Heating cable coupling. From heat shrink to sleeve - any accessories for heating cable

Let's consider the options for the heating cable, the composition of the installation kits and detailed guide for installation of couplings. For endings, we use both ready-made kits from manufacturers Raychem and Thermon, as well as our own kits.

Contents of the kits

Based on Thermon PETK product

Included in the kit:
  • 1 - RTV sealant
  • 2 - sleeve for connecting to power supply
  • 3 - protective cap
  • 4 - electrical tape (for limit cable and constant power)
  • 5 - end seal warning sticker
  • 6 - seal (only for Terminator element)
  • 7 - grounding tube
The tools you will need are: screwdriver, utility knife, scissors, long-nosed pliers.
Kit from the MZK-Electro company:
  • inner heat shrink tube
  • external heat-shrinkable tube for insulating the heating element
  • Heat-shrinkable tubes for insulating conductors and grounding braid
  • tips


Design of connecting and end couplings (Installation instructions)

PETK (Thermon)
Before starting work, the manufacturer recommends meeting a number of requirements:
  • installation must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of EN IEC 60079-14 for hazardous areas or local regulations
  • all power sources must be turned off
  • Before and during installation, the ends of the heating cable and the components of the kit must be dry
  • The bend radius of the cable must be at least 32 mm (for HPT - 57 mm, for FP - 19 mm)
  • When performing work, personnel must be equipped with personal protective equipment and comply with necessary measures on electrical safety
PETK. Instructions for terminating the heating cable Download Step 1(optional, only for already installed cable). First, the heating cable is installed in the mounting column and secured to the pipe (see Installation Instructions for the Terminator element).

Step 2. Cut and remove the outer sheath of the cable. Spread the braided wires apart to release the heating cable, which then needs to be pulled out through the resulting hole and through the resulting hole. Twist the braid and cut off the end.

Step 3 (for BSX, RSX, HTSX, KSX and VSX cable types). Cut and remove the primary insulation sheath (BSX and RSX only). Cut a 4mm strip of conductive matrix between the conductors. Cut and remove the strip.

Step 3 (for HPT and FP cables). Cut and remove primary insulation. Do the same with the fiberglass braid and heating element and place the remaining heating element wire under the primary insulating sheath. Next, remove the paired shell.

!!! You must be careful not to cut the insulation of the cable cores.
Step 4. Apply sealant to the cable, covering at least 3mm of the length, then pull the connector sleeve over the end. Place the green/yellow tube on the twisted braid and strip the 13 mm cable cores. Install ferrules onto each conductor and braided ferrule, then crimp them.

Step 5 (termination for BSX, RSX, HTSX, KSX and VSX cables). Remove the outer insulating sheath. Trim the exposed braid on the cable. Fill the protective cap with sealant and apply a layer around the cable (minimum width 3 mm). Place the cap on the end of the heating cable.

Step 5 (termination for HTP and FP cables). Cut off approximately 75 mm from the cable core junction. Remove the outer sheath and cut off the exposed braid. Remove the primary insulating sheath.

Cut off the fiberglass braid and heating element, and place any remaining heating element wire under the primary insulating jacket. Remove the pair sheath and shorten one of the cable cores. Wrap each wire separately with tape, and then together until it is covered. outer shell cable, apply sealant inside the protective cap and around the cable (minimum layer width 3 mm) and place the cap on the end of the cable.

PE-1 (MZK-Electro)
Installation of the coupling
Download Step1. Cut and remove the outer shell (100 mm in length).

Step 2. Pull the braid back a little and spread it apart to create a hole. Pull out the heating element of the cable through this hole. Twist the braid.

Step 3. Make a superficial cut on the electrical insulation (85 mm in length) and remove it.

Step 4. Cut the core along the conductive wires with inside as shown in the picture. Bend the cores and trim the core material.

Step 5. Place heat-shrinkable tubing onto the grounding braid and onto the bare conductors. Heat them with a heat source.

Step 6. Install the outer heat-shrink tube onto the heating element and onto the conductors. Heat using an industrial hair dryer in a flame gas burner or equivalent heat source.

Step 7 Using long-nosed pliers, crimp the heated outer heat-shrink tubing over the heating cable and between the conductors. Molten sealant should come out along the edges.

Step 8 Trim the conductors and braiding so that 6 mm of uninsulated ends remain.

Step 9 Place the ends on the ends and crimp them with pliers. Connect the end of the heating cable prepared in this way through the terminal box to a source of electricity.

End coupling installation
PE-1. Installation instructions for heating cable termination kit Download Step 1. Make a superficial cut on the outer shell (45-50 mm in length). Remove the outer shell.

Step 2. Bend the braid completely back beyond the edge of the outer sheath.

Step 3. Cut approximately 30 mm of the heating cable.

Step 4. Install the heat shrink tube over the heating element of the cable. Heat it using an industrial hair dryer, a gas burner flame or an equivalent heat source.

Step 5. Crimp the heated heat shrink tubing using long-nosed pliers. Melted sealant should come out around the edges.

Step 6. Place the removed braid back on the end of the cable, twist it and wrap the twisted end as shown in the picture.

Step 7 Place the outer heat shrink tubing over the twisted end of the cable braid and heat it.

Step 8 Crimp the heated outer shrink tube using long-nose pliers. Melted sealant should come out around the edges.

Heating cables today are widely used in the most different systems. They are used when installing floor heating systems, sewer and water pipes, anti-icing systems for roofs and ramps. With their help, they protect the area near the entrances to mansions, shops, and administrative buildings from ice. In oil refining, chemical, and other industries, heating cables are used to maintain a certain temperature in liquid media. For their high-quality connection with each other and with power cables, special couplings for the heating cable are used. They can be supplied complete with the heating system or purchased separately. Couplings provide high quality connection, guarantee its safety over a wide temperature range, and allow the cable to be used in liquid media.

Connecting sleeves for heating cable

For connecting sections of heating cable to each other and connecting to power cable a coupling is used for the heating cable. It can be of two types - in the form of a simple heat-shrinkable tube or have a rigid structure with clamping contacts, sealing glands and insulating cuffs. In the second case, the durable coupling body withstands not only a wide range of temperatures, but also mechanical stress. It can be used to connect cables when laid in explosive and aggressive chemical environments. The connection of the cores is carried out using screw terminals, which ensures high maintainability of the connection, the possibility of reuse. The advantage of using such a coupling for a heating cable is that there is no need to heat the connection, which significantly increases the pace of work.

Heat-shrinkable couplings are used much more often when installing heating cables. The reason for this is affordable price and simple installation, in order to install the coupling you need:

  • remove the insulating sheath from the heating cable;
  • unravel the exposed braid, freeing the heating cores, braid it into a bundle;
  • remove the sheath from the heating core;
  • Heat-shrinkable tubes are installed on the stripped conductors;
  • the wires are connected in a copper tube and crimped with a hand crimper;
  • Heat-shrinkable tubes are placed over the joint and shrinked at a temperature of about +200ºС;
  • A large-diameter heat-shrinkable tube is placed over the resulting connection, under which all the resulting connections are hidden.

The resulting connection is reliable and the work is relatively cheap.

Heating cable terminations

To isolate from short circuit end of the cable, as well as for protection against negative influence external environment an end sleeve is used for the heating cable. It can be of two types - heat-shrinkable tube or based on a rigid body. In industrial enterprises, the latter option is used, as it provides easy access to the end of the cable. Such couplings are equipped with indicators indicating the presence of power in the heating system.

In most cases, a heat-shrinkable end sleeve for the heating cable is still used, since its installation is simple, and the cost of the kit is affordable for everyone. During work, it is important not to forget to crimp the free end of the coupling with pliers, as this will increase the reliability of the shell. After this, you can heat the coupling to a temperature of +250ºC with a heat gun, compress it again and get hermetically sealed protection from moisture.

The heating cable is special cable, which prevents water pipes from freezing. The use of a self-regulating heating cable also prevents failure of heating systems. According to general rules self-regulating cables are attached to pipes on both sides. The heating cable is connected to electrical network.

Application of heating cables

First of all, the use of heating cable is relevant for water supply and sewerage systems. It is almost impossible to remove ice and icicles from hard-to-reach areas. But various insulation materials still won’t save you in very severe frosts. The use of a self-regulating cable will help maintain the required temperature, ensure reliable heating of the water supply and prevent the formation of condensation.

IN lately The use of heating cables for underfloor heating structures has become widespread.

Types of heating cables

Currently there are the following types of such cables:

  • resistive
  • self-regulating

Operating principle of a self-regulating heating cable

A self-regulating cable is made from a special material that can change its thermal conductivity during operation. The lower the temperature drops environment, the lower the resistance of the heating cable becomes. Main feature the operation of this heating element is that its resistance does not change along its entire length simultaneously. Currently, such a process can be maintained even without the use of automatic machines.

Using a self-regulating cable you can reduce your electricity costs. Another advantage of this device is that it can be cut anywhere.

When connecting the heating cable, you must use large number insulating materials. Otherwise, spontaneous combustion cannot be ruled out.

How does a resistive cable work?

Resistive cable - a wire with one or two cores. Metal conductors act as heating elements. They are isolated. Electric current, passing through the veins, is converted into heat due to the resistance of the metal, as a result of which heating occurs.

Resistive cable must not be cut.

In addition, its use is quite energy-intensive.

Despite their reliability, heating devices may malfunction and break due to improper operation.

Repair broken heating cable

Damage may occur due to overheating or failure of the temperature sensor. If the device stops working inside or outside the water supply, you need to disconnect from the network and carefully remove the cable. Since self-regulating wires can be cut, strip and connect the wires taking into account grounding. For insulation, use heat shrink sleeve. You can heat the shrink sleeve using a hair dryer. After completing all the manipulations, reinstall the heating device.

How to install a self-regulating cable inside a pipe after repairing a break

Work on laying a self-regulating cable in a pipe is carried out if the air temperature is not lower than five degrees. The connection of the conductors is made using soldering. Using insulation helps prevent moisture from entering and protects the heater from high temperature. The device operates in a temperature range from five to fifteen.

After eliminating the break, the following types of work must be performed:

  • install a tee where you will enter the cable
  • then screw the adapter
  • insert cable

Installing a self-regulating cable outside the pipe

To avoid new breaks in the heating cable, you need to clean the pipes from rust and other contaminants.

Secure the cable to the bottom of the pipe. The cold end of the wire must be outside the insulating material. Work very carefully around the breakage area. If you have plastic pipes, use foil to wrap them. This will ensure uniform heating of the pipe and avoid new breaks.

Connecting a self-heating cable to the electrical network after a break

You will need the following materials:

  • connecting wire and heat-shrinkable tubing
  • plug for connecting to the network

After preparing the materials, remove the cable’s own insulation by no more than eight centimeters with a sharp object. Separate the braid. Carefully remove its insulation to expose the polymer matrix. Clean the wires exposing the conductors by 10-20 mm.

Clean the ends of the wire. Use a three-wire stranded cable. Using such a cable makes it easier to identify the ground (this wire usually has two colors). Heat-shrinkable tubing is “dressed” over the power cable to insulate the connection. A thermal tube is attached to the corresponding terminals of the connecting sleeve. Twist and crimp the wires. Perform all manipulations with each output.

Equipment and tools:

  • Metric ruler;
  • Assembly knife;
  • Wire cutters;
  • Pliers;
  • Air heat gun (hair dryer);
  • Manual cremper.

1. Installation of connecting and end couplings of the heating (heating) cable.

1.1. Installation of the coupling
1.1.1. Cut and remove the sheath from the heating (heating) cable (see Fig. 1).

1.1.2. Unravel the shielding braid and twist it into a “bundle”. Cut with a knife and remove the insulation from the heating cores, leaving 30 mm (see Fig. 2).

1.1.3. Cut with a knife and remove the semiconducting matrix. Shorten one core by 15 mm. Place heat-shrinkable tubes T2 3.0/1.5 onto the stripped cores and heat-shrink them using an air heat gun with hot air (see Fig. 3). Shrinkage temperature 200°C.

1.1.4. Clean the installation wire PVA 3x1.5 according to Fig. 4.

1.1.5. Place heat-shrinkable tubes T-2 6.0/3.0 30 mm long onto the core (length 45 mm) of the heating tape insulated with a heat-shrinkable tube and the insulated core (length 45 mm) of the installation wire. Place a 100 mm long CFM 19/6 heat-shrinkable tube onto the heating tape, and a 140 mm long CFM 19/6 heat-shrinkable tube onto the installation wire.

1.1.6. Insert the strands of the installation wire and heating tape into the copper tubes M 4x0.75x10 (see Fig. 5). Crimp using a hand crimper (see Fig. 6).

1.1.7. Push heat-shrinkable tubes T2 6.0/3.0, 30 mm long, onto the connection points of the cores and heat-shrink them using an air heat gun with hot air (see Fig. 7). Shrinkage temperature 200°C.

1.1.8. Slide a 100 mm long heat-shrinkable tube CFM 19/6 over the resulting connection (lead the grounding wire and shielding braid outside the heat-shrinkable tube, as shown in Fig. 8). Heat shrink it using an air heat gun with hot air. Shrinkage temperature 250°C. Connect the grounding wire to the shielding braid using a copper tube M 5x0.5x5 and crimp it with a hand crimper.

1.1.9. Slide a 140 mm long heat-shrinkable tube CFM 19/6 onto the resulting connection and heat-shrink it using an air heat gun with hot air. Shrinkage temperature 250°C. The final view of the coupling is shown in Fig. 9.

1.2. Installation of the heating cable end sleeve.
1.2.1. Cut and remove the sheath from the end of the heating (heating) cable (see Fig. 10).

1 2.2. Trim the shielding braid, leaving no more than 5 mm (see Fig. 11).

1.2.3. Cut the end of the tape with a step and put on a heat-shrinkable tube CFM 10/3 30 mm long (see Fig. 12).