What is better gas generator or inverter. There are two versions of alternators: standard and inverter

The modern market of electrical equipment currently offers two types of generators, with the help of which, by burning carbon fuel (gasoline, diesel fuel or gas), you can get electrical energy. This problem is relevant, because the work of domestic energy supply organizations leaves much to be desired. And the periodic shutdown of the supply of electric current, confirmation of this. So, in this article, we will be interested in one question: an inverter generator or a conventional one - which is better?

To understand this issue, it is necessary to consider the principle of operation of two types of generating equipment, the positive and negative aspects of design and operation, and pay attention to some positions related to the economic side of the matter.

Classic Generator

The principle of operation of a conventional generator is quite simple. Carbon fuel, using a standard fuel-specific engine, drives a shaft that is directly connected to the alternator. The latter is an alternating current generator that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy due to the rotor winding and magnets installed in its design.

That is, there are no intermediaries, therefore it is very important that the rotation of the shaft, and, accordingly, the rotor, occurs at the same speed. A decrease or increase in the rotation speed leads to a decrease in the quality of electric current generation. This is the main disadvantage of a classic generator, because over time, rotating components and parts wear out, which mainly leads to a decrease in rotation speed.

  • But that's not all. Classical generators have one, if I may say so, negative economic moment. If the unit is not fully loaded (below nominal), then the fuel consumption will be large in comparison with the load indicator. And even more so if the generator will work in this mode for a long time. To give you an idea of ​​what we are talking about, let's take a simple example.

You have purchased a 5 kW generator, and the power consumption of all household appliances and lighting in the house is approximately 3 kW. That is, almost half of the generator unit will run idle. But at the same time, it will “eat up” fuel by exactly 5 kW. Therefore, before buying this equipment, it is necessary to accurately calculate the power consumption in the house. And already under it to purchase the device itself.

  • If the classic type generator does not work at full load, soot begins to collect inside the internal combustion engine. And this will lead to a decrease in work efficiency, that is, it will again directly affect fuel consumption. Plus, you will have to carry out repairs more often, which is also not a cheap pleasure.

Many consumers, when purchasing a generator set, rarely look at the instructions or passport. Namely, in these documents, manufacturers warn that the operation of the generator below 25 percent load is strictly prohibited. Usually, the period during which such a load is allowed is also indicated, because there are many emergency situations in life. This period is indicated in hours per year. That is, exceeding this indicator removes all responsibility of the manufacturer.

Attention! The most surprising thing is that a large number of complaints from consumers come precisely for this reason. Therefore, we recommend that you first study the accompanying documents, and then purchase or operate the generator.

Despite the fact that generators with classical power generation technologies have so many drawbacks, they also have one rather significant pole - this is an acceptable price of equipment in comparison with other varieties. Add here the good reliability of the unit and a wide range of capacities. As for reliability and long service life, all this will be in reality if the generator is loaded to the fullest and periodically technical inspection is done.

The inverter generator has a completely different way of generating electrical energy, although it is still the same AC apparatus. It does not produce electricity directly, as it happens in the classical model. In its design, several intermediate nodes are installed, the main of which is the battery.

How is AC generated?

  • At first, everything happens in the same way as in the classical apparatus. That is, the internal combustion engine rotates a shaft that is connected to the alternator rotor. The latter generates alternating current.
  • The current passes through the power electronics and is converted to direct current. They charge the battery.
  • Now, in order to get an alternating current again, an inverter is installed after the battery, which produces the current of the required voltage, or rather, 220 volts with a frequency of 50 Hz.

Why is such a complex scheme needed, what is its advantage? Everything again rests on the consumption of hydrocarbon fuel. For such a unit, there is no need to maintain a constant rotor speed, it can be quite small, and this will be enough to charge the battery. True, with reduced rotation, the charging time will increase. But in this case it is not so important. It turns out that the lower the rotation speed, the less fuel is consumed.

In addition, we can say that it is this parameter that affects the dimensions of the generator. It becomes compact and lightweight. Plus, it's quiet.


Basically, there are two main disadvantages:

  • Cost of equipment. It is almost twice as high as the classical ones.
  • Design feature - the battery is an integral and non-separable part of the generator. That is, if the battery has expired, then you will have to change the entire device.

As for the battery, there is another negative point here. Its capacity may not withstand the required amount of electricity consumption. That is, you first counted on a certain load in the electrical network at home, and after a few months it increased. In this case, the battery will be quickly discharged, and charging will be slow, and it will not be enough for the power consumed. You will have to turn off the generator, wait for the battery to charge, after which you can use the electrical network. Let's just say it's uncomfortable.

How to choose

  • First, let's start with the fact that in the category "inverter generator" there are no models with a power of more than 6 kW. Therefore, before purchasing this device, it is necessary to accurately calculate the power consumption of lighting and household appliances in the house.
  • Secondly, if the generator is purchased for permanent use, then it is better to give preference to classic models. But, as mentioned above, it will be necessary to bring the load of the electrical network and the power of the equipment to equal indicators.
  • Thirdly, if you need a small mobile generator set that will supply electricity not to the whole house, but to some part of it or a certain number of current-consuming appliances, then the inverter type is the best option for this.

Conclusion on the topic

So, in this article, an analysis was carried out on the topic: an inverter generator or a conventional classic - which is better? As you can see, it is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, so we recommend that you first determine the operating conditions of the equipment in the house, and then, based on the analysis, make the right choice.

If there is no electricity, then there can be no question of any comfort. All household appliances need a constant supply of electricity. In order to somehow solve this issue, autonomous energy sources are used - generators. They are spare sources of electricity. There are many different versions of similar devices, which is sometimes difficult to understand without confusion. You need to know the difference between a conventional generator and an inverter generator (inverter generators), which one is better for you in this case.

In the field, the best option for obtaining electricity is to use an autonomous device. Its design is quite simple. An autonomous device consists of an engine and a generator connected to it. The engine can be used in any type and power.

It rotates the rotor of the current generator, a voltage is created at the output. The properties and power parameters are determined by the characteristics of the generator and motor. The power quality is affected by the operation of the motor. With an increase in the number of revolutions of the engine shaft, the voltage at the output of the generator increases. There is also an inverse relationship. With an increase in the load of the consumer, the starting current increases, this affects the properties of the energy and the operation of the motor.

In this way, the operation of a conventional generator is carried out. The quality of the generated energy is quite suitable for powering many devices. Simple incandescent bulbs will give light, even when the voltage is floating, electronic devices will also work from such a generator if pulsed power is used in their work. But the properties of a 220 volt power supply network with a frequency of 50 hertz must meet certain requirements. A fairly large number of devices are designed for such requirements. Changed network properties lead to malfunctions or failure of devices sensitive to power quality.

The creation of an electric power reserve today remains popular. To do this, manufacturers produce power generators of various types and performance. Among the different versions of such devices, a large place is given to elite models that operate on the principle of creating high quality energy.

To improve the quality of the electric current, inverter converters of the properties of electricity are introduced into the devices. They are called inverter generators. The most popular models for the population have a power of 0.8-3 kilowatts. The drive motor can run on gas, petrol or diesel fuel.

Design features of the inverter generator

Inverter generators consist of:

  • Engine.
  • Generator.
  • inverter.
  • Terminals for current output.
  • Control regulators.

To turn on household appliances, a conventional output is used on three pins of a 220 V socket.

In addition to alternating current, the device produces a direct current used for various purposes, charging car batteries. Inverter generators are equipped with clamps for switching on DC charging.

When a load exceeding the allowable value is connected, protection is activated and disconnects the power circuit. The protection also monitors the technical condition of the engine, for example, when the oil level has reached the lower limit. Therefore, it is necessary to control its level and top up in time. Typically, inverter generators are paired with a 4-stroke engine with overhead valves.

Operating principle

The engine drives a simple generator that generates sine-shaped electricity. The energy flow is fed to the rectifier from power diodes with powerful radiators for cooling. As a result, an alternating voltage is formed at the output of the rectifier.

After the rectifier, the voltage passes through a filter on capacitors, which smoothes the ripples to the properties of a constant voltage. Capacitors by their design are selected for stable operation, for a voltage of more than 400 V. The voltage for the containers is selected with a margin to exclude the effect of 220 volt impulses. The size of the capacitance of capacitors is determined by the power of consumers. Usually it is 470 uF for the 1st capacitor.

An already stable rectified current comes to the inverter, from which a high-quality power frequency voltage is obtained. For the operation of the inverter, special technical processes have been created. Bridge circuits with a transformer became the optimal form of the signal.

The main element that forms a high-quality sinusoid is the key on IGBT transistors. To create a sinusoidal current, the method of forming the periodicity of pulse-width modulations is used. Each half-cycle of sine oscillations is formed by the operation of a pair of transistors in the form of high-frequency pulses of a certain amplitude, which changes according to a sinusoidal law. The final alignment of the sine graph and smoothing of the pulses is carried out by a high-pass filter.

The inverter unit converts the electricity generated by the generator into a stable constant value with quality properties. The inverter unit is controlled by the control system by feedback, taking into account the load and the operation of the motor. A current comes from the generator coils, which is far from suitable in its properties to the nominal value. This feature distinguishes inverter generators from other designs.


The use of inverter generators makes it possible to surpass conventional generators in the following factors:

  • They have a high degree of economy due to auto-tuning of the number of revolutions of the motor during operation and ensuring the optimal mode for the size of the load. The higher the engine load, the higher the speed of its rotation. The fuel consumption is controlled by the control system. For conventional generators, the consumption does not depend on the load of the consumer.
  • Generators create an ideal sine wave shape under load. High quality voltage is essential for the operation of sensitive devices.

  • The overall dimensions of high-quality generator models have a compact body, low weight in comparison with conventional generators at the same power.
  • Devices with inverters are very reliable in operation, manufacturers give a double guarantee, unlike simple samples.

Application modes of generators with converters:

  • Long-term operation at rated load, not exceeding the rated output power.
  • Short-term congestion, no more than 30 minutes.
  • Starting the engine and reaching the operating cycle by the generator, while overcoming significant load forces.

The converter can withstand a significant amount of load, but the time period in this mode is a few fractions of a second.

Engine starting

For such an operation, you need to perform several actions. Consider the engine start procedure using the ER 2000 model as an example:

  • Check the presence and level of oil in the crankcase. In its absence, protection will work, malfunctions may occur.

  • Fill in the fuel, without which the engine cannot work, having previously unscrewed the tank cap.
  • Open the valve on the tank cap.

  • Set the throttle to "start".

  • Put the fuel valve handle in the "open" position.

  • Manually start the engine with a cord.

At the first start of the motor, the overload lamp will light up for a short time, then the voltage indicator of the nominal mode will light up for a long time. This indicates normal conditions.

After starting the engine, the generator operates at idle at optimal parameters. Next, we turn on the load of the consumer to the generator by connecting any household appliance. The power of the connected device does not change the frequency and voltage at the output. On the screen you can see the value of the power of the consumer.

We are trying to connect some kind of digital device to the output of the inverter generator, we are convinced that normal operation is taking place. On conventional generators, digital devices have malfunctions due to inadequate power quality at the output.

Inverter generators belong to a group of devices that use microprocessors and complex electronic parts. In order to guarantee long-term reliable performance of the generator, it is necessary to observe the operating conditions, carefully transport and ensure all conditions of temperature and humidity, as well as storage, according to the instructions.

If the unit is stored in an unheated room during the winter, condensation may form on the internal parts, which will cause malfunctions of the electronic parts of the generator.


Inverter generators cost much more than a conventional generator. Also, its work is limited to power, which is no more than 7 kW.

The choice of a generator should be approached thoughtfully. It is necessary to determine what requirements are needed for the quality of the voltage. For ordinary lighting lamps and power tools, it is enough to have a simple gasoline generator.

To connect a refrigerator, a circulation pump for heating, control controllers for a gas-fired boiler, you will need a high-quality inverter generator.

In most cases, simple generators are dispensed with, especially since they are cheap to operate and purchase. For critical devices, inverter models are used. They have a higher cost, but produce high-quality electricity.

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Some models of household appliances are sensitive to voltage drops. Even a small power surge can lead to a quick failure. Such equipment includes:

  • volatile gas boilers
  • computers
  • TVs
  • circulation pumps, etc.

When purchasing an autonomous station for generating electricity, this aspect must be taken into account. For a safe power supply, it is best to choose an inverter-type generator that runs on gasoline. Inverter gasoline generators at the output give out a stable "high-quality" voltage and are the best solution.

What is a gasoline inverter generator

Inverter gasoline generators-power plants have a design similar to conventional generators, with one exception - the use of a double converter. What does double transducer mean in practice?
  1. The converter first transforms the current into direct current, which stabilizes its performance. But such an electrical voltage is not suitable for the operation of household appliances, for this reason the node proceeds to the second main function.
  2. The converter transforms direct current back into alternating current. In this case, the output is a voltage with standard indicators and an ideal waveform.

What can be obtained by using a gasoline inverter-generator to provide electricity to a private house or construction site? What are the benefits of installing an inverter generator?

  • Stable mains voltage - the quality of the current is regulated by a special microprocessor, which reduces the likelihood of voltage surges and interference. The gasoline inverter generator with auto start-electric starter provides the smoothest start of current supply when the main power source is turned off.
  • Economical fuel consumption - engine speed is regulated by precise automation and is independently set as needed to supply voltage. An inverter type gasoline generator thus reduces fuel consumption by 10-15%, which significantly affects the cost of the electricity received.
  • Comfortable and easy operation - as already noted, the cost of such a model is somewhat higher than conventional equipment, but the price is fully justified. The user receives a device in a casing that reduces noise and vibration, as well as a system that reduces the amount of harmful emissions. Additional convenience during operation is added by a convenient case, handles for transferring the station and wheels placed at the bottom for transportation.

An inverter-type gasoline generator-power plant can be used to provide electricity to computer and other equipment, and even medical and other sensitive equipment. Inverter models of gas generators are reliable and have a high degree of protection.

The principle of operation of an inverter generator

Each inverter generator uses a gasoline engine in its operation. From the engine, the torque is transmitted to the generator rotor, as a result of which an electromagnetic field arises, which is subsequently converted into an alternating voltage. Further, a double energy converter is used, this is what the inverter gas generator differs from a conventional generator.

As a result of the transformation of current into direct, and back into alternating, a voltage corresponding to high technical characteristics is obtained.

Considering that the engine is under constant load on the piston system, as well as issues of economy and reliability, it becomes obvious that a 4-stroke petrol inverter generator with auto start is one of the most reliable models. The operational characteristics of 4-stroke engines allow the use of generators for connection to welding equipment.

How to choose an inverter generator

The choice of the required generator model is primarily related to the main purpose of the equipment and its technical characteristics. When choosing the right model, you should pay attention to the following:
  • Compact - the best four-stroke portable inverter gasoline mini generators can be carried in the hand. Portable inverter-type gas generators are compact in size and can easily fit in the trunk of a car. A mini-generator is enough to provide a stable voltage of 1-2 kW.
  • Engine quality - all inverters are equipped with two-stroke and four-stroke gasoline engines. Concerning which engine is better, opinions often differ. But practice proves that an inverter gasoline power plant with a 4-stroke engine has a long service life, can work for a long time without shutting down (due to liquid cooling) and, as a rule, is more productive.
  • Industrial and household stations:
    1. household models are unprofessional, they are recommended to be used exclusively for one-time compensation for a lack of voltage in the network.
    2. industrial equipment is intended for intensive operation as an alternative power source due to the lack of power lines.

The difference between an inverter gas generator and a simple gas generator is that the inverter can be used for. The use of conventional stations for the welding machine is a violation of the operating conditions.

Which gas generator is better, inverter or conventional

It all depends on the purpose for which the equipment will be used. The difference between an inverter and a conventional gas generator lies in the quality of the supplied voltage, as well as in the additional advantages of inverter-type generators:
  • The voltage from inverter generators fully complies with the required technical specifications.
  • For the operation of household appliances, inverter equipment creates optimal conditions for work. Power surges are completely absent. Voltage stability allows you to connect to the station almost any, even the most sensitive equipment.
  • Inverter stations with AVR provide smooth voltage start in case of an emergency.

The main reason why inverter models are purchased is precisely the high quality of their work. Since additional components and microcircuits are installed in generators using the inverter principle of operation, they cost about a third more.

The service life of inverters, subject to the manufacturer's recommendations, is several times longer than that of conventional generators. To increase productivity, you will need to regularly change the oil for gasoline generators, as well as carry out additional seasonal maintenance and repairs as necessary.

Inverter models are more reliable and easy to operate, besides, they can be connected to equipment that is sensitive to voltage drops.

The principle of operation of an inverter generator is based on the use of an inverter system. First of all, it includes the control of pulse-width modulation, which is capable of producing electricity of very good quality. All this became possible thanks to the adjusted output voltage with a stable frequency.

The action of the inverter generator begins with the operation of the rectifier, which generates direct current from alternating current. Next, the pulsation is cleaned, which is stabilized by special filters. Then alternating current begins to appear in the bridge circuit with the help of transistors, as well as special switches. In some power plants, thyristors are additionally used. The output current parameters are monitored in all sections. As a result, the frequency will always be stable. The parameters of the feedback circuits are controlled by the inverter generator system.

Internal organization

The multipolar inverter type generator consists of two parts. The first block includes a rotor with a three-phase network, which acts as a permanent magnet in the system and additionally has a stator. The second part of the multipolar generator is called the inverter block. It consists of a rectifier, a filter, and a conversion circuit that results in an alternating voltage. Process monitoring is performed by a microcomputer.

Generator operation

When the generator is started, the rotor immediately begins to rapidly gain momentum. Rotation occurs directly near the stator. As a result, a three-phase alternating current is generated. Then it is sent to the inverter unit, where it passes through a rectification circuit, which equalizes the voltage and stabilizes its output. The converting circuit makes the voltage sinusoidal. As a result, alternating current is output from the inverter unit. The microcomputer is responsible for the current frequency signal and outputs the voltage parameters.

Inverter generator: reviews and benefits

Inverter gasoline power plants have a number of advantages. First of all, it is resource saving. The ignition system, which is installed in inverter generators, can significantly save fuel. This is due to a well-thought-out control system that is fully automated. When the load on the generator increases, the engine speed will increase. When the loads are small, the power plant reduces speed, and decreases. As a result, the economical mode is able to save the system from overloads on the inverter generator. Feedback on this feature is only positive.

The second advantage of inverter generators is the type of connection between the system and the engine. Direct connection to the generator motor eliminates the need for additional flywheel installation. Ultimately, this affects the mass and size of the power plant. Without a flywheel, the generator weighs much less, which makes it easier to transport, and the small size of the device allows you to install it in almost any place.

All modern inverter-based gasoline power plants have an air-cooled engine. Thanks to him, the motor can withstand heavy loads for a long time. The noise reduction hood allows you to install an inverter generator in close proximity to people. Customer reviews speak of the superiority of such a device over diesel power plants, which work much louder. Some models of inverter generators have a double noise reduction system. Such a casing is able to reduce sound to a minimum even in powerful power plants.

It should also be noted the environmental friendliness of inverter generators. The fuel combustion system is adjusted in the power plant in such a way that emissions into the atmosphere from its operation are negligible. As a result, the environment is not affected, and people can safely use inverter generators for their home without harming their health.

Designs of inverter generators

In most cases, inverter generators for the home have a rugged housing. This is due to the fact that the design of the power plant is designed for frequent transportation and movement. All components and parts of the generator are reliably protected in the design. At the same time, they are all easily accessible for comfortable service.

Huter generators

Huter is a very popular and trusted manufacturer of inverter generators these days. Their difference from other manufacturers lies in low fuel consumption even at high loads. For an hour of continuous operation, no more than one liter of gasoline is consumed. The most popular model of the company is the Huter DN 2100 inverter generator. this power plant is at the level of 1700 watts. At a frequency of 50 Hz, the generator produces a power of 2.1 kW. This model is equipped with a single-cylinder four-stroke engine with manual start. The speed of revolutions reaches 5000 per minute. The air cooling system allows you to withstand heavy loads. The dimensions of the power plant are small, and all this with a weight of 18 kg. Many have already managed to evaluate the German quality and draw conclusions.

Hyundai Inverter Generators

Hyundai inverter generators stand out for their reliability. They are able to provide electricity to construction sites or industrial facilities for a long time. Among the many models of the company, the Hyundai HY 1000si inverter generator is distinguished, which is famous for its stable voltage parameters. In addition, it has an interesting design and small size. The rated power of this unit is 0.9 kW. With a maximum power of 1.0 kW, the generator has frequency of 50 Hz For comfortable control, a convenient display is provided. Noise isolation is at a high level, which allows it to be used near residential buildings. The engine cooling system is air. The weight of the generator is only 13 kg. Among the features of this model, we can distinguish an electronic controller, which has no all generators are gasoline.The price of "Hyundai HY 1001000si" is 14500 rubles.

Inverter generators "Weekender"

Inverter generators "Weekender" have recently become very popular. Among the many models of this company, the Weekender X950 power plant is in greatest demand. This gasoline generator has a compact size and a rather interesting design. Such a power plant is able to supply the premises with electricity for a long time.

This model has found wide application in the construction industry. In industrial facilities, it can be easily installed, and its maintenance is quite comfortable. For successful operation, various control modes of the system are provided, which has an inverter generator. Customer reviews indicate the presence of convenient sensors to avoid any overload. The engine speed control is digital and can guarantee an accurate setting. The capacity of the tank allows you to use the generator for a long time. The fuel consumption of this model is low, so it is very economical.

The maximum power of the power plant is 0.95 kW. In offline mode, the device is able to work for more than 4 hours. With a rated power of 0.7 kW, the current frequency is 50 Hz. is at around 230 V, and this is considered a very high figure compared to similar generators. The engine of this model is a single-cylinder four-stroke, which is equipped with air cooling. The starting system is made in the form of a manual starter.

Noise isolation is also at a fairly high level. The protective cover allows you to install the inverter generator near people. At a distance of 10 meters, the generator produces only 58 dB. The weight of this model is 8.5 kg with a length of 395 mm. Not all gasoline generators can boast of this. The price of "Weekender X950" is 23400 rubles.

Fubag inverter generators

Fubag is known throughout Europe for its gasoline inverter generators. All of them are designed to provide electricity to small spaces. This company produces very compact and silent models. Inverter generators "Fubag" are great for private houses, cottages, garages and sheds. The disadvantages of these power plants include a small capacity, which does not allow them to be used for a long time. They are not suitable for large construction sites or industrial facilities.

The most interesting model of the company is the Fubag TI 2600 power plant. The maximum power of this unit is 2.6 kW. The output voltage of the generator is 230 V at a rated power of 2.3 kW. At a distance of 10 meters "Fubag TI 2600" produces only 65 dB. At a frequency of 50 Hz, the alternator has a current of 10 A. The four-stroke engine is equipped with an air cooling system. The power plant is started manually. An oil level sensor is available, but there is no voltage stabilizer and an autostart unit. The volume of the fuel tank is only 4.6 liters, which does not allow the use of this inverter generator for a long time. The price of "Fubag TI 2600" is 33412 rubles.

DDE inverter generators

DDE gasoline inverter generators are reliable sources of electricity. Most often they are used for private houses. They are able to maintain the lighting of the room for a long time if the electricity is lost. The company "DDE" pays special attention to the compactness of devices, but there are also large powerful power plants. The inverter generator "DDE DPG1001Si" is perfect for a small suburban area where there is no electricity. The maximum power of the device is 1 kW. With an output voltage of 230 V, the generator has a rated voltage of 0.9 kW. The difference of this model lies in the presence of an electronic voltage regulator, but the autorun unit is not built-in. The alternator in the system is single-phase and produces a current frequency of 50 Hz. The four-stroke engine is equipped with an air-cooled system. The generator is started manually. The volume of the fuel tank is only 2.8 liters, but the consumption of the generator is small. This model weighs only 15 kg with a length of 450 mm. Noise protection cover is available, and you can comfortably use this inverter generator. The price of "DDE DPG1001Si" is 32121 rubles.

Generator "DDE DPG2101i"

They are made in China and are distinguished by their excellent quality. AI-92 gasoline can be used as fuel. The power plant's fuel tank capacity of 9 liters is sufficient for continuous operation of the generator for 5 hours at full power. The start system is manual, with the help of a starter. The type of generator is single-phase for 2 sockets of 16 A each. The rated power of the unit is 2.4 kW. The rated voltage of the device is at around 2.6 kW.

The weight of the power plant "DDE DPG2101i" is quite significant and amounts to 28 kg. However, the robust case is able to withstand heavy loads, and there will be no problems with transportation. The whole design is made so that there is free access to the gasoline inverter generator. Customer reviews confirm the information that the maintenance of the power plant is quite simple and does not require the intervention of specialists. You can completely control the entire process.

DDE pays special attention to safety, so all generators are equipped with a grounding system. The control panel is very convenient and contains all the most necessary controllers. To increase the level of sound insulation, a special exhaust pipe is provided. At a distance of 10 meters, the generator produces only 67 dB. Special fuel filters make it environmentally friendly. The air filtration system significantly reduces the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere. As a result, the "DDE DPG2101i" generator does little harm to the environment.

Inverter generator "DDE DPG 3251i"

The generator "DDE DPG 3251i" is equipped with a powerful four-stroke engine. This is quite enough to provide electricity to the premises and small construction sites. In order to use it, it is not necessary to involve a specialist. The installed control system allows you to completely independently control the entire process. All components and parts of the generator are available.

The weight of the power plant is only 30 kg with a height of 390 mm. The case is very durable, which allows you to install the generator almost anywhere. Its advantage over diesel generators lies in the production of high quality electricity. High savings is also an undoubted advantage of this model. The rated power of the power plant is at around 3.0 kW, and the maximum voltage is 3.3 kW. The alternating voltage of the power plant is as much as 230 V with a frequency of 50 Hz. The constant voltage is at around 12 V. The capacity of the fuel tank "DDE DPG 3251i" is 9 liters. Without refueling, it is able to continuously work over 7 hours. This model is started manually using a starter. The maximum engine power is 3 kW. Additionally, a voltmeter is included. In general, the system is equipped with two 220 V outlets, and one outlet for 12 V.

The issues of power backup are still popular among electricity users. For these purposes, manufacturers now mass-produce electric generators of various types and capacities. Among all the designs of such devices, a special place is given to elite models that work on the principle of generating high-quality electricity.

To do this, their algorithm implements the method of inverter conversion of the main parameters of electrical signals. Due to this, they are called inverter generators.

They can be produced with different power, but the most popular among the population are models from 800 to 3000 watts.

The source of energy for powering the engine can be:


    diesel fuel;

    natural gas.

How does an inverter generator work?

The design of the device, enclosed in a single case, includes:

    internal combustion engine,


    inverter conversion unit;

    connectors for connecting output circuits;

    controls and controls for tracking technological processes.

To connect electrical appliances, a common industrial power output is used through three power contacts of a conventional standard socket.

In addition to alternating voltage, the generator produces direct current, which can be used for charging, for example, those used to start a car engine. For this, the delivery set includes special clamps for connecting it to its input terminals.

The generator is equipped with protections that automatically open the power circuit when connected to the output contacts of excessive load. Protections also monitor the technical condition of the engine, especially the achievement of a critical oil level. When it becomes insufficient to lubricate all moving parts, the engine will automatically stop from the action of protections. To prevent this from happening, you need to monitor the oil level in the crankcase.

Such generators are equipped, as a rule, with a four-stroke engine with an overhead valve arrangement.

The principle of operation of the inverter unit

The scheme of interrelationships of various technological processes that occur when the signals are inverted is illustrated in the figure.

An internal combustion engine spins a conventional generator that produces electrical energy. Its flow is directed to a rectifier bridge, consisting of power diodes located on powerful cooling radiators. As a result, a pulsating voltage is produced at its output.

After the bridge, a capacitor filter works, smoothing the ripple to a stable straight line, characteristic of DC circuits. The special design of electrolytic capacitors is selected for reliable operation with voltages above 400 volts.

The reserve is made to exclude the impact of pulsating peaks of the amplitude of the operating voltage of 220 V: 220 ∙ 1.4 \u003d 310 V. The capacitance of the capacitors is calculated from the power of the connected load. In practice, it is 470 uF and higher for a single capacitor.

The inverter receives a rectified stabilized direct current and produces a high-quality harmonic from it.

Various process algorithms have been developed for the operation of the inverter, but bridge circuits with a transformer have the best signal shape.

The main element that generates a sinusoid signal is a semiconductor transistor key assembled on or MOSFIT.

To form a sinusoid, the principle of creating a repeatedly repeating periodicity is used. In order to implement it, each half-cycle of voltage fluctuation is formed by the operation of a certain pair of transistors in the mode of high-frequency pulses with the corresponding amplitude, which changes over time according to the sine law.

The final alignment of the sinusoid and the smoothing of the peaks of the pulses is performed by a high-frequency low-pass filter.

Thus, the inverter unit is used to convert the electricity generated by the generator windings into a stabilized value with accurate metrological characteristics that provide a steady frequency of 50 Hz and a voltage of 220 volts.

The operation of the inverter unit is carried out by a control system that controls, through feedback, all the technological processes of the generator from various states of the internal combustion engine to the shape of a sinusoid of voltage and the magnitude of the load connected to the output circuits.

In this case, the current coming from the generator windings to the conversion unit can differ significantly in frequency and waveform from the nominal values. This is the main difference between inverter models and all other designs.

The use of inverters allows you to achieve significant advantages compared to conventional generators:

1. They have increased economy due to the automatic adjustment of the engine speed during operation and the creation of the optimal mode for it according to the current load value.

The more force is applied to the engine, the faster its shaft starts to rotate under conditions when the fuel consumption is strictly balanced by the control system. In traditional generators, fuel consumption is weakly dependent on the applied load.

2. Inverter generators produce an almost perfect sine wave when powering consumers under load. This high quality current is very important for the operation of sensitive digital equipment.

3. High-end models are compact in size, light in weight compared to conventional devices with the same power.

4. The reliability of inverter generators is so high that their manufacturers guarantee them a double lifetime compared to simple counterparts.

Inverter generators are designed to be used in three modes:

1. long-term operation under a rated load not exceeding the output power declared by the manufacturer;

2. short-term overload no more than a half-hour period;

3. starting the engine and entering the generator to the operating mode, when it is necessary to overcome great efforts to counteract the spin-up of the rotor and the capacitive load in the circuit of the power unit.

In the third mode, the inverter can withstand a significant amount of opposing instantaneous power, but its operation time is limited to only a few milliseconds.

How to start the engine

To do this, you need to perform a number of operations. Consider their sequence on the example of one of the available models of the ER 2000 i generator. Sequence of actions:

1. check the oil level, because without it the launch will not occur due to blocking by protections and a very high probability of breakdown;

2. fill in fuel - without it, the engine will have nowhere to get energy from to create rotational motion;

3. open the fuel tank cap valve;

4. switch the throttle to the “Start” position;

5. set the fuel valve handle to the "Work" position;

The power of the connected device did not change the voltage and frequency at the output of the device, and by indicating the operating current, one can judge the power consumed by the hair dryer.

After this experiment, we connect digital computer equipment to the DC output and see that it works reliably. When using conventional generators without an inverter unit, failures of microprocessor-based digital devices are often observed due to the low quality of the supply voltage.

Inverter generators are equipment that uses a complex electronic base. Proper observance of operating conditions, as well as careful transportation and provision of temperature and humidity conditions during storage are a guarantee of its long-term performance.

If you constantly stay in an unheated garage in winter, condensation can form on all internal parts, which will cause electronic components to fail.