Download titanium backup pro full purchased version. Making a backup copy on Android using Titanium Backup

The program, in addition to its main function, is equipped with an application manager. Root rights are required for it to work.


Main function this application is to create backup copies of data. This can be data from applications, programs, utilities and other information. If any problems or errors occur, you can easily restore all the data.

With the help of the program you can do backup copy any information, from network parameters to program and utility parameters. You can save and transfer your achievements to computer games and so on. Absolutely everything will be restored with just one touch.


This useful utility has a concise interface. The main screen is divided into several tabs. One of them presents compressed information about the general condition of the Android device. The folder for copying is also located here. By the way, it can be changed if necessary.

For backup It is strongly recommended to choose a memory card, because it is from it that data is recovered. Remember that if the mobile device itself fails, all data stored on the smartphone or tablet will be lost. Therefore, there is no point in saving backup files there.

In addition, you can always easily remove the memory card and continue to perform any operations with your device.

On our website you can download Titanium Backup Pro free in Russian.

Guide to creating an Android backup using the Titanium Backup application. If you are using Titanium for the first time, the information will be extremely useful for you, will help you better master the application and create a copy of the most important files on the phone.

Why Titanium Backup everyone should have it installed Android user? Reliable backup is the key to the safety of your data. If you install a lot of applications, play with the settings, and decide to update Android firmware, there is a risk of deleting files. It's a little pleasure to set up your phone from scratch and reinstall applications. Using Titanium Backup, in case of an error or failure, you can always return to the original.

Most backup applications restore and create copies of files in specific areas. With the Titanium Backup app, you can back up your Android while preserving your app settings.

2. System requirements for installing Titanium Backup

Titanium Backup can only be installed with superuser rights. By default, all phones except those for development are not rooted. For correct operation Titanium Backup requires an Android phone, and you must have root user rights.

3. Where to download Titanium Backup for Android

Once you have completed all the requirements of the application and prepared your phone for backup, download the Titanium Backup application from the link.

4. Backup settings

Titanium Backup uses an optimized version of the busybox toolkit. Busybox is a collection of Unix/Linux utilities and packages collected in single file. Typically, you don't need to change anything in the application settings.

However, if you encounter problems with busybox or root access, click the Problems? button. (Problems?) to update superuser rights. Try activating the Force use system busybox setting as the last working solution to the problem.

5. Android Backup

There are several ways to create a backup copy in Android with using Titanium Backup. You can make a backup of an individual application, all of them custom settings and other parameters. Let's look at standard scenarios for creating an Android backup.

i. How to create your first backup on your phone

  • Check that Titanium Backup started without warnings and everything is fine with busybox
  • Open the Restore tab
  • Open the menu (button), Batch ( Batch Actions)
  • Select the option Backup all user apps (if you need to backup applications) or Backup all user apps + system data (if you need to archive everything). The history of contacts and SMS is not always saved.
  • Start the copying process, then return to the main tab of the Titanium Backup application.
  • Make an individual backup of your system data, items marked in green: bookmarks, journals, calendar, shell, WiFi, etc.
  • The backup will be named as TitaniumBackup on your SD card.

Depending on quantity installed applications, the process may take several minutes. But there is no need to worry that your screen will turn off or backup creation will stop - Titanium Backup will do everything to prevent this from happening.

ii. Subsequent backups

There are various batch operations available to choose from. Once you've made the first backup, you're unlikely to want to make another backup right away - most likely, you'll want to make one when installing a new application. And you can find such an option in the list of batch operations...

Please be aware that some applications may contain sensitive data that changes frequently. You can label them separately (to do this, click Main Menu -> Filters, then Create label). You can perform regular backups for such programs.

If you have a PRO/Donate version of the application, you can ask Titanium Backup to save the most successful versions of your backups - Main menu -> Preferences -> Max b-up history (Settings -> Max. number of b-up history).

iii. Checking the backup

How can you determine that the backup was successful? The first item in the list of batch operations starts the verification process.

iv. Android: Scheduled backup

You can install multiple items at the same time. Even if you're paranoid, you can make hourly backups of your settings, plus daily backups of your or custom applications. You can also save call and message logs every 3 hours.

v. Advanced Backups

Some apps (especially games) require more than just an APK and settings. We call this "enhanced application data". You can create backups with this data. To do this, you need to go to TB settings and find the Backup app external data option. If you choose to limit the external extended data limit, the following required setting called Select external data by max size , and here you can configure the limits.

Keep in mind that Titanium Backup includes data that is stored in the /sdcard/Android/data/ directory. Some files, such as OBB files, are very large and are downloaded directly from Google and therefore do not store user data. These files will not be included in the backup.

6. Android File Recovery

i. How to restore a backup after installing the firmware

  • After formatting the SD card (by doing a wipe), do not forget to copy the Titanium Backup folder back to your computer.
  • Download the program from the Market
  • If you decide to restore system data (MMS/SMS) from another phone or firmware, activate the System data migration option.
  • Go to the Restore tab (Android backups)
  • Open the Batch menu ( Batch Operations)
  • Click Restore all missing apps + system data
  • Reboot your phone
  • All! All that remains is to configure home screen phone

ii. Restoring individual applications when copying

To restore individual applications or their settings, see Manage Applications.

iii. Message recovery

For recovery/MMS, calls, phone book etc., click the Restore button, scroll through the list to find the data you need. Do the same with them as in the case of separate applications. Then, if you restored them from another phone or firmware, activate the System data migration option.

If the data doesn't appear in the list, make sure you haven't filtered it. To do this, go to the menu, select the Filter option and configure the filters correctly.

7. Application management

When you click Restore, you will see a list of applications installed on Android. Information about stored application data and those you have already reserved is also available here.

The user has access to a menu with various actions: application launch, backup, restore, settings. You can even reinstall TV through the menu. However, you need to act carefully here: if you delete something important, the phone may not work properly. Therefore, first you must. This can be done by freezing it.

Titanum starts to behave strangely when creating a backup and copying it - just unfreeze it and everything will be fine.

8. Copy settings

You will find the settings by clicking the menu button and selecting Preferences. Here you can configure the following options:

  • Auto-syncTBsettings (Auto sync TV settings): this option must be enabled. Thus, Titanium Backup will automatically save the settings to the memory card. After full recovery, you may need to restore these settings.
  • Backup Folder name : where backups will be stored on the SD card. By default, the TitaniumBackup folder in the root directory is intended for this. If you have a Samsung phone, use sd/TitaniumBackup to store your backups.
  • NormalApps (apk): Including applications in *.apk format in backup copies
  • ProtectedApps (apk): applications on system partition phone. Since the partition is readable, they cannot be restored here.
  • MarketLink Google Play) : whether to make copies of links to applications in the Market
  • Max backup history: how many versions of the application to store in a backup copy. This is convenient if after unsuccessful installation applications need to be restored to the previous one, working version applications
  • Compression: what compression format to use for Titanum backup.
  • Migratesystemdata (System data transfer): Use this setting before restoring from another incompatible firmware or even another phone model. One way or another, this usually works with most data types (SMS/MMS).
  • ChuckNorrismode (Chuck Norris mode): Use this function to remove “fat and arrogant” applications on your iOS

If your Android device has this program It will simply be indispensable for you, since when you use it you can easily and all your settings installed, system programs and games. Thanks to Titanium Backup, you can also work with system applications, you can delete them or freeze them, and also make backup copies of them. The program is useful; it will be simply irreplaceable when flashing your device, since in a few minutes you will restore all your settings and data to new firmware, now you don’t need to do it all manually.

It will also be useful for all gamers; with its help you can save all gameplay, which can then be restored on any other device. You can make Android backups as in manual mode, and in auto mode according to a schedule, all received copies can be sent to email or transmit via Wi-Fi or to the edges via Bluetooth. Since full functionality requires open root rights, you should remember that the application can work with system files, which you can touch very carefully, because if you delete something wrong, you can break correct work the entire android system.


  • Backup and restore any applications, as well as their data and settings.
  • Batch processing on a custom schedule with the ability to change the number of backup copies and their encryption
  • Transfer third party applications and their data to a memory card.
  • Application "freezing" mode (including allowing you to hide system applications).
  • Working with the Market - “linking”, “unlinking” applications, automatic control for updates.
  • Clearing the Dalvik cache.
  • Full integration with Dropbox (allows you to save backups on a remote server).

Titanium Backup Pro FAQ >>>

Q: I'm trying to install a new version of the application, and they write to me that there is not enough space to install, although this is not the case, there is plenty of it.
A: The reason for this may be the “Commit changes” applied to the application, it prevents it from being installed completely. To solve this problem, you need to open Luckypatcher, tap on the application with which there are problems and select “Commit changes->Delete commit (to update the application)”. If the application has been deleted for a long time and it is not possible to tap on it, the item “Solve problems -> Clear all fixes and backup copies” will help - all fixes and all backups for all applications will be deleted, which will lead to a complete loss of changes for all applications, but it will help solve the installation problem new version. Avoid it global way You can also delete the change image file manually. Go to the folder where the *.apk file used to be remote application(by default this is /data/app/) and look for a file there with the name of this application and with the extension odex, deleting it, the problem will be solved, but under no circumstances delete such files in the /system/app/ folder, there may be consequences fatal.

Q: Restored applications cannot be added to the market.
A: After recovery, stop the market, clear the data, and start the market again

Q: When I first started recovery, Titanium asked me if I needed to restore the application; before restoring it, I asked everyone. And now with processing it restores everything without any questions.
A: In TV Settings, look at the recovery mode option, set it to interactive.
A: For system applications Only data is backed up. For custom - apk file and data.
A: Widgets are not backed up - a limitation of Android.

Q: All I needed from TB was to completely restore all contacts and calls, all settings and applications on a clean firmware. I just need to get everything that I configured, tested and installed, and get it in the form in which I I decided to keep it and use it, without changes and hemorrhoids.
A: I made a full backup of all applications and system settings. On the new firmware, I selected the option “Restore all software with data”, or “Restore missing software + all system data”, which for clean firmware one and the same. Then reboot and... there is everything except wallpaper and widgets. Then on TV I restored the only application “Application Widgets” and rebooted. All!

Q: Explain, please, what clearing the dalvik cache does in the options and why are filters needed and how to use them?
a) clearing dalvik cache deletes all files from the directory in which the optimized application code required for Dalvik (virtual) operation is stored Java machines, which is used to run programs in Android OS). This operation is useful if you often install and uninstall software, since when you uninstall a program, the optimized code corresponding to it is not removed. After cleaning, a reboot is advisable, after which the phone can boot for 10-15 minutes, since the optimized code will be rebuilt for installed applications.
b) filters are needed for selective backup operations of applications/data, including scheduled backups. To use it, you need to set filtering criteria using radio buttons, come up with a name for the filter (the “Create Measure” button), and through the “Change” button you can refine the list of filtered software. After which the filter can be used.

Q: I have such a problem that batch mode has stopped working - you press Start and redirects to home screen and that's it...
A: I had this happen with previous versions as well, it resolved somehow by itself, I don’t remember. Maybe you had to reset the settings. But in any case, I don’t think this is a bug specifically in 3.6.8.

Q: Is the program not backing up everything?
A: The program backs up depending on the selected scenario

Q: Do I need to manually tap each system application, for example, and then click “Save”?
A: No, see descriptions of processing scenarios

Q: I didn’t find something in the Titanium Backup folder, on the memory card, application apk files... there’s a bunch of files there (apparently understandable only for TB) is it possible to save the apk?
A: You can save it in apk by changing the Compression option. Please note that if the application was previously backed up with compression, you must delete the backup copy, otherwise the TV will continue to back up such applications with compression.

Q: Tell me how to backup contacts via titanium?
A: Menu->Processing->Make r.k. all system data. As a result, backup copies of system data including contacts will appear in the Backups tab - see the green inscription [CONTACTS/CALLS] Contacts 2.2 - this is a backup of contacts.

Q: When restoring programs, Tianium constantly asks me to restore those programs that I deleted a long time ago (before I made a backup copy). It turns out that you need to sit and filter what to restore and what not. Is there any way to fix this?
A: Menu-Processing-Delete r.k. uninstalled software

Q: Does anyone have any lag when scrolling through the application list? I have about 300 lines, it takes about 10 seconds to load, but it’s impossible to scroll through.
similarly, it seems that such brakes appeared precisely in latest version 3.7.4.
A: Regarding the slowdown in scrolling the application list, yesterday I deleted the TB data in application management and scrolling the list worked fine.
A: There have been complaints that the recovery freezes at zero. Yesterday I encountered it myself. In the settings, I changed the synchronous mode to asynchronous and everything became fine.

Q: Tell me which item to select in the schedule so that only SMS/contacts are saved?
A: You can make a separate r.k. SMS/contacts - in the list of backups, find [CONTACTS/CALLS] Contacts and Settings storage.

Q: I decided to upgrade from Android 2.2 to Android 2.3. I made all the backups using Titanium and upgraded it. I try to restore contacts, calls, calendar and SMS, I reboot and see that only the calendar and calls have been restored (((and most importantly, contacts and SMS - nothing (((I tried several times... it didn’t work (
A: When switching between versions of Android, the probability of successfully restoring a backup of system applications/settings/SMS/contacts tends to zero.

Q: How to make a backup before changing the firmware, and how to restore it later. Please.
A: You make a backup of the necessary data, flash it, do root (if necessary), install Titanuim backup, install BusyBox, restore the data.

Q: I use a telephone keypad when writing text and I always need a T9 dictionary. I teach it and train it, and then after resetting it to factory settings, the entire dictionary crashes (disappears) and I have to re-enter it all again.
A: On htc Desire The dictionary is backed up - r.k. called [NTS DICTIONARY] Touch Input, look, maybe you have something similar, if not then Root Explorer in your hands and in the data\data folder to search for a dictionary.

Q: Tell me the logins and passwords this software backup?
A: Backup, backup. Program data is saved.

Q: HOW TO BACK UP SYSTEM PROGRAMS (such as Facebook, calculator)
A: Using Root Explorer, manually copy them from the /system/app folder

Q: Why doesn’t my titanium do data processing? He doesn't even see the software. This has never happened before.
A: Try to delete TB data: Settings->Applications->Manage applications, select TB and click the Delete data button.

Q: Please tell me how to do it when running a restaurant so that you don’t have to press the button a bunch of times - yes, restore it... and then also agree to install the application. is there an auto mode? to turn it on and everything is done?)
A: In TV settings Recovery Mode -> Auto/Sync. Another problem may occur if the lite version is used.

Q: How to backup body settings and restore only them, and install the programs manually?
A: There is a processing “Restore missing software + all system data”, select it, uncheck the user software, leave only the settings (system data) and run it. I also recommend using filters.

Q: Is there a freeze function? PRO versions what gives???
A: Simply put, it makes a “frozen” program invisible to the system. For example, I have 3GWatchdog on at the moment not needed, but will be needed in the future, I froze this program so as not to flutter around in the system. It is important to consider that freezing simply disables the program, i.e. you get a program that doesn't work but takes up space. I use freezing only for system applications; for all others, backup and deletion. If necessary, I can restore it in two taps. The author recommends using this mode before deleting system applications to check whether the system will function normally without them or to hide an application if you do not use it often.
A: Casham does not make backups
A: I prefer to backup everything using “Make backup of all user software and system data” - I set the task to be executed at 2 am (the phone is charging at this time).

Q: How much does the backup folder weigh?
A: I have 31+ MGB for 144 files
A: Titanium does not restore Navitel data correctly, Navitel no longer starts after that, for me and for some others. But for some, everything recovers perfectly. But why is this necessary?, if you can simply save the settings.001.ini file - it contains all the program settings, and after reinstallation, just drop it back into the folder with Navitel (you need an explorer with Root rights to access system files and folders).

Q: I downloaded it from the market, installed the posted key, but the program is still not complete.
A: The key makes two checks to ensure that the account is correct: when you first start the program with the key, and a second time about a day later. If the test fails or there is no Internet during the test, the program will start in free version.
I checked it on my key.
A: SMS, like contacts, belong to system data, so it is recommended to restore from system data at least all those that are displayed in the list [ green in parentheses].
A: When backing up/restoring on different firmware, it is recommended to use the "Data Migration" mode, according to the manufacturer's recommendations
A: TB - Technical FAQ
A: I solved the problem of removing the folder with backup copies for Samsung phone Galaxy S. The problem was that this folder did not exist on external map Initially, and because of this, the program did not see it if you simply changed the path in the settings.
1) I transferred the TitaniumBackup folder to a memory card with all the files.
2) changed the path in the settings to external_sd/TitaniumBackup

Q: But tell me, if I completely backed up everything, and I restore it all on the new firmware, but naturally there are already programs there, but newer versions. Will he make them look old?
A: It will replace with the old versions from which the backup was made =) I’ve already done this.

Q: During installation it says "The application is not installed." What's the matter?
A: Delete previous version and install a new one.
A: When I restored some applications separately, I followed this algorithm:
1) Menu->Settings->Applications->Manage applications->All applications
2) Looking for the right application I forcefully stop it and then delete its data
3) go to TB and restore the data of this application
4) immediately after this I reboot the phone.
PS may help restore your mail settings

Q: HOW to use this program to remove crap like, PROMOTIONS, FACEBOOK, etc., when I click delete it says yeah. I just reboot 2 times and that’s it, then it goes into reboot, android appears on a black display with exclamation point. What to do?
A: It's easier to use RootExplorer. All applications are stored in a folder

Q: Tell me, is it possible to restore applications from a backup copy directly to the memory card?
A: Settings - Recovery options settings - Restore to previous location

Download Titanium Backup Pro for Androidyou can follow the link below.

A completely hacked version, the signature is naturally different from the original, therefore, if you installed the previous version with the license file first uninstall the previous version.

Developer: Titanium Track
Interface language: Russian (RUS)
Root: Required
Status: FULL (complete)
Platform: Android 1.6+

My legs are shaking because I don’t know whether the data will be saved when next update phone? Install Titanium Backup Pro for Android.

Now you have access to functions such as backup (backup) of applications and user data (sms | contacts | mss). After you install this program, you will not have to worry about the loss or partial loss of data. A backup is everything. If you are afraid to update the software of your phone or tablet, if you are afraid of losing critical contact information or messages, then immediately install the program and Titanium Backup Pro make a backup copy.

Key features of Titanium Backup Pro:

Multiple backups for applications (history coverage can be specified).
Full package backup recovery in the background with one click.
Encryption of backup copies (asymmetric cryptography: a secret word is required for recovery).
Batch scanning of all archives.
Superfast HyperShell.
Market Doctor can fix any broken links in the Market (only for applications that were backed up with a link).
Freezing an app can disable the app (and make it invisible) without uninstalling it.
Batch freezing/unfreezing of applications.
Scheduled backups (each of which can be run from 1 to 7 times a week).
Clearing Dalvik cache will help free up precious internal memory.
Memory manager.
Integrate system application updates directly into the firmware to free up even more internal memory.
Sync all (or some) backups with Dropbox.
Ability to get all backups from Dropbox (in case of loss of the phone or error on the SD card).
Sign the application with your name.

Attention ! Android backup application Titanium Backup requires root rights on the phone or tablet under OS Android®. Works on devices with Android 1.5-5.1+ (ARM, x86, MIPS).


Create the most complete backup copies of your smartphone applications

Titanium Backup app is another one powerful tool to backup data on a smartphone or tablet under Android control. With its help, a user with root rights can make a backup of any programs and their settings, and save progress in games. You can download Titanium Backup for Android for free on our website and see for yourself how convenient it is.

Titanium Backup Features

The main purpose of the program is to create high-quality and most complete backup copies of data available on mobile device. These include not only user installed games and other applications. Titanium Backup allows you to backup even system programs, as well as fully restore them if necessary.

After installing Titanium Backup on your gadget, the owner of the device will be able to send completed backup copies to e-mail or to another smartphone “over the air.” Backup is carried out manually or automatically, according to a pre-configured schedule. Using this application, you can bring order to your internal memory devices by freezing or deleting unnecessary programs.

A significant advantage of the application is that you can download Titanium Backup for Android for free. All of her basic functions(including filtering and sorting programs) will work properly and without restrictions. There is also a paid Pro version of the application with advanced features. These include synchronization with cloud storage, backup of a running program, removal of links to the Market, automatic updates and much more.

How to use Titanium Backup

The program requires installation of root rights. This is the only difficulty in working with it. The interface and settings of the application are intuitive. So making a backup will be easy even for a beginner, especially if you use these instructions:

  1. Before using Titanium Backup, free up at least 1 GB of memory on the memory card of your smartphone or tablet
  2. Launch the application
  3. At the top right, find the “Menu” button, which looks like a rectangle with a checkmark on it. Click on it
  4. Scroll to the Backups tab and select Back up all user software. Click on the Start button to the left of it
  5. A window will open with a list of all programs already installed on the gadget. Uncheck those whose copies are not needed
  6. Tap green tick in the upper right corner of the section. Confirm the start of the backup by clicking on the “Start” button
  7. Wait for the process to complete. When a copy is created, a corresponding message will appear on the notification shade

The rest of the backups in this application are just as easy. The same goes for data recovery and other functions of the application. You can download Titanium Backup for Android for free using the link below.