Harm from wifi radiation. Harm of Wi-Fi and impact on the human body

IN modern world consumer potential of Internet technologies as a segment in obtaining available information has grown significantly. This growth trend is observed every year almost throughout the planet. At the same time, the number of opinions about the harm caused by technical devices to access using a router (router). But is a WiFi network or the equipment that provides it actually harmful? One of the main points against the use of demons wired network(especially among residents of megacities) there is harm from continuous radiation.

"The Invisible Killer"

Perhaps in the near future, when constructing a building, the pavement network wires will be just as relevant as the rest of communication, but while such a trend is not observed, everyone deals with such things individually. In fact, despite the fact that this is a relatively new and modern development in services demon wired communication and transfer of information has already been carried out large number tests, but there are still no hard facts based on which one could firmly state the harm that this invention of mankind can bring. On the other hand, all the studies that have been conducted on living organisms, including human cells, only indicate that radiation from Wi-Fi routers clearly does not have any positive effect. In the case of flora some evidence suggests that radiation is harmful to their cells.

But does Wi-Fi harm our health enough to completely abandon this type of Internet access, because 3G (especially in some remote areas) is not good enough to meet the growing needs of the population so that you can constantly be online anywhere in the world . We will get answers to this and many other questions in this article.

Wi-Fi phobia

In order to evaluate real scale existing problem, you can look at the countries that are leading the world in innovative Internet technologies and dependence on them. For example, in the USA there is a place that occupies an area of ​​33 square meters. km (Green Bank), so in this territory not only the use of wireless networks, but also any electrical appliances. People come here from all over America. Continuing the theme of safety, bordering on insanity, it is worth noting clothing and walls made of foil, which can prevent radiation. Some entrepreneurs even managed to make money from such a phobia and began producing special foil wallpaper, the cost of which reaches up to $800 per roll.

In the capital of Holland, there are even individual benches that have special signs indicating that these benches are located in a Wi-Fi-free zone. Thus, where there is a place for phobias, there is an opportunity to make money on it. Now it’s worth finding out the opinion of doctors on this matter, whether WiFi is directly harmful to human health or not.

What is this?

Before looking for the reason for the agitation among the population of the entire planet, it is necessary to understand what WiFi actually is? In principle, any radio signal, such as a cell phone or radio, is harmful to health, the only difference is that the router operates at a higher high frequencies. If we compare a radio and a router, then the first has an operating wave range within a radius of 50-150 MHz, while the second has 2.4-5 GHz, which is actually a thousand times larger, but there is a rather erroneous opinion in the world that , the higher the frequency of the signal, the more harmful its effect.

Naturally, in order for the harm of the WiFi router to be noticeable enough for human body, such a signal should act on a person purposefully, constantly, with great strength and constant amplitude. It is worth noting that a mobile phone has more negative influence.

Ministry of Health warns

As already mentioned, absolutely all radio signals in one way or another affect the atoms and living cells of the body. Thus, doctors confidently declare that the harm of a WiFi router extends to:

  • Brain vessels.
  • Children (due to a thin skull).
  • Male potency.

These are just a few of the areas of influence of radiation that need to be discussed separately.

The effect of Wi-Fi on cerebral vessels

Danish scientists conducted a series of tests in which they asked several schoolchildren to place their mobile phone with the Wi-Fi network turned on under their pillow before going to bed. In the morning, all the necessary studies were carried out, and doctors diagnosed him with more subjects experienced vascular spasms and deterioration in concentration. At the same time, this experiment cannot be considered carried out purely, because it was carried out on schoolchildren, and not on adults, and children’s skulls are much thinner; however, the harm of WiFi to a child’s body is a topic for a separate discussion.

Impact on children

Despite the fact that the World Health Organization has declared the negative impact of broadband wireless networks, including WiFi, it is electromagnetic radiation that is harmful to health. At the same time, WHO employees emphasize that they do not have any compelling evidence or hard facts at their disposal. Therefore, the harm of WiFi and mobile phones remains as an unproven risk.

Impact on men's health

The fact is that eminent doctors of sciences, doctors and scientists analyzed sperm samples, and the results shocked them. The experiment involved 30 healthy, adult men from whom sperm was taken for the experiments. Initially, we carried out a spermogram and all the necessary studies on the number of dead and active sperm, after which some samples were placed on a computer with the Wi-Fi network and started downloading files from the network. After four hours of research prototypes compared, thus, in the irradiated sample, 25% of the sperm were dead, while in the second, only 14% died. Measurements were also taken of deoxyribonucleic acid in those who remained alive; in samples outside the experiment, the damage was 3%, while in the latter it was three times higher.

Scientists explained the harm of WiFi radiation precisely for the purity of the experiment, similar studies were also carried out with a computer connected to a wired network, and no changes were noticed between the two samples. This can only indicate that men should not get involved in the Internet while holding a laptop on their lap.

Arguments for using Wi-Fi

Taking into account all the negative factors, everyone should note for themselves whether the harm or benefit of a WiFi network will be the main thing in making a decision. But if with negative factors Since the impact of such radiation is clear, it is worth understanding the positive aspects of such a modern invention as a router.

Among positive aspects wireless Internet can only be noted for its mobility. Thanks to the absence of wires, using the Internet is relevant even in places where it is not possible to lay a wire. Among such places can be noted in the hall or presentation. We must not forget that thanks to this species In a wireless network, several people can connect to the same access point at once; naturally, the speed of file transfer and traffic will be lower, but this all depends solely on the speed of the Internet itself, which is provided by the provider of this service.

Despite the fact that the harm of Wi-Fi has not been officially proven, if it is possible to abandon this type of network and switch to a wired one, then it will the best option to protect yourself and your health. If this is not possible for one reason or another, it is necessary to minimize the effect of waves on your body. When locating the access point in an apartment, it is not recommended to install it directly near the bedroom or the place where a person spends a large amount of time. In the case of an office or any other public place, instead of several access points, it is best to create one, but with more power.

If you do not use the wireless Internet for a long time, the access point must be turned off, since even in an inactive state it continues to send signals. The same steps must be done at night. Thanks to such simple actions Any person has the opportunity to significantly reduce the impact of radiation from the router on the body. Thus, if you do not put the WiFi router to your head, the health harm it can cause will be imperceptible.

In conclusion

Despite warnings from the World Health Organization and numerous tests, no one is trying to limit the use of this technology throughout the planet as quickly as possible. Nobody thought - why? Why should people's health be their own personal problem? The answers to these questions most likely lie in the multimillion-dollar profits that companies receive; in the event of bans around the world, this fairly strong infrastructure may simply collapse, and world-famous corporations will suffer huge losses. TVs, computers, phones, tablets and even household appliances, almost all devices and instruments that surround a person already have a built-in Wi-Fi function, if they are banned, such companies will have to remove all this from sale and production. That is why “the rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.” Everyone must make a choice for themselves - they must follow it fashion trend and expose your body to danger, or are there any alternative ways to solve this problem.

And is Wi-Fi harmful at all?

Doctors have been arguing about this for many years. And only schoolgirls from Denmark were able to clearly and quickly prove the harm of radiation.

They tested the effect of Wi-Fi on plant seeds. To do this, they first took containers with earth. And ordinary watercress was sown in two of them. After 12 days in one of the bowls that was outside the zone Wi-Fi access, sprouts emerged. In the other one, which fell into the zone, they never sprouted.

The girls' work is approved by experts. They intend to continue their research in order to prove or, on the contrary, refute the conclusions made.

Wireless Internet is not as safe for health as it seems

We all know about the dangers of mobile phones, laptops, and microwave ovens in terms of radiation. But they forgot about wireless Internet. It turns out that this type of Internet also causes harm that affects our health.

Very convenient to use wireless internet WiFi in the cafe, shopping centers and even soon this function will be available in the metro. But few people know that it is wired (a modem with wires).

Of course, the harm from wireless Internet has not been completely proven, but it is known and proven that being in an apartment or room with a WiFi router has an impact on a person’s health. This may not appear immediately, but over time it can make itself felt in the form of headaches, increased blood pressure for no reason, and in some cases, increased heart rate.

Wireless Internet also affects memory; it can deteriorate over time. Radiation from WiFi routers can lead to the development of various tumors, gene changes (DNA damage) and of course, this type of Internet can contribute to premature aging.

The harm from a router is almost the same as from a mobile phone. First of all, radiation from a router affects the brain.

If you don’t want to change your router with wireless Internet to a modem with wires, then you at least need to take precautions. You should not place the router next to the bed, or rather, hang it on the wall next to the bed or place it near the wall where the bed is located. You need to understand the settings and, when no one is using the Internet, turn it off.

WiFi is harmful! - I hear from one side. “Viruses are transmitted via wifi,” I hear from the other. Are these statements true? Is it really that harmful? using wifi for health? Let's figure it out right now!

Is wifi harmful or not?

To find out, let’s figure out what wifi actually is? We open Wikipedia, where we read that the name comes from the English Wireless Fidelity, which means “high-precision wireless transmission data", and is nothing more than a family of information transmission over radio channels. RADIO! Has anyone ever harmed their health by listening to the radio?

Scientists agree on the dangers of wifi To date, they have not come, but no one has been able to prove the harm to human health. In general, all the noise came from the head of the English Ministry of Health, William Stewart, who had information about alleged changes in people’s health from minor radio waves.

Let's look at the facts:

  1. It has been proven that the level of radiation that comes from wifi devices, 600 times lower than permissible and harmless to humans standards for radiomagnetic radiation.
  2. The BBC television company and a number of British scientists initiated a study in schools to determine whether wifi is harmful. The strength of radiation from mobile phones and wifi routers. As a result, it was revealed that the radiation level of the latter was three times higher. And Professor Laurie Chellis has officially stated that there is no harm to health from wifi, “unless you keep your laptop on your lap.” Although the other members of the commission said that the radiation is so negligible that even this is not dangerous.
  3. Wi-Fi devices and microwaves operate at the same wavelength (2.4 GHz), but the radiation from a kitchen appliance is 100 thousand times higher, which was revealed as a result of research conducted by another professor, Malcolm Sperrin. By the way, high-quality (hermetically) made microwave ovens also do not leak anything and do not cause any harm.

Now let’s remember what surrounds you and me, besides wifi in the apartment, in everyday life?

  • Everyone has a cell phone in their pocket. And even if you don’t have it, then your neighbor has it, and the signal is from mobile operator doesn’t choose who exactly he should go through to get to his neighbor’s phone - the rays pierce your house up and down
  • There is a microwave, if not in every kitchen, then in every second kitchen.
  • Everyone definitely has a TV.
  • We all walk in parks and sit in cafes, wait for a train at a station or a flight at the airport, study at a university or work in an office - and most of these public places have wifi. Even some commuter buses already have it!
  • There is no point in talking about radiation from various types of industrial or military sources - we are all under their “hood”

In the end, what do we have? It is impossible to say exactly how harmful wifi is. But it is reliably known that the signal from WiFi causes much less harm than the vast majority of other household devices that we use every day. But if you are still afraid of its possible impact, then it is enough to follow some simple rules to be calm:

  • Do not keep the device that receives the signal on your lap, but rather far away on the table.
  • If possible, place the wifi router in the apartment away from the place where you constantly sit or sleep.
  • Turn off the router if at the moment you do not work with the Internet.
  • Due to the impossibility of thoroughly studying the degree of harm, it is advisable, if possible, to protect small children from it, so as not to strain the young developing organism with additional, albeit insignificant, radiation.

All of the above does not apply to 3G mobile USB modems, because they are the ones who receive the signal from mobile operators, and therefore emit the same as cell phones. So, compliance with these precautionary rules when working with them should be taken with greater attention than with regular wireless Wi-Fi generated using a router connected to cable internet.

It is harmful to use WiFi, as viruses penetrate through it

But this is pure speculation, unsubstantiated. And they occur among those who connected to a wireless network from a device unprotected by antivirus, picked up a virus and decided that wifi was to blame. This technology it only distributes the Internet wirelessly - the Internet itself remains exactly the same as in your cable. The only danger may be a hacker breaking into the network, but that's another conversation.

So follow the minimum basic safety rules that apply to any modern household appliance and are described in more than a dozen instructions for their use, and use them to your health!

A router, also known as a router, is network device, allowing you to choose the optimal direction for data transfer from the provider to computers, laptops and smartphones of users wirelessly.

The absence of wired communication means the transmission of information through electromagnetic radiation. Since routers operate at ultra-high frequencies, the question is completely legitimate: is the radiation from a wifi router harmful? The results of some studies refute these fears, while others confirm them. Let's look at the arguments on both sides.

Why radiation from a wifi router can be dangerous

Descriptive arguments are not as powerful as precise ones technical specifications the device in question. So let's look at the numbers. The Wifi router operates in the frequency range of 2.4 GHz, and the power of ordinary routers is ~100 μW. When this frequency influences the cells of the human body, the molecules of water, fat and glucose come together and rub together, accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Such frequencies are provided by nature for the exchange of intracellular information between organs and systems of the body. Long-lasting, external influences on this range from wireless local networks may cause dysfunction in the process of cell growth and division.

Harm wifi radiation aggravated by radius and data transfer speed. An excellent illustration of this fact is the enormous transmission speed large array information when downloading videos, photos and other data. The transmitting medium is air, and the carrier frequency is the mid-wave frequency range. And, since our cells are capable of transmitting and receiving energy to different frequencies, then the negative impact frequency range router is quite acceptable.

Residents of apartment buildings may be affected by multiple routers installed in neighboring apartments. Brick walls and metal structures only partially reduce the range of the router, but do not completely delay its radiation. Add to this wireless points Internet access in offices, shopping centers, cafes. It becomes clear that a person is exposed to radiation from a wifi router almost around the clock.

Moreover, many users do not turn off their wifi router even at night. Summarizing this information, we can conclude that our body is in a constant fight against this aggressive factor. Perhaps that is why even a night's sleep does not bring many full recovery strength, and the immune system does not protect us well from many infections and viruses.

Is a wifi router really that harmful?

Of course, you have to pay for the convenience of wireless Internet use. But health is too much high price. Is radiation from a Wi-Fi router really dangerous?

To assess the effect of this radiation on the human body, we introduced special parameter, called the absolute optical radiation power. Its unit of measurement is 1 decibel milliwatt (dBm). The average power of a mobile phone is 27 dBm, while the same value for a router is 20 dBm.

Further, the router is never located at such a close distance as a mobile phone. Usually it is 1–2 meters. Do not forget that the radiation power decreases in direct proportion to the increase in the square of the distance to the “culprit” of the radiation.

How to reduce radiation from a wifi router

If anxiety is still simmering somewhere in the subconscious, you can try to reduce the radiation from the router. Each of the devices for this purpose provides signal power adjustment. Few people pay attention to this function, and almost all users have routers, keeping factory setting, included on full power. By setting the transmitter power to 50, 25% or even 10%, you can significantly reduce the radiation dose and coverage area.

And by following this operation with your neighbors, you can reduce the level of radiation by tens and hundreds of times. Moreover, manufacturers often unreasonably inflate the power of these devices to increase sales.

Is it possible to protect yourself from router radiation? Of course, router radiation has an impact on humans. But there is no clear answer yet as to how harmful Wi-Fi radiation is.

But there are these numbers:

  • intensity Wi-Fi signal the router is 100,000 times weaker than that of a microwave;
  • The radiation from two routers and twenty laptops is equivalent to the radiation from one mobile phone.

If these impressive comparisons do not reassure the most inveterate skeptic, the following simple rules will tell you how to protect yourself from wifi radiation:

  • install routers at a distance of at least 40 cm from your workplace, and certainly not sleep next to a switched-on router;
  • turn off your access point if you do not intend to use the Internet;
  • Do not keep the laptop on your lap.

Technologies for protection against electromagnetic smog

Background created various sources electromagnetic radiation is called electromagnetic smog. Naturally, attempts are being made to protect ourselves from all these pathological influences at once.

  1. Enterprising manufacturers have launched the production of wallpaper that can screen Wi-Fi radiation emanating from neighboring apartments. You can purchase them through foreign online stores. However, this particular product will interfere with internet transmission to other rooms within the apartment.
  2. Appeared on the health market new product- corrector of the functional state of the body (FSC). Among the wide range of products for this purpose, a fabric blanket with carbon thread is offered. The material for creating such bedspreads is a special bipolar fabric that can reflect electromagnetic radiation from computers, wifi routers, phones and other household appliances.

Let's summarize - the above information is based on 4 parameters that allow us to give an objective assessment of whether it is harmful Wi-Fi router for health:

  • frequency;
  • power;
  • distance;
  • time.

Each of them works in favor of the theory of its negative influence.

And although today there is no real facts who can confirm what exactly wifi networks become the cause of this or that disease, compliance with safety measures will not be superfluous. In addition, humanity does not yet have data on the impact of microwave radiation on future generations.

David Backstein, surgeon-oncologist of the highest category: “I would not say that the technology that surrounds us somehow contributes to the occurrence of tumors”. He reinforces his words by the fact that the International Journal of Epidemiology summarized a dozen studies on the influence of gadgets on the occurrence of cancer and came to the conclusion that there is no connection between the use of those same mobile phones and the occurrence of cancer. True, the doctor of medical sciences is in no hurry to draw final conclusions: “Although, of course, in a global sense, we have been using smartphones, telephones, networks and everything like that not so long ago. And studying their effect on the body requires much more time.”

Tatiana Vasilyeva, radiation hygiene doctor:“It is impossible to say with certainty that phones cause irreversible harm to the body. Although several years ago quite serious studies appeared proving that electromagnetic waves lead to changes in cellular level» . Referring to the British Department of Health, Ph.D. indicates that evidence of the effect base stations and there are still no smartphones on the human body. Regarding the weakening of the immune system, Tatyana Vasilyeva confirmed the indirect effect: “The point is not so much the radiation, but the fact that a person simply spends less time on the street, moves less and is absorbed in communication using gadgets”.

As for Wi-Fi, the doctor referred to the relatively recent introduction of this technology, so it is still difficult to talk about the level of influence, since there are no serious studies on this topic. However, she noted: “The radiation there [from Wi-Fi] is less than from the same mobile phone”. For those users who are still concerned about the risk of influence, she advised turning off the router at night.

Nadezhda Koloskova, a physician of the highest category, focuses on the impact modern technologies on the body of children: “I would start, first of all, by instilling healthy habits in children. It seems to me that the point is not that networks are harmful to health, but the point is how much time a person spends next to them.”. Possibility of negative Wi-Fi influence on the body it also does not exclude: « Electromagnetic fields still affect the central nervous system. I would say that although the risk has not been directly proven, it still cannot be completely excluded. But in our country, Wi-Fi is used both in schools and in shopping and entertainment centers. We need at least a few more decades to understand what they lead to.”.

As for mobile phones, Nadezhda Koloskova was more categorical, pointing out that they are harmful "long known". Supports her in thisOlga Smirnova, gynecologist-endocrinologist: “I am categorically against carrying mobile phones in trouser pockets”. Smirnova notes that the increase in infertility among both men and women has not just intensified in lately. The doctor pointed to a Danish study in which researchers observed men talking on the phone for five or six hours whose sperm count and motility decreased. She points out: “Yes, the changes were not drastic, but we have been using the phone for more than one week.”.

Regarding wireless networks, the expert was more favorable, noting the low signal strength, she added: “At the same time, you don’t carry the router with you in your pocket”. However, she still recommended turning off wireless network devices when they are not in use and advised installing the equipment in those rooms where there are the least number of people.

Nikolay Lyubimenko, pediatrician: “It seems to me that Wi-Fi is not so harmful to our body. The same microwave, in my opinion, is much more harmful. The fact is that the power of the router is several times less than that of microwave oven» . He supports the opinion of his colleague, Nadezhda Koloskova, when it comes to the effect on the body of children: “I have heard versions that since a child’s body is just forming, waves of wireless networks can affect it”. The doctor indicated at that time that it would still not be possible to avoid technology, and there was no need to do this. Using a baby monitor or tablet to watch cartoons will bring more benefits than harm if you use these achievements modern science in doses.

The doctor notes that it is important not to go to extremes and you should not install a router in a nursery; otherwise, modern technologies can be used without fear.

All doctors agree that Wi-Fi, if it has any effect on human health, is insignificant. True, the lack of direct evidence of harm does not exclude the possibility of a negative impact that will manifest itself over a longer period of time than the few years that we are surrounded by wireless technologies. It is still worth listening to the recommendations of experts. You should take especially seriously the words about constantly spending time online, not only for children, but also for adults. Fresh air and outdoor games will help protect your health not only from modern technology, but also from the common cold.