Interesting, funny and cool questions on ask fm. What does Ask mean?

How to ask an anonymous question on ask fm?

The social network ask fm is designed for questions and answers. This is the most interesting thing on the Internet, accessible to everyone. Many people ask anonymous questions in ask fm; this option is specially provided for and is widely used.

How to ask an anonymous question on ask fm, interests many regulars of social networks. In reality, this is not difficult to do. You can ask a question without registering online, and there will simply be nothing to show in the name of the author of the question. It is also suggested to install a plugin for the Internet browser that anonymizes the author of the questions. It allows you to set anonymous questions on ask, as in many other social networks (how to reveal the person who asked you an anonymous question, read this article ). This is a great opportunity for those who do not like to advertise themselves on the Internet, but prefer to act secretly. Asking questions becomes quick and convenient; you don’t have to independently take into account the features of different social networks. Cheating likes and subscribers in Ask FM is available at link .

To set in ask fm anonymous questions, the account owner to whom they are asked must allow questions to be asked anonymously. This is natural, since there is no point in asking anonymous questions if no one is going to answer them anyway. And if the interlocutor is ready for a discussion, it will be interesting.

What can I ask?

The very possibility of anonymous questions is good, but for those who are interested, how to ask an anonymous question on ask fm, it’s worth thinking about the best options for questions and answers. By viewing other people's discussions, you can find out anonymous questions ask fm which are often asked and are popular (what interesting or funny questions you can ask on ask fm, find out from this material ). At first, it is a good idea to follow the generally accepted fashion, gradually adding your own inventions that enliven the conversation. If you want to promote your VKontakte account, you can ask for help from specialists .

This is interesting

The social network does not disclose any information about anonymous users, even to the police. Two teenagers driven to suicide in Ireland anonymous questions on ask, but it was not possible to find out anything about their authors. The network keeps its secrets securely, to the chagrin of law enforcement. Find out anonymous questions ask fm-this does not mean learning anything about the curious people who ask them.

The social network has its own “celebrities” who are particularly annoyed with questions and who answer them most wittily. It is recommended to get acquainted with such users first, and if you manage to strike up a friendship, you can become popular yourself. You can order high-quality, inexpensive promotion on Instagram.

Many questions asked in ask fm are anonymous. Anonymity liberates people and helps them maintain genuine conversations. Many topics that seem indecent when discussed openly are successfully revealed under the veil of secrecy.

Anonymous questions on Ask have been asked for a long time, and many users of this social network have extensive experience in such discussions. And newcomers are interested in their details and how to ask an anonymous question on ask fm.

Subsequently, you can “prohibit anonymous questions” in the same way; this option will appear in the same section. Naturally, the account owner must give his permission, because if he does not answer questions, then there is no point in asking them. The network of questions and answers is built on mutual dialogue.

You can ask anonymous questions in ask fm through the anonymization function. After selecting the appropriate option and other characteristics of the message, it is sent to the recipient. Find questions for guys and girls in this article.

Is it possible to reveal an anonymous person in Ask FM and how to do it

In addition to how to ask an anonymous question on ask fm, users often want to know anonymous questions on ask fm - who sent them. For the average user this is almost impossible. The network strictly guards its secrets. Until recently, even the police were unable to penetrate the depths of Ask FM. But the Internet address from which the user accesses the World Wide Web is stored on the server. Therefore, if desired, law enforcement agencies can identify not only the user’s name in Ask FM, but also his passport data and home address (or place of work). And you should be careful about asking questions that can have a harmful effect on a person’s psyche, no matter how easy it is to find out anonymous questions from ask fm. A few more words about anonymous ask.

Articles on the subject.

What questions can you ask on ask?

In this article we will try to analyze everything related to ask questions, and most importantly, give examples. The new social network is gaining more and more popularity. This is a platform for question-answer type communication that has absolutely no restrictions. That is, you can ask absolutely any question to the user, either openly, indicating your name, or as an anonymous person.

And yet what questions can you ask on ask?? Below are examples of questions for boys and girls. But it’s worth considering that your imagination can be limitless. And so that everyone can see how smartly and sparklingly you answer questions yourself, you can add likes and subscribers to your page.

Questions for guys (note to girls):

  • How are your mood?
  • Where will you spend this evening?
  • Are you drinking? Which spirits do you like best?
  • How do you feel about smoking? Do you smoke yourself?
  • What sport do you like and who do you support?
  • What's your favorite car brand?
  • Have you made love in extreme conditions?
  • How do you feel about one-night stands?

Questions for girls (for boys):

  • What were you like as a child? A hooligan or a calm girl?
  • What made you laugh the most over the past week/month?
  • Are you a creative person? Why do you think so?
  • What sounds do you like?
  • Do you believe in zodiac signs? Which one is yours?
  • TV series you like to watch?
  • Do you think it would be romantic to make love on the seashore?
  • Will you forgive me if I accidentally cheat on you?

TO interesting questions on ask These include things that you don’t often ask in everyday life, for example:

  • When was the last time you cried?
  • If you caught a goldfish, what three wishes would you make?
  • What would you like to change about your past and why?
  • Would you be friends with your doppelganger? Why?
  • What question would you like to answer yourself, but you are never asked?)
  • If you could go back 10 years, what would you change in your life?
  • What do you lack the courage to do?
  • They say that in life you have to try everything. Are there things you will never try?

Cool questions for ask

And yet, the most favorite topic is considered to be cool or funny ask questions. It is more interesting for all users to answer precisely such questions. You can laugh and show how you yourself can put something like that in your answer. Undoubtedly, such a question will simply get a ton of likes. Examples cool questions for ask:

  • If I drink fairy, will the fat in me dissolve?
  • How to go to bed early at half past two in the morning?
  • How to tell a cat that he is adopted?
  • Why is Tsoi alive when he is dead, and Guf dead when he is alive?
  • I collected all the penguins from Kinder Surprise, is it worth writing this in the achievements column on your resume?
  • How many Nesquicks should you eat to make a talking rabbit appear?
  • The dog says "woof". The cat says "meow". And the giraffe? Does anyone know how a giraffe speaks?
  • Why, when I'm sad, don't little animals gather around me and sing songs?

Here are some examples of what questions you can ask in an ask. Be sure to come up with something of your own and go for it!

0 The World Wide Web is developing so quickly that many do not understand the meaning of certain words that they encounter in chats or on the forum, for example Ignor, ZY, ZHB, KEK, Captcha and many others. Then they open Yashka or start Googling to find answers to their questions. However, you can look for answers using other resources, for example, will the ASK service help you in this matter? What does ASK mean?? This site was created in 1996 by David Wharton and Garrett Gruner in Berkeley. True, at first it had a different name AskJeeves. com and was based on the search code that Harry Chayefsky wrote. However, after many years of unsuccessful struggle with such a search giant as Google, in 2010 ASK stopped supporting its search engine and returned to its favorite brainchild, the question answering service.

Ask is a search engine, the highlight of which is the search for answers to any questions

Ask Toolbar is the Ask toolbar, which is a dedicated browser application. It is embedded in a toolbar in a menu or tool window in a web browser. Often installed with other software and this causes severe irritation

Many novice users ask, what does + 1 in ask mean?? The answer to this question is quite simple, it means that one more person has subscribed to me.

Ask FM is a question and answer service very popular among teenagers. What makes this resource especially popular is the complete anonymity of both the questioner and the answerer.

This long-term startup has attracted several tens of millions of live users to its ranks. Moreover, about 200 thousand newcomers register every day. The main population of this resource is schoolchildren and college students. The popularity of Ask FM can only be compared with Snapchat and Instagram.

Now let's talk about the details, users are interested in, What does the tick in Ask mean?? There are several answers to this question:

First option. You must receive verification through any popular social network, that is, you log into Ask FM through a verified account and immediately receive a check mark.

Second option. When you ask a question and check the box, it means your question will be anonymous.

Third option. If you are very popular, have a lot of likes and subscribers (about 2000 thousand), then write to Ask and ask for a tick.

What does the asterisk in Ask mean?? As a rule, it is given for a large number of subscribers. How many subscribers do you need to get a star in Ask? Write in the comments.

Anonymous in how to open anonymous in ask.

Surely you remember the boom around sites with anonymous questions, which was so relevant 3-5 years ago. Many Internet users shared links to such resources and encouraged friends and strangers to ask them about various things. “” and “” were very popular among Russian users. Serious verbal battles, showdowns, revelations, and confessions flared up on these sites. And the question “How can I find out who writes anonymously to Ask?” was probably asked by everyone who registered there. Even though today the passions have subsided a little, and only their devoted fans remain in these networks, there are still questions that are still relevant. We will sort them out.

What is ""?

If you were on the sidelines of that trend, then first of all we will briefly tell you about this resource. (today it is ASKfm) is a social network where a user can both send completely anonymous questions to others (you can remove incognito if desired) and answer such messages yourself. The resource was created in Latvia in 2010. It acted as a competitor and in some ways a successor to the once popular Formspring.

Unlike the same “Facebook”, “VKontakte”, the functionality of “Ask” is somewhat limited: setting an avatar, a short questionnaire, a wall with friends’ answers, your own profile with all the questions you were once asked in chronological order. By replying to a message, you automatically make the question and your message visible to everyone who visits your page. You can publish anonymous questions in and publish your answers on Tumblr, VKontakte, Twitter, having previously integrated with these services. By the way, it was precisely such reposts that once widely advertised this site.

Who writes to Ask? According to statistics, in February 2015 the popularity of the network reached its peak with 80 million registered users worldwide. Not everyone has the same attitude towards her. Many were shocked by the news in 2012: Irish schoolchildren committed suicide due to bullying by their classmates at

How to ask an anonymous question without registering?

First of all, I’m wondering how to write anonymously to Ask. This can be done in two ways.

In Russia (not all countries have this option), it is possible to ask a question to the Aska user without having an account on this network. Of course, if the user allows the possibility of sending him such messages. This is done like this:

  1. Follow the link or through a search on the resource to the profile of the desired person.
  2. Enter the text of the question in the field.
  3. Express your agreement with the terms of service, confirm that you are over 13 years old, that you have not written anything offensive to a person - just check the box.
  4. Click on the orange button with the airplane - the question has been sent!

How to ask a question if you are already registered?

If you want to find out who is writing to your friends in Ask and ask and answer questions yourself, then it’s easier to register online. It's easy - enter your email, name, password, date of birth, gender. It’s faster to log in via VK, Twitter, Facebook. The question is simple:

  1. Go to the page of the desired user.
  2. Write a question.
  3. By default it will already be anonymous. If you want the user to know the authorship, then move the incognito slider.
  4. You can also set it to invisibility: it will not be displayed that you were online when you sent the question.
  5. Click on the button with the airplane and the question is sent to the recipient!

How to find out who writes anonymously to Ask?

If we turn to information from official representatives of this resource, we will see that they assure everyone that the site is absolutely anonymous. That is, if, when sending a message, you checked “Anonymous question”, then you can be 100% sure that this is really true: no one will ever know that it was you who sent the message.

In principle, this is the feature of the resource that attracted you to it - the ability to ask questions incognito and receive them from people who want to hide their identity.

Are there services that will help reveal anonymity?

If you are wondering how to find out who writes anonymously in Ask, then you are probably looking for additional software that can provide this opportunity. If we turn again to official representatives, they will assure us here that there is not a single program in the world that would allow revealing all the cards of their users.

But we know that there are craftsmen who can hack even the most secure system, let alone data from a site with anonymous questions. If we look at the advertising of these programs, their developers describe the secrets of their creations approximately this way: “Asku” knows the IP address of any user, by which the system identifies him, which is why each user has his own unique ID. Based on this data, the program tracks and identifies the anonymous person. And if he has a page from another social network linked to his profile, then you can instantly recognize by sight the person who left you such an exciting message.

However, there is one “but” here - under the guise of whistleblower applications, a lot of malicious programs are distributed that are configured to steal your personal data. Therefore, we advise you to refrain from such investigations.

How to protect yourself from anonymous questions?

If you are really worried about annoying anonymous people, we advise you to do the following:

  • Go to "Settings" (gear icon).
  • In the "Profile" tab, uncheck "Allow questions from unregistered users."
  • There, uncheck the "Allow anonymous questions" box.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Save".

That's all, now you will only receive questions from those who are not shy about showing their faces.

So, how do you find out who writes anonymously to Ask? As the site developers assure, it is impossible to obtain such information. Theoretically, however, one can argue with them. But it makes no sense to recommend a specific whistleblower program - there is no proven reliable software of this kind. In the vast majority of cases, by downloading such software, you will introduce a dangerous virus to your gadget.