How to start your own blog and make money. The goal is to make money on your blog and get high traffic

Journaling is not a modern invention. Both students of the Institute of Noble Maidens and venerable writers entrusted their thoughts to paper. The diaries of Leo Tolstoy still arouse genuine interest, through whose personal thoughts one can take a different look at his work.

Unlike naive maiden entries, the diaries of writers and other representatives of the intelligentsia are still focused on publication. But this does not mean that the thoughts of a naive girl at the beginning of the 20th century cannot be of historical interest. Another question is that she did not have the opportunity to publish them.

Today, anyone can tell the world about their existence. To do this, you just need to master the computer and learn how to use browsers.

How to start an online diary

A virtual diary is better known as a blog. Today, many Internet resources offer their space for creating a personal Internet space. Alternatively, you can seek help from your nearest webmaster, who will create a blog site for a small fee.

But what to fill it with is the user’s problem. The main thing is that the content does not contradict ethical standards and legislation, otherwise the resource will not exist for long.

What does blogging do?

First of all, a blog is an opportunity to beautifully display your thoughts and creativity. Both in terms of elegantly presenting all this, and in illustrating it with photographs, videos, and links.

Naturally, literacy is not only welcomed, but simply necessary, since the Internet resource is available to any user, and errors with “-tsya” and “-tsya” can not only hurt the eyes of a literate guest, but also completely kill his desire to communicate.

And communication through a blog is the main difference between a virtual diary and its paper predecessor. Unlike social networks, a circle of like-minded people gathers in the blog space. In progress virtual communication friendly (and not only) connections are formed, the opportunity to exchange information appears, which is not always possible to achieve in the real world.

Money for a diary

You can earn real money on a blog, but to do this you need to know your income. There are bloggers who have become famous far beyond the virtual space and receive dividends from this.

But first, you just need to outline your personal Internet space and decide what to tell the world about.

Everyone has the opportunity to start blogging and it is not necessary to invest a lot of money - you can start from scratch. Blogs are still effective and in an inexpensive way building an audience, reaching your target market and generating income online. In fact, more than 409 million people read blogs regularly, and 52 percent of those readers also shop online.

But it's not enough to just set up a URL and start blogging, especially if your goal is to publish a blog that generates income or promotes your own product or service.

The key to success is reader retention. For this you need; individual approach, publishing content and proper promotion, - to attract readers and keep them coming back to you again.

Take the time to follow these 10 steps and you'll be on your way the right way to publishing a successful, potentially profitable blog.

Market Research

Before you jump headfirst into the blogosphere, you need to educate yourself on what works and what doesn't. Read popular blogs, including those that have a general theme and those that relate to topics that interest you.

Look at customer reviews and take note of what they like or dislike about the content and design. Notice which types of content receive huge amounts of positive comments and reviews.

You should have an idea of ​​what the market is reacting to. Try to take all the best that your competitors have, and what they lack on their sites. Process the information received and make an upgrade.

Find your niche

A successful blog must have mass appeal and a wide enough reach to allow a lot of useful content to be written.

For example, if you started blogging and write exclusively about everyday life your cat, it is unlikely that the audience will share this dubious heartbreaking plot with you.

However, if you approach the topic of your love for a cat from a different angle, then everything changes overnight. We need to use the whole cat theme to attract a wider audience.

Share your experience and knowledge, and then readers will reach out to you - especially if you use pictures and images, jokes, memes and other elements to illustrate your blog; And blogging will bring not only moral satisfaction but also financial benefit.

Earn the trust of your blog visitors

Anyone with internet access can have a blog, but not everyone has the potential to make a blog meaningful. You don't have to be a master at blogging about art, but it helps to build trust with your readers if you take the time to explain your interest and lay out your credentials (just be careful not to take on a tone of superiority or risk alienating your readers).

Keep in mind that you don't have to be a doctor to start a health blog, a boxer-producer to have a fitness blog, or a veterinarian to have a pet.

More importantly, you can create content that is useful, interesting and attractive to your target audience.

Define your goals

Set goals (e.g. building a community, generating income, increasing your social media, increasing the subscription base etc.) for your blog and creating a time frame for achieving them so that you can measure its success.

Build a yearly plan, including checkpoints to measure whether you've achieved your goals and to measure the overall growth of your blog.

Include a list of goals when creating a blog, some key indicators what you want to focus on is how much website traffic you get how much subscribers you receive and, of course, how successful the monetization process is.

Creating friendly connections online

Identify other blogs that are similar to your own and start communicating with their authors.

It's an easy way to keep you informed about what's happening in the blogosphere, even before you've launched yours. own blog, and started writing. This is also great way subtly direct people to your blog after it's published and increase your authority by promoting your thoughts and opinions.

Content Creation

Quality content is vital to the life of a blog. Read and study as much as you can so that you are up to date on the latest developments in whatever topic your blog is focused on.

It is equally important to pass on this knowledge in an entertaining way. Have fun with your writing and give it some personality. If your content is stiff and technical, your readers will be turned off and quickly lose interest.

Remember that we're talking about not only about the written content - the format in which you present it to your readers is also important.

These days, people love to communicate with images, infographics, audio and video content, an important factor that cannot be ignored.

Introduce yourself to the audience

Your first post should introduce you (use a pseudonym if necessary) and detail the purpose of your blog. Include your credentials as well as your interest in the subject. Offer funny notes about yourself and make them stand out. If your readers feel like they know you, they will be more loyal and engaged with your blog.

You'll also want to have an "About Me" page on your site to learn more about yourself and make a personalized connection with your visitors. People do business with those they know and trust.

Be consistent

Readers (and search engines) value consistency. At the end of the day, it's really about quality over quantity, so be sure to focus on the former... but after that, the rules are; The more you can publish, the better.

Community creation

Once you start publishing your blog, create social media accounts. It is recommended to use Facebook, Twitter and VKontakte. This allows you to build a blog community as well as generate traffic and promote your site.

While most people only think about using social media as free way receiving traffic; There are many powerful paid social media marketing opportunities you can use to quick receipt huge amount traffic.


Regularly updating your content (posts, forums and comments) encourages readers to return to your blog (and keeps you focused search engines). Always invite others to comment on your articles and when they do, don't forget to thank them for it.

Assess your readers' needs and add established content to satisfy their interest. Maintaining content on high level, demonstrates to your readers and subscribers your level of skill and high rank.

Nowadays, the topic of blogging (creating, maintaining and developing a blog) is quite popular. Largely because you can make good money on blogs, they are your personal diary which also helps to earn a living. Starting to write this article, I was sure that I could tell everything briefly, but as it turned out, not everything is so simple. The topic is quite voluminous, interesting and needs detailed consideration. For convenience, the article is divided into two parts. So, part one is the basics of blogging for beginners.

We recommend reading:

So why do you need a blog and for whom?

Blog to help...

I would like to start today’s article with one rather interesting and instructive story. Somewhere overseas, in the thick of the city life of New York, there lived a simple, young girl who had an ordinary dream - she wanted to draw, create beautiful paintings. Her dream was gradually realized, she entered the art department. Every day her talent developed more and more, her paintings attracted the attention of teachers and fellow students. But we are not interested in the quality of her paintings, but in what happened next. Being in her second year, our heroine decided that she needed to show the pictures not only to friends, but also to society. I created, or perhaps ordered from web masters, a simple blog, posted all the photographs of my works there and began to fill it a little at a time interesting materials. What do you think the result was? Within half a year, a famous artist in New York became interested in her paintings, and he recommended that his friends pay attention to this girl. Literally a year later, the first exhibition was organized at Agora Gallery and the girl began selling her paintings for very good money.

Another story, no longer from overseas. It happened very close. A young Kiev student, who was studying to become a programmer at KPI, one day realized that he needed to earn money somehow. Since the era mobile gadgets comes by leaps and bounds, it was decided to support the development trend and start writing programs for various mobile devices operating systems. There were no problems with writing, but with implementation - yes. What to do? How to convey to users the full usefulness of your programs? The guy decided to start a blog, posted his creations there, and also made professional reviews the latest applications for Android and iOS. Within two months he earned his first money, and the amount grew exponentially, and after half a year, managers from large company developer, where they were invited to work.

With these two stories, I wanted to show you that a blog can be useful for everyone, no matter what you do, no matter what goals you set for yourself. The most important thing is that with a blog you can earn very good money.

We recommend reading:

What are the goals of creating blogs?

When creating a blog, everyone pursues different goals– someone wants to make money from advertising, someone wants to tell the world about themselves and their interests, and some create a blog to share their life experience and give useful tips. Before you create a blog, give yourself the answer to one very simple question - why do you need it?

The following main goals for creating blogs can be identified:

  • Development and promotion of your own brand
  • Creating a community of like-minded people based on a blog
  • Start your own business on the Internet, and as a result make good money.
  • A common hobby, a place where you can relax and express all your thoughts.

Desire alone is not enough for you. Of course, it’s great that you have a desire, but the main thing is also not to fade away quickly after the first months of work. You need to understand that in the beginning, a blog requires a colossal investment of labor; you will sleep little, write more, study more various topics, make beautiful and interesting articles.

How to start your own blog?

If we consider a blog from a business point of view, then first of all we need a business plan. As I already said, you need to decide on the idea and topic of the blog. Then sit down and think through in detail the plan of activity for the first few months, what you will write, about what, build a thematic scheme so that the articles are interesting and overlap with each other. The main thing is to stick to your style, intrigue readers, and force them to return to your site again. To do this, you can use various tricks and secrets, which I will talk about in the following articles.

We recommend reading:

Content is not an unimportant component. For an article to be catchy, it must be unique, filled with the author’s emotions, opinions and advice. If you do real statistical reviews, or write well-known facts, then this is unlikely to attract attention. The Internet is teeming with low-quality material. Try to approach things creatively, stand out from the gray mass.

Mistakes of young bloggers.

Whatever you do, and especially if you do it for the first time, there will definitely be mistakes. Some have more, some have less, but they definitely exist.

The main mistake is not understanding what a blog is, and that this activity will require enormous effort from you in the initial stages. Why do you think 9 out of 10 bloggers stop writing within a couple of months of starting a blog? The answer is simple - they thought that everything would be easy and simple, that they wrote a dozen unique, or maybe not very unique, articles and that’s it, people rushed to you to read them. But that was not the case. This is not enough, very little.

Hundreds of millions of people post their thoughts online every day, and many do it on blogs. As you can see, it is not enough to simply write an article and present your vision of the situation there. You need to create your own feature, your own unique feature for the sake of which the user will come and read you, and not millions of other bloggers. This feature may be motivation, personal experience in business development. If you travel often, then unique reviews of places unknown to a wide range of tourists is another good way attract and retain the reader. It’s hard to give any specific advice, because I can’t tell you how to develop your own own style, all this comes in the process of writing. Try, experiment, look at the reader’s reaction.

The second mistake is not current information. Remember this once and let it become your rule. Only fresh, only relevant information can attract more and more readers. If you run an IT blog, then you should not write a description of a program that was released half a year ago. It’s better to scour the Internet longer, spend precious time and write your impression of some hot gadget, program or operating system that was announced a couple of days ago.

We recommend reading:

Expectation of quick profit is another problem of a young blogger. If a blog is just a hobby for you and nothing financial tasks you don’t put it in front of him, then that’s one thing. Most likely, you will not encounter such a problem. But those newcomers who want to make money on their blog very often go broke. Many people believe that two or three months is enough to get the first money, and not just small change, but hundreds of dollars at once. So the young blogger lives with a thirst for money and does not pay attention to other components. Three months have passed, half a year, and still no thousands of dollars. Then disappointment sets in and the blog is abandoned. But in vain. A lot of successful bloggers who earn thousands of dollars a month noted that in the first year they didn’t even think about money, they just plowed and plowed and plowed.

Great article 1

Admin 3 comments

How to start blogging on the Internet? How to reach 1000 traffic in modern blogging? How to become popular in a year or a year and a half and start making money from it.

Hello friends!
In this article, as always, I will highlight how advanced webmasters conduct and promote their blogs.
I think this is comprehensive information for 2016 - 2017.
Some users fight for a hundred - two visitors per day to their site, others in 1.5 - 2 years bring their resources to reach 1000 - 2000 users per day.
How do they do it?
how to start writing a blog?
Info not only for beginners, but also for advanced ones who have low traffic on their blog.

How to start your own blog - why do you have low traffic?

I probably won’t make a discovery if I say that the topic of your blog greatly influences its traffic, of course, if you have a thematic one).
The key to a “healthy” blog is 3-7 keywords, with direct entry, low competition, per article.
How to correctly write and format articles for visitors and search engines, I wrote
What topic should you choose for your blog?
I come to the conclusion that the theme, as such, is not important, or rather, you can make it not entirely thematic.
Now all the niches with interesting keys are already filled.
It is very difficult for a young site less than a year old, or even older than 2-3 years, to compete with a trust resource that is 6-8 years old.
Almost all visited blogs that are 1.5 - 3 years old are not thematic.

What do I mean by not thematic?
Let's say a blog about SEO, or making money on the Internet; personally, I am only interested in these topics.
Of course I know what's going on there).

It seems that people should only talk about this, but no).
There you will find how to register in contact, how to change ip, delete subscribers on instagram...
Is it worth blogging like this?
My opinion is that you can take similar topics, but only close ones!
Let's say, in a blog about making money, it's funny to write about a frog for charging and how to use it), or why do you have brittle hair?)
That's how they write it.)
Of course, it’s a personal matter for everyone what to write about.

I also like statements like this.
So, my blog has become a thousand-stronger!
I chose a difficult topic, making money on the Internet, but if I had chosen a topic for a friend, the attendance would have been not 1000, but 3000 - 4000.
And what about other topics that don’t have their own whales? Will they easily give you the top 10?
Is it true?
This is the first thing.

And secondly.
If your blog is called how to make money on the Internet, this does not mean that it is one.
Where does your main traffic to your site come from, from what articles?
How to create mailbox on Yandex, how to get in touch?
Well, it would be nice to start with articles, otherwise one article took off, brings almost all the traffic, the blogger declares, I’m damn handsome.
Of course, you can amuse yourself, and hang noodles on the ears of beginners).

Here's the trick, this is what they ripple.
Visitor, visitor discord.
Let's say, if you write an article on how to make money on the Internet, get it to the top of search engines.
You are handsome, respect and respect to you.
You can place very profitable affiliate programs on it, the advertiser will torment you with letters asking you to place a link to their website in such an article for money.
The problem is that you won't be able to do this).
A very competitive request, in the top search, I believe, there are only muzzles).

What can you get out of the article, how to get in touch?
Why are you grinning?
1300 requests per month in direct occurrence of the word.
83 thousand for adjacent keys.

You can, of course, put a link to a phishing site in the article and steal passwords from VKontakte accounts.
Set up a store to sell accounts.
In 5 years, you will be convicted) when the Duma passes a law on Internet fraud.
Of course, I’m joking, but seriously, this is a non-antler request.
I think you understand where I'm going with this.

Is it available on the Internet? interesting blogs with a small number of visitors?
Yes, there are, but these are more sites for the soul than for making money.
May the owners of such resources forgive me, but I don’t see a future for them.
They are writing an article about making money, the number of requests is 10-30 per month, the competition is 20-25, one key in the article.
Guys, are you writing articles for yourself?

So, after all, how to run your blog on the Internet?
What to write about and how?

How to write blog articles correctly

Guys, and yet, despite all the complexity of promotion, a one-piece site has several significant advantages compared to a motley site.
Let's figure out what are the advantages of a thematic blog.
In my opinion, he has 2 strong features.
1. Due to topics from one category, there will be a constant audience on it, if people are interested in SEO, and your blog is only about it, visitors will be more willing to go to other articles on your resource, and this, in turn, is a big, fat plus To behavioral factors.
2. Advertisers are more willing to advertise in such communities.
In addition, you don’t have to worry about affiliate programs, that is, you don’t need different articles, different affiliate programs put.
The main disadvantage is attendance. It’s hard to promote a website like this.
You see, no matter what cool resource you have, without errors, cool design, financial theme, and so on, but if you don’t have visitors to it, it doesn’t generate income, the price of an unpromoted VKontakte group.

What to write on the site?
Topics close to your topic.
For example.
Write about dogs, maybe about cats, monkeys).
How to buy a fox fur coat?
This topic will not suit you).
I want to say, look for queries that are close to you, if it’s about everything, then this is no longer a blog, but some kind of trash).

    • Requests per month, at least 50, preferably 100-200, you will find more non-competitive ones, generally great.
    • 5-7 keys with direct entry, the rest search engines will find for you.
    • Competition 1-10 for mutagen.
    • The text volume is 3500 - 5000 characters, you can do more, you will spam the text less, and you are unlikely to be able to reveal the topic.

Not the other day, I was reading a blog. Its author, probably an SEO guru, writes that after 3 years they start to treat the site better search engines, they don’t find fault anymore, I’ve been waiting for three years, and damn I waited!
And in 20 years it will become even more trustworthy, so maybe we need to wait another 17 years?!
Many SEOs change their view and approach to promotion over time.
I made a mistake, the blogger wrote nonsense, it’s okay, well, it happens).
I was hooked by this only because there is a “seo” section on that blog.
And someone will read it and really decide so.

That seems to be all I wanted to convey to you in this article.
Questions in the comments are welcome.
Good luck to you!

Where to create a blog? - I once asked this question myself in a search engine. The main selection criteria at that time were:

  1. Free. What if I don’t like it and quickly lose interest in this activity?
  2. Opportunity to earn money. I really hoped that my hobby would turn into a means of enrichment.
  3. Clear interface. It was he who influenced my final choice.
  4. and... nothing else interested me.
As a result, I started a blog on Blogger, where the “Blogger’s Cheat Sheet” still stands today. I will talk about its pros and cons in this article.

Where is the best place to start a blog from a reader's perspective?

It is for people that texts are written, pictures and videos are posted, it is their convenience and satisfaction with the material that is worth thinking about first of all. Blogger has all the basic elements that are inherent in blogs on other engines, except for the ability to view

Where is the best place to start a blog in terms of search engines?

Posting information on the Internet is not enough. You need to think about how other users will find out about it. An important, and sometimes the only source is the Google and Yandex search engines.

Yandex “heavily” indexes (introduces into its database) young sites, and this does not depend on the platform. I have . With an increase in trust (trust in the resource) and in the presence this problem ceases to be relevant.

Google indexes well, but poorly ranks new recruits to the blogosphere. Let me explain the term “ranking”: in the database search robot billions of pages are stored. Some of them can provide an answer to a specific question a person entered into search bar. According to the figure below, 57 million web documents are relevant (corresponding) to the query “Where is the best place to create a blog?” And all these pages should be placed in descending order: from the one that best reveals the topic to the one that contains only small mentions. According to its ranking formula, Yandex assigned this page 12th position.

So here it is. Because Blogger is free, they post huge amounts of shoddy information that no one needs. Google, in order not to clutter up the results, checks his blogs over time, not giving them high positions. If the resource develops and is useful, then over time this filter is removed.

Blogger already, the template is built taking into account latest trends HTML and micro markup. But for maximum effect, the blog can be improved. For example, a website, and everything is external. Once configured correctly, you won’t have to return to this issue in the future.

Earnings topic

Most popular methods earnings today:

  1. placement of paid articles,
  2. contextual advertising from search engines and
  3. earnings from affiliate programs,
  4. sale of eternal links.
All this is available on Blogger. You only need one thing: patience and hard work in developing the resource.

Cons of Blogger

  1. Fear of losing the blog (). If you have your own domain and regularly do this, then these fears are unfounded.
  2. "Blogspot is not suitable for serious projects." What can I say here? What is meant by a "serious project"? Is a blog on the topic of website building with over 2,000 visitors a “serious project”?
  3. "Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap." It's not that free: s using YouTube and Blogger Google distributes a tool thanks to which it makes a profit - and also increases its popularity, making a name for itself as a reliable partner.
  4. Limited functionality, namely no access to PHP. PHP is a programming language. Do you really want to master it? Because the only one important element, which I would like to implement with the help of it is a rating in the form of stars. Limited functionality in in this case acquitted. Let me give you a detached example: I have a food processor, which is covered with a thick layer of dust, but I actively use a meat grinder, blender, etc. Full functionality will only confuse inexperienced user, and a knowledgeable person with this set of properties will not feel deprived.
  5. . There is a problem. There are also solutions, the simplest and 100% effective of which is purchasing a personal domain.

Pros of Blogger

In addition to the fact that the platform provides the opportunity to earn money, it is easy to register (), flexible in settings if you have certain knowledge (with the exception of the "Dynamic View" group), has user-friendly interface, does not require cash investments, its users do not need to worry about bad work hosting, that if there is a sharp influx of visitors, the site will cease to be accessible, that the resource can be hacked, placed malicious code, about combating automated spam and other similar troubles.

And most importantly

A blog is primarily a reflection of personality. Its success depends on your perseverance and perseverance, charisma and talent to convey information, interest the reader, on your skills and knowledge of the topic to which the resource is dedicated, and not at all on the engine on which the site is located.