Charger fast charging. Does fast charging kill the battery and how to extend the life of your smartphone battery

"can be classified as a must-install application for Android devices." If you want to extend the life of your smartphone, increase the time battery life from one charge, you just need to install this program. In addition, the application actually increases the charging speed, reducing the waiting time by 30-40 percent.

Download it once and forget about its existence, the utility will automatically launch the moment you connect the charging cable.
The principle of operation is based on the fact that when you put the phone on charge, the application will limit everything background processes, will minimize power consumption and thereby speed up the process of filling the battery. Tests have shown the effectiveness of this method to be more than 20 percent, unlike the usual way loading. Using the "" application is extremely simple.

Launch it and enable the feature fast charge. Then she herself automatic mode will speed up the process. Facilitates the entire process convenient and understandable user interface. You can clearly monitor the battery current level right in the program. After the battery is fully charged, the utility will automatically turn on all stopped services and the device will continue to work for you. normal mode. When connected, not only heavy system processes, but the operation of the 3G and Wi-Fi communication modules also stops, as they significantly reduce the battery charge.

The utility works on almost any smartphone and tablet running Android OS older than 2.3, you need to have at least 512 MB RAM and 15 megabytes for installation. Free download "" on android devices you can from our website using the link provided.

How to charge your phone faster? How can I speed up the charging process?

Perhaps every person has encountered a nasty situation when, before leaving home for an important meeting, they suddenly discovered that the charge in the mobile phone battery was actually exhausted. At the same time, there wasn't enough time to charge it. It is logical that the question is how very quickly charge your phone, worries every second owner mobile accessory. Fortunately, there is a valid answer to this. Is it fashionable to charge a phone? Is it possible to charge xiaomi mi pb with two-amp charging. This is exactly what we will talk about now. It should be noted right away that you should not expect any miracles.

Change the power source

A charger is always included with every mobile phone. Its task is very simple: convert an alternating mains voltage of 220 Volts into a constant voltage and reduce it to a certain value determined by the characteristics of the accessory model used. If you carefully study the data provided on the charging case, you can see Input/Output there. For the owner who is interested in how to charge the phone very quickly, the data displayed in the 2nd line is more valuable. For example, it could be “5 V/300 mA”. What does it mean? The 1st number indicates the output voltage. In the vast majority of charges from modern mobile phones it is always equal to 5 volts. Fast function can it be charged? regular phone charging with more or increased. This is designed to be comparable to the USB computer standard, which provides exactly the same 5 V.

On at the moment everyone knows how charge phone without charging, just connect it to the appropriate port system unit or laptop. But the 2nd number is the current supplied by the charger to the phone per unit of time. Depending on the charger model, this value can range from 300 mA to 1.2 A. For those who do not want to read further, how charge your phone faster, we can recommend simply changing the charger to one with a higher current than the “native” one.

Amps and battery

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One of the features of any battery is its electronic capacity, which indicates the amount of accumulated electronic energy. For example, a battery with a capacity of 1 Ampere, after being completely discharged, will be able to recover to its original state in 1 hour, provided that the charger supplies it with a current of 1 A. Accordingly, a charger delivering 300 mA will charge such a battery in approximately 3 hours . In this case, the capacity is usually specified in watts rather than milliamps. You can find out the battery current by simply dividing the power by the voltage. It would seem that it’s enough to change low-current charging to a stronger one - and you don’t have to think about how to charge your phone faster. But this does not give results in all cases.

Features of charging replacement

What is fast charging, how does it work and is it harmful to a smartphone?

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Does fast charging kill your smartphone's battery?

Does it kill fast charging your phone battery. For many years everyone believed that fast charging harms.

From time to time, you can hear from people who once studied how to quickly charge a Droid (phone) that if you change the “native” low-current charger to a stronger model, you can damage the phone. This statement is only partially correct. In modern mobile devices In communication, a special microcontroller is used to regulate the amount of current supplied to the battery. In other words, if the “native” charger produces 300 mA, and it is changed to a model with 1 A, then you may encounter a situation where the controller will limit the incoming current to 300 mA. The difference in this case is dissipated as heat. From all of the above, the conclusion follows: if after replacing the charger the phone starts to get very hot, then you need to abandon this conventional method.

Use the updated version

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For those who are interested, as quickly as possible charge your phone, it should be clear that in the world computer technology There are two standards for a universal serial bus - USB 2.0 and 3.0 (older versions are actually no longer available). Is it worth it, therefore, for insurance, you can use fast charging only in. One difference is the amount of current that can be transferred through the corresponding port. In version 2, its value reaches 500 mA. But in the newer revision 3.0, not only the data exchange speeds, but also the power circuit were changed, so it became possible to transmit through such USB port as much as 900 mA. Thus, one of the effective and harmless options is charge phone without charging, is to connect the mobile phone to computer USB 3.0 connector and monitor the battery filling process. Because the port itself in the standards is externally similar, to determine which is which, it is recommended to use the annotation to motherboard or laptop. Some manufacturers highlight the newest, third version of the nest in color, but this is probably an exception. In principle, this method similar to replacing the charger with a more massive one.

Take advantage of the software feature

To those who are looking for a working method, how charge faster phone, we can recommend looking through the annotation to computer board. Is it possible to charge a device that needs to be charged for 3-4 hours by charging a regular phone with “fast” charging? In almost all modern solutions manufacturers provide the opportunity accelerated charging battery phone. For example, Asus offers proprietary technology proudly called AiCharger. Although there is nothing revolutionary about it, it still works. All you have to do is install the application of the same name and connect your phone to the port. With all this, the current passing through the connector increases to 1-1.2 A. A similar mechanism is offered by the Gigabyte company. On boards from this manufacturer, the function of increasing the current per port is called On/Off Charge (from time to time 3x USB power boost). To do this, you will need a regular one, then the vape can be charged from whether it really is. True, the phone will have to be connected to certain connectors, which are indicated in the instructions. These abilities are still inferior in terms of ease of use to the usual replacement of the charger.

Buy a special USB cable

Everyone knows what a standard universal serial bus wire looks like. But owners of external hard drives and floppy drives are familiar with converted USB cords, made in the shape of the letter Y. On one side of this wire there is a plug connected to the device (phone, CD drive), and on the other there are two connectors connected to free USB connectors on the computer. This is a typical “tee”. When using it, the output current is practically multiplied. In other words, for USB 3.0, at a theoretical level, you can get 1800 mA. The disadvantage of this charging method is that not everyone has a Y-wire at hand.

(Quick Charge), so users actively use this useful technology. QC allows you to quickly and efficiently charge your smartphone; in just an hour, the battery charge is 100% again. For our readers, we have prepared material that will help you learn everything about Quick Charge 3.0 and how it works.

Quick Charge

Qualcomm Technologies continues to introduce new innovations to the mobile device market. In due time, Quick technology Charge 1.0 clearly demonstrated that smartphones can charge 40% faster than with normal charging.

A year later, QC 2.0 was introduced, allowing the device to be charged 75% faster. In addition, various accessories compatible with this technology were presented.

In 2015, Qualcomm Technologies continues to develop its industry. Quick Charge 3.0 charges even faster and more efficiently. By the end of 2017, Xiaomi has already released more than 10 smartphone models that support QC 3.0

With Quick Charge technology, more than high level current, thus charging becomes as fast as possible.

For successful charging The device and the charger itself must be compatible with the same voltage and current.

For example, if the phone supports a 9V/2A charger, but it charges with a 1A charger, the process will take much longer.

Another example, if a charger with a specified current of 2A is used to charge a smartphone that supports a maximum of 0.7A, this will not make it charge faster.

The phone can also be charged faster if a similar charger is used, but with a higher current.

Note: products without a certificate are not guaranteed declared effectiveness.

How does Quick Charge technology work?

Quick Charge technology allows you to optimize the energy supply to your smartphone battery during the first stages of charging.

Thus, some phones can be charged up to 80% in just half an hour. However, in the final stages of charging, the energy transfer is not as high, regardless of which charging technology is used.

Consequently, the battery can be charged up to 50% in a short amount of time, but you will still have to wait more than an hour to fully charge the smartphone.

QC 3.0 charges mobile devices 4 times faster. Compared to QC 2, charging speed has increased by almost forty percent.

Qualcomm focuses consumers' attention not on increased charging speeds, but on increased efficiency. Thus, the main innovation in the technology is the INOV function, which is capable of intelligently selecting the required voltage, more accurately optimizing the power and charging time of a particular device.

Differences between QC 3.0 and previous versions

To understand the main differences latest version quick charge technologies from previous ones, just look at the table below:

After reviewing, we can conclude that due to the increased voltage, the charging time of devices decreased from version to version. The maximum power in the third version remained almost the same as in the second - 18 W. At the same time, batteries with low voltage get more high power. Thanks to this, they charge much faster.

Why doesn't my phone support fast charging? This is exactly the question most often asked by owners of smartphones that do not support Quick Charge. For example, owners of a new smartphone running stock Android would be very disappointed by the lack of Quick Charge in the device.

The problem is that Qualcomm's technology is proprietary. And its support depends on the model installed processor. These are the nuances that developers take into account when releasing a new smartphone.

According to the instructions from the Qualcomm website, they do not prohibit the use of certified adapters on phones without fast charging. Yes, your smartphone will charge properly, but you won't be able to experience all the benefits of Quick Charge when charging your device.


Quick function Change is quite promising and in demand. The developers are not sitting idly by, but are improving it, complementing the 4th generation of fast charging technology with new functions.

Users will be pleasantly surprised by the new Xiaomi smartphones with support for Quick Change 4.0, the presentation of which is expected in the first quarter of 2018.

I love it new technology the conservative-minded public reacts with hostility, holding pessimistic views. Literally immediately after the appearance of devices with QuickCharge, there were many who said that fast charging is harmful to a smartphone. These prejudices are caused by incomplete information. Typically, a person who claims that fast charging accelerates battery wear knows that high currents are harmful to the battery, but does not know how much high currents are harmful to it, and that this mainly concerns the final stage of the process. In reality, everything is a little different.

So does fast charging kill the battery?

In the previous article we mentioned that maximum power The battery is not fully charged, but only to about 50-70% capacity. Subsequently, the currents are reduced to the same as during normal charging. That is why a smartphone with QuickCharge technology can charge up to 50% in just half an hour, but to 100% it will have to be charged in about 2 and more hours. On regular charging, if 50% is filled in an hour, then the battery will be charged to 100% in about 2.5-3 hours. So the goal modern technologies fast charging - do not “drive” the battery to 100% charge within minimum time, and make the decrease in currents more sharp. Its task is to quickly “pump” the maximum possible amount of energy without harming the battery.. When the threshold has already been reached, the smartphone is charged using the most common “slow” technology.

If fast charging itself does not harm the smartphone’s battery, then the question may arise: where do all those people come from who claim that because of fast charging, their smartphone began to work half as long on one charge? But there is a rational explanation for this phenomenon: Fast charging does not harm your smartphone, but its incorrect use can accelerate battery wear. If we draw an analogy with a medicine, then a correctly prescribed antibiotic effectively kills pathogenic microbes, but if full course treatment has not been completed - the unkilled bacilli will develop immunity and they will no longer be afraid of the drug.

The reason for the accelerated wear of the battery of a smartphone that supports QuickCharge is user impatience. Regular, slow charging teaches us to charge the device every night or once every two or three nights (if it’s some kind of Redmi Note 4X or Moto Z Play). But with QuickCharge, the user gets used to the fact that charging the device three times to 50% is faster than charging it to 100% once (a total of 1.5-2 hours, instead of about 2.5-3). As a result, knowing that when the device is discharged, it can be recharged in half an hour and loaded for another half a day, the user gets used to using the device more actively and charging it more often.

Frequent discharging and charging is what harms the battery and reduces its service life. The average battery life of smartphones before the loss of capacity above 10% is usually about 500 cycles, and then the capacity begins to decrease exponentially. That is, if over 500 charge-discharge cycles the cell loses about 10%, then over 1000 cycles the drop will be not 20%, but more. If you charge the device once a day, these 500 cycles will take 1-1.5 years. But since the user begins to discharge and charge the device more often, they take noticeably less time. As a result, after six months or a year the battery has not 90-95% of the initial capacity, but much less.

Battery wear chart. The values ​​are conditional and depend on the specific battery

In theory, if you do not charge the battery to 100%, but stop at 70-80%, the number of cycles before capacity loss increases. Some experts even advise never charging the device to 100%, removing it from charging earlier. However, when the device is used while charging, it begins to heat up more, and an increase in temperature neutralizes all the benefits of undercharging.

It’s unlikely that anyone today can imagine their normal day without a smartphone. This device is not only used for communication, but helps in study and work, and replaces a player, camera, computer and video camera. Therefore, if the gadget's battery is discharged at the wrong time, it can turn into a real disaster. How to quickly charge your phone, and what to do to maximize battery life - the answers to these questions are in our article.

Most owners mobile phones have devices on Android platform. If necessary emergency charging gadget, you can use these life hacks.

  1. Put your smartphone into airplane mode. This option enables blocking of all signals coming to the device. Therefore, the battery will be able to charge 25% faster than in normal mode.
  2. Turn off your phone. This method will minimize energy costs. Of course, you won't be able to receive and send calls while charging. But if the situation is critical, sacrifices must be made.
  3. Give the gadget a rest. After placing the battery to charge, you need to move away from the device. After all, even just turning on the screen drains the battery.
  4. Remove the cover. This advice is especially relevant during the hot season. After all, in the protective shell the phone receives additional overheating to what is already present in environment. A cooled battery will be able to charge more efficiently.
  5. Charge using a power outlet. The USB port of a computer or laptop does not provide fast charging, just like popular wireless devices. Only standard cable and 220 Volt.
  6. Use a quality adapter. Cheap chargers not only reduce the charging speed, but also negatively affect the operation of the gadget. It's better to buy normal device from your phone manufacturer.

By using special programs You can speed up Android charging time. DU Battery Saver and Avast apps battery saver provide optimal energy consumption, increasing the operating time before the next charge by 15 - 30%.

Very fast iPhone charging

Device owners Apple can also significantly speed up the battery charging process if they use useful tips.

  1. Power saving mode helps your phone charge quickly. After all, the less energy the device consumes, the faster it will replenish its reserves. IN iOS models 11 already exist quick button switch to this mode, in older iPhones you should go to the battery settings.
  2. If you do not use the gadget while charging, the process will go much faster. When you have to go out and every minute counts, it’s better to turn off your phone altogether.
  3. With airplane mode turned on, you can charge your iPhone to 30 - 40 percent in half an hour. Indeed, in this state, network search, wi-fi, GPS and bluetooth are turned off, which affect the energy consumption of the device.
  4. If you remove protective case with an iPhone, charging will speed up significantly. The whole secret is in the heating of the battery, which occurs under additional “clothing” and requires energy for cooling.
  5. In its terms of use, Apple recommends using original device, and also use a power outlet rather than a computer’s USB connector.
  6. If there is no other way out, and you have to use USB charging, you need to turn off synchronization, which draws additional energy, and also make sure that the computer or laptop does not “fall asleep”.

To optimize battery consumption, you can use the application for iPhone Mobile Doctor pro.

Ways to quickly charge Windows Phone

New models Microsoft, such as the Lumia 950 XL, have a reconditioned battery with a feature that allows you to charge your phone very quickly. In just half an hour the battery accelerated by 50 percent.

But it would be useful for owners of smartphones of this brand to know the secrets of extremely fast charging.

  1. Do not touch the phone while charging. This way, the remaining battery power is used to backlight the screen and open applications.
  2. It is worth switching the gadget to “airplane mode”. This optimizes the operation of all applications and reduces the functionality of the device. But the battery replenishment speed increases.
  3. Radical and effective method- turn off the phone. Nothing will distract your smartphone from working to replenish energy.
  4. We must give up wireless charging and the method via the USB port of a computer. They work too slowly, so emergency situation don't fit.

It's worth purchasing a Powerbank. Then, if the drive is charged, you can connect the device to it, and charge it, albeit slowly, on the go, if you need to rush on the road.

It became clear how to charge the gadget as quickly as possible. Is it possible to use the precious charge that the battery has received especially carefully?

To do this you need:

  • close all currently unnecessary applications;
  • turn the screen brightness to minimum;
  • turn off mobile data, wireless network if you don't use them;
  • set the minimum time in the settings automatic shutdown gadget screen and its lock;
  • remove additional vibration mode;
  • connect headphones to listen to music, do not use speakers;

turn off system sounds.
And the following tips will help you make your smartphone battery last much longer from one charging process to the next.

  1. It is better not to charge the gadget to 100 percent and not to discharge it to zero. It is better for the battery to be in a 40 - 80% state, which extends its life. Therefore, if you choose between several charges a day for a couple of percent and complete emptying, and then fully charged, then preference should be given to the first option.
  2. Once every month or a month and a half, you should completely discharge the gadget’s battery, and then do full cycle charge to maximum. This process adjusts the battery threshold settings.
  3. It is necessary to use the original, so-called native charging device. Only this ensures maximum safety of the device and preserves the factory characteristics of the battery.
  4. Do not allow your smartphone to overheat or overcool. Temperatures below 40 or above 35 degrees are no longer suitable for using gadgets. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the device from the sun, heating devices and extreme weather conditions.
  5. If the battery is not in use, it is better not to store it completely discharged; it should be brought to at least 30 - 40 percent before removing it. Otherwise, after several months of improper storage, the battery will have to be thrown away.

By listening to the advice, you can make sure that your smartphone is always ready at right moment help with communication, work or study. It is very easy to follow the rules, you just need to have the desire.