The most expensive application in the app store. The most expensive App Store apps

Articles and Lifehacks

If a user is used to paying no more than a dollar for games and programs from the Apple store, or even downloading them for free, he is unlikely to be willing to pay more for them. Moreover, many owners of iOS devices would be interested to know that most expensive app in the App Store It costs not 10 or even 50 dollars. True, most of these programs are very specific, and some have no analogues at all.

What the most expensive App Store apps look like

The VIP Black program confidently occupies the top position of our “hit parade”. This application is clearly aimed at people with above-average income. For example, using it, they can find the nearest luxury hotel or expensive boutique, rent a yacht, and so on. In other words, this is truly a VIP program, the developers of which have prepared many surprises. In particular, its users will be able to count on various privileges and discount offers. The cost of this application is $999.

For those who are concerned about the safety of their home, there is such an interesting program as Mobile Cam Viewer. It is also designed for wealthy users, as it works in conjunction with surveillance cameras directly from a mobile device. This program costs no less than $349.

Note that the most expensive application in the App Store cannot cost more than $1000. This is in accordance with the company's official pricing policy.

The most expensive applications from the App Store - for representatives of different professions

The developers of “elite” programs for the store did not fail to take care of specialists from various fields - doctors, engineers, and so on. There is also an application for future lawyers that will help them prepare for the qualifying exam. This is the BarMax program, the developers of which have provided versions for residents of New York State (NY) and California (CA). It contains over fifty hours of lectures by leading professors, as well as questions and answers for self-training of future specialists. The cost of the application is $999.

For a similar price, you can purchase the vueCAD Pro program for engineers and designers, which works with three-dimensional models, or the Alchemist SMS application, designed for workers in the industrial metallurgical sector. The latter allows you to calculate the costs of metal processing with mathematical accuracy.

The DDS GP Yes program will be an excellent assistant for dentists and iOS tablet owners. Using it, the dentist will be able to clearly show his patient the treatment process, as well as explain what exactly the problem is. The application will cost just under $500. However, given the income of dentists, this does not seem too expensive.

By the way, for those who treat animals, there is such an excellent application as iDIA - a veterinary diagnostic atlas priced at almost $400. This atlas will be an excellent alternative to a regular veterinary reference book, especially since it is equipped with high-quality images and 3D models.

Russian users are often indignant when an application costs just 33 rubles. Everyone loves a freebie, but not all developers are ready to offer it. This is understandable: work should be valued, especially if the application justifies its cost. You might be surprised, but in the App Store there are also applications whose price goes through the roof for several thousand rubles. Is it worth it? We invite you to get acquainted with the collection of the most expensive applications from the App Store right now.

Sexy Finger Print Test HD

Expensive and of little use for assessing your sexuality. The developers also promise to give smart advice using the application when it’s best to use this very sexuality. Will you download this “app” for 3290 rubles? I think not!

G-Map U.S. West

An application from a series of navigation ones, but with a huge number of analogues at a more reasonable price. The application works offline, supports 3D display and more. Among the general set of functions, there is not one for which I would like to pay 6,490 rubles! And it costs exactly that much!

Water Globe

For $219.99, the developers have prepared for you a simulator of a glass ball with snowflakes. They apparently did not expect that Russian users would buy this application, so they did not add it to the Russian App Store. To be honest, we weren’t very upset!

TouchChat AAC with WordPower

An application with useful functionality for users with autism and more. How right it is to sell such a “thing” for almost 10,000 (price in the App Store is 9,790 rubles), the developers know better...

SafeSession Voice Encryption

When creating this application, the developers focused on a high level of security. "Epp" is designed for making voice calls using VoIP and using speech encryption. Is anyone really ready to pay 9,790 rubles for an application? I'm not!

Mobile Cam Viewer

An application that allows you to integrate your home or work video surveillance system into your iPhone. For all the convenience - some 11,490 rubles.

Tap menu

An application with which you can create your own interactive menu for your restaurant, cafe, hotel, etc. A very interesting and useful functionality in the business sphere will cost you 12,990 rubles.

iDIA – Diagnostic Imaging Atlas, Small Animal

Professional software for the veterinary industry. It makes it easier to make diagnostic conclusions, prescribe procedures, etc. An excellent assistant in the study of animals and external causes of influence on them. Cost – 12,990 rubles.


For 16,990 rubles, using this application, your dentist will be able to show you the planned treatment plan for your teeth, show you the initial stage and the final goal. An interactive treatment plan for his clients will cost the doctor 16,990 rubles.

BarMax CA

If you have always thought that paying several tens of thousands of rubles for a certain program is not worth it, then you will be very surprised that someone is doing it.

In the App Store you can find different applications - from absolutely free to very expensive, and not all of the latter justify their cost. Some demand hundreds of dollars for unknown reasons. Let's discuss the most expensive apps in the App Store.

Applications from the App Store that cost more than 50,000 rubles

  • VueCAD Pro – cost 59,900 rubles. Are you interested in computer-aided design systems? This application is a great way to view files on your iPhone that were created by such software. The utility will allow you not only to get acquainted with the contents of the drawing, but also to make edits.
  • VIP Black – 59,900 rubles. Program for sick millionaires. Its creators have famous partners offering VIP treatment. The prices are high, so its cost is not surprising.
  • CyberTuner – 59,900 rubles. This is a tuner that is so expensive that the creators even decided not to offer it to Russian users. Foreigners describe it as an accurate and simple app that is worth the money spent.

  • QSFFStats – 59900 rubles. A utility that will be useful to Americans. Its purpose is to track statistics for flag football, a sport that is very popular in the United States. It performs basic tasks, the interface is simple, and the price tag is high. Truly for the fans.
  • Alpha-Trader – 59,900 rubles. This app at least justifies the high price, as it is intended for people who are actively involved in investing. In it you can see how the value of shares changes, what are the risks of financial investments, and get acquainted with other interesting nuances.
  • Agro – 59,900 rubles. This is a utility for agronomists; it is difficult to determine its exact purpose, but it helps to keep track of various events related to crops. What prevents this from being done not in an expensive application, but using simple tables, remains unknown.

Applications cheaper than 50,000 rubles

  • The Alchemist SMS is an application that helps reduce costs when recycling metals. Previously, it was more expensive, but now it has become cheaper, the price is around 28,000 rubles.
  • Mobile Cam Viewer is a good choice for a person who needs to monitor their security system. The utility does not support CCTV cameras, but allows several people to watch what is happening at once. It costs around 20,000.
  • Barcelona vs Madrid. A game dedicated to the confrontation between two famous clubs. You can pay money for this, but the price of 18,000 rubles seems too high.

There are no shortage of expensive apps on the App Store, and now you know a few of them.

For many users, the App Store online store is something of a grocery store for ordinary citizens who have not yet experienced the beauty of the iPhone and iPad. Some, the most active users, more often purchase various games and applications than go out to buy bread.

The Russian App Store is filled with simple games and entertainment programs, the price of which generally does not exceed 15-30 rubles. But there is also software in the catalog that costs more than the devices themselves on which it runs. You'll probably be surprised to learn how much the most expensive app on the App Store costs.

Four years ago, the most expensive application in the App Store cost about 30,000 rubles. It was called iRa Pro and was intended to control surveillance systems. As conceived by its creators, the target audience was government agencies, corporations and schools. Then many were surprised at such a high price and predicted the imminent death of expensive applications. However, their predictions were not destined to come true.

Apparently, demand creates supply. Because an even more expensive VIP Black application has been released in the App Store. Unlike corporate iRa Pro, it is not intended for managing surveillance systems or corporate services. According to the creators, this software is intended exclusively for millionaires who can confirm the presence of at least 75,000 rubles in their account.

For this money, the user receives VIP access to various places: he will be able to order various VIP services through the company’s partners, book expensive housing, buy watches, yachts and other luxury goods.

It seemed like who would buy a mobile application at the price of an iPhone 7. But such people were found: there is at least one iVIP Black user in the Russian App Store. “Kaef in general. My dog ​​is now filthy and only goes to VIP places (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),” he wrote after purchasing the program.

Every day more and more people are willing to pay for software and other digital products that they cannot touch. makes the purchase as convenient and simple as possible, and prices, unfortunately for developers, are quite low, from 33 to 169 rubles and rarely higher. However, if you try, you can find applications with a cost that is completely unusual for everyone. A selection of just such applications was compiled by colleagues from Business Insider.

Sexy Finger Print Test HD

In the budget you set for your mobile development project, you will also need to include the costs of your marketing strategy. Data storage also needs to be factored into the projected financial balance sheet. Finally, don't forget about maintenance costs such as updates and bug fixes.

Price ranges for different application types

Before a developer can give you an accurate estimate of the cost of creating your mobile app, you will have to write a specification. On the other hand, if you want to give a general idea of ​​the expected budget, here are estimated amounts adjusted for the type of application you are trying to develop.

This is a universal application that, despite its cost, is absolutely useless. It promises to evaluate your sexuality and suggest the optimal time to take advantage of it. You need to have incredible faith in the performance of this program in order to pay for it.
Price: RUB 3,290

Among other things, the graphics and gameplay require a lot of work to be optimal.

  • These types of applications are growing rapidly.
  • These are the most expensive applications due to the work required.
You can get your first mobile app price estimate directly. We also encourage you to submit your project to our platform for free to receive a professional assessment. Our team will be happy to answer all your questions regarding mobile app development to help you find the right developer and guide you throughout your project.

G-Map U.S. West

It's a navigation app, and maybe even a good one. Does not require an Internet connection, there are voice prompts and 3D display. But I’m sure you can find a program no worse than this one for a lower price.
Price: 6,490 rub.

In the warmth, the fire cracks in the chimney, and night is already falling. And if you don't even have the courage to turn on the picture window, check out our file. The menu contains a week of program, which is automatically updated. You can also consult programs by time interval. Don't lose sight of clock time, it's great and very effective to know what's happening when you want it.

The app offers many features, including the ability to control some program recording boxes. In short, an application with great richness, updated very regularly! The simple but practical app also offers quick access to the second part of the evening programmes.

Water Globe

This application is not available in the Russian App Store, but don't worry. I don’t think that our compatriots need a glass ball simulator with snowflakes, which costs more than $200. Moreover, a real ball will cost less.

The “Bouquet” tab provides access to programs for paying for channels.

Who does not know the famous Telerama with his harsh and harsh opinions. You can also consult programs by chain and by time interval. In short, the app has nothing but special and often funny reviews.

The main functions are obviously integrated. Each program is detailed and offers a summary, overview, and an “in case you missed the start” section that can be very practical. Finally, every day there is access to the best moments of yesterday.

TouchChat AAC with WordPower

This app helps people with autism and other disorders that limit their ability to communicate vocally. You just have to pay a lot for the opportunity to use it.
Price: RUB 9,790

There is no fuss here, you get to the point very quickly. You can even set the home page on which the application launches: now or in the evening. The application offers up to 14 days of programs, each program is accompanied by a short description, a simple application for those who do not want to complicate their life. its selection for faster access.

They count more and more fans willing to do anything to see the latest episodes that are barely available. Apps exist to know where we are, when the next episode is happening, and so on. Admittedly, when you are following a series or several at a time, it is not always easy to know whether any episode has already been discovered or not.

SafeSession Voice Encryption

The application is designed for secure calls using VoIP. Its creators claim that the application uses a speech encryption algorithm, but for complete security the interlocutor must also use the application. Security is at a premium these days.
Price: RUB 9,790

The idea is simple and the achievement is excellent. You can also mark episodes, Never Lose the Thread. News, agenda, as well as jokes and ratings, the application is well provided. It's a good time to enjoy the small screen. Finally, we note that this file type may not be exhaustive. You will inevitably have other statements to advise because you value them and practice them daily.

It's not yet featured on these lists because it's obviously too early to measure its quality. We must cross roads and rivers for a small animal in small jumps. As long as we don't lose, we continue to achieve the best result. All the pixel art gets involved in the cute side of it. Each level is a puzzle to solve, but each level is also a massive and visual shock. Over time, the developers also got the right idea.

Barcelona vs Madrid

What football fans are not prepared for, especially when it comes to the confrontation between two famous Spanish clubs. If Fifa doesn't suit you with having to constantly select rival teams, this game is for you.
Price: RUB 9,790

The goal of the game is to destroy the crystal in the enemy base to win the game. A game with particularly rich content that can use for hours and hours! The decors are actually made from real paper and cardboard designs photographed. It's a game of adventure and thought in which progress is made by pointing and clicking to move, interact with the scene, and perform different actions.

The player plays a girl who follows in the footsteps of his missing grandfather. The player chooses a character class from a selection and must use his teammates to capture bases and kill as many enemies as possible. with cartoon style. Simple on the surface, but very tactical, and, taking a finger, was once inserted into the mechanism. The concept is simple, but it's nice to view these worlds so neatly on a graphical and audio level.

Mobile Cam Viewer

And again we are talking about the high price of security. If your home or other facility is equipped with a video surveillance system, for an immodest sum you can include your iPhone in this system.
Price: RUB 11,490

The editor has added one that allows you to access levels created by users and invent new ones. Damned by critics, this game's systematic and poetic atmosphere should delight those seeking depth and immersion. He personifies the knight confronting enemy after enemy in spaces still enlarged for this opus.

Traveling through time, kill hordes of zombies with your plants. This is the second opus, and it is even more successful than the first, especially on the graphic side. Once you start, you won't be able to stop. The game offers a few solo adventures, but most of the fights are against other online players. This is a minimalist strategy game, exciting and relaxing, in which you need to create a city metro network, bring every traveler to a good harbor. The last episode released in December.

This application cannot be called useless. It is aimed at restaurants, hotels, shops and other organizations that have something to offer. They can design their proposals in the form of a touch menu with pictures, however, for this you will have to spend money on an iPad and a comparable application.
Price: RUB 12,990

The player must progress in chunks filled with items and mechanisms that must be analyzed and understood, each mechanism must be unlocked in a specific order to progress in the adventure. Easy to operate and basic features, it should still think well.

Fruit Ninja: Cut out fruits with your finger. It looks simple, and it's stupid to say so, but it's very exciting. The arcade racing game has already deviated in many versions, but it has just stepped up a notch with the latest date. Racing cars take you on a crazy journey with elaborate graphics and titanic jumps in different natural locations. And then, as stated in the introduction, there are other titles of no less quality that can be found. If so, this article in our series is updated on this day for you.

iDIA – Diagnostic Imaging Atlas, Small Animal

The application was created for veterinarians and is designed to help them study pets and the factors that influence them. Professional software is usually expensive.
Price: RUB 12,990

Good tips near you

Therefore, the selection of the week, as you probably understood, is devoted to applications of “good plans” for daily purchases or the most exceptional ones. It's your wallet that will be happy. The app also offers placement of your loyalty cards so it doesn't blow your wallet. Based on the principle of group purchases, the app offers daily promotions in all major cities in France.

Various titles are available, rather well-being oriented to make and enjoy yourself at a lower price. There are already over 300 store cards installed, but more can be added. In short, the application must avoid allowing the portfolio to skew too many valid cards.

The Alchemist SMS

This is not a new method of sending text messages at all. The application should help in recycling scrap metal to reduce costs. Previously it cost $999.99, but has dropped in price.
Price: RUB 12,990

Rewards and gifts for purchases

High-tech, outfits, audio, video, there is something for every taste, often with real good plans that make the Essential application for any good web economist.

These two benefits: avoid walking through a portfolio as wide as possible, and benefit from good geolocalized maps available in every application. Dress and outfit for cheap. Because this is a pre-owned item in good condition, the prices are a little more affordable than in store, which makes for a fun experience.


Another application for professionals, namely specialists in the field of dental treatment. It will help your dentist visualize the future course of treatment so that you understand where the money will be spent.
Price: RUB 16,990

An app that fashion lovers will love. Apps and private sales sites featuring mountains and wonders are legion on the Internet. Here are three that will save you money on your purchases. Be careful because you need to ship the offered items quickly.

When he came out, Viber made a big noise. The only obligation is that your interlocutors also install the application on their device. And finally, what's the app that saves you in-app purchases every day of the week, without sagging, pushing so you don't miss a thing? In addition to information, app or accessory tests offer you a section of good daily plans here.

BarMax CA

This application was created by Harvard Law School graduates to help students who want to take the California bar exam. It contains over 50 hours of audio lectures and a ton of other information that will be helpful when taking the test.

Finally, let's remember that this file type may not be exhaustive. With French refineries currently blocked by strikers, motorists fearing shortages have rushed to service stations to refuel. As a result, shortages are growing and a functional gasoline pump is becoming increasingly difficult to find in some areas.

Two buttons are then available, located on either side of the map, to search for a gas station. One of them will immediately start searching for stations closest to you, and the right button will display the cheapest stations near your location. By selecting a station name from the results, you will receive additional information such as the price of other fuels or the date the price was last updated. The app settings allow you to select fuel and specify the capacity of your tank. This information allows you to indicate an approximate price when searching for a station, in full accordance with the price per liter.

As the name suggests, the application was created to help agronomists. It takes care of all the paperwork and also contains a lot of necessary information. But is it worth the money?
Price: RUB 32,990


This application will allow you to track the statistics of American football matches in all leagues. Never before has it cost so much.
Price: RUB 32,990

Cyber ​​Tuner

Piano tuning is a delicate and quite profitable business. Possibly enough for the customizer to use the application. Reviews about it are extremely good, but it is not available in the Russian store.
Price: 999.99 dollars

iVIP Black

To the people for whom this application is created, the price may seem quite reasonable. This is the "millionaire's app" that will allow you to have the time of your life at the highest level anywhere in the world. This is not at all an application that is worth buying for the last thousand dollars.
Price: RUB 32,990

Based on materials from Business Insider

For many owners of tablets and smartphones, the App Store is something like a grocery store for ordinary citizens who have not yet learned the beauty of iPhones and iPads. Some of the most active users purchase various applications and games more often than go out to buy bread.

In the App Store, everyone can find applications for work or just for fun. On average, their cost is about 2-5 dollars. Many applications can be downloaded for free. You might be surprised, but there are apps that cost you $1,000.

The application is a professional CAD viewer. It allows you to download models to your device via a website, FTP or other services.

Agro will be appreciated by the farmers for whom it was created. The application allows you to fill out paperwork correctly, inspect plants, comply with chemical requirements, etc.

Of course, these are not all the most expensive apps in the App Store. There are many more of them. The main thing is, when you decide to purchase such an application, think about whether it is worth it. Remember that if you pay $1000, you risk purchasing a completely useless product. For example, in 2009, the first most expensive application appeared in the App Store, the cost of which reached $1,000. It was the I Am Rich app. It was completely useless and did not perform any functions. When the application was launched, a red crystal appeared on the screen and the inscription “I am rich. I deserve it. I am successful, healthy and happy." And that's all! A day after its appearance, Apple removed it, but during this time eight people managed to purchase it.