Information technologies in the modern world. The place and role of information technology in the modern world

Today, the world community is experiencing global changes caused by the penetration of information technology into all spheres of life. Tourism as a sector of the economy, activity and employment of people has not remained aloof from this trend. Information technologies, penetrating into business, change management technologies, help to get answers to any questions about the state of affairs and make operational decisions in a matter of seconds.

Informatization is one of the most striking features of the system of social relations in developed countries. Humanity has reached a stage in the development of civilization in which information (knowledge) plays a decisive role in all spheres of human activity. At the same time, information becomes the most important factor in economic growth in modern society.

The next revolutionary stage in the informatization of society is associated with the extraordinary growth in the use of global computer networks. The worldwide computer network Internet is developing so rapidly that every year the number of its subscribers and the volume of information resources practically doubles. The tourism business is not left out of this boom either. Automation and widespread use of electronic technology are becoming one of the most pressing tasks in the tourism industry. Creation of powerful computer systems for booking accommodation and transport, excursion and cultural and recreational services, introduction of the latest technology in the tourism sector, information on the availability and accessibility of certain types of trips, routes, tourism potential of countries and regions - the whole range of these issues, taking into account development integration processes are on the agenda of current and future activities of the World Tourism Organization (WTO).

Information technology is a concentrated expression of scientific knowledge, information and practical experience presented in a project form (in a formalized form suitable for practical use), which allows one or another fairly frequently repeated information process to be rationally organized. This achieves savings in labor, energy or material resources necessary to implement this process.

As a general criterion for the effectiveness of any type of technology, one can use the savings in social time that are achieved as a result of their practical use. The effectiveness of this criterion is especially evident in the example of information technology.

The need to save social time directs our attention, first of all, to technologies associated with the most widespread information processes, the optimization of which, it seems, should provide the greatest savings of social time precisely due to their widespread and repeated use.

Among the distinctive properties of information technologies that are of strategic importance for the development of society, it seems appropriate to highlight the following most important ones.

Information technologies make it possible to activate and effectively use the information resources of society, which today are the most important strategic factor in its development.

Information technologies make it possible to optimize and, in many cases, automate information processes, which in recent years have occupied an increasingly important place in the life of human society.

Information processes are important elements of other more complex production or social processes. Therefore, very often information technologies act as components of corresponding production or social technologies.

Information technologies today play an extremely important role in ensuring information interaction between people, as well as in systems for the preparation and dissemination of mass information.

These means are quickly assimilated by the culture of our society, since they not only create great convenience, but also eliminate many production, social and everyday problems caused by the processes of globalization and integration of the world community, the expansion of domestic and international economic and cultural ties, migration of the population and its increasingly dynamic movement around the planet.

International and domestic tourism is a powerful service trade industry.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation





in the discipline Information technologies for managing socio-cultural activities

The role of information technology in modern society

Completed by a student of group 44

Vasyatkina Alisa Sergeevna

Checked by: Doctor ped. sciences,

Redkina Natalya Stepanovna

Novosibirsk 2015


1.2 Types of information



In the history of society, it is possible to identify several stages that human society went through stepwise in its formation. These stages differ in the main method by which society ensures its existence and the type of sources used by man and which plays a leading role in the implementation of this method. These stages include: the stages of gathering and hunting, agricultural and industrial. Nowadays, especially developed countries of the world are at the final stage of the industrial stage of the formation of society. In them, a transition is made to the next stage, the one called “informational”. In this society, information plays a decisive role. The infrastructure of society is formed by methods and means of collecting, processing, storing and sharing information. Information becomes a tactical source.

Consequently, from the 2nd half of the twentieth century in the civilized world, the main, determining factor in the socio-economic development of society has become the transition from the “prophetic economy” to the “knowledge economy”; there has been a significant increase in the importance and role of information in solving virtually all problems of the world community.

This is convincing evidence that the scientific and technological revolution is slowly turning into an intellectual and information revolution; information is becoming not only a subject of communication, but also a profitable commodity, an absolute and effective modern means of organizing and managing social production, science, culture, education and socio-economic the formation of society as a whole.

Thus, informatization is a cumulative process of information support for the socio-economic development of society on the basis of modern information special technologies and corresponding technical means.

And consequently, the informatization of society has become a priority, and its importance in society is constantly increasing.

The goal is to study the role of information technology in modern society.

Consider the concept of information technology;

Explore types of information;

Analyze the role of information technology in modern society.


informatization society society automated

1.1 Concept of information technology

Information technology is a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware, combined into a technological chain that ensures the collection, processing, storage, transmission and display of information.

The purpose of the functioning of this chain, i.e. information technology is reducing the labor intensity of the processes of using an information resource and increasing their reliability and efficiency.

The effectiveness of information technology is ultimately determined by the qualifications of the subjects of informatization processes. At the same time, technologies should be as accessible to consumers as possible.

Information technologies can be classified from different points of view. For example:

Information technologies can be distinguished by the type of information processed. The division is quite conditional, because Most information technologies allow you to support other types of information. For example, simple calculation activities are possible in word processors, and spreadsheet processors process not only digital information, but can also generate graphs. However, each type of technology is mainly focused on working with a certain type of information. Modification of the elements that make up information technologies makes it possible to form new technologies in various computer environments.

Information technologies can be divided into enabling (IIT) and functional (FIT).

Enabling technologies are information processing technologies that can be used as tools in various subject areas. At the same time, they can provide solutions for different plans and varying degrees of complexity. ICUs can be divided into task classes; depending on the class, ICUs use different types of components and software. When combining ICUs by subject, the problem of system integration arises, i.e. bringing various technologies to a single standard interface.

Functional information technologies (FIT) are a modification of enabling technologies for tasks of a certain subject area, i.e. subject technology is being implemented. Subject technologies and information technology influence each other. For example, the emergence of plastic cards as carriers of financial information fundamentally changed subject technology. At the same time, it was necessary to create a completely new information technology. But, in turn, the opportunities presented by the new IT influenced the subject technology of plastic media (in the field of their protection, for example).

1.2 Types of information

Information can be divided into the following types:

Scientific information. This is logical information that correctly reflects the unbiased validity of the nature of the thinking society.

Scientific information is divided by areas of acquisition or implementation (technical combat, political, and so on); by purpose: group and special; by type of media: on paper - documentary, on magnetic tape, in computer memory.

Technical information. It is used and noticed when solving new problems (design, scientific and technical processes, and so on).

Scientific and technical information - the community of the first two.

Scientific and technical information - it circulates in the field of material and technical production.

Planning and financial information has integral information about the progress of production and financial characteristics.

The top tier of information is knowledge. Skills arise as a result of theoretical and practical work. Information that repeats the type of skills is distinguished by the highest level of structure. As society develops, information as a community of technological knowledge is transformed into the base of the information service of society in all forms of its work.

On par with energy, mineral resources, etc. information is the source of society. As scientific and technological progress progresses, the information source becomes the main government source. The effectiveness of industrial exploitation of information sources describes the financial strength of a power.

The scientific and technical basis for the formation and operation of information sources is provided by the computer industry. However, the transfer of labor sources from the spheres of physical production to the information sphere leads to an era of “information collapse.”

Now the amount of information entering industry, management, and science reaches disturbing values. This can lead to an “information explosion,” in other words, such a crazy rise will stop very quickly. It is permissible to demonstrate the approach to collapse:

The time for doubling the size of information and selected scientific skills is 2-3 years.

Physical costs for saving, transmitting and processing information are higher than energy costs.

The level of radio emission in certain areas of the territory approaches the level of radio emission from the sun.

In this informational state of society, the effective use of information sources is very valuable. 3 leading branches are responsible for the use of information sources: computer technology, industrial electronics and interconnection play the same role for developed countries; in fact, before this, the difficult industry played.

Active information informants are that part of government information sources that, in one form or another, are available to users on a trade basis. The ratio of the size of active information sources to the overall size of state information sources is one of the significant financial characteristics of the state of the state.


2.1 Informatization of society and properties of information technologies

Informatization of society is a global social process, the peculiarity of which is that the dominant type of activity in the sphere of social production is the collection, accumulation, processing, storage, transmission, use, production of information, carried out on the basis of modern microprocessor and computer technology, as well as various means of information interaction and exchange.

Information technology can be considered as an element and function of the information society, aimed at regulating, preserving, maintaining and improving the management system of the new network society. If for centuries information and knowledge were transmitted on the basis of rules and regulations, traditions and customs, cultural patterns and stereotypes, today the main role is given to technology.

Information technologies streamline information flows at the global, regional and local levels. They play a key role in the formation of the technostructure, in increasing the role of education and are actively being introduced into all spheres of socio-political and cultural life, including home life, entertainment and leisure.

Properties of information technology:

Information technologies make it possible to activate and effectively use the information resources of society, which today are the most important strategic factor in its development.

Information technologies make it possible to optimize and, in many cases, automate information processes, which in recent years have occupied an increasingly important place in the life of human society.

Information processes are important elements of other more complex production or social processes.

The formation of an information society in a country is inextricably linked with education in a given society. In the history of mankind, there have been at least two revolutions to improve the quality and expand accessibility of education. The two previous revolutions simultaneously expanded the capabilities of education as a system, adding new tools and changing its structure.

It is specialists in the social sphere who must be the first to respond to these changes in society. Social educators and social workers, as specialists in various social services, complement and develop the multifaceted activities of educational institutions, health care, culture, sports, and public organizations, interact with them, performing an integrative function in the relationship of state and public structures with the family and the individual. The emergence of such specialties as “social pedagogy” and “social work” makes it possible to solve several interrelated problems: the formation of a worldview that is adequate to the given stage of social and economic development of our country and the world as a whole, each person’s awareness of his place in life, including professional self-determination; implementation of social adaptation based on the ability to make decisions under conditions of uncertainty; developing communication skills and the ability to build relationships with various social structures. A social educator has to work with a wide variety of categories of the population: children, the disabled, the elderly, which places high demands on his professional training. Modern information technologies, without which he simply cannot do today, can provide significant assistance in this regard. And the sooner a social teacher and a computer “become friends,” the more effective his pedagogical activities will be.

The ability to use modern information technologies in one’s activities is becoming one of the main components of the professional training of any specialist, including a specialist in the social sphere.

Information technologies have entered all areas of our lives. The computer is a means of increasing the efficiency of the learning process, participates in all types of human activity, and is indispensable for the social sphere.


The functioning and development of the social sphere is impossible without the exchange of information. The introduction of modern computer information technologies into the social sphere is determined by the complication of socio-economic processes in society, their increasing dependence on information and organized information flows, the inability in modern conditions to solve social, economic, managerial and other problems when processing information manually. Automated processing, storage and distribution of social information using modern computer and telecommunications tools makes it possible to improve the quality of social information, its accuracy, objectivity, efficiency and, as a consequence, the ability to make effective and timely management decisions.

The emergence, development and functioning of information technologies is accompanied by the process of informatization, which is “an organized socio-economic and scientific-technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting information needs and realizing the rights of citizens, government bodies, local governments, organizations, public associations based on formation and use of information resources.”

Analyzing the role and importance of information technologies for the current stage of development of society, we can draw well-founded conclusions that this role is strategically important, and the importance of these technologies will increase rapidly in the near future. It is these technologies that today play a decisive role in the field of technological development of the state. The arguments for these conclusions are a number of unique properties of information technologies, which push them to a priority place in relation to production and social technologies.


1. Grinevich N.D. "Informatics and information technologies", BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2003

2. Emelyanov S.V., “Information technologies and computing systems”, Editorial URSS, 2004.

3. Levin V.I., “History of information technologies” BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, Internet University of Information Technologies -, 2007

4. Fedorova N., “Information systems” Academia, 2010

5. Yadov G.B. Information and society // Around the world. - 2004. - No. 2.

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Information technology in modern world.

I.1. Information technologies in education.

Currently, education faces many challenges, and the most important of them is preparing the younger generation for life in the information society.

The information society is characterized by a high level of development of information and communication technologies and their intensive use by citizens, businesses and government authorities. The increase in added value in the economy occurs today largely due to intellectual activity, increasing the technological level of production and the spread of modern information and communication technologies.

The transition from industrial to post-industrial society significantly strengthens the role of intellectual factors of production. International experience shows that high technologies, including information and communications, have already become the engine of socio-economic development in many countries of the world, and ensuring guaranteed free access of citizens to information is one of the most important tasks of states.

Over the past 10 years, there has been a radical change in the role and place of personal computers and information technology in the life of society. In the modern world, mastery of information technology is ranked on a par with such qualities as the ability to read and write. A person who skillfully and effectively masters technology and information has a different, new style of thinking and has a fundamentally different approach to assessing the problem that has arisen and to organizing his activities.

Currently, information, information processes and technologies are the most important components of human life, which determines the formation of the information society. A new information way of life is being formed, where almost all its aspects are largely permeated by human information activities based on modern information technologies, which means that the person himself is changing - his needs, interests, views, values.

Information (Latin informatio - explanation, presentation, awareness) - one of the most general concepts of science, denoting some information, a collection of any data, knowledge, etc.


    route of communication (for example, air route, water route);

    form of communication (eg telegraph, radio, telephone);

    act of communication, communication between two or more individuals based on mutual understanding; communication of information by one person to another or a number of persons;

    mass communication - the process of communicating information using technical means ... to numerically large, dispersed audiences.

Technology(from the Greek tchne - art, skill, skill and Greek logos - study) - a set of methods and tools to achieve the desired result; a method of transforming the given into the necessary; mode of production.

Information and communication technologies (ICT)- a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware integrated for the purpose of collecting, processing, storing, distributing, displaying and using information in the interests of its users.

As noted by E.I. Vishtynetsky and A.O. Krivosheev, the use of ICT used in the field of education should aim to achieve the following tasks, such as:

    support and development of the student’s systematic thinking;

    support for all types of cognitive activity of the student in the acquisition of knowledge, development and consolidation of skills and abilities;

    implementation of the principle of individualization of the educational process while maintaining its integrity.

Educational ICT tools can be classified according to a number of parameters:

1. Regarding the pedagogical tasks to be solved:

    means providing basic training (electronic textbooks, training systems, knowledge control systems);

    practical training tools (problems, workshops, virtual constructors, simulation programs, simulators);

    aids (encyclopedias, dictionaries, reading books, educational computer games, multimedia training sessions);

    comprehensive tools (distance learning courses).

2. By functions in the organization of the educational process:

    information and educational (electronic libraries, electronic books, electronic periodicals, dictionaries, reference books, educational computer programs, information systems);

    interactive (e-mail, electronic teleconferences);

    search engines (directories, search engines).

3. According to forms of application in the educational process:

  • extracurricular

4. By type of information:

    electronic and information resources with text information (textbooks, study guides, problem books, tests, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, periodicals, numerical data, software and educational materials);

    electronic and information resources with visual information (collections: photographs, portraits, illustrations, video fragments of processes and phenomena, demonstrations of experiments, video excursions; statistical and dynamic models, interactive models; symbolic objects: diagrams, diagrams);

    electronic and information resources with audio information (sound recordings of poems, didactic speech material, musical works, sounds of living and inanimate nature, synchronized audio objects);

I .2.Use of information technology as a means of increasing the cognitive activity of students in school lessons.

The rapid development of new information technologies has left an imprint on the development of the personality of the modern child. Today, a new link is being introduced into the traditional “teacher-student-textbook” scheme - a computer, and computer education is being introduced into school consciousness. One of the main parts of informatization of education is the use of information technologies in educational disciplines.

For primary schools, this means a change in priorities in setting educational goals: one of the results of training and education in a first-level school should be the readiness of children to master modern computer technologies and the ability to update the information obtained with their help for further self-education. To achieve these goals, there is a need to apply different strategies for teaching younger schoolchildren in the practice of primary school teachers and, first of all, the use of information and communication technologies in the teaching and educational process.

The use of ICT in various lessons in primary school allows students to develop their ability to navigate the information flows of the world around them; master practical ways of working with information; develop skills that allow you to exchange information using modern technical means.

Lessons using computer technology make them more interesting, thoughtful, and mobile. Almost any material is used; there is no need to prepare a lot of encyclopedias, reproductions, audio accompaniments for the lesson - all this is already prepared in advance and is contained on a small CD.

Lessons using ICT are especially relevant in primary school. Students in grades 1-4 have visual-figurative thinking, so it is very important to build their education using as much high-quality illustrative material as possible, involving not only vision, but also hearing, emotions, and imagination in the process of perceiving new things. Here, the brightness and entertainment of computer slides and animations comes in handy. Modern computer technologies provide enormous opportunities for the development of the educational process. Also K.D. Ushinsky noted: “Children’s nature requires clarity.” In recent years, technological progress has literally fallen upon us. What seemed fantastic just yesterday has entered our lives. Children, as the most inquisitive and curious part of society, literally “swallow” all new items. They confidently use mobile phones, computers, various DVD players, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly look for the most effective ways to conduct lessons.

The use of ICT in the classroom enhances positive motivation for learning and activates the cognitive activity of students.

When introducing information technology in the classroom, you should adhere to the following methodological rules:

1. information technologies in education are not an end in themselves, but a means aimed at solving the problems of real changes in the quality of education and increasing its effectiveness;

2. the latest information technologies are optimally integrated into the traditional education system, taking into account pedagogical expediency and in combination with various pedagogical technologies;

The formation of a creative personality is one of the main tasks of education. Its implementation dictates the need to develop the child’s cognitive interests, abilities and capabilities.

The most effective means of including a child in the creative process in the classroom are:

    play activities;

    creating positive emotional situations;

    work in pairs;

    problem-based learning.

In elementary school, it is impossible to conduct a lesson without using visual aids; problems often arise. Where can I find the material I need and how best to demonstrate it? The computer came to the rescue.

The use of multimedia presentations in the primary school classroom combines many components necessary for successful student learning. This includes television images, animation, sound, and graphics.

Analysis of such classes showed that cognitive motivation increases and mastery of complex material becomes easier.

In addition, fragments of lessons in which presentations are used reflect one of the main principles of creating a modern lesson - the principle of fasciation (the principle of attractiveness). Thanks to the presentations, children who were usually not very active in the classroom began to actively express their opinions and reason.

The fairly wide distribution of multimedia projectors can significantly increase visibility due to the use of multimedia presentations by the teacher during the lesson.

A multimedia presentation is a program that can contain text materials, photographs, drawings, slide shows, sound design and narration, video clips and animation, and three-dimensional graphics. The main difference between presentations and other methods of presenting information is their special richness in content and interactivity, i.e. the ability to change in a certain way and respond to user actions. Consequently, multimedia technologies present information in the most effective form.

Multimedia technologies make it possible to control the flow of information, i.e. can be interactive.

Multimedia presentations give direct access to information. The user can immediately see all the content and move on to what interests him.

Modern schools face the problem of increasing the effectiveness of teaching. To achieve this, one must search for and select methods and teaching technologies, based on the requirements of the state standard for the quality of modern education.

It can be argued that the competent use of the capabilities of modern information technologies in primary school contributes to:

    activating cognitive activity, increasing the quality of schoolchildren’s academic performance;

    achieving learning goals with the help of modern electronic educational materials intended for use in primary school lessons;

    development of self-education and self-control skills in younger schoolchildren; increasing the level of comfort of learning;

    reducing didactic difficulties among students;

    increasing the activity and initiative of younger schoolchildren in the classroom; development of information thinking of schoolchildren, formation of information and communication competence;

I.3. Multimedia presentation. Classification.

Multimedia presentations are a convenient and effective way of presenting information using computer programs. It combines dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that hold the child’s attention for the longest time.

Simultaneous impact on the two most important organs of perception (hearing and vision) allows you to achieve a much greater effect. According to the Wharton School Center for Applied Research at the University of Minnesota, a person remembers 20% of what he hears and 30% of what he sees, and more than 50% of what he sees and hears at the same time. Thus, facilitating the process of perceiving and remembering information with the help of vivid images is the basis of any modern presentation.

Moreover, the presentation allows the teacher to independently compose educational material based on the characteristics of a particular class, topic, subject, which allows him to structure a lesson in such a way as to achieve maximum educational effect.

When preparing for a lesson using ICT, the teacher should not forget that this is a LESSON, which means he draws up a lesson plan based on its goals; when selecting educational material, he must comply with the basic didactic principles: systematic and consistent, accessible, differentiated approach, scientific, etc. At the same time, the computer does not replace the teacher, but only complements him.

The computer can be used at all stages: both in preparing a lesson and in the learning process: when explaining (introducing) new material, consolidating, repeating, monitoring learning skills

When designing a lesson, a teacher can use various software products:

1. It is possible to use ready-made software products (encyclopedias, training programs, etc.) when preparing and conducting a lesson.

2. The Microsoft Office package provides teachers with great assistance in preparing and conducting lessons, which includes, in addition to the well-known word processor Word, the Access database system and PowerPoint electronic presentations.

3. The database system requires a lot of preparatory work when creating a lesson, but in the end you can get an effective and universal system for teaching and testing knowledge.

4. The Word text editor allows you to prepare handouts and didactic material.

5. Electronic presentations enable the teacher, with minimal preparation and little time spent, to prepare visuals for the lesson. Lessons created using PowerPoint are spectacular and effective in teaching information.

Benefits of multimedia presentation:

    it allows you to reduce the unproductive costs of living labor of the teacher, who in this case turns into a technologist of the modern educational process, in which the leading role is given not so much and not only to the teaching activities of the teacher, but to the teaching of the students themselves

    gives students ample opportunity to freely choose their own learning trajectory in the process of school education, hence the role of the student changes, who, instead of a passive listener, becomes a self-governing person, capable of using the media that are available to him

    increases the efficiency and objectivity of monitoring and evaluation of learning results

    guarantees continuous communication in the teacher-student relationship

    promotes individualization of learning activities (differentiation of the pace of learning, difficulty of learning tasks, etc.)

    increases learning motivation

    promotes the development of productive, creative thinking functions in students, the growth of intellectual abilities, and the formation of an operational style of thinking. Presentation allows you to increase the success of classes using demonstration tools

    helps to increase motivation and cognitive activity due to the variety of forms of work, the possibility of including a game moment: if you solve the examples correctly - open the picture, insert all the letters correctly - you will move closer to the goal of the fairy-tale hero. The computer gives the teacher new opportunities, allowing the student and the student to enjoy the fascinating process of learning, not only pushing the walls of the school classroom with the power of imagination, but with the help of the latest technologies allows you to immerse yourself in a bright, colorful world. This activity causes emotional uplift in children.

For the teacher:

    the image from the screen allows you to give a visual image and not waste time, being distracted by legible writing of text on the board;

    as new materials appear, adjust not the entire course, but specific slides on certain topics;

    You don't have to be an artist to create videos using Microsoft PowerPoint; design templates ensure high-quality results

Classification of multimedia presentations

Classification of presentations by interactivity:

Linear presentation

    Presentation slides follow each other sequentially.

    The user is passive, his participation in managing the presentation is insignificant.

    The user's attention is focused on the slide being viewed; the content of the viewed slides is quickly forgotten.

    The user's requirements for the quality of information consumed are low.

Scripted presentations

    They are the perfect means of presenting information to the classroom.

    The material in this type of presentation is usually well organized and can be rehearsed in advance to ensure a flawless presentation.

    A presentation, in which the teacher guides the presentation of material, is an ideal way to organize the process of presenting information in a school lesson.

    This technique can be applied in any field of study.

Educational presentations

    Educational presentations are designed to help the teacher and student and allow you to present the material conveniently and clearly.

    The use of even the simplest graphic tools is extremely effective.


    Completed information products.

    You can address a self-executing presentation to an audience if you place it on a website, floppy disk, compact or video cassette and use it for independent study by a student during a lesson or at home.

Interactive presentation

    Such presentations provide the opportunity to choose both the method of studying educational material and the degree of detail in which the material is presented, allowing you to adapt the information and provide an individual approach to each student.

    With the help of interactive presentations, it is convenient to implement individual “tours” of educational material, which allow the user to independently familiarize themselves with information about the subject.

    Presentation slides are shown based on user actions.

    The user is active and largely controls the flow of the presentation.

    The user retains a significant part of the presentation in memory, viewing each slide as a continuation of the previous ones.

    The user's requirements for the quality of information consumed are high - he expects an adequate response to the choice made

I.4. Preserving the health of children when working with an interactive whiteboard and computer.

Today, an increasing number of schools are equipped with interactive whiteboards. The attitude of subject teachers towards them is quite contradictory: some consider the use of the latest achievements of educational technologies to be the only correct solution, others prefer to remain faithful to traditional teaching methods.

In practice, interactive whiteboards turn out to be much more effective than traditional school boards or projectors. Due to the fact that the material is presented in an interactive mode, communicative interaction with students is significantly improved, which makes it possible to convey information to them faster and more efficiently. Accordingly, the quality of education improves.

However, the use of interactive whiteboards must necessarily be combined with the use of traditional visual material, which will allow students to periodically switch their attention. The fact is that a child’s vision is extremely sensitive to the increased loads that inevitably arise when working with such a board. To reduce eye strain, you should carefully select educational material. For example, it is unacceptable to use too small a font and overload the workspace with extraneous elements. The color scheme should also be chosen correctly, i.e. the font should contrast as much as possible with the background, and the number of bright elements on the screen should be minimal.

When a student is working directly with an interactive whiteboard, the teacher must carefully ensure that the child does not accidentally turn his face towards the projector, because its excessively bright light damages the retina of the eye.

In general, the use of interactive whiteboards in school is completely justified, because they improve the perception of educational material, allow for close contact between the teacher and the class, and also contribute to the strong consolidation of acquired knowledge. However, this teaching method requires a more careful attitude of the teacher towards the health of students.

When talking about computer use by children, the question of preserving health and vision arises. The question of “staying” at the computer is relevant. It is reasonable to limit classes with a PC in time - 10-15 minutes. A normally developing child at this age should move 70-80% of his waking time!

Turbin Anatoly

Basic concept of computer science. Basic concept of information technology. Receiving, accumulating and storing information. Information technologies in the life of modern man. . . The role of information technology in the development of online television. . Application of information technologies in teaching.


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The role of computer science and information technology in the modern world
Turbin Anatoly Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 8, 11 “C”
Computer science is the science of methods of obtaining, accumulating, storing, transforming, transmitting and using information. It includes disciplines related to information processing in computers and computer networks: both abstract, such as the analysis of algorithms, and quite specific, for example, the development of programming languages. The term computer science arose in the 60s in France to name the field involved in automated processing information, as a merger of the French words information and automatique (F. Dreyfus, 1972). The concept of computer science is relatively new in the vocabulary of modern man. Despite its widespread use, its content remains not fully clarified due to its novelty. Intuitively it is clear that it is associated with information, as well as its processing on computers. This is confirmed by the existing legend about the origin of this word: it is believed that it is made up of two words - INFORMATION and AUTOMATION (as a means of converting information). Research topics in computer science are the questions: what can and cannot be implemented in programs and databases (computability theory and artificial intelligence), how specific computing and information problems can be solved with maximum efficiency (computational complexity theory), in what form information of a specific type should be stored and restored (structures and databases), how programs and people should interact with each other ( user interface and programming languages ​​and knowledge representation), etc.
Basic concept of computer science
Information technology (IT, from the English information technology, IT) is a wide class of disciplines and areas of activity related to technologies for managing and processing data, as well as creating data, including using computer technology. Recently, information technology has more often everyone understands computer technology. Specifically, IT deals with the use of computers and software to store, transform, protect, process, transmit and receive information. Specialists in computer technology and programming are often called IT specialists. According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, IT is a set of interrelated scientific, technological, and engineering disciplines that study methods for effectively organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as the social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this. IT itself requires complex training, large initial costs and high-tech technology. Their implementation should begin with the creation of mathematical software, the formation of information flows in specialist training systems. The main features of modern IT: computer processing of information according to given algorithms; storage of large volumes of information on computer media; transmission of information over long distances in a limited time.
Basic concept of information technology
We can no longer imagine life without a computer, without a mobile phone, without the Internet. Everything we see around us is increasingly created using information technology. In the context of the rapid development of modern society, global computerization is an integral part of people's lives. Information technologies have become the main component of both the global economy as a whole and other individual areas of human activity. Industry, education, healthcare, public administration: everything is based on the use of information technology. With the increase in the speed of information transfer, a lot of opportunities arise, without the help of which it is already difficult to imagine your life. With every century, decade and year, the amount of information accumulated by humanity increases, and its role in human life also grows. Man creates devices that allow him to receive information that is not available to him through direct sensations (microscopes, telescopes, thermometers, speedometers, various sensors, etc.). Receiving information is called input. In a personal computer, special input devices are responsible for entering information: keyboard, scanner, digitizer, microphone, mouse and much more. A person stores information in his own memory (internal operational information) and on external media: paper, magnetic tape, disks, etc. Our internal memory is not always reliable. People often forget something. Information on external media is stored longer and more reliably. It is with the help of external media that people pass on their knowledge from generation to generation. In order to be able to repeatedly use information in the future, so-called external (in relation to human memory) storage media are used. In the modern world, databases on electronic media (servers of companies, enterprises, etc.) are an integral part of storing information.
Receiving, accumulating and storing information
The need of a person to communicate with the people around him, that is, to express and transmit information, led to the emergence of language - the oldest information technology. This was followed by the invention of writing, libraries, printing, mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, television and, finally, computers and the Internet. The importance of information technology has especially increased with the invention of the computer - a machine for receiving, processing, storing and issuing information. The widespread use of computers has provided people with new opportunities to search, receive, accumulate, transmit and, most importantly, process information. The computer was originally created as a tool for automating calculations. However, gradually the functions of almost all previous means of communication were added to its computing capabilities, turning it into the main tool for building a modern information society. The next milestone in the development of information technology was the ability to create computer networks. And as their highest manifestation - the Internet, a global computer network that gives each user the opportunity to have the information capabilities of the entire network and simultaneously transmit their information to all its users. This made it possible for any owner of a personal computer to join the information resources of all mankind and even contribute to them, to create one common bank of information for all users of this network. However, there is also a negative side to the emergence of a global computer network - people communicate less and less “live”, but on the other hand, it has become possible for users located at a great distance from each other to communicate, and this is a huge advantage in the modern world.
Information technologies in the life of a modern person
With the development of modern society, information technologies have deeply penetrated all spheres of human activity. Thus, in industry, information technologies are used not only to evaluate stocks of raw materials, components, finished products, to carry out new developments, but also to reduce marketing research to monitor demand for various types of products, and to find new partners. As is known, the effectiveness of service management robots largely depends on the level of communication between citizens, enterprises and other government bodies. Therefore, in service management, information technologies make it possible to simultaneously use information, organizational, legal, socio-psychological, personnel and other indicators, which makes it easier for the robot and the organization of the management process itself. The use of such methods significantly speeds up work in complex areas of analytical work, for example, during the period of assessing the situation in difficult situations, preparing and generating reports and certificates. Moreover, all accounting operations at enterprises are based on the use of information technology. Due to the increase in the speed of information exchange, it has become possible to carry out heavy mathematical calculations in just a few seconds. We see the most widespread use of IT in industry through the use of a computer-aided design (CAD) system. CAD is an automated system that implements information technology for performing design functions, is an organizational and technical system designed to automate the design process, consisting of personnel and a complex of technical, software and other automation tools for its activities.
The importance of information technology in industry
The importance of information technology in industry
The main goal of creating CAD is to increase the efficiency of engineers, including: reducing the complexity of design and planning; reduction of design time; reducing design and manufacturing costs, reducing operating costs; improving the quality and technical and economic level of design results; reducing costs for full-scale modeling and testing. Achieving the goals of creating CAD is ensured by: automating the preparation of documentation; information support and decision-making automation; use of parallel design technologies; unification of design solutions and design processes; reuse of design solutions, data and developments; strategic design; replacing full-scale testing and prototyping with mathematical modeling; improving the quality of design management; application of variant design and optimization methods. At the moment, it is no longer possible to imagine the functioning of most enterprises without the use of CAD. These are industrial enterprises in such industries as aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding, automotive manufacturing, foundry production, heavy, medium and light engineering, construction, precision instrument making, nuclear industry, etc.
In medicine, the term IT is used in a narrower sense, meaning the use of some computer system to solve specified problems. Currently, such a computer system, as a rule, includes the computer itself, a program (or set of programs) that registers, processes and provides information to the doctor, a database that stores information about the examinations performed, and means for receiving and transmitting accumulated information to another user.
Automation allows you to: reduce the labor intensity of work on managing and controlling resources by reducing the performance of routine duties by people; create the prerequisites for the rational organization of the production process at the enterprise; increase the speed and quality of patient care; increase the efficiency and culture of work; increase management efficiency; increase the efficiency of operational decision-making; expand the range of services provided to the patient; improve the capabilities of long-term planning and forecasting.
It is also necessary to note such an effect as reducing the time spent on making a management decision due to the reduction of a large number of paper flows. Improving the quality of management decisions from the point of view of accuracy, depth of analysis of the controlled phenomenon, process or subject, and the presence of informative feedback.
The role of information technology in medicine
The use of the latest equipment in medicine has made it possible to give the most accurate diagnosis of the patient in a short period of time. A wide range of manufactured equipment is used in all areas of medicine.
Here are a few examples: The universal diagnostic ultrasound cardiology system ACUSON Sequoia 512 with a set of sensors allows you to see the patient’s anatomy and physiology with a completely new look and provides early diagnosis of pathological changes. The high-tech and compact electrocardiograph CARDIOVIT AT-101 can be used both in clinics and hospitals. The ability to work on the network with data upload in XML format allows it to be integrated into medical systems. In cosmetology, the Thermage device has revolutionized ideas about modern rejuvenation methods. Many patients want to tighten their skin without resorting to surgery. Now this can be done in 30 minutes, which previously required many hours of plastic surgery and months of recovery. The X-ray machine CLINOMAT TIETON (Italray) is designed to perform all traditional fluorographic examinations. A wide selection of anatomical programs (more than 600 programs) allows the operator to automate the selection of parameters when examining various parts.
The role of information technology in medicine
Due to the increase in the speed of information exchange, it has become possible to transmit a large volume of information, including television streams. A little time has passed since the first broadcasts of Internet television began. However, over a short period of use of Internet television, a large audience has appeared. And now it is difficult to imagine the Internet without television broadcasting. Using a satellite dish is not mandatory equipment for watching TV; to do this, it is enough to use a laptop connected to an Internet access point. With the implementation of wireless access, the dependence on the Internet connection point has decreased. At the moment, television transmission can be carried out from almost anywhere in the world. According to expert forecasts, by 2013 the total share of audio and digital video transmitted online will be about 98% of the total flow of information sent. Digital TV broadcasting is gaining momentum and Over time, this dynamic becomes increasingly clear. The flourishing of commercial television channels, which appeared for the first time, was a fairly significant stage in the development of the domestic television broadcasting industry, but a noticeable leap occurred in recent years. The development occurred directly with the beginning of the introduction of high-speed Internet access. Since that time, the high-speed channel to the global network has become universally accessible, and the rapid progress of online television broadcasts is no longer restrained. And the development of the Russian-language network at the same moment responded to the expansion of opportunities by the appearance of large quantities of online television equipment. Well-known television channels have become even more convenient for viewing, and web television broadcasts also delight Russian-speaking audiences living in other countries. You can watch online TV almost anywhere. This became possible thanks to the development of digital web television technologies.
The role of information technology in the development of online television
All domestic secondary educational institutions have recently been equipped with computer classes, which make it possible to conduct not only full-fledged computer science lessons, but also to use various types of modern technology in the learning process and testing knowledge. Multimedia projectors and interactive whiteboards installed in classrooms make it possible to more clearly present the material being studied to students. The main sign of the development of information technology in school is the intensive use of technology. new generation teaching aids in methodological recommendations for conducting lessons and extracurricular activities, the desire of teachers to master new equipment. This direction in increasing knowledge is called Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). It is quite possible to use this technique when studying any school subject.
Application of information technologies in education
The experiment shows that the teacher’s competent use of ICT significantly increases students’ interest in the subject. Transmitting visual aids on the screen using a multimedia projector helps the teacher better present the process and results of experiments, use virtual excursions to different geographical areas and the best museums in the world. Students have every chance to see firsthand how rich the country’s flora and fauna are by seeing panoramic footage, footage of a living creature or natural phenomenon, as well as observing astronomical objects.
Application of information technologies in education
Here are some examples of the use of ICT. It is possible to show children how there is day and night on Earth at the same time using the display of images from web cameras in the corresponding time zones. You can show the progress of chemical reactions on the screen with the participation of the substances used in them by connecting the scales and the interactive whiteboard to each other. Technology teachers use ICT very actively. Now students have every chance to see clear drawings, high-quality slides and films about the history of fashion, styles, and interior design. For training in various fields, the Internet offers a huge number of master classes that arouse sincere interest among children.

In the context of the development of modern society, information technologies deeply penetrate people's lives.

In the development of modern society, information technologies deeply penetrate people's lives. They very quickly turned into a vital stimulus for the development of not only the world economy, but also other areas of human activity. Nowadays it is difficult to find an area in which information technology is not currently used. Thus, in industry, information technologies are used not only to analyze stocks of raw materials, components, and finished products, but also make it possible to conduct marketing research to forecast demand for various types of products, find new partners, and much more.

At the same time, all accounting operations at enterprises and beyond are now based on the use of information technology. As you know, the effectiveness of public administration largely depends on the level of interaction between citizens, enterprises and other government bodies. Therefore, in public administration, information technologies make it possible to simultaneously use informational, organizational, legal, socio-psychological, personnel and other factors, which greatly facilitates the work and organization of the management process itself. Of course, the use of such technologies does not solve all problems, but they significantly speed up work in complex areas of analytical activity, for example, during analysis and assessment of the operational situation in difficult situations, preparation and generation of reports and certificates.

The use of information technology in the scientific field and in education is difficult to overestimate. Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a school that does not have a computer class. Nowadays there are a lot of electronic libraries that you can use without leaving your home, which greatly facilitates the process of learning and self-education. At the same time, information technologies contribute to the development of scientific knowledge.

Since the speed of information exchange increases and it becomes possible to carry out complex mathematical calculations in a few seconds and much more. Information technology is one of the modern methods of communication, the main advantages of which are accessibility. Using information technology, you can easily access the information you are interested in, as well as communicate with a real person. On the one hand, this has a negative effect, since people communicate less and less “live”, in direct contact, but on the other hand, it will allow you to communicate with a person who is on the other side of the world, and this, you see, is of great importance.

To summarize, we can say that information technologies have deeply penetrated our lives and modern society, which cannot exist in its current form without them.