VKontakte has disabled the invisible mode. How to make it invisible in VK using Opera

Forums and social networks provide ample opportunities for communication. But you don’t always want to enter into dialogues and not with everyone. Often there is a desire to be invisible in a chat or to wander unnoticed through other people’s profiles. In Odnoklassniki, you can close your profile and buy invisible mode. You can become invisible on the VKontakte network absolutely free of charge.

You haven't heard of secret menu, which is available in standard client applications? Then read carefully: our information will please you, and the instructions will help you “disappear” in right moment. The best part is that to enable stealth mode you don’t even need ROOT rights to the device (everything is already in the menu official application- in “debug mode”).

Step-by-step instructions for enabling stealth mode:

1) Open official client VK;

3) Click on the image itself “ dogs» 5 times (After pressing, no notifications will appear on the screen);

4) Close the VK application;

5) Go to the dialer of the phone itself;

6) Enter the code in the dialing line *#*#856682583#*#* (there is no need to press the call button) - the screen should open “ VK debugging mode»;

7) Find the item “ Invisible» and put a tick in front of it.

8) Go to the main menu of the phone, open the VK application (ready, you are invisible).

Note: If after typing the code (step 7) nothing happened, then you need to use the Secret Codes program.

Additional feature: Also, in addition to turning on the “Invisible” mode, in the same secret menu you can turn off advertising - find the item “ Disable advertising» and mark it with a tick.

Advice: It is advisable not to touch the remaining points so as not to disrupt the functioning of the client itself.


You can find a lot on the net various programs for working with VKontakte. VkLife is one of such programs. It is notable for its Offline function, thanks to which you can access the site while remaining. Downloading and installing the program in total will not take more than five minutes. You can download the program on the official website of the program at www.vklife.ru. Be careful! Do not download the program from third-party resources, otherwise your account may end up in the hands of criminals who take advantage of your ignorance.

If downloading programs is not your method, then there is another solution. The fact is that online status is assigned to a user who has visited profile.php, that is, to his or any other page. But if the user does not go to profile.php, then his status will be offline. How to do this? Just follow the direct link: http://vkontakte.ru/friends and do not click the “My Page” button.

In this mode, you will have access to all the main functions of VKontakte, except for one - you will not be able to view your page and the pages of other users. That is, you can view news, listen to, read incoming personal messages, but under no circumstances click on the “My Page” link and under no circumstances go to the pages of other users, otherwise your status will again change to unwanted online.

There is another way for Firefox browser users. Enter about:config in the address bar - this function calls up the browser settings. Enter network.http.redirection-limit in the Filter field. Change its value to "0". Open new tab and “log in” to the site, and if you did everything correctly, an error message should appear. Go to any VKontakte page, for example, “My News”. Return to the settings tab. Return the value of the network.http.redirection-limit parameter to what it was before the changes. Your status will become offline.

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Have you ever wanted to find out something secret about a person, but at the same time remain unnoticed? To have such an invisibility cloak so that, like in a fairy tale, you can visit a friend, an enemy friend, he will never know about it, and at the same time tease him. be in networks invisible is possible, especially if this network is social.


You will also be asked to select the period for which you want to enable this service. After payment, you will receive an activation code for the service, within 24 hours it will be activated, and for a whole month you will be able to walk “invisibly” on Odnoklassniki with impunity.

You can practically also get status in “My World”. To do this you need to become a VIP user. By paying one hundred rubles, you get a number of advantages, one of which is the ability to hide the worlds of other users under the guise of invisibility, and they will not be able to figure you out. You will have the opportunity as long as your VIP status is active. In addition, you choose the invisibility mask yourself.

You will need

  • - knowledge of the browser installed on your computer;
  • - Internet access.


If you use the Internet to access Mozilla Firefox, go to the website " VKontakte» and make sure that you are not authorized on the resource (if you are still authorized, click “Exit”). Then enter the command "about:config" in the address bar to open the browser settings menu.

In the menu that appears, look for the “Filter” field and enter the command “network.http.redirection-limit” into it. The parameter that appears after entering must be remembered and then changed to 0, which will mean that redirection processing is prohibited.

Next, you need to go to the VKontakte website and go through the authorization procedure. An error message may appear during this process - just ignore it. Now you need to go to any page except home page any user (it ends with profile.php or id12345678).

Return to the settings tab and change the value of the network.http.redirection-limit parameter to the original one. Now, if you do not visit the main pages of users, including your own, you will be invisible to other users.

If you prefer Opera, select the "Tools" button from the browser menu, then "Settings", "Advanced" and finally "Network". Here you need to uncheck the “Enable automatic redirection” option. After this, you need to complete the first four steps of the operations of this instruction.

There is another way, but it also works with limitations. Log in to the site " VKontakte", go to any page except the main page and wait 15-20 minutes for the system connection timeout to complete. After this, you will be for network users if you do not visit the main pages (profile.php or id12345678). This method is relevant for Safari browsers and Chrome.

For Chrome browser also available special application called “VKontakte Offline”, which, as the name suggests, allows you to work with the social network without visiting its website. This the app will do for those who do not want to waste time waiting or dealing with browser settings.

Since the above methods do not always satisfy all the requirements of a secret user " VKontakte", it is best to download and install a special program to work with the above-mentioned social network. The best program for secret use " VKontakte"is considered VKLife, the main thing is not to forget to click the "Offline" button on the control panel. Among other programs it is worth noting IceIM, VKSovety, VKGetter.

Please note

The mentioned programs for working with the VKontakte network are free and do not require registration. If you are required to send a message to short number or transfer money to the specified account, most likely you have encountered scammers.


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Methods of gaining invisibility have long been well known - an invisibility cap, an invisibility spell and special remedy them. H.G. Wells. But Internet reality is a different world and the social network “VK Ontakte” implies the use of new methods.

Forums and social networks provide ample opportunities for communication. But you don’t always want to enter into dialogues and not with everyone. Often there is a desire to be invisible in a chat or to wander unnoticed through other people’s profiles. In Odnoklassniki, you can close your profile and buy invisible mode. You can become invisible on the VKontakte network absolutely free of charge.

Have you heard about the secret menu that is available in the standard application client? Then read carefully: our information will please you, and the instructions will help you “disappear” at the right moment. The best part is that to enable stealth mode you don’t even need ROOT rights to the device (everything is already in the official application menu - in “debugging mode”).

Step-by-step instructions for enabling stealth mode:

1) Open the official VK client;

3) Click on the image itself “ dogs» 5 times (After pressing, no notifications will appear on the screen);

4) Close the VK application;

5) Go to the dialer of the phone itself;

6) Enter the code in the dialing line *#*#856682583#*#* (there is no need to press the call button) - the screen should open “ VK debugging mode»;

7) Find the item “ Invisible» and put a tick in front of it.

8) Go to the main menu of the phone, open the VK application (ready, you are invisible).

Note: If after typing the code (step 7) nothing happened, then you need to use the Secret Codes program.

Additional feature: Also, in addition to turning on the “Invisible” mode, in the same secret menu you can disable advertising - find the item “ Disable advertising» and mark it with a tick.

Advice: It is advisable not to touch the remaining points so as not to disrupt the functioning of the client itself.

One of the reasons why a person becomes a user of social networks is the desire to communicate, find new friends, and share impressions. But what to do when you are not in the mood for communication, but want to discreetly visit a VKontakte page? You can hide your presence on the site by wandering around other people's profiles invisibly. And if you need to buy such a mode in Odnoklassniki, then invisibleVKontakte- free pleasure. Read also about how to be offline on VKontakte.

Howturn on invisibleVKontakte?

For this purpose, you can use one of the following methods:

1. Application special programs. Among the variety of programs developed for the convenience of working on VKontakte, VkLife is the most practical. It provides many useful functions. Among them there is stealth modeVKontakte(Offline). This feature allows you to access the site undetected. You can download the program, the installation of which will not take even five minutes, on the official website. You can quickly and efficiently promote your VKontakte account by following this link .

2. You can do without installation software. If the user goes to the main profile page, his own or someone else’s, the online mode is activated. If such a transition is not made, then it works offline. It goes like this. You must use the link http://vk.com/feed, without opening it in the “My Page” menu. Offline ( invisibleVKontaktefor computer) ensures the use of basic features on the network, except for viewing other people's profiles and your home page. You can read news, download audio files, and watch videos on the feed. To learn how to spy on VKontakte accounts, go to this material .

3. If you have installed Firefox browser, That turn on invisibleVKontakte You can by inserting about:config into the address bar, which will enable calling the program settings. In the “Filter” line you need to write . Double-clicking on a line will open a window for replacing the value with zero. Be sure to remember the default number. To make friends on your VKontakte page, go to this section site menu.

After opening a new tab, you need to log in to your account. At correct actions An error message appears. By going to any address in VK, for example http://vk.com/feed, you need to return to the tab and change the value to the original one in network.http.redirection-limit . Now you are offline.

For Opera you need to do the following:

  1. Sequentially open the “Tools” window, then “Settings”, then “Advanced”, finally - “Network”.
  2. Remove the checkbox from “Enable automatic redirection”.
  3. After entering your username and password, go to own page through http://vkontakte.ru/login.php .
  4. Go to VK to any page (besides profile.php) ignoring the error notification.
  5. Go back to settings to enter network.http.redirection-limit.

Now, remaining unrecognized, you can “walk” VKontaktethrough invisibility. Subscribers with high-quality accounts in the VKontakte group are available on this

Good day everyone, my dear friends. Dmitry Kostin is with you as usual. Please tell me, are you? If yes, then you probably know that when you are on this site, the words “Online” will appear next to your name. This icon notifies other users that you are in at the moment in contact and ready to communicate.

But there are times when you need to log into a site without anyone knowing about your presence there. This may be by various reasons: maybe you don’t want an annoying girl to see you, or an annoying boss doesn’t see that you are on social networks instead of working, etc. What then should be done in such cases? Nothing. Just deal with it... Okay, just kidding. Would I write a separate article to put you at ease? Of course not.

But before we move on to the main thing, I would like to briefly tell everyone who needs to promote their VKontakte groups about a wonderful and truly working online PR service. The service has been providing promotion services for VKontakte groups for several years now and is doing it very successfully. Soclike - will help attract targeted subscribers to your groups, friends on personal pages, likes for posts and much, much more. Let's use it friends.

Well, now let's get back to the article. I'll tell you one way to make contact invisible. The method is good and time-tested, so you can try it. Are you ready? Then let's go!

If in doubt, try logging in through any other browser, just make sure that you are not in your own mode in this browser. account. Let me show you. I logged into the Firefox browser and address bar typed your id (for you these could be numbers or the name you set in the settings).

Please note that no online mode is lit, but on the contrary it is shown when I logged in last time. Although at the same time I am in contact through apidog and calmly do what I need.

Why is this method better than others?

  • You don't need to configure anything, tinker with anything, or wait to log into the network
  • You can climb any pages, while other methods say that you cannot go to your own page or the pages of other users, otherwise everything will be reset (you can only look at photos, videos, news, climb groups, etc.).

ADVICE! When you are done climbing in incognito mode, go to the site in normal mode through a regular browser and change the password to be safe. After all, this is a third-party site. So far there have been no complaints, but it’s still better to be on the safe side.

Well, in general, this is a simple way anonymous login I wanted to offer you. Perhaps you have some other method that is even easier and better than the one described here. Please share your thoughts in the comments.

By the way, if you like to sit in social networks, then you can try your hand at making money by administering VKontakte groups. You can learn this at special training, thanks to which you can learn an excellent Internet profession in 2 months. In addition to VKontakte, you can master many other Internet professions. Take a look at this wide selection for yourself.

Well, this concludes my lesson. I hope that my materials are useful to you, so subscribe to updates on my blog articles to always be aware of new ones useful articles, selected according to your taste. I won't spam. I promise).

Well, I say goodbye to you. You might be interested in seeing other articles on my blog, so don’t be shy. Good luck in mastering contact. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin