The account consists of. What is an account and how do I create one? Why does Microsoft offer additional addresses and phone numbers?

Account Control Windows users-systems are used everywhere today. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s an office terminal with several users registered, or home computer. All the latest Windows versions have such a tool, and it is activated by default immediately after installing the system. However, it is necessary to approach the essence of the issue of control of registration data more specifically, so that any user can take advantage of all the benefits of his registration, and, if necessary, add access rights to some functions and tools of the system.

What is a user account in general terms?

If we talk about what such registration records are in Windows systems, we can say that this is, roughly speaking, data about users who can log into the system and work with applications, documents, or Windows tools using your own logins and passwords.

In principle, exactly the same concept of a user account can be found today in the same social networks, in programs that require a personalized login (for example, Skype or various kinds of instant messengers).

Of course, such registration is somewhat different from what we have in Windows, since when entering a program or some service, the registered user can use all the tools and capabilities without restrictions.

With Windows, the situation is somewhat more complicated, since for each such registration special access rights to certain functions are established. In other words, if the user does not have any rights to use the same system tools, to install or remove programs, no matter how hard he tries, it will be impossible to perform such actions (their execution will simply be blocked). The account control system is responsible for this. Immediately after installing the operating system, it is in an active state, but lowering the level of control or disabling it completely is not difficult.

But let's see into what categories all the entries registered in Windows can be divided. Now accounting Microsoft registration will not be considered, although they, according to by and large, can also be classified as “accounts”. Let's dwell on local settings one computer terminal.

All registration entries in Windows can be divided into two large groups: administrators and users. You can view which group a particular registration belongs to from the corresponding section of the Control Panel by selecting account type changes. But to the average user This option may not be available. And here's why.

Access rights and restrictions

The fact is that, as already mentioned, the system imposes strict restrictions on ordinary users who are not members of the administrator group. This was done so that they could not change system settings, which may cause Windows to not work.

On the other hand, this may be due to restricted access to some applications, functions for installing and uninstalling programs that are not intended for use on local computer, or even for the inability to view directories and files of other registered users, unless the general access. This is precisely the advantage of separating user registrations. However, one should not delude ourselves, since the administrator, having full set rights, view the user’s actions or gain access to his documents or even personal settings can be quite simple.


The system creates an administrative user account directly during the installation process. It is the administrator who is, so to speak, the main character or, if you like, a kind of manager who has the maximum set of rights and can also grant extended rights to other users (temporarily or permanently).

Regular users can also have these rights, but their priority rank is lower. To understand what we are talking about, consider simplest example from the army hierarchy. Let's say there are two senior officers in a regiment with the rank of lieutenant colonel, but one is in the position of regiment commander, and the second holds the position of chief of staff. Which one is more important? Of course, the regiment commander. The same is the case with Windows. The administrator is the regiment commander, a user with the provided administrator rights- Chief of Staff. But this is a purely conditional comparison.

Super administrator

But being an administrator own computer does not mean that you will have absolutely all rights to change system settings. Even in Windows 7, a system registration entry appeared in the form of the so-called super administrator, which is not displayed in the corresponding section and which cannot be changed.

Many people have probably noticed that sometimes to run a program or system tool it is necessary to use the run or delete line as administrator, even though the user seems to be an administrator. This is the final frontier that ensures the protection and integrity of the operating system.

Since this account cannot be changed, you can get rid of constant requests on her part. For example, to start a program you must use the RMB menu on executable file or shortcut, and then check the box next to the permanent run as administrator line.

You can also disable its use via command line, which initially needs to be run as administrator, and then enter the line net user administrator /active:no and press enter. You can, of course, delve into the registry, but this approach looks more complicated and time-consuming.

How to create a registration?

Now a few words about how to create a user account in the systems Windows latest modifications. As already mentioned, the administrator registration is created during the installation process.

But in order to add a user, you must use the above section of the “Control Panel” and select the appropriate item to add registration. Please note that user account names can be entered arbitrarily even in Russian, but the login in mandatory must include only Latin characters (to special characters this does not apply).

When creating a registration, you will be asked to specify its type, which may subsequently affect the restrictions associated with access rights to certain functions. Here - at will. If you need to restrict the user so that he cannot make critical changes to the system settings, select regular registration, to provide extended rights - the administrator group.

In principle, it will not be possible to change the type or provide additional labor rights in the future.

For example, to delete some files, you can use the RMB menu, selecting change owner and checking the boxes next to all the items presented in the list (change, delete, etc.).

Issues of control and management of credentials

Finally, let's move on to the User Account Control system. In Windows 10 or any other modification of the system, this tool is called User Account Control or abbreviated UAC.

It is clear that the administrator can change the rules for each registered user, change his data, set extended rights, create passwords, etc. But in in this case we're talking about about control by the operating system itself.

How to disable Windows User Account Control?

By and large, it is not recommended to completely disable the control system. Settings can be accessed from the above section, but in the latest versions of operating systems Windows is simpler Just enter the required abbreviation (UAC) in the search field, after which a control window will appear.

Any account user (be it an administrator or a regular user) falls under the set level, which is adjusted by the slider located on the left.

To change the level, simply move the fader down or up. The upper position corresponds to maximum protection, the lower - complete shutdown control. True, in the absence of appropriate rights, an ordinary user will not be able to change anything. You will have to log in as an administrator. But you shouldn't do such things.

Instead of a total

This is briefly all that concerns both the “accounts” themselves and control of user accounts. I think it’s already clear how to disable this system. But to change such parameters, you must have the appropriate rights, otherwise nothing good will come of it.

As for the “accounts” themselves, registering a user in Windows on at the moment is mandatory and non-negotiable. Actually, this is one of the principles of organizing system protection from unauthorized changes to parameters. On the other hand, for several users of one terminal this has its advantages, since no one else, of course, except the administrator, will be able to access user documents or, say, browsing history on the Internet.

"Microsoft" and what role it plays. The fact is that the software giant has united the masses useful services and servers, so using single sign-on you can access the whole variety of projects.

The whole world is in our hands

Creating a Microsoft account (Live ID) is necessary to manage services such as SkyDrive, Xbox LIVE, Messenger, Hotmail, Outlook, as well as systems Windows Phone and Windows 8.

Since the end of 2013, registration in the WP SDK can also be done using Microsoft account. The SDK provides all users with the ability to install any application that has the XAP extension on their devices running WP 8.

Registration details

Next, we'll take a step-by-step look at how to create a Microsoft account (Live ID). We go to the official website at, click on “Register” - the button on home page down. A window will open in front of us in which we need to enter personal data. Pay attention to the section that will discuss your preferred option for logging into the service.

Here we are interested in receiving a new mail address, so we select the appropriate inscription. The invented login must contain exclusively latin letters, as for the second part of the login, it is preferable to choose windowslive or live. Next, we come up with it and enter it into the fields provided for this purpose.

Let's not forget about safety

Never ignore the special password recovery section. When it comes to your preferred password recovery method, choose the one that is most convenient for you.

For example, you can choose Security Question or indicate an alternative you have email. Remember, your Microsoft Windows account should be as secure as possible, otherwise you may end up with additional hassle in the future.

At the next step, we indicate the country and zip code. You should not enter any numbers - this will not work, because Microsoft has a database postal codes for each country. Confirm that you are not a robot by entering the characters shown in the picture in a special field, then click on “I Accept.” So, all fields have been filled out correctly, a new Microsoft account has been created, and registration, as we can see, was successful.

Additional account

So, how do you create a Microsoft account for Windows 8? It provides new panel Called PC Settings, it allows you to create local accounts or link your system to an online Microsoft account.

Thanks to an online account, you can synchronize all your personal data, a list of installed metro applications and some important system settings with any of the computers from which you plan to log in. So, open “PC Settings”, then “Settings”, then “Change PC settings”. A special window will open, in it select the “Users” section, click “Add user”. In order to use your online account, you must then enter your real email address(we discussed how to create an email above), click “Next”. Upon completion of the wizard, save the changes by clicking on the “Finish” button. The first time you log in with a new account, you will need an active Internet connection.

To create an account locally, in the first screen, select "Sign in without a Microsoft account", then click the button " Local account". Enter the user name, indicate the password, as well as a hint, apply the changes with the "Next" button, and then click "Finish". There are no tools for deleting or changing the accounts of all users in the "PC Settings" of this version of Windows.

For this purpose, it is suggested to use the “Control Panel”, the “Accounts” item. In the list of available users, select the desired entry, then delete it, rename it or change the type. You can also apply parental controls and change or create a password.

How do I create a Microsoft account for Windows 8.1?

On your desktop in Windows 8.1, move to the upper right corner or press the Win + C key combination and select "Options". Click "Change PC settings". The window that opens indicates what type of account we are logging in to: an account or a local account.

To log in through a Microsoft account or create one, select “Connect to a Microsoft account.” Click “Create a new entry.” Fill out all the fields or use an existing email.

After this, follow all the instructions of the system, and in a few minutes you will become the owner of your own account, which will significantly simplify your communication with your computer and open the way to new opportunities from a software giant that has no equal in the world of computers. We hope our tips will be useful to you. We thank every reader for your attention!

Taking their first steps on the Internet, users are sure to ask the question “What is an account?” Of course! After all, almost every site offers, or even requires, the creation of this same account.

But how can it be created if its purpose is not entirely clear - global and local (in relation to a specific web resource)?

If you, dear reader, are bothered by such questioning, then you have come to the right place. This article is just for you. From it you will learn the functional definition of an account: why and how it is created.

So, welcome to our short tour!


An account is a collection of personal user data that is stored in the system of the website being used. It is used to authenticate the user on the site. As a rule, account holders have more authority on web resources compared to regular visitors. They are provided with expanded functionality: depending on the web resource used - saving content, custom settings, data backup, the ability to leave messages, upload files from your computer, etc.

Alternative names for the term

On the Internet, an account can be called differently. Know that these words mean the same term:

  • account, acc, or account (from the English word account - “account”);
  • profile;
  • personal page (this definition is more applicable to social networks. For example, such as Odnoklassniki, VKontakte).
  • accounting (colloquial derivative).

Account types

All accounts can be divided into two large groups:

  • Local - used for authorization on only one web resource.
  • Universal - make it possible to log in to several sites, or all services, of a company. For example, in Google systems and Yandex for use cloud storage, mail, news services and blogs, you only need one account.

How to create a profile?

To register your account on the site, the first thing you need to do is go to the registration form. Typically, a link to it is located on the main page and has a name (Registration, Register, Create an account, etc.).

Then you will need to fill out the form with the following information:

  • “First and last name” - your passport details or nickname (the choice is yours, but if you register in a payment system, banking service or online store, it’s better fictitious name do not use).
  • “Login” is a nickname, or nickname, in the system. Your nickname on the site where you register. It can be seen by other users. The login is also used for authorization - it is indicated when entering the site.
  • “Password” is a symbolic-numeric key for logging into your account. It is of great importance for the safety and security of confidential data. Take its compilation and storage very seriously.
  • "E-mail", " Mobile phone» - means of verification or confirmation of rights to the profile. With their help, functions are activated and access to the account is restored if the password is lost. Also, some websites use them to notify users about hacking attempts, third-party interference, or changing settings.
  • Captcha - a picture with a code or a special task. In this column, do everything that the resource requires of you (retype the code from the image, solve mathematical example, answer the question, label the pictures according to the given attribute). This way you will prove that you are not a bot and are filling out the data manually.
  • Payment details - bank card, electronic account payment system. If you plan to make any purchases in the account being created, which means that this data must be specified.

There may also be other required fields in the form. For example, passport series, driver's license, insurance policy.

After entering all the necessary data, send them to the site server - click the “Submit” or “Register” button. Confirm your rights to specified e-mail and telephone. The web service will send you to complete this procedure special message, respectively, with a link or verification code.

How to log into your profile?

Each computer with Windows installed can be used by multiple users who have their own personal settings and operating system parameters. This opportunity is very useful feature Windows accounts.

What is an account?

Account allows you to configure individual work environment for each user and differentiate rights on the computer. This is to some extent reminiscent of members of one family, each of them has his own room, furnished to his own taste, and where he can do whatever he wants, but within the limits of what is permitted by the head of the family, who has one universal key to all the doors of the rooms. It’s the same on a computer with accounts: each user can customize the view, display their own on the desktop, configure color scheme systems for himself, install the programs he needs, etc. But again, within the limits of what is permitted by the administrator (by analogy with the rooms of the head of the family).

With such an organization collaboration on one computer, each user has a space to store personal data, protected by a password and inaccessible to others. In addition, the risk of mistakenly deleting someone else’s information is eliminated.

Accounts in Windows can be of 3 types: administrator, standard and guest.


The administrator on the computer has full rights and powers, he can log in to any user on the computer and make any changes as to his personal settings, and in the main ones on the computer. The administrator on the computer must be advanced user, in order to avoid introducing any fatal errors into the system.

Standard account

A standard account (or normal access) allows a user to work within the rights defined by the administrator. By default, a user with normal access can run most programs and make changes to operating system without affecting other users.

Guest account

Record with the most minimal rights. Used to grant access to an outsider with "view only" permission.

On any computer with operating system Windows system There is at least one administrator account that was created during system installation.

Create an account

To create a new account, click on the button " Start" In the window that opens, click on the account icon at the top right.

A settings window will open, where you can click on “ Manage another account" In the next window, click on " Create an account", where enter the name and account type, then click the " Create an account».

We have created a new account and now it can be configured

Account Setup

To configure, log into the user accounts window again and select “ Managing another account", in which click on the name of the user whose account you want to configure. In the window that opens, select the settings item: change name, create password, change picture, install parental controls, changing account type, deleting an account.

To switch between users there is no need to restart the computer, just click on the " Start", click on the arrow next to the item " Shut down" and select the item " Change user».

Now, after reading the material, you can create and configure user accounts.


From early childhood, we all know that the account name and password cannot be disclosed even to our closest relatives and friends. IN latest version Windows will still have to break this rule.

When you launch the People, Mail, and Calendar apps for the first time, the operating system will ask you to enter usernames and passwords for the online services and services you use. postal services, similar to Gmail. There is nothing illegal about this. Microsoft and other large IT companies have reached an agreement according to which the disclosure of user data is possible only with their permission.

You will have to confirm your consent to Windows connection 10 to accounts third party services to allow the operating system to import contacts from them, mail messages and calendar entries. By doing this, you will definitely save money working hours because you will get the opportunity automatic synchronization data imported from multiple independent sources.

By linking your daily online service accounts to Windows 10, you can automatically sign in to them and import contact information into your installed apps. To allow Windows 10 to fully participate in your social life, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Start button. In the menu that appears, click the Mail tile. The Mail tile is located on right panel Start menu. Clicking on it displays the application's initial window on the screen. Click on the Get Started button.
  2. Enter your account information in the Mail application window. When you launch the Mail application for the first time, you will be prompted to add an existing mail account (or multiple accounts), as shown in Figure. 10.1. If you are logged into Windows using a Microsoft account, then the postal address will automatically be used as the primary one in the Mail app (regardless of the service it was originally registered with: Live, Hotmail or Google).

To add data from other mail accounts to the Mail application, click the Add account button. Then specify the mail account type: (used to add an account Microsoft records), Exchange (mainly used by users of Office 365 programs), Google, Yahoo! Mail, iCIoud (Apple), Other Account (allows you to manually specify POP and IMAP servers), or Advanced Setup (allows you to connect account information through Exchange ActiveSync or import it from Internet mail).

So, for example, to add an account to the Mail application Gmail entry, click on Google version. Windows 10 will take you to a secure Google site where you need to log in with your own credentials by entering your existing Gmail address and password and clicking Sign in.

If you need to add an account after downloading the Mail application, click on the Go to Settings button (the gear icon at the bottom of the window) and select Accounts from the Settings panel that floats in the window on the right.

Repeat the steps above to add the details of all your regularly used email accounts to your apps. By signing in at the on-screen prompt for each of them, you will allow Windows 10 to import the specified credentials into its own applications.

After you give Windows 10 access to your own account data, be prepared for the operating system to automatically populate the People app with the contact information of your friends and work colleagues, and add information about previously scheduled events to the Calendar app. Although providing Windows 10 with your own credentials seems like a rash step, it makes it easier. further work in some applications built into the operating system.