iTunes Match will soon become more expensive, don't forget to disable the service. iTunes Match: secrets and impressions

Yesterday our favorite apple company released new version your multimedia combine. The main innovation of this build is the service, which was previously available only to developers. And now all the delights of the new product can be enjoyed... only by residents of the USA. Sad, right?


1. Install the latest version of iTunes (download iTunes). On at the moment this is 10.5.1.

2. In the left side menu of the program under the usual iTunes Store iTunes Match appeared. We click on it.

3 . Click on the button Subscribe for $24.99, read the agreement and confirm it.

4. Next, iTunes will ask you to enter your information. American map, which you most likely don’t have. This is where we need the prepaid data VISA cards, which we carefully enter in the program window (read more in the section " Prerequisites").

5. If you entered all the card details (address, first name, last name, card number, CVV code) correctly, then iTunes will accept it and, if it does not find the required amount on it, will remove it from the account balance in iTunes, which was replenished using the iTunes Gift Card . Most likely, the option will also work when there is a sufficient amount (more than $25) on the prepaid card account to activate the iTunes Match service and the money will be withdrawn from it.

Attention! After activating Match, you need to return Payment Enzu back to No credit card on file.

6. Congratulations, you've signed up for iTunes Match!

Now there are three stages ahead of you:

Stage 1. Media library analysis

iTunes will scan your entire library and if it contains less than 25 thousand tracks, it will proceed to the second stage - checking for a match with content in the iTunes Store.

If in your iTunes more songs, you need to use the following trick. Restart iTunes while holding down Option key(Shift for Windows) and create a new empty library. Next, register in iTunes Match and disable it in iTunes settings option "Copy to folder" iTunes Media when adding to the library", which is located in the Settings - Advanced window, so that the application does not create duplicate tracks.

Add the desired music to a clean library and update iTunes Match through the “Store” menu.

Stage 2. Comparison

iTunes Match compares the music in your library with content in the iTunes Store. The matched song immediately becomes available from the cloud on all devices authorized by you in AAC format with a bitrate of 256 Kbps.

Stage 3. Loading unmatched music

Tracks not found in the iTunes Store are downloaded from your computer to Apple servers and will be available with bitrates up to 320 Kbps. All lossless music is converted to ACC with a bitrate of 256 Kbps and only then goes to iCloud.

It is important to note that no changes occur to your library during the recognition procedure, but you can make replacements manually afterwards. After you delete a track from your library, it remains listed with a cloud icon, which means the track is not in your library, but you can download it from the cloud.

iCloud does not support uploading files larger than 200 MB, or with a bitrate less than 95 kbps/more than 320 kbps.

Don't forget to also enable iTunes Match on your iOS devices.

If the instructions were useful to you, share the information with your friends.

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Hi all! Yes, with exactly this problem - music cannot be recorded on the iPhone via iTunes, as many as 2 acquaintances contacted me in the last day! To be honest, I was a little confused when I first heard about this problem, since until that day no problems had arisen - you take a song from iTunes and drag it to your iPhone or iPad. But as it turned out, after latest updates iOS, something has changed in iGadgets, and now I’ll show you what exactly!

iCloud Music Library

The problem is buried in iCloud, or more precisely in the iCloud Music Library section, which synchronizes all songs on all your devices. What exactly is happening there, in this media library and how it exactly works, I won’t say. And even Apple itself seems to be confused why they need iTunes Match, iTunes Music Store and iCloud Photo Library! I don't want to puzzle over how iTunes Match and iCloud Photo Library, I’ll just say that by turning off the media library in the settings, you can record music to your iPhone/iPod/iPad from your computer via iTunes.

Before turning off the iCloud library, let's go to Music and see what's there:

As you can see, there are several folders and playlists - this is what I currently have on my Mac in iTunes (I deleted the untitled folder from iTunes, but it doesn’t want to disappear from the iPhone):

And in this mode we Can't transfer music to iPhone via iTunes from a computer... We can only listen to music online or download some song or folder to the device if we click on "..." to the right of the folder or song and click on Make available offline, although this does not always work:

How to turn off iCloud Music Library

Now let's figure out how to get rid of this scourge and return to the original, classic look. Go to Settings on your iPhone/iPod/iPad, scroll down to the Music section, and then turn off iCloud Music Library inside!

If for some reason reason iPhone swears that he will delete all the music on the device - calmly ignore and delete! After this, the Music program on the device will show what it should, that is, nothing. In my case, we see some playlists and music, but this is only what I have already bought for myself in iTMS :)

Now you can safely connect your iPhone to iTunes and record music in any way convenient for you!

By the way, after turning the iCloud media library on and off several times, folders with numbers appear in the playlists - this is most likely an iOS bug and will have to be fixed in next update... Deleting these folders is very simple - click on “...” on the right and click on Delete.

As a result, I still don’t understand through what mechanism the iCloud media library works - through iTunes Match (taking into account that I’m not subscribed to it) or something else. Again, if iCloud Music Library allows you to listen to all the music from your computer, then why is this Match needed!? Most likely this is somehow related to Apple Music, but again how? In general, I have more questions than answers. If you know the details, write in the comments, otherwise I’m completely confused!

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We received the following question:

Hello! I recently signed up for iTunes Match for some reason, and now I have a lot of questions. I hope you can help me)

1. iTunes match sometimes glitches for me. I’ll add a song to a playlist, and after a while it disappears from there. Match is definitely to blame! Question: How can I clear my media library in the cloud so I can upload it again?

2. Let's say I erase all the music, turn off iTunes Match, and turn it on again. Will songs be recognized and uploaded there all day long again?

3. Is there any way to prevent playlists from being uploaded to iTunes Match?


We answer in order.

1) Yes you can delete music uploaded to iTunes Match. This needs to be done from a computer, preferably not from the one on which your entire media library is stored, but from any other one connected to . In iTunes, under Music, select all songs, then press Delete on your keyboard. iTunes will ask you if you want to delete your music from iCloud:

If you have a very large library, it is better to delete songs in batches of 1000. Then close iTunes, open it again and select “Update iTunes Match” from the “Store” menu. If some songs appear again, delete them again. The following picture will indicate that everything went well:

2) Erasing music from iTunes Match does not mean physically erasing files from iCloud servers. Previously uploaded songs will be stored there for a long time, so that when next switch on iTunes Match didn't waste time re-uploading them.

3) Yes, and for this it is not at all necessary to erase your media library in iTunes Match;) iTunes Match only synchronizes playlists consisting of songs. As soon as you add at least one video or clip to the playlist, its synchronization will stop.

Apple warns that iTunes Match will soon become more expensive.

From January 1, 2017 in Russian Federation a value added tax (VAT) of 18% was introduced on the provision information services foreign companies. In this regard, the cost of your annual subscription to iTunes Match will be increased from 799 rubles to 929 rubles. The changes will take effect on April 3, 2017. Your subscription will automatically renew at a price of 929 rubles.

One of music services Apple calls it iTunes Match. It appeared even before the spread of Apple Music, I used both services, I can say that Apple Music is, of course, more convenient. Please note that Apple Music will not increase in price; the service is still inexpensive - 169 rubles per month.

How to turn off iTunes Match

To do this, let's turn to detailed instructions on the Apple website.

  1. Open iTunes.
  2. From the menu bar at the top of your computer screen or iTunes window, select " Account» > “View”.
  3. Enter your password and press Enter on your keyboard or click View. On the Account Information page, do next steps. Scroll to the Settings section. To the right of Subscriptions, click Manage.
  4. To the right of iTunes Match, click the Edit button.
  5. Click the unsubscribe button to cancel your subscription. The subscription will expire at the end of the paid period.

Why do you need iTunes Match at all?

Let me remind you what iTunes Match is and why it is needed.

The service takes all music from iTunes, synchronizes it with iCloud cloud, it turns out that all the songs are always at hand from anyone Apple devices connected to the Internet.

It was simple and convenient way“legalize” content in those days when they stole music from torrents. iTunes didn't care if the music was purchased from Apple store or downloaded from somewhere on the Internet, you could also copy the contents of a CD, there are a lot of options. Moreover, the music did not need to be stored on the computer, a convenient way to save space. The limit of 100,000 tracks covers the needs of each listener, an almost limitless space.

Then Apple Music appeared: essentially the same thing, but only with access to huge reserves iTunes songs online, ready-made playlists, radio stations and selections to suit your mood. The idea is simple - you don’t need to keep a bunch of music on disk, download it from the Internet when you need it. Or download and use offline if you go on a trip where there will be no connection.

Of course, in most cases, Apple Music is more interesting: a subscription costs a little more, but you don’t need to scour the Internet for songs, the service itself will suggest the right one. True, if your media library consists of music that is not in Apple storage, then synchronization will not help, you can only listen to it offline or select iTunes Match. I think there are few such people, but suddenly you are a connoisseur of exotic music and own a unique collection.


Why does Apple keep 2 very similar services, isn't it easier to use Apple Music? Of course, it’s simpler, another thing is that iTunes Match appeared a long time ago, at the end of 2011, in iPhone times 4s and iPad 2. It’s amazing how it has survived to this day. In my opinion, there is no point in using this service anymore; it’s easier to pay 2,028 rubles a year for unlimited musical spaces than to pay 929 rubles simply for the fact that your selection is always at hand.

The first two models are often combined. The third usually stands apart.

Subscriptions- this is a model of payment for some services, when a certain amount of money is withdrawn from the user monthly, once every six months, once a year or one-time (!).

What subscriptions can you find when using Apple equipment:

  • Subscriptions to Apple Music, iCloud, iTunes Match
  • Subscriptions to newspapers and magazines
  • Subscriptions to online services such as HBO NOW, Spotify, Netflix, Pandora, Hulu, etc.
  • Subscriptions within App Store applications (usually services)

There are two types of subscriptions:

  • Non-renewable subscriptions. These could be season tickets to watch some competitions or just some kind of service that operates strictly certain time. Once completed, you must renew your subscription manually.
  • Automatically renewable. That is, after a certain time, if there are enough funds in the user’s account, then the money for the next period is automatically debited from it.

Please remember that auto-renewal occurs a few hours before the next pay period. Apple's website says about 8 hours, some apps say 24 hours. That is, it is better to cancel subscriptions at least 24 hours in advance to avoid unnecessary charges.

How to disable/change subscription in iOS?

Settings->iTunes Store and App Store .

Click on your Apple ID. After this, you will need to sign in using Touch ID or password. In the new window you need to find the section Subscriptions and press Manage.

A list of all your subscriptions (if there is more than one) will appear. At the same time, the active or expired subscription is immediately visible in the list.

Select a subscription. Using the available options you can:

  • change the tariff plan: for example, instead of a monthly subscription, choose an annual one or vice versa
  • disable auto-renewal. Then, after the paid period, the subscription is deactivated

How to disable/change a subscription in iTunes?

Useful to know in case the iPad/iPhone is sold, for example. Or it broke. After all, the subscriptions themselves are not canceled in this case and the money will continue to be debited from your card.

  1. Go to apple menu> System Preferences, and then click the iCloud icon.
  2. In the lower right corner, click the "Manage" button.
  3. Click "Buy more space" or "Change storage plan."
  4. Select tariff plan, click Next and enter the password for your Apple ID.

On a Windows computer

  1. Open iCloud for Windows.
  2. Select "Storage".
  3. Click Change Storage Plan.
  4. Select a plan, then click Next.
  5. Enter your password Apple ID ID and click “Buy”.

In all cases, to completely disable your iCloud subscription, you need to click the “Reduce Volume” or “Reduce Storage Volume” button.

Subscribe to iTunes Match Lets you add songs to your iCloud library using iTunes and listen to them on all your devices.

Subscribe to iTunes Match on iOS. Settings->Music->Subscribe to iTunes Match. (I didn’t find such an option in iOS 10).

Subscribe to iTunes Match on iTunes. From the menu, select Account->View. A window will appear asking you to enter your Apple ID and password. Scroll to the “iTunes in the Cloud” section. And opposite the iTunes Match line, click the “Details” button.

iTunes Match only has one option - a yearly subscription. The subscription is auto-renewable. To turn off auto-renewal, do the same thing in iTunes as above, but instead of clicking the "More Details" button, click the "Turn off auto-renewal" button.

About the free Apple Music subscription

When you enter the Music program in iOS (or the Music section in iTunes), Apple offers to connect the Apple Music service. In order for you to try the service, the first 3 months of using the service are free.

It should be remembered that this free subscription auto-renewable, that is, after 3 months you will be charged without warning (you will only receive an invoice by e-mail). As of September 6, 2016, this is 169 rubles per month. To prevent this from happening, you need to disable auto-renewal as described above in the sections: “How to disable/change a subscription in iOS?” or “How do I disable/change my iTunes subscription?”

About subscription to newspapers and magazines

In iOS 5, Apple introduced the Kiosk app for the first time. In iOS 9 it was replaced with Apple News. An application that still does not work in Russia. But the applications of magazines and newspapers remained.

The Apple website has a catalog of all magazines and newspapers, which can be conveniently viewed in the form of lists on a computer in a browser. Or magazines and newspapers can be opened in the App Store on iOS or in iTunes in a special section.

How to disable subscriptions to apps on iPhone so that it does not automatically renew? Unsubscribe on iPhone and iTunes.

What is a subscription

Some apps and services offer subscription-based access to content. Unlike purchasing a product, a subscription renews automatically at certain intervals - usually once a month. Automatically renewable subscriptions include:

  • Apple News.
  • Newspapers, magazines.
  • Apple Music.
  • Internet services like Netflix, Spotify, HBO NOW and large number applications in the App Store.

If you wish to discontinue further use of the service, you must cancel your subscription. This must be done at least 24 hours before renewal, otherwise the subscription may not be cancelled.

Control on iPhone

First of all, let's deal with the disconnection on the iPhone. There is nothing complicated: to view the list of subscriptions, just follow these steps:

You can choose a different service/application mode or cancel your subscription. In case of cancellation, it will cease to be valid at the end of the paid period.

If you are charged for a subscription, but it is not displayed in the settings, it means that you signed up for it directly from the provider. To cancel, you must contact the publisher or app developer.

iTunes Refusal

You can cancel further services via iTunes. This is the second method that answers the question of how to disable any subscription to applications on an iPhone:

You can change the terms of service or refuse content. The subscription will expire at the end of the paid period.

iCloud and iTunes Match subscriptions

Control iCloud subscriptions and iTunes Match are not produced according to the standard scenario, although these services are also provided by Apple. If you want to opt out of additional iCloud storage:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Go to the "iCloud" section.
  3. Select "Storage".
  4. Click Change Storage Plan.
  5. Tap “Reduce Volume” or select a different size.

On a computer, the operation is performed in a similar way, the only difference is the location of the settings. On a Mac you need to go to system settings and click on the iCloud icon, and on Windows, launch the iCloud application and select “Storage”.

To opt out of iTunes Match:

  1. Launch iTunes.
  2. Expand the Account menu and select View.
  3. Enter your Apple ID information.
  4. Find the "iTunes in the Cloud" section.
  5. Click "Turn off automatic updates" next to "iTunes Match".

If money is withdrawn in a certain application, carefully read the terms and conditions of its operation. It is recommended to do this before installation so as not to encounter unplanned expenses.

Paid services on mobile devices often cause trouble. The user may not have used them for a long time, but cash will still be debited from your phone account. This is not the best thing. Especially when it comes to so-called subscription services. Some of them are free for the first time (a month or longer). And then they suddenly demand payment. Moreover, they independently write off funds for use. This is why many people think about how to disable a subscription on an iPhone. What secrets will help bring your idea to life?

About ways to disable

There aren't many of them. And even a novice user of Apple products should be aware of possible scenarios.

How to disable a paid subscription on iPhone? You can do this:

  • using iTunes on Windows;
  • via MacOS;
  • by working directly with a mobile device.

It's actually not that difficult. And if you follow some instructions, even a person who knows nothing about iPhone will be able to cancel subscriptions.

Via iTunes

Let's start with the most common method. It's about about working with iTunes. This application allows you to manage Apple devices and work with their software.

How to disable a subscription on iPhone? You can do it something like this:

  1. Download and install iTunes on your computer. It is important that version 12.2.0 is installed.
  2. Launch the application.
  3. Connect to the Internet.
  4. Sign in using Apple ID.
  5. In the window that appears, scroll through the information almost to the very end. You need to stop at the "Settings" section.
  6. Select "Manage" next to "Subscriptions".
  7. Click on the image of the desired subscription.
  8. Get acquainted with the parameters. Here you will need to set the parameter "Off." opposite "Auto-renewal". Or click on the "Unsubscribe" button.
  9. Click on "Done".

That's it. From now on, it’s clear how to disable a subscription on an iPhone. This technique works 100% with all Apple devices. This instruction works on both Windows and MacOS. It’s just that in the second case, it is possible that the latest version of iTunes will already be installed on the computer.

AppStore subscriptions

Now a little about what to do if you only have a phone at hand. You can cancel paid iPhone subscriptions without additional software. You just need to have an Internet connection.

How to disable subscriptions on iPhone 6? For example, in the AppStore. Actions boil down to the following steps:

  1. Launch your smartphone.
  2. Open the main menu and go to "Settings".
  3. Go to the "iTunes and AppStore" section.
  4. Click on your profile. If necessary, go through authorization there.
  5. Connect to the Internet. It's better to do this in advance.
  6. Find and go to “Subscriptions”.
  7. Click on the "Manage" button.
  8. Turn the switch to the "Off" position in the "Auto Renewal" section.
  9. Save changes.

As a rule, this is how paid subscriptions are disabled in the AppStore. By selecting a specific item, a person can refuse one or another paid service. But it is better to do this operation using a computer.

Apple Music

Owners of Apple devices are often interested in disabling Apple Music. This is a service that is somewhat reminiscent of Yandex.Music. You will have to pay to use the subscription.

How to disable subscriptions on iPhone 5 or any other? Apple shutdown Music is better conduct via mobile phone. To do this you will need:

  1. Open the “Music” section in the main menu of the gadget.
  2. Connect to Wi-Fi.
  3. In the left top corner applications, click on your profile image.
  4. Find and click on the line “View AppleID”.
  5. Select "Subscriptions".
  6. Click on the "Manage" button.
  7. Mark the pointer position as "Off" in the "Auto Resume" item.
  8. Click on the "Turn off" button.

Everything is extremely simple and clear. From now on, it is clear how to disable the Yandex. Music subscription on an iPhone. And how can you refuse most of the others? paid services Same. But that's not all.

News refusal

There is one paid service, like Apple News. Sometimes I also want to give it up. To do this, you will have to do things differently. How exactly? How to disable the subscription on iPhone called Apple News?

The algorithm of actions is proposed as follows:

  1. Go to the main menu of the device and click on “Settings”.
  2. Visit the "General" section, go to "Content Update".
  3. Find the desired application.
  4. Move the slider to the "Off" position. At the same time, a red light next to it should light up.

As a rule, nothing more is needed. The following steps will help you disable Apple News. If you wish, in the "Content Update" section you can stop auto-updating of some programs. But, as practice shows, this step is usually not necessary.

Instagram and iPhone

Now it’s clear how to disable a subscription on an iPhone in one case or another. The main thing is to have an Internet connection and AppleID. Without the latter, a person has no chance of using paid services.

Modern users work with Instagram quite often. How can you exclude many subscribers from a social network via iPhone? This can be done using the FollowMeter program. To some extent this task- this is also a refusal to subscribe.

What to do? Need to:

  1. Download and install FollowMeter for iPhone.
  2. Launch the program.
  3. Log in using your username and password from social network"Instagram".
  4. Click on the Following button.
  5. Delete everyone unnecessary subscriber using the appropriate button.

Ready! Just a few minutes - and your Instagram profile is cleared of unnecessary subscriptions. Or rather, from subscribers. There is nothing unclear or difficult about this!


From now on, it is clear how to disable a subscription on an iPhone under certain circumstances. It is best to perform all manipulations when iTunes help. This approach is considered the simplest and most effective. But by using an Apple device, you can also quickly bring your idea to life. The main thing is to know exactly how to cancel a specific subscription.

Perhaps this is all that every modern student should know about the problem being studied. iPhone owner. The proposed instructions work today with 100% probability.