Fill in information about yourself in the contact. What can you write about yourself on your VK page?

Odnoklassniki, Twitter) exist “about me” sections. In order for you to effectively meet girls, you need to approach the design of your VK page or dating site in a comprehensive manner.

That is, pay attention not only to quality, but also to what is written in the section “about yourself”, “interests”, “inspire”, etc.

Of course, the girl first pays attention to your photos. But after viewing them, at least he runs his eyes over the entire page. And from what she sees there, she gets a certain impression of you.

The most interesting thing is that most guys have nothing in their profiles at all due to their laziness or lack of imagination. And here you can take advantage of an advantage that will make you stand out from the crowd.

It is important to make the right message in such information.

The most common mistakes in filling out the “about yourself” section

  • The guy shows how good, sweet and diligent he is. However, girls prefer a completely different type of guy, the opposite of the described type.
  • The guy tries to please the girls: he writes that he is “smart”, “good”, “can do this” and the like.

What is important to show in the about yourself section on your page

  1. You .
  2. You are passionate about certain things and don’t like wasting your free time.
  3. You are popular with girls.
  4. You are self-sufficient.
  5. You are open to new acquaintances and adventures.

What can you write in the about yourself section? Examples

  • I don't take drugs, I am the drug.
  • Happy.
  • Not a gift :)
  • I strive for things that most people don't even think about!

Also in the “interests” section you can indicate the following:

Personal growth, leadership, achieving goals, psychology, finance, internet marketing, business, training, fashion and style, sambo, boxing, interesting adventures, travel...

Unusual things can inspire :-) :

Inspired by: Smuggling from a parallel universe, achieved goals, new things...

If you're like that fill out the sections about yourself, then your conversion rate with girls will increase significantly. And it will become easier for you to get to know each other. Good luck!

Despite the fact that the world is now promoting the idea of ​​a “magic pill” (pump up your abs in a week, lose 17 kg in a month, get a girl in 1 day, buy yourself cool clothes and you yourself will become cool), there are things that really work.

They work not because they are super cool, but because they were obtained through experience and some labor.

Apply this new knowledge in practice, and you will solve your questions about what to write to a girl when meeting her on VKontakte and any other social networks.

You understand that if you don’t lift a finger, then things around you won’t happen on their own.

And if you just read this article and do nothing, or act half-heartedly, then nothing will come of it, or the results will be unsatisfactory for you.

Answer her the main 3 questions in the first messages

Any girl to whom an unfamiliar guy writes asks the following questions:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you need, what do you want from her?
  3. Why her?

Any person when communication with a stranger begins, always these 3 questions in my head.

Therefore, the answers to these three questions are what you should write after the word “Hello” to the girl.

1. “Who are you?”

Let's look at these questions in more detail.

The girl doesn't know you and she's interested in knowing who you are.

Maybe someone she knew sent you, or you're from some real estate agency.

A lot of options are running through her head. Clarify the situation to her.

Ask yourself: “Who are you?”, and write to her about it.

Know the answer to this question for yourself, and then you will know your the value that you will convey through messages when meeting her.

The following visual example will give you a clearer idea of ​​what to write to a girl to get to know her.

2. “What do you want from her?”

This is the second question the girl wants to know the answer to from you.

Maybe you want to sell her a plasma TV over the Internet or invite her to some kind of network marketing or financial pyramid.

The Internet is full of all kinds of people.

You can respond to three messages at once with one first message question as in the following example. This is exactly what you can write to a girl when meeting her in contact in the first message.

This removes many suspicions immediately.

Sometimes it is enough to answer only one question out of three, and she is already ready to meet you. Look at the screenshot.

3. “Why did you choose her?”

Here you need to write about what attracted you to her and why you chose her over other girls.

That is, you write to her about why did you like her, and why did you decide to write to her?: “because you’re pretty”, “I’m attracted to you”, “I like you” and others.

These are all pretty good examples for you of what to write to a girl in the first message on VKontakte or Facebook.

You may have your own unique reasons for why you chose her.

At this point, girls very often check guys.

Here they want make sure you are the guy you say you are, or you're lying to her.

It depends on whether you can pass her tests or not, depends on whether you manage to meet her or not.

Pass the tests, don’t be afraid of them, accept them, and meeting her won’t take long.

With practice and over time, you will learn to shuffle these techniques, swap the answers to these questions.

You will have a certain sense of when you can immediately ask for a number and ask for a date, and when it’s too early and it’s worth getting to know each other better.

Be absolutely sincere and congruent with her.

Very detailed and thorough article.

Some guys have a big problem with what they don't know what to say and what topic to choose for conversation when meeting a girl.

Why doesn't she answer you

  1. Most men write platitudes to girls like:"Hello how are you what are you doing?".
    But this doesn't work at all.
  2. Some guys just offer to “buy” a girl’s attention through entertainment or even openly- money. This is mistake.
    This will push the girl away from you even more. She will turn on the “I’m not like that” defense mechanism.

We also have a detailed article on our website for men about college, at work and in other places, without making any effort or trying to please her.

What should I do with your profile?

1. Upload good photos

I recommend first delete ABSOLUTELY ALL photos where you look tired, irritated, drunk to the point of squealing, in the company of stoned friends. Well, you understand.

If thoughts occur to you that this will seem incorrect towards your friends or even towards yourself (it may seem so), throw these lousy thoughts out of your head and start acting.

You are heading towards a life filled with beautiful girls and your own personal happiness in the end!

So don't hesitate to delete it.

When you take 6 – 10 photos with a professional, you will find out why it was necessary to delete the previous ones.

2. Fill in information about yourself in your profile

It will also be useful to fill out information about yourself in your profile.

This will create more trust to you.

Fill out the items in the “interests” section. Write only the truth.

Write your favorite books, your interests, your favorite movies and music.

The time when she was attracted by the photos

You shouldn't text a lot. If you feel like you can already ask for a date, do it.

There you can already flirt face to face.

We have a detailed article about when meeting and dating.

When you have good photos and a trusted account on social networks, then you don’t really worry about what to write to a girl in the first message on a dating site.

The next screenshot confirms this.

The first thing girls look at is your photos and what kind of life you live.

When you land on a pretty girl's page on social media, what is the first thing you look at?

Of course photographs.

Do you think girls do things differently?

Of course, appearance is not the determining factor, but people use it to determine do they want continue acquaintance with this person.

If the first photos discourage any desire, then communication will not work out - rest assured.

Therefore, initially have an album with attractive and pleasant photographs. And only then you can correspond and think about what to write to the girl you like on VK.

Girls will look at it more, what kind of photos you have and what kind of life you live, rather than on the information in your profile!

After all, they are skilled craftswomen in the business of creating images. who attract the opposite sex, and know for a fact that most are trying to seem cool and cool to others.

And this is common.

After all, from childhood, society dictates to men and women what they need to do to please other people if they want to be successful.

However, truly successful people do not try to be liked, they simply are themselves - without the desire to impress or impress.

Think about it.

Video with my live acquaintance with a girl who was walking with her mother

“Why is real live dating so much better than virtual dating, and why do I love it so much?” - you ask.

The answer to this question is in the video below.

The beauty was walking down the street with her mother, but this did not stop me.

Don't make the following common mistakes

Don't make things difficult for yourself. Everything in this world is easy and simple.

That's all. Now you know everything about what to write to a girl when meeting her online.

Don’t be shy to write to girls on Odnoklassniki, Contact, Facebook and any other social networks.

You have a pretty pumped up profile on the social network, as well as positive development!

We continue to move towards success!

You can also get even more unique content and advanced knowledge in my individual training programs on social dynamics, seduction and dating girls.

What to write about yourself on VKontakte, today let’s look at examples of what you can write in the column about yourself on VK. In my opinion, this is the most difficult part of filling out a page, since not everyone can and wants to share information about themselves and post it for everyone to see

What to write about yourself on VKontakte

Sharing information is very difficult, and coming up with something cool to fill out your VK page beautifully is sometimes very difficult. I will give several examples below and divide them into information for girls and boys.

About yourself VKontakte what to write to a girl

Here are a few examples of what a girl can write in the column about herself:

  • I’m a Miracle girl, I’m Sunshine!!!... And sweet, sweet Sweetheart, but if you push me, I’ll fuck you with a pink slipper!
  • I don’t know my worth - I’ve never mentioned it!
  • I love good words when they are all about me!
  • I'm not a bitch - I'm just intolerant
  • If an ordinary girl is a mystery, then I am a super secret state secret!
  • I'm not lying, I'm just good at writing
  • I'm so blonde! Even when I disguise myself as a brunette!
  • I am an angel, just a halo on charge and wings in the wash...
  • The mood is excellent, to the point of indecency.

About yourself on VKontakte what to write to a guy

Here are some examples of what a guy can write in the column about himself:

  • Do not believe the oath of a drug addict, the tears of a whore and the smile of a prosecutor.
  • The girls who show off by drinking and smoking are annoying. Take up sports, sheep, and be proud of it.
  • I am who I am. All I have left are my fists, conscience and honor.
  • The birch tree cried, the aspen cried, only the hemp neighed like a beast...)
  • Two girls fought because of me yesterday. One shouted - take him for yourself, and the other - why the hell do I need him)))
  • Don't love anyone and everyone will like you. Tell the whole world to hell, and they will admire you...
  • To be liked by girls, you have to be smart, handsome, rich... or a cat.
  • Where there is no risk, no fun.

If you have your own suggestions about what you can write about yourself in the VK column, share in the comments

I was wandering around the forums and came across this topic “What can I write in the interests section of a contact?”, it amazed me, the person who wrote this probably has no interests at all. I won’t discuss anyone, I’d rather try to answer the question posed.

In the interests section you should write about:

After all, this can be read by a girl who accidentally ends up on your page, and if nonsense is written in the interests of interests, she will immediately close your page. I advise you to sit down and think about this, you will definitely find what interests you, and don’t even think about going to the forum and asking “interests in contact, what should I write?”

I advise you to format the Interests section in the form of tags so that users with the same interests can find each other through search. If you don't know what tags are, here's an example.

Cars, computers, sea, beach, girls, etc.

Separate them with commas, preferably one word at a time.

Interests on VKontakte for girls

And now I'll post it ready-made collections of VKontakte interests for girls.

Sea. Sun. Summer. Rain…
Sky. Stars. Race. Night…..
Givenchy. Armani. Hugo...
Mother. Dad. Friend. Girlfriend…
Romanticism. Love. Spring….
Hands. Lips. Life without sleep...
Dachas. Parties. Chocolate. And someone’s loving gaze...
Impeccability. Style. Perfume. The perfect manicure...
Nelly. Coolio. Solaar… Delicate bronze tan…..
Beauty. Smile. Photo….. Height. Dream of flight......
Books, ICQ, Inet, Vkontakte... Youth and Creativity....
Sincerity and Positivity….
Pride. Speed. Face-control….
Flame. Passion. Fire. Bonfire…..
Butterflies. Delight and Joy…..
Heart. Tears. Laughter. Accident…..
Rainbow. Flowers and Children….
We are living! We live it all!…..

Family, travel, Photography, smiles, sports, life, soul, children, joy, love, luck, computer, photoshop, active recreation, travel, people, business, religion, cinema, television, chocolate, sea, harmony, good mood, tourism, good cars, speed, Italian language, Italy, sea, mountains, summer, music, dancing, communication, fashion...

Music, cinema, shopping, ice cream, watching TV, twister, science fiction, chatting on the phone, perfume, Swarovski, fireworks, cosmetics, sea, starry sky, sunset, internet, friends, fashionable clothes, dancing, money, pioneer ball, cats, fun, walking, expensive cars, mobile keychains, milk chocolate, laughter, theater, rain, soft toys, chess, travel, Me to you, friends, contact, communication, relatives, family ties, milkshakes, intrigue, Diroi Senses, expensive hotels, sea, yachts, sun, chupiki, Rafaelki, Danissimo Fantasia, elastic bands, hairpins, bracelets, stationery, swimming pool, shampoos, hats, Terranova, Zara, Stradivarius, Mango, bags, hoodie, jeans (dark and white), water , sun loungers, books, fast food, valentines, flowers, flomziki, strawberries, bananas, beautiful clothes, delicious food, cosmetics, jewelry, animals, guinea pigs, movies, I love iPhone 3G, photographs

I am the one...who dreams of sleepless nights.
I'm a mixture of scream and smile
From the right decisions and mistakes...
Mixed from pain and bliss,
I am a perfect imperfection.
How beautiful the morning dawn is,
But, like the moon, it is treacherous and dangerous,
Strong like the wind and weak like a midge,
With the soul of a tender but free cat...

If this article helped you or you liked it, don't forget give your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Best regards, Vyacheslav.

The interests section of VKontakte has nine fields to fill out; by the way, it is not at all necessary to fill them all out.
You can indicate your interests in the editor of your VKontakte page.

Quick navigation:

Edit interests on VKontakte from your computer.

To configure the section, go to your page from your computer, under your avatar (your profile photo), click the “Edit” button, click on “Interests” in the menu that appears, in the upper right. Or just follow the link:

Fill out from your phone.

From your phone you can also edit interests; to do this, open the mobile version in your browser, follow the link, then in the menu, click on “Full version”.

Edit interests from your phone, similar to the method for a computer, as described above.

Do I need to fill out VK interests?

As you may have seen from other users, if you open their page, there is a “Show detailed information” link. So, if we open it, we will see what a person breathes, detailed information.

Some fill out very little information; you must agree that such a page looks less profitable than the pages of users who have something to read.

It’s certainly worth filling out information about your interests on VKontakte, especially since you can leave some fields empty and write only in those where you really have something to talk about.

Read more about how and with what to fill out the VKontakte interests page.

There are nine fields available to fill out, these are: Activities, Interests, Favorite Music, Favorite Movies, Favorite TV Shows, Books, Games, Quotes and “About Me”.


Here you indicate the direction of your activity, study or work. Belonging to communities, positions in public organizations, etc.

If you do not set yourself the goal of creating a serious page, then you can fill out activities in your profile settings in a comic form.

More details with examples of how to fill out VKontakte activities (See).


Here we write your hobbies, interests...

Well, where in our time, without jokes...

For example, you can use ready-made lists of hobbies and interests:

Swimming, gym classes, fitness, running, football, volleyball, tennis, cycling.
Gardening, pet care, dancing.
Embroidery, origami, knitting things and toys, patchwork, clothing design, creating designer dolls.
Working with wood, designing furniture and household items.
Programming, Internet, website development.

Favorite music:

In music, one can describe both individual genres, for example, “Rock, Pop...”, and groups, for example, “Linkin Park, Scorpions...”. Often our preferences change, you can always change to what you currently like to listen to.

10 most popular music groups in the world:

The Beatles
Led Zeppelin
The Rolling Stones
Boney M
Guns N' Roses

Favorite films:

Here you can find both films that have just been released, trends of the month, and classics that have sunk into your soul, for example, you can choose from the top of Kinopoisk, films with the highest ratings.

Favorite TV Shows:

Of course, for a person who wants to show his uniqueness, there is no need to write that his favorite TV shows are “Dom-2, Village of Fools...”. Write something that has received universal appreciation, for example “KVN, Comedy Club, What? Where? When?…".

List of the most popular:

Evening Urgant
Exactly the same!
Ural dumplings
The fight of extrasensories
Let's get married!
Let them talk

Favorite books:

Nowadays, it is rare to meet a person who is interested in reading books; if you are that same book lover, it will probably not be difficult for you to remember and write your most favorite books.

If you are not a fan of reading works, then you need to come up with something and write something, copy the name of great works on the Internet and paste VKontakte interests into this column. But is it necessary to lie? Having written in your favorite books, literature that you have never even held in your hands, you can find yourself in an awkward situation if you are asked to tell you what you think about what you have written.

If you want to fill out “Favorite Books” at all costs, you can limit yourself to humor:

Favorite games:

Favorite VKontakte games what to write. Most likely, this refers to computer games; it is better to indicate sports games as interests on VKontakte.

If you are not a fan, then there is no need to write about the fact that you have played dozens of modern games.

You need to resist your impulse to show off your excellent command of games; if you are too passionate about them, then this is already an addiction, we give advice to men on how to make an attractive page on VK. And as they say, don’t make yourself look like a “nerd,” few people might like that.

But it wouldn’t hurt to write a couple or three games.

List of popular games:

Grand Theft Auto VI / GTA VI / GTA 6
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 / Stalker 2
Skull & Bones
Metro: Exodus / Metro: Exodus
A Way Out
Metal Gear Survive
Spider-Man 2018
Death Stranding
Counter Strike
World of Warcraft
God of War/God of War 4State of Decay 2
The Last of Us 2 / The Last of Us: Part II
Battlefield 5
Darksiders 3/Darksiders III
Red Dead Redemption 2
Beyond Good & Evil 2
Far Cry 5
Call of Duty: WWII
Need for Speed: Payback
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 / Star Wars: Battlefront II

Favorite quotes:

About yourself - What to write in the interests of VKontakte:

« About Me“is a phrase that can confuse what to write here? I am sure that if you are given an impetus on what to write, you will fill in the information about yourself perfectly.

Sport and its variety as fitness will have a very positive impact on the reputation of either a girl or a guy. And if you say on your page “I visit a Fitness center”, it will be better than me “I go to a beer bar”))

And so, just answer the questions and write down the answers in the box...

What sports are you interested in and watch on TV?
What are your hobbies? Maybe you like to cook?
How do you spend your free time?
Do you like to travel?
What are you dreaming about?
Favorite city?
About flowers, children, nature...

Don’t forget that at any time you can go back and edit what you filled out, add new interests to VKontakte and remove what is no longer interesting.

After filling out the page, do not forget to press the button " Save" at the bottom.