Information space. Information space Indicators influencing the definition of boundaries

The term "information space" refers to the totality of the results of human semantic activity. Philosophy, according to the idealistic sense, interprets the above concept as "the world of names and names, coupled to the ontological."

  • databases and data banks;
  • technologies for their application;
  • information communication systems that operate on the basis of general principles and provide information interaction between citizens and organizations, as well as satisfy, to a certain extent, their information needs.

Experts say that there is no exact definition of the concept of "information space". Most often it is understood as a logical opposition to the material, that is, the object world.

Features of the information space

It should be noted that the information space has the following characteristics:

  • it has no boundaries and habitual territory;
  • permits the existence of any kind of information;
  • is the sphere of activity of government entities, professional groups or individuals (that is, the information space is universal);
  • does not have a completed state, that is, it develops dynamically;
  • has a certain structure, that is, it is not homogeneous, since there are barriers in it that repel the attention of the consumer from a specific point and attractors that attract him;
  • has good protection;
  • differs in nationally-specific methods of construction, processing and dissemination of data.

In addition, the space of information is characterized by some unique societies that have no direct analogues in other spaces. It:

  • social virtual society;
  • network society;
  • online community;
  • virtual coalition.

Information space structure

The information space consists of:

  • information fields;
  • information flows.

The first is a collection of all information that is concentrated in a given volume of space-time. An information field is created with the help of genetic, objective and idealized information.

An information flow is a collection of data that moves in the above space through special communication channels.

The technological components of the information space include:

  • informational (geographically distributed in the country (world) computers, which are interconnected in a network by means of communication and communication);
  • that are located on machine media (information arrays in the form of automated databases, resources that are distributed on web sites, on the Internet);
  • means and methods of applied mathematics (software systems and algorithms);
  • legal and organizational measures (, international normative legal documents, international treaty agreements, conferences);
  • information technologies.

The information space of social systems includes:

  • units of informative space that generate data (media, newsmakers, experts, producers of social information);
  • communication channels (electronic, printed or other media, commodity-money channels, interpersonal communication);
  • areas (information centers, super-innovators and data innovators).

The main functions of the information space

Experts note the following functions that the information space performs:

  • Integrating. The information space unites various types of human activity and the subjects involved in them into a single socio-cultural and spatial-communicative environment.
  • Communicative. The information space forms a special environment for interactive, cross-border, mobile communication of various subjects of activity, within whose framework they carry out information exchange.
  • Geopolitical. The space of information creates, significantly changes the significance of traditional resources, which contributes to the creation of a new environment of competition and geopolitical relations.
  • Updating. In the information space, the interests of various subjects of activity are actualized through the implementation of their information policy.

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Protect your back

The basic rule is not to sit with your back to the door. This means that you can always get stabbed in the back. You can be betrayed, and you will fail at any intrigue inside the office. In this case, no talismans will help. It is very good to hang an image of a non-pointed mountain on the wall behind you. It may be snowy, but it shouldn't look ominous. It is preferable to choose a mountain landscape without water spaces. Snow in this case is not considered water. Also, your position will be strengthened by an image of a large sea turtle or a photograph of a bank building. Try to sit facing in your most favorable direction or in one of the best directions, and so that no "poison arrows" are directed at you. Poisoned arrows can include the corners of cabinets and walls, desks of other employees, holly plants, and ceiling beams.

What's on your table?

Make sure that your review is never disturbed by stacks of folders and piles of papers. The space in front of you should be free. Any piles of folders and paper trap and accumulate stagnant energy. Tables are preferable wooden, light colors. The dimensions of the work table, attracting good luck, are as follows: length — 152 cm, width — 89 cm, height — 84 cm. Any wishes can be written or even engraved on the stones. Choose crystals to your taste. For the growth and prosperity of a company, its employees need to be happy, energetic and cheerful. Eliminate bad qi sources regularly. Seating employees according to their individual favorable directions. Happy staff is the best asset of the company.

Your talismans

Even if you work in an office where there are several other people besides you, and, therefore, cannot particularly influence the choice of your place, you still have the opportunity to slightly change the workspace. It is very good if there are cabinets to the left and right of the desktop as the personification of security. Windows to your left are preferable to your right. Remember, the north of the desktop is where you sit. Accordingly, the south is opposite. There is a place for a crystal pyramid. On the left, diagonally from you, place any symbol of abundance. The most common is Hotei with a bag of money, a dragon or three-legged frog with a coin in its mouth. If the corporate routine does not imply the presence of Chinese symbols, put any item that symbolizes money for you. For example, an expensive writing set. Don't forget about the amazing power of Chinese coins, especially those tied with red silk thread. Place them under your computer or phone. The Ganesha statuette to your right will provide assistance and protection in business. The figurine of a rooster is an excellent means of protection against envy on the part of colleagues. Put his image on your desktop and let him "peck" all your problems. This will be very effective if the office is cramped. The golden colored porcelain rooster is believed to have more power than other colors. Sometimes people suffer because of a single person who spreads gossip and interferes with work. Place the happy Buddha figurine on the table facing the person who is the source of your troubles.

Experts note that people, absorbed in their experiences, subconsciously tend to distance themselves both from their interlocutors and from everyone around them at the physical level. However, they may not even notice such features of their character. They are just trying to choose a secluded place in a cafe, in transport they are huddled in the farthest corner, they cannot stand the unexpected touches of strangers (and sometimes acquaintances).

Such a state can be a temporary phenomenon, for example, when a person is experiencing a period of depression, or it can accompany him on; throughout life, and in this case we can talk about a certain psychotype.
The desire to maintain a distance from the interlocutor often hides self-doubt, and even suspiciousness. A calm and confident person, as a rule, does not notice that someone is violating his personal space and does not react to it in any way, but a self-confident and assertive person literally physically expands his boundaries. He comes close, speaks, bending over to the interlocutor so that he almost touches him, in conversation touches his hands and clothes, and this often repels others.

Different space

Personal space is measured not only in centimeters or meters. Without knowing this, you can make gross mistakes, and not only in communication.

Personal space at work

In some large company, where it became necessary to gather specialists of the same profile in one room, they approached this issue in the old-fashioned way: they arranged the desks "in a ruler", like desks in the classroom, put a computer on each table and thus seated the employees. But each of them all day heard behind him not only rustles, but even breathing and creaking of the chairs of the colleagues sitting behind him. In addition, the one sitting behind could calmly look at a friend's monitor, evaluate what he saw there, express his opinion or make a remark in passing ...

Gradually, tension began to grow in the team: employees tried to discuss less what they were doing, communicate less during breaks, everyone tried to create a kind of transparent shell around themselves in order to isolate themselves from the rest. Then someone came up with the idea to arrange tables along the walls so that employees would sit facing each other.

Now everyone felt like they were in one round dance. It became easier for colleagues to communicate with each other, but such an arrangement of workplaces often distracted them from work, did not allow them to concentrate on performing important tasks. And only when all the workplaces, together with their owners, turned "on their axis" so that everyone was sitting with their backs to each other, everything fell into place. Because everyone had their own personal space and, at the same time, no one breathed in the back of anyone, did not secretly read what appeared on a personal monitor, and if one approached another with some question, it was done openly and no one psychologically not bothered.

Personal space of the dwelling

Each person subconsciously seeks to find a place where you can be alone. Life dictates its conditions to everyone, and if for one an oasis of loneliness is a spacious apartment, then for another personal space is limited by a closed door to the bathroom. Regardless of the ability to create physical boundaries in space, everyone needs to be alone with themselves (at least sometimes).
That is why the rule developed for centuries not to enter a room or office without knocking, where someone is immersed in their thoughts or busy with some business, has not been canceled and is unlikely to ever be canceled.

Personal information space

This is such a metaphysical place where we keep our secrets and our innermost experiences. For some, the role of such a treasure is played by a personal diary, for others - with a personal computer, for others - with a mobile phone.
Naturally, either no one is allowed within these boundaries, or only those closest to them who are especially trusted are allowed.

This type of personal space can have different sizes - depending on the nature of the person. Think of the people who like to tell everyone they come across "a big secret." Not all of them like to gossip, they just try to expand the boundaries of their information space.

Personal time out

And the last kind of personal space that everyone, without exception, needs is personal time. All of us are connected with society by many obligations: work, communication with close relatives, household chores ... These classes take most of our time, but taking time out from all problems is extremely necessary for everyone. Your personal time-out is a certain period of time when you are not bound by any obligations and you can afford to do whatever you want. Do not forget, in the bustle of fast flowing days, sometimes return yourself to the space of your personal time. This is necessary to create psychological comfort in the soul.

Take a time-out and ... And as they say in a famous advertisement: "Let the whole world wait!"

Each of us comes to the understanding of the need to respect personal space (or does not come) independently. Constantly feeling discomfort from violating its boundaries, we never talk about it and in our everyday life we ​​do not pay attention to it. Nobody taught us this in childhood. But if we are all from-? rush to this phenomenon consciously, we will be more sensitive and attentive to others, it will be more pleasant for all of us to communicate, our life will be more comfortable, which means that we will all be a little happier.

April 12, 2010 2:49:59 PM

Our sense of our own activity, strength and mindfulness, on which the experience of happiness largely depends, is directly related to our intentions, goals and motivation. They show mental orderliness. They focus mental energy, form priorities, thereby putting things in order in the mind. Without them, the thought process is chaotic, and the emotional background very soon takes on a negative connotation.
Mihai Csikszentmihalyi

For me, personal information space (LIP) consists of the following elements and processes. Channels for receiving signals from the outside. The mechanism, the sequence of processing these signals into information that prompts me to take action. Evaluating the change my actions bring about. Those signals that I, on the basis of the received meaning, broadcast to others.

How do you know that everything is ok?

The main point of streaming activity is finding joy.
Mihai Csikszentmihalyi

The index of the order LIF is the state of the Stream. This is the ultimate goal of our efforts. To enumerate the components of the Stream after the author of books about this is a thankless task. It is important for me to rewind the actions from the process of comprehension to the fixation of signals at the input.

It's okay when I transform any signals from the outside into information that does not disturb my mental balance. When actions based on the information received create in me a feeling of control over my own life and the presence of prospects. When, on the basis of the resulting assessment of the meaning changes that have occurred, content is created that is useful and interesting to others.

How to tidy up?

The information we allow into our consciousness is extremely important; in fact, it is she who determines the content and quality of our life.
Mihai Csikszentmihalyi

1. Monitor the channels of incoming signals.

- I replaced television with youtube, vimeo, TED. Television is like fast food. Sometimes you can try for the sake of curiosity, but it's better not to risk it and take care of your mental and mental health.
Everything that is interesting and necessary can be found on the Web and you yourself can control what and when you will watch.

- refused radio, especially conversational. In my opinion, they are not only useless, but no less harmful than television. There are podcasts. Choose, download and listen to what you think is necessary for yourself.

- the Internet, by and large for many who sneer at talk show fans, is the same intellectual gum. I regularly sharpen the list of resources that I browse. It is important for me to control the time spent on the Internet and the formulation of specific goals, for the sake of which I am going to open this or that site. Otherwise, sitting in front of the monitor for me is not much different from lying on the couch in front of the TV box.

It's not so much about time control. I do not practice time management. Sometimes I just like to look out the window. It is important what kind of garbage you let into your consciousness through television, radio and the Web.

- attentive attitude to the circle of their communication.
For a while I thought that all people are sent to you in order to teach you something. Some inspire, some surprise and make you think, some train your patience. It seemed to me that there are no chance meetings. So I tried to understand, delve into, think about why they do this to me, why they are trying to change me or somehow convince me.

At a certain moment, the decision came to just be selective in communication and avoid those who are trying to change you. In my opinion, the most stupid thing to do is to go to another person with teachings when no one asks you about it. I felt sorry for wasting time on such communication.

Gradually you come to the conclusion that the attitude to communication is no less important for your health than the choice of what you eat. Sometimes it's better to starve than to eat just about anything.

2. Decide what to do with the signals.

Once upon a time, familiarity with the books of David Allen and his GTD system helped me "get my affairs in order." Then I began to imagine a chain of signal - information - actions - assessment of changes - meaning. With every signal that I recorded, I tried to act as another entry into the Inbox. What to do with it next?

Much can be immediately sent to the Trash. I remember when I was fond of the Silva method, I liked the phrase “erased, erased”, which was recommended to be repeated if I wanted to forget something.

I fixed the signal, realized that it had nothing to do with your life, and threw it into the trash. You can even imagine the sound with which my documents in the recycle bin on my desktop are erased.

The rest of the signals must be turned into information. Decide what to do? What do we want to change as a result of our actions?

It still happens to me that some signal is recorded and starts to spoil the mood, like a buzzing fly stuck between window frames. If nothing is done, attention is distracted, the mood deteriorates. Just a question to ask yourself after committing "What's next?"

A signal that cannot be converted into information is a slag.
Information that does not lead to action - slag.
Actions that do not lead to change are a waste of time.

There are times when you feel like a transparent crystal. You are an observer. Fixed signals pass through you without leaving a trace or disturbing your transparency. This is difficult to achieve. Perhaps it is super-conduction, when your reactions are so fast that they are invisible.

I enjoy numerous writing practices. I regularly use it to find solutions and ideas, as well as to tune in to a working state.

It is important for me to formulate my own states in writing on a regular basis. The immersion in description both helps to capture the current state and immerses in the process of generating ideas and manifesting opportunities.

The essence of LIP maintenance for me is a list of simple actions.

- cut off channels of unnecessary signals.
- to advance the recorded signals along the chain, turning them into information, actions, assessment, meaning. Delete everything else without pity.
- try to fix the meaning received, making it a signal for others.

Of course, we all live in a society, but each of us needs some kind of inviolable territory where we can feel safe. Personal space is the main condition for the normal functioning of the human psyche. Therefore, defining and maintaining its boundaries is very important in the life of each of us.

Reasons Why We Need Our Own Comfort Zone

The very idea of ​​a personal territory is rooted in the distant past and is associated with the animal world. The ethologist Lorenz Konrad (a scientist who studies the genetically determined behavior of animals and humans) argued that the presence of an individual space is associated with the aggression of flocking animals or birds. For example, starlings are seated on wires at intervals. The distance between them is exactly equal to their ability to reach each other with their beak. If the animal is not aggressive, then it does not need personal space.

It follows that the animal needs some personal territory as much as it expects some kind of aggression in its direction.

A person, to one degree or another, is also a gregarious individual, therefore the conclusion that was made applies to him. For example, when a daughter approaches her mother, hugs her, the mother does not think that the child is violating her personal space. But the same woman feels completely differently if she is hugged by an unfamiliar colleague. Why it happens? What are the boundaries of our individual space? What factors influence their establishment? The personal space of a person and its types will be discussed in the article.


Personal or individual space is an area in which a person feels safe and comfortable. The following boundaries of the comfort zone are distinguished, depending on the degree of acquaintance with people:

  • From 15 to 45 centimeters is a distance that is comfortable when communicating with children, partner, close friends.
  • From 46 centimeters to 1 meter is an acceptable distance when communicating with colleagues, neighbors, classmates.
  • From 1 meter to 3.5 meters - psychologists call this space a "social zone", that is, a comfortable area for communicating with people in transport, at a bus stop.
  • A distance of more than 3.5 meters is necessary to communicate with a large group.

Indicators influencing the definition of boundaries

The establishment of restrictions depends, first of all, on the personal characteristics of the person himself. For example, here are the indicators that influence the definition of comfort zones:

  • The type of character closed from the outside world needs solitude. People who are open and sociable often violate the individual space of others and allow outsiders to enter their comfort zone.
  • The degree of self-confidence. Self-sufficient and self-confident people do not violate the boundaries of another person's personal space. For example, a wife will never check her husband's phone. That is, the lower the level of self-esteem, the more a person allows himself to violate the individual zone of another person and allows this to be done in relation to himself.
  • Place of residence. People living in a metropolis have more narrowed boundaries of their own space than those who live in small settlements. In addition, southerners are believed to be less jealous of their personal comfort zone than northerners.
  • Family and culture. There are families in which the zones are practically erased. A person who grew up in such an environment, as a rule, can speak on any topic without feeling discomfort or embarrassment. If a child grew up in a family where they respected their personal comfort zone, then it is very difficult for him to openly talk about aspects of his personal life or discuss others.

Violation of individual space

Any intrusion into your personal comfort zone leads to annoyance. The reason is that a person, defining boundaries, wants to protect himself both on a psychological and physical level.

Someone is comfortable communicating at a distance, while others are not. It is especially difficult for those people who need some distance from others. At concerts, in transport, at work, in the elevator, they experience panic, irritation, and disgust. And if you compare each violation of their personal space with a slap in the face, then it is difficult to imagine how many such slaps they receive during the day. They experience stress for quite a long time.

And what about the child, to whom they constantly climb with hugs and kisses? And then they say that he is a capricious and uncontrollable kid.

Violation of personal space always leads to psychological discomfort, which translates into stress, depression, insomnia. It doesn't matter if it is an adult or a child.

Why is it important to learn how to protect your space?

An attack on another person's comfort zone or ignoring one's personal boundaries always leads to conflicts, to aggression.

Negativity can be directed both at the offender and at himself. A person begins to blame himself for all troubles. Internal discomfort appears, which gradually destroys him as a person. In addition, he sets an unsuccessful example for his child, who in adulthood will also endure unwanted attacks, since he does not know how to defend against them at all.

People who have difficulty dealing with boundaries always have psychological problems and all sorts of illnesses.

What to do?

Here are some tips to help protect your privacy:

  • Learn to say "no", even to your loved ones.
  • Permanently give up the feeling of guilt, since it is this that is an excellent tool for manipulation.
  • Eliminate familiarity when communicating.
  • Don't try to please everyone and be good to everyone.
  • Treat criticism correctly.
  • Don't let anyone manipulate you.
  • Try not to respond to provocations.
  • Always maintain physical distance when communicating.
  • Eliminate excessive candor.
  • Try to be fair.

Individual space is a zone of calm and safety. You shouldn't violate other people's comfort limits by interfering with their lives, giving advice, and then it will be easy to keep your distance and not allow others to overstep the boundaries of what is permissible.

Types of personal comfort zone

Individual space has other dimensions besides the bodily one. The following forms are common:

  • Subject space or private property are things, objects to which only we have access. For example, a personal computer, desk, office, bed, and so on.
  • Living space is a private place where you can retire, relax and feel safe. This does not have to be your own house or apartment, it can be your own corner, your own part of the room.
  • Personal information space is the right to secrecy. You cannot read other people's letters, SMS, view your mobile phone. Every person has a right to privacy.
  • Personal emotional space is feelings that we experience of our own free will.
  • Personal time is free time from obligations and work, which you can use at your own discretion.

Male and female approach to the concept of "personal space"

Men intuitively defend the boundaries of their comfort. They know how to do it both physically and verbally. Their clear limitations make it clear how reliably the private area is guarded.

Women have problems crossing boundaries. This is due to the fact that the nature of the beautiful half of humanity is dual. On the one hand, they want to dissolve in their chosen one, and on the other, they allow a lot of things that are not permissible in relation to themselves.

They begin to endure, and it is in this sacrifice that the difference between men and women lies.

The comfort zone of each partner in a relationship

Partners sometimes need to be alone with themselves. When there is respect in a couple, then problems with violating the boundaries of personal space in a relationship do not arise. And if suddenly the rights of one of the partners begin to be infringed upon, then it is necessary to start working on this.

You always need to start with yourself, this is the only way to make it clear to a loved one how important it is to take care of personal boundaries: phone, email, social networks, meetings with friends.

In personal relationships, you need to find compromises. It is necessary to be able to talk and negotiate, and then there will be no problems in violating personal space.