How to delete a VKontakte page in an original way. Methods for deleting an old VKontakte page

Friends, greetings to everyone! Today I would like to touch on the topic of how to delete a VKontakte page, I know very well that there are a lot of articles and video reviews on deleting pages on the Internet, but I would like to write a little more extensively on this topic, tell you everything about what and why people delete their pages. By the way, I want to note that the first competition on the blog will start soon, which I will write later, so you better subscribe to blog updates and wait for the next articles.

We are all different: someone, when leaving, shouts “Bye”, someone calmly says “Goodbye”, there are also those who do not define their departure at all - they do not say goodbye and quietly close the door. It’s the same on a social network: one contact page deleted with “loud” statuses and “important” statements, while the other is imperceptible and quiet. These two parties have one thing in common: they were all interested in the question of how to get rid of a boring or unnecessary profile.

Delete a page in a contact forever - the “usual” way

Log in to your social network profile. Find the tab " Settings" At the very bottom there will be a note “ You can delete your page" Follow the link provided (here it is), select the reason for deleting the profile, click on the blue button. That's it, you are no longer a user of the VKontakte social network. But this is only indirect. In fact, within seven months, with a slight movement of the mouse, you will be able to restore your profile from oblivion with all the photos, videos, etc.

You can also delete a “lost” page from the Internet – one that you cannot access for some reason (forgotten password, hacked profile). To begin with, you will have to. To do this, follow the link Don't remember your details? Here you go The decision to restore your profile will be positive if your data remains on the page. The support service will offer you to send a copy of the documents with a photo, by which they will identify you.

If you don’t remember your password, email, phone number and you still don’t have a passport, contact support using the link– you can only do this from the registered account of a friend or relative.

What happens to the data after contact page deleted

When you press the button " delete page", it is not actually deleted. At any time, you can return your profile to its place - with all uploaded files (photos, videos, music), with all personal information. If you would like your personal data to be permanently deleted from the service, you will need to “ application with a live signature and passport data (with registration and residence address), sent by mail“- and not by e-mail, but by live mail from Ukraine or Russia - this is exactly how VK agents respond to users.

There is a horror story circulating on the Internet that, they say, all the data once uploaded to your profile will forever remain on the Internet. And that someday (even in 10-20 years) some “bad person” will definitely take advantage of the naivety of the once “young user” and put indecent (seemingly deleted) information on public display. Whether this is so, no one knows for sure. All existing “arguments” are not confirmed by facts, and at the same time they are not refuted.

How to delete a page in contact forever - the “difficult” option

After reading the information above, you probably have a question: how to get rid of your profile on a social network once and for all? There is another method, which we called “complex” due to the abundance of points:

  1. Erase all personal information.
  2. Get rid of all your friends.
  3. Delete recordings, photos and videos, music.
  4. In your profile settings, block access to your data as much as possible.
  5. Change your email (to an existing but not used one).
  6. Turn off all notifications coming to mobile phone follow the link

But! Even after you get rid of your VKontakte profile using the “complex” option, you can still “uncheck” the box and start filling out your personal account information again.

How to delete a page in a contact forever - the “complaint” method

Many network users who have lost access to their profiles are asking to report them. Let us remind you: 100 complaints to the VKontakte administration are equal to account blocking without the possibility of recovery. But! If you have always been a good boy or a good girl - you haven’t spammed, you haven’t posted sharply negative information on the wall - delete the page from forgotten password the “complaint” method will not be easy. Nobody bans ordinary peaceful profiles. So in this case, only contacting support will help you.

  1. Spam in popular groups.
  2. Swearing “bad” words on the pages famous people, at least the same Pavel Durov.

That is, behave inappropriately - be rude, troll, sell some nonsense, act like a fool, beg, etc. The more negativity there is on the part of your profile, the more complaints there will be, which means that the likelihood that you will soon be banned will increase.

Your contact page has been deleted: Are you sure about this?

If you decide to part with your profile forever, know:

  1. Your entries, comments, likes, messages will remain, even if you are no longer on VKontakte!
  2. All these posts and likes will still be signed with your name. That is, your profile will no longer exist, but your thoughts, actions, interests will remain online forever.

How to avoid this? Before deleting your account, try changing your last name and first name to a fake one - one that doesn’t exist in nature, but sounds organic.

Who deleted the contact page and why?

By official statistics, published on the VKontakte blog, you can see that more than 50% of social network participants have not deleted and do not want to delete their profile. About 30% have blocked or are planning to block their account without subsequent recovery. About 19% responded that they would delete/delete their page, but would definitely restore it sooner or later. Note that this survey is anonymous, that is, users had no need to “embellish” their own opinions.

And now the most interesting thing: TOP reasons " Why do people get rid of their contact pages?».

In fifth place in popularity: “Performance fright” or “I want to hide.” Some users suddenly realize that their personal data is available not only to friends, but also to enemies. Constant worry about hiding information makes you want to delete the page.

In fourth place: “The FSB is keeping us at gunpoint.” “VKontakte is a spy tool. Users, without knowing it, post all the information about themselves, which makes it easy to identify them later,” - this opinion is very common among 11-13 teenagers who “have something to hide” (sarcasm, if anything).

In third place: “VKontakte is not comme il faut.” “It’s much more fashionable to be on Facebook or Instagram,” some say, clicking on the “ Delete page».

In second place: “Contactomania.” Habituation and dependence cause withdrawal symptoms. A social network user cannot live without “likes” and “comments”. He sits on his profile all the time - at work, at home, on the way home, etc. And someone decides to end this once and foreverthey delete the contact page.

In the first place: “I’m tired, then I’ll restore it”, “What will happen if my profile disappears - how many people will remember me?”, “Let everyone know that I feel bad, that I have problems - I delete the page so that later to restore again." All the reasons mentioned are just a way to attract attention to yourself (or your problem). Such people really need communication, but only in reality.

Enjoy watching:)

Good afternoon. Today we will talk about constant question: how to delete a page in a contact forever? It would seem that there is nothing complicated here: breaking is not building! But the administration of social networks is interested in retaining users and you understand that it is easier to be inside it than to leave social network.

Recently they sent me a letter with a request to tell me how a page in contact is deleted and with what pitfalls can be found when deleting a page. So I decided to make detailed instructions.

First, I’ll tell you the most accurate method of removal, and then we’ll talk about other methods.

Today, as far as I know (I looked on the Internet), there are several methods for deleting a page in a contact:

  • Built-in removal via “My Settings”.
  • Manual destruction of information and profile closure.
  • Submitting an official application locally physical location VKontakte office.

Let's talk in more detail about each of them.

Deleting a page

Built-in removal via “My Settings”.

The method has been known not long ago exact date I can’t say, maybe since 2011. This method immediately gained the trust of users of the social network VKontakte. Many users like it for its convenience and minimal effort. And the most important thing for this solution is to make just a few clicks and you don’t have a contact page. To start deleting a page in a contact, you need to go to “My Settings”:

After that, scroll to the very bottom of the page and click the “You can delete your page” button.

In the window that opens with the inscription “Please indicate the reason for deleting your page” - select the option you like, write a comment - if you want to enjoy this holiday, check the box next to “Tell friends”, you don’t have to check it, it’s at your discretion. Now, click the “Delete page” button.

That's it, task completed! The page has been deleted, personal data is hidden from view.

For own peace of mind go to “My Settings” - “Privacy” - “Who can see my page on the Internet” - “Only VKontakte users” or “Everyone except search engines" This will automatically close the page from search engines. I attach screenshots below.

In fact, the page is deleted after many months - during the next cleanup of VKontakte. Before this, the deletion remains fictitious, since the account is restored one, two, three times - with full preservation of all information.

Once you delete your page, it can be restored within 7 months. What kind of endurance should a person have who spent all their time on this social network? As I said above, it only takes 2 minutes to register in a contact, but to remove yourself from it you have to wait months.

You will see the date until which you can completely restore your page immediately after deletion at the top.

Before deleting your account, so as not to tempt yourself, you can change your password, because some people spend everything on social networks free time, what is there free time, all working hours!

By the way, very often in large organizations where social networks are not needed, they close them for some employees. So if you do not have access to one of the social networks, this does not mean that you have problems with the Internet, but perhaps the “kind” director or admin has blocked access to them.

The password you need to change should be one that you will never remember. You can open any text document and type characters in it in a chaotic order. Now use this password for the page you want to delete. For example: ajdfg234wereei35.

Manual destruction of information and profile closure

The method was actively in use until the advent of deleting a page through the settings, which I described above. I think it is better to use the first method than this.

But for those who want to know several ways, I will continue the article.

Press with home page Click the “Edit” button in the basic information field and begin to destroy all data in all sections.

We delete the text everywhere, replace the selected values ​​with “- Not selected -”, “- Not selected -”.

We also completely delete: photographs (including avatars), audio recordings, video recordings, notes, documents, recordings and reposts on the wall. Logging out of: groups, public pages, events, applications. We delete friends, erase correspondence.

Ultimately, the page should remain blank - without a single entry.

After total cleaning, go to “My Settings” - “Privacy” - “Who sees the basic information of my page” - “Only me”.

You can also change your full name: “Edit” - “Main”.

Having destroyed the data, it is advisable to “finish off” the page by deleting it through “My Settings” - this will speed up the final erasure from the database.

Submitting an official application at the physical location of the VKontakte office

I’ll tell you another way to delete a contact page forever. Ancient, extremely complex, but very, very effective method– according to those who have been in contact for a long time. After such statements, the administration has no right to delay the destruction of the page.

According to current legislation Russian Federation, any user has the right to refuse the services of the site by independently deleting the posted information or personal page.

Deleting a page occurs through a personal written application from the user to the administration, by letter to physical office VKontakte LLC, located at: 191015, St. Petersburg, st. Tverskaya, 8, lit. B.

The letter must be duplicated in electronic support « [email protected]" - sent from that email box, to which the VKontakte account was registered.

It is necessary to indicate the number of the linked mobile phone.

There is an unverified legend that blacklisting the chief administrator of VKontakte, Pavel Durov, leads to extremely quick removal. Whether this is actually the case is unknown. If you are planning to delete a contact, you can go to his page and spam a little ;).

After deleting my page, I clicked “Restore my page”, another page opened where it was suggested that I instantly restore my account by clicking on the “Restore Page” button. All data was in place. So we figured out how to delete a page in a contact completely, but don’t forget about important points which he spoke in the article.

By the way, if you need to delete a page or group in Odnoklassniki, then I already wrote about this on the blog:

According to official statistics of the social network, every fifth registered user of this social network applies once a year to delete their profile. As a result, no more than half of the users are deleted, the rest have their accounts restored.

Deleting a user profile

Here's how to delete a page in " VKontakte»:

Now profile VK deleted, but all data will be stored on the social network’s servers for another six months in case the person changes his mind. This is an easy way to temporarily delete a page in VK from your computer for up to 7 months, and then restore it to its original form.

With any deletion method, all likes and comments will not be automatically deleted, but will be shown as before, with the first and last name that were indicated in the profile at the time of deletion! Therefore, before deleting, you can change this data to something neutral.

Deleting an old or hacked page

This method is suitable when a person has forgotten his password or his account has been hacked and it is impossible to log in. The acute question arises of how to delete an old page in VK. This is possible provided that real data has been indicated: last name, first name, date of birth. They will have to be confirmed. It will not be possible to restore a page in the name of “Crazy Elf” or “Cute Kitty” without a single real photo!

Complete removal of information about yourself

For those who are determined and thinking about how to delete a page " VKontakte"forever, there are the following recommendations:

  1. Change address email to a specially created box with a custom first and last name.
  2. Change the page address to a random set of characters to hide the id.
  3. Set privacy " just me"at all points.

You can now delete your account in the usual way. Technical feasibility recovery for seven months or 210 days is saved in this case, but the page will be blank. Therefore, we can say that the profile is deleted permanently, and the question is how to delete the page " VKontakte» forever without the possibility of recovery, exhausted. When restoring, you will have to fill it out again.

How to delete a public page on VK

Possibility of deleting a community technically not provided. Look in the settings for a function such as “delete group” “VKontakte“It’s useless - it simply doesn’t exist.

Only the creator, owner or administrator can delete a public or group.

Technically empty group will exist, but it will not be possible to view or add any information. It is possible to restore such a community, but information and participants will have to be added again. The deleted community will not be shown in the list of groups. To restore it, you need to know the id or short link, click on which to submit an application to the group and gain access to management again.


This article looked at how to delete a page or public in “ VKontakte" There are several ways: by contacting technical support social network or independently. Even after deletion, it is possible to restore it within a few days, depending on the method. deleted page with data loss or even in its original form.

Video on the topic

A user of the social network VKontakte, for one reason or another, may temporarily want to “lay low,” that is, completely erase references to himself from the site. It is possible to close almost all data about yourself with privacy settings, including blocking the page from visiting search robot, but this is not enough for everyone. Another option is to delete the VKontakte page temporarily and then restore it. In this article we will look at how to do this.

How to delete a VKontakte page temporarily

The social network VKontakte has basic tool to delete the page. By simply pressing a couple of buttons, you can completely delete all information about the page. If you then restore the page in time, which is not difficult, it turns out that the information was deleted temporarily.

Important: The concept of “recovering the page in a timely manner” means of this action within up to 7 months. The fact is that if the page has been deleted and 7 months have passed, the VKontakte social network automatically completely erases the profile information from its database. After this there is no way to restore the page.

If you decide to temporarily delete your VKontakte page, do the following:

That’s it, your page on the VKontakte social network will be deleted. In simple ways It will no longer be possible to view the information that was posted on it. All your photos, videos, list of friends, subscribers, reposts on the wall, etc. will be hidden from prying eyes.

When you need to restore a page and return all the data on it, this will be quite simple. You will need to go to the VKontakte website and log in to your account. After this, you will see your deleted page, as well as the date until which you have the opportunity to restore it, while preserving the data previously published on it. To return the page to previous state, click “Restore your page”.

A window will appear confirming the action, in which you need to click on the “Restore Page” button, after which your VKontakte page will instantly return.

As you can see, temporarily deleting a VKontakte page is quite simple. It is important to remember that you only have 7 months to change your decision about complete removal from the social network VKontakte. If the 7-month period expires and you still do not want to return fully to the social network, we recommend restoring the page using the method described above, and then immediately deleting it again. Thus, the seven-month countdown will begin all over again.