How to open a private window in Yandex browser. What is incognito mode in Yandex Browser

Hello, dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. Sometimes it is necessary to access the Internet in such a way as not to leave any traces of yourself. Clearing the history then takes quite a long time, and unwanted links may appear on the main screen at the most inopportune moment. How to protect yourself from this scourge?

Today I will tell you how to log in incognito in Chrome from a computer or phone. It must be said that this mode is specific, and therefore I will have to talk about its features in at least a few words. Let's start with them.

Features of invisible

Look, there are programs that allow you to become invisible to everyone, they are called and I have already written about them. Their job is to change your IP address and give you a new place of residence. This is not how incognito mode works in the browser.

“Invisibility” gives you the opportunity to hide information about visiting an Internet resource from your household, even if they are not standing behind your back.

Webmasters who created the project will see who you are, where you are from, what browser you came from and how much time you spent on their site, if they installed it in advance special programs for type tracking. I won’t lie, it is connected to 99.9% of the resources on the Internet.

Your Internet provider will also be able to easily bypass the obstacles you have created on the way to understanding the truth of what you were viewing on the Internet. Well system administrator at work, if he has access to your computer.

Despite all these nuances, incognito mode is very popular and for this reason: thanks to it, no information about the sites you visited remains in the history, cookies and website data.

In general, if your wife actively monitors what you do online, and you don’t particularly want her to find out that you visited your ex’s VKontakte page, then this function will definitely come in handy. I might also suggest you read it if you use it sometimes.

How to log in incognito from PC

In order to open a new window in the mode you need, you can use the hotkeys – Ctrl+Shift+N. Remember this combination if you often need privacy.

It would seem that this article can end here, but come on, since we are already gathered, I will show alternative way, in case you forget the combination or it is for unknown reasons won't work.

Upper right corner. Three vertical dots. New window in incognito mode.

Ready. Google Chrome notifies you that everything is working and information about visited sites is not saved.

Each new tab will still be invisible. To make sure of this, pay attention to the icon at the top left. She shows that everything is fine.

Now let's move on to working with the phone, opening the mode there is no more difficult.

Working with the phone

So, to be invisible from your phone you will need to open the Google Chrome browser (surprising, isn't it?), then click on the three vertical dots on the right top corner and choose the desired function: « New tab».

Everything is great, you achieved what you wanted.

To exit this mode, simply click on the number “1” to the right of the search line. You will be shown all open tabs and a cross that closes them.

That's it. By the way, you may find this article interesting. This option allows you to become invisible VKontakte. Be sure to read it, at least to develop your horizons.

Well, to everyone else, I would like to recommend Evgeniy Popov’s course “ Secrets of productive work " You will find even more in it useful programs, tricks and ways to optimize your activities, make it easier, better, more logical. This will not only save you time, but also increase the life of your computer. Plus, you can ensure the best possible security for your important data. You will never lose them.

That's all for me. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter and join group Start-Luck VKontakte . Until we meet again, good luck.

First, let’s talk about what incognito mode is in a browser and why it is needed. Incognito mode is a mode in which the browser does not save any information about its use. The history of visits, downloads, entered passwords, cookies and other data that can be used to determine what you did on the Internet are not saved at all or are deleted after closing the window.

What will incognito mode give you:

  • search queries are not saved in the browser
  • URLs of visited sites are not saved in the browser history
  • Entered passwords are not saved
  • the files you download remain on your computer, but they are not in your download history
  • the ability to log in to a site where you are already logged in, using a different login
  • if you are logged in to any website in normal mode, in incognito mode this authorization is not taken into account

What incognito mode will NOT give you:

  • Incognito mode doesn't hide your online activities
  • your internet service provider "sees" which sites you have visited
  • if you use a work computer, the sites you visit will be visible to your employer
  • The sites themselves “see” that you visited them
  • if you log in to any site (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.) under your account, it will be noticeable. You won’t be able to become “invisible” by simply turning on incognito mode

How to enable incognito mode in the browser

In all modern and more or less popular browsers, incognito mode is activated using key combinations ctrl+shift+n (⌘ + Shift + n on Mac OS). The exception is firefox, where private browsing is enabled using a key combination ctrl+shift+p. It is also possible to enter this mode through the browser menu, about this for each of them below.

Incognito mode in chrome

To enter incognito mode in the google chrome browser, use the keyboard shortcut Or click the button "Settings and Google management chrome"- three dots "New window in incognito mode":

After which a new window will open with dark design. You will receive a notification that the browser is running in incognito mode, and an icon will appear in the upper left corner:

Incognito mode in opera

To enter incognito mode in opera browser, use the key combination ctrl+shift+n (⌘ + Shift + n on Mac OS). Or click the button "Menu" in the upper left corner of the browser. Then select "Create private window» :

After which a new one will open with the inscription "Private browsing":

Incognito mode in Yandex browser

To enter incognito mode in the Yandex browser, use the key combination ctrl+shift+n (⌘ + Shift + n on Mac OS). Or click the button "Yandex Browser Settings" in the upper right corner of the browser. Then select "Incognito mode":

After which a new window will open with a dark design, in the upper right corner there will be a dark glasses icon:

Incognito mode in firefox

To enter incognito mode in Mozilla browser firefox, use the keyboard shortcut ctrl+shift+p (⌘ + Shift + p on Mac OS). Or click the button "Open menu" in the upper right corner of the browser. Then select "Private window":

After which a new window will open. In the upper right corner you will see a mask icon on a purple background:

In addition, the Firefox browser has built-in tracking protection, which is enabled in incognito mode. This function does not allow to collect detailed information about you. Tracking systems such as Yandex are disabled. Metrica, Goggle Analytics, all kinds of traffic counters, etc. This does not mean that the site owner will not know anything about you. This only means that he learns much less than he could have learned.

When using the Internet, we leave huge amount traces not only on the network, but also on the computer itself. After all, all data about visited resources can be found in the log, cache, cookies, and download history. Perhaps, at least once, users have had the desire to work online without leaving any data in the browser or system about the time spent. This is precisely why incognito mode was created in the Yandex browser. Its main purpose is to hide traces of being on various resources in front of other computer users.

What is incognito mode

What opportunities does the stealth mode provide in the Yandex browser?

  • Your searches will not be saved.
  • Information about the pages visited will not be available to other computer users.
  • All entered passwords, logins, etc. will also not remain in the browser.

As you can see, the hidden mode in the Yandex browser can become very useful function, especially for those who like to sit at work in social networks or browse other sites that management does not recommend. Thus, no one will be able to catch you doing such an activity. You simply close the tab in the Internet browser, and no traces are left on the computer and you will not need to close the browser every time. In this case, the files downloaded to the computer will be saved in the location that you specify.

In addition, this mode saves bookmarks and changes to general settings. Despite the fact that the data does not remain in Yandex.Browser, your visit will be marked on the site where you visited. In addition, you should remember that information about the resources you visit can be obtained by the network administrator if he wants it.

How to start incognito mode

In order to launch anonymous mode in Yandex browser, you will need to do several simple actions. First, open an Internet browser. Next, go to Settings and follow the Advanced link. Here we select the option “Open a window in incognito mode”. After this, a new tab will appear in front of you, marked with an image of a man in glasses.

You can also run invisible mode in the Yandex browser using hotkeys. To do this, press the Ctrl, Shift and N buttons simultaneously if you are working in an operating room Windows system. For those who have a Mac OS device, instead of Ctrl, you need to press ?. And if you, in addition to Yandex Browser, also use Google Chrome, then you should know that it can also launch.

Working in incognito mode

How does private mode work in the Yandex browser? Firstly, the sites you open will not be tracked in the log. Secondly, you will not see downloaded files in the download list. Although they will be saved on the computer. In addition, cookies will be deleted immediately after you close the window.

It should be noted that when you switch to incognito mode, everything will be automatically disabled. This is due to the fact that the Internet browser cannot control how they process personal data. If you need any extension to work, you can launch it manually. By the way, in addition to the invisible mode, it is very convenient to open the classic Yandex Browser window. In this case, you can easily switch between them.

In order to exit this mode, you just need to close last tab. If necessary, you can use the simultaneous pressing of the Alt and F4 buttons. In some cases, incognito mode will become an indispensable lifesaver, especially if you are going to work on someone else's computer. As you can see, activating it is very simple, and it will save you time that you would otherwise spend on cleaning your browsing history, downloads, etc.

In this mode the browser will not save information about the actions performed in it. It's about about browsing history, cookies files, saved passwords, download history, autofill data, hosted application data, content licenses, and other data.

Your work in the browser becomes completely private. All information about your network activity will deleted.

For those who care about protecting their personal information the regime will be especially relevant. After all, your actions online are constantly are watching and keep records of statistical data. For example, the provider takes into account incoming/outgoing traffic from the PC you are using, search engines, based on your requests, select what to show you contextual advertising. This is how the browser collects all kinds of data about you.

To make surfing the net more safe We recommend using this mode of operation. It will not protect you from data collection by the provider, search engines and visited sites, but it will allow you not to save data about user actions in the browsing log, media files will not be saved in the cache, cookies, passwords, history will be cleared immediately after the end of the session. However, when authorization on any site under your account, your actions will be noticeable; you won’t be able to become “invisible” this way.

This great way hide your activities from other users of the computer you use. Each user decides when there is a need to use it.

How to enable incognito in Yandex and Chrome

In Google Chrome and a very similar browser from Yandex, the procedure for enabling incognito is identical.

In the settings, mark “ New window in incognito mode"(or the same combination of clamped " Ctrl+Shift+N»).

The following window will appear.

Notice that in the upper left corner appeared hat icon with glasses (spy), which symbolizes incognito enabled.

You can also make a click right-click on any link on the network and select “ Open link in incognito mode».

It should be noted that although information about your visits will not be saved in the browser, your presence on the sites you visit can be registered one way or another. For example, in a Google account. To avoid saving history when privacy is enabled, come out temporarily also from your account. This can be done by clicking on the icon settings and selecting Web search history.

Click Suspend.

Private mode in Opera

As for Opera, this mode is called Private. You can create private tab by clicking on the menu button - Tabs and windowsCreate a private tab.

You'll see message about enabling privacy mode.

Then, a privacy icon (black glasses) will be attached to all new tabs.

The combination “ Ctrl+Shift+N».

How to disable incognito mode

You can disable it simply closing current window. The next time you open the browser, it will no longer work privately.

Incognito mode (or private browsing) has existed for quite a long time in many browsers, but it took quite a while for other developers to catch up and start caring about the safety of their users. Therefore, when you ask the question - how to enable incognito mode in a browser, you can be sure... any browser (even internet explorer) may not leave traces in history, nor save passwords, caches or other data that could compromise you.

Incognito mode is great for those cases when you don’t want to leave your browsing history and other information on your computer (and you don’t need to think that this can only be useful for watching naked chicks on the Internet). Well, look, you visited a friend and decided to check his email through his computer. Using incognito mode you will not leave any traces in its system.

Warning: do not try to hide illegal activities in this way... your ISP knows perfectly well what you are doing online and can transfer all the information to law enforcement agencies

Each browser has its own designation of a hidden presence on the network. For some it is private mode, while for others it is incognito. Everything is as similar as possible, but there are still subtle differences depending on the browser you use

How to enable incognito mode in Google Chrome

Google Chrome is probably the most popular browser on Windows platforms and Android and its private browsing mode is called “Incognito Mode”

Windows version

To activate incognito mode in the Google Chrome browser for Windows, you need to open the menu in the upper right corner of the program (indicated by three vertical dots) and select “New window in incognito mode” from the drop-down list.

In addition, it is very convenient to activate private mode using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + N

How to determine whether incognito mode has been activated? - You will understand this yourself. The window will be colored in gray and an icon of a man in a hat will appear.

In incognito mode, you can add bookmarks and upload files as usual. But keep in mind that browser extensions will not work - they must be configured in advance (allowed to be used in private mode).

To exit incognito mode, simply close your browser window.

Version for Android and iOS

If you use Google browser Chrome on your mobile device(doesn't matter, android or ios), you can click the three dots in the upper right corner of the program and select "New incognito tab" from the menu that opens.

The browser will report to you that incognito mode is active and explain what this means in a mini help. To exit this mode, tap the list of tabs (the square with the number of open tabs) and close the incognito tab.

Activating Incognito mode in Yandex Browser

IN lately Yandex Browser is a little disliked in our country due to the aggressive product distribution policy. However, the browser itself turned out to be quite successful and I switched to it from the clumsy one recently Mozilla Firefox. Although the browser is built on the same core as Google Chrome, it still has some differences.

Windows version

Open the browser menu (three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the program) and click “Incognito Mode” in the drop-down list or press the combination Ctrl keys+ Shift + N on your keyboard.

Just like in Google Chrome, determining whether incognito mode is active in the Yandex browser is not difficult - here everything is even more obvious and does not even need description.

You can exit stealth mode by simply closing the window - no problem 😉

Android version

The version of Yandex Browser for Android is quite different from Chrome. This browser I use it as my main smartphone and incognito mode is activated here through the drop-down menu (three dots) on the main screen of the program.

Exiting from it is also elementary - click on the list of open tabs and close the one that is incognito - that’s it!

Mozilla Firefox: How to open a private window

Throughout many years Mozilla Firefox was my favorite, but its clumsiness and gluttony set its priorities... I'm glad that they are developing their own engine and not based on Chrome - hence the differences.

Incognito mode in Firefox browser- this is Private mode, you can start it by going to settings and selecting “New private window” in the list that opens

Please note that the hotkeys are different and the working Ctrl combination+Shift+P

The name is different - the meaning is the same. Bookmarks and downloads work as usual, but the browser will try and hide your identity to make it harder to identify you.

To get out private mode just close the window in which this mode is activated.

Internet Explorer: InPrivate Browsing

Let over Internet Explorer Only the lazy don’t laugh, but quite a lot of people still use it (and if we take into account government resources that require IE to work with the closed part...) To activate the secretive mode (here it’s called “InPrivate Browsing”), click on the gear image and under Security, select InPrivate Browsing (or just press CTRL + SHIFT + P on your keyboard)

IE will report to you that the private mode is active and will turn purple, and in the line with the site address there will be an “InPrivate” icon.

When InPrivate mode is active, not only will your browsing history be ignored, but all third party extensions browser. When you're done, just close the InPrivate window.

Microsoft Edge: New InPrivate window

They say EDGE is the most fast browser for Windows... a strong statement - I certainly won’t check it. This new browser from Microsoft, which is included in Windows composition 10 and was probably created to gradually replace Internet Explorer. Since IE and EDGE are brothers, the designation hidden mode has not changed - it is called InPrivate.

Open your browser menu and select New InPrivate Window or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + P.

All windows on which it is active this mode will be gray and on each of the tabs there will be an “InPrivate” icon - you can’t go wrong.

Well, as usual, just close the window or tab to exit InPrivate mode.

Why do you need incognito mode in your browser?

Now you know how to enable incognito mode in any browser. But have you ever thought that this feature will help not only increase privacy, but also in many other situations?! Let's just say - it's perfect for working with several VKontakte accounts... or it will help check the reason for the browser glitch (extensions are not active). If everything is fine in incognito mode, then we simply turn off everything one by one until we identify the problem...

P.S. Write in the comments your ideas for using private mode in browsers.