Interpretation of the dream: package in the mailbox. Things in the mailbox in a dream ▼

Miller's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about a box:

Seeing an open box with goods means incredible wealth, happy travels to distant lands;
the box is empty - all kinds of disappointments;
see the box full of money– escape from business and worries and pleasant solitude.
Also see Money.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing a box in a dream means:

Wooden - to the loss of friends, close acquaintances as a result of quarrels, envy, etc. Metal - to a change in society, environment, colleagues, which will be preceded by a temporary feeling of emptiness. The contents of the box - the dream indicates what you will receive in return for your losses. See the contents of the box.

Small dream book

A dream with a box in the dream book is interpreted as:

If in a dream you see an open box with goods, then great wealth awaits you. In addition, you will have trips to distant countries. If the box is empty, then disappointment awaits you. Seeing a box full of money in a dream predicts that you will decide to forget about business for a while and retire.

Idiomatic dream book

Dreaming with a box means:

Intimate dream book

Why does a woman dream about a box:

Seeing an empty box in a dream - if you are a woman, then you have a developed big penis complex. This means that you evaluate your partners according to one single criterion - the size of this organ, while all other possible advantages remain beyond your attention. Well, it’s up to you, but in this way you greatly limit the possibility of receiving new emotions, and in general... Men with modest penises often turn out to be much more tender lovers than sexual “giants”.
Putting some things in a box - you are so carefully preparing for the upcoming meeting with a person you like, so you count on positive emotions that, unfortunately, nothing will work out - either you will not meet at all due to some circumstances, or you will quarrel over a mere trifle.
Rummaging through a drawer in search of something - what you have in sex seems insufficient to you, you want something new, unknown. You should not get hung up on the search for newness, because this way you risk losing what you have.
If you dream of a mailbox, it means that you will soon receive news from someone who lives far from you, but the relationship between you is still very warm.

Modern dream book

Box in a dream from Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Box in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

An open box with goods predicts incredible wealth.
You dreamed of a box, and you know that there are some things in it - to a happy journey to distant lands.
Seeing an open empty box in a dream is a sign of disappointment.
A box full of money is a sign that you will soon retire and spend time in pleasant solitude.
Opening a box means change.
If you dreamed that you were closing or nailing down a box, your life will not change at all in the near future.
You dreamed that you were knocking on a box - you may not try to change anything in your life.
You broke the box - you have to make an important decision that will further determine your financial situation.
You dreamed that you were repairing, knocking together a box - you will have to put in a lot of effort so that your income does not fall.
If you dreamed that you burned a box, know that you yourself are to blame for your misfortunes.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Box in a dream from Dream Interpretation Tarot

Boxes with appliances - the desire for communication, loneliness, complexes.

Dream book for a bitch

Box in a dream from Dream Interpretation for a Bitch

The box is empty - disappointment.
Full - prosperity, luxury, entertainment, travel.
Box with coins - good rest with good money.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Box in a dream from Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed of a postman personally handing you a letter, it means you will soon receive unpleasant news. Receive registered letter warns you of the danger of an accident on the road. A dream where you receive a letter addressed to another person, although your address is indicated on the envelope, portends that you will be pointed out about mistakes made with good intentions, but you will take it as an insult. Good news in a letter means wonderful hours that you will soon spend alone with your loved one, bad news means you will have to endure the insult, restraining your feelings. Reading other people's letters in a dream means loss of independence in business matters.

A letter on official letterhead received from a certain organization means that your reputation is in danger of being discredited.

A dream in which you are lost valuable letter, means that in reality you will break off relations with a man who until recently was revered almost as a deity. Burning a letter in a dream means you will have to give up a profitable opportunity because you consider it your duty to take care of your family and constantly be in the house.

Trying to read a letter torn into small pieces by folding them means that in reality you will lose the favor of friends or sponsors. If a love letter that compromises you is stolen from you and they are trying to blackmail you with it, in reality you will be disappointed in your loved ones due to financial disagreements.

Get anonymous letter, in which you are reviled and denigrated in every possible way - therefore, some sad incident in reality will cancel out all your joyful expectations. Receive threats in a letter - in reality you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Receive a letter from close relatives - you will have to work hard to solve a problem that there will simply be no one but you to sort out. A letter from distant friends foreshadows an imminent meeting or conversation with them on the phone.

Rewriting a letter in a dream or duplicating it in any other way is a harbinger of useless work and wasted time. If in a dream you cannot wait for an answer to your letter, this warns that in real life You may be hit by an unexpected blow from around a corner at any time and in any place.

A dream in which you yourself write a letter to relatives foreshadows significant acquisitions and enrichment. A letter to a loved one who is far away is a sign of irreparable mistakes, disappointment and depression. Sending a letter in a dream is a harbinger of good luck and luck in everything.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Agree, people deal with all kinds of correspondence all the time. Some people cannot get rid of it even in their sleep; their messages and messages haunt them, as they say. Does everyone understand why letters are written in dreams? The question is difficult and extremely important. Let's look at it in detail.

Let's start simple

In fact, many interpreters interpret such a vision directly and simply. If you see an envelope with a message, expect a message in real life, many of them say. Most likely they are right. There is no need to split hairs when you want to understand what letters mean in dreams. The subconscious is sure that some information should come to the person, so it tries to tell him so that he does not worry too much. But such an interpretation, as reputable authors say, is applicable only in the most simple cases. For example, when you simply dreamed of reading letters. When the vision is replete with details, you will have to understand them. Otherwise, you will not be able to determine exactly what the letters are meant for in a particular case. After all, the plot itself described by this phrase can be embodied in many forms. Read more about them.

Receive letters

This picture should not cause concern. This is a harbinger of receiving some necessary information. When you figure out what letters mean in dreams, remember whether you were able to read the message. This is important. After all, a plot in which the meaning of the message remains unrecognized is considered not very favorable. He speaks of the cunning or simple carelessness of others, thanks to which the dreamer will suffer as a result of concealment (involuntarily or intentionally) from him important information. When the letter is read, expect good news.

If there are many messages in a dream, it means that information will come from afar. It is important to remember whether the content of the message was pleasant to you, or, conversely, caused negative emotions. This information should be taken “straight”. As it happened in a dream, so it will happen in reality. If the message was handed to you by a messenger, then expect discord in love. as he assures, he says that trouble will come to the family. Torn - deception and betrayal.

Someone else's correspondence

It is not very good when a person in a dream rummages through messages that do not belong to him. You should carefully analyze your own behavior. This is what experienced interpreters recommend. And there is no need to object to them, there is no point. You dream of letters from strangers, you know that the affairs of others occupy you more than your own. And this, you see, is a state on the verge of decency. You run the risk of seeming overly curious or simply rude. This plot also speaks of the dreamer’s involvement in intrigue, perhaps against his will. Interpreters recommend looking around, taking a closer look at those around you. Don't let the "villains" take advantage of your goodwill and some naivety.

Why do you dream about love letters?

This plot is also multi-faceted. It’s good when the message in a dream caused a feeling of happiness.

This will be the case in real life in the near future. Love will fill the dreamer with unusual life-giving energy, which will help create well-being. For single people, such a plot predicts the appearance of a dear friend who will support them until the end of their days. But some awkwardness when reading foreshadows jealousy and other misunderstandings in your personal life. Moreover, if you see red letters, then your worries will be justified. Black letters speak of vain suspicions or tears. In this case, there is no need to suspect the darling. I dream of letters (many and interesting) to someone who is not confident in himself and constantly compares his own with the “characteristics” of potential rivals. Agree, such an activity does not add charm to anyone. This is why relationships suffer.

You need to work on your own sense of self and forget your fears.


There is another interpretation of dreams about correspondence. Not everyone likes it, but if you use it in real life, you can avoid many problems. After all, messages can mean some information in general that concerns the dreamer. It can be obvious or secret, pleasant or disgusting. This is determined by the state of the correspondence. This is exactly what you should think about if you want to know what letters mean in dreams. IN mailbox a lot of messages of a personal nature were discovered, you know they are gossiping about you. If the envelopes are intact, the words on them are written evenly, the stamps are beautiful, the conversations are generally positive. When the messages are wrinkled or stained, prepare for the slander that will soon reach your ears. It will be even worse for you if you had to take out mountains of other people's correspondence from your mailbox. This is a sign of innocent suffering. Of course, sooner or later everything will become clear, but you will have to go through a “dark streak”. Prepare well. There will be no opportunity to correct events or soften the blow. Be philosophical about this. It should be noted that any letters in a dream are a sign of some information. And its specific qualities and importance are judged by the type of message and the impression of it.

The question concerning this interests every person who attaches meaning to his visions. And this is correct, since these dreams carry certain meanings. Interpretations differ from each other depending on the presence of certain details in the visions. Therefore, now it is worth considering the different plots of dreams and what explanation dream books give for them.

Interpreter of Gustavus Hindman Miller

If a person received a registered letter in a dream, then this is not good. It is believed that this vision foreshadows the emergence of financial problems that can negatively affect all areas of life and even destroy old connections. For a woman, the same dream foreshadows the appearance on the horizon of a man ready to provide for her. However, it is not a fact that she will agree. Perhaps the refusal will be justified by moral views and the fear of being judged by people.

But that’s not all that letters mean in dreams. If the envelope was anonymous, then the person should be prepared for the fact that he will soon be insulted by an unknown ill-wisher.

The meaning of shades

When studying the interpretations that explain what letters mean in dreams, it is worth paying attention to the meaning that dream books give to the colors that appeared in the vision.

You should be wary if the news was written on colored paper. They say this portends failure in business and disappointment in love. Even if the words written on paper were pleasant.

But bright blue ink is a good sign. They represent constancy, luck and love. But if the color red was present in the letter, then most likely the person will face troubles in his personal life, the cause of which will be jealousy.

For depression, you dream of receiving news written on black paper with white ink. Dejection cannot be avoided, but close and dear people will definitely help you cope with it.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

This book of interpretations is also able to explain why a letter is dreamed of. It is believed to represent a woman. Accordingly, receiving or sending a letter foretells the dreamer the beginning of a relationship.

But that's not all. Sometimes in a dream a person receives a letter from a representative of the opposite sex. This suggests that in reality he strives for thrills in a relationship. About the same thing is foreshadowed by a vision in which a man received a letter from a representative of his same sex. Or to a woman from a girl.

Satisfaction with sexual life, in turn, reflects a vision in which the sleeper writes a letter to a person of the opposite sex on good paper. If he hastily scribbled lines on a crumpled piece of paper or on a piece of paper, then this indicates his dissatisfaction with what is happening on the “personal front.” But a dream in which a person tears a letter to shreds foreshadows violent passion and romantic adventures.

Interpreter of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

It wouldn’t hurt to turn to this source of information if you want to find out what’s what in your dreams. Receiving a letter in an envelope means separation. But again, details matter. If a letter was sent by an acquaintance, then it’s worth thinking about whether the dreamer has moved away from him too much? Is there a certain weakening of the feelings connecting them? If so, then it wouldn’t hurt to contribute to the revival of the “spark.”

The cooling of the relationship is also foreshadowed by the news sent to the dreamer by his real “other half.” If in reality the couple broke up a long time ago, then such a dream promises to receive unexpected news.

Was the letter black? This is also not good, since such a symbol foreshadows separation, which cannot be avoided. And it will bring great sadness. Also, nothing good should be expected if in a dream a person received a letter from a stranger. Perhaps in reality someone will try to drag him into an unwanted story.

Dream Interpretation from “A” to “Z”

This book is also able to explain why you dream about many letters in envelopes. The meaning of the vision depends on the sensations that the person experienced at that moment. Was he pleasantly excited by a mailbox filled with letters? This is good news from afar. Was he wary? This is a warning. If a crucial moment is coming, implying that the dreamer makes some important decision, he should become more responsible, attentive, and also less hasty.

I would also like to talk about why you dream about other people’s letters. Here, as in many other cases, details are important. On the envelope was the dreamer's address, but the contents of the message had nothing to do with him? This suggests that soon a person will be pointed out about his mistakes solely with good intentions, but he will perceive everything as an insult.

But if the dreamer intentionally read letters intended for someone else, then what he dreamed should be perceived as a sign indicating the loss of his independence and inability to make decisions without help.

Interpreter of the 21st century

You can read a lot of interesting things in this book. If a person dreams of a letter on official letterhead, sent from some organization, then he should be wary - perhaps someone wants to ruin his reputation.

A vision in which valuable news is lost in an envelope does not promise anything good either. This promises a break with the person whom the sleeper considered almost a deity. Burning a letter, in turn, represents the rejection of opportunities and prospects for personal reasons.

If a person rewrote a letter in a dream, or tried to duplicate it in another way, then there is a high probability that he was actually doing useless work.

But you should be especially wary when you dream of expecting a response from the person to whom the message was sent in the envelope. If a person cannot wait for a letter, then in real life he may suffer an unexpected blow. And quite unpredictable.

Women's dream book

This interpreter is also worth a look. Ladies often dream about a love letter. So, if an envelope with intimate content was stolen from a girl and they tried to blackmail her with this, then this means that very soon she will be disappointed in her loved ones.

Have you ever written a romantic message to your loved one? This means making irreparable mistakes.

If a girl dreams of a letter from a man, which she is trying to hide from prying eyes, then in reality she will have to worry about a person who is showing attention to a young man who is not indifferent.

There are several more visions that are interpreted in a negative way. These include a dream in which a girl is trying to intercept a letter. He warns that perhaps they will try to slander her in front of her lover. The vision in which the girl’s chosen one took the letter from her was also not good. This means he will develop unworthy hobbies that could disgrace her in reality.

And a very sad interpretation is given to a dream in which a girl gives a letter to her chosen one, and he returns it to her. This portends separation, quarrel and disagreement.

Interpreter of the medium Hasse

He can also help you understand why you dream about a mailbox. full of letters. This vision is considered positive. Because the mailbox symbolizes wealth. The more letters it contained, the better. And if there were also newspapers in it, then in the near future the person will realize all his plans and ideas, since he will finally have all the information necessary for this. The dream in which he composed a letter means approximately the same thing.

It is useful to know that sealing an envelope represents some kind of secret. The sudden discovery of a letter promises a promotion at work. Reading emergency news warns of danger. A letter scribbled in a hurry suggests that the person will soon have to correct the mistakes he has made.

English dream book

You can learn something interesting about the meaning of visions by consulting this book of interpretations. It says that receiving a letter - good sign, foreshadowing gifts, pleasant surprises, and at least unexpected news of a positive nature from a person about whom nothing has been heard for many years.

If the dreamer himself sent an envelope to someone, then this is also good. They say that after such a vision, situations usually arise in which the opportunity arises to perform a magnanimous and noble act. And it’s definitely worth doing. Not only because later you can be proud of what you accomplished. It's just nice to help.

News from the other world

There are visions that are alarming. And these include those in which you dream of letters from a deceased person. What is this for? It is common to perceive such a vision as a warning about deception on the part of business partners or loved ones, which the sleeper will soon have to face. It is not recommended to recklessly trust everyone, especially people you barely know. By the way, this same vision is often perceived as a harbinger of unexpected news.

Many are also interested in why they dream about a letter sent to the deceased. In fact, this is the worst vision because it foretells death.

General interpreter

Finally, it is worth noting the meanings of the vision in question, which are given by the popular general dream book.

If a person saw himself sitting at a table and writing a message for someone, then soon he would happen to be a guest. And in an unfamiliar house. If he was typing text on a computer, then one of his good friends would send him an invitation to visit for some reason.

Did you happen to receive a simple letter? This means that the dreamer will soon have the opportunity to receive a rare, but extremely honored guest in his home. The main thing is that a person does not receive a letter from his close friend (or does not send him a message in response). In real life this brings joy, but a vision with the same plot promises a quarrel.

By the way, a letter can also be a harbinger of good luck and the onset of a bright streak in life. But this is the case if it contained hieroglyphs, unusual drawings or rhymed lines.

As you can see, a dream with the same plot can be interpreted differently. That is why, if you want to understand its meaning, you need to take into account all the remembered details and turn to several interpreters, and not just one.


In reality, letters allow us to receive important news and communicate with people who are far from home. It is this piece of paper that we often trust with our most intimate thoughts and feelings. What do the letters seen in night dreams portend? Well-known dream books will help you figure this out.

  • Tsvetkova. Receive news from afar.
  • Meneghetti. You will need to complete an unpleasant task.
  • Autumn. You will complain about someone.
  • Wangi. Good news.
  • Female. Financial difficulties will cause the destruction of old ties.
  • Gypsy. To happiness and prosperity.
  • Erotic. To a love affair with family man.
  • Ukrainian. Unexpected events will surprise you.
  • Zhou-Gong. To good luck in business.
  • Psychological. To the indifference of a loved one.
  • XXI century. To unpleasant troubles that will take everything you have free time.
  • Spring. To a vain wait.
  • Wanderer. You will find out good news for you.
  • Fedorovskaya. Wait for the guests.
  • Miller. Have a fight with an old friend.
  • Islamic. To trouble.
  • Shereminskaya. You are too hasty in making decisions important decisions.
  • Family. Some events will upset you.
  • Italian. To unpleasant news from the past.
  • For the bitch. To meet an old friend.
  • A dreamed letter is an ambiguous symbol that can portend both positive and negative events

    The general dream book warns: if you saw a letter in a dream, be careful on the road! There is a high probability of a traffic accident.

    Who dreamed about it: a man or a woman

    When interpreting a dream, it is very important to take into account the gender and age of the sleeper:

  • if a young girl dreams of a letter, it means that in reality she will be offered to become a kept woman instead of marriage. Interpreters do not advise the sleeping woman to make a decision rashly, because one must also take into account the fact that loved ones will not approve of this union;
  • for a woman - you will worry about your rival. According to Freud's dream book - you dream of a relationship with a woman;
  • if a pregnant woman dreams of a letter, it means that she will soon receive good news from distant relatives;
  • if a man saw such a dream, it means that he doubts the sincerity of his chosen one;
  • for family people, a dream about a letter promises quarrels and misunderstandings;
  • For lovers, a dreamed message is a symbol of a strong connection, a sign that they think about each other even in a dream.
  • Who was the sender of the message: ex-husband, boyfriend, deceased relative and others

    The interpretation of the dream is also influenced by who sent the message:

  • ex-husband or boyfriend - receive news from a person you have long forgotten about. Moreover, this does not mean that the news will be about the former lover - this person is just a symbol of the past, which will soon remind of itself again;
  • news from a loved one who is far away is a sign that you should not rush. Let the emerging feeling develop on its own. If your lover in reality never left and is next to you, then this image indicates cooled feelings. Your chosen one is probably looking for a new passion for himself;
  • a message from a lover is a sign that your significant other is unfaithful to you;
  • from your significant other - protect your feelings, do not let minor troubles and problems destroy your union;
  • from a friend - good news will lift your spirits;
  • from a relative - you will have to look for a way out of a difficult situation.
  • Writing a letter in a dream means that you intend to act decisively

    Dream books interpret letters from deceased people in different ways:

  • if you received news from your deceased mother, it means that in reality you are in danger;
  • a letter from your late husband warns you of troubles that will be caused by the habit of making rash decisions;
  • news from an unfamiliar dead person symbolizes the groundless fear that has clouded your head.
  • If you often have prophetic dreams, then receiving a letter from loved one may indicate that in reality he needs the help that he hopes to receive from you.

    In the mailbox, on the table or in an envelope?

    Taking a letter out of your own mailbox is a sign that in reality events will turn out in such a way that you will change your opinion about the person you are contacting. for a long time felt hostility. If, on the contrary, you threw an envelope into the mailbox, it means that in reality you have a difficult character and will never agree with someone else’s opinion, especially if it differs from yours.

    Attention should also be paid to how easy it was to get the envelope out of the box:

  • if the procedure was not particularly difficult, then reassessing life values ​​will not become something unusual for you;
  • if the letter got stuck in the mailbox and you couldn’t get it out, it means that you will accidentally become the owner of someone else’s secret that they didn’t want to trust you with.
  • A letter lying on the table means that soon you will be visited by people about whom you have not heard any news for a long time. If the message was addressed to another person, then this indicates an inability to make decisions. In essence, you are an infantile person who does not care how your own destiny turns out.

    The envelope represents mystery or indicates the dreamer's secrecy. Therefore, if in a dream you seal a letter in an envelope, it means that in reality you want to hide certain events in your life that, as you think, can discredit you. At the same time, a dirty or crumpled envelope is a sign that you will have to take part in an unpleasant conversation.

    A love letter is a symbol of harmony in your personal life

    Raise a letter from the dirt - get rid of bad habits that have prevented you from living for a long time.

    Actions in a dream: receive a letter, read, write, send and more

    When interpreting a dream, one should not forget about the events that happened in the dream with the letter.

  • Receiving a letter from an anonymous person means unpleasant news and troubles. If you were given news that made you happy, it means that in reality you can expect to meet your lover. A dream in which you received news, but did not even inquire about its contents, means that you are afraid of doing something irreparable and therefore decided to simply go with the flow.
  • Reading a letter in a dream is a sign that you are able to cope with any situation, because you know how to turn it to your advantage.
  • Writing a letter in your dreams means that in the current situation you intend to act decisively and those around you support your position. Writing to a deceased person means a serious and protracted illness. According to Freud, if you write a letter in a hurry, it means that in real life you are dissatisfied with your intimate life.
  • Burning the received news means a quarrel. Try to avoid conflict situations and do not succumb to the provocations of ill-wishers.
  • Stealing a letter addressed to another person in a dream is a sign that you are acting unworthily. Stop and reconsider the feasibility of your position.
  • If someone tries to intercept the message you wrote, it means that your ill-wishers are jealous of your luck.
  • Rewriting a letter several times is a symbol of the useless work that you will have to do.
  • Sending a message means pleasant events. Fate is currently favoring you - take advantage of this and take everything you can from life.
  • An old letter is a symbol of your failure

    Tearing a letter after reading is a sign of empty illusions and unfulfilled hopes.

    Interpretation taking into account the specifics of the message

    It is also important to remember the number of letters, their contents and appearance.

    Love, wet, mourning, with a photograph, etc.

    Love letter on good paper - this is a sign of harmony in your intimate life. Apparently, the new partner completely satisfies you and you, despite this person’s many shortcomings, do not intend to change him. Sometimes this image indicates an unexpected find that will change your financial situation for the better.

    A wet letter means receiving unpleasant news. Think, maybe your mistakes yesterday led to today's troubles and it would be more advisable to change your priorities?

    A funeral letter with a black border - to sadness and unpleasant news. Perhaps your loved ones are in danger.

    A registered message means unexpected expenses and financial difficulties. If you send a registered letter, it means that you will try to shift the responsibility onto the shoulders of another person.

    Emails in a dream indicate your dependence on virtual world

    With a photo. Unpleasant news about relatives will make you worry.

    Old letters that you sort through in a dream represent your longing for the past. However, you should not live by past events, because the present and future are also full of joyful moments.

    Someone else's letter, which you read with rapture, indicates your lack of independence. Learn to live your own life and not depend on other people - this will help you in the future.

    Letters received by email, indicate virtual addiction dreamer

    Number of letters: one or many

    One letter personifies you as a bright and extraordinary person. However, some actions compromise you. Try to “hide” your egoism away and treat the people around you more favorably. Remember that the Earth is round, and someday you may need their help too.

    If there were a lot of letters, it means everyday life bored you. An exciting trip or a fun celebration with close friends - this is the “medicine” that will save you from melancholy and sadness.

    A letter with a photo - to worry about your loved ones

    Other interpretations

  • If the message was brought by the postman, it means that clouds are gathering over you. Bad news will not be long in coming.
  • Letter to foreign language, which you cannot read, indicates something important that is escaping your attention.
  • A business letter means trouble in the professional sphere.
  • A message in an unusual envelope - you will be surprised by some events.
  • If the letter does not reach the addressee, it means that someone is spreading gossip about you.
  • The color of the ink with which the message was written also matters:

  • red - excessive jealousy and distrust of a loved one can lead to separation;
  • green - to problems in business and personal life;
  • blue - constancy in love and luck in the professional sphere.
  • Video: letters in a dream

    As you can see, understanding what the letter meant in a dream is not so difficult. You just need to remember the details of the image and analyze your actions. Remember, the more nuances that emerge in your memory, the more accurate the decoding of the vision will be. Have pleasant dreams and good health!