What application can you use to draw on your computer? Drawing on a computer - necessary programs and devices

Nowadays, a computer has already become an indispensable attribute of modern human life, and the functioning of the vast majority of industries is simply impossible to imagine without automated technologies. After all, the PC provides us with a huge number of different possibilities. In particular, it allows us to paint, and no worse than the best artists on canvas. To do this, initially you just need to figure out how to draw on a computer and what programs are used for this.

How and who can draw?

Absolutely any PC user can draw, and for this you do not need to have any talent or many years of experience and education. Of course, the creation of masterpieces remains up to the masters of their craft and gifted people, but at the same time, any ordinary user can also try his hand at this art, making something that could be liked by many.

At the same time, in order to start doing this business, you first need to figure out how to draw on a computer. Thanks to the availability of specialized utilities, any user has the opportunity to draw anything, and for this there is a wide selection of specialized software that is absolutely free.


When considering drawing utilities, we should first consider the program of the Windows operating system itself, which allows us to draw on the computer - Paint. In other words, to use this drawing utility, you will not need to install anything additional, just go to the “Standard” section, then open the program and start drawing in a way convenient for you.

What are the benefits of Paint?

The main feature of this program is that it is extremely easy to learn, so even a beginner in the field of personal computers can understand it. The main functions of this program are the ability to draw with a brush or pencil, as well as filling the surface with a certain color and various editing of the picture, including cutting out fragments, resizing and much more. All this allows the program to be used even by those who are interested in how to draw cartoons on a computer. The functionality of this program, in principle, is sufficient to completely correct some minor errors in the drawing you made.

It is for this reason that if you are just starting to understand how to draw on a computer, you should start with Paint.


Gimp is a fairly popular graphics editor today, and also more powerful than the previous one, which, among other things, can also be used on portable graphics tablets and many other specialized devices.

Using this utility, you can significantly improve the color rendition of the image, increase the brightness in the pictures, and also easily cut out fragments from photographs that you think are unnecessary. It is worth noting the fact that, using this editor, you will not only figure out how to draw on a computer, but you will also be able to even cut website layouts, if necessary. The program allows you to save files in its own format, which has the .xcf tag. It provides full preservation of texts, textures, layers and other elements.

The utility provides users with quite a wide range of functionality, in particular, this applies to the clipboard, due to which any picture can be instantly inserted into the program in a short period of time. If you have at least a little understanding of the basics of programming, then Gimp provides you with ample opportunities to create your own plugins. In addition, Gimp also has the ability to archive created images.


This graphic editor is intended only for beginner artists. For this purpose, an extremely simple and user-friendly interface has been developed, allowing even beginners to easily draw on a computer. The program offers a huge set of brushes, thanks to which you can realize your full potential by painting with this utility in the same way as on a real canvas. If we talk about the characteristic advantages of this editor, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • It supports tablets, which means you can not only draw on a computer, but also use this program on mobile gadgets, drawing in any place convenient for you.
  • It is possible to configure quick commands, which allows advanced users to work with this utility much more quickly and conveniently.
  • A huge variety of drawing tools. There is also the possibility of creating or importing additional tools, which is especially nice for those who are thinking about how to learn to draw on a computer.
  • The canvas has no boundaries, which allows you to fully realize some of your ideas. The only thing worth noting is that you still need to stay within certain limits if you want other users to be able to view the entire image on their monitors.
  • The utility supports absolutely all operating systems common today.

Thanks to this, the program is now actively used by those people who prefer to draw on a computer.

Graffiti Studio

Fans of the graffiti style will definitely appreciate a utility like Graffiti Studio. The simplicity and realism of this utility make you fall in love with it literally at first sight. Users are offered the opportunity to choose from a number of different canvases, which can be used as buses, carriages, walls, as well as other surfaces popular among fans of this art.

It is worth noting that the main panel of this program offers a fairly wide palette of colors. In addition, it is possible to use a variety of effects, including smudges, markers, maintaining a certain distance to the surface, as well as many other elements.


Using this graphic editor, the user can draw anything on the computer, since the program offers the widest functionality regarding the creation and subsequent editing of various images. It is worth noting that this utility is initially aimed specifically at drawing from a blank sheet of paper, and not at editing ready-made images.

The functionality of this utility offers a huge number of a wide variety of design and artistic tools, including all kinds of pencils, brushes, pens, pens, and many others. A distinctive feature of the program is its extremely clear and user-friendly interface, as well as the ability to work with tablets.


In terms of capabilities, as well as the functionality provided, this editor can easily compete with the vaunted Adobe Photoshop, which today is recognized as a leader in its field, but is paid, and for this reason it is not considered in our case. This utility offers an imitation of drawing with oil, paint, pencil, brush, chalk and any other tools, while providing the ability to work with different layers.

Speaking from an editing point of view, here the utility allows you to compress or convert files to other formats.

PixBuilder Studio

“Mini-Photoshop” - this is what this utility is often called by many users who are interested in how to draw on a computer. The program provides a fairly large number of popular and most in-demand functions and features that paid Photoshop offers today.

In particular, it is worth noting that this program provides a brightness and contrast editor, and also offers a fairly large number of tools that allow you to transform the image. Using PixBuilder, you can create a wide variety of complex images and objects, and special attention should be paid to the fact that the program has a very, very interesting implementation of the image blur function, which further expands the boundaries for creativity. In particular, these effects will be important for those who are interested in how to draw anime on the computer.

In terms of image editing, the program offers the ability to resize, as well as rotate or rotate the image. All this is done by PixBuilder Studio - one of the most successful image editing programs among all existing today. Regardless of whether you are looking for how to draw a pony on a computer or how to make a full-fledged landscape, the program will provide you with the necessary functionality.


Inkscape is a specialized vector image editor that is a completely free version of the Corel Draw program. This utility is intended for drawing with vectors or directed segments, which is its distinctive feature. If we talk about the advantages of drawing in this format, it is worth highlighting that vector drawings do not lose quality at all if the user decides to change the resolution.

However, most often such a utility is popular, of course, not among those who are looking for how to draw a pony on a computer, but more in the field of printing.


LiveBrush is quite popular today due to the fact that it is one of the most understandable and simple among all the utilities that exist today. The main distinguishing feature of the program is a fairly large number of possibilities for editing pictures, and also the fact that in this case we draw using a computer exclusively with a brush.

Of course, it may initially seem that using a single tool may somewhat reduce the user's capabilities, but in reality you can do things with this program that you have not done with any other utility. Here you have a huge variety of brushes to choose from, as well as additional settings for them. If necessary, you can download the brush yourself from the Internet or even make one. It is worth noting that in this case, the concept of “brush” refers to a tool with which you can not just draw standard lines, but even think about how to draw cartoons on a computer. It is for this reason that those people who prefer to work with graphic portraits will definitely appreciate the capabilities of the described program.

Many people are mistaken that normal drawing on a computer requires a powerful processor. For optimal functioning, a processor frequency of 1.5-2 GHz will be enough for you. The choice between manufacturing companies is not fundamental; the amount of your funds is the decisive factor.

Main parameter your hardware for creating illustrations - quantity RAM. Working applications, such as Photoshop, Painter, OpenCanvas, or even 3D graphics applications, require large amounts of RAM.

If your goal is to create complex, multi-layered sketches, then you need to purchase as much RAM as possible for your computer (you can work more or less optimally if you have from one gigabyte free RAM).

Video card You won’t need any of the latest current lines either. The manufacturer also does not play a special role, only your personal preferences. Among people involved in computer illustration, design, etc. There is an opinion that the best video cards for this are created by Matrox, but this, of course, is entirely subjective.

Drawing equipment

Next, we should move on to one of the most important aspects of this type of artistic art - the main equipment. It's worth starting with scanner, it performs one of the key roles, namely, it transfers the picture depicted on paper into digital form.

Let me give you a simple example: you have drawn a tree and you need to move this tree to the forest. You scan the illustration, do a little stylization to match the overall image of the picture and transfer it as a separate layer to it, everything is ready, now your tree is in the right place.

The next essential part of being a proper graphic artist or designer is tablet. Such equipment is created most often of two types - graphic And drafting. Let's talk a little more about this.

Graphics tablet– has a small working area, creates a point rougher than a drawing one and reacts to the force of pressure on the pen, which greatly facilitates the work. Using professional software like Adobe Photoshop, it is more convenient to handle chiaroscuro and brushes on such a tablet.

Drawing tablet– created for CAD programs such as AutoCAD, 3DMAXStudio, etc. Such a gadget does not feel pressure on the pen; the dot is either there or it is not. It is often distinguished by very pleasant and high resolution and positioning accuracy.

In the case we are talking about, a graphics tablet is more suitable. Of course, it is better to buy more expensive ones, since they have a wider range of capabilities compared to cheap ones, but an ordinary one can also cope with its functions.

Another important, but not mandatory gadget is uninterruptible power supply. None of us are protected from power outages, and we don’t want to lose our many hours of work. That is why it would be better to buy yourself such an assistant, so as not to grieve over the lost hours later.

How to draw with a mouse

You can realize your creative urges without special gadgets, using only with the mouse. This option is quite economical and simple, but then the task becomes hundreds of times more complicated, the lines become less even, and the operating time increases significantly.

This option only takes place if you set yourself the task of fulfilling simple drawings, or you are unable to purchase the required equipment. Or you just need to correct the scanned drawings.

As you can already understand, you cannot become a good artist on a computer with only a mouse, except in rare cases. People involved in graphics usually say: “You can draw with a mouse, but you don’t need to.”

But for working with a tablet, it is also useful, here are the requirements for it standard– it should fit well in the hand and be comfortable; it would be nice to have a third button on the side, but this, one might say, is already redundant.

Drawing apps

There are many specialized software packages, from the simplest, such as standard Paint in Windows, to complex ones, such as Adobe Photoshop. We will tell you about several of the most popular ones.

Painter– one of the most functional. It quite simply imitates all known and currently required materials for art, which allows you to expand the range of its capabilities. Is paid.

Adobe Photoshop- software created more for photo editing and processing than for artistic art. But it has a huge storehouse of functions and materials. It has a colossal number of filters, brushes and other add-ons. Also paid.

Corel Draw– a vector editor, less functional than the last two reviewed, but it is free and has normal, no frills, functionality.

Open Canvas– an editor similar to the leading programs in its field, but greatly simplified. It is recommended to begin your acquaintance with computer drawing here. Quite a lot inferior“flagship” in its field, but still has good functions and is completely free.

Computer graphics kits

Minimum set– mouse, computer, scanner, sheet of paper, pencil and graphics editor.

A very labor-intensive set, but it allows you to create relatively high-quality work. A sketch is created on paper, scanned, and processed. The end result, with enough diligence, is good work.

Comfortable set– mouse, scanner, computer, good graphics/vector editor and drawing kit.

Using a vector editor, any curved lines can be drawn correctly. Also, with normal ability to use drawing packages, you can create quite good works. Mostly relevant only for vector editors.

Nice set– a normal computer, a high-quality mouse (can be a trackball) with a mouse pad, a scanner, a graphics tablet and paid programs (at least one, preferably Photoshop)

With such a set you can reach a fairly high level, the restrictions are only on your skill.

Even in ancient times, people began to draw. First they carved designs on stones, then on parchments. Over the years, a large number of drawing tools have appeared. Nowadays, this tool is the computer. There are a large number of programs for working with graphics. This article will tell you how to draw on a computer.

Each Windows operating system has built-in ones. Typically, this is Paint. If you don’t know how to find it, then you should go to the “Start” menu, and in the “Find programs” field write the word “Paint”. Next, for the program to open, just click on its name. Paint has all the necessary tools: eraser, pencil, fill, etc. If your Internet is turned off, or you are simply bored, then you can pass the time by drawing various pictures.

If you are in the mood to create serious landscapes or other paintings, then the Paint program is not suitable. More serious tools need to be used.

Computer graphics can be divided into two types: vector and raster. The latter is a grid of pixels of a certain size. How to draw on a computer using this You can do this using the image editor Adobe Photoshop. This program is rightfully considered one of the most popular and effective for drawing. In addition, many professionals use Photoshop to work with graphic elements.

There are also programs that are not as advanced as Adobe Photoshop, such as Gimp. Despite its simplicity, it has a large number of functions, many argue that it is a very good alternative to Adobe. With Gimp you can easily understand how to draw on the computer.

Vector graphics are based on the use of geometric objects: points, polygons and lines. Its advantage is that you can enlarge the image without deteriorating the picture quality.

The best option for processing vector graphics is the graphics editor Adobe Illustrator. These programs are considered the best. When you are wondering how to draw on a computer and which program to choose, these are the ones you should pay attention to because they are used by professional designers, artists and other specialists in this field.

You can also use Inkscape for vector graphics. This graphics editor is not as popular as the programs described above, but it is good for drawing.

You can also draw using graphics tablets. Are they designed to create images on a computer using a graphics tablet? This tool comes with a pen that you use to move across its surface, and your touches from the pen are translated onto the computer screen. The best program for drawing using a graphics tablet is Paint tool SAI. It simulates drawing on real paper. Drawing on a tablet is much more convenient than on a PC, since using a mouse does not produce very straight lines and your hand is constantly shaking. Using a pen, you can draw smooth and clear lines. True, a high-quality graphics tablet costs a lot of money (from

So you have found out the answer to the question of how to draw on a computer. To do this, you just need a drawing program and desire. To ensure that the result does not disappoint, you can buy a special graphics tablet.

Convenient and easy-to-use programs for drawing on a graphics tablet have become widespread.

This is due to the fact that more and more artists are starting to work digitally, abandoning classical materials to create illustrations or paintings.

However, both the convenience of work and the quality of its implementation largely depend on what software the author uses to work on the tablet.


Most tablet-based artists currently use Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. This is high-quality, functional software, however, it is not the only one. It is worth choosing a program based on functionality and ease of working with it.

The capabilities of your tablet will depend on which program you choose. Therefore, you need to choose software taking into account the technical data of the device. In addition, there are universal programs suitable for any tablet.

<Рис. 1 Планшет>


This application is suitable for artists who are just starting to master working on a graphics tablet. It has general functionality, a simple and familiar menu, and therefore you won’t need to spend additional time getting used to it (although a novice author will still have to get used to the tablet).

Having a certain level of skill and getting good at it, with the help of such software you can create quite high-quality works. The advantages of such an application include:

  1. It is available by default in standard builds of all versions of Windows (although it is recommended to work with those included in the builds of XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10);
  2. Extremely simple interface and menu - almost every user knows how to work with Paint;
  3. Quite wide (for a basic program) functionality.

Among the functional features of the program, we can highlight drawing with a pencil with lines of various thicknesses and densities, drawing with a brush at different transparency and stroke widths, filling the selected area with one color, and working in several layers. You can also act with the finished image - select and copy zones, cut out areas, enlarge, stretch and flip selected zones. Saves pictures in several formats.

You should start getting acquainted with the functionality of a drawing tablet with this software. Moreover, it can be basic for those who do not draw professionally, as well as for those who periodically make minor edits in graphic files.

<Рис. 2 Работа в Пейнт>


This software for creating drawings has wide functionality and significant power. You can download it from the official website www.gimp.org. Works with all types of graphics tablets, and also with some other input devices.

The disadvantages of such software include the following:

  1. Quite a significant load on both the hardware of the computer and tablet;
  2. The interface is quite complex, it takes time to get used to it.

<Рис. 3 Работа в Gimp>

However, it is still considered that the application is intended for beginners. It has quite a wide range of functionality:

  • Working with photos - brightness, color correction, adjusting levels, contrast, etc.;
  • Photo editing - removing unnecessary elements, cropping, and other standard Photoshop functions;
  • Suitable for web designers as it allows you to create and edit website layouts;
  • Drawing pictures – equipped with the functions “brush”, “pencil”, “filling an area with color”, etc., and in several types;
  • It has an individual format for saving pictures.xcf, which can save data with a picture, text insert, layers, textures, etc.;
  • Simple integration with the clipboard – pictures and photos can be opened in the program by simply copying them;
  • Opens files intended for editing from other well-known graphics programs, for example, .psd;
  • The developer's open source code allows you to create and install your own plugins, add-ons and extensions for this software;
  • Allows you to quickly archive files.

This software is very versatile. It is suitable for both beginners and non-professionals, as well as professional illustrators.


The program is intended primarily for artists working in classical genres. It is not so much designed for drawing simple illustrations, but for creating works of art, paintings in the classical style. For this reason, it has quite broad and complex functionality, and a not very simple menu.

Most artists take some time to get used to it. However, it is believed that the interface of this program is simpler than most similar ones with similar functionality. You can download the application at .

<Рис. 4 Работа в MyPaint>

The main advantages of this application are:

  • Unlimited canvas sizes;
  • The ability to customize the contents of the menu bar, include assignable buttons, etc., resulting in the function of quickly switching between commands and easy access to frequently used functions;
  • A very wide selection of brush types with the ability to fine-tune each;
  • Function for importing strokes and brushes, generating, customizing and editing them;
  • Works with many types of devices and supports them well;
  • Unlike most similar programs, it works in a variety of operating systems - Linux, Mac OS, Windows, Ubuntu.

Drawing in this software should be fast after the user gets used to its interface. However, non-professional artists, as well as illustrators and comic book creators, can make do with other, simpler applications (both in terms of interface and functionality).

Graffiti Studio

The program is designed for creating graffiti; its main functionality is designed for this style of drawing. Can be successfully used by those who create comics, as well as illustrators working in a similar style. The program has a very simple and intuitive interface.

An interesting distinguishing feature is its relative realism. The whole process of work is reminiscent of applying graffiti “live”. And as a canvas, you can choose surfaces familiar to a street artist - walls, asphalt, cars, buses, etc.

<Рис. 5 Работа в Graffiti Studio>

The features of this application include:

  • Use of more than 100 color shades of paints, such as could be used in real painting;
  • Creating drips and stains, applying to “dry paint”;
  • Changing the specifics of application, depending on what surface you have chosen (as in reality);
  • Changing the distance from the artist to the canvas (the distance from which virtual spray paint is applied to a vertical surface);
  • The use of markers and other means that are actively used in real graffiti.

Although this style is not as popular now as it was a few years ago, it has not completely disappeared. Largely thanks to the emergence of such programs.


The program is a complete analogue of Photoshop. But, unlike it, it is sold completely free of charge. You can download it from the official website.

It has functionality completely similar to Photoshop. And besides, a similar interface and appearance. It is quite capable of replacing this graphic editor.

However, it also has some additional functions that will be convenient for artists. Its main advantage is that authors who are accustomed to working in Photoshop will not have to relearn. In addition, this application uses less computer resources and is less heavy.

The application allows you to create paintings using media that imitate oil, pencil, watercolor, and chalk. At the same time, various tools are presented here - brushes, markers, pencils, pens, pens and more (of various types, moreover).

Like Photoshop, it has full functionality for changing photos - color correction, adjusting brightness and contrast, levels, cropping, cutting out areas, compression, rotation, reflections, stylization, etc. Like its more famous analogue, it supports working in layers.

<Рис. 6 Работа в Artweaver>


You can download the program and a manual for working with it from the official website. It is suitable for working with any type of tablet. It has quite a wide functionality with a relatively simple interface.

Allows you not only to create new images, but also to process, change and edit old ones, including those created in other programs. But the application is mainly aimed at artists who create a picture on a blank canvas. Suitable for both illustrators and web designers and artists working in a classical style.

Allows you to simulate work with various tools - brush, pencil, pen, pens, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, etc. Interacts well with tablets, no crashes or bugs are observed when performing basic functions. Since the software has a simple interface, it will make the creative process relatively simple and fast.

<Рис. 7 Работа в SmoothDraw>

PixBuilder Studio

The most accurate description for this program would be a lightweight version of Photoshop. It combines most of the most used functions of this program, but removes unnecessary or rarely used features in order to simplify the interface and reduce the load on the hardware and software of the computer. You can download the program from the link.

Has the following functionality:

  • Editing the image according to parameters: brightness, contrast, color correction, color enhancement, etc.;
  • Cutting and transforming photos, stretching, compressing, reflecting, rotating, both the entire image and a selected area;
  • Generating complex shapes, objects, etc.;
  • Blur and sharpen functions, image stylization options.

However, in general, the application is more designed for editing existing images than for creating new ones. For this reason, it is not suitable for professional artists. Rather, it is suitable for those who edit photos and pictures, but sometimes make their own edits and additions to them.

<Рис. 8 Работа в PixBuilder Studio>


It differs significantly from other programs on the list primarily in that it allows you to create vector graphic images. In essence, it is a more advanced and functional version of CoralDraw, which is familiar to most users. You can download it from the official website, and you must indicate your operating system, since there are builds of this program for all operating systems (which is another significant advantage).

What are the advantages of this application? First of all, in the very principle of vector graphics, that is, drawing with directed segments. Such segments, unlike point fragments (in which all other programs described above work), are easy to edit at any stage.

At the same time, when editing the shapes and sizes of segments in this way, there is no loss of picture quality. You can even enlarge the entire image several times, while maintaining its quality.

For this reason, the program is popular among web designers and designers, logo designers, etc., because they often need to edit the image size. In addition, the application is actively used in printing, creating banners and booklets.

<Рис. 9 Работа в Inkscape>


Simple and interesting software, intended rather for creative search and inspiration than for creating a classic work. In addition, it has quite a wide range of image editing functionality. You can download the software from the link.

There is only one tool here - a brush. But it is presented in many different types, both in width and density, type, etc. In addition, many types of brushes can be downloaded, edited, created, etc.

In addition to traditional brushes - lines, there are also complex geometric shapes, which are also considered brushes in this application. The program is suitable for creating abstract illustrations and some design works.

<Рис. 10 Работа в Livebrush>

Paid programs

Many developers also implement paid programs for working with graphics tablets. In terms of functionality, they are not always superior to free ones, so it’s worth weighing the pros and cons before purchasing. The most popular commercial programs are:

  • Corel Painter X3 works with traditional materials - brushes, pencils, etc. Simulates dry and wet coatings and effects. The works turn out to be realistic, and the drawing process is familiar;
  • Painter Lite is a cheaper version of the previous program, with narrower functionality. Equipped with only the necessary drawing tools, it is suitable for beginners or for those who are not yet ready for significant expenses;
  • Clip Paint Studio Pro was developed for creating anime and manga. However, you can create comics and illustrations of any type in it. Its developers have made so many changes to the program that it can now be used for digital painting. It is convenient to have standard manga poses and figures that can be used as models for classical drawing;

    <Рис. 11 Работа в Corel Painter X3>

    Another good paid program is Affinity Designer. But it has a significant drawback - it is designed only to work with MAC.

    Computer drawing programs

    In this video, I took six programs on which you can draw on a computer with a tablet and explained which program is best suited for whom and also revealed the criteria for choosing a graphic editor for everyone personally.

Computer graphics have recently become very popular. Even if you are not going to make money from it, many people just want to learn how to draw on a computer. It's one thing to draw on paper, and quite another to draw on a computer. This process has a number of undeniable advantages, but we should not forget about the difficulties.

Most artists use special graphics tablets connected to a computer for this purpose. Drawing on such a device is very simple, almost the same as on a sheet of paper. Many beginners and amateurs are put off by the high cost, so they want to learn how to draw with a mouse.

How to do this correctly? What is needed for this? What features might you encounter? You will get answers to these questions by reading the prepared material.

Why, in general, draw on a computer? You can easily get by with a piece of paper and then scan the drawing. But computer graphics has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Availability of working tools. You only need a computer and a special program - a graphics editor. Here you don’t need to take into account the features of paints or pencils, buy them, or make sure that they don’t run out on time.
  • The ability to quickly correct any shortcomings. If you notice some kind of defect in a paper drawing, it is often almost impossible to correct it, so you have to draw everything from the very beginning. In digital drawing, everything can be corrected with just a few clicks of the mouse.
  • Immune to external factors. The digital drawing will not fade in the sun, nor will it be damaged by a child or pet.

How to prepare to draw with a mouse

Before you start drawing with a mouse on a computer, you should do a little preparation. To do this, you will need to purchase a reliable mouse, a high-quality mouse pad and install a graphics editor. Let's look at each of the points in more detail.

  • Mouse. It should ideally be large and massive, with very precise cursor positioning. She should respond to your every move instantly. Since drawing is a long process, the mouse should fit comfortably in your hand and not create inconvenience. Naturally, you shouldn’t expect that a high-quality accessory will be cheap. If you want to achieve high results, be prepared to spend more.
  • Rug. Many manufacturers have a series of professional mats for graphic designers. The slip coefficient is carefully calculated in them, and the material used is such that it does not wear out over time and looks like new for a long time.
  • Graphic editor. There are professional and entry-level graphic editors. In addition, there are programs for vector and raster graphics. Some are completely free, while others cost a significant amount. Some come pre-installed with the operating system, while most need to be downloaded and installed. The most famous editors are Microsoft Paint, Adobe Photoshop, Gimp, Paint Tool SAI.


As already mentioned, drawing with a mouse has a number of features. Let's highlight some of them.

  • It is best to select the Brush tool to create a drawing. Perhaps someone will say that this is not the best choice, but it is with its help that it is easiest to achieve the desired results. By the way, most editors have the option to adjust the hardness and degree of pressure, as well as transparency. For example, this function can be used without problems in Photoshop and Paint Tool SAI. Thanks to this, it is much more convenient to draw with a mouse than with a pencil, which produces much harsher lines.
  • Since, unlike a tablet, there is no way to adjust the pressure of the drawing tool, to soften the edges and contours of the drawing, it is better to use an eraser with the opacity set to a low level. This will reduce the sharpness of the lines. Most graphics tablets support both Photoshop and SAI.
  • Don't try to draw the contours in one long line. Use lots of small clicks to create short strokes. Also, keep in mind that you will often have to switch between tools and their settings, as well as menu items. In order not to waste time, try to bring this skill to automaticity. And if you really need to draw a long straight line, use a special tool, it will make your life much easier.
  • If you have already tried to create drawings on a computer in SAI or another editor, you probably noticed that drawing lines is very difficult. They constantly bend, become uneven, and if you need to paint on something, getting to the right place is not at all easy. In this case, feel free to use the zoom tool. The larger you zoom in, the more accurately you can adjust the edges of the design. Switch between normal view and zoom to perfect your image.
  • Where to start learning? It’s clear that you won’t be able to get complex pictures in SAI the first time, you’ll need to get better at it. First of all, try to draw simple drawings, for which the use of ordinary geometric shapes will be sufficient. For example, draw a Christmas tree or a snowman. Having mastered the symmetrical arrangement of elements and contours, proceed to filling with color. It is better not to use the fill tool for this, but to paint over it manually with a brush. Then you can make the finishing touches, add shadows and all sorts of little things. There are many tutorials on YouTube for beginners.
  • You will experience much less difficulty if you at least roughly sketch out your drawing on a regular sheet of paper in advance. In addition, experience in regular drawing will also be useful to you.
    To stay within the boundaries of the drawing when painting, select the area in which you want to change the color, and then start painting.
  • If nothing works at all by hand, there is an alternative, and a rather convenient one. Draw the outlines on paper, then scan the picture or take a high-quality photo and open the finished file in the SAI graphic editor or Photoshop. Then draw the lines, change their thickness and add colors. By the way, in many editors, for example in Photoshop or Paint Tool SAI, you can make good drawings in this way, since all changes are applied in the form of layers, which can then be easily removed.

How to draw in different graphic editors


  1. To create a drawing in Photoshop, download and install the program if it is not already on your computer. We encourage you to purchase a licensed copy, but if the high cost puts you off, search the Internet for cracked versions. Just keep in mind that if the repack is of poor quality, the program will not work properly, and some functions may be missing.
  2. After launching the program, create a new file. This can be done either through the File - New menu, or by pressing the key combination Ctrl + N. In a pop-up window, you will be asked to select the size and resolution of the image. The higher it is, the longer and more difficult it will be to create a drawing in Photoshop.
  3. Look at the work area: on the right side you will see several toolbars, where you can select a color, background, and also work with layers. On the left side you will see a menu for selecting working tools. In the upper part, under the program menu, you can use some options of the selected tool.
  4. On the right side of the screen, click the “Create Layer” button, on the left side, select the brush or pencil tool, and at the top, select the line type and thickness.
  5. Create a drawing in Photoshop, then save it in a folder on your computer’s hard drive.

Paint Tool SAI

  1. Download and install the Paint Tool SAI program. The program is paid, so either buy it or download the hacked version if you can’t pay.
  2. Launch Paint Tool SAI and create a new drawing. This function is no different from other graphic editors, so you can either click File - New or press Ctrl + N on your keyboard.
  3. Paint Tool SAI will ask you for the desired image size and file format. Depending on your desires and needs, select the necessary options.
  4. Create a new layer in the Paint Tool SAI toolbar on the left side of the screen, then select the desired painting tool and begin the process.
  5. Save the image to a directory on your hard drive.


This editor is the easiest to work with, although it has a minimal set of functions. The program has an undeniable advantage - you do not have to worry about finding and installing a working version, since the editor is standard and built into the system by default. How to draw in Paint?

  1. Find the program in the Start menu on your Windows computer.
  2. When the working window opens, you will see a small white rectangle, and special markers on the side edge and in the corner.
  3. Drag these handles to resize the image. The current size will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Select the desired drawing tool, such as a brush or pencil, from the top menu bar in the Home tab.
  5. After completing the changes, save the file.


Drawing with a mouse on a computer can be quite difficult at first, but with practice, you will become captivated by this process and will be able to create real masterpieces in Photoshop or SAI. In the comments, tell us what program you use.