How to open file. Programs for opening FILE files

Hello friends! In this article we will look at the question of how to open files if you do not know their extension or you do not have the necessary program.

How to open files and find the program you need

Over the past week, reports have been published on the blog about my journey, more precisely about rafting along the mountainous part of the Oka River. During this time, readers of the main topics of the blog (issues of information business, blogging) have had a rest and now they can return to their usual topics. Today we will talk about how to open unknown files how to find out file extensions?

During the training process, it turned out that many beginners do not know how to work with files of various extensions, which interferes with their training and advancement in issues real earnings via the Internet. During the learning process we need to decide applied problems on creating and promoting products, time to learn the basics computer literacy just no. For this reason, I decided to write an article on this topic- how to open files. I think this information will benefit many newbies.

So, if you cannot open a file, then one of the reasons may be the absence of the program necessary for this; it may not be installed on the computer. When you try to open a file, a window pops up asking you to use this or that program, or find a program on the Internet.

Typically, searching the Internet will not help you open the file. What to do next, how to open files?

This is done simply. All work is divided into two stages. The first step is to determine the file extension. At the second stage we find the desired program, install it on your computer and open the file.

Let me remind you that the file extension is indicated next to the file in Latin letters, usually three letters, for example, txt, exe, avi and so on. There are extensions with six letters, for example camrec. There are a lot of file extensions and it is simply impossible to remember them.

If you work with files using Total programs Commander, the file extension is indicated automatically in the “Type” column (see screenshot).

If you don't use Total Commander, then the file extension can be viewed as follows.

From the desktop, open “My Computer”, then click the “Tools” button, “Folder Options”. In the new window, select “View”. In the “Hide extensions for registered file types” checkbox, uncheck the box and click OK.

Now the file extension (screen) will be displayed next to the files.

Now we proceed to the implementation of the second stage - we determine the programs with which we will open files. There are several services for this; if desired, they can be found on the Internet. We will look at two services - open-file and

Go to the open-file service (screen)

and on the left, first select the category that it will be an audio file or video file and click on the selected category. A table of extensions (formats) opens on the right; in the left column, look for the extension you need (for example, avi),

click on it. A new window opens on the right (screen),

where the programs you need to open the file are indicated, select the program, click on it and download. And then, as they say, it’s a matter of technique.

Of course, programs can be free, or they can be paid, but that’s another question, the main thing is that you will now know exactly how to open files.

The service works in a similar way, its advantage is that it shows how to open files in three operating systems ah: Windows, MacOS and Linux. The attached video shows how to work in the open-file and services:

As you can see, the problem can be solved easily and simply.

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A FILE format file is opened by special programs. To open this format, download one of the proposed programs.

How to open a file in FILE format

The FILE extension is generic and can be assigned to any Windows OS file that does not have a specific data format. Because the file has a generic extension, it is of type “unknown” and cannot communicate with any software application that can automatically play it.

You can try to open a format with a FILE extension only intuitively by dragging it into a program that, in your opinion, is adapted for working with a file of this type.

A file may lose its unique extension due to data corruption or partial loss. This may be caused by incorrect data transfer, infection or damage to the file by the user. For these reasons software application, to which he was initially “attached” source file, ceases to recognize it. In this case, the operating system, in order to avoid data loss, is forced to forcefully assign the FILE extension to such a file.

Most often, attempts to reproduce the FILE extension lead to success when using one of the many text editors, for example, NotePad.

Programs for opening FILE files

The FILE extension is extracted from general series formats. It is a data file unrecognized by the operating system. The structure of such a file can include a wide variety of information: raster and vector graphics, audio and video content, text and presentation information, cryptographic algorithms and encodings.

Universal software components There is no FILE format for opening and formatting.

To reproduce the FILE extension, the user must have a certain intuition and patience when trying to apply various types software utilities.

As practice shows, the most common option for playing the FILE format is one of the many text editors.

Converting FILE to other formats

FILE is a unique format that can include a wide variety of information, ranging from graphical representation data, ending with audio and video content. It is of the “unknown” type and is not adapted to work with a specific software product.

For this reason, its conversion to other formats is by definition impossible.

Any attempt to translate or edit the FILE format may cause it to become corrupted.

Why FILE and what are its advantages?

The FILE format does not have any specific advantages or disadvantages. This is a data format unrecognized by the operating system and is automatically assigned the FILE extension.

FILE is something like a buffer zone for presenting information. Without of this format all data belonging to the “unknown” type would be irretrievably lost.

A generic extension that may appear in a Windows file that does not have any extension. If a file has a generic extension, it is recognized as an unknown file type and has no association with any program that could automatically open it.

You can try to open an object with a ".file" extension by dragging it into applications that you think can open it. If this is a file in text format, you can view its contents by opening it in text editor.

All users who work in the operating system constantly open certain data. In most cases, there are no problems with their launch, it’s enough use any from launch methods:

  • double click with the left mouse button;
  • selecting an icon with the mouse, the tab button or arrows, and then pressing enter;
  • Right-click, and then select: open or open with.

This happens in most cases because the system has a default association for the most common files, and it knows which program to use to open items with similar extensions.

However, sooner or later, the user will be faced with the fact that the system won't be able to recognize some data and will display a similar message.

Here it is worth paying attention to the extension, because in the future you will have to search for and install an application so that the OS learns to work with them. The extension can be found in another way. For example, you can right-click on an element and select its properties, in the main window you can see the type, you can also go to the tab Details and see it expanding there. The extension itself is written with a dot after the name.

In this case, the application is already associated with the extension and you can see this on home page, in case unknown type the application element will not be displayed. You can just turn it on display extensions in Explorer. To do this, you need to go to the control panel, then go to folder options and uncheck the required item.

Which program to open the file

Now that the user knows the type, we can start opening it. Of course, the easiest way is to copy the name of the type into the search bar and write “How to open”, however, it is possible to get to not the most trustworthy sites. Below are the types that most often used, as well as utilities with which you can work with them.

Rar, 7z - these are archives and can be opened by archivers that are similar in name to the extension. Winrar, 7zip - they can also work with most other archives.

Can be stored in PDF documents, drawings, pictures and a lot of other data. You can open them using foxit reader or acrobat reader.

DJVUs also represent scanned documents, often entire books are stored in this format. You can open it using DJVU reader, in some cases the data is not matched, then you should run the utility, select the file-open and specify the path to the element.

Flv, mkv, avi, mp4 and so on are video data. Some can be opened through a standard player, but for others you will have to download another player. In any case, it would be better to download and install K-Lite Codec Pack. It is capable of playing almost all known video formats.

WAV, mp3 etc are audio format files, to play them Any will do player, even built-in. For some more specific types, you will have to search for and install additional utilities.

Fb2, mobi, this type includes e-books . They are understood by most readers and programs for reading books on Android. In Windows you can install the FB2 reader extension and open it through it.

Docx, these files are capable open utilities Microsoft Word 2007 and newer. Before this version there was a .doc type, old format opens with new utilities, but the new one, of course, does not open with the old ones, so it’s worth paying attention to the office version.

Xls, xlsx - mapped to Excel 2007 and later. Younger versions open only the first format.

Ppt - in this format presentations are stored, created in powerpoint.

IN txt format are stored text files , which can be opened with a regular notepad.

Files with unknown extension

A situation may arise that the desired file not on the list above. In this case you will have to look necessary utilities through search engines or you can use one of the search services by data type. For example,, the user will need to enter the type and click on search. Next, the site will show the application that is required to run such an extension.

You can still use the service Here you can search by file type or simply enter the extension in the search bar. The site will not only show the desired program, but also provide a download link.

To view video information, even in not the most common format, it is worth using video players, for example, the one presented on the page

To unpack archives should be used by everyone, which are also available in the mobile version.

Working with exe format

To open and use standard windows executable files exe will have to use one of the emulators.


First, you will need to download the application (, and give your permission to install from unverified sources and install it. In addition to it will need to download archive, the contents of which are the utilities necessary for emulation. The user will need create at the root sdl directory and extract the contents of the archive into it. Next you will need to open the marked file in this directory.

AND enterthere ata0-slave: type=disk, mode=vvfat, path=/sdcard/HDD, journal=vvfat.redolog

You will also need to add the HDD directory to the root; all files should be placed in it. Now the device should be restarted. After launching the application, to call up the keyboard you need to click on the lower left corner, and to emulate pressing LMB/RMB you should use the volume keys.


In this case, you should download SDLapp.apk, install it, and then download and install the Qemu Setting utility (, in which you can more easily configure all system parameters without a lot of unnecessary steps.


There is also this great program, like dosbox ( She emulates command line and will allow you to run old DOS games and some other files.

Many users are faced with the question of what an open file format is and how to work with it.

The open format is , (most often software), and guarantees access to data, free from licensing restrictions when used.

Anyone can use the open file format without any monetary cost for any desired purpose.

The open format can be implemented as software like open source, as well as proprietary and free (or open source) software.

Also called open formats free formats files, not encumbered by any copyrights, patents, trademarks or other restrictions (for example, if they are in the public domain).

Unlike open formats, closed formats are considered a trade secret.

What is open format

To answer this question, it is worth remembering the existence different formats files and different programs for their reading and further use.

For example, the same .doc or .docx format familiar to all of us opens in Microsoft Office Word.

In order for a program to open a file in a particular format, it must know all its features.

In the software development world, these features are called specifications.

So, open formats files differ in that their developers do not hide this very specification at all, and even submit it to open access.

This means that any novice programmer can take it and write a program to read a particular file.

Most often, such software is also open source - the code is stored in public access.

Closed programs and formats are called proprietary in the literature.

Whoever created a proprietary format or program makes a profit from it, because in order to use it, you need to buy the program.

If the creator of the format and the creator of the program for reading it are different people, then the creator of the program gives a part of his profit to the creator of the format.

Creating a proprietary, that is, closed format is a very profitable business, because its creator can monopolize the market.

The fact is that if no one except the creator has a specification, no one will be able to create a program to work with such a format - this means that there will be only one program.

True, for this you still have to prove to the whole world that this format is better than others, that it is really worth using and that it is worth the money.

Nowadays there are a huge number of open formats, and this good alternative closed formats.

At the beginning of the computer era, developers made only closed formats and closed programs.

Now the average user is very reluctant to buy some kind of program, developers began to make large number open formats and programs for reading them.

For example, there is a .odf format, quite known alternative closed .doc format.

Files with the .odf extension are opened in the package office applications OpenOffice ( free analogue Microsoft Office). Let's look at other examples of open formats.

Examples of open formats and programs for working with them

Open document formats

One such format, odf, can also be opened using Symphony, KOffice, Google Docs, and many other programs.

In addition to odf, you can also open and create documents in the following formats in OpenOffice:

  • odg - graphic file;
  • odp – presentation;
  • ods – tables;
  • odc – diagram;
  • odi – picture;
  • odf – formula.

There are many templates available for all of these file types.

PDF– a very well-known format today, which is also open and also opens a huge amount various programs, although it is a development of Adobe Systems and was initially opened only in a common pdf reader Acrobat Reader.

DVI– another popular format graphic documents. Its advantage is that it is completely easy to read on the most different devices and platforms.

You can open it with almost any document reader program or simply convert it to the same PDF.

It appeared as a result of the merger of TeX and LaTeX, document markup formats about which we'll talk further.

Document markup formats

The most famous format here is html which can be opened regular Notepad, the same OpenOffice, Notepad and a large number specialized programs for web development.

A document with this format actually stores information about the formatting of a website page. If you open it in a browser, you can see what this page will look like.

XML is a format that allows you to create instructions for other files. For example, these could be sets of tags that are subsequently used to create data structures.

These tags can be set as you like, as long as other users understand it all. Open document in XML format This can also be done in almost any text editor.

The above-mentioned TeX and LaTeX formats are markup languages ​​and programming languages. The second differs from the first only in that it is used in higher-level tasks.

Specialized formats

Very well-known format PNG, which opens with any graphic editor (Paint, Photoshop, Paint.NET, etc.), differs in that it compresses data without loss of quality and information itself.

Also opens in all browsers.

The most famous open audio file format is FLAC. It, like PNG, allows you to compress data without any loss.

Opens in Windows Media Player, Winamp, jetAudio, Spider Player, AIMP and many other players.

DWG– a project format in AutoCAD in which maps, photographs and geometric information can be stored. It opens with products based on AutoCAD, Revit and Inventor.

Below is a table of most other popular open formats and programs for reading them.

We also have an article about other drawing programs:

Table 1. Open formats and programs for reading them

Problems with open formats

Often, users of different operating systems are faced with the fact that open file formats can be confused with each other, changed, or even remain unknown.

Therefore, it would be useful to understand what problems users around the world face and how to deal with them.

The actual format is different from the specified one

In most cases this problem appears in an error with the corresponding text. An example of this is shown in the figure below.

In this case, you can do the following:

  1. Click the “Yes” button. Perhaps this is just some kind of problem in the system and the file can easily open in specified program.
  2. Just change the file extension in its name to the desired one. Of course, this option is only possible if you know what the extension really should be. The fact is that for some reason, when downloading a file, its extension may change.

You can also download the file again.

If this error Occurs when opening a file that should be opened in Microsoft Excel in Windows (for example, xls), and most often this happens, you need to do the following:

  1. Press Win +R or Run from the Start menu (Windows) and enter the command regedit.
  2. After that, in the menu on the right, follow the following path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\[version number]\Excel\Security.

Senior Technology Writer

Someone sent you a email FILE file and you don't know how to open it? Maybe you found a FILE file on your computer and were wondering what it was? Windows may tell you that you cannot open it, or in the worst case, you may encounter a corresponding error message associated with the FILE.

Before you can open a FILE file, you need to find out what kind of file the FILE file extension is.

Tip: Incorrect FILE file association errors can be a symptom of other underlying issues within your Windows operating system. These invalid entries can also produce associated symptoms such as slow Windows startups, computer freezes, and other PC performance issues. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you scan your Windows registry for invalid file associations and other issues related to a fragmented registry.


FILE files have Miscellaneous files, which is primarily associated with Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom).

FILE files are also associated with File With No Extension, AS/400 Physical File (IBM), and FileViewPro.

Additional types of files may also use the FILE file extension. If you are aware of any other file formats that use the FILE file extension, please contact us so we can update our information accordingly.

How to open your FILE:

The fastest and easy way To open your FILE file is to double-click on it with the mouse. IN in this case Windows system she will choose the necessary program to open your FILE.

In case your FILE file does not open, it is very likely that the necessary software is not installed on your PC. application program to view or edit files with FILE extensions.

If your PC opens the FILE file, but in wrong program, you will need to change the file association settings in your Windows registry. In other words, Windows associates FILE file extensions with the wrong program.

Install optional products - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) | | | |

FILE File Analysis Tool™

Not sure what type FILE is? Do you want to get precise information about a file, its creator and how it can be opened?

Now you can instantly get all necessary information about the file FILE!

The revolutionary FILE File Analysis Tool™ scans, analyzes and reports detailed information about the file FILE. Our patent-pending algorithm will quickly analyze the file and provide detailed information within seconds in a clear, easy-to-read format.†

In just a few seconds, you'll know exactly what your FILE file type is, the application associated with the file, the name of the user who created the file, the file's security status, and other useful information.

To get started free analysis file, simply drag and drop your FILE file inside the dotted line below, or click "Browse My Computer" and select the file. The FILE file analysis report will be shown below, right in the browser window.

Drag and drop FILE here to start analysis

View my computer »

Please also check my file for viruses

Your file is being analyzed... please wait.