Creating a one-page website with your own hands. The main stages of creating a one-page website

The next project we would like to draw your attention to and review is designer of selling websites and landing pages LPmotor. This is a full-fledged entrepreneur’s account with a website builder, a built-in CRM system, a sales funnel, statistics and calculation of profit and profitability.

In just 1.5 years, more than 70,000 users have used the service, and this is the fastest growth in the segment of selling website builders. The project achieved such success thanks to work using the methodology of training and developing consumers (Customer Development). This allowed the creators to concentrate on those functionality that customers need.

By the way, when registering by THIS link you get 100 rubles. to the account in the service;)

Examples of landing pages

Before creating and launching a website step by step, let's look at examples of websites that can be created using LPmotor.

The project for selling coffee "Coffee Madeo" was made without the help of third-party layout designers and designers, and is used to attract customers Email newsletters and contextual advertising:

The creators of the sites and have already launched 40 landing pages in Motor and, thanks to so many resources, brought their brand of glasses to the market for free virtual reality— “YesVR”:

Landing page creation process

So let's take a look step by step process creating a website for the “Gracia” cosmetology center at

Task: create a landing page for promotions to attract new clients to the cosmetology center, as well as make acquaintances existing clients center with new services for them.

The first thing that awaits us after registration is the visual editor window.

It is important to immediately understand and accept the logic of the service:

  1. The main element of the designer is sections. Yellow editing.
  2. Containers are located inside the section. Green editing
  3. Blocks are placed in containers. Blue editing.

Using LPmotor, there are 3 options for website design:

— Select one of the ready-made templates and fill it with your content:

Start assembling the site completely from scratch:

Build your own selling website from ready-made sections:

To begin, we'll select a general theme template and replace the background image:

Then we will make our trade proposal and fill out the contact information. The editor contains the optimal number of fonts, but we will include new font Cuprum - this is done very easily by inserting a code Google service Fonts.

If necessary, in the editor you can replace images and icons with materials from the library or upload your own:

Let's add a capture form, configure its parameters and appearance. Let’s not forget to indicate the income and expenses of the order so that the service will automatically calculate the profitability (this data is available only to the site owner).

Our new website is almost ready to launch, but the template we chose is missing customer reviews. And since reviews increase trust in the site and, accordingly, conversion, we will add the necessary section from the collection of ready-made ones and fill it with information received from our clients.

Now that our site is ready to launch, there are a few technical things left to configure:

As we stated above, LPmotor is not just a website builder, but also a full-fledged entrepreneur’s account for managing applications and developing their business.

One of the main goals of online business is to increase the flow of incoming applications. To manage orders, the service has a simple CRM system:

When our potential clients fill out the form, we will receive a notification by Email and SMS. This is convenient when you cannot access the service or mail. You can call the client back directly from SMS and process the request.

The application will also go into the internal CRM, where we can manage the status of the transaction, make comments on the client and the application, and also evaluate the profitability of each transaction.

Since it is important not only to make a website, but also to constantly monitor its traffic, analyze the results obtained, calculate the conversion and sales funnel, the service developers made another useful section- Statistics.

Important: the functionality only works after connecting with Yandex.Metrica.

Connecting Metrica takes just 2 clicks

The service will show us the sales funnel for the site, the dynamics of visitors, and even predict the income for the site.


So, we are ready to launch the site, receive applications and gradually increase the efficiency of the project. In order for the site to become available to users, it must be published. LPmotor - conditional free service, that is, if we were able to create a website for free, then to publish the site you need to select and connect a tariff:

To begin with, we the tariff is suitable“Nano” for six months, but if we want to make a landing page for each of our services, we will need an extended tariff, for example “Pro.”

But LPmotor not only asks for money for its service, but also gives you the opportunity to earn money! By connecting to affiliate program and by recommending the service to friends, we can receive 20% of their payments, and our referrals, in turn, will receive a bonus of 100 rubles to their balance after the first replenishment.


And one more thing: money earned in LPmotor can not be withdrawn, but transferred to the balance of the service with a coefficient of 1.5. That is, if we brought two clients and they signed up for a “mini” tariff for 3 months, we will receive 600 rubles in commission, and we will receive 900 rubles on the balance in the service!


Thus - LPmotor a very good multifunctional entrepreneur’s office, which allows you to put together a selling website in just an hour and provides tools for further work on the project.

I would like to mention the customer support service as a significant plus. In addition to assistance with editor functions, we were helped with the design of the site and channels for its promotion.

The main disadvantage for me is the lack of built-in ab tests. You can, of course, use the free abtest service. But the developers promised to soon roll out as many as 3 testing options: AB tests, multilandings and multivariants.

In the meantime, motor is one of the best landing page designers for quick creation and launching pages.

Choose according to several parameters:

  1. Regarding tariffs, at first choose the smallest one, later you can increase it;
  2. By average price for a tariff that includes a certain amount memory;
  3. Bonuses, for example one month for testing;
  4. Place in the hosting ranking;
  5. Reviews, but don't get too carried away. They rarely write about good things, but they always write about bad things.

Choosing an SMS platform

Content Management System (CMS). Hosters offer a choice of a system suitable for your project:

  • WordPress, suitable for most: blogs, corporate, content;
  • Joomla, more functional, for real large projects;
  • Drupal is suitable for social networks, business card websites, representative websites of companies;
  • OpenCart platform for online stores.

WordPress is the leader in installation: universal, intuitive to install, it is chosen by 60% of Internet resource owners.

Theme and layout

You need to buy a template or order a custom one from a web designer. Visitors need to understand from the first minutes of their visit where they are and what information they will find.

The search functions and page navigation are done separately by the layout designer, he writes HTML codes for each project, these are the numbers that are seen search engines. There are free themes, especially if you decide to use the services of a designer, everything is included in the installation and additional specialists no need, no expenses.

We fill it with useful information

After payment and CMS installations everything will work within 24 hours. The owner will see the welcome message “Hello world” and begin filling it with content. He can do all the work himself or turn to freelance exchanges. You can also find a content manager who will deal with SEO optimization, analytics and advertising. If you have an online store, then you need to regularly fill it, update the assortment, and make new cards for each item. Creating a website yourself is not difficult. A working project will generate income, it will make you happy!

25. 3. 2019(Updated.

Tell the world about your business, product or service by creating a compact one-page website that will present only important and useful information and current data about your company. The website builder will help you create a one-page website for free and in just a few minutes.

The site is created in ten minutes in a few simple clicks. Without knowledge of web design and programming, without long wait layout and layout. The service site creates one-page websites of any topic and format. The functionality of the site is determined by the user.

Selling and maximizing useful resource possible to create without spending money on development.. Several simple steps and your site will be seen by hundreds of users.

How to create a one-page website using a website builder

  • The site design is chosen from the proposed templates. The layouts of ready-made one-page websites are varied. If desired, the finished template can be edited using an online editor with simple and accessible controls. If the edited version seems too simple for you, contact a web designer for help by ordering his services on our website.
  • Determine the functionality of a one-page site, add a form feedback or online consultant. Make your website as user-friendly as possible.
  • Add useful content to your site. This point is entirely up to you. When creating a website using a free website builder, take care of the relevance and informativeness of the content. Pictures, images, videos and texts should convey the main message - to sell your product (service or product).
  • A one-page website is generated automatically. It will appear online within ten minutes or several hours.

The website builder is simple and absolutely free way create a one-page website, business card website, online store and landing page in just a couple of minutes.

Advantages of the website service

On the Internet you can find numerous designers that generate websites of various topics for free. Are they all effective and do they really work without investment?

  • The website builder does not promise to create a website when you go to a particular resource. Our service works without links and additional registrations.
  • Except free hosting, you get additional disk space to store your documents.
  • the site offers favorable rates with a set of the most necessary functions.
  • The support service will always help you understand the work of the designer.

Regarding tariffs, you can consult with our specialist by choosing a “free”, “starter” or “advanced” plan.

the site will help in creating a free one-page website, increasing sales and saving costs.

The key thing in the landing page is commercial offer, its presentation and order of blocks, the structure, after passing through which the visitor performs the target action. The page should generate interest in a short time potential client. The first screen plays a special role - it must be clear, promise benefits and show the action to obtain them.

From a technical point of view, putting together a landing page is not difficult - there is only one, there is not much content on it. Can be done in a couple of hours. The main thing is to know how to hook a client. Efficiency depends on many factors. One of them is understanding target audience product/service from which a suitable offer flows.

When selling pink headphones with rhinestones, it is better to put pressure on emotions - design, sound volume, etc. Bullying about wire material, emitters and structural strength is unlikely to be appropriate. When setting up a camping tent, on the contrary, you should focus on practicality - weight, size, wear resistance, convenience. Products have different buyers, they need different arguments.

What blocks should you use to assemble a one-page website?

All landing pages are the same: a page of sections with several scrolling screens, revealing the benefits of a product/service and allowing you to order it immediately. Questions arise: what blocks to use, in what order, what to fill them with, how best to do it? This a whole science. A simple task that should be solved delicately and competently. Otherwise, you won’t see a decent conversion.

Most convenient option- create a one-page website in a builder with a visual editor, profile templates and a set of suitable blocks. Long ago, through trial and error, marketers discovered, let's say, classic structure one-pager leading to good sales with successful implementation of other points. This principle is used in the templates of many site builders. So, without knowing the theory, people publish effective pages from the finished base.

Majority landing pages similar to each other - the same blocks, elements, but different offers. This structure works, which is good for everyone: the buyer, when choosing a product, will be glad to quickly meet a suitable, convincing offer, and the seller will be glad to receive revenue. A classically designed landing page saves time and effort for transaction participants. Its structure is as follows:

This structure works in most cases. Of course, some blocks may be missing (for example, about the audience or numbers), something may need to be added depending on the nature of your offer. In addition, the design of the landing page and the text component play a role. That is, it is important not only what you show, but also how it will be presented. Let's talk a little more about this.

One-page design and commercial text

A landing page does not require any special, unique design in order to be effective. You can use standard template profile designer without noticeable alterations and at the same time sell well. This is not surprising - in such templates everything is already configured harmoniously: colors, fonts, element sizes.

The main thing is that nothing interferes with the perception of information - text, images, icons, shapes, diagrams, etc. In this sense, the selection of colors and text formatting have great value. Key Points should be highlighted by size, color or something else. For example, a button should not blend into the background, nor should title fonts.

If you are not a designer, we recommend that you simply take a suitable ready-made template and add your content based on it. Honestly, buyers don’t care at all what means the page is made of. Anyway, 99% of landing pages are similar to each other. Submission and offer are important.

The text for a one-page website is very important. This is not a journalistic style. This is a commercial text - important element conclusion of a deal. Method of influencing potential buyer. It should sound simple and convincing, contain and practical information, and emotional, giving the impression of the value of the acquisition, profitability.

General writing principles commercial text for the landing page the following:

  • The value of the properties of a product or service must be higher than their cost - the transaction must seem profitable. Paid less - got much more;
  • The buyer should get the impression from the text that the product will change something in his life for the better - it will simplify, speed up, make it more stable, etc.;
  • When formulating the value of a product, you need to take into account the portrait of the average representative of the target audience. Focus on his requests, cover doubts with text, show realistic benefits arising from the properties of the product and needs;
  • The text should not be too bland, write in a variety of ways - use intrigue, light humor somewhere, you can even add a little negativity for contrast;
  • The desired effect of the landing page is an immediate order of the product. Use barriers that increase the value of the offer: temporary discount, sale until such and such a day, gift with purchase in certain time. All this usually stimulates action.

Ultimately, what impression should a one-page website make? It’s simple: attract attention (a juicy headline with a USP, a tasty image of the first screen), provide sufficient quantity information for decision-making (reviews, presentation), show the benefits of making a transaction (bullets), persuade to immediately make a purchase (capture form, button). In general, the offer should attract interest so quickly and convincingly that a person clicks on the button. If he leaves, he will most likely forget about what he saw.

The technical side of creating a one-page website

The above theory requires an engine for implementation. You need to collect and publish a landing page somewhere. Monitor its statistics, advertise, test various options triggers and so on. Need technical base. Best Contender For this role - a specialized designer. More simple and convenient way can't find the conversion. Beginners have no options at all - everything else is more complicated, it just won’t work without knowledge.

LPGenerator - the best builder for creating one-page websites

The most affordable among all designers with a visual editor. There is nothing better for its price. It just so happens that the template structure is ideal for creating landing pages - responsive block layouts that are easy to assemble and perform well. There are enough opportunities to implement the classic selling structure described above - this is the main thing.

uKit is ideal for those who want to quickly and inexpensively try to assemble a conversion - learn a little while doing it with little expense. In literally 1 evening you will create your first lead generation page. 15 minutes to create the structure, the rest of the time to fill in the text, upload/arrange images and all sorts of settings like connecting a domain, analytics, SEO, SSL, social networks, etc.

Out of the box you get a couple of dozen one-page templates good quality. They are assembled from ready-made blocks of the visual editor and filled with thematic content. You can choose any one and adapt it to the classic structure/offer. This is the most rational option - something will initially be as it should be, something else will be added or removed. It's easy.

Landing pages in uKit are formed from blocks and widgets: card, price list, timeline, contacts, timer, stages, table, order call back, online consultant, gallery, header, footer, advantages, reviews and other elements. You arrange it all in the right order, fill it with content, and you can publish it. Design, fonts, colors and effects are customizable.

The mobile version of the page can be edited separately from the desktop version. The menu of a one-page site will contain anchor links to individual blocks. You can customize the appearance of pop-ups for different situations. There is a built-in store with online payment acceptance and a nice display window. SEO standard - meta tags, connection of Yandex/Google analytics and other integrations.

uKit audience

Entrepreneurs who have no idea about website development, beginners who want to try their hand at attracting leads. Suitable for anyone who wants to launch a classic one-page website inexpensively and without unnecessary hassles.

Cost for 1 month if paid for a year at once (without promotions, discounts and promo codes):

  1. Premium ($4/month) - a tariff plan suitable for creating a landing page, it has everything except the store (online payment, shopping cart, etc.).
  2. Premium + ($8/month) - all the same plus advanced statistics and access to premium templates.
  3. Store ($9.6/month) - activation of the shopping cart, delivery settings, payment and other things.
  4. Pro ($12/month) - unlocks access to the page code editor and the creation of your own color schemes.

Lifehack: the cost of any tariff plan will be reduced by 25% after entering the promo code “SITE-BUILDERS-25”. So, the first tariff will cost $36 instead of $48 per year.


  • Simplicity, speed of learning;
  • Low cost;
  • There is everything you need to assemble the right landing page;
  • Responsive Templates good quality;
  • Complete set communications - forms, pop-ups, order a call, consultant, social networks, etc.;
  • Backup pages in 1 click;
  • Free connection SSL;
  • Opportunity amoCRM connections;
  • There are often promotions with bonus months, super discounts, etc.;
  • Good technical support.


  • Average degree of block customization;
  • There are no built-in tools for conversion analysis;
  • Not suitable for professional developers - designers, web studios and others.

Let's sum it up

To publish a successful landing page, you must have a product/service and a clear idea of ​​who will buy it. Based on the portrait of the audience, all texts for the page are written, images and bulletins are selected. By the way, on the first screen images with eyes and faces of people in general work well. Perfect - the face of a pretty girl close up, if its use is appropriate for the presentation of a product/service. Arouses sympathy, trust, relaxes, softens the transition to a transaction.

We recommend using the classic structure of a one-page website - you don’t need to invent anything. Adapt your commercial offer to it and publish the page. With the proper level of execution (texts, design, selection of images), there will be a conversion. But not out of thin air, we need visitors. Consider the need to purchase contextual/teaser advertising, set up VKontakte targeting and other social networks. Without this there is no way.

By itself, such a site has too little weight for traditional SEO promotion. You will have to work and invest extra money for more. During the normal course of the process, investments are returned very quickly (often right on the day the advertisement is launched). However, be sure to fill in the parameters of page meta tags (and alt for images), insert several keywords (a couple of high-frequency keywords and a couple of low-frequency keywords), and enable analytics collection. - best designer one-pagers that have no gaps in functionality. Everything is there out of the box, you don’t have to connect anything and get a good profit from the pages. Suitable for anyone who wants to make money by creating landing pages and live on this money. As a main job. This is real, but you'll have to figure it out a little.

    The easy way start, get your first leads. Everything is simplified here, but the essence remains the same: you can put together the right landing page according to the structure we described and make money on its conversion. In both cases, the pages will require promotion - this requirement does not depend on the platform used; in the niche of creating one-page sites, this is the case everywhere.

Select a product and follow the given recipe - repeat the steps outlined, implement ideas and get a landing page that will definitely sell if you invest in advertising. LPG or uKit? Take the one that suits you depending on the seriousness of your mood. It is better to focus on correct implementation than to become attached to technical means. Both designers are good, the main thing is to use their capabilities correctly.

There is no ideal landing page, but you still need to strive for perfection. A well-designed one-page website should contain the following blocks:

  • Header with logo, unique selling proposition and contact information with a bright button to order a call back.
  • Detailed description offers with the possible addition of bonuses (order now and receive a gift).
  • Scheme of working with customers (ordered - paid - received).
  • Problems that the purchase of a product or service solves.
  • Stories and reviews from customers about how a product or service helped them.

A one-page website must contain photographs. If the features of the product or service can be demonstrated, include a video. The order button must be placed so that the visitor can proceed to make a purchase or perform another useful action at any time.

These are all basic elements of a one-page site, but you can come up with a different structure. The main thing in landing is constant testing and improvement. Therefore, to create a one-page website you need choose simple tools , which you can short term master.

Tools for creating landing pages

Knowing what a one-page website should be like and what functions it should perform, you can easily choose suitable tool to create it. There are several options:

  • Custom website - most the hard way, requiring knowledge of programming languages ​​and web developer skills.
  • CMS - a working method even for beginners, however, the engines offer powerful functionality that is simply not needed for building landing pages. In addition, not all CMS have the ability to create a good one-page page.
  • - best option for webmasters who want to quickly build several landing pages for different products and services.

The landing page can also be drawn in graphic editors oriented towards creating websites, however, to achieve a positive result you will need the skills of a web designer. Without them it is difficult to create from clean slate something attractive and functional.

Designers are good for what they offer ready-made templates one-page sites and tools for editing them. You also work in the editor, but it is much simpler than graphics programs. The result looks no worse, and sometimes even noticeably better: templates for constructors are developed by web designers, and the restrictions set by the developers do not allow them to be spoiled.

Creating a landing page using the constructor

To create landing pages you can use universal constructors (uCoz, Wix) or specialized (uKit, LPgenerator) services. The difference between them is significant - this applies to both functionality and cost of the tariff. But all designers are united by the ease of creating and customizing a one-page website in visual editor.

Not all universal designers offer the creation of landing pages, so before registering, be sure to read reviews of services. If the designer provides such an opportunity, then in the list of blocks and widgets you will find all the necessary elements:

  • Dedicated header.
  • Text fields.
  • Call back form.
  • Photos and videos.
  • Feedback cards.
  • Order button.
  • Fields with contact information, etc.

All you have to do is edit the template and add the necessary widgets and blocks to it. The main advantage of building a landing page on the constructor is the quick implementation of changes and testing of new versions of the site. If you need to edit CSS on a CMS or a custom website, then in the designer you just need to drag and drop the blocks in the visual editor. Immediately after re-publication, visitors will see updated version a one-page website, and you will be able to evaluate the effect of the changes made.