Win 10 disabling incorrect startup. Services you can disable

From the very first days Windows startup 10 on sale, news was actively circulating on the Internet that the system was quietly collecting data about its users and transferring it to Microsoft servers. If at first all this seemed ordinary and moderately civil collection of statistics, which is typical for most large manufacturers software such as Google, then after more detailed analysis, all this no longer seemed normal. And let many users understand perfectly well that Microsoft Their passwords for their mailboxes and how they spend time on their computer are hardly interesting, but for complete peace of mind it would be good to get rid of tracking services forever, especially since disabling them is not so difficult.

What does Windows 10 know about us?

You need to know the enemy by sight and name - “Diagnostic Tracking Service”, which was recently renamed “Functionality for connected users and telemetry”. In a nutshell, this is a set of services aimed at collecting and transmitting computer diagnostic data in order to improve its operation.

The main problem lies in the fact that the concept of diagnostic data is very vague, and with the help of the resources used for this, it is possible to spy on the user on a previously unseen scale and at the same time completely unnoticed. Any data transfer can be tailored to the license agreement, and it is not possible to reveal the operation of spying services or the composition of sent packets in order to catch Microsoft in the hand due to extremely high protection.

What does Windows 10 collect?

Windows 10 is a closed-source operating system, which means even the most good programmer will not be able to say exactly what and how she does. Moreover, all information sent to Microsoft servers is very well encrypted and no one has yet been able to open these packets.

In other words, everything that is known about the collection Windows data 10 - license agreement, guesses and dubious information obtained through complex experimental methods. But in fact, this is not so little and based only on the available information, you can significantly reduce the amount of data transferred or completely prohibit the exchange of information with Microsoft servers.

The system informs about its intention to send user data to Microsoft servers during its installation.

To get to the point, here it is: short list transmitted data:

  • Last name, first name of the user, all his addresses (physical, IP, addresses email) and actual location.
  • Information about the computer and other data from which you can create a user fingerprint.
  • Logins and passwords entered in browsers, as well as search queries, information from certain sites and advertising preferences. This includes not only Internet Explorer And Microsoft Edge, but also alternative browsers.
  • All entered information and actions in Tor browser, data VPN connections and system reports of some anonymizers. Which one exactly? Windows information able to collect from here - it is not known for sure.
  • Payment data and not only those specified in the Microsoft account - it is known that information is collected from installed applications of some payment services, but this is still in doubt.
  • Information about everyone installed applications and some data from the hard drive.
  • Typed text and microphone recordings. The camera footage has long been refuted.

Some of the above are directly written in the license agreement and settings, and some are calculated by measuring the packets sent after any actions or in other roundabout ways. In any case, only the basic information that is more or less verified and confirmed is listed here, but due to the complexity of obtaining it, the list is far from complete.

Knowing this, it’s hard not to become paranoid, but until you’re planning to hijack a plane or buy heroin in truckloads, you can be sure that the information you give will only affect the ads shown and auto-updating drivers.

By the way, living in Russia, you don’t have to worry about the consequences at all. Not only users, but also government agencies suffer from paranoia, due to which we are not talking about a simple lack of possible interaction between local law enforcement agencies and Microsoft, but about a very serious conflict of interest, which could result in a complete ban on Microsoft software in the Russian Federation.

In 2016, a plan was approved for the transition to domestically produced software, and to date, the consolidated import of devices with cryptographic capabilities has already been prohibited.

Video: Russian legislation against Windows 10

Why is it better to turn off surveillance?

First of all, it is purely a matter of perception. Few people can feel comfortable being watched, without knowing how or why. And here it doesn’t matter at all that most likely no one will personally lay a finger on the information collected about you. Few people can sleep peacefully in the knowledge that, theoretically, someone completely unknown to you can just look into the deleted history of your browser, read personal correspondence and find out passwords for all accounts or payment systems.

This also includes personal hostility to Microsoft’s policies: for imposing own products With endless updates, unceremonious espionage and other bad things.

If Microsoft is very interested in updating one of its products, it will be promoted by any means available

Windows 10 spying is the main reason why many users do not want to upgrade to this version, and its imposition only makes the situation worse.

In addition, data collection services consume your computer's resources. And even if this does not greatly affect overall productivity, it even sounds unpleasant to engage in espionage at your own expense. Moreover, telemetry can be distributed among processes not related to it, in order to hide the amount of resources spent.

A weak PC buzzing when idle is often a sign of active data collection or background updates.

First of all, we need to remember the arguments of Microsoft itself. Disabling telemetry can severely limit most of the conveniences of Windows 10 and deprive the system of many of the most valuable differences from its predecessors. Here you can see the weather, preset browsers with search engines, and cloud backups. And if you speak English well and are friends with Cortana, then you will have to forget about her.

Many users are scared by the message “Your location is currently in use,” but this just means geolocation is enabled.

As already mentioned, the activities of spying services are almost invisible, just like their positive aspects. The fact that Windows 10 can stand for a very long time without reinstallation and work as in the first days is thanks to the tracking services that find everything in time possible errors systems and, after consulting with the server, successfully correct them. There is also an automatic update of the system and all drivers. Windows 10 support works so well that you simply don't notice it.

Thanks to telemetry, the system itself adapts to you and your computer.

In addition, active collection of information is really important for technical support. It is thanks to reports from user computers that Windows 10 is able to maintain relevance, constantly improve and adapt to new equipment.

One of the main Windows benefits 10 - constant communication with the Microsoft server, which allows you to provide system support at the highest level

Partially operating systems for PCs, Microsoft has absolutely no worthy competitors, with the exception of MacOS, which is designed for a completely different class of users. This means that there will be no alternatives in the near future, and refusal of passive cooperation with Microsoft is equivalent to shoving a spoke in the wheel of progress.

Windows limitation during installation

If you have not yet installed the system, but are just about to, you can disable several tracking services in advance. This will not disable all spyware, but it will make the task a little easier and will help limit the transferred data about your computer, which is pointless to do later (for some information, one transfer is enough).

Depending on your Windows installer, the steps shown in the screenshots may look different.

How to disable surveillance in Windows 10 using standard methods

If you do not want to disable anything that may be useful to you and choose the information about your computer transmitted to Microsoft yourself, then you can use the methods proposed by Windows itself without making any radical changes to the system. If you decide to completely disable telemetry, these methods are also worth going through, since a radical restriction misses some of the features described below.

This method will not completely disable surveillance, but will significantly reduce the amount of information collected.

Changing your account

The first thing you need to do is part with your Microsoft account and change it to a local one. This has nothing to do with spying services, but if you don’t do this, information about your account will still be lost, even if complete shutdown telemetry.

If you registered under local account, then there is no need to do this.

  1. Enter Windows Settings through the Start menu.
  2. Go to the "Accounts" section.
  3. If you have Microsoft account, click change account.
  4. Here you need to enter your account password. If you don't remember, try your email password Outlook mailbox specified in the previous paragraph (usually they are the same thing).
  5. Now you just need to come up with your account. It is not necessary to set a password if you do not want to enter it every time you turn on the computer.
  6. After this, you will be able to log out of your account without turning off the computer. All running programs will close and you will have to immediately enter your password if you set one.

Limiting spy services

Most tracking services can be restricted through open Microsoft settings. But this will not cancel the sending of packets with information, but will only reduce their total volume. This stage is not just a half-measure, but is also recommended even if telemetry is completely turned off, since otherwise, most of the information will continue to be collected and accumulated on your computer, without the ability to be sent. In other words, here we are taking care of computer performance more than fighting surveillance.

  1. To get started, go to the Privacy section in Windows Settings. Here it would be logical to turn off everything you see, but it is better to talk about some controversial points in more detail.
  2. There will be only 3 switches in the “General” tab. The first is responsible for personalizing advertising, but not for collecting information about your interests (statistics about advertising preferences will still be collected, but will not be used by applications). Providing local information is the very setting that allows new applications to automatically adjust language settings and other presets to your region (primarily browsers and search engines).
  3. Determining the location is more of a convention than an actual setting. If you did not disable it during Windows installation, the most latest information until it turns off. In addition, most sites or programs determine your location independently.

    There are many other ways to determine your location and disabling this setting will make little difference

  4. It is better to disable the camera and microphone tabs or limit the list of allowed applications. In the case of most versions of Windows 10, you should still be notified before turning on the microphone if the system disables it. This way, you will not only limit suspected Windows spying, but you will also know when any application or site wants to listen to you.
  5. In the speech tab and handwriting Be sure to turn off voice services. This is the same feature that allows you to send typed text and recordings from your microphone to Microsoft servers.
  6. In some tabs, such as Calendar or Messaging, you'll see the People app. Information from this application also goes to Microsoft servers and if you do not disable the entire tab, at least block this application.
  7. The Reviews and Diagnostics tab is quite controversial. Even though these features are spyware, they are quite useful. important role V Windows support. If you want to disable them, set everything in accordance with the screenshot.
  8. It is highly advisable to disable the entire tab " Background applications" It's not even a matter of espionage, but the purity of your RAM. When one of these applications decides to update itself in the background at the most inopportune moment, it can experience a significant performance hit, especially if automatic installation. Moreover, background applications burden loading Windows when turning on the computer.
  9. As with Reviews and Diagnostics, the app diagnostics tab is both useful and spyware. It's up to you to choose here.

Operating System Defender Limitation

The Windows 10 operating system has a fairly good security system that allows you to eliminate the use of an active antivirus on your computer, and in many ways, this is thanks to telemetry. However, some of its functions can be called spyware and you may decide to disable them.

Without an active antivirus on your computer, performing these actions is not recommended. But at the same time, if you do not trust system reports and computer analysis to Microsoft, then there should be even fewer reasons to trust an antivirus that belongs to a not such a large and reliable corporation.

Most of these features are aimed at improving future versions of the defender, and not specifically supporting your computer.

  1. Through Windows Settings, go to the Update & Security section.
  2. Now it all depends on the version of your Windows 10. If you see several switches in the “Windows Defender” tab, uncheck them. If there is a button "Open Security Center" Windows Defender" - click on it; you'll have to walk a little further, but you'll have more options.
  3. First, open the Virus & Threat Protection section.
  4. Click Virus and threat protection settings.
  5. Now uncheck all available items. On each of them, the security system will be indignant - after all, you disable the built-in antivirus.
  6. Now go back to Security Center and open Manage apps and browser.
  7. Here you will need to change all settings to the “Off” state. When finished, restart your computer.

Disabling secondary services

In addition to services whose main task is to collect data about the user and his computer, there are some settings that indirectly also interact with the Microsoft server. If you want to be completely confident about your privacy, you need to disable them, and to do this you will have to silently walk around the computer.

Setting up Microsoft Edge

New standard Windows browser also contains several functions aimed at tracking the user, which will not be affected in any way by disabling telemetry. Even if you don't use this browser, Windows may still sometimes open some pages in it, for example, when calling up Help. As a result, information about your connection will automatically be sent to Microsoft servers.

Complete disabling of telemetry

In this way you can completely disable the transfer of your data to Windows server and all telemetry functions. Many spy services do not relate to telemetry and after a ban on data transfer, they will continue to accumulate information on your computer without being able to send it. Therefore, this method is recommended to be performed in conjunction with the previous ones.

First, you need to open Command Prompt as an administrator. You can find it by right-clicking on the Start menu or by entering “cmd” in the search.

All that remains is to copy the following commands and enter them into the command line:

sc delete DiagTrack

sc delete dmwappushservice

echo "" > C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis\ETLLogs\AutoLogger\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection /v AllowTelemetry /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Video: Manually disable Windows 10 surveillance

Programs to disable spyware and tracking functions

During the existence of Windows 10, many programs have appeared that specialize in blocking system tracking functions. They all have a fairly simple interface and work with just a couple of buttons. However, they do not do anything supernatural and, by and large, duplicate all the actions described above. In addition, a utility that makes serious changes to the security system is a potentially dangerous thing and is created by unknown developers.

For the safety of your computer, it is better to refrain from using third party utilities and do everything with your own hands.

If you still decide to save your own time and entrust the removal of surveillance to a professional program, download the Destroy Windows Spying utility from this link. This program is relatively reliable.

Surveillance can be turned off with just one button, but it will take some time.

If the proposed program does not suit you, here are some alternatives:

    Disable Win Tracking

  • Windows 10 Privacy Fixer

All these programs have the same operating and control principles. You won't have any difficulties.

Disabling Windows 10 tracking is quite a controversial topic, and spy services do not always work against the user. But if you are determined against espionage, you can always turn it off, ban it, or partially limit it, and it won’t take you long. more than an hour personal time. The main thing to remember is that after each reinstallation of Windows, you will have to disable everything again.

Wanting to improve the performance of the system, many users often wonder what services can be disabled in Windows 10. So, after another question from our readers, we decided to compile sample list services, the deactivation of which will help speed up the system.

System services are a set of specific commands responsible for performing a particular function in Windows. They are connecting links in the coordinated operation of the system.

Windows OS developers do not have the ability to accurately predict in advance what set of tasks will be needed. Therefore, when the device is turned on, the entire existing array is fully activated. To disable unnecessary Windows task, the user must independently understand this issue.

If you notice that your PC is experiencing problems or the device freezes noticeably while performing basic tasks, you can disable some of them.

In this case, you independently accept all risks associated with interfering with the operation of the Windows OS.

If you are not sure about the correctness of the actions you are performing, please We recommend that you do not disable unknown services yourself, and entrust the work to professionals who can determine the reason for the decrease in the processing of requests to perform actions and the performance of the Windows system as a whole.

Which services to disable in Windows 10

To enter the menu for working with services to disable them later, there are several ways:

Each of these options will help you get to a dialog box with all the installed tasks on your device, so that you can then disable unnecessary functions. In addition, by going to the "Advanced" tab, you can view full list both active and inactive tasks, as well as full description their functionality.

If you are a beginner and are not sure that the actions you are performing are completely correct, we recommend that you create a system restore point in advance.

Let's take a closer look at which services can be disabled in Windows 10. It is worth noting that each of us individually decides what exactly he will deactivate.

There is the following list of services that can be disabled without consequences. Below are some of them:

Name Description
Dmwappushservice Used to route WAP push messages.
Machine Debug Manager It is used exclusively in the work of programmers. You can turn it off safely.
NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service Service NVIDIA video cards. It's worth stopping if you're not using 3D images.
NVIDIA Streamer Service Uses power GeForce video cards® GTX™ to stream PC games to your SHIELD device.
Superfetch Deactivate if you are using an SSD drive.
Windows Search Finds files that are on the PC. If you don't use similar function– you can turn it off.
Firewall It is advisable to deactivate if you are using an antivirus from another company.
Computer browser Used on a network when several computers are connected to it at the same time.
Wireless setup If you connect to the Internet using network cable, not with using Wi-Fi, this function can be stopped.
Secondary login Applicable when two or more users are using one device.
Print Manager The main function is to ensure uninterrupted printing of images through the printer.
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) You can pause this task if you are not using your computer as a network sharing device for other users.
Work folders Used for correct interaction of all files with the server.
CD burning service If your system unit does not have a disk drive, or you deliberately abandoned it, we recommend disabling this function.
Client License Service (ClipSVC) Stop functioning if you are not using programs from the Windows Store.
Image download service Used to correctly load material from a scanner, camera, etc.
Portable Device Enumerator Service Ensures correct interaction of existing materials on different portable devices and automatically plays them. If this feature is not interesting for you, you should disable it.
Windows Error Logging Service Everything is clear =)
Services started during installation various programs It is necessary to pay attention to this task periodically. When downloading various programs, a lot of them are launched third party applications into startup, which slow down the entire system.
Remote registry If you don't want to remote users could make adjustments to the registry of your device - disable it.
Fax To be deactivated when you do not use fax.

In order to disable a particular task, you need to double-click the left mouse button on it. A dialog box will appear, in it select the line “Startup type” and move the checkbox to the “Disabled” state. After that, click on the “Apply” and “OK” button.

There is also free utility Easy Service Optimizer which helps a newbie quickly stop unnecessary tasks in Windows and disable them.

Can be used in three options:

  1. Safe.
  2. Optimal.
  3. Extreme.

Regarding the question of which services cannot be disabled in Windows 10, you can answer this way - preferably all. Incorrectly stopping one process will result in unstable work the entire device. It is not advisable, for example, to disable the Plug and Play function. It helps to correctly install a new device connected to a computer and ensure it correct operation.

Before disabling a system task in Windows, you need to clearly understand what it is used for and whether you will need it in the future.

We will be happy to replenish and update this list! Leave comments on this article, with services that can be disabled!

Have a great day!

Soon after Windows release 10 legally savvy people began to sound the alarm. Why? Not every user is familiar with the text of the license agreement provided in Russian. There is nothing to say about English (if this concerns residents of Russia). Articles and discussions on forums began to appear on the Internet on the topic of disabling surveillance in Windows 10.

They contain IT-savvy people who have become familiar with license agreement, began to spread information that Windows 10 steals personal data. Yes, yes, the “ten” sends to the server all detected information about the user (Wi-Fi passwords, programs used, navigation history global network, list of equipment used, fingerprints, etc.).

If Microsoft claims that this is being done to improve the OS, don't believe it. The primary tasks are to select the right advertising that will interest you, and full control your digital life.

If you're worried about distribution confidential information and are afraid of using it for commercial purposes, this long instruction is for you. It describes in detail the algorithm for disabling Windows 10 functions that allow the OS to collect and send something to Microsoft servers without your knowledge.

Changing the security configuration of a new operating system is carried out as in the Windows environment, and at the final stage of its installation. Let's start studying the issue from the second case; perhaps you have decided to switch to the “ten” and are looking in advance for ways to avoid surveillance by its valiant developers. In the very last section Let's get acquainted with a simple program that allows you to perform all the actions described in the first sections with a couple of clicks.

Correctly setting up Windows 10 during installation

During Windows installations 10, after skipping the key (or entering it), a screen titled “Increase operating speed” will appear. As a rule, the majority of users choose the settings recommended by the developers by clicking “Use standard settings.” In this case, sending confidentially is guaranteed. We are interested in the “Setting parameters” link located to the left.

Interestingly, its name is written in small letters.

Clicking on the link will change the contents of the window and its name to “Setting parameters”. It displays sliders that allow you to disable sending text entered from the keyboard, transmitted through the voice microphone, computer location and ID to optimize advertising recommendations.

To turn off everyone spy stuff you need to move all switches to the “Off” position.

The second screen contains a list of information that will be sent to Microsoft. Here it is strongly recommended to disable all functions (auto-connection to networks, error reporting, predicting page openings), except, perhaps, SmartScreen.

This completes the privacy-related settings that can be changed during the installation phase. Can you use a local account and not a Microsoft account?

Changing privacy settings in Windows 10

The Settings menu has an entire multi-tab section dedicated to privacy options. To visit it, press Win+I or call “Settings” through context menu launch. Then select required section. Afterwards a window will appear with a list of subsections made in the form vertical menu. Let's look at all the settings for each of them.


On the first tab you can (and should) disable everything except the SmartScreen filter.

  1. We prohibit programs from using your ID to select relevant advertising.
  2. Deactivate the function of sending text entered from the keyboard.
  3. We disable providing visited sites with access to the list of languages ​​used on the PC.


The section allows you to disable auto-detection of the computer’s location by programs (all or each that can do this, separately) and the operating system (relevant for portable devices).

Speech, handwriting

Here you can disable the interception of printed characters entered via touch screen or speech by text. If there is a “Get to know me” button in the “Meet Me” subsection, then all functions of this section are disabled.

If there is a button called “Stop studying”, click on it to stop the interception and storage of confidential data on remote servers for subsequent use for commercial purposes.

Camera, contacts, microphone, radio, account information and other devices

The settings in all sections are identical. The operating system can be allowed to independently process information coming from relevant devices or stored in applications (calendar), or prohibited. This is what should be done in all points for Windows 10.

Reviews, diagnostics

In the first drop-down menu, select “Never”, prohibiting the OS from asking for your feedback, and “Basic information” in the item about sending Microsoft information that allows you to control diagnostic data using Windows 10.

Background applications

Many programs in Windows 10 function in background, despite the fact that the user can only find out about this from the Task Manager, but not using the GUI. Often, such utilities do not even appear in the Start menu. The “Background applications” section allows you to deactivate them and prevent them from starting automatically in the next session. This way you can additionally free up some PC resources and save battery on your portable device.

Additional settings and security

You can improve your privacy in Windows 10 with a few simple steps.

  1. We return to the main parameters window.
  2. Select the section responsible for configuring the network.
  3. Go to the Wi-Fi tab.
  4. Scroll down the list of settings and click on the “Manage Wi-Fi network settings” link.
  5. Move the switches next to “Connect to hotspots” and “Connect to networks...” to the “Off” position.

  1. Let's go to the very top level settings and visit the “Update and Security” section.
  2. We visit Windows Update.
  3. Call up additional parameters.
  4. Follow the link “Choose when and how to receive updates.”
  5. We deactivate downloading updates from several sources, which will prevent other users from receiving updates from your PC.

This completes the disabling of functions that allow an international corporation to know literally everything about you with the ability to transfer the received information to third parties. All received data is analyzed and used in the future to display advertising in the browser and applications, which is likely to be of interest to you.

Edge users, if any, should disable the forecasting feature and its data storage.

We automate a routine process

During the existence of Windows 10, many programs have been released that allow you to disable everything spy functions"tens". Just some of them were spies themselves or malicious applications, some software did not disable all spy functions. Considering that the applications were developed by people unknown in wide circles, their exploitation could end in disaster.

After the announcement of AntiSpy, created famous developer software, by Ashampoo, a workable and functional application to disable Windows 10 spyware.

After downloading the application from the official website, you can immediately launch it and disable everything unnecessary. The program does not require installation or unpacking from the archive.

Despite the English interface, AntiSpy for Windows 10 has earned popularity among users. The initial interface of the program required basic knowledge of the English language; as of today, the utility has been translated from start to finish into Russian and is available for download on the Internet.

If you still decide to use the English version, and with English It doesn’t matter to you, in the “Action” drop-down list, select “Use recommended settings” - apply the recommended security configuration. After reboot Windows 10 will stop leaking your personal data to Microsoft.

The operation of the operating system is the interaction of many services, programs and system processes. Those programs that we mainly use are displayed on the desktop, taskbar or task manager. But most applications, after closing, continue to run and consume the resources of your computer. Usually, their work does not have a serious impact on the operation of the system, but if the computer is weak and does not cope well with the assigned task, it is better to close it. To speed up and optimize the operation of your device in this situation, options for how to disable background processes in Windows 10.

How to disable unnecessary applications?

So how to stop unnecessary background processes in Windows 10? First, let's look at how UWP (tiled) works. Windows applications 10. Unlike win32 (classic) applications, UWP are optimized to work with Windows 10 and have special settings that provide separate access To system parameters. There is a special version of Windows 10 S that only allows you to run tiled programs downloaded from the Microsoft Store.

Disabling the operation of “tiles” is done as follows:

  • Open the Windows Settings window (Start - Settings or Win+I);
  • Go to the “Privacy” settings;
  • Select the “Background Applications” tab;
  • Disable the "Allow running in the background" option.

It is worth noting that for some programs to function, the disable option must be enabled. For example, Skype, Viber, Telegram.

We learned how to restrict the launch of UWP programs, but how to disable win32 programs?

How to close background processes in Windows 10?

The work of system services and applications, as well as all programs, is duplicated in the Task Manager. You can disable them here. You can open the Manager the following options:

  • RMB on the taskbar and select Task Manager;
  • Through Windows search;
  • Combination Ctrl keys+ Shift + Esc;
  • Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Del and select Task Manager;
  • Through WinX parameters (Win+X);
  • Starting with Windows 8, the manager has 2 types - Minimal and Full. In the Minimal format only open applications and their status.

Full view already shows everything necessary information about the system, users, background tasks and services.

The Processes tab shows both open applications and background processes. This tab provides information not only about the load on the CPU, RAM, Hard Drive (or SSD), Network and Video Card, but also sorts applications by these indicators. By setting the sort by the necessary equipment, it will be possible to determine the most resource-intensive process. But sometimes there is not enough information and the most loaded are system services, in this case, the Details tab will help you disable the task.

The Details tab provides access to complete information O running processes everyone available users.

How to remove background processes on Windows 10?

Analyzing the operation of the system and its services, the question may arise about how to remove background processes on Windows 10. Therefore, you need to determine which processes are interfering in a particular case. The Details tab will show everything running applications, even those that are not displayed in Processes, for example, viruses or adware will be shown.

To turn off work specific task:

  • Select it ( left button mice);
  • Call the context menu (right mouse button);
  • Click End task (or End tree if there are many).

System tasks or antivirus services (as well as some viruses) cannot simply be disabled and closed; an “Access Denied” error will appear. If this error occurs when you try to disable a virus or unwanted software, try again in Safe Mode system, but it is better to entrust the removal of this program to any antivirus.

To find out the importance of a particular service, check its location using the “Open file location” function; it will be very difficult for viruses and adware to get into the System32, Windows and Program Data folders. Most often they are hidden in the Users, Startup folders, hidden in the downloads folder or browser settings folder, etc. popular applications.

If you are completely unsure about the “origin” of the program, it is better to select “Search on the Internet”, where it will be indicated detailed information and suggested removal options if this junk file.

Have a great day!

Windows 10 is less demanding on computer performance than previous ones Windows versions. Setting "tens" to weak laptops can really make working with the device more comfortable. But even optimized Windows 10 has unnecessary services running in the background, the execution of which requires computer resources.

Today we will look at which unnecessary services are best disabled in Windows 10 to make your computer run a little faster.

What are services needed in Windows?

Operating room services Windows systems– these are processes that are launched when the system starts or when some event occurs, and run independently of the user. All these processes work in the background, sometimes even unnoticed by the user. Some services start automatically when you turn on the computer, but they are not used on home computer. In addition, certain services are used for their work network connection, which means they can cause security breaches and hacking of your device.

How to disable services in Windows?

Disabling Windows services allows you to reduce the load on the computer's processor and RAM, which is important for weak and outdated devices. And also improve computer security. It is not surprising that many people wonder how to disable services in Windows without harming the system. There are two ways to disable background processes, through the “Service Manager” and using command line.

Disabling services through settings

There are several ways to open service settings:

  1. Launch the control panel, in the search at the top right enter Services and run.
  2. Open the Run window by pressing hotkeys Win And R, and enter services.msc.

After launch, you will see a list of all services installed on your device. Please note that it is strictly not recommended to disable everything, as this can affect the stable operation of the computer and lead to its complete inoperability.

We find a service that is wasting and consuming system resources. In our case, this is a fax service.

Click right button mouse, then properties. In the window that appears, from the drop-down list, select the startup type “ Disabled» and button OK.

Stopping unnecessary services via the command line

Also, any of unnecessary services can be turned off and on using the command line running as an administrator. To do this you need to do the following:

List of unnecessary Windows 10 services

Below is a list of the most common unnecessary services, disabling which can speed up the system. However, disable these services with caution and remember to make a system restore point just in case.

  • Dmwappushservice: Your device's geographic location service.
  • Machine Debug Manager: A service for programmers to debug certain programs.
  • NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service: Feel free to turn it off if you don’t have a 3D TV or monitor.
  • NVIDIA Streamer Service And NVIDIA Streamer Network Service: if you don't play computer games with image streaming on the Internet, the service can be safely disabled.
    Superfetch: This service is not compatible with SSDs. And if your HDD drive is slow, disabling this service will speed up your computer.
  • Windows Search: If you rarely use search, you can disable it.
    Wireless setup: If your computer does not have WiFi or Bluetooth, you can turn it off.
  • Biometric Windows service : Stores and processes biometric data such as fingerprints.
  • Firewall: if you use third-party antivirus, you can disable the built-in one.
    Computer Browser: It displays a list of computers on the local network.
  • All Hyper-V services: necessary for the operation of virtual machines.
  • Print Manager: If you don't use printing on your device, turning off this service will save background processes.
  • Internet Connection Sharing (ICS): If you do not need to distribute WiFi from a laptop or provide general access other devices to your Internet, you can disable this service.
  • Workstation: Provides access to network files and folders via SMB, in the absence home network can be turned off.
  • Work folders: Can also be disabled if the computer is not on the local network.
  • Error logging: in most cases not needed.
  • Server: if you don't have any common network folders and printer, you can turn it off.
  • Xbox Live Online Service: Required to provide access to Xbox Live services.
  • Sensor service: Manages sensors installed on the PC.
  • Image download service: Can be turned off if you are not using the scanner.
  • CD burning service: Most PCs don’t even have a drive for them, so if you don’t use CDs, you can turn them off.
  • Sensor Monitoring Service: A service to control monitor brightness depending on the light in the room.
  • Bluetooth support: If you do not use the adapter, you can turn off this service.
  • BitLocker Drive Encryption Service: This function encrypts the information on the hard disk.
  • Remote registry: Allows the registry to be edited by a remote user.
  • Fax: Enables fax operation.
  • Connected user functionality and telemetry: Collect user data.
  • Update Center: This service can be stopped to prevent the computer from updating at will. It is worth periodically turning on and updating the system manually.

In conclusion

Disabling some services is sometimes a necessary measure, which is necessary to make the computer work faster and overheat less. However, turning off most unnecessary services may cause the computer to simply stop working correctly. Be careful when setting up your computer, and we hope that this manual will be useful to you.