txt


Perhaps you can do something similar with awk

Awk "(outfile=sprintf("file%02d.txt",NR/5000+1);print > outfile)" yourfile

Basically, it calculates the output file name by taking the record number (NR) and dividing it by 5000, adding 1, taking the integer of that and the zero's complement of 2 places.

By default, awk prints the entire input record when you don't specify anything. So print > outfile writes the entire input record to the output file.

When you are running on Windows you cannot use single quotes because I don't like it. I think you should put the script in a file and then tell awk to use the file, something like this:

Awk -f script.awk yourfile

and script.awk will contain the script like this:

(outfile=sprintf("file%02d.txt",NR/5000+1);print > outfile)

Or it might work if you do this:

Awk "(outfile=sprintf(\"file%02d.txt\",NR/5000+1);print > outfile)" yourfile


Here's an example in C# (because that's what I was looking for). I needed to split a 23 GB csv file with approximately 175 million rows in order to be able to view the files. I divided it into files of a million lines. This code did it in about 5 minutes on my machine:

Var list = new List (); var fileSuffix = 0; using (var file = File.OpenRead(@"D:\Temp\file.csv")) using (var reader = new StreamReader(file)) ( while (!reader.EndOfStream) ( list.Add(reader.ReadLine( )); if (list.Count >= 1000000) ( File.WriteAllLines(@"D:\Temp\split" + (++fileSuffix) + ".csv", list); list = new List (); ) ) ) File.WriteAllLines(@"D:\Temp\split" + (++fileSuffix) + ".csv", list);


I know the question has been asked a long time ago, but I'm surprised no one has given the simplest unix answer:

Split -l 5000 -d --additional-suffix=.txt $FileName file

  • -l 5000: Split the file into files of 5000 lines each.
  • -d: numeric suffix. This will cause the suffix to go from 00 to 99 by default instead of aa to zz.
  • --additional-suffix: allows you to specify a suffix, here the extension
  • $FileName: The name of the file to be split.
  • file: prefix to append to the resulting files.

As before, check out the man split section for more details.